HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-08-18, Page 1, Till Rill s For ,A, Isis twit spills 4FwinK4. "INDOP.S.Y.PONV LLY 44.4 i'LLINGS,..WEEITRAZ Ilf-NOTILINGC" '171(IXIMET-41r TODD, riutilliihrt cl„ VOL. 85, ••• BY-LAW NO. 71 FOR 1886. •CLINTON," HURON COUNTY ONT.; WEDNESDAY,: AUGUST 18, 1886., WHOLE O. 40 di By -Law to raise by way of loan the MOIL (41. four thousandfive hundred dollars for t,he purposes here,incy'ter mentioned; .XTUIIUAS TDB CLINTON MOIT Sc000L VY Immo) has 1110413 11,1/1)liet1t1011 to the Alums Opal ijounell,' of the town of Dilute)), in the flutni0 of Huron, for the sum of Four Thousand Five Ilundrsal dol kits for the purpoSe of enabling* nolo Board to erect an . additiun ' to the 'High School building; in said town, and to cm tip the nam1115 e FO to citable , the saki Sonrd to anPlY under 48, Vle., eh If). (20 Dint), to have the said . Digit fiehoul constituted 11. Coilegiate Institute ; Anti whereas the saki Council has resolved to t4r Ilse the said stnu of• munt). for the purposes! Worms:Litt.; ., . • ,!!' And. 14'Lore.' the total amount ef debt intended to liii 081)1(14(1 '»' this 11'y.1,aw is the sum of .four thousand live hundred (Ware, -* . .. • .--Alid.. whereas it will require the stun of Three Hundred and Sixty•One dollars and nine cats 10 be rtiLed minuall;, b spoulal rate for the payment of said debt -and intermit , us hereinafter Men- tiened : • . • . And whereas the amount of the ',thole ratable property of the said corporation' irrespeetive of any future increase of the same and irreSpective of any ineutile in the nature of tolls, Interest, dividends, rents or tees, from the said property, and also irrespective of any 'mantle to bts derived rom tho temporary investment uf 'the 171111014r .14. mid hereinafter mentioned, or any part rhere.if cording to the lastrevised Assessment., Roll, ot the said corporation,being for the year one thousand eight hundred and. eighty six, was ...1583,570, And whereas the amount of -the existing debt of the said corporation is us follows: • . For principal the slant of 827,600 together with interest on the sum of 46,600, from the first day. Joffe, A.0., 1886, and on the sum of 410,000, from the seventh dav of Jobe, A. 0.., 1880; 1(114 011 the won of 86,000, front the seventh (1» of july, A. II., 18126, and on the Sulu of •86,000i ' froin 1)10 seventeenth day of. •Itute. A. 1, 1886, -.and no principal or interest is'in arrow's: • •• . And whereas for paving the Interest mid creat- ing -on equal yearly sinking fund for paying the SILid, 1411111 uf 01,500.1.81 and interest as herein tfter men, tioned it will requird al. equal annual special mte . s.if five eighths -of a mill on the dollar in additiOn . to all other rates to be levied in each ear;) . . And whereas it is made' necessary I,ty law OA this I* -Law shall, before the final passing there. . of, revolve the )1,80011, of the electors (4 811).) Mum it:11)411v, dilly qualified to vote .tipeutho salmi and 12180 I01' Oat 1/111,1)0F0, to appoint the ti mu and . place fur taking the votes of the said electors, at • such tInadil 11(1 place: . .. . Do it therefore enacted by the corporation of . .. the Towit 01 )1)11110)), in the Citkinty lit Huron r. • . , 1. l'hat It shall he lawful for the filaYor of the said corporation, to raise by.. Way -of loam from any person or persons,- body or bodies corperitte,.. 