HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-08-11, Page 2PTT )J tELt MSl -r1•'t3 pts A"nur1. +u ActA au. t. V014• VI [ • ---N Oe 3t• CLINTON, HURON COUNTY, ON T., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1886. WII.OLE 10. 404 w..�.-moo•-....• .nuw....��.......�......... _. • "INDEPENDENT IN ALL TlitYGtS, NEUTRAL IN NOTIJJNO." • llixm 141 1i; hronib} leaWlsitcita; Aden IIWM1 Lo<alM. were oil U,ol rich he writes, "we gentleman friends. Though Port yaw• by our telescope, a small clear- Mlmt'un is about three times more 1..1111: • .\ large omeller u- t' people souk ;ele•ult •.e of tl e 4'hoap I.tke trip oat the cunllno,liu'1, lake sitsont•r, reite01 .l•.u,l.iPr, the 11rgi•-1 1't.snellger boat 111 it plies the lakes, provided by the culelttliee of the benevolent sueiety 01 11'l,ftt'lloo' , -lmumg the number weir, 111;11ly sin/ens of 1 iinluu. 'rlu � u\age w'1).. 110111 11 041,1j1.11 to Purl 11111011, 111'11,, 1)1 flit; 111011111 ul' the 1 11\00 tit. ('Lair, .e.;lf%ins; at the .,lr.t)IO'1'$ al (;uilell,'ll, 0110 11 1 ,11101' :1.t0'1l1-11e41 11 t11e inlun•n<ily of this lee 1,1111 ,11 0t' 1be rlee1' "lrllirh t 1011(•111 1 i'••Ir•.' 01111 ruuunwill les 110111 p1.\t:' 111 Il tee, and ('un.uri.tteth the dist out regione in p;utieipalium of Their fruits." The Is'rei,irrfis(';,!sal ign Is lilt. uu•n4';1 and moulted, her coin. ll1 101sT being rapt. 1•:11tv;u•d Robert- son, it lung time resident of Crude - rich, and nue ut' the tltust Courteous, as h0 i1 1111' must Capable and Care- ful of uE161101's. '111)0 Wind 11.td hewn blotting front the 1101\ t' -t for some time ;11)11 1hn lake. Was quite billowy ;Intl the air • quite cool so that many intending pleasuve eeek4'1•1), probably 200, 1laid at. 110ne'. While thuee who h1'avett ▪ 111e t•uy,;ge u"01'e 111rtutrctl to en- counter as disturbing an element as ('vett the must (wonky yagatiaa of • 111t• hull. 1'; 1Wald Make could pro• d nee. 'As the ilnnlenee craft moved out • 1'1un1 the duck te•ilh the ease of al 0 nee. being peddled across it placid pout', une euuld not help allowing his thoughts to revert lack eight- een hundred 'oat's Itgu to the time v,11011 Lair Saxon 11110e8lurs plied the seas of northern Europe \1.1111 flat- bottomed lets bulbs fruul 50 to 70 feet lung, their sides of u,lk planks fast- ened with bark ropes and 1)0)3 hulls. 1"'sty l ns w1' 1111 drive sem 1' 1 IJ' conf lata 1•riulitive 01(11'14 over the waves, and British. American provinces, the like the galleys of the middle ages enormtousterritorial.aclditiontothelu they could only creep along Prom iu the Northwest, and in the exe- luubur to 111111)01' in rungli weather. cutiuu of public works of enormous 31ut. in smooth oveat1er these often magnitude, notably in tlto coustruc- 1'iratical (naffslvuul(1 venture to tiuu of 11101ranscoutineutal highway,' what MIS 011'11 cunsid('re(l distant through Canadian territory front the parts:, from their pact bug homes Atlantic to the Pacific. stud S0'O01) tlow11 1111011 seine foreign We quote from Sir Chas. 1Ji11<C'y ('oast. And the daring ul' the FAT- work lisp rice in those early dltys was 38 "The idea which all the length of noted as it has been in modern ',my travels tilts been eft once my times. '1' he lhoulan annuls hear wit- "guide—a key where to unluek nese : "1'ue.s are they, tierce h&ynutl "the 1Maden things strange lands 1'7 �� b „ • r lug in 1110 t'ur,'l.t, 1)11,1 Lu the brow jwt,uluns than Clinton it has a dead of flue rising ground a cutttge de- and alive appearance when coin- lightfully situated. 