HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-08-11, Page 1Ktaeast-ea420 nee Aapisises•riaa Ada -of.„
VOL VEIL—No. 31,
"INDEI'E:VAEN2' ,IN ALL'Tlioros. NEil!1t4L 1N 2'O2711,AW."
WHITELY As 1.00b, 1'ut tancte
W}1OL 1� QR 464
• AtltlitIan ii Locals. were off Gaderich he writes,, 'ie, gentleman friends, Though Port which. it was agreed thetthe receiver, arid follows up the old style of plod- present that were to take part, tilt
�- ,..... e'aw by our telescope a smell clear- Huron ie about throe times •fieri should pay for the cider at conven- cling can read any selection (inkeep• chairman nave a song entitled "Tho
REFLECTIONS. lug in the forest, and on the brow . populous than Clinton it has a dead Junco,. the matter was• apparently ing with the child's advancement;} Solctiel•s Glave," every one pronoun-
LAKE I� � populous
oftherising ground a cottage de- and alive 'appearance when eon- settled: The deliverer then. asked This native has had experience and ring it excellent.. The duets .by
A largoP 1
eo .pnumber' of ro' took li.ghtfully situated. 11'e had acute pared with the bustling, business all hands to have a drink, which has %I -etched with due diligence the Messrs. Colley and Gidley on the
nclvautago of the cheap lake trip ou debate if it could be the location of "hub" lvliicli we had left only a few, was sewed, when be immediately retrogression of education. 1�11•a.i$' clarionot and cornet wasgoad. The
the commodious lake steamer, United Dr. Dunlop v.bo bad the land ex- hotels previously, However, what asked for his $5 for the aider, 1'e.- right 1 1311141 played seine fine piecesat in..
Empirethe largest passenger boat ploring party, On approaehing trio the people seemed to lack in business marking that'he was not the only n tervals,: and brought` the affair tq a
that plies the lakes,provided by the place we were inet by a canon, hav- .energy they made up to hospitality. man who would be'••compelled to • Blyth.- .close by playing "God sive the
cute n•ise of the bnevolent society 'jug on board a strange combination the post office is probably the most -pay a .fine of $50. It is needless to lilts, •Curtis left hero .'on *Thula- ' Queen, every one feeling Satisfied,
of O'lclt'eliolve; g the Amone numbor of Indians, velveteens and whiskers, pretentious. building in the place say that the cider was paid for forth- div on. a visit ,tt Detroit, , ' that it was one of the best concerts
W01.0 many citiz'ns of Clinton, The end: diseoverod within the roots of and is a early fine structure. About with.—Mercury. •Mrs, J. B. `Telly returned promo of the season, Proceeds, $11
voyage was from Goclerieli to. Port. the'ied hair the laving %etui•os of • 12 p. till, we started on our home- • •- •
Huron, Mich., at the mouth of the the Doetol;" This fixes the date ward voyage and ieaehed Godeiichfrom her visit to Stratford; on
East 1VnwlnosL. .Thulrsday=s Snlnut;ethill.
riven St.Clair, Arriving at the of the settlement of Godtrio1L by Chef Abut 6 a• m., the• majority of the Miss Keys and Mrs. Morrison are.• lilt. A. C, Tari Egetnond wntl at The various sounds denoting the •
.steiuuer's dock at Godel•ich, one is Genada Company's agents. • vast throng of about 600 persons' the guests -of Jas, Martin sr. Seaforth this week °nttandfug the' presence e v of steam threshers are again
rather Astonished at the immensity And though f, hpretty town, now loolciug as though a trip on thaJake, Tie 11I}sses Young, of Paris are funeral of a deceased relative. hoard. The fall wheat is turning'"
of this leviathan of the deep "which just lost sight of; has not :luarts the lilac all the beneficent opportunities the guests. of Miss Sarah. McGowan. ]rs. Freeman, the nest of ,AIT, out will in this section. •
ealrriuth riehosand comntoditiesfrom progress of a Toronto or n Chio.t ro a kind • Creator has placedg
placeto Trace andeousociatoth the it is the court seat of one of the within our roach, is not with- Miss Clara Duncan, of 'Myth, was Ensign' for some time past, left here Mr. and Mrs, Tyner, of Belgrnl#o:
distant re'rions iparticipation of wealthiest and most fertile . ..:..l- out its disadvantages, .In fact `the guest. of Miss Bella Magill last on Saturday for Caledonia. were visiting at Mr. _Chas. Lovett's 1 1
their fruits " The Entltpire;is Canadian tura. sections in all Canada and only unalloyed pleasure would not be work. 11I'iss Nellie Ritchie, after a year's this week. .