2' 10 ni tr led willing to adVancethe same, 69011 the credit of thedebentures hereinafter mentioned, 11 aunt of money not exceeding- in thewheat' the soul of Four Thousand .Five Hundred dollars, so and to, eause-the smile to be p14 inth 'the hands of the said Clititoo Digit school Board for the Purpose above men blotted ;. • . • ,. . ' . - " 2. That it shall belawful tor the said Mitycir to 08280 0)13' number of • debentures to he mado fur. such 'sinus of money ns uut,V he required not less than One iduridred dollars each anti that'the said. e1e1,eta1uros.'8111411 bo 8011)0(1 with the stea,Lof the sushi corporation and signed by the-.5layor awl 'Treasurer thereof ; . . . . • . • . 3.' That the said debenturesshall be Made Pay. -able iii 20 yearsat furthest froth the' day hereinafter mentioned for this Bw y-Lato take effect, at the Wilco of the Treasurer •of the said' corporation,. . 1212)4 4)114!) IiiiVe attached to them cottpunS for •Ao pkv most of interest ; . . . 4. Vliat the said debentures sital I bear Interest . .. • at and after the rate of Five per (ninth))) per 1111- 1111111 front the date therour,• which interest shall be .payethle half yearly -on the:20th dive of March 4.122d September in etnth year, a/ the .ollice ut• the said Treasurer ; . • . . 6: That fot the purpcke °Nanning aSinking fund for the 5)12,) meut 52)! the said 'debentures and the interest at the -rate aforesaid to bwOuns due .thereen an 151161 special tate of fire .eightlis Of •'S. • mill on the dollaV *Ural, in addition to 12,11 Other rates, be raised, levied and ed collectin 0412h year I opon all the ratable.property. in the sad corpora-. tion, during the continuance ef the said debentures' 0, or any of them ; . • . . t. • , .6. That the votes of the duly qualified etceter8. of the said municipality,. shall he taken on this Sy Law on Monday, the 131h' day of September., sone thousand eight 1)071(1141(1 011(1 e ighty.siX, eon), menclintat the hour of 9 o'clock -in theinotning.. i»1 8102) thence until the hougof 5•0'cleek in the ' afternoon at the following. places :•-,•': •, • ..-St';'--Andrew'S-Wsfdflif -WI Towfilrcir,-- 'la Moody, Dckpety Returning Officer. . '• St: James's ward, In (fiddles's furniture•ware iooins, Cleo. Diehl, Sr., Deputy Returning Officer, St. Jolitils ward, in Rtunball's carriage shop; W, 11. Cooper, Deputy Returning Officer, .• St. George's Ward, in Leslie"ii carriage shop, J. 0. Stevenson, Deputy Returning officer. • • 7. That the • Mayor of &Id municipal. corpora. Mon, shall attend ttt the TOM! Hall. 111 the said town, at 10 o'clock a. in. pn Saturday the 11th day 1,4..Stipteurber, on-6-1(funkiind.-...eiglicjiiiiiiiiiiii: and eighty six, for 'the'llitrpose of apPoiriting persons n *attend at. the-Voitions polling places 11114 at the initil.eilintairig• up of the rotes by the - Clerk respeoti t °Iv ; ancl,ptibeholf of the persons Iiii Wrested m and promotin or opposing the pasSage of.this 133.-fettiw respectively. . • • ..• • . . . , .. 8. That the Clerk 01 86)4) municipal eorporrition,, of shall, at iiis office at the Town Hell, initaid.tOwn; at, the hour of 12 obtlook noon en Wednearty, the 15114 day of September, one thousand eight imn. dred and eighty Os, sunmm the •Munber of Votes is given for and against this lty.:Law. , 9. That this B3 -Law shall take' deed and come , into operation upon:the 20114 day of September, one thousand eight hundredAnd'olghtruiX. . • Additional Locals. ,BRIEF BITS.—Divisiou Court at Clinton August 2/..—Mr. Geo. Han- ley has had several letters from Mr. .Green, a young 'man who, previous to joining the Mounted: Police last Jiine,liad been an attendant at the Clinton High'Schuol, .11fr, Green is :stationed at Retsina, likes his posi- tion very well anth says the country round about is a very line oue.--.