1}'e had surae bared with the bustling, business debate it it could be the lucatiu11 o1' ''hub" which we lead loft only a few 1)r. Dunlop who had the laud ex- hunk previously. However, what plutilig Lofty. (1n a111ru110hiug the the people seemed to luck inbesiness 111000 w'' Were 11101 by 0 00110e, 1uty- energy they male tip in hospitality. ing on hoard it strange cuulbiu;ttiuu The post office is probably the most of Indians, vetveteeus and whiskers, preteuti0ns building in the place and discovered within the routs 01 and 18 a really fine structure. About the rod hair ibc living featnct1) of. 13 p. tit. we etal'ted on Our home- t11e 1loclur," '1'1111) fixes the date ward voyage nuts reached Gudericlt of the setllen)1'nt of liuderich by lite ,shout, 6 0. m„ the majority of the l',nl;ula 1'unipuny'� agents. vast throng of about 500 persons A1111 t}lultgll 1110 pretty tutu, now looking as though a trip on the lake, just lust sight of', has nut, ul;ulu the like all the beneficent opportunities tlrugress ut a 'I'urunto or a (.'1103 ego, a kind (;reatur hats placed it is the county seat ut' nue of the (011ltin 000 reach, is not with - wealthiest and Must fertile agricel_ nut its disadvantages. In fact tend sueli001 in all Canada gild only unalloyed pleasure would not be twelve Miles distant 11.010 the inure pleasure at all, would bo nothing progle$sivv 10(011 of ('01,1011 fauui1 but vapid insipidity. And as we tarty called the "hub" un accuenl of 010 jutting the finale t1 those lake centrality 811 fat' its being the bus - who there is no doubt many 111081) and gcooruphicul centre of the vvho delouueud the fates last Tuc's- cuuuty. day, 3rd, who on this Tuesday, the Then as distinct objective points 1(1111, have reversed their decision un land fail to b0 localized w0 luul< and congratulate themselves on hav- ;d a newspaper' told our cyoS light lug guile through 11 transient period on 1110 name of 1)i[1<e, "1)isgracu(1 of unpleasant emotions to secure Uiles" i11 black lettea'c(1 he:ul lilies, their present exaltation of mind '1'110 prulnineut English St;1te8r11an and exhilerated physical condition. I wish to re - such '1t1 antipodean contrast. sat., their act, voyage cm a boletus - sent whose private and public lilt pre- But they will se:weoly 'It tl ' lake s c. 1 \\'u hart only a few minutes bet'ure, ous day more 111au once a year. 1 t1) will be observed above, r.)I'erruel tf ..le 11,11 was rat 1e1' an uneventlu 11111isit America as Greater Britain. 0110. I' he ifrep/re left the duck at It is to the unfortunate disgraced C'uderieh without citizen John statesuulu that fru are indebted 1'01 Smith and as Mr..Smit.h is a prom - the term "C.reatur 111itain," 11e hay- i1)011t official of the ,Society under jug travelled in this country in whole auspices the excursion was 1 18'66 ,1111 1867 and afterwat'd pub- gotten up, Copt. Robertson oblig- lished a worse bearing the above ingly reversed engines and backed title. lu nue passage 110 bears' up to the dock, remarking as Bro. eloquent testimony to the 1)e- 'South, ,got his sea logs on deck, cent 'dished work of the Liiglisll', "Smith, 1 would not have put back fur 1110 (.uv Gouut •11 been considerably realized since gra- ntee and its possibilities, which have 1110 itiel;' of Mr Smith very naturally c u I'(1 se• • I Le • which it was agreed that the receiver shonld pay for the cider a conven- ience, the matter was apparently settled. The deliverer then asked all hands to have a drink, which wa8 served, when, 110 immediately asked for his $5 for the cider, re- marking that he was not the only man who would be compelled to pay a fine of $50. It is needless to. say that the cider was paid for forth - w ith.