HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-08-18, Page 3• ,• •-> BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. coniuseoNDENtm, We will at all tinies be pleased to ' • receive items •of 144101 IlVta our sub. 'scribers. ,We want a good corres. i.undent t7ta every l,pcolity, notalmady represented, to and w itaLl4JoLg news. S 8EJLS Patrons who do not receive their paper regalarlu from the ranger Or •Mr ?ugh, their i0Cai post ntlices will confer a favor by reporting at this (/ice at once. Subscriptiun$ may commence at ,any time. corn waves, a dark, green; shimmer - jug sea, over the •slope and out of sight. A clear green sea, broken only now and. then by a stately mid- lein 'stalk which rears its yellow head above •the shinning corn and seems to look, with an air of pesses. slim, over the brood fields, • • In the shadow ot the fence the dew is not yet dried, and glistens bravely astray ennbeatne find their way in. Ihe birds sing theirmerri- lest, the sun shines its brightest and through it all walks J0311 witli down - east, happy eyes. • "While you are away, you will not forgetyoU know what her ompanion says, holding closer her Mill right hand. -.Ton will not orget, jfian ?" "As if I could, you foolish boy," she says, with it happy laugh. "But you may forget," • "Yes, When I forget to live," he says. •"Oh, Jean 1 what *paid the wOrld be to me withont you V' . "A very lovely world still," she says. • Bit he shakes hiSlietid, and they walk on in silence. • • They. walk on flown the hill and through the village streets* find up the rickety platforrn whom; puce a day, a roaring express train stops and bring's, •-for a Moinent,, Sotto of the city's smoke and dinto the quiet country. - ' ' • • The station master in -flapping straw hat and pateltedeorduroy trou- sers, loungea en a truck in the moru- ing sunslune. • A good-natured old couple sit °Ipso° togetber in • startled anticipation -of departure, and a blase .young fellow,whose satchel hangs' •by a :trair from his shoulder; smoth- ers. a yawn and•opens his dull eyes further- to:take ill More of •Joan's -lovdliness, as she 'comes for - ADVER, rIsE118, c ki.certi8erd pleme bear in mind that alt "changes" qf advert isenients, to enSztre.inartion, should be handed •° • in not hat?. Nam .Mo.NDAr NOON of each week. CI1tC11.11.4140N. Tni3 NEWS-RgooRD has a larger circulation than any other paper in 'tlf,is section, and as an advertising medium has ,few equals in. OntariQ. pm.* • boas 'are open to those who Mean business, • J(1 it, poNnice,.. The .Tob Departnient:of this four- , nal t's oncallhe best equipped i2t ..... Ota '0, and' a superior Vtlass oJ worle is guaranteed at coy ' moderate rate8, • • • gattrIP • .DER SPHIDER UND DER FLY. PIIILOSOPIni FOUND IN THE STORY nook • ; OF LITTLE VA1VO0B STRAUSS. I reads in Yawcoh'g slitory book, A collo weeks ago, Von .frsd,rade boetn,.vot 1 dialts Der beoples all should know. . I'd ask. dig 'pot Contindliruni, toe • Vim ve should brofit by, '"Vill yen indo mine bailor valk ? Says dcrsuluder of dor lir,' 0. '"it• is the. lest time; Jean,". her .lover whispers."You 'will never eWay from me' again. Think • of ipy Sweetheart. Tho very. :laSt ood-bye that we need -'ever say;" .• Tho sweet, red blushes chase each her ever her rose leaf faceand soft, Bite neck, which the linen ; collar &Ards so yealously•. •• • ° • "The. very' last," she repeats softly, "1 e me Pin•this datfiy-on your coat. Don. . Now!.• Yon will think of me when it is withered- and von Dot set mo riga away. 4 Und ven, Von afternoon, . • ..