HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-08-11, Page 6ARF.. YOU L�Ok'jN
(irlii111l, 1111 i+411110++1111 t■• Makbel. 1111101 nu+rt tu''m"^�`•"'�'�"^'^^''"'-dip, amara 11111 unnniunu uiYii�lii nn 111 ,1111 1111 11 1111111011.1101 1111 1 un 111 1 1 1
The Hot
Weather. ,
We .are . showinga ver 1arge and Attractive Stooliof
e Che' P Lines of Dress GoodsMIJ8LIN$ AND LA LAVVAIS A aka
New Prints, New Ginghams, New Gloves & Hosiery..
Summer Millinery- a -Stock very complete.
See. Our Goods and. Compare Prices: '
The I o` ' 'riced, Hosiery,.
Big tock of Prints.
--Go to the place where they beep them- --
The Dry -Goods, Emporium of Chilton,
no rcgrui1s.tho weather, rough, being
a.miId.lva'y: of describing'' the state
of Lake ]futon's waters; .Slightly
over ' fi t e li lintlred . started ou• • the
journey, utast Of whom bad a rot-
• licking tine before Port Heron was
reauherl., Once. there liowevcr,'the
excursionists were as lively' as sisal-
lows, many 'of which were' taken at
--that. charming ,city. Some gentle-
]man from the Country, 10:rise names
�t e did,no:t put down, created • quite
a sensation 'by weal.inn.. a Scotch
1iollnet in.a very be0OXning manner:
alis wearing•of this iti'tiele of suminer.'
clothing .Paid innc1i towards giving
the excursionists the: hospitalit%es pt"
the town; . The United :Empire' loft
. Port Huron at •Midnight, and reach -
d Gotlorieta at.• 5:30 a 10. The re-
turn journey was host .pleagnnt the
ship being as steady as a, castle. '
i1 Mk tit: .
Mr. lien, Churchill .oile day last
week Pitt with a :Mas.ey, Toronto,
'bilines' for MN; Albert Kitty, 9• acres
o'1' lieaty wheat in six and .ono half
hours, with the Slroatcrst e Sb.
Ost.Mr, T.a.nsing's farm, ilIr. Jos.
•ll- tiller on. F11t1 iy,last threslied 550
bushels ,of wheat' with Youliab! et's,
T steam: thresher iu ftVe hours.•_ talar
• one • doubting this extraordinary
,work can see the wheat at Mr. Laus-
ing's 'and obrtin .other satisfactory.
,' evidence • that ^'it was. 'done.. The.
.sainple'of•wheat is yery tino.aud the
Straw was .:very clean; •th`e ground
having evidently been tilled with
great. care so that .there. was not ti
thistle or• other -.,weed: among tile,
chola. Tlioro,.is .no doubt .that tuts
..helped very.' much to enable the
threshers to accomiilish succi speedy
work: i
•.mfrs: JTbhn. kitty and her• sou; T.
S Kilty, ere still visiting in Michi-
.gan. 111r. Kilty has' aceeptecl a sisal
ation equal to $1,600 a year. • No
doubt the lying scribe, of the •Neu,
Era would'nt mint. Piaetting•left' to
the sante extent. • It is , •giii,te pos-
sible, though, that lir. Kilty• .will
return to Ontario in' 'the -'fall as.lie
int,eutied _,:It,
is-socomnmou foto the •
/:ra items'to•bo lies that :I -had not
intended to refer to this particular
one, but h.av;i,ng•seen a letter from
Mr. Nifty written •before thesiilarty'
-"loft" item appeared in the lira; 1
atm e: rho- best authority :for -stating
thait Ilio'Era informantis: a pure
yu.il;l:.•An.•1nias. —
antlericIt 'lca�vidslii>ri: .
