HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-07-28, Page 3i; • MOSQUITOES _T%T.A.T I KILL BEARS. • rt, A.'J•alrnson, a well known ey.- pert,returned from . Alaska a few '.lays ago. "Next to •tile 1'ich oro,' said AIL Johnston, "what struck rile the most forcibly was the uosq,uitoos. Why, sir, they kill the hears. Now it seems strange that a mosquito could kill a bear, but, this is. the way it. is clone. The bear, comes frown from this hills into the . marsh it lane to ft:ed,ou roots and berries -a eoit of .cranberry found there. As soon as they get comfortably to work the mosquitoes attack them, and go for their oyes., The bears get up on their ,hind legs .to fight them •off, and Sink into the .swamp. TIie mosquitoes, whielt.•yt of a most ex- traordinary size, keep at them• until they aro totally blind and their they have them ooTupletely at their mercy. have seen over a dozen briar car eases in those swamps positively killed by the mosquitoes,- Fietor/a,• . B. Q:,' Times. WO 1AN LY SYMPATHY. A party of ladies,. were being shown through the Kingston pear= . tontiary. Quo of the party, upon noticing a hanitlsome• young fel- 1uav thus addressed lrim : . • "You are ;n' very.young =De to lie in snoh• a placo.as this." • "Yeti ':urn., "«'hii,t'mtist your ?artier • think j",. ''Think tliet if I couldget out I'd "How long are in for I" -"Five years," • • .i . "What was your orinie 1'." . "'Selling bibles," • `'Whati". the lady exclaimed. is ` astonishments . • • "Yes, sell'iug bibles." "'Why, is It a crime to sell .bibles in this freo.Canada. • Some of Arch- -. 'bishops Lynch's .interferenoe•v.ith an open Bible 'for. 1'rotestahts or Cath ..lies li, .:• • "It -seems to be, ..i um." "611;, ,Whitt a heathenish 'country. rein in a corres� ondierit for tle4Apostle ' cit •Work and .1 shad-livt'jte up year• u;asa;-iCtrt4, .aloin .,tau a „t,Le- book, "please give fie the pardon-. lurii." "Well'; white I ii�ea selling bibles • on the street a man came up and iv, rested me.' .1 was taken before court • and sentenced 'to the. peniteritiaty. "You don't te11• me.'so' • "Yes'ulni" `And alrthis for, selling the pre- eious• book. Where did you get the bibles:r ' "Stole 'eni. " The note book closed with a snap.: Y BAD X(1. USE. FOR IIS.• "1 irate, kids,'i be said. ' "Why e" . • "I think tE.ey•.ought to 'be locked up in asylums: till: they're .o•1'd en- vugh to take cane of themselves: If it hadn't been• for a..kitILLAvc1l, ..it alight have`boe" .'Z1`hat`1'" ` -, [••• . "), loved this kid's `.mother •She was a .rich and beautiful widow, and I was mildly in love with her. I' Was actually contemplatingin fact, I had just -got to the point of putting . the: delicate -question. We were in the .drawing.roon. •_Talo.' kid. was • playing, in the corner., Forgetting. all about that, l pul,,nty arms fervent- .ly.,aroun.d, the widow's tyaist •and• iiilp'lanted a passionate kion' upon her lips, when the 'kid .charted 'up and rushed, at in e, "Don't you. kill my mamma,' and ran ;sereaming into the kitchen Calling for the servants." ;";am,t„Igepdn't "Whati Marry a widew with a • child• like that 1 But the worst cams -n faw•nights after. I called et.. the. house; There were several ladies there, and tbe.'lcid was being petted nil round.: Of course. the widow was alt right, but that eonfoundod 'child deliberate]y turnett"her..back. I didn't mind that, but: the; mother, to be nice, said :- "'Yott :darling child, dolitt you know "'Oh, yes,' said the imp, very pretty; "oh yes, I kitu\v you; you are the pian that bited My mammal 1. need not, --I could not describe the °uteri." A BAD ]3itEAK1 OWN. It is it commo'Mi thing now a•daays.. to hear one complain feeling ling a ll broken down with a faint, weary, -L restless languor, with strength and appetite: nearly gone, and nn well ale• fined Daubs. Thies is 0.)tebet t10 iH tv,.. taliieh>Jnrtku'k.Blood fitters pro apt- heiiawesdaid moa inyairialaly, cures, UAIii CUT BY ELECTRICITY During a ilolent thunderstorm avhie& recently brok.cl