HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-07-28, Page 7NEWSPAPER LAWS HearSt to the husband) wlip'obeyed *e call the sp.oittl Attention of post masters and atlbsell Uere to t t turned the :amazed man over to a ;tyi opsin of the newspaper laws t•• - ...e. ••••a• with alacrity.. 1 l fallowvin • At the next cornier the Senator 1—.4.. postmaster' is required to•_�.ve policeman, Ott autice nwr amen '(rettuniug a pa tor'xioes Book this relic* for vagrancy, 'tot ansver the law) When it subeial�ter does said the philanthropist. "I'll ap. lot take his piper 'otit of the *Mee, and i pear against him tar tnorrow, TIe'•s fftate the reason for• its 'not being taken. .1 been et1•lking ala fora lases. yrleglect to do su tasked tiiepostmaster t Au responsible to the pntblishers for payment. "Nowt you, said Uncle George, 0 --If any person, o1'Aarshis-paper di+l'• i next clay when he had secured a :anttnaetl, he must pay all arrearages, or sentence of three moutba for the Che publisher ituty . Continuetsooto i loafeu, if you re a mina to be decent. until Payment is made,. anti' collect tko tr�lrem' scat et 631t col$e` to we and .sign that I wasn't cluing, jumped roan skin up around his ease, while he ?bowed hie spine like a eat in a back Esme duet: then he became face-• tion and wagged his head froin aide to side,, and ran out histongue at.lne The rope was cracking with the strain when. he bdllowed for me to _ ;get; oat of the way, I wasn't 'braced in the right •direction, and when hi started I laid .down 'on 'my back to • rent, The calf, under the. 'impres-. whole amount ww hetltel it be taken �•, the Mike .or not. There canate lolegel 11 give you a show."' on me to wake me up, then started eldsegnthltl.ante until the payment is made, And the man, three months later, for the croquet grounds, His ,int hl THE EWE -BLAND EXPRESS.- • NO stops #Front *sine Ito ?Slallrcxnlw•- 1R ' feign lieges Sieved, In these luxurious days nearly alt the rile quisites for pointer-ab,o Hiring tart be found to aiteels, 11.,e have bondoir'cart, Lrtr'et cars, parlor cars, drawing regal o.xrs and elseping care, A Mal Call board at4Sif on 'he A. Isntie roast, and not bare occasion to get •Off un U he 'has ren.hed the Petrillo •I coat Tint, with -an our present •adva!I`agei, tnrther improvements are contemplated, end, the proposed new overland train --to be salted the World-on-WheoIs special --will be • another step toward the Comfort of tray: elers. ,'This train,, besides: the usual: well know. s ,eoiel cars, will "have new ones, which will represent the latest swelling of the railroad . �liIllitfvlL altUREG'il"ORl. • St. Paul r gbure - servicite on Snndayy at 11 School, tad 7 m. Bible Olass, 1a a.ui. Sunda}' ltay. Wu Lte2.00 pit Ca Seri** B D ,''tl1 ter `daJ', d p^w. Itatterlbury street aletbodlet.-..SInv iota et10,8,, a. in. and. 7.00 P. D**Sabbntli eohoJL at 2.80 p.. in. age. Ma. Rieger, Pastor. Canada Presbyterian.- Services at 11 a.m: an: 0.80 a. ut. Sabbath school, 2,80 p. m. Bev Amor. SemesRT,, Pastor: Ontario Street Methodist.. -Services at 10.80 a• m. and 7.00 p. to Sabbath School, 2,50 p.m. foit,j to pod. o- . V1.Jt11.'Cig'^W0 S X (0) NF bin ppy� .12. FOWEL , gerirtster, 8op leitor,'etey ,.8yy -.-- >Ie.alle'sl tock,'C ifSrolt late ONEY to lend in largo tor Amall atfine, an J. good tnortgeges or_ ppersonat seeurtty; to i theigwest cornett rates. $.. 'lle1 Fj, IIu.roreat', ;Clinton 1 011itdn,1eii.s10.188Y. • ' 1.11"' Baptist church. -Service at 0.80 pa in. Sabi lath Scheel, 2.80 p. M. Rus J, 011,41e, Pastor.. MON EYE,, UN on Totrn and rote; BUSINESS DIRECTORY• pui1TtY APP4 i O. ItIDOI7T, • -j cn�.rot y. ' Office,nektIitalfa.ltecoue(up stair,)2llbert-St 869.8111. ; tiesra.,+r 14—Any p�etson who talc es a paper ft'ent did come. Uncle George sent bim , pression$ were not correct. 