HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-07-28, Page 6A, Creaking -Hinge Xs dry'lititl turns bard, until ell is applied, after which, it moves• easily, When the lointb, ex hinges, of the body are stiffened} Butt Inflamed: by Rheumatism, they esti, .net ke moviat without causilla the- most exeruciatibg pains, Aycr's Sacsitpalilla, by Its action on the blood, treliov,eti, titre Condition,, and restores the ,jointer, to good working ardor. •Ayer's Sarsaltarilln has: effected, iii out eit3 r,rtrany most relnarintblo cures„ a mam- bos* Of whish blttltct Lhc• .b'ol'ts of the tuost experienced p vsicians. -Were it , necessary, l[ could give'thenames of many individuals who have peen cured by taking. -titis•ntetlieine. Irl my own ease it tuts cur- . totally worked wonders, relieving nue of Rhef.rf"mrr.atisn, after being troubled with it for years. In this, and all other diseases arIaing from impure blood, there, is iio tented' with Which 1 Mn uequainted, that affords such. relief., ' as. dyer's Sarsaparilla. --li. IL, ]E a w pence, 3I..D., httilnore, Itid, Ayer's SS'trsaparilla cured me of Goiit and': Rheumatism, when nothing else. -i Would. It leas eradicated every trace of 'disease from. my systema.—It. "II. Short, Manager llotel,ifelment,'Lo14 ell, Mass X was, during' many months. a sufferer from chronic ltiteuiii tistn, The disease afiicted..t1ra gricV.ously, in spite•of all the, r.entedies•Lcould,fiutl, until'I commenced using.Ayer's Sal itpltriillt. I tonic several: bottles of this lzreptt18tien, and was a wed ily restored to health.—J. Froain, inde- pendence, Va. Aye•r's Sarsap•ar.illa, Prepared byDr. J:,C.Ayet. tLCo.,Lowell,Muee. Sold:by all brunet.., l:rb:e $1; six kgctlee, $5, , TQUCI.±, ,Q1K.Y PLOT. 'fiifl CA7,IF0l N1fA PARSON WirCisEr pock ;T tivras, piouEI) INaTQMf-• 6TOly i , "And how's Parson 11IoW1iacker r asked. an ext-Arizoiu n, talking troui. laid' friends With :a lawyyer ,just from T n hstdne, tli,i presence of a San Francisco Fust epoi,'t11Q1 "011, the pareon'sal1`'right :He's left the 11Letliodi`sts and turned Ybung Liberal, you know," --A Ku. /doom% residing near IB1aekrook has, after a two -days' trial in. Dublin, been awarded.£1.U0 dam- : agesin au action for breach of pro- mise against Visa a%karian Btirtbolo mew, ti Middle aged lady 'possessed of eunsidel•able Means. Not a particle of calomel or any other deleterious . substance enters into the composition of A.yer's Cath- arae Fills., On the contra -12 r those I who have used calomel affil .outer mineral poisons, as medicine, findfixer's Pillsinvaluable. -- ,Taok Moore, wbo'was shot yes-. terdny in a street fight at Mt. Vernon. Icy., . died, also his .brother Tont. 'Riley Were sons of theloca1.ILetho dist ruinistt'r: • 'IIIEBEI` .YET.. There is no prepare,tion lief®re the people to clay that commands their confidence more, or meets with a het• tet; sale than does Dr. Fowler a Ex tracts of Wild Str•awl erry—the 1ulaU ii le remedy' for all fo; urs of Suniulei' Complaints. • ! —The drought in the Florence. Wis., district continues. Forest' fires are widespread, and'lrave dobe great cleniage, Prominent lumber- men ,estimate umber-men,estimate that 10.000,000 