HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-08-11, Page 5g44.11151iietagiliiikehiedifitrhet...A.111tioillizt.A .•71r77..: 'Mk:77C The Huron News -Record people the opinioo ie against Mr. a the *first Honie Rule resolutions chrenicler from deseending to the . • • Gladstone. Neve) amities Americans by a hazard under these eiretimatan- very lowdepths Jelikinsonian Washed' diali legit; 1 "ris • one au,a all 6iinerely butio,0 that ees. Now, that is all that. eau. pe milinty. brought agontst tho Irish. Cabe to well he said not univashed dish rade. Wednesday, Aligust llth. the Irish ought to have ceutrol of • . ._ their own local affaire. The Mar- ' . . , • representatives; Saint Just, in his laitt speech to . t , 13 ill te, otlfroulge Iiiftlai lisee.als3outou it uri:beleen scoitriiiittlt; - - 45.E4SONALBLE ADVICE. . _ . . qine et Salisbui•y must recog- • French Couvention when referriuu Oul them in degree as it alight have • • nize this, ., If ho merely Wee ty .to liollespierre, Uoulthon and others., '' cried out 1 11.,yeuros had his eye 1 awn, it is moot- lamaUS in kind. r t Our.ifood. friend of the .A OW Era • k"P ordeend let thin6s drift he 0 . will lose a great opportunity. If 110 plucked out by th1eye8 of SpartaAnd mark you, he is a• discriminator. has aeknowledged to receiving seas- produces a geed scheme of hand and died in excite. Phecion and of mite when he turns his attention. Socrates drank lien:dock, Athens • to male friends,: and' -evidently a 'Pueblo"; adviee, from D. Gardner, • government he will probably 'Secure stickler for the line of deituirelition , even. en that day. crowned herself the. Wizard. Concert manager. Mr, Glactotene's support for it.. .., I With .110WePo It uot ;• they . which se Itrates tb„n f 1 * .Opeiled up, WE SIT ALL MAK.E flE COINIE\ aSS US' I , 4 1"•••, • •;•-•—•%—i•vt•.-4VVIKTI•rtit JF •!-• In fact the Doctor so truthfully •.,..deseribed the many superior advan- . had done good." matters not naw )(tractile, P" et." II • 1 1 t FO'C1R WEEKS "11EMOVABLE"' to the maily biers 'W•IIA.T.TILF, PEOPLE ARE tages poses:3.6(1-W Canada in • point • - SAYJNG, • : . ' of agmater fe'tilitY1 imPr'Y'd agri-* That. Searle's demanding of the 'culture, protection of life, )rope:ty, town council pay for impr.ivinti his , 0 etc., etc., that our annexationist *private property was it monstrous attempt to saddle the eerppration Vetere. almost -insinuates that the , with an •unjust debt ns lie cannot Doctcr Mu fbe a "paid tic,' nit cf the show damage to hisibuilding-other Canadian Government." Ilea our : than that .resulting to any property. Iniother of , the pill .unquaiifiedly from the oidiuuy flow cd water ou . : • sdid that, the. Doctor was a' paid' our street water 'coulees.- .. .. agent of the Tory Canitdian Ott -ern- That Se`arle lies valicl - cause qf . action against the corPoratia on motif; there, would. have 'been about • account of nuisance, yektitinfr in as much' truth in the , statement as , 0 positive damage, caused ny Inver- • . Iliere IS in. many other fictionist fed drainage •which it is the duty of • :dra rofoienees to the actions of the ; the town to.remedy, : rulei7 of' this Omura of ours.. The That the Local .A.ssembly elections .1)a says it was "refresliing" to hoar Will wine 011 this f'all and the Con - .au. .American citizen say there was, serv".1.1Kes In.'" 1)18(10 n° 0110100 of a• ettadulate to replace 'the present 114bhillii. good In canaciai as his " Timid° inentber„ but unreal repo - that these members moved the first 1 -r s .1 . e is. mill Ha o "a genuine avistoorat sharing whom We know will call upon. rts, likewise memorublofor resolutions. and had. them carried ; lila the scones' in the House during tho •the same basin with a•common pleb- the cohvincino* evidenco'we .4101 offer that ROBERTSON sessions '70, '80, '81, '82, are forgotten.. •ian." -I was not Aware that there .