-11Ierctcri/. • East Waevastosh. Miss Keys and Mrs. Morrison are the guests of Jas. I%i gill, sr. Tkc Misses Young, of Paris aro the guests of Miss Sarah McGowan. Miss Clara Duncan, of Blyth, was the guest of Miss Bella Magill last week: (loo. Quinn is suffering from one of "Job's comforters" that has lodg- ed on Itis arid. iA. M. 13tu'chill has boen engaged fur 1887, rho trustees known they have a first class man and arc shrewd enough to keep him. Jas. Putter who has been on the. sick list for a few day:) is improving, his condition promises a speedy re- covery. A number of our elite attended ^Clio Maud Coucert at Blyth, they testify complimentarily with regard to it. Acommon pll'r',ze : f°I shall have to 'take that 1100001) to see what is go- ing on. It seems to get hold of the rows first." 1'a '1'he East Wawanosll Fall .Show will be held iu 13elgrave on Friday, October 1st, for which information wo aro indcbtcd to Secretary, 1'. Anderson. At the late meeting of tlio Myth Agricultural Society the resiguation of the -president, Johu Culitmiug, and fellows up the old style of plod- present that were to take pati, tela ding can read any selection (inkeep- chairman gave a song entitled "The ing with the oluld's advancement.) Soldiera.Grave," eatery one pronoun - 'Phis native leas had experience and ting it' -excellent. The +dueta ,by has watched with due diligence the Messrs, Colley and Gilley. oat .the retrogression of education. Who is olarionet and cornet was good. The right band played. some lino pieces at in» •torvals,' and brought the aflilir to a • Blyth, close by playing. "God save the ItIrs.•Curtis left here on;-Thurs. Queen,"every one feeling satisfied day on a visit to Detroit. that it was one of the best concerts Mrs'. J. B. Kelly ret uetl home • of the season. Proceeds, $11. . • from bar visit to Stratford; on•�^— -'•�. !'h nrscl`ay, SUsauteritilij. 11i . A. 0: 'V'an Egentencl Was. at The various sgunds"tlenotiug this Seaforth this week attending the presence of sterni threshers are again funeral of a deceased relative. heard, The ^ fall wheat is turning Mrs. Freeman, the priest of ATr.Out will in is section. Enligh for- some time past, left •h.o10' oat Saturday for Caledonia. Miss Nellie Ritchie, after a year's absence in Toronto, retnrned.11onte• on Thursday. Mr. Alfred Rogeuuu is •erecting t+. nice -residence in rear •of Lawrence's factory. I,� otir minks, wore seen at one time' • • Mr. W. Crittenden is building a vecently winding their way;,.along . • fine dwelling house .on Ilainilton .11110 ba3.ik of, the river. . • avenue. Mr, and Mrs. Tyner, of Belgrave ware visiting at Mr. Chas.--Lovott's this week. . ' . A fox has been -seen several tinges prowling around near the river, He no doubt has his eye on some more fat kiwi, Messrs. Freeman &'Wa.tson, our II�ollmesv l)lc' Car - local cattle buyers; Lipped a car. - load of Iambs from this • station to Buffalo On Saturday. J. T. Carter's stallion, Kentucky Star, left here last week for Seaforth to go into training fertile coming races there. Mr. Thomas Atchison and family left here on Monday for Kincardine where they intend tit make their: home. AIr. W. H. Colley, our baud anas- ter having accepted. au offer from the Soaferth baud left for that town Olt Monday. : ' . `C. Hamilton has- had. OMperiters .at l'ol•k 'tells 1v s0k-iiiaking.necessary alterations in his. liardlvateV:, store, t u l e u t lean iu t 1'c tion of the" v y epi wtu1t11accepted.11 f 11 , was le 11.1111) a sus• It will now be lnot'e c0nye111ent • or, Boss, of this township 1)1)5 boon slog- for hila t attend .to 1110 Want$ 'cif gest0(l. It is very probable that he his custolt�ers. will be the new president. He has igen connected with the society fur Mr..R. Hartnett, tixlived Moine on ,. a long time and 111)1) been ono of the 1Vlouday after itavin ;• lieon'at Bakst best eorl'tributors to