HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-08-11, Page 4• s: !lig. 11111.11.0 1111.1111•111.1 BUSINESS ANNOUEEMEN a. CURRL:9PONDESCE. Tl'e will at all times bejleasc'cd try receive, acme , f news from our sub- scribers. b- scr'i&er r. 11'c scant .a gourd eorr e- J,onclent in every luclality, not already represented, to SCnd lad 1tTs Gl ABLTt totes. • SUBSCRiBERS. - Patr•ona who do not receive their paper regularly /rota tke.t:ari•ier• or #ler• nigh -their local poet offices •will confer a favor by reporting at this gijice at grace. Subscrptiures may commence at.any time. • ADYEli.'1'iSEi1S • . Aadcertisers will please bear intuited that all "chances" if advert I:solvate, ..to ensure„insertion, should be handed it nut later than. Mon NOON -of such week. CY'RCUI„ATiON. Tris I1TEw.s-lt,Eoouu has •a larger circulation than any other 1 z 7aper',in this section, and as an advertising rraediun has few• eguak.. in Ontario. Onr books are • open to:• those who Creast business. , • . r 408 PitJNTIiNr.. The -Jule -Department Of this jour- nal is One of the best 'equipped in i 'cdterra Ontario, and a superior Mass (y• work is guaranteed' at coy moderate rates.. • . OR 0 UR t 0. TORY:= TEADERS His Life's.:One . Holiday.. Huntingdon 'Wayne was thirty-five, and . had never yet` been in love: Ile had worked hard aurbwell arid had glade a fortune which even he. •f'elt would •enable hills, to marry without being.recklessly imprudent, and he began to' • think it was time to :decide •upon a wife who Ai; ould satisfy his Soiuewhatfastidious requirements. She must •bo of a stately and noble present—Wayne had rather au icloli of'a flue woman not too young lior tee, emotional \Vayue was 'a. .Belson • Who hated, scenes—in short, she':wrls to be n ' ►vunlan, made .to order, and he found •it 'snore diffii;ult to :discover 'her * .: than .he Iiad at first supposed,.. ' Jt Was with a feeling of something.. as akin to failure as his well regti lated mind ever indulged in that he . ordered his portmanteau packed for a fornight's visit to` Newton=ori-Son, and' tore• hirnsolf away frons- the f tscinations of club and office life to .pay a long' visit Weld'friend Dr: ]Marshall. He had 'seen noth- - irlg-of the Marshal:1i for- years. 'though ,tllero was a tie of old • as, a trouble of two years bad left her, it seemed to flim it was his duty to try and atone to ]ler for all the suturing and loss she haul Under - Rue; ea if hie life ought to hake up to her for Jack's heath, somehow. .titraiigs+, that duty had never had shell a zest and a pleasure in it. be- fore: Sho was a thing no new to his experience, with her lileacling blue oyes, her soft' little ways, and the pathos that hung about all that she did and said. Wayne used to sit and watch her furtively,as if she were a creature of soma unknown race. Three slays after the first evening and• the hammock, rho• ideal "fine woman” had, died out of his hind, never to return, and before the weckt was over, hit had ,salid to himself.• - lee the'practical,.• cool-headed Hunt- iugdon 'Wayne—that life without little Hotty.would be hardly worth. the living, and that he roust have her for his own, or die. .Practical common-sonsical men often take the hardest forth of the disease galled love. . He spoke • the midi • asked 'filo dost prise, but pleasure, and when . tk::hall finished, lie grasped, liim heartly by 'the hand.. •• • ,•• ' ., \Iy dent• fallow," he said with Something .between a smile .'and. a sigh, "you have my heartiest con- sent and best wishes, if you can get •Hetty,to say 'yes,' :You are almost. a pout of poor Jack, and there's no one else; I should so gladly.call cosy non. Of course it. all rests • with. Hetty; btitr.l:'know she does -not dis= ails you, and we must• trust to..time for the rest.. Lobe such as she gave poor Jack,•porhaps the sante.wornan never ' gives. •twice. over; but there's no reason• why she shouldn't love you and,' maks you a • goods wife; The grief of two years..biick is pais - rug sway—it. is