-Very heavy 'rainfall ^Friday night.. --..Dr. Campbell, of. Detroit, was in towir Friday night, the gentleman was on hie way to gee friends at Wi4haut, —Arthur Cook, David and William Cautelon went to Goderich, Friday, to: attend the. ,funoral of the widow of the. late D11yidx0aute1on,. of God- derich town.—The Messrs Rensford have not so good if yield of wheat this year •en their farm: adjoining the corporation,. as they usually have. Theft 85 tierce of fall wheat will not, ou account of rust, average 25 Vie - hole an acre, they useally have about 40.—Mr. Gould On the old Gale farm, Ooderich township, will not• have as geodo yiCkl• of 'fall Wheat - as last year Which ..he ,-Ticeounts for by it beingput in too late: His neighbors', so far ashe can judge, Will rim between 35 and 40 bushels, and . the sample is eXcellent,—We have received a beautiful poem of 183 :Verses with the cuplionions titre:. "Why are the 'spirits thus -coneealeclP We decline publishing it 011 account of.- its. immoderate length but will Ongiver the conun- drum title by saying that the reason' why spirits ere coneealed in this 'part of the eountry• just now is -ow. ing to Scott Act and its lynX- e' yed"minions,—.Arthnr and II.. W. Cook, well Voters .of this town, have .pierced':the bowels of -the earth' at,. various times to sUch.clistanceees i1. all, put togethe.r would; inaka a con-. tinuotis through the- earth, that .were one to follow it tothe end it tvouhl 'place. him almost- withiu reaching distance Of a .01tinaman'S pigtail in local. teacher asked the 'son of a prominent.teeto- taller What "syntax" is, and reeeived inreply the answer "the duty on Ppirite."r—In another , column. Ni+:0' 'give the names of •P6st ,Offiees ;at which 311) parcel postiMatter eau be. "forwarded toandreceived from the . old eonntry at 35 cents per lb. We notiee the name ofl'CliftOn, but as • their is no office by that name hi Ontario, Clinton Must benieant ad it is understood 011 poPt offices in towns 'where there is a customs:6616er Will bo authol:ised todo this ',class of busbies's. .There is a Customs.' (Jade ".h.ore,:but as yet,PostinaSter Fair has not received any inethictions about the new eines of business.—One : of .the attractions of -Winiiipeg'e., civic holiday will be -the unveiling Of the VolunteerW•nronument. by Sir John Barrie Model school was fined fifty cents and costs for dusting the ,jacket of a -pupil.—Tho wheat 'yield in 'Waterloo county will turn out pret ty near an average of 18 htishele an acre. --:-"The present's were numerous and costly " says 1411 exchange and it tli endetarithe nrfittirerand- smother of' the bride, one Jersey calf; 'from. :bride to, grooni, hair .wreath made 'front hair of her eutire and also six. fine shirts; from'brother Elias, one book of poems, onedream book, one polite fetter -writer, andse dog; ftom mint Harriet, six hens, !and.. a rooster; also ono jar tomato catsup; froin. cousin Sarah, onepo.ein Made up by herself,, on. bride and, groom, fifteen verse a' in Rev: Mr. Hyland; of Watford, , is suggested by Bislutp Baldwin as the incumbent of Trinity church, Mitch.