HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-08-18, Page 6Pimples, Boils, And Carbuncles result from a debilitated, impoverished, or impure condition of the blood. Ayer's: Sarsaparilla prevents and cures these eruptions and painful tumors, by removing their cause; the only effect- ual way of treating chem, " Ayer's Sarsaparilla has prevented the usual course of hells, which have pained and distressed the every season for several years. -Geo. Scales, Plainviile,11Iich. I was badly troubled with Pimples on the face; also with a discoloration of the skin which showed itself in ugly dark patches. No external treatment did 1no1'0 than temporary good. Ayer's Sarsapa- rilla effected A Perfect Cure, and T 'have not been troubled since.- T. W. Roddy, River st.,, Lowell, Muss, I was •troubled with Boils, and my health was much impaired. Ibegun using Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, in duo time, the eruptions all disappeared, andmy hhealth was completely restored., John IL Elkins, Editor AStanley Observer,. Albemarle, N, C.. I was, troubled, for a long time, with a humor which appeared on my face in ugly Pimples and Blotches. Ayer's Sarsapa- rilla cured ate. I consider it the best blood purifier in the world. -Charles II. Smith, North Craftsbury, Vt. Ayer's 'Sarsaparilla. Is sold by all druggists and dealers in med- icine. Ask for •Ayer's Sarsaparilla,. and do not be persuaded to take any other. Prepared by. Dr. J. C. ,Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mafia. Price 81 ; . six bottles, 85. News Notes. ' "-vrevisoclvoters:lists from Gt @1- ectoral districts have so far been re- ceived at Ottawa. ' • —The fate of Sproule; the Brit- ish Columbia murcl'eirer, whose, re- . priests expired Iasi Ii'rit1ay was de tided of sOttawa liy the s Supreme • (Curt ordering; hss discharge,. -which • . it is likely the British, Columbia • authorities will disregard and appeal to the Privy Council.: • —Police lItigistrato Loses, who' was at Fergus trying • Scott Act' crises; was assaulted twice, The first assault •took.'plaoe at the .Com- mercial House, When he Tea knock eel' down: T]ie second offence was . coma -oiled' about half •on hour after- wards• at the railway station,. where • he woe -waiting for the train. —Quebec client $3;600' on the festivities in honor of Cardinal 'furs ehoreal],andthe city council of Mon-, treat voted,:$1,000.for the satire' p•utr- pose and Protestants of the latter city. 'object to their: taxes: going, for a religious purpose thielthey .can take no part in. Roman Catholics own' $30,619„000s. in seal estate in 'Montreal, Protestants $34,893,700. .T.Tx.snon I aSns IIr,P.H:IF agin; a furniture and piano .mover at Malden, Mass:,, gives his e'spei ienee with bare='fboted horses. He has' driven three. horses ('two, weighing 1,100 pounds each, and oire .1,300 pou;bd's). since. January 1885, ss ith-. out slides:. The •largo? horse had always 'been! hale • sineo he bought him, fourteen. years, age, natal he took his shoos. off The animal has not ;ono lamesitinces. He has driven on hard, flint toads, and, of coilrse, On pavements in Boston.' horses travel better 1han,beflore their shoes. were taken ort. •'l;heyare nut afraid en slippery pavements, as they 'Were with shoes•on, and there is no difficulty in betting round. on. any kind of ,going in. the • eifty. • 11Lr. 'igul drove to. Shrewsbury, t1'iil•ty- w to in.iles from •11[alden, atter two tlfty &- 1iu, ,ung*.tibruaryy -1885, wl leli. it wtls so icy that a .boy could skate all the stray,, 'and had ne trouble;. He left home, at 7 a. in., arrived- at Shrewsbury at 3.40 p.' lit; and the horses did not slip.. The hoof is hard and broad, .and the flag is,full and pswnip and en a level.' :'Trey'•. Itave .driven two 'winters .on.Lid ' hirci snow, altogether better than when they were shod. Their feet are•,bet- ter for all purposes, they can trot faster, pulls as..