the success of St. Marie since spring.. His return the show in the cattle line. was sooner than he eXifeted.:.0winn to injuries receive& by a,itlilroad R. McGowan has finished a fin" Crain running, off tlletsae1..' l�e hope board fence along the coucessi0u, 'to, see Richard soots till, right again. the bar11j,��,`�'ire mania is subsiding, r "e f'w'1'ellltes `are being built of that • On Friday our juvenile base ball other foes 1)1)11 11s cunning Its they „—is a coneeptiun, however it1- • re fierce • the sea is their school of "perfect, f' tl u ', of our 0 10 gl'a 1( Clll' ' war and the 8101111 111)111' friend; they "race, already girdling the earth, are sea-WCit VCS that they, upon the "which it is destined, perhaps, pillage, of the world. '1' his, thongs► "eventually to overspread. 111 Anler- Tather an equivocal compliment to „icll, the peoples are being fused to - their regard for hero/( and tonna i$, "ge'ther, but they run into au Eng - nevertheless, Il correct pu(n•trayal 80 ''lisp mould : Alfred's laves and f.11' as regards the bravery and. sea ,"Chaulcer's tongue are theirs w•Iteth- at-1101110-utive-utas of the 1:ugl1sh "es they would or no. 'Teri are race. "nun who say that Britain in her Anil as we looked at the butting "age will claim the glory of staving on the f'nite+l L'erlrirrt a (lilt plulor- "plautc'(l greater I•:n;{lauds acres a111ie view of of the doings of the "tile seas. '1'lley fail to perceive mariners t 1' England during the "that she has dune more than found long intervening years down to the 11plautations of her own—that she present lime fleeted before the men- "has imposed her institutions upon tae vision. Fruut the. piracy of "offshoots of Germany, 01' Ireland, prinlitiyeism down to this age of "of Scandinavia, of Spain, ttud of English civilizetion and 1'liiisti.unl "France." effort, the sea has iud11d been Eit+„- Sir Charles had a proper collcep- lnd's "school of war." And !bit- tion of tho•gra11deur lull dignity of taulastil1 rules 111e w(wa$. 1lsitlania, his race. 'Tis ten thousand pities' whose flag has braved a thousand that ho did not make Ws OW11 11 11 - years the, battle and the 0i'eezo and doubted individual greatness eunl- whose people have been the 111011118, tort Wil 11 that (011iel he so eloquent - as 3)aniel \Webster eloquently 11111 ly describes as belonging to his 1(100 truly Haid, of eti'eeti11g foreign cue- collectively. Sir Charles' upl(or- quest and 8ub,jugatism to (0•111011 families as an individual were great. Rome, in the height of her glory, 1 Ile is the son of a baronet of the eumld nut cullll)0re—"a power which same na1110 (0110 WINS 0110 of the ('o111- 11as dotted the surface sol' 1110 whole n(i,Hiuue1s of the Internatiun.11 Ex - globe with her possessions and nil- llibi110111) of 1 851 and 1863 who for it�u'y pv,1't, whose meriting (bums- his s('rvi0(8 111 that capacity was 10- be,tt, fulluwi)g 1114' slur in ifs 0011180 \,trsled with a baronetcy in 186_'. and keeping flare with the, hours, The present. Sir (;hau'les hassuceeed- eirelo1 1111, earth with one continuous ('d his father and grandfather as and unbroken strain of 1114 martial pi•op,'iotoi' of the Athewr'unr, t1,0 airs of England." Ault its 1.114' gall- , leading British litel'au•y,j,oIl ll0l. To ltut steamer ('013(11('11 from the shun'• compare gauult matters with lesser w we hugged the thought That we, in ones, Canada's opportunities are this ('amatl;t of ours, this (creator gl'(';lt. 1t' ('auada is only lane to llrilain, were part and 1)1001 off herself nationally cvirylhing ire pos- e that tower, the 'gren,f,,t Pewor in 1 sigh' With her, lint if as Bir Charles material anti mural resources that i 11,1 intlivialnally, w•u' stoop