It would be, advisable fol the Nei6
lr. a correspondent of Goder ich tp.,
Q.11, the 14th con., to pay moro''atten-
tion, te tiis.sormons and exhortations
instead of ceiling the attention 'of
the public to evory, little 4i1hir that
• happens in that locality aid to some
that don't- happen,! • We''. are not
:award that that young man :be 1'e-
.. ferredl- to last week has "got• left,"
= and such is not the ease, but we do
know of a eartaintypeivi man on
that concession who got left, bail l y',
a ' #il,ort time ago. lint we won't
'to'll on you, Wesley. •
CouxolL.--Coitnail met at Tlolmes-
ville,•August.puree:nt to ad-
jottrtinteut;- ihitubers all present),
.minutes of last meeting. read anal`'
liassctl... Letter from county sleek
read, stating that $4,209,18 is rev
' rluirecl from this torsgnt:4141. for coun-
ty Purposes for present ,year: 1.1'ov-
arca l)y John Beacom, seconded by E.
A ebson, that 2! mtl.lr en the cicalae
late levied on all the real' rateable
• arid personal prn.,perty in the 'town-
slii'p for county purposes; also
thatt. 2 mills ell the dollar be levied
on sante pr15perty for township Tut-.
poses. And that Oa Oath levy tate
Several suns required 15y "ehool
trustees for their reapeetiveseetions.
•,.: t;iltki it;+l;:; gee?, e1:]I; Staten tapir
110 reply to bis notification to true-
•tees of No,'2 solibol section, r'espeet-
ing Mr. Lloyd's petition, had been
received. Reply flow No, 6 S. S.
received and ?Tad.. Moved•• by 3,
Beacon),seconded liy,,J. McClellan,
that no nation be talceu•• at present
in changing lot 15, con. 5, into No.
6 S. S. as the trustees of N0:• 2 have
•not sent any of i.cial reply to.. tate
.clerk's notilieation.—.•Cniiiedl. Dlov-
,hy J-,1•13oaooln, seconded by 3, H.
Elliott that the 'reeve and treasurer
borrow .from the bank of 'Messrs..
Farran an.ct: Tisdale; Clinton; •$300;•
for township ' • purposes,—Carried.
A by law was drafted and! passed
legalizing rho levying and collecting
of the county, township and school
Section times. The council then std
3ourned tottneet.again on the second
llon,day in September.—JAMES
PATTON' Clerk •'
Soren 1IunoN A`or� Sot7'e '=The
returns (rout tine RranelyAgriceitural
Societies •in.' the South Riding' of
I-,i:tron show the • ntoiiiibership of
each society,, upoli which `Govern,
went money is' drawn, to .be as foll-
ows :-The 13ay`.1 rancli has a •mem-
bershi1 of 156; the .Stfephen and:
17sborne,• 258`; the -Stanley' and
Gude ieit--townehip� -365., -the Tuck
ersrnith, 28:3 ; making a.total mem-
bership:'foy tbeseveral branch .'so-
cieties in tbe•South tiding of 1,1.05..
REvIsiNG'Orrior,zs -T. W: Chap -
plc, :who attended the sovei`aI courts'
iu: the North: Riding of Ontario as
connsel for. the Reform party,writes.
• the etlitov of the •"i rliitby. Oltrofdicle,.
• grit, as tollows "I notice: in your
laSt`issue that you:litontion t11e re-•
ference macre by Dli..bTurton to.tlte`
fair'and itu:partial'nianner in which
Judg�Buinhani perfori ed his.duties
as Revising lJtlrt er. fur Solani Ou-
tauio. T tlerefoie:. consider it but
just that reference should ' also :Ue
luade"to the extreme fairness and`
•ins1)artiality of Judge . T)artnell, in
•perfortuing-.Silmiliar duties in North
Ontario. 'Z' attended the . several
-Goj eta is 'ie Counsel for • the Liberal
party in tli.e'Biding and in no case
Whatever was there any dissontfrom-
hie decisions." JudgeDartnell,is a
sou of Mr. E. T. Dartnell, Clinton,
and brother of fist's.• I..: M. Racey.