1►nilt o aid and manned, 'her nom- twelve utiles distant from the- more pleasure; atall, would be nothing Geo. Quinn is,suffering from one absence in•Toronto, returned Houle A fox has been-seen'several times
mender being•Cititpt Edlvard Robert- progressive town of Clinton. fAtuil- but vapid insipidity*, And es' -we of Jobs comforters" filet has lodg- on Thursday.
• prowling around near the river, He
son, a long time resident of Godo .lat'ly called, the "hub" on account of are, jotting the finale t.l these lake' ed on his arm,' Mr. Alfiecl Rogersoi.is erecting a' no doubt has his eye on some. izaore
.tion, and ons of the Most courteous, centrality, so 'far as bating the bas roflectious there is no doubt 'many iA M. Buie}iill has been engaged nice residence in roar of Lauren:0'e, fat fowl.•
88 he is the most capable and. care- loess and geographical .centro of the who denounced ilii fates last TL1e for 1887, the Trustees known they factory: . 'Four minks,were seenat one time
fill of mariners. • cotluty: i r.. W. Crittenden is buildinry' a Y JL -n
day; 3rd, who on. this Tuesday, the 'have i� first class man ander° shrewd recently winding their ova long,
• The wind had been laloivin fratn '1`Iiou;as distinct objective points 10th, have reversed their deciston enough •to keep Mini, fide dwelling house on HatLiilton thebaiik of the.i'iver. •
the 11orwetit for some time And. the 'on land fail to be localized we'look
and congratulate themselves on hav Jas. Potter .who has been on 'rho, '.avenue:
lake was quite billowy -and the air at a' newspaper' and Our 'eyes light ing'gono; througha transient period sick list for a afew days is improving, Messrs Freeman & Watson, our. • • ' Uobnesvillo
a. a t 1 to omind.load. °attics', buyers,:. shipped a car- -The financial district meetinb,of.
'and o •h'1 rat d ph • ' 1
• of uu plenannt ounotiou to secure a•
quite cool so that many intending on the name of 1)ilke "Disgraced 1 s his condition promises a speedy le
heir present exaltation. f
pleasure seekers probably 204, staid Dtliwe in black lettered ho,atl lines, . covety. load' of lambs from this ,station to . the Goderich district •will• be leltl.• .
ti a e. e. 1 y stca condition.
fit huiue. While prince wile btnva3d The prominent English statesman But they. will scarce] wish to re- A unmoor of our elite attended .-Buffalo on Saturday, in .the Methodist °Mita Here a 1,vek
the voyage were premed_ to en- whose private .and public life pre- eat tlieei Talc vo n'*eyon a bofstor- the proud' Coneort at Blyth, they • J, 'l' :Carter's atnllion, I�ontucl.l' from Wednesday.
counter as disturbing an element. as • sent such an antipodean contrast. •i i o i•e hon 1; testify, eQtiiplimoiitauly with regard Star left here last week fin Seittortil Miss Maggie.. Helmer has beep .
riven the most cranky vagaries of 1'e had only.a few minutes bet'oi'e,• •91-'sd' Y n o than onto, a year; to it: , h . ,� Maggie..
The trip • Was rather au uneventful. • to go into training for the coitlinb? ,11*i? �t icic' : 't,1 ' •fuflanultatfou of alio
• the Hou. Edward I$lalco• could pito as will be obsetvod above, rofor.recl to oro. 'l'h'o Er1 lir, left .the dock •.•at A common lix,.ze : ' I shall.bave to races. then@,• �' ;1,4n•hsl: she is now recovering.