to 111)1)4'. the 81111 1138 over 1110114' 011011. purposes collectively, furgett'ni of And 09 1he. Pine Point lighilemee, 0111' true Ilignily 1101 our (loll -like. • rho Puha I arm 1)1111 ten Anvil 11,1ge , lllies.ont we will, like 11111, netteesar- at Gullet ic1( and the ( lullerinh light ilv sink into (i('SelvOtl and disgraced 1101180, and the international salt I ullliviu11. works and the steep clay baulks I \I'e, reached Pott 1irtron about 3 reco(lo (rum vi(•ev„1(11111 (colt's (lath- 1'. ill. and elle quiet of our medita- or of Sir A. '1'. and .Jinlgo (salt) de- ; tions, which had only boon inter- seriptiun ul his first 0111001 1)11111 1'o- raided now and again by the music volition at (ivaleri0.h in 1828 iH . of the banal, and the once and a bounds, and he feels not only ex- tremely obliged to the Captain for the trouble he wont to so that he coups enjoy himself with his bretll- 1 ren and attend to duties assigned hitt by them, but the coupling his ' name with that of the Gov. Gonoral he feels was so gracefully clone and si sincerely expressed, that ho shall never forget it so long as the eternal ' principles of faith, 'truth and Love abide in human hearts. About 500 tickets were sold and the Society 1vi11 nets for benevolent pn1'p0, 1'i of the Order about 160. —..--__•..ems.—w A(KNc•wsii11(lMENT. — Last week the Rev. A. Stewart began the ninth year of his pastorate in Clinton. 1)uvine the week he was pleasantly surprised by receiving through the post office a purse of $176, from his' congregation, es a token of their goo(} will and of their appreciation of his past Services. 1101;ND TO FIND III,f.—Mr. Coats, the energetic town clerk of Clinton, though a Grit, was sufficiently' in- terested iu Mr. Relit, Porter, the ct,Unt.ed out C;ouservati('0 candidate at the last Parliamentary election in \\'est Huron, to ferret out his present whereabouts in order to send Jinn comes of voters' lists of tho town, in accordance with the stat- nt.ury r,gniremenIs. After consider- able correspondence ,lir. Coats re- , rived answers from Mr. Porter's old frieud1, in the neighborhood in 1turon where he formerly resided, that that gentleman's address is Ehnvale,'Siulcue county'. (_'11)11)1 STORY.—'Tis 18 One of the latest etorie8 in Connection with the Scott Act :—Some time ago 0 Citizen ordered a barrel of cider 11.011 a manufacturer not a dozen utiles from Guelph, The cider Was not deliverc'(1 at the appointed time, and a few days afterwards the buyer 1181<ell the seller why he did not fill the order. The an8wer given wa8 10 1110 effect that he would I,i1<e to he paid his money money first. The reply was that the cider be delivered at 01100. The sellar accordingly went to the residence of the purchaser al few days al'tt1Wiu•ds, (0•1111 the Cider. Ile would not deliver it until lie 110(1 received the col1(lteral. After eumc talk the purchaser Landed the maul a $3 hill. As 80011 as the eider was t,aknn 11on1 the waggon, the perohas- rr rinnarl<ml , ''Nov you have play - ell a pretty sharp trinlc on me, doubt lug 1113' honesty, now 1 will have 11(y turn. If you do not hand me lack that. $3 I will inform on yet for soloing c0)1(10ry to law.” The reeened. Galt haul route from Pen- While eolicitoue inquiries of flume 1 deliverer of the cider was in a fix, so ot;algoi'hin4' in a Brifie1) gun boat robust• peseenger after the 101311aro to speak, lot, ile was (final t.o 111 to esta(hlisl(a l;arlur, anal 1)8 1hoy , of surae of Iti1 lose fgrtuuate lady or i uccasiQII, After a general talk, a e material, thee•barbat'ity of the alloiu_ club played -tile- return nlateli 'with 100(1011 is beeonl'ing too evident, ,tho,juvenile club of \'1 tnghain'.' The loan and beast