feet of ping have been destroyed. A,Rou s THE Lrysat when torpid with National fills a good anti bilious • itarseassaisiisitsiiisissiliseasetalliu til ',I •.t •... For "worif out," "rem -down," debi ta" d" `• school teachers, xuillinors, seamstresses, oiiBO kee era, and ovor-worked women generally, Dr.Pieree's Favorite Prescription is the beat • of alt restorative tonics. his nota."4ure-all,'' but admirably: fulfills sl singleness of purpose, • being a most potent Sp onto for aft those Chronic Woaknessea and Diseases�pebar t0 i women, It is a owerful, general As umwell as uterine, tonic Ana nervine, and imparts vigor andstren.'xtlitOthowholesystem. It promptly cures w knpess of stomach, indigestion, bloa�t. j 1 WS. wear b8ek, nervors prostration, debility 1 and vleeplessness. in either sex. Favorite Pre- soription is sold by. alrtigi;ists Under our itnsi•. tins bac ante.. Seo-itapper around Mottle, 1f'rico sa3.06 . o r six Itattie9 4or �4b.e0. A large treatise on i)isenses of Women. pro- fusely Illustrated with colOrnd plates and .nu :meroue wood -outs,, sent for 10 cents in stumps,. Address, Woaxm•ti DTBVEIVART MEDXOAL. J. AssooramoN,183' lt1atn, > t, Iluffalo,,N. Y. SICK UE itDACUlI, ililious 13oarlaol'iet and Constipation,by promptlyoured'by, fir. 1.'ioree'q' Pe1lots.. Ale. a trial, , drnaalsta.10.11 • i ADVERTISERS can , learn the exact cost .-o any - - - � line of f proposed •advertising in American papers: • by addressing a;hattic,.sugan coated: Geo. P. 'Rowell & sCo. low8pnpeta ELdvertisin� • Bureau, a The largest and most,cTestluc- 10., Spauoe. St., New York, Ave* fire that ever gccurr•ed• in St: 1 Send 10etat,. for 100aPage Parn14120t.:,'. "Loui,S; Was' that in the lumber yards , r'o Xnil,pp & Foot. The water sup :ply* was entirely. instiffioient for•tl)e 'emergency, an& the flames leaped from pile to pile of dry lumber with PI NEW STOCK !:. 'NEW -STORE'.k 1 OTT!S . 13L,00 , OLI NTONt. incredible' swiftness: •The fire' wag not eon ined-to any one portion of - • COOPER .8t Declared by , cit patrons .Rua] to any Oft cent Tea sold elsewhere. Clot a li.pouutt caddie before it is all game, • . A Good Japan Tea at 3 o«• Ter PG au d, Nein%ValpneiaRaisins Extra.Selerted Raisins, Bloc); Ila lemiets, Seedless Beis, Nan 'O.urrants, New Shelled Almonds, Almonds, Filberts, New Len.ou, Otaugo end citit,nt Peel. kinds of Poultry taken in exchange for 'Goods. 1 S Q' .' 0 0 11, W S 1 vatOC]Jlts,. • ; (lower Store in Searla's Rlock,r • - a the v fish, for sharks and hurtling- . • splinters were blown in every tiilee:• ELL tipn, and the whole teri''itol,i�;p :the yards, covering 35 acres, seemed to be say ! Ila 1).t hear of o e mass of b a ng l mb ll 11 er. ie • .r • '.Cirowas iylloWed' to burr[, and at the. ,end soffour hours 25 000 000 feet Of ss own. hook every Sutty.ni ndht • in. ;exceeds $400,000. ` the opera, .Ilouso, and; he's Lint; .a. i "Oh, j*os . e preaches on rite 1'nmber Were destroyed. The to JOSEPIH..CI-IIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture. • pall at:the New Store and see the.stoel of Bedroom and 'Parlor, Sets, Lounges Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, Mattraeses, etc ,'and•general.iTonsehoad