• arae, British America •as Greater Britain." Goderieh 'gitliout oitizon John . take that Recon n • to see ls1 at fs go- +' 1 1\ r T.egoar, of•C futon paid
As the immense craft:moved out. It is to the unfortunate disgraced: Smith and as Mr. Smith is a. »om- Mr. lhomas Atchison and Kincardine
pI o1.. I . •log ,. 1
a1 ing on. It seem$: to get hold of the left here on Monday for Kincardine a visit' fa our borough Friday last,'
from the dock with the peso of a statesman lust WO aro indebted for •iSn'eut •ofiicinl of the: Society under :rows first." •
canoe being paddled octose placid ,t e;tetln, Greater 33ritaie; lie hey- ,� . T whcro tlioy intend to make' their. We ulidoistnncl that he was request-
1 1d of 'help llo 'ug Ills travelled in this country in whose nuspioes the excursion ryas Phe L+est ti� aiianosh Full Show neige; to come often,
Pri; nue cru n re p n �ryt a 18E0 and 186 and afterward pun gotten up, .Capt, Robertson.. oblig-• will be held. in. Belgraveaou Friday,. 1e,, �• II. Celle our b
his thoughts to revert back sigh 7 1 g g• „ • Ys
and Inas- Mrs: Armstrong; of Seaforthoind
•� rs ago to the time •lashed a. 'work bearing. the above..ingly tee sed engines. and backed October lst, for Which. information ter 'having accepted an. otfen from illis.° reenside,''"of` L'on'don;: 'were
t`rvl hundred' y.a;a ,. ° u p to the dock remarking as Bro are sire indebted to Secretor b. , a r
renin. our Saxon. ancostots'plied tkie• title.' In • one .passage '1►0 •beats 1 : g y• the•Seaforth band left for that tort a •visiting their undo Mr. 1� tit: Croolo..
seas of northern Euro '.e with:. fat= eloquent testimonyto the ac- .,smith, ,got his can logs on duck, Anderson.
► p r mith,-I .would .not havo'pitt back • t the Tate`aiieetitiry of tris Bl nth, oil Monday. •. last creek: .,
l,ottolttod'lpoiats from 50 to t0 foot. comllli hed�• work- of the.English • ry - �• a .y. C. Hamilton line-had•:aitt'peuters Mr. \lm.Coiclough, Si:; is lying
for rho C�rov.. General. he 1'at Ag • 1 1 S '+*
lung, their sides of oaklalauks fast- trace and its possibilities, which have a . Agricultural Society the. resignation at work thls'w col: 111 ti ing:i1e essays at•the point of aloatll,. fiotn inila�rn-
eued'wi li balk ropes and iron bolts. been consider�ilply f°oalized ;Tree ttudii of 11tt.. Sn ftli' t cry* nattu ally' of •tile. , president, John Cuuuntng,. alterations in - his' lierdwaare store; .illation of.the lungs...
t p conl'd scarcely be •` kept within was accepted. The name of '.Thus: '
. )fifty oats weulcl drive one of :these Whim-
. the • confederation of: the 1 It will now be•unore' conVentent.,for ' There will;be a somal•haald et lir.. .
crafts over the waves' and British American, proi'ilines, • the bounds, and lee foele'uot nilly ell:. •'.Boss; of this township, rias•boensug- for hit to'attend• to ;tante, - ii i
primitive el s o , 1 treluo.'1y obliged• to;1 y Captain for .g st cl: • It `s ver r as l'i It ho u n#? I;lfords under tllo; gli.plces of the.
ge e - i y. p.ob ble,,t,_ his custpmers; „Women's Torii . Missionary Some
to so 'that he va11• be the '1v as':.,
1. fl pi esrdent.. • in° h ,.. Mr R Harte tt „a 'ved' lioitte opt t ' ori the 18th list. • , There �rvill be .
t'ii 11 his broth- bAen•
connected `1vit11. the• society for a� ';
ie 'cou.pline• his,. St. Marl° st'we8Pring • Iles return district. meeting, also veer% and in -
1 a . best ontrbutors.•to the .success, of
• Like the eealioys of the noddle ages• enoimousteiritoiialaddttiontothem the. trouble lie we
they could only' creep .along;•fi•o u .in the Northwest, and •itl, tlie' exe- • uld enjoy hittlsee
harbor to hat,ber: in rough Weather, cution of pulilic.works -of enoi�1•tnous ,., , attend
smooth• weather these 'often magnitude, notably -in. the construe. ton and t
noes.. assigned a Jong•time a d h s been nue of ilii Mon•day after ha• Vine be•ets at Sault• acldretates by )niipttite,is attending the
n a.•
g. i g: iiu•ic lieiidlu $ and. re-
. lens sooner t1laatl lie" .i;xiccted anoxia struneiital 1 o , .� ,L. a
liim by them,,
throng Canadian, terrltor froul thethe show in .t a cattle line. what was pilon considered distant; ail l y
>`. Trani • Sl . .. _ . , . •, . . • •• ....lie feels was so grncefull done and -- .._ __ ,_ ..... :to'. injuries � received by a. railroad .citltitioua ,�:.:4 good�.timmo may be ex-.