>,ii,uch anal' go nic)se. milds in the sante tiiue tlian they. could s. when slind'..---Boirtom Z'iccla- 8d)'i1,tk A SUCCESSFUL Idr>JSUI1.11:-;--••- lir. Frank trendry-,, writing 'from. 8eaforth, says "I purchased :one• bottle of 73urdock 13loorl . BIttens• .to purify my blood. It did purify it, and' now 3 have excellent health."*. As a bloodi rifying tonic and system. regulator the.rr.:salt of takiiig•B.I3,.B'.. is always successful. —Matthews, Catholic Tory, Homo Secretary' willnot have .his re- election for. Birmingham! contested • Iv the Iitclicals who have, found au ally int the. Tory camp. In the Berson of Johnston, of Bailykiibeg, who denoances Matth a s! appoint= maen,t tts Jesuuinsrti A DANGEROUS OU CONDITION. Oates of the most dangerous coatis- tions is anegliecbed kidney eotrspla•int. 'When your suffer from weary aching )Aok,. weakness and other urinary itfoubtles,appiy to the Masse a Burdock Plaster, lrx t s er,. sunt]" take 13witclh4 a iooti Bitters, true best systent reg: ttl'nf+ili known• for the; Liver, tt,idneys,, S iosu.s. it: sad l3.owe la.. Tilden the counted out Press.- dential candidate is dead. • tow's Submit?u soar should' Le found with every toilet. It is cleansing and healing. —The Queen's Speech will be lead iu tiio Imperial Partiareut ou the •iOth•inst. . A PLEASING DUTY, "1 feel•it my duty to say," writes 1fr. John • Burton, of Desert, 1'. Q,,. "that Burdock Blood Bitters cured my wife of liver complaints,• from which she had been a chronic sufferer. Her distressing, painful symptoms soon gave way, and I can highly re- commend the medicine to all suffer ing as she —Justin McCarthy .bolieve,s the Iromet Rule question will be brought up at the, present session of Par'litun-, out. • • ,TUS'r TUE THING. . writes; ."Dr.- Fowler py, druggist, r s VNewbury Of lkl Straw- berry t a, berry is just the thing for Summer Sickness. I sold out my stock three. times last sun -inter. • There was a good demand for it "• Dr. Fowlers's Extract of Wild Strawberry is in- fallible for Dysentery, Oolie, Sick. Stomach and. Bowel Complaint. ' —A number of the diaimanta to the $15,000,000 Harlem Flats, N. It., property, reside. in and mound Belleville. Don't fill your system with quinine in. the effort, to prevent or cure Fever Ague. Ayer's Ague Cure is a more potent rernedy, and it leaves hi the body no poisons to. produce'`dizzi- ness, deafness, Headache, or other dis order. The proprietors warrant it. —Ainericau Congress has acljotirn- ecl, without .ratifyingthe new Ek - tradition, Treaty, and therefore Call- acts continuos to .be,a slaughter mark- et for ':American scoundrels • and thieves,. DO NOT ,DELAY: Do not delay, ifsufffering any ,form of Boivrl Complaint however mild :apparently may be the attack, but. use'.Dr. Fowler's,.Ex%ract •of Wild, Strawberry. it is the old; reliable cure for all forms of Summer Coni - plain ts that require prompt .treat menu Ask your druggist and all. dealers in patent medicines. • —Ninehiindrett persons dial '- front smallpox. tInfing July at Si n- tiago de Chili.. Nerv3ns; Debilitated 'lien,: roti are allowed a.f,•te trial ofllrtr•4a, trays of the use' of Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt witli Electric Suspensory Appliances, for the speedy relief an,d permanent care ofNervutis Debility, los�l of Vitality and' Alan hood, and till kindred. troubles. •Also, for malty other diseases Complete.' restoratioti to health', vigor and manhood, guaranteed: No risk is incurred. Illustrated pnfliphfet,. with full information,. teats, etc:, • mailed free 'by- addressing Voltaie Belt Co., Morahan, Mich. 3i18y-c343. .' Thoroughly cleanse the blood, which is the fountain of health, by using Dr, Pierce's Gold- en Medical Discovery, and good digestions, a fate skin, buoyant spirits, vital strength, ane