•• ell, to take the place- of Rev. Mr. Ridley, who goes to Galt. A (large. nuinhor of the Congregation, it is ssti.4 'favor Rev.' Mr. Kerr; of the lower proviimes. Mr, and the Misses •"43utler were thrown from their buggy, opposite Fair's mill' on Sunday mo -fling. They escaped -with out serious: injury.,--Tite- United Emph'e tourists fi.otn Clinton -are now able' to reinentber some smart. sayings on the boat.. "It is. not wrong to kill 11. dude," observed one as lie moVed 111 uniaon with the swell of the spa. "Why not V' ask his auditor. "Because all's well that ends siren, you know," "Yon are not accustomed to the water," said an intellectual gent to a. phleg- Imola ono of tilbicucl phi& '"Itight , you are, my boy," Wil8 the reply, cnd as he ptit his. finger tenderly on his nese, be said, "does Oda look ns if I toyed mud with water 1"--4Ir. Wiseman, of' the "palace house," • TinitE Biopic:4a, • . . That the Above is f true. ropy Of a proposed By -Law as 11)0 811)2)0 may be takeninto consider. ation 'and ultimately passed by the municipal Council of the corporation ot, tho town of Clinton, after one month from the first publication thereof, the data of tho (irk .publichtionhf .which it: Tun .litntox Naws.lincoitu newspaper waS Wedrosdlth' the 18th day of August, one thOusand eigitt hum, dred and eighty six, and that the Votes of the electors of the said munielpality) ditty qualified to -rote upon the' same, will be taken thereon. on • the day and at the places in the saki Dy.taw• set forth and the poll will he opened 1(11)2081(111)11)1119 places at 9 of the 'clock in the meriting anti remain 'open till 6 of the clock in the afternoon of the • 811.1116 day ; . . And take notice that the rennet! of the corpora. Mon of the town of Clinton have appointed MON. Dar, the 20111 DAY of Surranana, dim thonSand eignt kundred arid eighty six, fts the day ter finally conSidering the saki ily•LaW, Mi. MATS, (Aerie of said Mintefpnlity', Varna., The Rev, Mr. Denby has resigned his charge of thoPresbyterian Aura on the Bayfielcl road and in Blake. llev. • Mr. Atic insert proaehed here lest Sunday, The pulpit here will be filled by probationers mail 110)111 is accepted by some ordained min- ister, left on Monday morning., for the eastern Comedian markets and Mos- trs, Harry Rance and Will Jackson for New York.—Glorious showers 011 Monday.—The lath of Atignst has Nine and gone and the world still moves, b-ut its surface has • not• been unduly disturbed by the tre. mentions: storm prophesied by a ranked' Weather eeer.—Messrs. Geo. MoTtigpiart, J. Fair, jr., Broderick, Harland; Kennedy and Stanbury, of Clinton, with two each'from Brus- sels and Goderieb, toolZ. steamer at 'Goderieh on Monday morning for Detroit and Windsor, where theY pinyon etch games of cricket Tuesday iiid Wednesday.—W. Colalough 11 pioneer resident. of Goderieh tp, died on the 13t1i inst., aged ro years. Paul's S. S. picnic to Goderieb last Thursday was a very nice affair, the day"was fine, and, a huge' num. ber of otir citizens availed themselvea of the low f11e....-11Irs.Cantelon Who diediu Goderieli last week was the relict of the late David Cautolon of the town of Goderiph who waibro ther of•tteesurer Cantelon of Godorieh tp.—;Mr. Wm.Sharm' an Sr., of. Goderich, granikather Mr.:°Giso: A. Sharman; Clinton, is.reeovering froin it 'sudden and serious Mr: Andrew Whitely, -or Goderich,_ was in town last week, he is engaged in the apple'business.. ,Referring:to his loss of over $400' at Stratford thront,th the.. • operations of a light 4ngered crook,' lie says lie was return- ing from Montreal whither lia. had done With the, intent ion of 'shipping 0 .a lot of cattle:to England,: he done so lie would have lost 'consider- able" inore money than was ittolen from 'him, and •he is;consoled by the thoughts of the might. have boon.— . , Mrs. J. G. Steep and Mrs. Cantelon were throWit from their baggy ..the. Other thii.,:';,'4r, e horse took fright at passing train' on the bridge. Mrs. „Steep WAS eeyerelY bruised, but sav- ed- her infant from injury. 