• ,X always ,.. 'WIDE A W AK lir in the intere8t of „his Well did the great Italian poet say were any ",gennine" aristocrats. on is that ingratitude lurks alongthe '. board the United Empire. If sucti patrons, -.That his goods aro better, .prices lower; awl ALL public. highway, Now, to . nut the ' a creature wasthere, it must cattail/1' TIIINGS MORE sATisrmyrony To BUYERS -hero qnestion plainly : As what was Mr, have boon a severe trial to his deli; cate nerves to, haie h ' ,, ••, , at our store THAN. A' 0:111..st, FIND T 1 l'EM .ELSTi4,4 J, J. Curran elected ? ' Was it as a - Home Enter ? That might be. the' , ?en. coniritett 147-inp-E.----,ind SO they, ()unlit -to be--L'in(1 always 'ire . 0 , c - issue in iroana, but it bannot become to use the same utensil With a 'coin- I • . • ' ' ,. .1.4 Al the political platform of any party in mon plebian" while the twin were • All our Goods are A WAYS LEADERS awl .f (.0 (10 ()anode,. No matter bow Strougly depositing tlakofial which the _gra not buy 'from us von are 1-shre-i6 GET' LEFT. Belot We may Tor Irish Home Rule, yet • scribe seems, to: hay.a been 'So much are our .SPECIAL pliees tor the "ext four- wveks it is not • plank. in the Canadian at Imam fesurrecting, He makes • qiiite merry over the afflictions BIG CUT in TOSS-CFciods, 5c. BIG DRIVE, in Gloves., your choice of political platform. ' Then ar$ 'what ' wasIicelected ?. Itis simple_qm.s. the.lady and. gentlemen passenger& I 800 mir for ., were 40C. Gingliams AWAY pOWX, your choice of. As an Irish Catholici Conservative, to. . which will astonish, All G-oods !milked dont, in represent the interests of MontrealCOne.canhot keep a straight lace," tion. -You can give brit cue itasiver lie is almost surfeited with lanwitter. our r 10e. . Gent's Socks for 5c., worth 10c. Cutlet's, Slintings. Centre." • Then hae be remained an 1•ie tells us; and he •is so consumedly(' eeleor, Don't forget the ploce,, trioli Catholic ? Did he waver 08 0 eaten up with pleasure at beholding, Conservative ? Has • be neglected the misery of his fellows thatt REI1T 014614 STORE. the speeial interests' of the coastitu- wouldn't "eareo..e. fin if ail, the girle , . ency ? , Why not light a man 111)°11 went to the' bottom," sothat their ' these issueq, and •not, npon personal cluing so mioht add another morsel • 0 n tr Ins -atlantic ol- 0 0 Miss May Cooper, of Brussels, 34, to hurinsatiable rip petit.e for laugh. . "intereits certainly lie in building sentative of West Haven. ter, Well hes he remark°. (1, "what • the guest a hov 001151v m.v.s-A, (haw.. op, the neighboring republie."• - That the government of- which , Edmand Burke said that . a 'man, Litc. A8 TWO PFLts—Torrself Tho sehoonar- Enterpthe of POrt • the. Era treasnre up the teasonahle (JollEoss is au ablo member deserve ' ience tdecte(1, represented the min strange sea-st6'ne&•/- ..and vow' Photo teitea,,tal'ese,......4 Albert was in port hist Satiuday, . cow panions altice • gitnni. by the :travelline; the condemnation of .every patriotic. °ray, as well as the majority, and. joins 1" Aye, aye, "I swear by twe- 84,1L LOTVAS. • the men WheoppOsed him £1,8 well as headed Janus that nature hath. forin- .The schooner Plata/env with n. • • (Anadian. • . . • AmerhanDoctor and in future ;3/._ ' That Mowat & Co., the allee•ed the. inentwho supported ecl Eitraivie fellowe in her time; seine : Mr. Eadeliffe visited London- care.