alike suffer from its Blyth youngsters got badly defeated, treachery. The patron izers ovidontly owing, they i 01001, . to some 'of 111010 want to teach animal creation the opponents beiug large enough fol:. fact that withunt shedding of blood the seniors of that town. •b there is leo ronlissiou of sin. No A caro of assualt }vas tried 111 niau should build a barb wire fence Squire Young's oftice''beforo Messrs. bol'ore being. dragged along forty Kelly, Mckinnon & Youngs P's,' rods of ono by way of introdh}ction, against Jaines Barr on the cvnlilaint Miss A.McGowan has tendered her of leis hired pian John Carnack; oat rosiguatien as principal of the Man- Mouday resulting iu defendant hay - cheater school but will complete lug to. pay a fino_g($4.00 and cost this year. She purposes retiring $•'•S5, in all $6. . • The financial district iliscting of the Goderieh 'distr oIi sill bo jlol(l in. the Methodist church here a week from Wednesday. .• Miss Maggie . Iiol'nies has beoii very .sick witll••inflamtnation of the lungs, she is'nuw reeovering.. Rev. Mr, Legeor,. of Clinton pain avisit fo.' oli.'r.-borough Friday .last. \'e understand that lie• was request toeoluo often. • • from tho arduous duties of teaching There was a large •congregation for a while. We regret her leaving present in the Methodist church on` the profession and hope she 1vi11' Sunday evening, withstand�' •, it chanl;o her mind as the profession was S0 dreadfully warm. :Th(3*]{ov.• will bo deprived of an eminently successful teacher and'oile who lets stood amongst/ the first, if not the first., its all examinations relative to the art of teaching. Mr. Lockhart wilt take her place. She is at pre- sent visiting friends in Middlesex. Another gauge of baso ball was played on the furor of 1). 'Magill. Notwithstanding the busy time a large crowd gathered. 1). 'Magill and J. Moss divided -them. One innings wags all that was played out by the two sides, the score standing Dave's side 6 run8; John's 2 111115. All were invited to the house where a ,jolly time was spent. Refresli- ments were served to an apprecia- tive assembly. From appear- ances all that would- have been necessary for the manufacture of benedi0ls was a preacher. I shall not (Rob) the assembly of any names however to (G'lara) fy my statement. What is called 111e p)rnf/)•e.<aimaal system Of' education 111 our common schools is called a retro(/rade syetein by one in our midst, aucl he bases his argument on the fact that reading and writing ,11 OW are at discount in comparison with the days of yore. HO takes reading as a particular ex- ample and 001115 that the "look anti say method" gives no educational basis to the chill and is as ineun- eistent as building a roof on an edifice before the foundation is laid, Children under this system may read a selection readily if they have been ever it recently, but 81101)14 the words come n1> in a different order o they are lost in perplexities, while t n child that begins lvit)1 the alphabet Mrs. Arntstrong; of Seaforth, 'and •M1s' :Grreonbide; 'of tendon, . were v.isititig Blois:uncle, Mr. Wm. Crooks last week. • 'Mr. Wm..Colelough, Sr., is lying' at; the point' ,of cleatll froin inflam- mation .of tlie"'lungs. - There will bo a Socialheld• at 111i'. Elfoids• under the tiuspices'of :Isle' Women's Foreig lssionary Socie- t;y 011 the 18th lust „'hero will be acldreises by iiiiuisters attending -the . district, meeting, also vocal' and ; in- strumental music, >:ead}ugs goes, re- citations... .A,•good. tithe may be:ex- pected 1)S th0re w%111 be •ono • peins. spared to make it a success.. Porter's•.. sill: A damaging, retied, sills .been eir- eulatgd 'effecting on. .the