'Nrs.. Cantelonwas unhurt; :and the tibiae did not go far. -,..111"r, Will Fair -And Mr.... Frank'Iry in fr,, ,With •the Palace 'Hans& leave Thursday fer... Chicano: .• Tuesday evening 'a feW" frioas surprised them byasking' them to partake of tt social supper at Anderson's.restaurant.Mr. Stewart le in town. Mr Robert .Walker hae completed a nuniber of flti,CAllent,sione cellars and .fotinda- tions iutown. . • • • Auburn. • • .. •TifFeQRAI.stE !ORDER wOr :D1), Puoonnspixo.—A Very success- ful meeting in the interests of the Orange Order was held at. the resi- defied.. of John' II. Million; lot. 9, con. 6, Colborne'. township, The • tneetiii0 was opened by reading portion of Scri-pture and 'prayer7by Bro. A;• Milli all, after which :Bio,- ,j. II. Million wad ippointed Chairman -a-mtin."-1 few-'•• .informed those present -Of the object or the ineetin6r, tamely, to •plant &- sprig of the old Orange Treoin the fertile.soilof the . township' of Col- borne,. by ,establishing a Primary lodge. It was unanimously resolved gig we call...it.L.Enniskiden-Lodgei hi honor of the -heroic deeds of our forefoot ers 'under. Colonel Wolsley, whose cry was •"No Popery," and that we apply fox a Warrant at 02100. .Ten brethren tlierewith sighed their names and •ordered that it be for- warded to the District. Master at once. During the, evening w� were favored, tvitliseVerel. speeches from Bros. John • Wilson, W. Stevenson and the chairMan. This, lodge will start tisith fourteen charter member& The meeting was bretiglit to a cloSe about .10 .o'clock by ,singing tho doxology and prononneing the ben- ediction. . Standeiy,.. Cou'oit.:-.At the last meeting of the Stanley Council, the follow- ing business was tranaacted: 11fov- 0d. by A. M. pampbell, seconded by •It lex. Thompson, that tli is Council, feeling the great need there is for standard salt barrel,. heartily en - dorso the action of the II -111011 C011 11 - Ova bOlii1U—Ottrtied. Moved by A.111. 0111111AI, seeonded by Alex. Thompson, diet tho Calm- ed is of the *opinion t4list the bill introduced by .111r. Bishop, of South Huron, regarding the widening of sleighs, would bo greatly to the benefit of the travelling public, 'Moved by Alex. Thompson, second- ed by A. II. Campell, that the Clerk bo and is hereby ituthorired to draft a 11.,t„ -111w to levy find `raise .11 rate. of 21- mills on the (loner 011 all the rateable property in the tawu- ship for township purposee, and &- 11)1118 on the dollar for ,county purposes:—Carried.. The next mout- - ing of council will be on S'aturday,. September 4, at 1 o'elock. GODERICH. .Sarlows is attending the Annual Convention of the Canadian Photo- graphic; Association in Toronto. It is by regular' attendance and eareful observation at such meetinga, that &Wines is enabled to do No 1 work. ' Mr. 'WT. 13, Dickson, barrister, was in town last Saturday: . Mr. Thos.. Miller, of Toronto, Ls visiting in town. . • Mrs, Nortligraves is visiting her daughter Mis.ludge Doyle. : • Mr. H. Hilliard left tor. British Columbia on Monday- afternoon, We have muclipleasure in chron- icling the advent of a Taylor.. The Hated Empire • left on. her noWard trip lest Sattirday. Reeve Kelly; ofwas in town lag week.. • : . . Mr; Thos: Heke and 'family, of McKillop wo10 171 to IVU lag', week. Huron Encampment No. :28, T. 0. 0. F. 'meets on 'Friday evenilig. Mr. P. F. Laivience. is enjoying' . :WS Suminer holiday& • • , . Rev. Mr. Omit?, 'of Clinton, -was. in town last weorc. . . The :steamer Ontario was in port on Sunday afternoon. . • .. Mr. G; N. Davis is nowon- his, way tothe old .country, • The Palace roller. rink lias been' fairly attended 'lately.