`g A shbecu la tor he moms in Und dells me, pooty soon ' • of He liaf •a•silver mine to sell, Und ask me eef I pny,• of der axberience. ??I Of ant -Pine potty fly. Der order day, vhou on der cat's, • I vent by York omit, . meets a fraulein on der train, • Who dolg ma, mit •a.pout, • She likes.der tscl ter Shentlernans, Und dells the sit pesido herr I says,- "Mine friendt, I vas no By, Eef you vas peen a I venkindo de shrooking car, 0 0 Vhere ("they vas blaying boker, Und also hat someclings dhey cane Der blurt° !‘leedle joker." . .5�m/ Money id vas shangi rig hands Dbey wanted LOe to.try. • says; "You vas too brcvious, I flon'd vas been. a fly I" • On Central Park a .slna,rdt young. Says.: "Strauss; how vasyou poen? Und dake me kindly pv der liaud, Und ask of mine Entwine. He 'kilts to shango a feefty bill, • Lind gay bees name vas Schneider. Maype, berhaps; he vas all right, More like he -Vag a slipider. Moscl eft., day some sliwineling chap,. He dries hees leedle•game • .: • . 4 I cuts me oudt dot sphider •Ineee• • Und.poot id in a franie • • (-7.. Riglidt in 'nine slitore Langs'ib Und near id, on der shly, I geepa a glulrto sera gniok oudt, • Dbose Spiders, "on der fly." R 0 UR 4 ''TORY-01EADERS. • JEAN. • Sweet and dainty as the wis6 eyed daisies pinned against her 'breast : slender and graceful as the,tall nod- ding grasses that breshed Against her skirts sweet and fair and lovely 'as the June Morning itself --that is • • solemn, blue, eyes lika..bit of the summer sky•above her sunny head ; a curved tender mouth where dimples lurk andlovely little smiles creep in and out; soft unislin drew. erica and a gypsy hat set above the blushes and the dimples—that is Jean. And the sweet summit' morn. • inig seems sweeter for her Presence and the field flowers nod in a friend. ly way and the small brown birds along the path sing little confident- lal songs to• her whOin they both knew and love. The Pountry road is grass grown and deserted. It is a "short cut" to the village beyond the hill, to which a broad, white tnriipiko sweeps and lerri+es• the shorter road to quiet and, repose ; the grass is soft across it end the ground sparrow has her nest in the wagon tonics, Tho ,,arass studed with daisies, while and vellow, and sweet w Liras blossom ghity am Ong the p )16 thiSt103.. lieylond, in the bids, the •throw it aliaY. And I •will .keep these in.'rny hand until they-fade and think Of y,ou'every minute and know thatyciu are thinking of me." And s�. they talk and. laugh, and his fonds eyes watch her -flower like. face that smiles and blushes under his tender gaze. •• • And, at the last, he holds tight her slim, sgft lianas, as if be:would never let- them -go and Sa': • !'1. can Hardly let you „go, but it is the hist time, dear: ..0 Our last good bye.: Are you not glad'?" •• • . '`caped bye," she. whispers. '"Poi• just'a little time... •lceep the flOwera, Don." •• •• • • speeds away. ' ;He catches '.a last glimpse of the •fair, 'fitshed face, a. a last' smile and a last wave of her hand; then•the gypsy hat 'fee" van- shol and fair haired little jean has Ie. is strangely dark and drearyn he Walks • away. He walk back the way they' came, but thea .f.1.111? 18 11.0.1111.q dried away the biids sing harshly and the *or. and the. beauty .has faded from -the flowers. It is a very =dell auct_prosaia..worlditiah-tin like the fairy land that he (passed through a• little while age. 0' • ' * * * * Noise, confusion and expitethenti Cries,. sobs and eager :onestiono. 0 Was to blaine V' "A •brolion rail 1" ".An 'open switch 1" • , A crowd Of swaying, jostling And. sorrowful people. •• . Elbowindlik way'• throng]) them toines a -white faced man with It drooping daisy in his button hole. Ile. strides straight t�, the door of the waitine, TOOM,frO111 which 001110 inciantl and sobs; thrnsts aside ilia - official who would bar his way and who shrinks back front his drawn, despreate face. A soiled .white dress, a ensiled gypsy bat, and a white, upturned .