over a prairie town in Dakota a curious incident • happened. A. young woman, caught in the storm was hastened home- ward, sheltering herself as best she could beneath an umbrella from the drenching rain. Suddenly she ex- perienced a stranged, alarming sensation, the shock Wing simultan- eous with as very vivid flash of light- ning. She felt "quite upset, great- ly alarmed" by it, nevertheless, pro- ceeded on her way, and it was only oll..reaching her residence- that- sh9 discovered what a. narrow escape she had, Ott. reproving her bonnet she found 'that her hair had been literally out off, presenting the same appearance as though it bad. been shaved with a razor. The ..effect upon the gia;1's mind Odle discavery was so great that she has.. been con- fined to her bed: ever since the.day of the. storm. It is not the loss of her hair, that affects her, but the re- oolleetion . of the narrow escape `she • had has so entirely upset her• ne•- sous system that 'the Medical •pion attending her o:ipreas . the : opinion that •xt 'will bo soros weeks before she recovers from the .shock. • WOULD NTA' WAIT. - This euptom is more prevalent in Scotland than in England. With. `goody' people grace is said not only before breakfast and dinner, but. eveu••wllon thecholla set` 1 froshlirent is taken; •Indeed, in the Highlands, especially ala Sutherland and Boss -shires, it is customary when a 'dram' . is given to ask a 'blessing' over •.the' `mercy.' A storyzs told of a High - leader to whom a `snuff? Was offered. The fragrant mixture Was put.. on the Melt of .his band,'; and, as it -was something to take, be said it would Qnly be right to ask a blessing 'over it: The good pian. closed • his Ayes and began slowly to repeat the blear rug or short prayer. • A gust o1wind,• however, blew the snuff from, liis hand, on w.hich he remarked :2011, it coaldna' be, a reioy.•at all when it•wouldna' wait for God's blessing to be asked over it' • • • •• . EDITOJ%jA L : SF,LG'TIO NS:, • C iNAT A TrIE RIGIIT PLAOG. • ...Canadians 'who are in thehi,bit of believing all that le published about the fertility of the soil of the Amer- ican- Northwest would `do troll to peruse the ;following. It' is air ex- tract from a. letter published by Mr. - James Kelly; of .Gananoque, in the, ilepol•telr of that .village. In speak-• ' Wiz of the morality 'of the people he .says; "The •moral.standard' seems' to- be' very 'low here, and •Saibbatli observance almost unknown. •-•Star .dayis the ;farriers' busiest day,and.on it bastjball matches and other ga)inee are-platyo :`' The post 'office. is open, • ell. day\ Sunday. >; t3 lira. I, saw: one roan • butchering iy pig and some Christians. cutting stovewood.on that day:" Regarding .:the 'premises of wealth he observes: "I find that the •accounts sent from here about this country .are not all true. 1 have Made special enquiry • in regard to the -fertility of the prairie -soil, ant .how much wheat •eau be raised to "the aere on an average. Tlie eve - rage yield- does not exceed twelve . busliels; twenty' bushels, is a very large crop. Front what T have seen I consider.land in Caiilada far siup- erior tai that of Dakota, My advice • tt young •nlen looking.for:is• to 'stay. air Canada. • Those who write lin paphlets that.the, fertility' of soil in Minnesota ancl`'Difkbta is greater then. in Canada are' hied to --'do. it, anti teil.aconsummate . Lao." •Can- ada, iu trio' 1 gh t of tlrosc statements, is the proper pities for Canadians to • remain in. • A "16.O•IIJ'i'Eltm When Cal. Sellers .gives you ar'poi.n- ter" in stocks,, my friend., leave theni severely alone, but when • your own feelings tell you• that you have palpitation of the • heart, asthma, braiudliitis• or catarrh,: which unless ohedked are )b to run into censurnp• titin, lifted the admonition before is' is too lite. All the diseases enure•- elated, and others, arise linin impure blood. '.1)10, the liver ifl action, the • largest gland in the human. body, and you will speedily regain . pun lost health, and youth• had feelings• will' diaappenrr Dr, *Pie)ce's "Goitre»' Medical, Discovery" will accomplish the work speedily. and certainly. Of your druggist,' • ' • ' ,eY 12Ab1CAT,- The boot eraciloaton of foul ilumore• of tiro bloodtis•l3urdook 1-:001 Bitters. A ' few bottles- produce a radical. change for ill i better in health and. .beanty. It trenrovi,s the blood taint of ,Scrofula, that terrible disease go. common in.this doubt -4.. :'" I�..