Fnrniture. ' The whole'Stool: is from the very tn beat anui'ac.turers.' • Picture Frames and Mouldings of every description, • Jai►S.:CiiIl111Lit V, Ante door Iltest:Of I6icleson's: Role Store. big business; . too. . AN 1NVIS1B1 E FOE':' "Glad. to hear. rt;. ,Tiro parso.fs a l••• The poisonous germs of disease are 11.iCe man.'" l:bllciilf; in.tlre au we liieatl,,e and In _ a! ° 'Ii�T1�17"&'T_�i"�' "�(� O5.. the water the dl ink The s t m �°� ..L.NI ..L J Y I ..1-N . holosale and:Retail Dealers in \, system ,L . • "Ye -es; but lie and' )aain't friends should be kept•'Cetera ly: purified and any more,. Tool; offence ata mighty all the organs toned to proper action.• 1Tt'tle thialg:.'"cA.tPful touchy, these ".-'— can hest be clone by the vegulat. ' • . •„Q��-.. •• �„ t.. sky l,. Burdock'B1 oil B terfyinht and n. powers of j.PrggerieS, �J:'1 c,ther tt: , izEissiVare, y pilots.. . .;:o 'sb',. >: went in by IMPORTANT AI° la rettirning thanks to my many friends and patrons for past ltatror'aae, I wotitd • like to call their special attention to my very ocml.late stook of - HARNESS, WHIPS, CORRY COMM, BRUSHES, ETC., • ETC. - Special attention, is directed too MY stock of r:SINGLE;T ;HARNESSr: It will be found very complete, anti for durability nod flash c•7nnot be excrl.ted•t'y' anyone.. As T employ none but the• hest workmen, and .Ilse the hest materia to be bought in, the market, ulI who May f,,vor me with theirpatrcnage inlay tees confident of getting satisfaction, • PRICES AWAY DOWN. Trunks: and Valises in great variety and .Prices. Low.EOR E '7 —5 —. -..You e: - tlie stage.00'r—not attract r ' . t5.Business Feed Gured Meatsaices� �''YC ,The evidence in 'the reopened attention, b being seen church; ' licag ease .ofSirGlas.DillehlSpoopsL Inducements when quantities are ordoiedTeas aapeclalty.And euo}yboYLy in need. ofanything in. the printing line,, will find ittca- you see—and steered for were+ivate' nude it Julie clear that contrtclic t - a their advantage tel all on 0r• address tiles 153x. Thad. ,to stupe 'along in: the tory testimony is not confided to. ' SplendidSugars, time. • dirk behind'the-scenes;: and my hand4 Canada and Scott Act finals., e A Stock of cera ars, all grades; for ptese i��n struck an h a n n tt th ►Farm Plr aduce taken at Highest t Price. wall. It had something-hiird in the. ALL .1R'ELI P•hs t:snn.-'Tie children '. '. DAzCEY'S. OLD STAND, AlBEDT STREET y' CLINTON. , pi D Low's' tW overcoat. t nging;'o e• • pocket; and..Ii'au;nd, It 'to -hp a flash;: ke r.. ow s easan. orm Syrup g, -anti arents rejoice Oxer' its virtues. ,: --- � took it along-, t1)+.tiro•; baa., audgot p... , away with it b ',the demo service was .; over-: The' parson 44* me ai'ttina• , ' 111;. yai . Dobilitatea iHGen:. THE KAY TO HEALTH. desk. When he lied closed the, case: daV$ ot the nee of '.1)r Dye's Celebrated be dame, around' to see 'me, and 1 Voltaic 'Belt ,with Eleetrtc Snspensory saw that"he ig43san8d IRO said.sonte.e,_Appliauces for' the speedy relief :and seound I'el lied. 111C1 ed" 1118 packet:" P"'I hill titAtire et'Net vous Debility, loss while iso was preaching • _ of'Vitall is and'Mauhood;ancl'all•kindiredt.. "'That's alt 