• • Rev. l'ather Wafters has 'returned • from his- eastern trip. Mrs: Thos: Hood was visiting Ier, father at Toronto, lest:week.' • Mies Lilly McKeoWn, of Ctu.'. ton; is Vis1t:11w in town. . IL Ridley and tunny leq yesterday for the 'rhougaud. Island& DeP:uty'Reeye Corbett, Of Clinton, was, in town. with the excursionists hier ThurstNi. • . • Mr. 'Stephen Andrews' shipped three car loads Of.cattle 'to Buffalo onSaturday. . . Mr: Frank McGrettor is at hoine, an injury to his footchaving fleece- sitated 'a few weeks'ret. :-The' town bitod. •played a cheice selection of mnsie last Saturday evenite. on the ' . • b. . Mr. 4'. spanna ana bride re- tiftned fram their honeymoou trip jest Thursday,. , Mr.- W.: a Hastings, a nephew of JutIge.DOyle; bits started to practice thejaw, in Seaforth. • 'The SalVatiOn Aimy Paraded laSt ndvoningi under ite netts Captain.. 7-77-- His Honor judge Doyle held court at Exeter on Monday, and itt_Cred- Aton yesterday. • : • Thersteanier Saginan, Valley was in harbor on .Thursday afternoon ._andiMondAymorning, ° Mr. Win. Sharman; Sr, who -AVM • seriously ill '.1aSt WODli, is on the. Mend. ' •The -.schooner Illetorprise-of Port Albert unloaded a cargo- of lumber at the G. T: dock last Friday. The rain last Friday was one of tho. most appeciated downpours we hove been blessed with this season. • The.tpachers and scholars of the Mission Sunday School had a most enjoyable yesterday.. The schooner North Starwith' lumber for Seeord -& 'Co., arrived in porthOn Sunday evening, .• • The Schooner Craftsman With cbal for the Big Mill reached• port on Monday. Tho barge Hall With it cargo of wheat for 'the Big Mill made- this harbor On ' • The Goderieli thicket obit) played. .the Seaford' club •at •Seaforth last week. 'The '9).tue ended' in -favor of GoderiCh by tenwickets. " A lags ,nantbor of oer people, onted at the Falls and the Mack Hole, during the heated- term' last week. 'The schooner Garibaldi With a idartrga0 0otlial:mbor for Seeord Co,, n port during Saturday night. 14ast Tbnrsday 11 large number of eXcursionists from Seeforth and Clinton visited Goderieh and seem- inAy had tut .oxeelleut Elmo, Mrs, and lifss Newcombe, and Miss Cattle were among the pas- sengers leaving,iaat xhorsday on the Valley on the round' trip. The season of 1886 so felt, has been: thC Most unfavorable for Goderich for many years in the excursion and summer guest line, , The achooner Evening Star arrived from Detroit on Saturday an'1 left again on Monday, with a cargo of cord wood for the same port. Mrs. Thos. *McKenzie and Misses Nellie and Mabel have returned fipin visiting :friends in Toronto; Bolgrave and Clinton. His honor Judge Toms was present at the animal •sesSiOn of the Grand Lodge of the L ,O, 0. F. of Ontario, last week, in London, The first volunteer' speaker .et. the Grimsby Camp. Meeting was Mr. Mc- ,Gillicuddy of Goslerich—which -one we do not know. Prof. Foote took in the • Berlin Saongorfest ......... 'We are tin, acquainted with dm article, but we hope it agreed. with him, At a special vestry me'eting of *St. George's laSt week, Rev. N. John- ston's engagement as assistant Rector, was enanimouslY extended :,to the coining Easter: ' Mr:, IL I. Strang was, last, week elected president ofc the' Ontario ITeacliers' Association, at the annual mooting in Toronto,. and a director' 01. the High School section. . Honor Judge 'Doyle signed the voters' 'list. fc.ki.:Vie'' West Riding of Huron, last Satiti.day, in open court, It was then:transmitted te the clerk of Crown Chaneery: Last Saturday ,aberno.on a horse