parte, from their part bog. homes .Atlenttc,to Eno Pa>+Cihc.. •° Y R •McGovtn has finished a fine train rutiningoiftlaetraok, V4relioi�e pecked as • theta .will be no 1paius
• I 1tlt1 1.11
piratical crafts would Venture to tier of thetraliscqutneuial hibluvay•
wit, that of the Gov.
General h 1 1
,s.p sincere y expresso(, 1a ie s tat :
And suoop.down' upon:Soule foreign 't a .notF Ef.rem Sir linos, Dilke s 1t0a1rC1. ftnce ono illi COnCOssleII, t0 see 1'1C11A1d SOOn ill 1`Igl1t ng 11n 8 p ared t0 m 11 e
� f l l 1
coast. And the dining of the Eng Work; •
o. a th'ii•;bar . •'re "}itlfa is.. subsiding c it.ay, success.
.level' .forget, lt•80 Ong a$ the :etelna ' + o., is a•
1 t On. I sada our 'tib oni[o:bas8 bail,
principics ot. Faith; Truth nud•Lovc. '
early days teas its • .:r. a.,,_ .011 ei es', ie •bet:its built of. that 3 .
• wish race in. those a y the wearwi lou ,ali,WO.leugth of abide in. hutinan llearis. ; club plsayecltlte • return match base.:
'Forties iltit.
xotecl' •as it has been in ziiodeit " •niateu.il t ruining of the about
n1y travels has been At• once my About OQO tickets were sold and: " uaut.ion .is be>;ouiinny t evident; the ,juvenile club of Wingbein: The • A damaging replan has been air-•.'
thins. The Romali annals a bcvout= ,t`gt1ide . ' key: tivheretivith to unlock. the .Society= 1t ill •atets f benevolent 1 a oo. e i Blyth youngsters got badly:defeated g,
gess: 00I'`oos aro they, fierce bcyoud to g t S ty,• for v than and begat alike• suffer from its. J y a . ,- cupped reflecting on .the ehateeter'
•the hidden things of stranao land's u• noses :of•ilio •O1`der•alloiit $160, " eying, they ieport,'to some of theft 'o€ a respectaable;young person of this:
other fees and ns cunning as they "_ [' 1, treachery.• l,l>epationfzersevidoiitl.y
is a .conception; ,hot•ever • fail o ,ponenta bong 'lepecenough .fur
aro fierce tire' se 'is thefrschool 'o1 ',r wont to 1 1011 animal. oi'satiali the P a a a locality... And :the.: friends of thtl' '.
t a a perfect; `-of pile grandeur .of out ,.. •. the.senio's of that totvu: sliilidered art airs ' rite indi rant:
• - %vat and the sterni their friend ' they' „ , g• , .. g . week fact::that witlont shedding of blood p, • y , ..9 it indignant: loco, already girdling ilio earth,. Aaxpiatiltime text,--'La$t
wolves that re Upon the . rt Which there is' no , remission' 'of . sin. :.No A case of. assudlt was tiled in lit ilii, copvardly atteulpt of unknown' Are •.aea which • it is -destined,' petha ps • the. Rev.''A. began the ninth ,
t; x 1.
This . h u =h '* .1 : 1' ' a ` mall alka ld build a barb .tare• fence Sdaiire-Xoung s. office.;befo o ALesRrs. and inaliei'ous gossips 10 blas: iii
pillage of the world." ,tog eventually to overspread. In betel- ,year of 4:pastotate ill Clinton.
rather en ed uivocal• compliment to t,•ribefore being -dra ged along forty' Telly, \IcKiunon & 1 o.uug,J.•P ai, •fail• Tulip of.0ipo;. against n'lioui the,. .
q p iaa; the peoples a>@, being 'fused. Duirng the.lveol: he was 'pleasantly g •
their roger for trieutlz and tion.-1z.is . , • e• g' rods of one by wary of introduction.. Against James Barr ou the cur►ipluiut: euyenolned-sllnfts, direct :from thin.