'right,' ;says I fishing. • Complete ::,reator,yt.ion to ".health; vigor : the flask up fro,.tit. under,:anr-chair';; ane�guaran,teed,-:-xe_.:riek._is here sire is.' ineurred;' Plustrated' plmishiet, with' them;.'and nodti d" from ins: veered: ' ;rut ere allowed 'a free trial of WHY fro lbtes, A,t'o, fuer into,/ • other drseuses full infurtnatien, terrre,• e'tc... ntiiiled "The • parson;'sfa.ce�ligiltedup':and, free b'y. addressing Voltaic Belt Oo., - lie reached, for it... ' • Marshall, inch. :. 3lSy-c343 • "'Empty l'." says lie.;.. ,' aB't;teller,''says T. "'It's'a mighty mean -trick,'„ says tale parson, furious. `Yciti, might: llave left me'otte u °T,'aliaw ''sn;ys I ; 0011)0 over will. me to : the .Etirektly and; yau.can have PE N N VROYAL.WA?lE Rsr Prescription of 8 physician,' who has hada life long experiende !n treating;3emale:disenselr. is, used neon thly with perfect 87x80888 by over.10,000 Iadies-...Pleasant, safe;, effe�tual. Ladles, ask your drag., gist for Penin; royal wafers and.. take no subetitete, or inclose ost- go. for sealed plrtleulars. ,Sold by all the drinks you want." all drnggoists, $1por box Address ti i� r f leas 1:nE8aa. dtilRN,cAL Co., . 1)ETa01T, Arlon, "iter §.attic rerys ttsell., Iktf. Liish�• r{ Sold hru Linton -by Combo and druggists ]fin,' says'the pat'son, mad: enough,. geneiauy tin f IS ' �; to cry ;;;`but, you I:now •iesll enough; that a• clergynlam can't; go ufi oto. a• The Great English E esoription; bar: on Sunday... You are -a man of profligate principles, Lusllkin,: and dicing me, if'it• Wits '.not,`for my cloth,, ]'d give you a deal right•here. that'll --� -shirk. your head swiiln. A succossful medicine tested over 30 years in. thousands of cases. Pnom ttly autos Nerv- ous, Prostratton ero•ous,:Prostratton .Weaknes8.of Brain; SJ,4teta lord, and Gen- CrattVe Ur,Jana of a then sex, 1 088itnia and 'all iflsjcaused by indiso-'ction m' oyer•exortion, Six • ppat•lieges are guaranteed to onset a Euro whon.all "Of COUi'So flier 011dL't1 eVerytbing 'Othernledielncsfuli'. Ono package $1, six pock - between the parson and -.isle .: Tieing t:nnt,ttba handl i,.Co`; ,for Pamphlet 4i iu a gentleman I eoOdle t itcha i i'eaolt- ;cifnb�n by ,r; ri ,Golub. and drugglnts geueraltr• e' .you know, so I quietly told' him • ., ttil '`ta-thb lati'ei�Ievo a, Ilrrl giant out intp tile.• liouse • and' joined 'the del3arting congreoattone,,, DANGtrItoTtS•FI'ra are. often caused l'ry wor.ils. t'reen)an's' Worm Pow., dors deftr'tiy ,woiitns.„ 9.4t, --The trial'of 1Villie Sblls,,n lad 16.year of age, for the murder of Ms father,, wither, btothet and sister,, is �g�Ill:at Erib,,-Itansasf, Monday.. IIE AOTED''VVDSELY: gel ant;sa week la uan'hat'dly-innve,.: all rcn.rlawn :with• -a CIia'onio Sutninen• Cram plain t," skid One, gen ttlema:n to: nnother.,in ctrl' stem44,Itthe oI1iea day'., kits y,.Iaite, frit% ltittA j'" rt+jilied`a fei&tits„” go• to youit•DI1ilgyeiLt•inletigt ti' a, litfttifOF- •Dr.y� , rdwI i,'a 7'xtract, oft. Wildl:Stm,lwl erl'y.,,T.lart.tcti never ktlowrr1 it tate fs,ii'i•irt tnrring,,ariy, kind ol. Kuno.. iaor.C.