'he Iluratp on man's oraninan., to rest -office Whether dirocked to. his 1 ' and .his faintly to one of his ranches, sitrihed or not ie responsible tar the flay. where, to do the, fellow: justice he i name er:auoth.et, or whether belies sub• : _ I 'has avoided the bottle and: boliaved -••-1f a subscriber orders his. paper to he. stopitall at- a certain.tilue, and the pnblishx himself, r er continues to send, it the sttbYttblrtlis r'I ain't opposed to .drnlcita'" the bntttxl to pay font if lie tal.eslt oil o • re "Ssnstor ie' given to, remarking. "If post-otlire •'fall& prooepds inion the"gronuil g g all af'fird it all' rfglt bu ''that a "ran must (fay for.what he uses. a man C o , t when he can't,. 1.. go in for $endin' ,. hill to jail," In the Division Court in Goltei4t Ii , at -the NeVem fee sitting a news�taper p ih„lfer ,go nor troy of (taller, Tile defend- 'LEADING ,A. CALF TO WATER, bail ordered a farrier ]proprietorm -f rho ,,yStliich yould u all , The Jud e beats y 0 ant objected paying nu t te' ground that he 0 pap to Yhseonrinee it paper o x{ . er do" 'that titflit wvaq not a 'labii' 'bronco. The • sad 'my. wife, "lead tile. cal £ t• Valeta, the present 'proprietor, hn t wvater, or milk rho ow 1`" With tale antics �liacnntiune and consequently •b ii 1'i 11pe t, aithongli it was not dented- alacrity of a man. who sees a .chance that iiefendaalt bad notified for'rne1'evan• to drive a good bergain,'•Iresponded l:f'enihasrt Wes 'boned to pay for the tittle• by starting foie .the calf shed, end' i" ' rsubscription,began to untie the animal. Then, fiat'[paid iilarrears d eio i n.o yn'ietoi' 'to aziscb\rtiltUe, In any , t he linos• reeelvcd the paper and until ire for the first time I'began to' have HAND SIiAKING AT PRAYER- misgivings. Accustomed to look" MEETINGS. ' for signs of cyclones among jails, clouds, I surveyed the calf with an One .evening our .pastor .:was de - e a to discovering "his had points points y tamed from lirayer•meeti'iig tali at 11- He hada verymild eye, and. seemed,; lite moment Sent • ' tills words. to 0116 to be Well' built,. batt there was en ' of dans parishioners, "I want you to• undefinable twist' .in his tail, that; ea le ]nee int o-nig_ out the hymns and n lead 8scrip- o£ , there was " a party of young people", for the can flitted serosa my • *-" •"pine, but you needn't t any theplaying croquet in .the yard, and 1 talking: Let the audience do that;" was inilhued with 'the feverish. hope, webraas we ;sped' along. The -path Mi. Benton, lining an obed ent.man We mf de- was no, wider ,thane'that of that .the calf would do _ nothing { . interpreted his orders literally;, but ir•isll. I had always borne an .excel- an or• dinary cyclone, and resembled at .least' twenty minutes before the : 3 the track of -a steam: plow 'at a coon- bent reputation for sobriety ;and de r : an, •• rope was now firmly wrapped' around my wrist and T w nt 1 ng , The calf didn't pay,half aa -much' attention to me as'T •did to him, He scooped the first two arches at one shot,s.' while 'I was pulling up the Ftt'st there will be ' j' 1, Jirlrl'riin1g., neR1o.` THE c 0 �ill�I S �AI • ,►ills. EDWIN KEEFER *1 ate of Toronto,: Honer 'Graduate Rogal'�'oilego ' • ^ of Dental Su rgepns, ITMOrPorsted by Flet of i?arlloment,1855.. 'Codas Block - Clinton, . : . • CAriT•AT, • , .'` I'- ill �'lr , ., r Y d , v„ .