more the physical state left by the shook of that •tithe • that wears. ori 'tier now.. Perhaps she swill never be• very robust, .but' you will take• good care of her, Pin certain.,+. . . sociations:between them, and even 'something of seddel••lnterest. ' Five Years ago, when Wayne's uncle of fared Iriul,a berth in.the tea business,. of which lie sass now tale head 'are extended a like .offer to Hunting don's younger brother,•: Jack,;::but • Jack, always something sr ofa hot- headed headed fellow,, took •offence at•$onie, . word' or deed of his elder's and •re fused. the offer., Soon ;after he took some post on the east coast of Africa and went out with high hopes•of the fortune be was to -bring back and. lay at Hetty Marshall's feet. Perfect Hair - indicates a natural and healthy condi. Pon of the scalp,, and of 'the glands through which nourishment is obtained. When, in consequence of age and dis. ease, the hair becomes Weak, thin, and gray, Ayer's Mir Vigor will strengthen ft, restore its original color, pramote its Irapid and vigorous growth, and impart to it the -lustre and freshness of youth. "ache shall be strong again, please God,• if:I can.• make her ..se. by' lily: devotion," said Huutieg ion, wh le a vision of unspeakable Happiness danced before his, :mind's eyes.;—,d, snow-white yacht . cruising,: furlong smiling islands in a' suiniuer• sen, seeking health:' for her wlio was • its• queen. '4'1'11 leave the business to look after itself," he thought with a glow of :rahture, "and travel round the ►:01.1 d with. her till tills color collies hack to her.pale face•.and the light • to her eyes—yes, • and the happiness to her Heart:" So the fortnight wore away, and .another was well-nigh n e h ons, and yet rn• � ayuo ]rnaoled nt''Neu ton -on ea tie' was neve! •away. •from Hefty's side.; h'e.fetched and carried feeler • like a• dog, he• w,as'•a slave to her every wish. • Dr. and 11Ir. Marshall regarded 'Milli With tindisgu.ised favor. VO Tom, the le Cllfl 't 1'•' enfant': terrible able of the family, vetc,l hirci "no end jo11,y,".auc1 Iletty--petty liked Banal tvoll ; her eyes brightened -when Ile caine she liiissed'lii_ru' when he went :ii►ity.; lie was so thoughtful, so ]rind, so goose, no. ouo could help .being fond of, hunt.. •. _ • Ones••night there -Was it storm, and 'by noon the next day camethe news that a great ship froin 'the Capo had gone to pieces on the •Rsazor'Rocks, not two miles away. AYoth ing would do but -that Hetty must go,.and see. it. There' were no lives lost; they heard, but the life boat people must wait "till• the tide fell ,before. thdy could get. Alf.alt• the crew, and lIetty was ;eager to• .sea the rescue. So Huntingdon, of course, volunteered to drive• her and •'Master Tom to the scene of the disaster in .lIetty's lit(1e pony -carriage. , What a drive that was ! • AVacme will never forget it •while he lives. The hedges were all aglow' with the June roses and .tlie honey stickle,: and a• breath of su111lnci' floating up to them •fiotii the narrow • winding lanes. The .pony 'was fat and in- dolent and took its own trine. Wayne would not have hurriedono of its steps. The sun was setting' wh•eu they reached' the solitary bay where the steamer and run ashore,. and a golden=glory shone over the sky and sea—edging . talo- cloiuf banks with unearthly splendor, and dyeing with crimson the shallow' pools left ley •the• retreating . The cliff path, to the shore was steep and narrow. Wayne had to' help Hetty with a tender care. Perhaps life had •lever held such exquisite }Measure for hint before. Her little light shawl, lay over .his arta, her small liana vested in his clasp. It seamed to him the world was bound- ed by lIetfy. Ilever had his heart beat SO high with hope. Once she stopped to gather a tiny blue dill flower1 and, Huntingdon heard of the engager, • ment with Some contempt; for the folly which possessed twoyoung people without a penny; but when,; throe years later, news ,Came of •pee • Jack's death '.cut in Zanzibar;' the