HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-08-18, Page 50.fiddiadim811•88••••=1,. .•••••.•••••,-, .A?'E. OU LOOKING FOR THEM.? The Cheap Lines of Dress Goods The Low -Priced Hosiery. The Big Stack of Prints. Go to the'place where they keep them— .. . all..EPAY&colyipANy The Dry -Goods Emporiuth of Clinton. • HO ROOM FOR ANOTHER SHOW LIKE IIT A Deluge of the Delights of Exhibition Realm. •ABA 01 FOREPAUCH NEW .AND COLOSSAL ALL -FEATURE SHOW. mmoncummtatmint Two Exhibitions Daily, at 2 and 8 p.m. , Doors Open Oae Hour Earlier. ' BOGARDUl.inpSltof•I•te1otll,.S e:rtisonpnpts!l00uiriswith. 100Shots; Kings in the Shot -Gun ,and Rifle, and his • , WILD WEST , & BORDER SHOW, lotrodatein,,T Realistic i'ortrititurea.of .the dangerous Wound Heroic DeediOf early Pion- eers of the it reat West.. WyMaing, Cow -Boys .and Runehinen, Ataxic:an experts .with the. La.s.iio, Swarthy Vaqueros, Wild aril 'Unbroken Bronelias,, Buffalo Mid Cattle,Paw- nee and Cheyene•Uhiefs hint Bravesthe Post l3oy and Iiia npet 'Mustangs; Encounters- . with .1iMife, Pistol .and.0ini;..Trittifsn7s and idei'o. Piancerik, Bandittfol the Plains, and. „the terribly natural Scene Mail Stag* i'maellailiokibery, neai. Dead. wood, t he tit 04 dna .novel innovation' ever attentptql. under- White Tents. . - • • ft: ' 10P ,uh-ibm,Nk 0.°\•*\t-Nk c•o• t•N-Wv-ma•- . . • - Only ever Trained to Walk a Rope. • . • LON. • Cliiiibs Ladders Rouud by Ronn 1. . • Trained by Adam Forepa•ugh, ir. • • t • • . " •-k.... Its Expenses for, a Single . DVare more than the Cress Receipts of anY'Otherin a Whole Week:- Our Univeisity of Wonderful Duuib Brute• Graduates under the able , ' • ft -talon of Adam Forepaugh;jr., . • • . - • ELEPHANTS that Speak with Elegnent Action: ' ' • • • . . . ' • ,. 2 ELEPHANTS' in . Pyramids,. 'Illisiell Accord.: ' ELEPITANTS which Demoustiate Superior Sense . . • • Athletic Contests and Whirling in'Witta and Quadrille. . • . . , , Th a. Smallest and (OP': Biirth's Rirmed- Grown • . . BC)LIVAti. - . :OW IN 25 • •,. . 19•13'oot 'rall Ghee, Twice the Largcst•Hippopotainns this side .pr the •Enough Beasts to Overflow 101.,Ctigeti, and Without Doubt TIIItEE. TIM ES THE. STUPEN.1)01.18 AIENA,GERIE Ever. Gathered and Exhibited under Tents. ' • cirqug, Performers, Carefully Culled frinii Every Cireits rind Amplif- • • • theatre in Europe, oat tinie here. 10 Tremendons Leaping English, Greyhounds from t1ie.'11 tinting Parks' °kilo British Nobility. • Muse - tuns of Saved° People and Livuiig 1101)1011' Freaks. '20 Newly tin ported Russian, Ital. inn am( Arabian Stallions Bicycle Battles, Comical and Classic Roller Skating and a Cyclone of BreatliAlattling Deeds in 4 .giii g.tS and on vie Grand Elevated Stage 'a Whirlwind. of Itipftedrome nees.• UN . Another Traverses ii High Wire, and another k honks ont Expert Pugilist 3 CO -M ICA L CT,OWN.ET,T4117IANTS. One lidos Velocipede in Mid Air. F in a 130xing Bout. The Confessed Flitiniest Jesters that ever set Audience 01141 'ruble in. a roar. Comalinn Pigs; Donkeys' and Canines, and 12 Idetley Monarchs 01 Miktlig NOTE. --After having' witnessed the Superb, Original and Gigantic 'Performance.' of this Brilliant o31 mw, there will he no desire left to Sea mire, because there is at:Nally and truthfully nothing more to see. ----The Splendid,' Sun -Dazzling and Gold,G1iStealag Pageant, it Seintilating line of 'Glory. MovingPiles of (i01(1. Statue Ormmtnnteci 1)e11s and Lairs. Aim innovation and Surfeit