HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-08-11, Page 9"•.•AV,. »,U ,.uL'd....S,.l:�;i' '. Ill 1!.: .LL...,..u:11 . L _Dell!'IlI LL.!...,, -rho rhe Huron Hews*Reoord PITeducsdar, Atugust liter. • LOCIAL. NEWS. In and Around the "4 Hub"" gown titin;. ' fALEBERVANT 1VANTED. *4.1)pry to Mrs. 'thanes Moore, Own mercialRotel, Clinton. 395. MoRE ito ws.=-Winghaw leas III0REST: MARKET PRICE IN CASH three Californian horned toads, ,for any quantity of T1rau1,, at the avllicll were brought. from thatcoun- i]lintoit 1Vuoleai Mills. 414 try, by the Rev. R. McCoeb. The annuals have a row of horns around „ Cni;*EibL+t zc[taits X500 1,tera'c1s the neck, They are gtlitc .commun 'cat choice Har -met apples. Apply • at on a Golden 5iato,l covered bills of . Cantelon b3ros..grocery store, Glilltul�, ORANGEMEN' NOT TO 13LAMB,-Dr WANTED i,.n gttaaltitilo f Iiane, grand master of the Orange- ' Tian fort Huron excursionists were very sick. A TOTAL eclipse of the sou occurs Aug. 29, Which. will he visible as a very small partial eclipse in the Southern part of Nett, England and. the Atlantic States. FIRST BARLEY.--Stil>ve11 Phipps, tTztt.The Grea Diseount Sale of Goderich 'Township, sold to Mr. R. Irwin a load of new barley last Friday. It• was the first of the season oil this market and was nn excellent sample, weighing 52lbs to the bushel. Iarreetrcpplee,.- Plums Gold. Pears.' men, has issued an address in which he congratulates the Aran omstn at »ICE EN'S Book Stor6 v'ill be contir- till the end of August r•I Lo11 IL -n L. ii 1 iiY 1i.eu.., A floing Price List — Fol? ST1r H'��.. 'sTS 0-7-0 We want to clear. out every Straw Hat ye have in the House and•we quote the following price list, which is the greatest bargains ever Offered in Chilton : -- Canada Straws 5 cents, regular price 10 cents 1.. Pl l G Z Stationer, g 1� ew Goods tJ us �J Arrived cid ooc J, rosea and a saner, _ o r, ?t. �ipolr the .fact that they were . not ' Mixed ftp •in- the recent riots. ' He • ;o:• urges them to makeunited efforts to dLINTON WOOLLEN, MILL%tis the 'maintain. peace,and promises' au lest place in the county l}•f ti Fon to inquiry by a royal commission to trade you,.Ina of. n4 ../..nu stue7 of prove that the Orangemen were not all Nude of cl'ath Pn hand at /moot blame for the rioting '9•ate8. 'Don't pass alis. $95 0' AsoTRm PnoPosi n 'FACTORY.— .1 i i ti,1 thJt a n tit J '1' Wilkie of Clinton on behalf, 1 s s le ent ler a u a leen s .apps es. , Clinton. N,uty resort to.physic,. Throw physic to the of himself and others •has applied how Wows:' Tr» some of •the di'•estion aidtug l condiments and•foods width T, C&OPER & SON to ottr .council for aid in establish - peep for sale and partially enumerates in another lag' ari orrran fitetoYy in this town. column.. Seo the new samples of crockery and ta'• Iottled Straws 15c,, regular price 30 cents es rest Fine: I[oin�lat Straws $125,roguiar price $2.50 .12 11MUSIIROOM5, I'LAS AND BEANS,' Crosse & 13lncltwell's Calv Jelly, Dealt 'Vinegar,: Pickles, Armour's Lunch Tongue Corn Beef and Chipped T3eeF, iiopelcae Chicken, Duck, I'nrkey, f'ig's Feet, Durkee's Salad Dressing,. 