° of. salt in barm;ls •arvired titian. may. lave • eeu e ectet 1 b a • y .that will frain from. slandering this faire t h evermore peep .thronedi • • veil on Sunday !limning, • • • representives of the .people of this , • P lity and ti • • • teir eyes all ail" I ce arrots* at Mr. F. Jordan now ic ound; - 0 - , . • cl 1 1 1.1 „ p eth onei K tiiti10(1 1 Luglish speaking Protestant . majority ef 6wn nationa creed ; brit he. was. also blectori by • iortion.of,GocUs footstool I' • It Will • • last week • yl vince edorsed. and jestified Pael's . . . . . - a . (termini]. • thou0h that la shoold he caused by the tighter again after his long illness. week from Wal lanehu 1 g wit h• as eiir,..,(,d, . 'indeed be "refroshine to the . ears men ot other creeds and nationalities. • 0 i ' 0 of the reakra•of that joUrn.fil to find right torehel and murder .our fellow . He:represented -ace English, „Septet]; dietressing. . • Mr; T. Jaeltson, of Clinton, artily- 'Of StaveS, and unloaded at the. deek,', `'• citizens, .while'the French speaking,. ' French,' and above all, flash of Mon- sPeets910. of Indies on 'a' perch or, ad in. town' on Saturday. • The schooner Garai &di willt 1010 - statemelits ii. it to the effect that and Caiholie Quebec Load Assemb- • . treat centre, . Dia. they: electlite to 1 3rostrate on the floor like so notny •• Acheson'S Nes Publie. Hall, is. Tier for S(Cord& Co.,: reached Inv- • - ' ly would not and when put to the test repleacut their intmests or. .not ?, washed out digli rags:. And Jenkins. h0ihn. pushea.a.heact . "• 2 , - . ihe.r last s. t ' • ‘k ' . 4 tirelay.. - • • • Canada is the 'Ged-Torsaiten•• • b 77 . country. its-aditors have for Years: :did•not dose. 0 . .. • • . • •Wrelie.aLibral would lie have re- is mthodical. He .notea. the bony' a "Wizard" in theliteral acceptation i • • • ..'' . ..---...-- •• Montreal centre sent him to'Ottawa ; " ' "'" ' ' appears to have been 'dipped. into Port 1111.1.°11 .1'18.t.wnak• • . ',nil- .-i' nature IIis nasal 'organ . "ISn's• D. --wisher returnedI.F. u,rest.eilY•• .• • • .. ' ' ' • ' * I 1 111 iss gun,Fei.of Dein it, forrnivr- .: I • TRESS 01).070.AS'. • servative, iu Canadian polities,. that per will have indeed:Travail himself , ' • • • • • and his duty there. Wil,8 tO Ink after le specie, In cree s o. ns (Mil C011- e -C11.1 t ` , ' ." ' • ' • ' ' • ) r; lot pan or basin as soon' as the • 'Mr B V Elliott of Exeler, %ire t 1,v e.f..111i8* te.w•P. 'i8 the' ftlinestl. ei.f. that .of the word • if.• he has made our Al't -I.x1;m2EnTol.'r "Ew •QP :SitA" • ti ' .. i''' t t ' f I • . ' . • • '..Missee Weetunt.. .•• .' . . town cotent. ,see • the error. • of his • • • .. • •: • stituone3;. encl. adhere te the. Con- savory mess was dePositedi.and eog..1 in town lest w.eek. . • : . , • • : . . .• . ' ' •AND mu. • • • ways alid, if lie has brought the re-,. .• • : , ' , tioatreaistar. .., ' servative• pa.rty. • .11.e did''SO. - Then nosced, • with all the acinnon : • Mr, yrank Rohei.te, or the a T.• ' • Cltuciis titre painter lies painted a, • • . the only tault that could be • foinni of one acenatonied, to 'the. hes. R ,is now, around. iirrain. . • .. ,p1'0111 Inenf: sign for• M t. Radclille* • Mess, and • the soeial'. *strindine,a '• *Itti.,8. 1-.103 „.a 1 ., t ., a f , . thq :Tee,- ,ily appoin «1 . agent. at . .