little bride that . was to have been glassed out of his naiad, ,and'.'it was . .olgy when . an • invitation• edge to slim from, the Marshalls, who, were atNewton-ou-Sea .for1 etty's health, thatthe thought of • her existence crossed him again; • He had not oven seen her since she was a little child in pinafores, and when le • web brought up, on the evening.ho• arrived', ,to the side of a crimson hammock swung be-. tween two tall pine trees, and in troduced to a siight,•pa.le girl, whose r great blue eyes were raised to his ' his with a pathetic gentleness and. sweetness, a.ieoling such; es in all -- . Lis thirty-five years of sensible life 3 lie had .never, before experienced. shot through him with sin tht•ill of wonder, and nlniost bewilderment he took in his owu .the snutll,fragilo, white fingers, and then laid them • downkilinost reverently on the,;soft cushions amid wh•ioh she lay. • I suppose if. any one bad asked' Lim then and there whether ho be. lievod in love at first sight, he would have answered ns• eonteulpt- ously•as ever; and yet;: for all that, he ►was as deep In love as e've7 Alan yet fell at one blow. Ile told hint- seelf it was a pity. -41 pity that only grow as the days passed by, and he Il vz, haw flail and. aelidate a et•eatuuo T have used flyer's Hair Vigor for a long time, and am convinced of its value. when I was 17 years of age my hair began to turn gray. I commenced using the Vigor, and was surprised at the good effects it produced. It not only restored the color to my hair, but so stimulated its growth that. I have now more , hair than ever before, - W. W. Edwards, Coldwater, bliss. Ayer's Hair Vigor,. Sold by all Druggist* and Perfumers. lir YOU em senruniNQ from debility and loss of appetite; if your stomach is ;put of order, or your mind confused;' take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This lnedicine Will restore physical force and elasticity to the system, more surely and speedily than any tonic yet discovered. For six months I suffered from liver and stomach troubles. My food did not nourish me, and I becamee,i weak and very much emaciated. I took six bottles ' Of A.yyer's Sarsaparilla, and was cured. 7.17utius 11 I. xltimer, Springfield; Mass. 'Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Prepared by Dr. 3.0. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mase. Sold by Druggieta. Price $1; six bottles, $b., after a moment's -pause, ' she s• hyly' gape it to, him. Was -.it only the sunset glow that iuockdd his fancy, or did a delicate color really mount to her cheek at his low spoken word. 'of thanks?. • • • Out, far out on the low, black ledge of cruel -rocks jay the groat sh •tt gyred •ship, Little I boats plied swiftly and ,safely across the quiet hallo ws.where the storm waves had raged 'not many, hours ago.. .Hetty was all excitement to see the rescued people ; while Toni, with:the frank- ness of his acre and kind;. declared. aloud that this sort, of ship -wreck• wasn't much rood—thole wasn't any drowning to be•done! The'thoughtful• Huntingdon •hall, •of course brought.ft.;, telescope, 'arid stood like statue of 'Atlas, wh'ili - .Hetty rested the glass on : his shoulder and. watched their boats land thoir•bu•dens at tlie•littlo lash= ing pier. , He was in•a sort of rapt •dream,• hearing dimly Hetty's little ejacula- tions of . pity over the bodragfiled ' aspect of the shipwrecked, and alto. gether.ignoring'Master Totn's,solhe- what crude chatter as that. youthful torment -wetter •his Met at tale near-: gin of the tide, and gave his opin- ion with delightful .confidence upon inattors in general and shipwrecks in .,particular. '1'he sunset' glory grew brighter and more vivid, light- ing up the sombre cliffs and level waste of water, and throwing• into shop relief .each black stake of •the Gsltlnarr ,nets s►Lrch clotted the bosons oflie broad odbay It seemed to•. Wayne ne' .that he would like to stand just • do. forever petty close to hiin he; liar siip- port and comfort, no