of New 1)elights, Regiments of Mrll, Women and Children, Rio 11, Roheil and Resplendent with Bullion, Velvets and Gold .and Silver Tinsel, 412 Superb Horses, Midgets, Shetlands and more than a Great Zoological Gerd en Full of Unfettered Animals, led and driven in the Streets. Worlds of Entepturing.Meledy, forming, a Triuintilial Pathway of Splendor and Glare at an absolute cost of $1,750,000. Stouts cot 0,009 —AdiniAS110111 50e. Children under 9 yrs, 25e. Reserved Num- bered Chairs !Extra, For the. ite.commodation of those who desire to avoid the crowds ott the grounds, Reserved Seats can be obtained at Jackson tiro's. Fun nishimx Store. , ---1PAT;1411d1.81'0, Saturday, LIG. 28 -ST. WARY.S.,,Titesday, AUG; 31,--- 11ON . THE GRANO TRUNK RAILWAY will he run. at ' — the followiog,Loyr Rates with ADMISSION TICKZT XCU SIO'NTS TO THE, SHOW anti Return' Home on ANY TRAIN t-riont Ki,irii,1in $%103 tmcknow, $1,80; W.111.teenurcli, $1,40, Whightim, $1:26; Whightint, Junction. $1.20; Belgtaye, $1.06; Blyth,, 85c; Londmilairb,70e.Exeter, $1.1.0;•Hensall'„ 90c; Millen, 86e; Brueelield, 70e.-Goderteli, 90e; Ilontlesville,,60e:-Sebringville, $1,04 -14.41,01,, $1 .16;, Dublin,$1.00k Seafortli,, Z5eo ern We are . showing a very Large :and Attractive Stook of MUSLINS AND LAWNS; also New Prints, New Ginghams, New Gloves & Hosiery., Summer Millinery ---Stock very complete. See Our Goods and Compare Prices,. o. , • Estate late JOHN HODGENS JOHN. WfSEMANI Manager. • 5 per cent. off for Cash. Nervolis. Debilitated Men. You are allowed, a free trial. of ably 'lays of the use of Dr. Dye's Celebrated •VOltaic Belt with Electric Snspensory Appliances, for the speedy relief and. permanent cure of Nervoua Debility, loss of Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred tronbles. • Also, for malty other diseases. Complete restoration to health, vigor and .manhood guaranteed. No risk is incurred, Illustrated pamphlet, with full information, terms, etc., mailed' free" by addressing Voltaic Belt Co., Marshalliolich. . 318y -c343 ..4.Z.V.531,241,814,2101. MARKET REPORTS.; (Corroded every Tuesday afternoon No --:change in markets from last Week. Reports of Ontario.. crops ai/e .ajlxiOUSly waited by all business men, but especially, by all grain dealers. As was generally expected the Bureau of Industries has to all- Oollnee a grOat falling off both in the acreage and in the yield of . most cereals'. ' Bolt fall and spring wheal. is a 'much smaller Crop than last year, the decrease being over' four million five ,Itundrd thousand.bushr " Barley, rye arnd pats also show a considerable,fallitigiefl as 'compar- ed witTi .. last' year. The crop of peas alone,' of all cereals, is 'larger than the.crop of lastyeat., and the increase this year is very great indeed, amounting to over four million of bushels.1. CLINTON. • Flour, • 04 60 to 450 -Fall' Wheat, 070 to 0 75 Spring Wheat,- -0 70 to 076 Barley 0 50' to 0 65, Oats, • . • ' 0 28 to 80, Peas, , " • . • • ' 0 53 to 0 58' App)es, (winter) per bbl, I. 1.00 to 1 10 Potatoes, • - - . • , A) 25 to 0 25 Rutter •• ' •••• • 0. 1.1 to. 0 12 ggg8; • • 0 5 * to 0 10 . •2 •• " 5 00 500 to e 2 82 Cordwood, - 3 00 to 4 00 Beef • .• 0 00 to 0' 00 wool . • 0 17 to 0,20 CANADA'0 p.REAT; INDUSTRIAL FAIR Agricultural Exposition, x$86: o M. T. 0 " • $t"..'..TPTErifiazi'.R GT1•1: I13T11..• ' ' An inunenSe Programme of Niw 'axe C [MAT ATTRA C T ION 8 15 N11081.0.4 'tar this Kxhildlioll• Cheap Fare,..v food P...rettPirloim ,I4ley's •Copies of Pilze List awl Putry Forrns-sent to 0110 on application; by .1108t oartt. 