� , I All Work ae;;istered. ' • Merges Moderate, ii�+S''1', , ,50;i0Q4O0,OC° stake•. then caromed lar against the "basket,' and when he made l i ; 'uy, y i011���`�II the turning stake I scraped. up the remaining wickets • with : tiny tege.. This made ,us both "revers," and• it became ,a "go -as -you -please;"' with - The Jersey a rope's length' in' the lead. . :t„ 1 still tried to appear unconcern- ed, nconcern- ed, and when I plowed up a. furrow with mynose that would have done.' credit. to a sixteen -inch breaking plow, I. actually tried to whistle a Strain , of :'iioine, . Sweet Home." Incidents of a 'lifetime might through the mind • of a. drowning man, but I had no tilne for.' such, foolishness. I couldn't force more than half a thought before I'd bo, - t•'',;. L d the t t ht Give jerked beyond it. I tied a can to a looked ominous •. doe's. tail once,' 4114 ft sympathetic • ti • THE GARDEN SASS OAR, ' Under the charge of gardeners from the. hotbeds of Barone.. This car will be kept in a high: state of cultivation,' insuring to pas- sen;ers fresh vegetables at.each Meal, in- cluding corn: in the par, corn on the cob, and mushrooms raided while the car is, in Head °Mae, ,. 1MMONTI.i, At, TI1O11rAS WORKMAN, P#esident; ' J. Ht. MOLSON. Ylee-President. VE, OfiiCe-:-t+Pa ace" Arick Block, ., , General anagen D Rattenbarg Street, 'Residence opposite the Temperance Hall, Huron Street.. Coronet for the Notes 'dieeonntedx, Collegtions ulacle , 0raiis Ognnty of Huron. Office hours from 8 a.m. tot issued, Sterling and Amerman ez' p' m' celiac a bought cJlinton, Jan. 14, 1881, . 1-y ubllt and aces at, low est elirlent rates, a rename AT 4 PER them ALLGI ED ON DEPOEfh REE r F. IV LbERSTAN THOMAS G favi the tunnels • Next will be, " . ' 1.• • ?n. e..�-•, meeting began he was at the church, t y f n, j ;field of telling the situation; and' asking c' o " buckwheat and. reduced the -owner's le occasion 'o In Wl coium, and intended to impress the shaking hands with all who calne-in Wo ptlssed • through calf with the diguit that befitted tlleui to either say: a word, make. a tl y g w!'' the knot threshing bill half an acre 'Tat-al:l.with prise e s d h , stopked prize ow , prize TBE. BARNYARD CAR, pigs, an oar prayer, or cull for a hymn. What 1n the, rope awhile, to establish con-. ry orals nieation poultry. Thus, a.though rhe: tinies'maintainm0 a respectful dig w^ls the reaultl it seemed .as if fitl6Yitittl relations I untied tate fag- train Will mat' stop''twixt the A.tlaritic and Mime of a rope's length .in the rear' the •P Warta morning ant people's tongues tver!eloosed and the ' arc kI• oto. the • ' 1 .P o ten>n and stepped quit y. I. rn' k spare -ribs, and •freah can open.. air, Stepping on the softest he -hat, This system of fres a p that would be spoken: Every one P knew m3 place In this instancy duets wit] insure the most wholesome foga g ''evening• a of the Calf. I navel was proud, d ,. eggs always , hour far too short for all, the ~voids andh i 'rm. ro- b wveirt horcte..fealinn• it to have beenspots" • M n 1 t• d - of OlUith f0 avoid attracting • and tourists; as they Whiz 'past the- home "of a y jour . Journey was now a mos And . , t railroad' sandwich, can -lace ,tbe:r the most it Ci0u8 •inpetillg and con=` tile attention of the. croquetnplaysl's, . • are r rna h, p 1.9 0 , g . gerfeloa in acegrdllie with a`woll-Ynown and the sight of it haven cheered dry t e if £orent,e they' had 'oxpellenoed' .1n . a I endervored to gain' tale 'shelter of • long tliuC. the e haystack unobsel sed. No such 11 y ed. I ]lad had.•a stormy .passage, . thumb,: at thole noses and. wave .heir lin. We w ere fast, aft 11'oaChln'r a Ru ening 'directly behind 'these cars, , Had-. 