-.TV'1I111iiiYilii, ip'dl uko Ii A lstart a di Q lid Medical lYprk Perfeets Hair FOR YOUNG &•M1DDLE ACED MEN. Indicates a natural and healthy condi. tion of the scalp, and of the glands through which not`krishra.ent la obtained. When, in consequence of ttge And dis- ease, the hair becomes weak, thin, and gray, Ayer's Hair Vigor will strengthen it, restore its original color, promote its rapid and vigorous growth, and impttr& to. it the lustreand freshness of youth, I have used Ayer's $'air Vigor for a 'long time and am convinced of its value, "when I was 17 years of age my hair began to tura gray. I commenced using. the Vigor, and was surprised at the good effects it produced. It not only restored the color to ray hair, but so stinttulated its growth that I have, flow more hair .than ever before. --e J. W, Edwards, Coldwater, Miss, Ayer's Hain Vigor, 8ol4 by all Druggists and Perfumers. Ir. You. ARE suvrsnI::q Xom debility and loss of appetite; if your stomach is out of order, or your mind confused; take Ayer'rr• Sarsaparilla. This medicine .will restore physical force and elasticity to, the system, snore surely and speedi1 than any tonic yet discovered, l+or six months 1 suffered from liver and stomach troubles. My food did not nourish ane, and 1 became weak and very much emaciated. I took sift bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and was -cured. --Julius M. Palmer, Springfield,111ass. Ayer's Sarsapa-rilla,. Prepared by Dr. 3. o;A yer & Co., Lowell. Mane. Solt, by Druggists. Price $1; sin bottlee, $5.. TJNZNO WN There is not remedy known to n edi. cal aelen0e that can excel Dr Fowler's Extract of Wttl Strawberry as a cure 'fcr-'Cholera. illorhus, Ditirrhura, Dy sentei•y, or any form of Summer Com - Plaint a1Ticl,ing children or adults. Fos Nirr'rrl RANI, Summer Treat, :Eruptions and general toilet • pur- poses use low's Sulphur Soap.. Am' ton 'ro DIo•rrnans',-Are'youdisturb• id at night and broken of your rest , by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth 1 If: so semi at welled get a bottle of "hairs Wi low's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is incalculable It will relieve :tire' poor" little sufferer immediately. Depend. upon it, mothers ; :there is nwinistake abort it. It euresDysentery and Diarrlatea, 'regulate, the Stomach and Bowels, ' aures Wind Colie, softens the Omni, redueos.Iufiariitniv tion, and gives tone and enemy to the. 'whole system, 'Miss. -Winslor's Soothing. •Syrup" for children teething is plc5sent to the taste 'and is the prescription of one of the :oldest. and best female pbys'cions and misses iii the Uiiited•Btates, and is fur sale .ary all druggists throughout the world,. Price; tweuty4ve &pits a mottle Be.HMO and ask for "Mits.. Wrksaow's 9oo'rfirrlu Svnur," anti take no '•other kirrtl. • .. ' A;lady writes : "T Iittve'used Ayer's Sarsaparilla in my family for many years, and. -could.. not•. keep -house without it.; For the.' teliet',ot the pains consequent upon female weak. mess andrregiilaritits, : x consider it without an equal.-" - CQNSllhiIPTAON CURED: An old physician,. retired from iiraatice, . huv'n had. ala c r i 'his hods by 'a r uw r c isi d ru •. !