• freshing. mys' o.f truth across his : *Smashing, or 'Otherwise,. the. result with him would be his elioico betweeu • . . distorted Mental viSion,.• or cured `.trai, a defeat - a defeat -not-only -for • politioal parties. Wm he consistent, of the * osseskors el ti ''... 1 1 t *1 .il , ii e ms le nine iom • • eeived their sopport ? ' Most assored-, and minute and second, when each -Air.' Geo, Lowe*, of .Lo•ntlon, was Rise .Katitteen E. *- Ball• left on • • ly not Tnen 3t Was 83 a Con. pass. miner has had to answer• • 16 ViSjtitig lust week, . • 11fouday to visit friends in the • been deelin.ing it to, he.. Dr, Gard- ••• • *. . * • • P — 10 • 011 e ec • her visit, to Sactintiw. • as en Irishman, 111 joining • and re. the croyernment but -for all trite, pat -• maining faithfol te.the Conservative s.tomachs determined thereby. .thus : 7...) • ch.,.F..E.:T,ovrei ice left town .for• • him of• the Moral otrabianius • which he has.foryears.been.aipicted, riotsWAS a trininpli of section- party? into . ancev wale NM 1 • • Goderichi fur the C.. 1'. . •,. . • • . friends at Sarnia List week. . • th° ..F°11'st 64-r• to • it no- deubt came to pass that he was • • • . mkition to bay who was who • • •,.. present atithe Grand. Lodes I:00., • ( end if * he has •;enahled. him to see-; (alma 'and.•Itunihno: •and. we fear will • Listen to Thotnite•FrancisMoaghe*r,. . \VIM, patrician, who common plehian; • Mr.:seager was a passenger onthe F. Which enens at,•9 ci,'In:: to dalr.• ' '. . : • -------------- ton, i 1$52•:. rWila it Radical • P at •-oine ; in a' Conservative hi Who. the Onnine aristocrat, wbd. the .8aginato -Valley last Sunday. . ' ..... that, Cenada isa.paradtse compared; - itiye a* nlisellioYdui preslioo to the . . . 0 . . Kansas. and. Texas,. ,Dr..*:-.Garchiei•;: trust. the frieuds• of law and order; tiepist,_:a radical •ie, !reload, because and wile: belonged to the "washed from her visit•to theQueencity, • •the s• essions. •of• the Grand Eneam1Y- • • . .. . , thetigh you.. are a • stranger ill a those Who believe in the administra, denieil iny countty,*.itud:Pwiehed to reporter adjenkinis is -his prophet.. returned from an eastern tenr. - .. Q. F, . ••• . . , .' • . thin. Of Justfeti withent regard. te overthrow tlie acipotism in the' land. Loner live J•enkins1 And when We ..-. ril , • - 1. • • strange land,• we thank. Sron. in the • to trath,;whether found under the desire to'peeprovineialpolities kept I fought in Ireland, and My' duty ts to notice the excruciating pleasure block, have elosed their tea store. .? Port Huri3n•i must. have* thoeglit • . • • • it 11 Neil 1) 41X, left a estelala r • • with, hiadovinellrpotted Dakota and 1%,1,:ational patty, . * ••• * *.* We' :America .1 was a hberal, a re.volu•-• conrinen errocer,•tnilor or andertaker. Mr.' Ii,.. B. Smith- bas returned 0 • • . 0 , , -.' for London, • w here , ' Ire w i 1 1 attetul ;. . . . , . . . • • . .. . . I .fought for those rights .*Iiiiih were out'• dish.*rwi" °leas. Great is the. . • -.Mr.-land Mrs. •IA McDonald Inive• ment, and Grand Lodge ofthe.I. Q,.. - .. . . • to Ims utll Bros:, Aeheson's . ri'lle fish between tide place anal' - political InfinenCes *and•• thosis•'whO here I enjoy , I am a. Conservative• here; beca.use 0 • • (Toes a -selling again may: I be there • name. of that Loyftitor which -is- loyel these' rights fel% which . star-spartgle& banner...or under the ! pleat of :foreign. issues, Wt11 ' not to' conierve them for my cluldreini• with which lie Pleels his- own (ills . • -Mr. "W•illicial Septiortr, a Detroit; yesterdliy week mete ,Chtistinas .da3-,. old. Union Jack for -the .seasouibIe • man enjeys. the privileges aed liber- arrived in town last •week on a visit: so g;reat was theii food supply eking,. . ...the route. -. • • •• make* the mistake. cif underestimat- It is so in Canada. Here 'the Irish- tighten; liis mouth fill •uP anti \tYitli jun the.ininortance Of the Oliambly el- • : a sudden „folk Of the head rush.to the • • Messrs. Catti and Giratcl prerielied - , duty to preserve intaet thoselibertiee • - • • ' ° • Tues.. to Pinconning, Mich:, beating With • ..... • • public relnike 'yo.n. adminiateret.t. to. ;'aSide all -lucre •party Prejudice and • • •• - ;. • • • • . he .on the'. late' occasion. brought, .chapter A.. F.•Mad A.; M.•next itni, 0.,r; 114.8 past- erre. i numitilly 1 ottlei to pie- change. the •.V0)7 ',institutions -jig with him . and dumped iii a. day evening..- ..• • ' • • ••• .••• • • •• thein • the remains 'of :their eiglit ...... :conduct, . . , I te wells. and rialits What business bashe to , . . •, • ; vont :a very mischreYotte element which his:aocestorsstinggled,And tO slushy...heap in the': eolumus Of your' . ,..r.t. home w • • : bio 1. t , ,?..•. • .s. f . ti , •.• months old ,obild, . .,.._ . . .., . . . woyc is s ion) ea or i were.„ • • •• • M • II '• n. and Arl 1.1 t • • 7-- • • • . . ' • • ',;--gettingin.to•power in this province., ottani ••Whieb 'the. n I - ' f I .*-itt (1. contemporary ' . • * . • • * . • • ' .iii tewn in time for dinner last Suu-. Is. core. ant iss t 1, ( e oni, .. . pe p (.. 0,, 1(... 11 • . . ,• • . . . . "--".."'''' • '... ; A. CA.T.EICMIC dON-8ERVATIVE suPPosiug HoMo Iltile be greeted.' Clintbn, Angutt9th,-1886. dock. at ti;e' the Misses i‘te.Mickillg, town,. left,: . • tr.N iMPORT,ANT,'Aubuicss.' .1k ' '• ' "' . • ' • More lainber On •o?ur advice you g,ave•our „town* ooteini• -"ection. Thelessbn to be learnt there- tiee for, which, in Ireland,:be fought ; .boat's side". and cie 0 't th 't•••b'1' p e a la 1 . • theequare last Sunday. afternoon:. .. Mr. and 'Mrs: .-.11..hcoy left last; and here if im.be coilsistent, it is his. Thursday, merning •on their return and .the—no doubt 'tiniutentionaltr4-:. :from is theta time has Come to throw • bus matter fortY fathome•deop "which There7will be a ineetino of •Ituron 1.11.PERIAL rouTiCS. • • inamfully to.day ? And • d , 'of 'Oshawa, 'Miss Agnes.) Itosko.an(11 • It • • on. Sunday for an extended tour, • does it not heotone the duty of Par. ••• . • non anti the others- to tons‘.-rve that ' • present time that there has been Tor ' • • reund the lakes.voyage' • lluch importanoe ea:16110 to The following able letter by Mr. • ter 1,\ hich they fought so hard ? 17ACTITING ACCIDENT, some Yoals. Gaiate6.Joseph Kidd ••••, Mr. Balfour s actdrest• to: his a°11' joseph K. Foian to the Iri811 Can,-• and :Nfiss, * siituents as -reflecting the: vietys. of * • ta • • The stennier Onrio. 011ie Beatty • • . . . • • About tlivee weeks ago a Yacht- , line called in on her' npward .adian is -*artily ,of cateful attentiOn. LEtrEfts ".to . THE EDITOR. • 1.tord, Salisbury. * Mr. TAlfonr.says and will: 'aptily..to Hon. John. C.os,-. • ' „,- • • *ing. parfy.1(3.1i 'Sitrnta ft.ir 11rt161440)1.4'early .en.'S nudity.. morning.' • • , McDougall will be united in ,wert.,:..) • • . • . locies, bonds thiS morning. he..... • . "The d.ecisive verdiet of the cputiti'y .ti gan or any Other ' Catholic of Iiieli • ormie :011 Lake Huron,. Those on its.r, E caraplan* miss otts and' • . ••11 tal•e place in Toronto ou theTdish Policy of AIL, Gladstone. hoard ,were Messrs.. . makes 1...t (dear that a majority .of tlie • • 4.