1C%l. Benton .announced the f' 1'e d fete disturbed the calf •• 1 g " lat'orm andan •- s e r ` y '' clothesline that hang iu-raeeful and abundantly supp.ied; in alt sea ton:' situation fi om the p f a general way invited the'audienco on© Bcr.lanco . b .1 at.the'er0 list`. rounds ithneceseary,td3unctsfor i4s p•p q b f f .- « » tos leak„ pray Or sing, 'two .certain gave him. the key, to. tale situation., . { 1 L g t t d at a proper distance from the ground. •The calf .with systematic. whose voices, are.almos 0 MANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, ¢c.,i ELLIOrT'8'BLCCE) . CLINTON. Money -to Loan. A. H. MANNING, JAS. SCOTT. Moneyadvauced to fartnereon theft own notra with one or more endorsers, No mortgage re- quired as security, • • 0. BREWER, February, 1884. Manhaaggeer, • •!ULiNTOI?t• . • rainNTON Lrodge, No 84, A. F.' & A. 3I, lVJ t Friday t' PRANK R'.`POWELL, • Barrister, Solicitor, Notary] ' • Public, etc. .. Office Seafle':e Block, -Albert-eft; Clinton. Toronto agents :=Messrs.. McCarthy, Osier;, Hoskin lit Creelrnap. ,. 4 ' PRIVATE FUND8 TO LEND at loaves' ratite' of interest. 881 CCEAGER& MORTON, Barristers;,.ec.,& , .sod- a7terieh and Wingham. • 0. Seeger, Jr., Goderich; - J. A. Dorton Wi»Itham, , 1-ly,• Dt1VISON & JOHNSTON, La*, Chancery,and Conveyancing. Office—west Street, next door to Post Office, Goderich, Ont. 57. • RO.. MATS,' Solicitor, &c. .Office;: corner of - :. Snuate and West. Street, over Butler's Book Store, Goderich, Ont. • 07. 68i' Money, to lend at lowest rates of interest. EOAMPION Barrister Attorney, Soliettor in Chancery, Conveyancer, &e. , Oface oi'er Jordan's Drag Store, thq rooms formerly 00041- opted by .Judge: Do}'le.• d Any amount of money to loanat'lowest Cates of interest. 1•1y.. meg s ��� y r gn or j after the fp ' moon;. ;'Vfsfting brethren cordially invited. , J. YOUNG, w. ts, . 3, C4L'LANDER,. Sac , Olfnton, Jah.1�4,1881. . • - 1. - Opel 'u;e estoona rota Bole to !pole, -ad by anise -ars, vein'be.found H. W. BALL • • L. v: LIN. I10.�- ''• GL1�N'TON" ' i beets sscon•a , Monday, of• every month• Hall upstairs, opposite, • �, • the. Town Hall. Visiting brethren y ;:f.ii,go always made welcome C. TWEEDY, W. M. E. FLOODY, `Secy.. T. C; DOHERTY, D.M, LINTON KNIGHTS OF LABOR.' 'C.- Rooms, third flat, ,Victoria Hoek. Regular. • meeting - every. Thursday evening tit 8 o'clock ' sharp. Vis ting:Kntghts made welcome. ' Young men and 'three �ouig ladies, _fie knew:' his time had' come:for ' young young t never heard' 'going out on a strike 'The crook there, -would not have given us thea' in his tail beoam6 more marked, and cussedness first dragged lie through • cherished thoughts. to carry home a .half -dried: 'slough, thea made • a. terrific bawl escaped him Ia- wvords ` uttered. with •an P eloquenca.• sfrain•h t for the line` w.li eh he clear= .born only 'of ' the' I•Io"1T :S Spirit. vain I •tried, to •look at ease and b yy ki eclat one bound,, leaving me hal There surely i some ingmablca appear be responsible • ian'b the chin. When I was full . in the touch of the hand. The film. the -actions of that calf" I found p y • . 3' (-rivent Solas '1 n s canis an • carne hearty shake biyen� :by Mr. scion, • . •; 3'r m se in. the same position -as' the r i e a e a le feel 3� p th fi t d l something magicalnot to forg Benton d friends d.• d. me'. ac oa: ': •' tiaou s cG b k hmAt 1 t nts that the were welcome' Yea more, tuie..1 boring man did When the an Y 3 , the calf was". still..goin.