HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-07-28, Page 2• ingirettiltittpette....,,;;,, • 111 .7 1 1 1alliONNIIMMOISSILIII 11 1-101i..4,i.,1 iiii iii itrite nun POW$ gettOr4 XB VaL1$flb avory Wednesday gorntng M-1.1.1•UNA. 00.0i.-.1 a'r Timm 014104, • 414ert.(9treet, Clinton, Ont. #1.25 in adv4nee ;$2,V noteo pai4. Theproprietorsof'rneGentmiceillaws, 'haying,purchascd the business and plant,: of- 1an Ilueox limcorso, Ay/11'in Intel* Triblieli the amalgamated papers in Clinton, under ilf2 title of 'qua Bunten Nelysfit liheOnn: 4iinton is the niost prosperous town hi Western Ontario, is the seat of consuicrable :manufacturing, and the centre of the finest agricultural notion. in Outario. • ' The combined circelation of Toe NEWEI• V.EQOIED exdeedii that Of ATIVpaver pub-. ijslual in, the. County of Huron, It is, therefore, unsurpassed as an advertising enedium. . itinlates of advertising, Ilberal and 'furnished on upplicatioii.. • garl'arties making contractsfor a speei- ,tfied time; who .P1scontinee their advertise.' -meets beforethe expiry of the sane, will be charged fell rates-. 1. it.tivertisements, withoutinstrnetiOns 55 to spacoand time, will be left to the judg- iiiient of tile corn ositor in the display, ta- lented • until forbidden, measured by a scale of staid. .nonparell (12 lines to the iineh), and charged 10 'eelite a line for first 'insertion and 3 'Cents a line for eiteli sub- seipient insertion. Orders' to discontinue -advertisements must be in writing. sof Notices. set • as ILEAD1110. ItTATTER, ..{(measured by a sego of solid Nonpariel; 12 Thies to the inch) charged. at the rate of • ILA centsa line for Kish insertion. • JOBI WORK. - '*e lave one of the best appointed Job Offices wsst of toronto, Our fedi-1001n this department enable us to do all kinds of work—from a calling eard to a rnamnioth 'poster, in the best 'style, known to the ' craft, and at the lowestpossible rates, 'Orders by mail promptly attended t�. . •ifiddre • • The Negre-liieeord Clinton, Ont Toeoein13ev;itsg. • • The Huron News -Record Wednesday, July &Stift. SHOT BY II1JS- BROTHER. :SONS FIGHT IN %Tin Pnn2ENOLOr - • •••; • .1Tariey. (and Stephen ..CaTrIpbell lived with their mOther near -Arcola On • Wedneediy, their -hired man, James Rtanda,11, , went .• on a (spree, returning' at niglirpretty-well loaded up. ..,Steve upbraided 'Rand- . . 41. for• leaving his Work, in a bus) .season, ancl tbb Were: soon engaged in. a ho t• 'Wordy. (Darrel: Harvey . . interfered. to 41.101 .the dispute.. tee pphed. "It is not yoor in, and1'11 thank you -to mind your :own business," ,HarveY who • is muchthe older, and hasilong lorded iit•over .hie brother,intiMated that he was ready. to settlethe dispute- iu.. the. good . old • fashioned 'way. - Stephen had a retolver. which he -• handed to Randall, saying:. vey. wants to fight, and if have this . r.ani 'liable to use it ; so keep it," Badgering Words were paised t� and. - • ro Aetween the brothers ,until• Hat- • vey grabbed , Stephen bY the neck. The latter struggled .till he gotloose and backed into.' the ,Varlor, iq the presence of their mother. 'Randall fAlowing With the,' reyolYer in hip' pocket. • Stephen -standing .be- hind hit mother in the parlor while Ilaryey.avaa..yet in the sittiug room, siict: "Now, d,,,n yba, nuthin,g • avi,1 do you but h fuis;•suIVill give you a guod one." • Randell was standing Close by. R3ach i lig around behind hith, Stephen slipped 11'0111 his rocket, the reyoiver that had • been given to Randall. only a few giMment& before for . safe ' keeping, 'Three ehots 'we: e tired in quick .suc•- •eageelon over the' mother's head. One passed threogh the: body of 1 faivey, with in two- itches f• Itis lietirt, and was picked' up on the floor by the mother ; the emend pro - landed froin the back, and Wes Inovcd with little trouble ; the third 'Init it slight flesh womid, fEarve.y kept endeavoring to reach 'a, gun thatstoud in the corner.. Stephen threatened to shoot again If he came aa inah further. There was no need, of the threat, Harvey sank to the floor hleeding • Physieians were called, but noth- img %VaP to he done but .adininister :stimulants. Harvey, Who WAS in 40baSt; health, igtOod44nrehOph illarkehly well, but the phygichins said that there was 'not one &ince. in -a thousand for his recovery. Stephen, After the shooting, went . to Areelit aid gave hinnielf up, iorn- frig over the deadly revolver to the officer, but playfully asking to keep three empty Shells fur keepsakee. tie. WAS released on $3,000 bail, Ite signed his own mune ito tha bond and it is good for three times the =Mutt, The Mother 011ie bop sONV it all, ;but did not try to iuterfere Slie, *said she knew one of the boYs was bound to. get hurt anyway, Steve. Was pretty full at the time Mir:self, The next day 1ie6 'said lrn wished they would hurry and get through with the shooting scrape hennas he wanted to get back to the farm and boss his hands. His 'happy spirit 'found. vent in singing hilariously, "I am Cratherina.,7 Plowere for Moth- er's • Grave,." :Steplien has been married but a -month. He is very well off, having inherited a 800,- . acre far% from his father's estate. Harvey is eqUallywell oft Stephen is barely 21 and Harvey is about 35., THE WEEK'S DOINGS. opt,ADIAIV. —Professor Tones, of Seaforth, has accepted.: the positicin of pre- centor in the ICincardino•Presbyter- ian church. • —The Exeter people think -serious- I y of, submitting an $8,000 by-law for the purpose of raising funds to erect a new Town Hall. —First-class freight will be car- ried by the Canadian Pacific Rail- way from Winnipeg to VictOria, B. C., a .distance orabont fifteen Inn& red miles, for 41.89 per hundred pounds. • • - —Ben: W. Ripe. the Man Who, tried. to rob the •Patinerstou bank•, and assaulted- the teller, was sentenced to two years in the. Pen- itentiary, on Monday morning of 'last week,. The , sentence was, Made light on ocean& of some extenuating circumstances. ' .. • .--The Bishop of Huron- has ap- pointed the Rev. J. Ridley; of Mitch- ell, to the incumbency of Trinity Chitral, Galt; rendered, vacant by; the .rernoval of the Rev. Canon Hin- oks to • .Wiiideor. Mr; Ridley who , .is one of the ablest preachers in the Diooese �f Huron,• o e .dutiesof ids new field early -in. Sep- . tember. ^, • *—A ;piing wonia,n named AIlie Vence has been' discovered.by the Detroit police in a house of ill -fame in : that City. :Sho statoir that she belongs to London, that she went there aliont • three weeks ago, and having b,een betrayed by a• -Detroit bartender, who refesad todo any, •thing for her; she.aigvirno resort but to take the course shedid. She was detained until her friends could be communicated —The. case- of:SprOule, ,I.Joited States'citiien, couvieted of murder in:Beitith Coitimbia, and sentenced• . 10 -1)0 hanged; and in win'oh Judgag. Henry,;: in the hicheqii'er Court, erdered a,writ. of *habeas corpus to issue to -have Sproule brought i to • Ottawa and dischargel on account of • e„, • y • „ ns , the Attor- ney-Gcneril of British Columbia has decided to appeal • to the Impel,: gal privy Cciiincil against Judge ilenrva's ruliuct. Sprmile at present stands respite& until .Augnst 19. . --:Last 'week a' young ffiAlinamed Brownlee entered: the residence Of Wm, McCaffrey, a well-to-do farmer, of Nepean township, while Mr.. go Caffrey cold his fainily were out pie- nicing, and being showed by the hired girl where the fanner kept his Money, broke the lock and made off With $500. On MoCaffre, return- ing he noticed his less, and found: near the Money drawer a• peculiar batten, such he had seen on. lee's coat. This led to the arrest of the guilty party, and subsequently both lie and the girl were lodged.in • gaol, • • . Superior City, Wis., ear-, reepondent of 0)0 • CUllgatitn-A irldn, says •L -111:i• W11, Tomplcius• 'Llicknow, Ont,, his home, n Ltd t which.' he neVar loses. sight. of. Re left there four ' years ago When Varga; Dak., was surprising the world with its ' trinnendoue bocim. Ito did not reinain 'there, long. Locating in this. pinee liis kil1•afg builder anti -contractor soon 'became establiAlied, To -day he is a ;prom- inent eiIizei, lipids a seat iu the Schoo floud and 'controls a profit- able grocery house on one 'of the main streets, —At the St. ,Taines's Ro an Cath- olic CI•nireli, Montreal,- on Sunday, Rev. 111r,„ Palmitin referred to the gnights of Labor. .11e reminded his hearers that the Bishops of the Provinee, in council assembled, had Oolarlanuteat the 8064, andt1ioa.0 belonging to the order ought to give in their reSignatious. They most submit to the dedrees of coin, petent authority, and if nienthers.or this Organization are ,sincere and .only wish to form themselves into a merely, protective society, theY may form a new. body, completely dia. tinet, with another darter and an- other name, -..11•••••••*"."- Igra. Wm. Rele and child) of Bellefentaine, Ohio, are visiting at T. uilbh:NVirightnn. , -,x-Mr. Duncan Sinclair, a respee. table' farmer of Thant ea Riversitteud- ed the %nip Meeting recently held in his.neighborhood ender the atus. piees of the Methodists. ile tOAh an active partrin the services. The exeitement preyed tee great for him,,and it was found necessary to renteveltru to the London asylum. —The Knights of Labor demon- stration committee_ of Woodstock, have decided to hold their big day there on the 18th of August. Large deputations from other points have premised to attend,. St. Thomas alone will sent about 2,000 visitors, and one of the biggest crowds ever in 'Woodstock may he looked for on that date,. —Mr. 3. T. aaruett, a well-knOwn, Toronto commercial traveller, who was aniaired on the Michigan Cen- tral :Railway at St. Thomas abouta week ago; died at the hospital yester- day 'morning. While attempting tejump flora a moving train befell muter the wheeleand had his legs oreshed, • —.At about.11,30 at night, an en.. gine collided .with a. cow that had taken Up a position on the railway track near Belleville, eight cars fol- lowed. , The brakeman,' W, Powell, of Millbrook, who was on the en gine, was instantly killed. Fireman Daniel ,Beard is. badly scalded, and will likely die. • —Tr:, years ago Daniel Davis, a • blacksmith and minister, of Nor- idgwock, Maine, obtained for.. his • • • octogenarian mother a pensien.as an . • 1812 soldier, making affidavit that she had never married again. It was discovered last, Friday that she had re -married twice, •and that one Of the marriages ,had. been solemn-. lied by her Son. • Officers 'arrested • Pavia hut he escaped to Canada. • • • • .;-LMI!,",• :Bones, Of . Nrissagaweia; laid' au information egainet. Mrs. Peter Deforest, for assault. . From . the evidence giten, before' His Wor- ship it was shewn that Mrs: Defer - est chastised:Bones, her -eon -in-law. •She 'claimed that She brOwdit• 'u her Children as she thought lit,'And- claimed the sanie privile,ge, with . her law.Wlien lie refused to obey her.' ' She was 'fitieci, and. costs and boned over to keep, the.peace. bhrrel Of Whiskey 14 s ship- peil from Torouto to Barrie instead •of,Beeton. 'A young fellow Of the *.sune namia:of ;theoWner,Ntlit hand-. ed the letter containing -the iovoieo and the shipping hill of thii barret. .of . whiskey.. Ile - thinv-4paid the, freight,. took :the ..whiSky and de- _posited- it in "the:cellar of a butcher • shop, where..several parties met, and were hiving a gay ,time. •Serne of it was said to be sold. . However, when tlie••N..&••N,..W„ railway- de- tective arriyea and found the. barrel; it was about half. full._ The yoting fellow **arrested and placed in,' jail... .During his walk to the:jail he teld all about the affair and tho. parties be sold it to, but they denied saying t ioy never, pal or at. The yoi tnarewas liberated on his 'giving security to pay aboilt $73 for hi's spree.: . A • Thornpson, Minister . of • Justice,stated that the proelaniation which appiaed 'in last week's : Of fielid -Gazette granting pardon to all who took part in the •Northwest re- bc1lin *except such as :could be proven to have fietually taken lin- man life will • apply. to „Gabriel 'Dumont and Dumais: • They were at liberty to. return to Canada at On ed. The forfeiture of their lands will 'be 'remitted. Ite also stated that no action will be taken at., present in the ease of Big Bea,,t_ancl threediana on account of complicity in • filet:Frog Lake 11.1AS, sacra and because they are danger - one and turbulent 'A 'warrant for the release of the lialf-hreeds Monk .