• "Hewdid it happen 1 WI) thee. . He takesher in his mins, and, With no, word, beers her out from the noise and crowd. People make way for hint and turn their faces away; and eyes are dim and lips quiver, Out of the Crowd:he goes and lays her -gently down on the soft grass. There is blood on her white fore- head he wipes it tenderly away and sinoothes back the fair, tangled hair. Her limp hands still hold the &W- eil that havo hardly witheredi ho th Be kisses her small, sold hands, r still, white lips and Palls her by O•old, fond, Wider nantes—aud ere is 3IQ renly, • ' • A Sluggish Liver Onuses the Stomach and Bowels to lx14 corae illsordered, and the Whole system to suffer from debility. In an such eases Ayer's Pills give prompt relief. After much Snffering trona Liver and Stomach troubles) 1 nave finally been cured by taking Ayer's Cathartic Pills. / always find them prompt and thorough Iri their action, and their occasional use keeps Inc in a perfectly healthy condi- tier*. -Ralph Ilreeman, Annapelikirlkid, Twenty-five years ago I suffered from a torpid liver, which was restored to healthy action by taking Ayer's Rills. Since that time I have never been with- out them. They regulate the bowels, assist digestion, and increase the appe- tite, more surely than any other medi- eine.-- Paul Churchill, Haverhill, Mass. • INVIGORATED. I know of no remedy equal to Ayer's Pills for Stomach. and Liver disorders. I suffered from a Torpid Liver, and Dys- pepsia, for eighteen months, bly skin was yenow,and my tongue coated. I had no appetite, suffered from Head- ache, was pale and emaciated. A few boxes of Ayer's Pills, taken in moderate doses, -restored me to perfect health. - Waldo Miles, Oberlin, Ohio. Ayer's Pills are ft. superior family medicine. They strengthen and invig- orate the digestive organs, create an appetite, and remove the horrible de- pression and desp9ndency resulting from Liver Complaint. I have used these Pills, in my family, for years, and they never fail to give entire satjsfac- tion.-otto Montgomery, Oslikosli, wis. •Ayer's Pills/ Prepared by Dr. J. O. Ayeilk; CO., Lowell, Masi. Bold by all Druggists and Dealers lu Medicine. . fast her flowers, with the happy smile that still lingers ou her lips, Jean haa gone swiftly—terribly of.allpossible harm and was-, ery. Her head is heavy on his arm and ta his passionate cries 'there is no answer, and he buries his gray, haggard face in the cool 'grass and holds fast her dear bands. * • "The last, good-bye thht. We need' • over say;'? 'be moans. ' •"01i, Jean, my darling; it was) But take •me with. you -:-come for the BuL her lips• do not, ansier Or . • move, though he watches them ..and warms them w,jth his breath.. Then lielolds her hands,,,u,pon her breast end 'clasps.. her fingers about the faded daisies, and. .hOs his head, while the shlidoW that never• Will be lifted, tomes down and takes him into its etubriice: • • • • • Tat SIT-U./A:Tic/NAT BELFAST. . . • Rev. Dr. 1/1110,, the Grand Master of the „Grand Orange Bodge. tit 'Bel- fast,. denies 1)avitt's .statement that the 'riots 'are due entirely to the ag- gressions of:the Orangemen. He at- tributes the riots Solely to the un-, provoked attack upoii.the Presbyter- ian Sunday.seheol excursion a week ago last Saturday, made by- ',Giallo.' lies on. Carrick:Hill, a low. quarter, inhabited almost wholly by Nation-, Leag,ders. The ma riots libegun. were Insiiitained by repeated- at- tacks uponProtestants going. to and from ivoi.k, and OW by the infam- ous partisanship of the police, who nttaek. Protestants whenever they, get' a chance...• The iioliOe force. of. Belfast -being Mainly comPosad .of Catholics, there is no body of men to be kanid Where Party' feeling runs so 'high 'awl unrestrained. is among . them: "Why.„':' said' • Dr. Kane, "only last Satntday.three of -the villians entered the honse of a member of my congregation, with- out Warping, shut the -door and shouted : • Wo are Tipperary bOys.