• 11 qS.10,1T. C ar• • tl H 11 d l• I • f descent, in the Canadian Parliament, .• • . • ' • .• people '*are•:unalterably opposed..to . . • `OliOn --TO 'MAKE A BOR8E-'--ale------------ • •William 'Vidal, Station .. I Will turn.to • ,J.. J.. Curran as •• ' • Manager _of the Bank of issts o in a e, of•oant or - We wish the b aVy couple all the., . -1•9114-ni Port-Iluren.last•week.. • • leys incident to' lietimulied State; _About one hundred and. fifty 1 h lo o an Irish Catholie reprosentatiVe 'and ' * .•'' 3 • ' ' ' * ' Agent, Watford ; and :len ,of Sena- . • • . • •• r le •nude . otiyeen tlie Gederich.. .. . • any loosening, of tlis Wilds knittinn .. • , titer United Kingdom. In Spite of as tt ConservatiVe: I, reneat,, .i:.• 'ain • lil446-77' .2‘r°1cs'llee.6•‘a• • - • tor Vidal ; W. C. Marrison..of, J ar- l'et P tH ' • chiliand the .InvincibleS, last Satur- . , the additional:diffieulties with which- not actuated 113 any political or per, •Dp,t.ii,SIR,,-:-I 111V0 liad my Mtn- 118, formerly.. of Sill:11k •aWM.,. •j. ..C.IiittehndeGs trip:pelt with t e- edam i Ot I. e ow,. r 1°1r* :•4 day afternoon, gale the public a...• • Sinelair, laW•fatinIent, anti Secretary ' .Mr. :no.. Rdherts Who .had the . beautiful eXhi.bition.of _ oriokot, one.. ._ .: Me:* Glulstoint's 'recent actioa have • sonal motive in treating of this goes.. tion.ottiftid, tea disgust ing .repei•torx,•.". • loaded. au already difficult prolkein, tion. ...X do 10 in a spirit of fair play, or, wh at. is alleged to be elle, in the of the West Liunbtoti Reform ASso- misfortune n' few Nveas Since to 1. siao in particular milking some . ex-, . the 'Government will puttee it• policy It is jiist thotevery man elienld have. 001%11M:1,s:of yoin• town otaftemporary -, Coil' • ROPO • Mackenzie • and • break his leg is steadily iinproving; . traordinary• hits and.stOpo.' • , , -aitst to,OVeryinteteit•of 1t81811d, and liis °Omens, and have a Ygl t t .x. 1 • -1 .1 -0 e it w eek, of doings on . board WO ? • ' - • - ' 1 kill tog Mae ten/de, •law, s wields, Members of the 'town council „. ` 1 ' t '1 did. , ' On the return of the United Ent- -. pr ',S them -troyided lie &BO 80 as a. . 4 ,7. X., ••• c' 1 • • ' Pen:blether' '•,..,1•11Ould-in landuage•and !.iiir'e last W.ednesdey inorning,...7,a•-• • . generous • to. eyeryclegitiinate Tritih Unioo, ...Am/0.c on t.te . tilli trent :. n.d.,,bot,s-of.. ow 110a, Alex, miteken. not Muster in suilicient ittimbers lest.: . , aspiration. The GervernMent Will tla, tone that doe .not shock tile feel- •Goderich to Port 1.1itron. The cut:- . ... ' Oe:i. The tug •International wide]) Friday.evening TO hold- the regulttr •i youth in tryiir, . to be, first off the; be firm, in the execnticiii, of the .1My...,.ings, it, !at -lit e seeth egotism dn Dar, titiled•contilitlity. that 1)1)11 11(111 the left .Saiadit ,Iiist'Thursdey retiu•ned meeting. • .• • - • ' •• • iboat was successbful in being firet iii • ' . Curran's pareWere ho to speak. of .aforesiiid detalla seems* himself to at three ce•elock Friday ,morning '' . Mrs.. A, G.: Meintoali,7of london„ 1. tho Water. • The youth juniped frota wItile strivine.: te.t.emove the duet evils. which. 17:e lend •s alters. • himself as I propose speaking ot his lievethrown up hie brief awl retaiu- with the bo lit of Hope AlaelaiffzieY SA •V 0 ' Ce f • Strahan., creceived thAtt e ain 011111.11(0ranee , to the deelt,.blit, .. ' • , '-. M1 . 'D . , TUE, tarsti. iiiusi HATo. eaiiduct and priue1ples, ' Perhaps I e'd his bile and -to hove been laborine' riemin" ,:, Alackeukie, and •T: ' A. severe. injuries-hy- being thrOwn out rebeini de d • into, the harbor. 