*^ . fi J• 1i East Indra ani•,sxaxtdiy-.the formula •of a PLAIN OR FARCY • Fruity $1 Mali, Postpaid. illustrative Sample Free to All. KNOW MYSELF, A Great Medical Work on Manhood.. n bausted Yitaligy, Nervous and Physical Do- bIlity Premature la Ilan, grrorsot Youth. and the untold miseries resulting from lodiscre• tion or exee+ses. A book fur every elan, young, middle-aged and okl. It uontains 125 prescrlp• twin tar all acute slid chronic diseases, suet' of which 1a'invaluable. So found by the Author, whew esperieuce for 25 years is such asyrobably never Moro fell to thelot of any physician. See pages, hound It, beautiful French niusllri, emboss- ed, .rovers, full gilt, guaranteed to 1)0 a Neer work in every sense than any other work sold iu this country for $2,00, or the) money will be re- funded in every instance. ' Price only 81.00 by mull, postpaid. illustrated sample free to any body. Send now. Goll medal awarded the author by the National Medical Association, to the Pre- sident of which, the tion. 1'. A, }ilssell, and associate otleore of the Board the reader .Ie robpoutf ul ly ,referred. The SehmeoutLife feworth more to thvyonnK and middle aged pen of this gendatton than all basaloid Minim of California and the silver niines ot`lrevada colnbhacd --S. F". Chronic/8. • The Science of lata poant8 out the rocks and golcksaudson which the conatttntion and' hopes of many a young man have been fatally wrecks(. -Dl anchehtor:llirror. - 1'hobeIence of lite is of greater vallue than all the meow works published in this country for the past 50 years:-dtlanto;ConsOitittiwc. The Seiebee of Life. Ma superb and maetorll ' treatise .0n nervous any physical debr.ity,- Detrorl L yes Pre*. Therm is no member o1 society' to whom The $lioneo of Life W111 not houseful, whether youth, pareot,•-guardian, instructor tar orurgymak.-- Address the Peabody Medical IMOute,aor Dr. W,rl. parker, Pro,: 4 Trutiinch street, Boston, Mass., who may he consulted on.alldfsensesrc- in. •at6 diseased thaant have bailed the. skill of ail other physicians a specialty. Such treated success, ull. without an instance of failure, Mention ,lira Nsws-lincoao,Oli'nton,'Ont. 384-y • • BUTLER'S ••-1?o•lt- • • $cioq/ 1oo/is. ALBUMS PURSES :SATG 6.143 4: GCDERIQH ' MISOBLLAIVE07TS. 0f All Kifacds,--- Tm��p'' ��71 !t1 t B TLE •S 7 GODEF ICHO . liasilsoiseami -10 QLINT�4 /y •OCA Q li ��► 1 (.�.."�ji • "^•••-••., you l}re needta a�LA,4t.tt:/WORKS' ORK lr �p l;nobby rig ,tall end' c•xamlue•- - 1z `Poop o Y ' Open and Top Bu ggies, Democrats, Photons, anis! .the Celebrated Cantelon' Gear. lirMeB"metuher, my vehicles are .naris of the best • i 1/e -Growth ftirt'tIa 'Ol tarek .4 fe ort it, materials, •and every rf country!, but sell puree I ,altyi'. ii e do notpeddley . g warranted: . y y on merit. J►i•1ees LOW. eld serigs caliph tris • oqI_STJ ,,.--MANuFAO REEL Or - CARRIAGES, Corner of' Huron and Orange Streets, CLINTON. • . . . The rr roved Tx . kin P mp 'u ggS' . 4' specialty . . a To Durability. Lightness. and Appearance equalled by no other. • All the latest iniriroved vehicles kept Constantly en band. F1. FIST- CIL, A,SS• • BLACKSMITH hal, ccuuection. Best material aad workmanship in'all • branches,• ALL WORK WARRANTED; - • - - PRICES REASONABLE.. 1 Rf pairing and Repainting Promptly Attended to. Yes, and with the right kind of annetnaition, at JAMES ir ANDERSON'S. RESTAURANT: OYSTERS in Shell and. Bulk, by. Nish or Quart, . CANDIES•.1Oo, per pound.: ORANGES and LEMONS' 26o.:per dozi. CALL .AWO,SEE IDS. : - • NEXT CRASH, UNION. ADVERTESERSI Make a note of the fact that •. TEE ' NE* RECoItp' bas •. ached' more . bona Ale never • 'subscribers during .the- presentyearthan any other.paper in this 'geed( 1�'iote the filet that THE NEWS=I1ECpRD inns.a.larger circa, ration than any other'ptiper•in this section;. ' 'Note the fact that TI n"NEWS-4Eco11.1A i,as one price wily; and that ],rice reasonaUB. NOTE T H E FACT ; Double re.'Circulation .. TALKS TO -THOUSANDS aiinple• vegetable remegy • for :tile speedy • :Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma Altion,nal and all tlnuat and 'Lang &Llfeetions.,' also a pos ttivs and is oaltlre for Nervous Debilityilrty and all Nervone Cornliluinfs, attar having tested its wouderfiil .curative : powers •iii the .duals of.eases, has ieTt•••it his duty to niake it known ata lois suffering fellows, Ae tasted by this motive, and a 'desire to ielievelmnian s'ittl'ering, 1 will sued free of charge, to all'. who desirgv it,'. this re. pipe, in' Grernran, French or English, with fall directions for preparing rant using. Sent by mail by addressing. with stamp,. warning this paper, W A: Xeres, 149 Power's Bloc/c, Rcckeater, N. 1' ,.: s8ti=s•ri 0.