olio to.come. between ; for Tom certainly. did not .count for ln,ncll..: Was it not a typo• of what all their life to come was to •-h0.4 Crimson: glory---Hetty ae enk> 'hag, : on :hon, his • highest happiness. to minister to, her.' Suddenly into 'his clream•rana a shriek, w'ild.and terrible. .The tele- scope relied from his shoulder and splashed into a peel sit his feet, and as he turned to catch Hetty's' faint- ing figure in his stalwart arms, with one lightning flash his eye fell "1 where her's had rested, and saw, in the crowded boat load just reaching. •the shore, among the bronzed and J .bearded faces of the wrecked ship's crew;the face bf Betty's lost:lover -his own brother Jack l: •Waive ABRAHAM `S•MITH Ali I swell; sv.e11. \� aive ithaved capitally, overt one said: "Old Pon • Market Square, ilii stau4tard Medical {dark FOR YOUNG & MIDDLE -ACED MEN. Only $1 by Mail,. I'utitpaid,. Illustrative Sample Free to All. KNOW THYSELF. A Great liteilleni Work Ott Illuniwio.l, Exhausted Vitality, Nervone and Physical De. bility Premature Decline hlp(at1, 'eaters of Youth and tine untold miseries resulting from ladiscre Mon orexeassos. A book fur every elan, young;, middle-aged and old. it contains la proscrip• Mous fur all acute and unseals diseases, each of witch is Invaluable. 'So foetid by the Author, whose experience for lS years is such air probably never beton) fell to the. lot of any physician*. Sufi pages,• hound in beautiful French ninslin, emboss. ed covers, full gilt, guaranteed to be a filler work In every sense than any other work sold in luta country for $2.50, or the money •will be re funded in every instance, Price only 51.00 by mail, postpaid. Illustrated saniple free to any body. Semi now. (load medal awarded the author by the National Medical Association, to the Pre• ardent of which, the lion. P. A, Bissell, and associate offtears of the Board the • reader Is respeettully referred, • The Science of Life is worth more to the yearn: and iniddle•aged men of this generation than all Outsold minas of California anih the silver mines of Nevada combined.: -..S. 1'• Chronrete. d quicksands nds n Science which theeints c constitution ae nd hoolopes of many a young; ratan baro been fatally wrecked. If aricheater Mirror.. TheSeionce of Life is of greater value than an the medical works published, in this country for the past 60 yearn.—Allanaa Co,ietitnfion. The Setence of Life Is a superb and masterly treatise on nervous an 1 physical debility.- Detreit P'f•ee J'rena: • There is no member of society to whom The Science of fife will not he useful; whether youth, carat, nl. .guardian, instructor er elernman,-- A,Pena Address the Peabody Medical Insti'ute. or Dr. W. K- Parker, No. 4 Builrnch Street, Boston, Mass., who may be consulted on rill diseases re. (miring skill and experience. C roicand ohatl n ate diseases that have banana the skill of all other physicians a specialty.. Stich treatedsuccessfully without an instance of failure. Mention Tis .Taws-ltscoaw@unton, Ont. 3S4 -y BUTLER'S Schobl Books. ALBUMS, PURSES, SATCHELS, n_ .. l GODERICH. C MISCELLA.NEO US KS, BOOKS 01 All Kirids,- • CLINTN .00 • CARRIAGE W ^'--�:f you are !► ���� . needing a nobby rig call'anil examine- R 4rNz s7'00 Open and' Top Bu � 0,0;..ggies; Democrats, - Photons, and Celebrated Cantelolz Gear, the Remember, my vehicles are mode 011ie best materials oouatrxFhitt sell ,urek •I RPecialty. .Had , end every rig (iron ry on merit,'Prices n nut Peddle rigs rated. ^ Call and see stock h the �..A O• Low. T. 4i1114157AOTURER QP -- CARRI AGES,.1NAGON•Ss &C., : Corner of Huron: and Orange Streets, CLINTON. The Tim ki Improved p P a Buggy a- specialty. is Durabiliiy, Lightness and Appearance equalled by no other. All the latest improved vehicles kept constantly on band. FIRSTI:.CLASS BLACKSMITH in connection. Best material and workmanship in all branches. •- ALL .WORK WARRANTED. - - PRICES' REASONABLE. Qom- Repairing ..and. Repainting Promptly Attended to.. HOTI"' ;_ "SNOT Yes, and with the right kind of aiulnuuition, at 133 JA:IES - ANDERSON'S.