1V i 1 It ' • .... err ; I may nifty not express thtna as t under Chagrin at hisin,g- :that hit 1) T' 11 r th • ,o or ti • , ' ' 11 " - ].. f i' . . The T.Thite.a Le and says :. "IVO. he would lik.e.. If so,. it is.for,hint to : he most prized., • Awl when he re- el , tii,.c 1.( .. fie six -3°41g me .ot a buggy as, wcm ,.... • ••---,-ing ban&A, however, soon(lrew hint. • . - - Ilici now to begin amtin the gluisty. Set ..,ine right.. •As he is oompletely t , 1 I tune( le epene ou . 1 a nu oi . • cl ' t 011 li 1 .. I,. . w IQ e t Solana o.ur,•...weelcs. ago on • i aelitintt cruise on • 1 a •.e. Hu .on ,. . Captain J. Parsons and engineer, 3 . . . .. - • 'Irina his earl , bath.* -• " • In the boat beached -hear Pt.' Frank. happy poseessOrs. of 4 uttruber of • playing witIr other boys on a boat, yeti, thing they stud!, .... - , SI '110(1 tCi . ; • • but an affair of bayonets. ankh men, 4 h II Two, of the bodies wore lashed to handsome parrots.* • •t • . ,. ther delectation of. his:fellow-citizens • ". 1 • A: NI- illutinson have iettuned float Last:Saturday mormingl AlaTeolnt, eonwincin,g. trio EnglishAlfitt igiforant of 'my intention to *kite Y • • no other .tetins. thanconcossion: of "Pwl t,Pliy'lugsar pvoilue'vvisi: the bile that he. had better hay.i con- ., 111E' °°°1E w'''''"19°NP • the Mexican doest., Thek• are the - Sinclair, about 8 years orf age, while„ Home Rule emi, result in anything and his mayliot tides. The Castlereighs who choose • The great accusation against Mr. • . Isreptnner.azure a, , • • in thetharloor, fella' anti • was drown-. Gorran is, that he did not lead in the eaul bidthe ilun3r tinizeus keep. fes , . e. Inteina lona has A Larne excursion frem Mrtoliell .ed. • His cempanions Were'so fright-. • . the' . hog Th • t' • 1 to try to.rule. must .cloisa. . see° Rome Bole =sections winch 1 • tival. gone to look. after the bodies of Win. arrived in town by the early train. tined that it WOW i.41.1potlitile t(! 1111' • anil bullets, T11.0' 0111y.,: thing poi- Hon -Mr. Blake moved last session. Great Scott I three-fourths of a• Siin°1aFri Wm. Vidal, and' Walter on 'Thursday. During the day,. the •otit how• long the. boy' had been in, sible for the Irieh. to do is toliate, Onthis golut,.for many reastms, I can C... Morrison. The yitehting party ,Sarlinato Valle.11 gave thee excursion- the water (Atli° time they. gave the. newspaper column lie. takes to des- -bouts old all their • Imps 'more. so. than auy.other man ' • -The body' was diecovered resist and thwart them with ail' their, • speak. with •tt, thorough, 11 111--? otiibo tIto4itiattatitme ttli 1 '1 is .811 111/esed 'to have been lost on lets atilt) on the Jokey., and on alarm. m pp maxi a loy gibbets.ail 'exc.:opt two. in.. Caned°. Was ilIr: °f h18 fel loW*1)1ISSen"1.8. 0 dount,of thi3 smoollinees of the wider ' near the clieekwater. When landtat-• ' Siinklity night uts . All were Ititert, the- _, SALISIMIV'ts4.. OVPORTUNITY. . Blake honest in. In: movement noon ladies aro not 0xempt ham the Yeknit; t , - W. . 1.d.. It was mech enjoye4. Ali• Vidal is inirr'e *. : ' ' , the usual means were taken to re,. stom respiration? bilt- yYithout ice,. pu,blislies.a Letter in the London dodge?: I know. not.....: But this 'I do lion : . . . , ---... t riot took place at • Delfiist tien •of the :Teachers'. • . Tho twenty-sixth manner .00nven- ratthoWairrmd, who is in Amer- thatioeettsion„, or was it /3, polibiaftl workings of his feecitlout . i.magiha- , . . .Aogoointi.011,,,ttesS„. the body bung quite cold. • • Thilds.y. la *Mitch, he saYst I sup. know, that, the Waging up, of tho - in i 1; 1 .' "'.