regard i � gether, but they . run ihtq an Ln -; sttrprisod'�y receiving thto�.tgll the _ f tis hi: `ed Men John Garnock on author of. all lies; tliroitryh his eaten- •'
. . nevertheless, a; cheat veiytrayal so. ttlish -Mould': lfred's 'ales` .and post otlico'a >1xrse'of $l76, fioulhis liliesA.MeGowatlhrtstenderedher . 0 1 i _ i ' q
ar the a e • and -sea • 1 1 a Monday resulting in•defenden.t:hay ictally insjpircd' slanclerots agents, ,
fa} As regards bt v ty ., 'tChaucal` s. tongue are tlieats •1a•lietl1 congregation,'"xis a t0l%en •'of flair `•resignatIan s •piancipal of the Alan- ,. g. f ' 0 andcost eunnot'truthfiiil be directed. .A iul t-.
. at-tomo-utive-Hess •'of thea Eitrylisli it d f h ' t' cheater school but 'will corn dote ing to pay- a fineo $..0 Y
•••5 that
g "c El ld or .no 1h'e o' a nod 1v1 nu .o tour approcta'tuu p ,
receptacle of x•11 lies the Cliu-
. "igen . who say. that Britain'in pier ; et lis. past .services. .. Y purin poses ton Era' mi�aelable . int endo, bunting "age' claim the, glory of liaviitn t.Ln rn.—, Coats from the A1;d1101ps. dude$ Of,teae_Al)g,�.. `lltOtSi til=ae,e 1cage•=congi•ew% ion. ° g g . :
Anil As we looked at the bit g g a y ee 13oti rn To I' v T3. t , in which:the editor houlishl loots
race ley on. 1 >e good this ear. She ur o$es retiring $a•�5, • all $6 b
g rose t inthe M..tltocl.tst church of q Y°
on the ;I-iitr•cl E-tt1pire a ditli pager- "planted greater 1E.n ;lauds'•.across ilii ogler epic toasn clerc of Gliuton, for •n wltlle. 1l'e io�let her leaving- p . nover pilo aittom it of two friends. to
sew , f of the doings of the "the seas: .The 'fail to arceive. tl ugh •a. Grit was suflieientl y in- the profession alirt 10:e. elm will Sunday eve -Oink a withstending' ii , i li'fienda-who' hail°
Mariner's o a Y P l 1 1 ,, x • , chitt1ge111er :ln[lid a .tlao, pi;ofossioll. ��as•so.dreacltully Werth TheIlev: hnd these devils ,�,-
of .England .during the -"that she }las dodo mole than found. terestod in 11i1..liobt. Porter, the a , » • 1, , T ciouo thele little be'st: to talcs `tllfvC
long intervening years down: to the., '"plantations of her own—that. She: 'ec,unted out Conservative .c.indiidaat0 . iti11• be -deprived of an e1111uently .ti1.14ILlls preached•an eloquent :ser; a�va ,c1 a1"aettle beet
present time floated .befame'tle.men "has imposed her' institutions Upon • at the `1•tst -1' u1i Lnlentilry eletion successful teacher and ons. who has mon and was.listened to. w•ith mark 'them net, , but the • mch en 'which '
al vision. From the ..liiracy' of "offshoots. of Germany, of 'Ireland, in West Huron , to ferret otit Ilia steed all
trio first,: if snot the ed attention. -•• t10111 no , •but the • to person poor '
primttiveism down to• this., age ' of "of Scandinavia, of Spain; and of present whereabouts inordertosend
'first; all exatntnatfons ielAtilo to Courrcir.---.0nr city fathers .met indeed:, bus that paper, no doubt :
plo1+, , the ert of teaching.