soundness of coastal -Won will be established.. Golden Medical -Discovery cures all humors, front tho common pimple, blotch, or eruption, to the worst Scroitula, o • blood -poison. las. poolally has it 13rovon i18 efticacyin curing Salt -rheum or Tetter, Fever -sores, Rip -joint Disease. Scrofulous Sores and Swellings, Du - larged Glands, and Eating Ulcera. Golden Medical Discovery cures Consump. tion (which is Scrofula of the Lungs), by Its wonderful blood - aril ying.nivigorating,; and nutritive properties. For Weak Lungs, Spit-, ting. of Blood. St, artness of Breath, Drench tie, Severe Coughs, Asthma, and kindred affec- tions, it is a sovereign remedy. it promptly cures the severest Coughs. For Torpid Liver, Biliousness,, or "Liver Complaint," Dyspepsia, and Indigestion, it is an unequalled remedy.. Sold by drugglsts. PlIER Jp:t3 PELi.1]TS — Anti. 8lliouts and Ctaileartic.. 2uc. a vial, by druggists.. (ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed osed line of P advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, 19 Spruce St., New York; Send iOcts. for 100 -Page :Pamphlet. TT TT NEW ' STOCK ! NEW STORE I ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - CLINTON. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, '. Dealer: in Furniture. • Cali at 'die New Store•and see the stock:of Bedroom and Parlor.' Bets,...Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs,; Springs, Mattresses, etc., and general Household Tm•n,ttnte,- The whole Stock i§ froiu the very best nhanulmctaro's: ' Picture .1 lanes nhtl"lrloulddings of every •dnscriptiou.• :.JUS,. CUJD LLT,. one door West of Diekson's Book Store, 0:A.1\ M 01\ . , 0p s _.. Wholesale and Rotail Dealers in G• rober es, erccker y G!assware, ( Flour, Feed, °Cured Meats, Spices,Fruits, Canned Goods, Etc. 46..Special Inducenieuts,whoa quantitiesare ordered; Teas a specialty. A Spl;eiidid Stock of Sugars; all gracies,for l7:teserviipg tithe., FarniY Produce taken at • Highest Price, RACEY'S OLD STAND, . LRERT STREET, CLINTON. WORM' • Pc 7':DE:^ss. ' Aro pfearrint-t o t ko. ' Contain their own Fur:naive, Ia a s,ie, sure, and affectuat. destroyer or worwe in Children. or Adults PENNYROYAL WAFERS. 1 t.,serilition of a physician who • Inas had: a. life tory;, experience in tleathrg;fewale diseases.. Is ascii monthly .with perfect success by over 10,000 ladies. Pleasant, safe,' •otfectuiil. Ladies, ask your drug• gist, for 1'enn}•royal wafers .and take no substituto,.oc ineYose post. o v for sealed mrtteulare. Soled by all ilrngs;ists, %t'per hoz Address Tlilr 1;UILPRA CIIMNiVAT Co,.: • DisTao1T, 191411.;•!rirsold iirtlitt;on by J. II. Combo and druggists genemetly. 808-y The Great English Presoription, A auceesshll' medicine ,tested .over 80 m ears In thousands of eases. Promptly cul•es Ears, 0118 P,'nstratuus, ll'eaknestr of !IMO, Signal Corti, and ilea. erattoo U,Uan* of either sex, h)/i101o,18 anti all ills (mused by indiscretion or over exertion. • Six pa ckay;,ce are guaranteed t0 end a cure When all outer medicines full. One package $1, six.puck- aues $5, by. mill. W,f'.sfini,'tenpflie5 Address t1UltigI.A 0IIc,00Ari,Co.; -Detroit,. ,With:. ' x.Sold to elitism], by .1..11..Conine and druggists generally. A»s tt ra.'ito Alm.0 i ns. -Aro you dist nigh. ed' at niiJttand'hlokun,of.your rest liy It sick child sulfel•uig and crying with. pain of Cutting 7teetlh .1 • if no send at three and get a bottle oft "Airs Window's. Soothing .Syrup" for Children,'I.ethilagt. Its: wane id incalculable It will relieve the pots littlo sulfoter immediately. Depend upon lit, mothers ; there is no niiStlako. about it. It ettrect Dysentery and Diltrrilaun,.reg.ulates- the Steward, and Bowels, cures WIWI 0nlie, so!tec s Ebe C4unhs, ref luccs Iiiflsnnna s- tuns, anll gives tone and energy to the whole systete '''M I'v. Winsloww's Soothing Syrup' for