• • • . and Gaitnot was diepatched. •. • AiFutiOsil". • ,a negro, who' attacked and. attenipted to outrage ?ulis.- Duikcs, was capttiroui ami plan- ed in jail, but it inesked mob' entered and ridilto 1 the negro with bullets. -..—The latest reported tasting girl is Julia Harris, the twelve -year-old daughter of a Methodist minister near Fairies Station, Takes. She is said not to have elliten anything in 46 days She was unusually faf when ahe began her self imposed fast. weigliing,.180 pounds. She is great- ly reduced in flesh natv,`, • —Cleto nisbop, aged 70, Of Greensburg, Ky., was Married . on to Retta Boston his ward, tforted not over nine. Bishop is a haehivomis doctor and pteaeher. His wife died two weeks ago, and neighbors threatened to take from him the girl whom he had adopted. To thivart* them lie procured a linens° and was married., .1Ie pre - Smiled a certificate from the girl to obtain the license, that She was 27 yearsof age, --It is now the general expecta- tion that Minnesota andDakota will not, produce more than three-quar- ters asmuch wheat as laet year. D. Wilson lives about faux miles east.ofMamaheeter, 0, While he and hie family were at the break- fast table one morning Miss Wilson remarked to lier father thattheroom was too warm, and asked to open. the door. Wilson teld . her not to do. it. She repeated .that the room was too warm, and asked again that the doer be oiled. Again 'Wilson ordered her not to open the door, Miss Wiieon, not thinking of any. thing wrong, proceeded to open the door, when her father aiming at her, giving her it blow on the side, me - nag death. Wilson was arrested and held for • —A large tract of waste land on the farm of B. F. Renick, near Cir- cleville, 0., is infested with suekes.• A rain flooded this tract recently and drove the reptiles to it little hill in the vicinity. Renick Rogers and two farm bends came to this place shortly ,after the storm rind were greeted with a chorus, of Itieses. '.1;hey procured heavy clubs and set at work to exterminate the serpente. In half it day they killed 473 snakes, whichwhen piledtogether made a heap three 'and Ae:half feet high: 't'he snakes were of every species known in that region. . . • . • —There is a sweet lit1110 girl at Mtmroe,North.Carolina;w3oseterne is Fairfax Payne. Not long ago. she became troubled because the money had given out and tholittle church was :unfinished: :So sho. heore-ted hor mother to let her eat off her beautiful hair and tell it. S1ue. had read abont it girl selling, her hair for $20, and at last the .little :•girlis mother, Consented, and the herr was sent north to the ed-•• itress of Harper's :Young People( with a timed little letter, and 'the 1 Harpers advertised it ,and told how the Money wasto be used and pub- lished the. little girl's letter, and up to a Week ago the contriltione thathad already e0010,in.from the kind-hearted people in the ninth ainounted to Over oop .and they- -.-Weie still coining. • Sullivan the *irc, of Thee - dere Sullivan,' a •prominent lawyer and . politician, . of Troy, • 011ie, •susPecting her husband of infidel- . ••• - • • ity, hired detectives. She learned he was attbe house of Ida Hamilton, beantiftil .blonde, and proceeded ' on Monday nighewith her 19 -year- old wit and two Of . his friends to the house, and found Sullivan in •a' room with the maiden. • ..1\Irs: SOM. yen seized, her, and her son: and his -friends kept the guilty pair covered ivith revolves Mrs.. &OE- . Van- tamed a 'bucketful of mixed tar and creotote over Miss • Hansilton's hehcl and shoulders completely 'coYer: • • i fig her person with the ines4. When the tar, cooled it could not be:clean- . ed froin.her'llead, end her hair was therefore shaved close to the She is a pitiable sight. tIis. SAM- VAA will institute prooeedings • for . . divorce.: • ... . . —P. 