'Chinese Ptoset•ved Giuget•, Snhnon, Lobsters. Dlaukerel, Sardines, Haddie, etc. Full bines of Pure Spices; Flavoring Extracts •AND' SAUCES. Linton' English Dessicated COCOANUT in bulk, 40e per 1b. All our 500, g5c.. aria 75o. Straws a' irr offer at 25 cents a niece, as wover are bound not to carry any '- ver.: Teas, Coffees Sag s Tobaccos.. New Crockery, Glassware 1 II • g asst are. Mr. dQes not ask for n bonus . , � h411 run to Niagara Falls and Grimsby on the poses that • the cot'i)Orat1011 should 4 OAY EXCURSIONS. -Two kre•tt Excursions or even exemption from taxesbut ' ro- Wilkie p ;'.1st styli ' a chsriie to her `Talmage twice told loan the company .ft ,.sum of 111oney nthera Tisane letro Clinimt at. .45 and 8.08. let only 9 le t. fol a teltn of 'eels. Itis Call and eYaiiuiro our stook and.priees. T. Cooper. & Son, Grocers. proposed 'T 1 ets ll, s i J l 1, d to'forte a joint-stock' company with .2 . SMART •Bol; is Malted 'at this office to learn elle printig business. ONE IKrND QV t H61411,—Hero is a conundrum t How slid \ri1iiains, of Wingliani, violate.tie Scott Act 1 Ile tools •a smailhorn: and 6101)91-- Guelph loped.-Guelph Flerctld. . • dry goods merohan'tsof Woe; sols have' signed an 'agreement not to take butter . in payment of book t'tccotiuts after October 1st-. •It.,will bo• taken in trade as before, ut will .a capital of about $15.000, and, in case the ,town assists them- by way of a•loan, they will agree to' employ from ten to fifteen elands to' start on, -tied increase -.as the demand calls •for. Mr. Wilkie is quite confident • • that au organ factory.. wfll pay • in this town, and he believes that in a Abort time after starting they could. furnish employment for et least 50 hands. A coinmitteo has been an; pointed, by the council to investigate the matter and report.—Winghani • riot. be applied on ail accounts: 2daai.es. • PREPARING 1+on THE. FRAY. -TIM' SAME - a '.CLINTON.-The•' Tele Ottawa 'Evening Journal says.:scope, says Never since the 'Salva- "`SirCharles Tupper, who is now on' tion —Army. took.'tip quarters in .. Lis •away (o'this 'co'untry, • will .re-, Walkerton 11as•'•the T'elescope• said, inain in NoVe Scotia for st:verel an unkind word about•thein. '13ut weeks•prier-to visiting the capital. lately their:Sunday 'morning pat•a'de He will.. spend• six months. in. Ctun- lies become a public nuisance and ada, and will 'take a leading :part an offence against. the' Christian • iia ,or,� nixing . the ` Conservative community: We elude more sspe .partyforthenext'generalelections:" chilly to the marching up and dosvn • 1e.•S Fee a. Kincardlno council respondai in • • • 1ZRiEr BITs.—Judge Doyle has this •summer . in .goods ofhis own completed the final revision of rotors' Manufacture.—The' Clintpn Streets lists in Eitst Huron,nnd the •lists'so ;were never in better order than this revised have neltrly all, passed • year. Reeve MoMui clue's 111acallitin through the printers” Irands,---AIr. of, last year, has got settled 'down fct Searle is as proud'of the' foliated hard pan,. and: faitlit'itl Mr, .Steep children that adorn our streets as is industriously keeps thein moist -- .6, 'young .young wile of her first babe. He • .G: N. Davis, of • Goderich, .brother has lately denuded the trees iu front of • Mr. S. Davis, •town, „passed. of the. Model School: of their super- through the "hub"..one day last . fiuous growth and made them. look weeks, bound for England.—Barris as neat and trim as. the smiling , leds ter 1V,:13 Dickson, got' 13i•ussels; has. and lassies; with 'their best bibs and returned from Missouri, where he • i� • I Worth 50c., 7 .. , $1. 1.5Q • • We will offer the balance of L ht Colored Felts i �t� HA'LF-PRICE`. ' Bar sins in Summer Neck. Wear. *Odd lines of Shirts at great bargains. f g ' g 'Summer-..Clothin at cost price. INDUSTRIAL' .F+ 1PANSION: — The tl ' t ts at' 11 nilland some - splendid after, when all the snatches splendid spirit to' the applicatiol, of are engaged in.•public ..worslhip' of'. ntGod �.t is very unsein oly and a ositive ailuovallcc to be int.erruut tuckers on, as they will re-enter. the was foft the purpose. -of establishing •portals of learning after vacation.