children, teething is pleasant to the taste and its the presci•iptio,l of one of 'the oldest earl' hest rental° pliys'eittiis ands nurses i'n the United. States, and is for silo• by all druggists tin ougheut the world. Price tweutylivc ecata a bottle. Be sure anti ask for "Alit.. W'f('r.NN10W'is, S tn'riti cu Ssitww1.';" acid. take Ito, otltet I, ker.l.. CASH. ,--roar HIDES, SHEEPSKINSt., TA.LLOW.., 'o. IIrghest marketprice mid. Bring Chun along, �A.COUGH, BUTCHER CLINTON. • 355tf SPECL►L NoTICEhl. PLESF will mail ({ii_alssi thereiatso . fns a simple Vnosmi ni..lLtrm :than will mimosa 'lis, Fitaciti.as,. risotto anis, IrnOTetl s loavhlgg the shin, sof 1, clear and bc,tutt.. ful;'ulse lnstrlletiaus for producing a luxuriant growth of hair on a bald head or smooth fare. Aiittress, including Se stam,t..i9l:Iz, 'UM:0CW In CO.,. 00 AIM stbeut,. N. Y.• 80Cy MANHOOD Restored: A gentleman .hastng human* tors Ducted the habit of self -Ouse hl lusts youth, and. •in consequeneosneered till the horrors ofSe:rual', incapacity, Trost tlanbood,• Physical. 1)ocay, Oen.. er,tl Prostration, etc., will, oat ofisynlpatbty fed his fellow sufferers, mall free the nudist lig widen. he was finally eared. Address in eonfideuce, 1X.LIAI?v,SLS;44,4ada•SL.,bta reek. My ATTENTION. !: FARMERS mpfemen-ts .► .iplements ! aG(2I].141ICIi. _SELF. i3INDE•RS REAPERS, MOWERS, .• SEED DRILLS; LS; H OJ SE RAKES 'PLO civ, 1 C"ETTTING BOXES, SRELLERS,' • . ETC., ETC, •And all Implements used ort.afarm as Good as the Best, and gal Cheap, • • as the 'Clheapest, at J. B.. WEIR'S, I14II I.E11?ENT WAfERoci IS, CLiiNT►,N. • ' ONTARIO A BARGAIN --.IN EN �V A PUN .utO —0-0— The Bet ever' offered ill this ' Tiennity for the money. I Also, (4eneral, GEOCEFt,PES, !equally cheap. ' a<it,LOU:i3 .AND PEED! always on, hand,,. TS, STANBURV. THE BEST - )(Fri! T. COOPER & SON'S Declared by ; to patrons equal toatuy .li i cent Ti's sold elsewhere. Get a liquietl caddie before it is. all giiue. • A •(food Japan Tea at ge.der round, •1ewlyaleueiaRaisins, Extra Selected Raisins tiseh,llasl.ets, Seedless Piaisius Ncw Currants; New Shelled.Alalontis, Almonds,' FlIberr:,, YewLento). Oitnlgl. and Chumfeel. All kinds of Poultry taken in exclange lite Cowls:o THOS_ COUPt •z SO1�T GROCERS, Corner Store in•Seuila's Block." IMPORTANT In returning thanks to my many friends end patrons for past..palrorage, I woul' like to call their special attention to my very complete stuck of HARNESS, WHIPS, CURRY COMBS, BRUSHES,, ETC., ETC. Special attention is directed to my stock of r s i r 1 /', 1 F" ar ,,-I 1 A If-� u► • its- P` ♦i It will be found very complete, and for durability and finish .cannot be exeeTied by any one. A$ i employ none but the best wcrkinen,'ond use the hest material to lie bought in the market, ail who may fitvor me with their patronagemayfeel confidort-, of getting satisfaction. •. - tI.; PIR,ICES AWAY DOWN. Trunks and Valises in great variety and Prices Low. • OEORCE A. ■SHARMAN,: i�1�-Class JOB PRIITI Merchants, Business • en, f. 'And everybody in need of anything' is the printing lilies will find it to thou' advantage to callon or address the. • Lithograph and . Letter: Press rob .Printing: SALE .BILLS, POSTERS, • 'DODGERS, I!I�C SHEETS, `• s., INVITATIONS, PROGRAMMES, S?IIPPIXG• TAGS, `., E TELOPEcw; &ac BILI; HEADS; INVOIC?G`S, _--"FO'I'L GTBCULr1R LITTI':R. HEADS, CARDS,. STATEMENTS, Gi NERAL PRIN-TINgl THE LATEST STYLES :OF �s ocicty :: Prhiting! Of all 1cind , in the best style known to the craft: Oo[ored Prinfing a �pecia�iy. terWe invite a comparison of cur Work wiuit that of any other (Aortal' IQ ' west of Toreaxto." a. • —•opo—o�=c==rr ALL WORK . STRICTLY .:.FIRST CLASS. See aur stock of Cuts before you ordei;. Prices consistent with dont wark,. Orders liy rami,1 pr.nri st1y attended to. ' Whitely & GaddPublishers, Publisr s,and Pr tte CL INTON, ONTARIO.