*trthl0uttss. - . A;TTENTIO N:.! FARMERS! . m •p0• rents implements ents r locks=all-clogget avehues-oft )e Bbdvels,'Sidnee-ys. and Liver. carrying olrgradually, widsoul weakening the system,• allthe'impurliies and foul humors ,of the secretions 1. at the same time Correcting. Acidity' of the Stomachr.cnring Bili• ousnes:�, Dyspepsia, '.I eauatdies, Dir- ziriess, Heartburn; Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dilly nest;•of Vision,Jaundice.:Salt Rheum, Erysielas, Scrofula,'Flattering of: the llee Art n and general: all t .sous es s. Debility; all t 'ese andmany other simi.. lar. Complaints yield. to the happy influence' of BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Sample Bottles lOc; Regular size$1.. '.For sale by alt dealers. ' T. MItsltessN a•CO., Proprietors, Toron SH --POR lI1E8 SIIMTTSK S 'TALLOW, dm memo, market price pn'id. ,Bring, them along. • . COUGH, BUTCHER CUUNTQly, - 355tf • 1'oeURMTGK - SELF,LeINDERS, REAPERS, M OWERSI SEED DRILLS, H01tSE ItAIcES PLOWS, -- OXIITTfl' G ROXES; SH ,FRS, - RTC.;, ETL. And all Implements used on a flti•m as Good as the Best, and as Cheap . as the Cheapest, at f. WEIR'S • IMPLEMi F WAEEROO ?S, CL-;1111'll`il➢Ni, '"10N'1'AItI.O WILE CU E:OR RELIEVE:; tfiLIOusntaB,, • L I2iINES,9,., LtYSPEPS!L4, LjfhiPSV, INDIGESTION , TT,ERIAI9 iI AUNDIC. E. O?T,NE NIMRT ERYSIPE`LAk.. ACIDITY oI .: .ALT !#►Et7!!9, , THE $TOMAION,i. HES VOURN,,, • NI MES& ,... 1MEADA.WWE,,. OF^ Ti.-irSKIN,: And every speoteseefrihlease srisrnC Vow 'djoordorod.Liv5n, KIDNEYS, BTOMAt0141, BOWEL8:OR ; 640O0, lye : +i+.%t►ilti ri.wl• t ro-• .r.. t:ty. SP. Cl,ltlf7, NOVIICE . P1II1I h1i C� T will nlall0111E0th° retitle', r i Iii i A. IC , for a atnlple VISOIrsete Balm - that will ultMovx TATA, I'aicgtms, I'tMl1rs and 13notolinis hfns•ing6 the akin soft, clear and th. flit; oleo Instillations for producing a ltxurfant• trdo'wrtohssofihndog1claedmhpBRlt41NCLfic& CO., 00 Ayrlwei reef,. N, X'1' • 302y MA HOOD, T.rostoradt' A gentleman. haribgt innocently eons traeted'the.liatlih of soft-abbse. in .his youth, .and aoheegtlonee suftered!allltlte:herrgrsx.t Sexual incapacity, Lost manhood, PtlyNohl IDpcay £)Cil, • oral Penetration, etc,. will, out' ottw,ripatlirytett✓ hie tellowsufferers, 1)1811 frog the l'oolpo by Whldlt he was dtian,v cured,. Address itr cotridoneo. J. %T;2S141CN1C3,Alt ediitlit:, lotx,'1Cotk....• 0023, r A 11.4.•: •IN• - 50 Mate 50 ORK' STRhTLY FIRST-CLASS. ews • or, con • Lithograph circ! Letter, gess t!'a '' P,rrr7ting l POSTEES,. TLY SHETS, _ •PROGRAMMES; I iltELO1 ES, &e•: SALE` BILLS,,; ,IDODGILRS, INVITATIONS, S_nfl?PIN'G TAGS, BILL HEADS;; INV0ICh:',; • 1'0TE •H,t ADS; (IItCULARS, Aro..-LETTER.. HEADS, w CARDS, ST;ATEMENTS,. GENERAL PRINTING ' `I' M E LATEST _r1'�f'L 01 COTS, elety £ F rintin Of all kinds, in the best style known to the craft:'. 0 O.bibre Frrntrng a Sp-c-/dftg 11,-11 tar IS riirite a compar son'of our' work with that of alai tither office - IVO -West elf Toronto.' - • `vicinityThe 33oet ever Offered -4n this /Mr the Motley. ,&1so;. rf:eneralf c ZOCERIES, !;equally cheap. Orders by, Mail pr5nlrtly attended to.. ;on.hand.. Tacit` >•, r a IAS -r,L,11t1irs i OS.. ..- , CL.1.N 01111 ONTARIO* Sbo oursetoci of 6irts'T;nfore you order. Prioce.consiatent with good aforlf.- I «