0111111:" • Wrsc. to the Secretary at Totento' Bhtries,close Saturday 'wank.11. .1. HILL, • IN0. j. ..Manager and Sec'y. • . ' President. ' • To 110 14 TO, GAZETTEER • ... •4NO,,,HISTOPY-01'. DOMIWION OF CANADA, voLum.igs, TO BE cOATTIIENCE,I) whenever a milli.. . (dent rainier of subseribera is obtained to cover cost or publication, ' Sobs'emption, to trine Nine Volumes $7.5:.00,. to the' Pro- vince 'of ,Outarin 00 to -Quebec' $12.50, to 'New Brunswick or to Nova Scotia $11.50, to Al all itoba or to British Colunibia to Prince Edtvoid Island or to Northwest 'fen:Roues $9 50: Each. Province to have .tt Map. Please send for Prospectos. • JOHN LOVELL, .• ...• litiblialie0 and Manager. Montreal, 4th .Allgust, 1886. vroptits• ldst 13,40 MUNICIPALITY OP v THE TOWN OP 01,INTON,-Notlee Inhere. by given that 1 have fransinitted or deliverol to the persons mentioned in the third and fourth 'sections of the Voters'. Gish Act, the copies 're- quired by mita section to be flo• transmitted or tielivered of the said list tirade pursuant .to said Act, atilt persons appearing by the last reVised AssesintiontE811otthe..sa1d municipalit, to he entitled to vote in said , 11 elections for i»emberst of the Legislative Assembly, and la munieipal Eieettens, aid "that said list was first posted ttp sit my office at Clinton, on the 21st glay 'et JtO, note, and remains there for inspection. Electors are ctillea.upen•tommangirge the said list, ontIlf alcy omisaious 04. 01)101' errors are found therein, to take ildmetliate proceedings to have the tothi errors curr,ectettaceording 10 law.; -.W. ('GATS, Om*. Blyth Ptimp. Factory .11,1,111.ES FERGUSON. treeing reale ve,milit binderies to thaprenttee. ter.' moth. known as T1114 MotiNTLIASTLI•i, would thank all ffiti patrons for past favors,oind 18 in abetter postilion 81,8 0(81 topromptly fill all orders entrusted/ fro, him. It stock of .(0001) PIMPS on banin Ordered W,rR mi spot:114Y. Wells dug 'and' atimpleted on short notiem All work guaranteed: reationaffie. Ordengslly Mall promptly attended to. ' ilaArtt. .1431.t8.p usort,,m,y,th., • TEACHER WANTED. -Wanted, a Teacher holding not less than second:class certificate, to officiate us Assistant In the Clinton School dining the Model term. Applications stating satarytaiving testimonials, etc, to he sent, up to lfith August, to W. 11. HINE, Secretary, 4021d ' . ALL PARTIES INDEBTED TO la will please pay amounts to J. WISEMAN, manager of the Hodgens Estate, before the 1st lilay, as after that datenceounts will be placed in Court for collection. -0. J. TUTHILL. &.C(:). 387 STRAYED P36051 THE SUBSCRIBER'S PRE. MISES, Blyth„ -on Or about thel7th May Usti a mall roan horse, aged; had been blistered on hind legs. Any person eying information tha1. will lead to,the recovery of same will besattably rewardial.-- ft: BYAIONDS, Blyth, Jane, 2011i, 188P, El),' POTTS,' .H.ousei Sign, CARRIAGE 8 G FVE1iAL P4iNTER; Paper •I7 engin& and Kabanaining second to none. School Bluest a specialty. Ratio. (action Guaranteed and prEces with the timeet Bet:Uwe-Nary Street, CLINTON.' • • 83 • Subscribe for TUE NEws-lizooAn —only $1.25 Per year. . • •41 1.886 trtio 1886 Saginaw, Bay City, Goderich, Detroit and Cleveland. SEASON,. 