English' civiliztatiom and. Cliristiau Franco. ltim copies of voters lists of 'the a Mr. iodate- in the Orange nail,. Blyth, Aninst indeed...
by, that past r, n laud,
• effort the sea hes indeed'been Eng- Sir.Chaules lead n proper concep- town in accordance with the:t3tiit 1�t11 hike 1161+ place. Slio: is. at pre 2nd, 1886. •••All tlo'tiiembora pre- i ns' pert`eeil 'ulii'lant that tlso
'' t' l of 'o tear. rad Brit-; n : 11 rt 1 ' nfrel tents. Aftei.cons[der- sent 'visiting: friends in 111itldlcsex', sent: • Minutes of' fernier meeting , ,‘!two
o. ,, 1 , " • J
i0 ,s eel o f tion of' the grandeur and dignity a. utory ], sc 1 tit o detectives," tie. father. gird a
taniastill rides the waves.• Bafttania, his roes 'Tis -ten 'thousand' pities cable comes ondenee Mr. Coats re- • Another•game'of baso •ball was :road and appro
1 1p
fitllose Dag. leas braved ,a ;thousand
y�ears,the battle and "ilii breeze and
Whosepeople have••been the tueans,
aa Daniel Wehs'ter=, eloquently 'and
truly said, of 'effecting coign :eon-
nest and 'subjugati n to Which'
. Rome, in the height- of her glory,
could not compare—"a .power which
has dotted the surface o`t"tlie whole
globe with her possessions and nail- •
italy posts, .whose morning chitin
• beat, following the sun in its course
and keeping, pace. with the hours,
circles the earth with one coutilluous
and unbroken strain of the martial
airs of England." And as the gal-
lant steamer receded from the'•shore
we hugged trio thought that we; in
this Canada of ours, :this Greater
Britain, 'were part and parcel of
that power, the grandest power in
• material and moral rosourues that
. the sun has ever sh ne upon,
And as the -Pine ointlfghthcitse,
the Point Atm and the Attril ridge
at Goderich and - the Godorich.light
house, and the International,•salt
works and the steep clay . banks
recede from view, John Galt's (fath-
er of Sir A, T. and Judge Galt) de-
scription of his first arrival and re•
vt d.— AT'oved by G. friend of.tbe slandered person, have '
failed to'find the foul assassin.—to
'call haim anurderer would. be. a pros-
titution.of that detestable title. • tYh,
eine nird'hns flown" that maliciously
cndoavorod to foul the fair name of
a in ruber..of a respectable family,
-says.the Era, 'and ignorance of, the
whereabouts of the moral assassin •
"is bliss." It is••indeed "bliss". fur
•the slanderer :that lie- or she cannot -
be fo-and—"has flown".;' but it iv . .
painful to think that st1'el1•.a-moral ,
leper. has not "flow.C' but .is -still, .
roosting and• creeiiktl itri. perch. ;
by those' whose deeds 1 diarkness -
I rather than light It maybe "funny"..
for the Era .nian tq drip a ,#'t410r; ,
who is anxious to protect the honor
of his child a - "detective," but de-
-oency and manliness, .oven ti itliott ,
the high and holy teachings of our •
common Christianity,. should cause'
the abettor of slanderers and mom
murders to pause ere he added insult
that he•did not, make lila own un-:.ceived auswels from \Ir, Poi•tel•'s played on the farm, of D. Magill. .]iiansilton,,.suconded.by 'hos. Bow-
doubted indtvideaIgreitnes$ cant•• •ield..friends, hi tie:, eigiborbood Nowitlistanding•• the busy time a dir,-andresolreit;.hat the following
ort w'th thati%111011 ho so ole tient in Huron Where he formeirly resided,' I,i go` 0101111 gathered.- - I). Magill • ecrsounts be Bald,, inamely; , Joseph'
ly `'describes as belonging to his race . than:' that .,gentleman's. addrese..'•is and J. 'Roes divided them: One 'Carter,' assessor's account•for assess-
Ybelonging °
collectively: S. r'. Charles' op nor- Elmvaale', Siincue county. ` innings ryas all -that vas played out ing .in '1886; $40 ; Mis. Charlotte
tnufties as an `individual were groat; iA Cinnn Sionv.'Thi's is one•of-,by the.two sides, the'score.standing Motttry, ;charity, two hundred . of
lie is, the son of a baronet o the •the latest stories in -connection with • Dave's side 6 runs; John's 2 runs: flour,,$L.5O; Robert Brownlee for
sante mime who was one oftli'e'Com- tri Scott A,et., :.:_semc .tune ago n A11 were invited to the house whero lodaing'nudboardingtwvo tramps over
rnissionors of the International Ex -citizen' ordered n barrel bf cider if jolly time, was spout. Refresh- night, .sent • by 1.' Kelly, reeve,
hibitions of 1851 aiid 1862 who for fi•otu a manufacturer not a elozen iaicnts were .served to an apprecia- $p1.50;. Livingston & Calder, • for
liis services in that'capacity was re- iiiiles front Guelph. The cider WAS ' tive • asseii'bly. From appear= lumber. to corporation of Blyth; $60`;
Warded .with a baronetcy in •1862. not delfveredat the a .eluted t[me ancey all that • would have been Williant Wilson;•clerk, on' account
The piesent Sir Charles has succeed and. a' few days afterwards the buyer necessary for the. manufacture ; of of salary, $12; • Gillard Elliot, ac-
ed his father and grandfaather ap asked' the seller why ho did not fill bsnedictoo was a .proacl►'er. I shall count in full to elate, $18. Moved
proprietor of the At1ena:la n,. the the order. The answer given was to not (Rol) :ilii assembly of appy, names by 0, Hamilton, . • secoucled by R.