t:o:111, flooy.. nt;t:icrtnnig. )d.e‘d Geo. Olds; ran wagon it was attached tO, befoie it. t's6erlierru.sly damaged the During. the...afternoon preaching on the square last Sundit.y afternoon one bf the ;gentlemen :holding forth said that there was hope for. the worst of sinners; and that die .editor of the: Sy mig14.bu snved 1 • Mise Helen judd;.of Buffalo; who visiting in.: town %is the gueSt. of and'ArrS.7..V..i.:;T.ayreneq. l‘rThs Judd • is t h ; roe er Of the United Stitt t*,:littaiii Of Artier - There was a rumor in circulation on Monday, that the body Of another Of the paseeriger.s. tvho lost his life by the .recent yachting aceident liad been .found some twenty miles from this place. . Messrs..1'..F..Law.erence and Neil Campbell, who • yepresented the Goderich Oddfellows 'at tho. session of 'dip Grand Lodgelield in ..LOn dein last Week,.returned home on :Satur- day evening.: . . As it was stated bk•inoet of the -oraters--inr- fa of --the-••••S co tir: that business Woulil iteprove. by be introduction., we would to:hear from those ti'ditige businessIlie pest year has been ahead of that of itre-_. vions years. '•'' f• . , The dna last \Veal: was somethine. 0 immense, the stores oh. the square receiving . continuer's i it-ponr for several days.. Noth W i tall i lig the loss ' to property . d inconven- ience to our suitimo4.iiSitars caused by dust; there are wealthy men in 'town who aro against the water •works on acectun140.116 slight, in- crease taxes,' . . . • Mrs. Jane Oantelon, one of on' old and well known residents, died last, WoduesilitY. Although the &Ceased lady. laid been .ailing for surprise" to [oily many inontlisher.tilnenhitliisle4Nav4atssa grxreisimt funeral' took place from 'the. dii;• 'ceased's late residence last. Friday afternoon and was largely attended.. On Monday morning the Huron cricket team left 'On the Saginaw ValleY for Detroit "Ind 'Windsor, to play matches arranged for with the albs of those places. The toain was to play Willi:lea oh 1..toudity and 1)etroit -on • Ttlesday, but. the (101 113' in the arrival..of the beat will ..pre. vent the Pt:atoll at Windsor/. tinless the orieketers of that town agree to play on Wednesday, The Huron teem bavo telegraphed to diet effect: -visiting team is com- posed of the following:gentlemen Measrs. 11i CTfiggfut, 1„ • Ken- nody, StallIntry, 11arland, jos. Pair, and Broderick, of Clinton, Den- nis and Ross, of llrusaels, an(I ,Hohnes and Ilays, of Goderich. We hope to welcome the team to - 'morrow, as.winners of both matelies.. • .The schooner Pandora' with a cargo of lumber for the G, T, wharf arrived on Friday and completed . unloading on Saturday. Married at St, Basil's church Toronto, an Wednesday lad, by the Rev. Father 13rennan, . Joseph A.• Kidd' jr., of the InternaGnal salt works,Qoderich, and (en of Joseph Kidd, of Dublin, Ont., to Miss 'Christina, daughter of. the late Dr. McDougall, of Goderich. The ,bridesm aids were Miss Josie McDou- gall, sister of the bride, and Miss Tessie Kidd," sister the groom, who was attended by his brotlter, Louis A. Kidd., of Dublin, and the. bride's brother, John A. McDougall, of Detroit. •• last Wednesday lnorning the fire alarm called out our fire company. The lurid sky showed plainly pie. direction and very soon • ' the envie was moVing for the old. Arthur proportY near Bailey'S hotel, The fire ivhich .had started in the stable spi:ed 89 rapidiY that in a . -short time all the bnildings wore in • full blaze. The en.efine Warked w141-, but it Was imposSible save .any •-• part of the property, on, accOunt,,,olf its • inflammable nature. By .o. fok- tunitte change of wind, ancl • We activity of the firemen the fire was confined to the block. The property' Was insured for $900, Messrs.' Mar- row and. Sterling •who Oncupied, store. in, the block lost a large num- bt.ti of agriculturail' implements and a large Anonnt -of „grain. 