•• WititaKe.„:,eonke to shOot yOu Orange begters, and we'll shoot you like rats. They. then advanced toWards the house and said : fl shot six Or- -angemeli last nightii-and• shoot more to -night.' -• A:disturbance outside attracted the attention of the fellOu's and they withdrow•With ,out executing their •threats.. • This.. sort otthing, •iS 60111ill011 currenee; The nien havebeen idbn- Liljod and the authoritiei notifihd of thenkage, but it is not • likely,. that anything will be done to punish them.- There are 8,000 Catholics oh the, police, force and , only. 3,500, Protestants, so you May *see how 'little. Mercy. Qra.uwinion aI1,expeer from them as a body. . • AN AWFUL DISCOVERY. ,. "Gawp, nfoi deah falba), the 'Steadley giwls must be Vopped from our list of lady fwiends." "1)wop them. beautiful eweatures, Oscar 1 Oh, no, you can't weally Mean it" •• . . ‘134 I do. My 'Crowd 1 Old NIA, those girls were actually seen yestawday washing dishes and hiss Gwace was discovaived 'sweeping the fwd WOOM while her inawmaw was engaged in weeding a newspayaw. Vulgawrity must not be tolewated, • even angele, .••• "Weally, what% nawwow escape Was gQing to propose to Gwace to- night and you, my noble faith, have,saved me. Ah, how tivue it is. In the mnidst of life a fellah. should. n't look dewu the muzzle of a loaded gun." • htapiollar.4 JedIcai Work FOR YOUNG& MIDDLE4cED MEN. Only *1 by Mall; P000tpaiti. Illustrative Sample " Free to All. A Great Moneta Work tn Manhood, EX110,110t4141 Vitality, Nervous and Pli)iical De, bil Ity, premature Decline in Man, *tors Of Youth and the untold miseries resulting from India:re. Hun or OXVOSSOS. A book for every man, young, . middle•aged and old. it contains 126 proserip. tions torah acute and chronic diseases, welt of which is invaluable. So found by. the Author, whose experience for 26 years's ;melt as probably never beiore fell to the lot of any PhYsimall• 100 pages, bound in beautiful b'rench muslin,embose-. ed covers, full gilt, guaranteed to be a finer ' work in evet',y sense than any other work sold in this country for 32.50, or the money Will be re funded in every instance. Price only $1.00 by mail, postpaid. mestrated sample free to any body. Send now. aota medal awarded the author liy the National Medical Assoviation, to the Pre, sident of which, the Hon. T. A. Bissell, and assoulate officers of the Board the reader is respectfully referred. The Science ot TAN is worth more to the yoking and middle-aged men of this generation than all the gold mines otCailfornia and the sliver mlnee of Nevada combined. -.S. P. Chronicle. The Science of Life point out the rocks and' tplicksands on which the constitution and hopes of many a young:man have been fatally wrecked- -ManchesterAlirror. The Science of Life is of greater value 'than all the medlc•al works published in this country for Ilio past 50 yeafs.--4tlanta. Constitution, The Selene° of • Life is a superb told maeterb treatise on nervous and physical debility. - Detroit Free Press. ' There is no member of society' to whom The Science of Life will not he moral, •whether youth, potent, guardian, instructor or olergyman.-, Argonaut • Address the Peabody Medical Inititute. or Dr. W. II. Parker, No.. 4 Buldrieh Street, Beaton, Mass., who may be consulted on ail diseasesre- quiring skill und.experiedee. Chronic and' obstin. ate disease,, that have baffled the slcil I of all other Physicians a specialty. Stich treated kuecessfully without an instance of failure, Alention Tux NEIVS,RECORD, Clinton, Ont. " 3.84.3t UTLIER'S . • School Boo. ks. ALBUMS, PURSES, SATCHELS, 1,B1111E GODERICK— .111ISO.E LLA.117.E00'S BOOKS • Of All. At BUTLER'S, GODERICH. holiday Goods, • At BUTLER'S, MARKET SQUARE, .GODERICR.. . ,., •Dar'BUTLER SELLS C111141PER than anyene-o-mrti47-61-1Tic-iiiifti."