= ••1 -ho claims • of 'Huron clients •to :a • a } 0 oats a Ie hit been 1e-• 'A citizen. of Clinton' wile Y, not e• .on • $, 30, 00 . t i s sue; a 'longslioreman, although•sorllewhat .cessful. so far.—Ali ' J..IBobertson lengthy, nor yet one of• those wile are •and falnily,. the Misses Nina, Dolley accustomed to;go down to the see in and Plumy Buchanan, .•sand, Kato shills, took a sail on 'the boisterous' Williams, •and Masters Frank Up - 'deep last Tnosday, ori the • 'Un'ited :shave, and Fred Christian aro camp-• 'Empire, - from .Qodeijeli 'to Port; •ing; at the Beniuiller Ftills.-11lis., Huron.. Asisoon as he put foot on• Thos. ••Jackson has returned froin as the dock et the latter •.place' he Was- visit td•Toronto.—Mr.'Abin.•Smith,' heard`•to,nulsnux. ."No life on the •of•Goderich peid'the hub a.visit•on • ocean wave, for nib 't}ponld'• would '.Monday •Mrs.• John 'Wiseman .is homy very. death :fp gu again. to. sea,"' • home again after several weeks. end as .soon as he .got his sea logs pleasant sojourn at St. .illaty'a —.Mr; straightened:oitt to' their normal per . Fred 'Bluett, of the ''county town" pendiotilarity. 110 took • train for • the visited relatives in. , town the early' ` Hub..-4TheW. A.•Baird frotir'Clin- 'part of this week.—About 150 per-.-. ton High School •trho matriculated sons, froin'• Clinton' patronised the in' arts at •the recent.Toronto Univer Odc_lfellows,leke eXetusion':t1ip_ last ". •slty ,•extNin:itlatioIIa, is a son of ' Mi n.oek 1Ir•. • liaise :all, V. •S • is, on .13lafrd station twister.nt Ludknow.-' the sick list: -P. W.Haywood sold, The Port Elgin Times; of Ang::5th,. four' buggies. Monday.- .T•on bovineg. says lA[r,11. S. D:[cI.tean,. Matl.remati were impended Monday' 'night: cal' teacher;: Clinton .High Scheel, F`Joe"_Chainbers spent a'few days in was `in- that. burg,last Saturday.= town Mr. Tied. Stoneham, :of *' Hon. A. M.:Ross was in town Sat Toronto, Was visiting his brother g" n I i lief 1 w e. 1� he en 1 filen e 1 ncl t c d est e e 'and ion .i # urdia afternoon xla g Y hsid'a hand shake . with many of, bis • is a prominent Orai gemnu•and AK. constituents.••—Guises,- the- .painter, of-L.--111--:and. Mrs S; y1r Perry passed on _to S'Yingllnin _from Gods - and children , and • Miss 1`.,ohnston ricer ' Noonday morning.—Our dist 'spent a sor'tion of --this week •at, the WTawanosh•correspondent is a push- Falls er, sure, end, with our.' Blyth; Gado....Tun PnRCEL • POST SERVICE.— • rich held other assistants, is . ably ; In coniteetion' With the parcel .post sustaining' the ,reputation of•' TUE service,. to .be inauguratedbotween NEwS-lincoRD, as the beat 'county the Dominion and the United King paper. If Varna, Bayfield and some doui on the 1st August'an agreement.' other places • ivero better ..rcllre- having 'been definitely arrived at. Seated in Our-colunnis•:those locali- between the .'Governments of both' • tion avoulil lie li—onefitted. '1I'ho i}ill coullh•ies, • tato Post .Office _ I)oliart- ' volunteer 4'—Clinio11 base ballasts lilout have just issued complete •in= invited those of Bluevale'for'a:con- atletioi�s: to postmaster's through - test here•last, $aturdny and the latter •out tea. Dominion, and tato 'now, 11 greed to conic, but they appear to id atiated- �. have, had ,enough bltl0••at'Iloane with;'tort from the start ected t�I'ii�celsrk swill be out 'coining to Clinton possibly shipped weekly by th.e.Allan Line. have their feelings tinted a yet of steamers:• bath'in winter •sail in deeper azure.