• I . am now • t1.. d bottle f ' ,i and ', that they were really wanted there archists appeared on the scone—We - Onlny lir', o e 0 arnica When that much is gained three- were tied • together •T' was for law, • fourths of the victor is won. -1 ` `pass my time 'on'q.stretchor swung y and for order, -but. the •calf waved French in Christian: Weal l�. ,, : from the rafters, with my toes bare - the red iiia his "oints were no 'ion er triable but with atif enem ' J 1y=touchinrr. 'the....fioer: 'i hairs abet • all my relish for veal pie; ;, HEARST ANT?' THE g 1 , DRUNKARD.' ' legs he moved back and forth in a • ,Senator. -Hearst,:. of California,.- is not mean', on the contrary,- he is geneeoiis .with his money, but heis: not in the habit of releasing his grip on a.dollar until he knows where it' is going. For instance : "Plots, sir, will you assist a Moor half who isout of wprk •and has a falnfly dep`endin' on him l" ' This inquiry *vas made: by a fel- low who darted out of a dark door- way 'near the Senator's newspaper office One evening last winter • ' The Senator turned a watery :eye' on. -the beggar, saw his unshaven il111g, his shabby raiment, and un- washed shaky .hands. "So you've 'got a fancily, have you 1 Where' d'ye• live 1" "Round on Nettie street, sir." "Go aheadand take rue there._ If you ain't lyin' 'I'll do the square• thing, par'dner," - The man hied a family, sere enough. Ile, showed the senator into a foul, room in the third story of a rookery. Theresa Were th1'e6 children,. a deal°ut looking Woman, and a sewing machine. The woman wept when. 'questioned. hey we e very* poor and often hungry.. All. their troubles came from the drunk sinless of the hnsband, That eulprit . sullenly owned to the truth of this tat 6ment, Y'All right," said tintte George, rising: He gave the ~soman a Sjl fl ipf money dint tnitde her"sl ecchless. "Colne along ]With. ,Iter" said kind of hobby -horse po11.a,. and •bel= lowed: his own accomaniment.-=T-- . .THE OOOD ST. ANNE: - P Wasn't pleased, lint T smiled a kind _ _ A. great 'sensation • Was .created- of seasick smile, and carelesslyheld .throu gllout the cy it of Montreal_last o ,the rope in •one' hand..- T.examined . week ,by the; announcement that a the surrounding'' landscape very in- very striking miracle had - occurred tently, and paid no attention; to the ap T.a•.H3onne St. An -no, =in'the -pre- calf, which I'thoght w st he proper sence of tale l00 pilgriins•'flolii St. thing g to do, and ica'ted• tilt .t . t John's suburbs, iVhe went.' down to uid everything was: progressing very fine. the, Or tne'tyesterday under the. dime: But the jersey would not be ig- . nl nof their cure, lies. Kr. Plamon- noted. ' Hoistinghis tail like a flag- do , e • - o den. A Miss T.abrie; Dna of the p 1 staff on the stern of an ocean steamer, grime, who for thirty years llad.lost he bolted the convention- 1 merely the: use of'li.or legs from paralysis, said `;14te, to," and then followed, in and Who on going down had to be ,his wake. Foreseeing approach- ingan orisia, I had "marked out the in a chair, ruse ti, it is said, in the Path I should choose if worst Caine 'sight of all after mass, at whicli 'she. to worst, But T found l was .not had 'taken conintuuion. and veneret- in • tow of that kind of a steamer, ed the relics of the saint andwallied neither was 1 the pilot' of that ex- back to the hoot without assistance,. ensign, and the calf seemed to have This fact: WAS announced. to the Rev, shipped his rudder before -We left Mr. Pltunbndon by : Miss ,Laurie • the harbor. Without looking, - I herself, who ascended to the .hurri- became conscious that croquet no cane deck'for the purpose, and after longer possessed' attractions for, the satisfying himself that the 'cure was players ; the grand calf reverse really a certainty, , the reverend ivaltz eclipsed all calor dittplays. 