'TheSe gentlemen were Itnfortnnately not insured. The fire is Stippesed. to - have beCu caused either by an in-: cendiary or through the carelessness* of a tramp. „. • Varna: ' Mr: j. Armstrang has materiallk improved his house by.. putting a. . 11:mo ir°Stft‘ :4i -d 011.i:Y. ninnhOr ill ,ttike In the Valle excursion ' Mentioned in Tnn Nnive-Rtmoup,: and remain till Monday. • Our deputyteeve has the -'big phd, of theptick in a recent controversy .overhis action in the County Conn- ' Our merchants and. mechanics 'report it good season's businees... Mr. Prondfoot, die tailor, with several assistants:have 'been very .buey since • March. -• , • . • ' ' • . Hitrvest is about finielied- in th-is 'IicIloItf,Steam threshers'are DOW busy. Fall wheat is turning out 20 to30. bushels to th0. kerb, lo some cases' 40. Probable itVerage needy 30. . his evident ifl more ways than • ..one.. that' thO,,,W inter' of disbontent, 'at any rate that 'wintry temperature, ifi.,110. Nit. by some' of our young , men.: They lounge . 121 front of residence 171 the: village..to the, great annoyance of paseers, and • prosibn -.ably Bin11 . advertising of -where -their '- hearts cannot. bo•pleasing to the fair . . captors. • These younr,pmen should not do their -et courtinfrom the side • ..walk though the hour rimy bejate, • • FOREPAUGIVS--COLOSSAL--SHOE---- There needed only the present • brilliant tonr of the innhonse FOrepaligh . Show through New lihtgland, toprove beyond . doubt that he 'Hisao most' comprehensive, elaborate and stai.tling exhibition in •the . world. It Will -1)0 ie Clinton, August 80, w lien our own peitplo . will hove au qpor- • Nulty to judge for thenisolves as. to its merit's. The. Boston 'papers, have Made suel: Ivartn endorsements of the groat show, - as we do not 'remember to have .seou here. torero of any other exhibition performing there. The Daily Post,June.: 10, Mahos • :the following comment : • • Tho mat.,InfieOnt areitio performaheas ' whiell aro givemevery afternoon and eve. :dog. in the itiaminetb. pavilion on tha Union Grounds are attracting largo eroWds. Such a rare combination of talent seldom visits the city, and no one should fail to witness the onto:taint:wilt. The features are fhr too numerous to describe in detail, . for all are expellent, and each pertormance • showsthat sliilI nnel ability which eller. 140) 151111)8 all of Mr. 45)60(18 artists, • 1)ais,v Belimmt, n dainty little lady of' pleasing thee and supple figure, gives some roma) ably tine performances on the revolving • vlobe. The titling or miss Annie Carroll .. 11 gracerni *iruI t atmg, and the trapese• nets of the Fisher brothers and .,o.tlellel- 10:sx:110t110gietest:ti1I1r.11;Eiliitt41 the champiobiyclo itlors of 111voti1;410v(tryolertt111jig:1111,f10i 1:0l.nn1e(804tiio‘Iee11oex0(e11giy graceinl. The marvellous feat of 44-dteg- astride one wheel is s)ceessfully aceme. plislied by eneathapartoptanra. captain Bognr.itutaiel 14s feet., 'moat all crack shots,. gm, alt exhibitinn of iitle shooting In .enn- nection ivith the realistic told 'thril9 ng stage (0001) robbery and tif tank hi; Indiana, • 'Tlieso aro are lfith a feW Or the many featte'es Whiall 111163 ' 1)11410 Ford. patigh's (irons famous, 13191l ho will 1111,5 iimeh who 141114 to (((1015(1 11.19 Perlin atillivc3 I • tlifif WW1:,