It May be" stated. that in• .'personal
conversation with Grits and. Tories
concerning the performance of duties
by 'the R visiugOhcersofHuron,we
find that bo Judge Toms and judge
Doyle have acted in a thoroughly
manner and in accovdltneo
with the' liberal spirit. of the '1)oniin
ion .Act. Judge Doyle had the most
diffetat, part to ? Perform, 'lint his
patience over the statements of con-
tending parties at the Courts was be-
yond all praise, and his` decisions.
marked by such eonlnon sense fair-
ness, and withal se. properly guided
by ,a rcasonable.i...aunount of legal
ieeiudition and discri m inating judicial
a0uinen,' ifs to 1)e 1)oyollIl emit Z'0
the•.patt of the strongest party man
of either side .'who is walling to .cl
to others as lie he 'would wish to b
done by.
—The Canadian . reeide Railway
Company brie assumed possesaion'•of
the bllsinegs of the Canada liutrittil
Telegraph ,0iimpany, and has open-
oci i`•ts telegraph systotn to the public,
for the transulifision of mortgagee...
The Lancet, which is a pub-
lication adintraItly calculated to
send nervous people ..into lunatic
asylutna,, declards that. persons. who
drink Targe quantitks of tea first
booing "wildly CIxei'tahIta,'and then
d/rho. aerie of hearing goes.'" This is
bar.:nova for thelingo;),oi Loddon,
who; is• the greatest dlr'i'nkar• of tea
that has been k.nowti. ht. ;nglanel!
the (loath. est' ads'..3ctirnso.n.—
r,rlr440 t'inifhr, •
sti te late JOHN HOOCEN&
- 5 percent. off f�iCash.
WI SEMA N, Manager,
—Tile Parnellito Convention. at
•Dublin declares that tenants aro
unable to pay their rent ovine. to
the" depreciation in Prices, and . de-
niauds.:a remodelling ,of the ' rent -
liking clauses.
:Parliament re -assem-
bled Thursday, Mr. Gladstone took
a seat • on the front Opposition
lI1ZlRT� S. - . *,
LOVlETT.—.-On the 256 inst., .the wife of
• Chas. Lovett,,jr.,...o! the aseLiue, of
daughter. '
11a18.0 US
CASS.i:LS.—In.Cliutntt,ain the. 2nd
Sarah, daughter of S. Cassels; aged 18
years and 10, mouths:
(Correctol every *nesday aftotnoon
�(1P ACIIER WANTED.—Wanted, a Tenobcr
1y holding not loss than sele(tT lass certificate,
to ollloiato as Assistant In the Ol{hton School
during the 5todel term), . Applications stntipir
s-laO1arAy,ungivisgtoeWiHIn1lN, Ee,,tc,.to be sent, up -to
Secretary, 402td
A LL P 1:RTr1s'INDEBTED To. TJS will please
11 pay emoants to J• WIS11MAN, manager
of the llodgoos Estate, hefoie.the Tat stay, as
after that slate account; will he •placed la, ort
, for collection. -0. J; Tt:Tr11LL: & 00. s
0 MISES, Myth, on or about thcl7th May last,
-a small reau hors, aged ; had been blistered on
hind lega._.Any person giving information that
will lean to the recovery of same will be suitably
rewarded. It..58510;CDS, Blyth, June, - 20th,
1380. 007.
GEO.: POTTS, House, sign,'
.� A lw .t 'p,'rr:
c.4r,rrr�to� .
,e a1,v�lt k :r�i
Paper tlangQi•ng and Nalsomi tiny second
to none. SchooLlidackdloro (ZR a specialty. Gatti?.
faction Guaranteed and ' rias withthe times.
Residence Nary Street, UI,INTON. ,. 83 '
Subscribe •for Tar, Nnws-li.Econn
OLINTON. -only $1.25 per'yoar.