1 gentleman requesten41>,e '.pilnrims luta loaf my temper and • several. 'to join in singing. a magnificat. Ho buttons trying to keep at the lead- • also announced that . On the return of the procession, when suddenly of rho boat to town a solemn Te the calf stopped short. 1 went on Renin wortld be chanted at St.,Tohn's • the length of the rope, When i stop- church, and in the 0 evening the .ted too, my neck cracking like asacred edifice was densely crowded whipcord,:. 'ibe Half had evidently thanksgiving -while the �ve ming and th bse uilds halted to stay, so* I began. to pull of the church proclaimed the Glad him a1ono. 1 pttllerl great rolls of event to the c.11llnlunit4, ti, carried froin the boat to the church TILE LYCEUM CAR, • chi: will be used for lectures, etereopti- h •eons, theatricals, ratification maetings, raf.. flan,, dog: fights,: fairs,; roller skating, and tha' many other 'modes of evening amuse went. ' Someone can always be found to occupy, the stage, '• even ' far Wednesday' ma inees and,-if-any_.,tieket_aneeldato*' preseers himself, he can, bp transferred to a .w call attention to the sunset gun on the roof.,; Ibis, fired amid the .reverberating Rockies will make ;timid-ir-avelers think.that. not: ' only the' suu, but the wlio.e so.ar system .has set slow fre;gbt train go.ng• the other way. e • zeal 'lU 'i` IKS� a u�:l ir �bI, t• AM1„�YsxoR,. a i; , !UI t...?1/ameworu kit NO THE YA]VK ON Ti OAR Will remove the enntit of the lady passen. gers, by enabling'them to''shop' while .en' route;: and • purchase remnants on • the prairies, or among the Canyons , A lawvn, tennis rar wilt endablo4'tlio young to while away: the hours, limn get the benefit of, Filially. we will batte a divot -be drawing room ear for tile .p..a.dai E60,Usiou. aud cone. IICTTONh:ER for Huron Comity. Sales itt- tended "to in any part 01 the county..' Ad - Irma orders to OODEntcu P. O. , V•17. CIhil5:: 311A RILTON, UCTIONEER, land,. loan and insurance agent A Blyth. i ales attended h:' 1 ) 5 in toWti and coimtr • r>n, reasonable terms. A•llst ofterms and village lots :far sale. 'Money' 'to loan on real, estate, at low rates of interest. Insurance effected On all classes of property. -Notes and -debts collected, needs appraised, and sold on oomnittston. Bank rupt stocks bought and Bold.• BI th D -.i 0 v Dee.i.0, 188 , • : Veterinary. ;Xan date arto' Cat, • 'LIAM TO BENT OR SELL. -.The subscriber`' J2 ,will tent or sell lot 26 and south half of 25, concession 17, or Due Line, Goderlch township. •- It will be rented for a term of years or sold. It . contains, 120 sores, all cleared ,;,:good ordinary dwelling and excellent barn and good stone stable and driving house and other outbutldines; two good welis; good hearing orchard. The. soil is excellent and well' adapted for either train growing or pasturage.. JOHN COLOLOLGII, Blyth P. 0. 394-41 • corib notion o contemporary life. ,.. soul, • TiARM 'FOIL SALE -Situated' on the- Huron Moana three nmiies, west of Clinton and ad, joining the ;village :of Holtner:ville, vonventent to church, school and post office. The tote consist'. of number 11 and part•of 12, Goderich township, ' eontatnin,,�,181 acres, 50 cleared. ' A large anion') • • of cedar. and pine on the remainder. Gsod•frame house and barn and other conveniences on the - premises, and a living stream of•water' rune through the, farm, Apply to the "proprietor,; JOXIlI f1ALBICIC, ITohuetvilla P.O. 893.42: • �ARnI FOR SALE. -Por sale, part of lot 80, . 