- RESTAURANT. OYSTERS in Shell and Bulk, by Dish or "Quem', • CANDIES 1Oc. per pound. ORANGES and LEMONS. 25o. per dm CALL' AND SEE US. : WFXT GRAND UNION.. • • ADVERTISERS I. Make a note of, the fact that TIirE NEWS -RECORD iias' added more bona fide new subscribers' durilhg•;the present year than anyother paper in this sectic•n, • Note the fact that THE tNEW-RECORD has a larger, elide , lation.than any othr paper' in this •section.: • Nole the fact that 'THENEWS-PECORD has onerice: only, and: that Price reasonaLle. p , NOTE THE FACT The :: Double ::1 O.' _. ' Circulation TALKS TO THOUSANDS t ti BUTLER'S ; // FANCY Printing. conewcn. ' GODER,ICH. oliday Goods; At BUTLER'S; MARKET' SQUARE, ` CODERiCH•: • .0 OR r�ecr U►Y �^ 0 A Y !i PLATA FANCY on ANT mica eP OF'ALL 'EINDS. ((oB Cl S uberior itorl TlN �urated:pRIN oar ort -- . AT MODERATE PRICES ... GREE 4" .9.', AijD1lE5B w Addecf. UU Bal. -BUTLER -SELLS GIE APEB- tliara anyone on top of the earth. - : 06%14,7 WANTED—Polies or•Oebtlon•en.- . RCJLILLdi' IUT�ftlii. A t%gad commission and work easy. Addresat The :Good ltneomi, Clinton: SS3 '. - ! Fire Insurance Co y NeGoods, New.Goos, . NOTiOE. • VV .1110 .J behaved like the brick Ala he is after a11, to' use Jack's 'own ex- - • He took his brother into partnership, and enabled him to marry' hlotty within• six weeks— Homy, to whose cheeks the roses bad coiite hack', as if by some, Magic shell: He never married.: • "Pon was.an old bachelor before' he was in knickerbockers," . ,Jack confides sometimes to his wife. ' People say Ito meatus to leave all his money to his Weed; little Hetty, who. bap her mother's • eyes. And deep iii a secret drawer, carefully treasured fronir prying eyes, lies a withered saranof' weed, which was once .a blue clitf.flower and all that is left to Huntingdon. Wane of his life's one holiday, A VORTUN AU VOA PS. lira. Cyrus XiIl erne, BOA niaVill e, Ont., !fad what was supposed to be a c:ancet: on her nose. tike was about to snhrnit to a cancer ulnetnr'a treat— ment, when she eonelmh'd to try Burdock Blood Bitters, interf►ally anti externally, n few bottles of which entirely cured. her • • Photograph Alliums. ` • • ,Autograph Albums. Albumns. . Vases and Chinaware. • • Purees and 1Vallets. 'FANCY GOODS Of all kinds, cheaperr than ever, WM. COOPER,' NEWS AGENT, The Undersigned are appointed to apt as; ammts in the Township of tloderich for this Company;: Any, person t iTing• to, insure in .tins o marl ieliahlc'ralin s Company should apply to cithea 7•noMet•4 \rsLAna, • Ilarlock P. O. ; or SAzltc'l li CAnuOCnAN; 'Senrol•th 1'.. A. Prompt .attention will, be given. • ' AfelXillnp, Julie 3rd, 1886. 395•7m /y 24'111 MAY, GQDE•Z�ICY .. . Beaver Block ROOK ti'I`0JtE.Queen's Birthday. • • • • WEST OF }NOLAND BUTT- INGS & TROIJSE]:tINGS, SCOTCH:TWEE1) SUITINGS 4.43. TROUSERINGS, TRENCH AND ENGLISIIWO1I= SIM CLOTHS,- Made up hiBest Stflle and Work- nfcl ship at Abraham Smiths. • Nora- in stock One of the cheapest • and bet st0elrs (g`' : WINTER GLOTHINC AND OL,OTH•S. A Fall Line of GENTS' FUR- NISHINGS always in• stook, It trill pay you to call on ABRAHAM SMiTH. .PURE SEEPS KS .White 13elgiau Carrot Seeil 40c per lb Foni' kinds of Mangold Serlls, 20c. per all.. .•� ■ .' 'Turnip Seed, 25e. per lb. .. ....: ; I Western Corn POe. Buckwheat 756. Oil Cako $2.50 par cwt • 'fire'w'orks 11 Oatnseal,t12 lbs. orOnts in the biislkel, exchange for , �oi call %tRnf s; A A few EARLY 01110 POTATOES FOIL SEED at 7vc..pi'r bushel. B RODERICK'S J. STEEPCLINTON.' 1 or the 24th play.. f i - VRUITS 01i+' ALL EIZI S4 ` • , IC CUL Beat ROLLER FLODR 1?INI� .,t>t'1'S'T.Is:S & EANANAS ,lust n>trivcd. • at'fl $2.10 PER CWT. BRAN by the ton or cwt. • Aer ramilies supplied 16,44 Xco '1' (IIIc. I'Elt CWT. Cream on short ilottce. Delivered free of'charge anywhere its town. ° MRS. BRODERtele,, tiR!s, •iO.fllN 1tK1<'�iOl�,'', Tlioa. Core cr'i old dank CLI N TO,i ' JACI:soi:'S 131404 • tilltia aTIi> 1 • .