'ARIMAINGRMENTS. • The Elegant 0nd Co mmodious Steamer, "SACINAVVALLEr . Will ,BOACII, Master, . . Will run ditring the Smisort.cif Navigation as follows : • • • LeaVeS.Cloderich every Thursday, et.1 o'clock n•1, Per Bay City and Sltgluai', calling at Saud,. Beecb,Port 'ope and /ramie, making eunneetions with West:Shore Boats -at Sand Buell for Roger onaboyean,Alaclanac Wantland Stignace,'. and at Bay city With steamers for •Ilarrugville, Osceola and Alpena, 'returning to Ooderich gon Sunday., • " '• Ooderirb every. SutitlitY.: at 12 o'clock for Fort .11uron, .Detrbit and Oterchout, returning to Buderietroti,Thursday. , • This route )1.111 bo continueddurilig• the season • of navigation. : • •• . . T.1201-(tiTS• For the•wholo ROUND 'PRI(' (continuous) will bo • • 1s45ed for $12 00 Ocaupyingeight day.s, Moats ana berths included. • iniFooro i;rilittioosTi, otalt,rpolitoht Mid paigsage,: and all .other '%jen1atCIotlorleh. • -.tStIv- 1.03HIM, Notice intMt be glreny .particil 'wanting Thursday Mo.:Inatome, • • . . • 307. Godench Marblelo ks flat1 bolglt out Josnrm VANSTONE,. lim Goderteli, we are noiv prepared to fur - on reasonable terms, • . IlEA.DRTONES. AND RANtrE A...spAeraTv. . • . We elf -prepared t6 sell cheaper than any, other firm .iri • the county. Mu. Lawo 111)113 of of Goderich, has peen appointed general agent ter the county, and parfies •wanting anything in tins lino will find it to their interest to reserve their (trams until he calls, . .• • • ' ' • • R013EIVISOlst TIELL. May lith, 1886, .8924.1m ' ...COMMISSION BROKERS: MemberSToronto Stook Exchange Private. wires tO TORONTO, MONTREAI , NEW YORK,CHICAGO, and • • • olern,. sToexs,, neNDs, OR/UN, PROM: 1ONS and OIL, bought and sold for cash or margin,' Cr -AIN -TON OFICEt, Corner fittenbtiry and' Albert Sta. 41a,S. Thotnpson Mgt. Clinton, July 14, 6580. • TO THE FARMERS! Stad.v yout oWn Interelwarni go where you can get, • R011ablO HEMS, hiommecitro none but Rho Bliffr()). Preen. iieletsmonfisleepa that.settroNeap, as asy haes • got se tee' Call and get prlees, Orders by me44 promptly attended to.. sTORXX17.C.A.11.'2231t, unasEss,EMr.oartats,nLivr.u.,,e.ST. Della — 0 New Rosary Trimmings.. Now Dress Buttons and Clasps-. New Beaded • Ornaments; 41(1 New Dress and Mantle Fringes : - New Plusbes. • New Stripe.and Brocaded Velvets. New Laces: • • New. Black and ,Colored VelVeteens.. New Dress Goods, 'Bargains in White Quilts, Jo Co • •."—'••••• 0--O---) SHEPHARD S C . s 41 tiglill ' . II II ' Ill B.. ' . • Ann nu .. • ti• • 1 . • • • . . • , . . ,. . . • t .7* --'3•-- SuPerior to all others. .=alitt, Car Superior Steel -Nails; .• 0arBes:t Brand. Refined eDii. . . . — . . • Iron and. hardware 'llierchunt, July, 1886. .4.4.- JOHN ouNkiltimi AIRE Ilits boon appointed solo agent for this'. celebrated Tea. Of itself it is.the , boat value in, the anatket, besides which A HANDSOME PRESENT.. is given to 'every purchaser of 3 lbs and' ripwhyd... It is put up pound packets at . to TO 70 GENTS PER POUND„, Purcbs,sers nee& mkt buy 3-lb'0 at on(10 ifl G1116 to get•it. Presentid() different books to ch6oso frotn. Try a 25 -cont packot of Li -Quer Tea.„ rAirSole agent for FLEISIImANV's YEAss,,tlis best,in John. Canning Clinton. NEW DRUG STORE The undemigned has just•operteil a new tirrigt,Store, .1b.71i:SON'S NEW 13LOCE; on; 111.11l0,c:8r.aKET, twoJocors. weat af the City Bonk Atoll., where will be latrans complete assortment of 1411.0 Drugs and; Chemicals. also Patent inediebies and • D ruggists' $14.11n1113241- tf,til the,. pad ie may ask for in Thoso. lines, N. otehWa.no?LiRronIT.roHTrk?.7 , • .0