chal'acter• of•a.respect:ible.youngperson of't}lis' locality. , 'And the ,friends of., the..., slandered p'tlty:ore •Cluito illdiglltnt at U1e'cott arclly';attempt of unknown 'Mind lli'tihcious gossips to. blast that' fala'. name of .outi against when'. th(3 envenomed-,sliefts,_ direct , from thio anther 'of till 1ies,'through. his satan- ically, inspired slanclerous'. agents, eani1ot truthfully be directed, A1:1,d' that receptacle of all lies.?: the Clin- ton Bra, lies a Miserable lnuendo, • in which the oditorghoulishlygloats over the attempt. of' two tft'iends'.to find these fiends who- have; o tnitre-drat: \1', lulls preached an eloquent 50.r_one 8114)10 : 111110 nest ; > mon and was listened -to -with mark- away—character—which' onrieheth' •.:them not; but the loss "(if which ed attention. COUNCIL—Our city, fathers met "'cull•ui;llta 1110 robbijcl person 11000 . . indeed. Yos, that paper, no' doubt in the Orange Hall, Blyth, August, proinpted by: some ,dastardly - htlnd,, 2nd, 1856. All the members pre is joyous; perfectly jubilant t la, 11140 •.. sent. Minutes of former sleeting • read and approved.—Moved by '. . Hamilton, soceiided by Tilos: ,Bow- den, and rewired, that thofollowing - accouuts be paid, namely : doaelih. Carter, assessor's acco11I1t for tisses9- ing in 1886, $40 ; Mrs. Cherldtte- Muutry, Peharity, two hundred of flour, $4.50; Robert Brownlee for lodging and boardingtwo,ti'amps over tight, sent by' P. xelly, reeve; $1.50; Livingston & Calder,, for lumber to corporat ion of- J31yth, 00 ; William Wilson, eloi•k, on aceonnt, of salary, $12; Giffard Elliot, ac- count in full to •date,' $18. Moved. by C. Hamilton, seconded by 1i, Symonds, and resolved; II1111 .tbie Council do now adjourn.—Carried. "two detectiyes,"' tlio ,father and a friend of the slandered person, Have,, failed to fuid, the foul. assaseiti ,to' call .111111•niurderer.wo.uld be a ploy-. tit nLion of that dotestabletitlo. •Ab,• 4•th'o Hind has flown" that maliciously en(loav0rocl to fold the fair naive of.' a member Of a respectable family, says the Britt, and' ignorance o1; the whereabouts of the moral assassin "is blies." It is indeed "bliss".''for' the slanderer that he or she fcanno-t be fouiltl—t6has' flown"; bet', it q painful to think .that•stlolt.•a Moral, lclier•1:10s not, "flown," hitt: is still'' roosting and ecreenod on its percli, by those whose deeds love darltnos•t rather than light. It may he "funny". • for the Era man. to dab, n father, . \\'IGI,tA31 \\'IOSON, +11011:, who is anxious to protect the honor- The eoueert under the auspices of of his child,a "detective," but de - the Myth town band came off on, cency.Ana manliness, even without Friday evening. 'Tore was t1) large the: high and holy, teachings 'of our audience. The duties of chairman canilnon. Christianity, should Daus(( were performed by 1I1', R. Phillips• the abettors of slanderers and mom' in a very efficient manner. ,A.n nl111010rs to )naso ere he added insult excellent programme WAS given•: to i11jt}l'y,-�CAit, 1 he singing of 11Misses Phillips and] Mitelloll was well rendered. Mr. Relatives of :Toho AleDonal(1, of F. Tanner sang two Songs in Trish 136ntit1Ck, swore that lie was insane. character that would have (1otie nu(j had hitt sent to ,jail preparatory • credit to any Irisllmaln reeexttly out to going to the 11sy111111. The jail fret)) amid Ireland... Mr, William physician and another doctor 0011111 Shane sang two cootie songs that "find no. lrnees of insanity, and 1,11 canned roars of liltig,hter from all Wlednesday he was rolonsod by,1' tihi'. parts of the hall. ' ()wing to some. Lanes, having' been in. goal 1111'00 o!' the parties not being x010 to he Weeksl a;i4 i;e is very irltljgunttt.