Flour,84'60 to 4.50
Fail Wheat 0 70 to 0 75 ^
Suring Wheat, 0 70 to 0 76 1V86. � 18E
B,trloy 0 60 to 0 05 `j
Oats - • - .. 0 88 to S 30
Peas; 0 53 to 0 53 ;
Applos;(winter) per bbl, 1 00 to t i.1, , t.
otutoes, 0 25 .'to 0 26 : bc`Lglna'�`1', Bay . Glty; Grodorio—,
Butter . --..0. 11 oto •:o r2. ;
s to o:.Octroi 'and Ole pi 00 .'to 0' 00
• 0 00 to. 0 00-' ;+. - '
Wool, 017 deo• 0 80. The Elegant and Colinttodious Steamer, •
Pork •
August •1Oth. •
• Whoa, —No. 2 fall Would be taken
at 7tfa: i�o:2 spring' is quoted at=i-8.o,
anhboose. at 79e, to 72c.
Barley—Nothing doing and prices.
.purely'Ilomtrlal. • •
Oats—Light oats offer in .car lots
at'35'ae to 36e, but heavy are in mod-'
erate demand at 36a' to 3G c on,
track. .•
Peas—There is a'nioderate demand
and:prices 'Tble at 5Jc oto 60u.
I3utt,er-1 he• market is'fa'trly well
supplied' find prices steady. Choice
qualities in tub andbasket lots sell
at.13c to14c and medium to good..
are quoted at i to to •1`30. .;]'here is
very ..little .demaud for export, and'
round lots in the country are quoted;
at'.12c for the best dairy,; and a.t-1' o•
for creamery. A lot'of interior qua.-;•.
i.ty sold at 0e.'
Wool -'.]'here is a good: demand and
priees rule firm. Selected flr ee
brings 21c, and. pure Southdown 23s
to 24o.
Ordinction's a6 fleece
steady at l t',o
Live 'Stock—The" nominal. prices
are 40to'4 c per lb,' Bulls ruled(1
at 31c. to 3 o., and Milch cows sell'at U UU JJI J. marb -• Woes
835 to i40''a head for good. Butch'
ers . ,cattle steatly ; ' sates of picker]
lots' were made at 40., per lb., but
the: best in car lois ruled at tic:;
medium tofgood quality at 3ci to
•BOA4)1l, [Iatster.
•W111 -roti during the Season.of:.Navigation.
hs fi+llows
Leaves Goderieh'etery Thursday, at 1 o'clock '
p. in., For Rae City and' :Pig Mart, umlaute at Sant%•
,Beech, Port Hope and 'Pawns, Inking connections
with West Shore..Boats at Saf.:0 Beech for Roger
Ct v, Cheboygan, Mackinac Island and At. rgnace,
an at Ray City with stoamers for liarrisville,,
Osceola and Alpena, returning to Goderich on
Sunday. i
• Leaves 0oderieb every Sunday: at 12 o'clock:
'noun, for Poet Huron, Detroit awl' 0lovolaad,
returning to Oodei•feh on Thursday. .
This route.will be Pentam to during the season•
.of navigation: .
Sof the w3iplo. jDOL•N D TRIP (oantinuons) will be
•Vii. • issued for
Oooupying eightdays, meals and berths included,.
Ferrates of freight and passage, and all 'other
information, apply to .
• Agent at G
Notice must - be given by parties wanting ,
Thursday exeursikns-
8o,1. , J.Uly' :885t•
ass Goods at12zc
Great Bargains, in TWEEDS
White and Col's! Shirts at Panic Prides, �
a c,
•S c tch Gingham's ansat `10c.,
White ` Muslims at 5c.y
Prints at 8c.(FVi'j3 GAS 1O and 12 i c.)
Ladies Hats at 25, 50 and i75ca,
to clear.
Superior to all o Bels;
Y r Steel Nall :��.: er ® s.. �.
a��• ��i1 �.
Car est... a ,_� ._ O
3p.; andinferior at 21e. to. 2%cs.
Sheep unchanied, with sides of first-
class shippers at 'ttlae to 31e pert lb.,
and medium at 40; good butrthei's'
63;25 a head.. Lambs are also 'tan.
changed; . thele being 'sales at il2.75
tocf,3"25 a head, the. lattIr averaging
about 85 lbs. Caves ficin, with soles
attk4:to.$7;.head. for those weighing
140 to 165 lbs. Ilona in ftirdetnand
nnd firm; the best light ones sold at
5 3/So to No per lb; heavy irom 3tc
to 5c, stud stags at 3c Co 40per lb.