—A little Whitely boy summer. Tho same 'arrangement .d1•OUl`• Cilothing, who lives .nearly opposite the Model will be:enjeyed between Newfound- Selaool'and some Companions, have land and England. Parcels i'vhose •/ •-- .rt. - .ailed habit of throwing dangerous weight exceeds three pouhds and i� ('Y'j' f �! missiles at passing 'teante. 11ie.0• whose dimensions are more then two FIRST — CLASS patents had better loop them oft the feet in length Cannot be forwarded., 1\Iessts. Watson' &. • Malcolm, fur • - p tinge; for exemption' of taxes for ten •od�Sy the heating of drum and the years Ill. tionsidtiretion • of. the film ra• ttle of a tainboi ins, 'and the fie erecting a• building' that wiil - coat :quently wretchedly sung tunes. tit it in the neighborhood of $8,000, and..chaiacterizo these processions. Sere. 'd f ''f f 100 would net clash: with every,othet • STor=E 'nils . Ojem.lid.; C tl.r: Christian ehuichin to}yn:`tobeat .for • 'Tho house-of•Rev. Mr. Carson, the recruits.'. 'We trust, that it will not 34111vly ap:poiuted itrcttinl)ent'( t W O bo repeated and that 'the Army will .rrloo • Street Methodist.. Climb, hereafter, conduct their operations ,titrntford, :was entere'd� a raw nights ' in'Welkorton, without planing th•enn-` sago ane a..nutitbor•ot ettiiblos stolen, 'selves •in diiect,antagonism to the , l , ' ensign .watch wore n layer of }} et1-, J ofthe 'town. , B u lisentiment' 1 •(ling cake the genlleiunn was lately.. P c - ) a ( b J so' doing they will not only spew married) - some pies. a puddlug. and good taste but 'getleralshtp.' _n few' glasscans of-f►uit. • t ,___ •;:faller; Iwo, �t Sin JIii nRT- ;r Orn' Ain; Co\oEnr..• J hel)oliei•- PR:�tsE ' IxllrrD.—Oar_ reporter is IS. Iltnd•intend•giving' en'open ail :.1.10t as* inquisitive as the merilbors'of concert on the. Market • square, 011 • hid class aro• generally :hold to. be, hl•iday evening, commencing at T.30, but he could not resist the tempta- O'clock. .Programme i • tion to interview •the wonder -work - Much .... , . "Col liugwood" .., .. Pettis \Valu....:. "Queen of 13taiis".;1'.li,Gyut2 . ins, 'Wiiard donee ••t'lnanag r who fantasia...•. , :'''Joan er Arc"— H. 'Round: seems to have performed the most AValtz, ..'. ",lfonntidu and Edon"..--- illl:'aenlous owe. on .rseord'—n • abut I''•wtnsi't , ":L-hc-�% tteli_D:uice".1T:R_G.tietz.-:ot-f.1ltll• euro.•--Protn. sr iitenti.on_1ast.. Waltz..:.. . "Fttilenn" :Petrie week by. Our esteemed en -laborer of Murch .. , ..�: "Clpiaculus" • the Era, Dr: Grrdner deems to have LovaLi:sr •Atissrovau1Es -Rev: aotunlly' 'oattsed the editor of .that• 3)r. Keno, Grand.lifaasrer of the Loyal journal to express, i only in n half (hringe''Association of Belfast and Itlart'ed Manner, fait in the giand George Iiill Smith, barrister, de- iossibiliiies of Can'tlde.nnd our: leo• • tutnti�on'• froth the Irish'I,oytrl and pie. ''tire found the Dector atthePatriotic Union, leave fur the United Grand Tin ion, and. at••intervals •be- States this'inonth. ' They will deliver • tween • the numerous professionals addresses ii. several Autericiett cities calls upon his ti)ne, we elicited Abe mid the principal cities of Gamlen,•: filet diet he is no .1. iglophobfst. • presenting the viuiVn of tele Loyalists Ile' was quite willi.ng.to••admit tlint . minority of Ireland ou the IXoul_o except in the old. New England • Itulo gnetition,... • , - st-tte he li d no whole fonn'l es ll':w War: 1111 Took IXot,ID %.t —In vie V • abiding, `prosperous, cultured and. - of the owning' season of liolidtiys ter geucn111y•high types of "manhood as 110u11•tfy editors the•fuilowing ipasou ho had found in. Ontario, and he given ley a Daicottt paper fur not pub- had travel led the most of this con: . Ii:shing might apply in die' page of fluent, . 