leading 'British lite'rii yjournnl. To the effect that he would like tone paid however to; (Clara). fy my statement. Symonds, and., -resolved, drat .this
compare gaeat !natters with lossf r his globe phoney first. The reply was . What is called ;the pito(/raisin-pal "Council do now adjourn.•: -•Carried.
ones, Canada's. opportunities rtunities areY Y p y WJGT;!Ari W11.8ON, Clerk. ,
1#Pe that the .cider be delivered: at once, system of. ednoaton in out ooitmon
great. • If Canada 1e enly tate to The seller accordingly went to the schools i•i called a vetrogracle system Tho concert under the auspices of
herself nationally everything is nos residence of trio purchaser a few days by ono in our midst,' and he biases • the Illyth town band canto off on
sib}e with her, but if as Sir Charles. afterwards, ' with the cider. Ho Ads argument on the feet that rending •Fi'idatiy evening: There was a large
did individually, we` stoop to base' would' not deliver' it until• be had .and writing now aro at a rl scoitnt audience, The duties of eliairman
•ptit•poses collectively, forgetfi11 of received the collateral. After some in oolnparisan` with -the days of yore, were performed by Mr. R. Phillips
oats •trmie dignity and our God -like talk the purchaser handed the than He takes reining as a particular ox- in a • very efficient manner. An
mission .110 will, like 111111, tteces$S1'- a $5 bill.: As soon as the cider was ample and Molds that the "look aalcl excellent ' programme was given.
' ily sink into ,deserved and disgraced taken fro'in the waggon, the purohas- aay method" gives no , educational The singing of Misses .Phillips and
oblivion, er'retnarked , "Now Yon have play-: basis to the ebild and is as incon• • Mitchell was w011 rendered. Mr.
We reached Port Huron about 3 •ell a pretty sharp triols on me, doubt- ,,sistent tis- building a roof on 'nn P. Tanner sang two songs in I11811
p. n1. and the quiet of our ntedita• ing my honesty, now I will Have' . edifico.bofore the foundation is laid. ammeter dist would have done and had llijm sent to ;jail properatOry
:tions, which had only been inter - my turn. If you do. not hatlld tete Children nuclo flus system may read credit to tatty Irishman vecet}tle gut to going to tho asylum, The ;jail
rttptecl now and again 'by the'mnusie back that $5 I will inform :ou you a'solection rendily if' they have been frim ould Ireland, Mr, William physician and anotl;et' doctor multi
cution at Godorich in •1828 is of the. band, and the 'once and a for selling contrary to law." The over it recently, but should' the Shane snug two comio 'songs that, tint. no traces of insanity,. and on.
recalled. Galt hail come from Pen-. 'while solicitous inquiries of sone deliverer of the eider -was in a six, so word$' come up i11 a different order caused roars of ]angltter front all Wednesday he was reloasod•by ;Nth!"
etan� uishine in a Biitish gen boat robust passenger after the welfare to speak, but -he'-was equal to, the they are lost in perpleicfties, ,while .darts of the hall. Owing to seine .1,,futft having been to goal throeto'estaablish a harbors and as they . ofsolne of (tis less fortunate lady or , occasion, • After a general talk, at 11 child that begiusWttjlulnar,ila}�ot d,i,tlfe� .'trues;not being, able t4 lie woej;s1 arra he is very i'i'1i6,11ant.
to initlt'y,-=Ceti.
Relatives of John .McDonald, of
Eontinek swore that he was insane',
•1 -