5th enneessionJGoderich township, contain. tt•g40 acres, 84- cleared, two'aeres of. orchard; • large been, part log, .part triune; barn 4048; stable and shed 60x80• cod well'and pump,etc:; a never -felling spring` on the premiseLberal .. tering A. pivto WM: CURRY, con. 7,'Godeiioh townshil, .t3illntesvilfe P.O.) • • 8081ra* J. BLACKALL,I - Tow'n Lois -for Sale In. ,Godericu,'•• ��// } p�r��s ,ref --OURCORN•ER L k i e ler ..ija1 5111 UTa in Pnr sandLfarwonYl V �ru(ea:li ::.�:. J xJ 1' surae}, viz. Lot ntttnber il, Toronto street; Gritdnate Of the Ontario: Veterinare'•polle a ''fo: - number' 11, Cedar street; number 114 Pine steeet; g and.17, Crdar street alt •qquarter acre each. Titin, Xmtto, hnving opened an office in: •Clintons tndispntnhle. will tnke'horaee,> cattle ate., for. prepared to treat all diseases Of prestic •,three of thelots. Apply to JOHN N S:'MoMATlfi animals on the nto.ione caret pr(n•`>.. Goderich. fl96-8m• - ciples. Alt opernttohti carefully: performed, and calls prompt- �j,ARM FOICSALE.OR: TO.11 i4T..-That- rale. 1V attended to by easy or .�1• nhle farm composed otlots 29:and &O,.con: )fight. Fees moderato, P 8, "fulled, 200 acres of this 150 acres' are' cleared, ' ()Pylon --1st door West Iien balanceroad•hardwt•ood bush. !fearing °rebeld.' of thr r ' rdinnr 1 ce n0 es. O dwelling Ne in It nr S g. once tl ne'd•y's Hotel, Clinton, Out.• Y-17. 'trnme barn and other butbuildinge. Firm (g 1 . well wracked and situated about 511- miles fruit . . the Town 'of rumen. Terms' easy,. Apply 10.. M. NicTAGGART„ Clinton. 888 tf • - Photoq'rr Witt s R 1 DOSE AND LOT FOR SALE. -Being frit ea, [Tl Dinsley ,^.Erect 1p the VILLAGE OF 'MYTH. The i C V p lot s one o the most eligible Melding nitre n, in rho village and has a good house, stable, lash-. �'''� Q erg, good bard and `soft water nen orchard en y - the roniraeA.. Apply A. O. Y.' . r pl 3 tq A t!AxEGalOnl, °S11 ,.- - ontire° rrniises, tn. CLINTi Ohl. p x sea Life �; tdoor exercise among tee t=erras. • Rate Toe bathing car' Wilt afford a chance to will .e tee paSsenger Leaf so frisky that he wilt be perruitaa 1 to juni„ I off and ort the per game. $15.18 - Hames played' ,wvhile t•as!1ttg through', turine(s,' 76. cents each.; _ _ T. 13itilding Lots fronting oil Albert Street. ai•O DINSLEY, ouster). 8_821 8, rhl good order z, only ,been; Uee two ' afenufactm:el• of an. dealer in all kind's a seasons. Applt to bit or iiiii.tuatkd trittes, .ea; rot1.0 to tho Marble & Gratite -for Cemetery Otintnn, lifareb 25th, 18815, HOUSE ANO LOT FOR SALE, ear Will be dropp d Chteago and Work at figureittbat dote competition tiWitelied On to iurn.a.ble. Wilt then Do eorditia• to R.ttekstoae, Oa "Every Man His ra1.144, e.e ), he trialid over the Water °aging er, -buts enabling timid darnee to fret. pen 4.112 it a o0W eau be ettan on the Is oh tia-t Clot, if you atateliVo tit tile male of rite itt it, colliery, you *di butte WI:nositid strange things! A thousand (no in hou Alm inanufactiwer of the Celebrated peees anti Cepietery Work,. which must be seen to be appreciated,—All work warranted to give satisfaetione: L. Allaying Parlor to tno Town.lfall, where he invites old and new pettons to • eat) for tat(tatiat) Ica cif ladies bair.ctittlatil • /111 HE lid ersIgned offers kr lade hie 11 titte 1 Lot 'In Queen street, Clinton. The°1utietilenle newly bit& z slx roma three upatair, and three Apply on the premises or acidrose Olinttin P 0, are nett and well fitted up with eente• fell Mitt Mao lareernem tin ststra with geed Maniere; APply to W, 0. SEAR1,11, Oaten. 80941 1 mimes on Albert *Erect Ater Oh", toom19. iv Wen mate, Apply to N. 110tat.tN, 801,1 f • •