1±' his jndgmont is as fault- ' eJitl'e ot'our eontemporaries : 'rimes lass . with regard• to the merits of being rather beard, we aro going • to `ii izird .011, and we Naito no, reason lake our . ivifo to. the house of .Oltr :to `doubt it, as in his estimate of .the mother-in-law next week fore short people and resourcesof Ontario, one . visit, and wi� will. give our leaders cannot fool stirpi'iise at -the enormous. it little vachtion by 110t issuing any itnpetus III hesliven to the sale of paper. They won't lose uluclt; for that medicament. Speaking of there i$ little news going just flow, hotel acloinmodation all through at null we ptiut• this Week an editorial the Grand Union than he had in . on, the tsliifi' 'leucin would have 'ap- any town of this size that he had • . peered next week. The only tiling ever Leen in, In' fact, ho declared we have lease to leave out on this that the table would compare fnwvor- aecout1t le; ]'lilt •,longs' nit, about it : ably with th•tt of mem, first class farm f'er scale, hitt that is of no colt- hotels in large cities. The !lettering tsegaeuce, as he htisn't pelta its any torula in w1,nch he spoke of the hos- Ilting 1'ar it; vet. Ili Ihren; white tass, Afrs. Tforlov,'it world hardly be' l,saper is too blamed dear to foul it , in order to repent here, as being n nwlty when Our mother-in-law will' marled man, wife might sleet the keen u$ a week for notating I eyes of his wife trod bion--. '1119Y1 tug. 01 a 01Ce U, men' ly Oiey honed choose • au hour that 0 0 S011 -triers. C • THE::GREAT BVB- • Not; only in name,but for tiitv all( We deal in nethinl but streets,—Have the corresponding They can only be posted iu a ,place f: thecommitteethe foam Connell re- which is a systems port of entry, ceived • any information relative to and the. sender will •ale Obliged • to �n►allufacturers locating here 1 Citi- sign a certificate. declaring the tens aro a»gnii'ing about life matter. nature and value of the :contents. .•— .1 Ii. Cooper took a $600 order Theeortifiastte wi11,11e potted. on the far a marble marluniont last week, parcel, which well than bo mailed When completed it is thought it to its destination: will he the finest mortuary' memorial in this part• of' the .country.• -=•Thos. • 1. i3.:�Tn> NEws-BEdonnefere'. Jackson, jr., was a passenger on the weeks ego stated that the Clinton ,5'ayinate Valley from Goderich 'for base -Whets were prepared for bust - Cleveland 'net Sunday. •He will nese. Since then -considerable return to-iuori•ow.--+Last Sattirtiav "blowing" hes boon done in coAnty WOO( Mr. P. W. Haywood received exchanges, but -no: elub etas yet wen- - a tologretlll stating that his brother lured to tike up the gauntlet and in -lacy had died at Ingersoll, and sono here to play our boys. The on the following Monday he reeeiv- lastest back -doves are Bluovalo and ed t4 telegram that his sister had Blyth. Whys don't they collie and died neer Woodstock, These sad try the Cliuton boys/ Our boys • afftairs leave necessitated Mr. Hay- have been roaming the cotliatry seek- twvaeod's.absence from town the past ing and finding whom they could weal:. -Sharman, the llarnetas maker, beat, and now invite any other I1as dolman exceptionally good trade 'club to try their prowess at Clinton. GOODS rr. Every garment we make up is just as represented, We never advertise anything we do not fully fulfill, . and -'m visit to our establishment will convince you, Remember, 'we carry every line , of Goods manufactueed. Don't forget when baying a Suit or pair of ' '* P alts to call ori , 1 .The Hub Clothiers, Clinton.