-.1e Alr,.68 t•on't seem .to care hist Satuiday .botween.. Gi.aorman . opened at Toronto -yesterday; and' ' TIM Xliox chitrch Sunday segool, ppae there ' is no.' country in the i21' th,0..m.,418t, ;t•zhother tlteir hair ia np• or ttowii. pmployed • in the Queen:Ps utind, will continue to -day and to 01011 ; P10 1110 011 the flats iast Priday atter- Hoinp Ilple resolution:. Glatletoneto. faver is stronger then • a, ia!f* a°, iri' .• le loweit to ad that crushing bustles and „disarranging Ship-yardi and Catholle navvies ova., Mr, J.. R. minor, isny late Iii8peOtO1,..110011,WAS Q118 01 the most enjoyaidc• world where.' uannimitty • . ia 'Alr. OL 11€3..1*(r.rf.l.tdt. de111.40.,'".T. plo. .rcaer , They' lay upon every aVitiiiiillb Wet, h 'tit° MIRO& StIVAIS '• yet emelt,' hove, "1 artriuj(1 "a"" wer°1'llan""°"°13' illxi°g"'• Y°11 will sec thous perched Played by the Harbor Ogiooliegoo. Will ketitl:e paper on details of an ' allitill of the . kind -ever beht in 8111it Goderieh; The. ohildren 11sil hut posttant tattoo( , tel be pet clot upon a • " - 1 1 4 10( n nc tan amp a., s Watt 11481)c(litio(111): t Awl], sliert distance to travel, ao that they t flecepte five yeri,rs age .gave evidence open, lounges " (rather a Peculiar A numbebniagify btei tIti it you. weigh. instead of cothit the. of very foresight'. xt was '- • • - I 4108 were so Irish policy., The' main, weave. the. wBuId 'my° reine(Lalla. effect Along the tinora„ ho monk soilygyylif pilot. Itti -------41gthe cottliets of our poople, wtat1 oid by some grounds. 800 12 011. rewiring the n after their, arrival opinion& trio bItillnoo oppoo. the itita the risk of having theni,defeated; lounge or., anything ewe) "or lying they hell to be:tenloett to the hos- lost week ViSitea' by st love nnntb6r tt06 Ws •sking,a, etrond o osition, to games of all kinds were contin011664 .Ainerieaus have for'sympatl* with, of th,e tlott roaolutions ; or at best it didt en„gat .r". w,ette renewed, Fifty ('I 90318, were of the visitors. that the Shawnee 11 Li,..- atutstome L%-thyr temptation, to, ssNi.:'•nutx ,fli. ,.,., ..er rnly....,i of ta_,. What refitie(^11 littatn, whet a hotratit inPited, sotne of theiii, it is thottglik. Witte, that was. so. intlitstriousl)i• 4)1•4t k°1't lit' Willi inliell V101‘. ' 0°M 1%113 ' 168,4* Ttl;°' %cig:114Y. l'um'ated lembua,l; Ywli'en" input; of errtc gat sina.1°'1•IrT•he fa141's r'In'ateill 1•01411' 41414' 118 pereOnS. v. 011 stibee- plaiting itesicefe,, was., fv. ,..,01ent. g.1.4A thmougliont the arty. i‘. largo hoht pe Ito ..prol v..veze ()flinging eolorst, £14 pooh like feetha•teili bipeds or wore. (lima y talcdt to' the hospitals. A graod. 6bita of the brave "Afastowasis, 10'. on vIiiing on the fiver ‘1118.011a* opthion is not toot of the general e ... Ant t ‘ ' .1 ' • publie w•ho yieht.te this temptation, awl. fiying;101tho:f0.440 of earby orio. shown upon tho floolo itko 80 utanly yonth limped JechsoA iii.snitl,te, be who WaS AO eloquently poetizeit a of the in'", feattires of the daY,.. bat that lot the ;Melt ‘ylio resist .it ell. 03;uni, a. aid& iesnetit would be dial rag.; ,t There is a Allying Onus°. dotiOlg, 601111108 'iuktrim 'Four pol-• few 111011 t lie. $11100 bx our Gosletich The Odylfellovs' excursion to Port, ..deel,(or... 04, these Orions mach to,leepartIlZeitlitiiii.thAts t1080kittittlit L11.41,. t1),4t. , tccukoi, *0.1111t1011#. 10114,felittAY., , 11.uto,n, Wes lull, fitvg.eg% . • , •••••••.• • •