-- • ABRAHAM SMITH, :Market Square, L.,-GODERICH. WEST. .01? ENGLAND SUIT - O IsNGS & TROUSERINGS, SCOTCH TWE.ED SUITINGS TBARISERINGS, in,Excackxn ENGLISHr‘TOR- STED CLOTHS, Made aft in Best Billie and .11rork- n.rans.leip at Abraltant Now • in Hoek one of tlie eiteapeet and best stocks frit WINTER CLOTHING • AND CLOTHS . A Full tine of GENTS' 1131,- NISEINGS always in sloak. .Zt will pay you to call on Num OM Almje 11/111/11111/01.12/1101./t/0/11; 00 CLI1VTON CARRIAGE WORKS, xou. are needing a flabby rig. call end czamine-7,---. "9cr. -37i.trzo szoc.lat Open one/ rop Buggies, Democrats Phegtone, ono' the Celebrated Cantelan Gear. Remember, my •vehleles are made of the best materials* and ever), rig Warranted. Sccond.Growth a Specialty. e do not peddle rigs through the . country, but sell purely on merit. Prices Low. Cell and see stock,. oo •••••,• C 7" 1.JMISZIM ---4ANOBACTURER CARRIAGES1, f WAGONS &O • Corner of Huron and Orange Streets, CLINTON. The Improved Thupkin Buggy a specialty. In Durability, Lightness and Appearance equalled by no other. All the latest improved vehicles kept constantly on band. FIRST-CLASS BLACKSMITH in connection. Best material and workmanship in all branches, ALL WORK WARRANTED. - - PRICES REASONABLE. IT'Repairing .and Repaiinting Promptly Attended to. 6 H1, ,, . .1.. •• Yes, and with the right kind of ammunition, JAMES .- ANDERSON'S RESTAURANT. OYSTERS in ShelFand Bulk, by Dish or Quart, CANDIES.10o. Per pound. ORANGES and LEMONS 25e.. per dor. CALL AND SEE US. ' NEXT GRAND UNION. ADVERTISESI. Make a -note of the fact that, THE NtI.VS-166011D has. ackled more boria jide new Stibscribers during the• • present year than any other'paperin this sQct1rn • Note the 'fact that Tfli NpTE-%con.Dhas a larger Oren- . Jation than any. other .paper in this section.. Note the fact that THE NEivS-RCORD., has one Price Only„ and that price reasonable • . • NOTE T1 -1E FACT The :: Double:: Circulation. TALKS TO THOUSANDS / • (\JOB PRINTING ..,e ADDRESS lsi •,lrOti tietiV__ '."--_ ----"" PLAIN- DR 010ANv KIND QP .1•0 1)rij;ting • or 41, ,8uheridr:14./Or ditarante. 4,1•MODtR.A.TR.' PRICES. . • 'New Type Added. A GENTS-WANTED'L.-tiiillee ,t),_ Good commission and work easy. Address Tug •Nnwaltecono, Clinton.n384 NOW (IOC'S. New Goods. iliotooraph, Albums. • Autograph Allitong Vases andChi;laware.' • -- .Purses and Wallets. FANCY GOODS! Of all kinds, cheaper than ever. WI& COOPER, .217 I1T,5 A ar, * 2 , Beaver Itioek 1.10.014 St411113:, PURE- SEEDS Four kinds of MangOld Sends, 24. per lb. 'White Belgian Carrot Seed, 40e. per lb, Turnip Seed; . -1,15e. per PCI Ik.• Wetitern. Corn 00e.. 1.3ticlrliecit 7.5e. Oil Cake $2.50 poi cwt. • I want a lot 'of' Oats in exchange for. Oatmeal, 12 lbs. to the bushel. A few EARL.' OHIOPOTATOP. FOR SEED at 75c. pi.r bushel. . J. STEEP,' CLINTON. c -t - Best ROLLFLOUR, *2.10 PAR- CWT. BRAN by the to oe cult, AT GOc.. PER cwr. Delivered free of elnuge anywhere ith toWn. JOHN RATSON; T1101.Cootoes olstsowit , MANTON'. totatitLori iforrirrAL, Fire Insurance Go'l; NOT1Q.E., Ilia undecsigned are appoinfecr to net as: • agents .in nes Township of Code] ioli for, .this Company. Any person wishing to • insure in this old and rol in hie. 'Farmer's. Company should apply to tither TncoitAS. Nat LANs, • Harlock ' 0. ; or • mrnr CA ltQ(iIA, Seaterth'' P., 0. 'Prompt attention will be given. • .. .111 el(illop, ',fillip • 3rd, 3 886.. 3054in 24T11 MAY.. Queen's ;.;Birthday. ItIEWOliKS Firework's!, —of all kinds,. 0-'4 11RODERICK'5 For the 2.114 May., rItWITS OF ALL E1NDSi,. EUP CREVIL • roil APPLES & j,utartivea. , tor 1 ilk* stipplei4 wit1 ]es CICO.nti Q,11,SJpQit nOtite.% • gl?8, BRODERIOIr„ :CattcsoZI''s BLooli.`1 1-11i0.0 S.1A11.01 •