‘' n --A, HOS ESS ,WIT•1;< TACT: "You talk of tact !" said: thashort-. i.hand• reporter. "1 remember a case • of fiict that was as pretty as anything I can ilYiagtiie. It ata at, the. house • of., a governor of a' western state,. 1.1is wife was ouzo of the most refined ' and cliarin.ing. ivolnen revel' know, and she svas.just'chock fall' of tact, '.Clic goy. rnor Jamil to give receptionii • to iuflu pial m, n.' of tlfo st• ate, and you can Taney tibial some of 'then. -Wore.very uncouth and Iinedacatecl'.. One evening .there was a largo din - nor patty, and a 'rather rough 91d cove,, n verity, wealthy and important.. ,vain, was the c1hie!' guest; Of'coiirbo he sat 'on the right side of the hos-- toss. The dinner went•talong very nicely. ;Beyond making a few rath- er gauche remarks, the old western fellow 'behaved pretty well: •I3ut when the finger- bowls were.put on the table ho wus• rather knocked over, and lilts "marfy ether heroes Of sueh stories be. took hitt. up and drank out of it. Nobody happened tn. see• ]rine except the hostess, and quick ad a.wilik alio signaled to the servants. They removed every fit - ger -bowl before. t anybody could tough them, • and the 01d fellow closen't;.know' to -day;. if lie ik lii`ing, what • it mistake. be made, Yon Nalyday Goods,: AtBUTLER'S, MARKET SQIASE, - CODER;C. f Job s N� cr evor Work � �• ` TI � � Guarantee 4cielp . __GALL °.15.1,...)11-7'' C T ��ADI;R ATE PRICES', OF ,yst: RINDS.S v"i N. fel �i E eui Type A 18� �3 UfiLElt SELLS CXEAPEI$ ~� "3EX:r* tVANTLD=ti (li . or. Gentlemen,- +" • than nl one on top o the earth. rr 141c:)i(Ti:LOfi' )fE11711t1,t1G . .f A shod t:omms,wri cud twrk Quay. Address Taa Nsas-rtaoonn, 0lintuu:: ire hisuPaiice Go y, Now' Goodsa •New Goo r NO OE: Photograph. The undersigned are appoiii tes1.tti'act`its • Autograph h Albttm7§.• agents in the Township ot, •Goderieli for. ci.r•oe. �. Pages and Chi:aa1l•at•n,: this Cdulpaily. Any: parson wishing tar insu a in this old and reliable Firmer's • • Purses- and Wallets. FANCY! ABRAHAM Of all kinds, cheaper eat s a ever. Market.. S1111are; N4T11.:MAY. • CODER' ICH.. neaVer }151OCk ROOK...STARC. • ween f s , p Birthcay, W M. COOPER 'Company :shonid, apply to either TnoMAS NLILAias,. Harlock 1': 0 ,'air SAaiit.eth: CA11 ocuax; •Seafortli I? 0.•, I'1oiipt '' • attention Will be given. i1lclfillop;. Jiine 314; 1830,' WEST. 'OT` ENGLAND' �IUIT- ' INGs & TEOiJSEItII'GS, SCOTCH 'r4i'IaFT) .SUXTINGS & ' I;TIEO'ITSFRINCr$, ' ' FILI: CII AND ENGLISH W0Jt- STE» CI.OTMS, Madettp in 'Best' Style and Work- manship 6It Alia'ahab2 Smith's, ,,- 11°`oto , ,, ifs steel' one of the' cheapest • and best.atticl s of • WINTER auTHII W ANIS:' CLOTHS..:._ I PURE SEEDS � -louritinels of Mangold Seeds, 25e 'per lb.. •: White Belgian Carrot Seed, 4.0a:c'ler 1'12,'•.. 7'ai•hip'Seed, 25a, psi' lb. \Vesters.;cruses:. 1Tu&krylleat. 911 Cake $2.50 per casts I want k lot of Oats in cr nainge for Oatmeal, 12 lbs, to the bushel.,, A tett• l.ARLV' OHIO POTA.1JolES Ron SLED at 73c,:p,•r bushel. J. STEEP, GU 'ON, Best Man PL0111 • • • •r. '--"• -.W. j•A.re �f.`W O.C. r .&£rkk7 ,n; -of till kinds, at-. ' BRODER1C Tar 68,24 th :May. ' kir FRITS OF AI.T,, IU'NDS,. . rl.;I� CIUtADL . PINE •A P'r i I S R; 13,t1.XAN A.s; AT $13:8)Pitt" C11"1; jilxt.arrired. : ' A ran Line of GENTS' I"ttF�A NISHIN G'S always in stook. It mill pay Jou to call 011 :HAM. SMITH.. • L3R N by the telt w: cwt.tar Facnlilies supplied with. rat - A1 600. pan ()win. .t rruatvi on short notice,. Delivered free• ol.churge anywhere in town, 11311;h1':*MIEN I ;t�^irSOr', . „ • Min. . ft lDERICK,. 1. TJios,.Cuoier's oral slnl,il CL1,.TOY. ‘,Xlimt.eolses 1 r.t,irlt,, iltltro 'iJG.tl 1'. 4 ' 4