Blyth. Pump Factory
rlevtag mnnnied Itis business 5h8 piomisos fur•
ins tly kuoratw an 'P1113 111Ur'NtUAS`fl C 5111'.14,
tvtttitd. tluw 16 aN said patrons .frit past, Psvora', find
is in a bettcI p eitton thnn'uvor. to pron-pth,181
+tit orders mitrii5 e5 to i,jnt A ,0c.of 00011
P1'1ti'S on heath •Ordered Soret, a.speciailty.
Wells dug tthd' 00inlnarill• on ;short notice. Aha
'wni•k sena-Kidded, t rleesresSohuble. Orders' by
nihil promptly attended to
344. V. [�lJ1Gi+1''41tOCS0 r.�lytli., .
'flaring bought ont,Jos00,1t• VAN:1ON
• in t::ederach, we aaao now prepared' Co pie-
npish, on seasonable terms, t
G1:o4N1Tli:• A:' SPECIALTY.
1Ve•are prepared to sell cheaper flint any
other firm in the county. 1t1:R. Lewis
ELLHrI r, e!': Gbderich; has beirr.ppointed'
general agent for, the county, 'anti parties
wanting anything .in. tins Ibm -wall find it to
their interest• to reserve their ortlots until
he calls. ,. '
B043:p.1 TSON ,r. B1;LL.
May 17th, 1886: 892-3nt • •
0C.DQc & CCS_,
commitSION .BROKERS. •
MeinbersToronto StockE'gchan$e
]Private wires to 7 OltONTO, M ONTREAL,
: EW110111, CHICAGO, and
IONS and 01L, bought and sold
• fns. cash or Margin,
Corner Rattenbhry'and Albert Stu.
Jas. Thompson Mgr.
Clinton, duly 14,18'80.. -
Studd )touu own interesirand Kra imere
you can geb
R4i _.
�llab�e , Ilarnefds,
6 iintnhfnetn"e nnnp•hair11,0117, taorSvac+i,
Mutantof shops thaaxell aim ip,,As wIla1I.!raves
poktn di+ie .trfl• Call and get )iriees. Deuces,
by mail' protnotti attended to,
4'0T-111 T. a. .JEt:Tg E 4,
laii,'SgS" , x1,111ail;11,L'Jf,.Ji :7ltil,,OW1'.,
1. .
Ilea beeli appointed sole agent fon tti•s celebrated Ten. Of 'itself its ie the•
boot value in the market, besides which; ,
I.i•on •:and plardwvnreiMcrcbauatt,,
is given to every purchaser' of 3 lbs and .npwartl : •Ii is iAt3tt up in Ind- '
: .. poundl,paekPts at : '
�o ro
Purchasers ilcei 1kut bet •lliq 'at •once iiia cede"; to Bolt is I rose;>Lk. 1.'00. .
,different :Wks to ecliebse. fi;out. '1•r3r a 25 -cent .paeltet•of I,ii•Q.nar'1'ea..
•Sole agent for ELuioir.Mt: tze..is YUAsx, tits best in, trite world',:
"try ohn, C xi 1�. a ha is , C 4, on
' .
The tt iiersign yrl leis,jeist n tied a new Drug. Stoat-, ih• T t7ritibl
NEW' I.ItOCtk,. olds ll:Ult 5 S'rWEItl', two dime* west of Oie City.
!ionic .tg41>*,, inhere will ,he fbanti av complete. Sw otallent. its P111.e7
10V11,21,3i anti 41h4,aaai4,u'fs, Iasi) Ptatent .11C4iicitttiS aaiaela
l►edgiest&' t4h t4* --a11 that tbo puhlitt may ask for, in tllosn+
eller t1i,13ttlaan hark. toe; '
1t'wSlt f7ti{1peltanilfsl:4Afit.X'ifltPlRO>ti4�t?'J[b,