'II. Monahan, of Nashville, Tenn., has been courting 1Y1isstaura Carney for two .yeare or more: For A,.-tame.t they were engage , bat on ahan, being Very. jealous, annoyed her so mlich by watching and ,fault- finding that she reeently,.bioke'•the engagement. One night Miss Car- 'ney .and some .of the neigh. bore were sitting in the parlor singing lahen Monahan entered the rooin pistol in hand, and without it word, shot _Miss Carney in' the head., He then shot John Rice. He next.shot Mrs. Carney through the aim and. John Clapp, who attempted to 'dibarin htm, received a.bullet through the hand, 'Stepping into the hall he then 'shot himself in the head. His own W011Ad ancl Oat of 3.1irs. Carney are • perhaps fatal. Monahan is de- lirious and keeps repeating that Laura's mother made him killher, by 'her opposiaion to his suit.. —Miss Evelyn d. SMith,•of Pro- vidence, R, I., hos' been suddenly. stiu1c s mechless • Last SatUrday, while in conversation With a young `man and they were examining a, map together, her companion made some comical remark which nausea het' to burst into it violent 'fit of laughter. Whire the shouts were still ringing through the wain 'she=ttienIy -.cal palo, chokedand.tell,. Her com- panion caught her, but she .could only make a motion to her mouth. The young woman WM Wan 4.111011gh next day to bo interviewed With the assistance of a pencil and paper. She said.: "1 feel,, as nearly as can express it, as if I Were in a vise." She amid move her.lips as if shap- ing words, but could not send Out a sound from, the tongue*, She cough- ed freely and.eleared her throat, al- though both of the prooesses pained her; She abio complained of pains in her ears and a ,burning sensation in the eyes and of feeling. Weak. 'Her physicians •ealt only 44 it 14.4 nervous trouble, "GOD CURED HER." The little tot alien, Lamar 7:0; v eounty, Ala.) twenty-eight miles nOrth east of Columbus, Mit%) has furnished a first class _saltation, Which 'Ims Sent t1ie whole eonntry 3ollj.e Pennington, dangliter of George Pennington) Who resides fotir miler frem Vernon, age 18, was. taken sick on the. lfith. Physicians state that her illnessrepresented hydrophobia. On . the 17th Drs, Weld, 13rown, Morton, and Burns were called to see the girl. She presented every sign of hydrophobia, attempting to bite every one around her, even -herself, On the 18t11 she somewhat rallied, gaining her con- soidininess and told those around her that she would die for an hour exact- ly, and at tbe expiration' of that lime to chafe her hands and feet and that eh. would Come ha* to life. At the. time predicted slie died away, and physicians present state that death was apparent, the (pulse failing to beat, and her body was• cold. .Her physicians' during the hour, applied all available rem- ediers'to restore her, and at sixty-two minutes xaptly from the time she, swooned away she astonished all by opening her eyes and j Umping nimb- ly froin her bed. She told that she had been to heaven and that God had ctired.her: ' She then told. that !she: was returned to. preach to the earth, and • commended there exhor- tations that aniazed them all. The meet Orions circumatanee hi that ighe: remarked immediately that:she had seen Mrs. Briermore .in ;heaven and had talked. with her. • Mrs. Briermore, who lives fonr mallet away, died during the hour that the. old apparently deed, and no 0110 had communiqation from the fareily..- At the, appointed ,time,of evening the him -continued .11eFek- bortationa telliner beforehand what hour God would be with-her...7.. Ministers from all over the coun- try are flockinc, to see her, and her •. 0 , ..disconrses.' Move • her audiences to thout8 tind.tears.. Mon of krone' • ° -Minds, say there is soniething tuper- natural about tier. She hpirer Went to:tehoan Av in her life; -and can-.. not read her: own nanie,' 'fend, never howl 'but one termon in her life; and the good language used by her in'ber diecOUrsee and bible teach- ings strike her hearers With Wender. She is unusually Small for her hg8,- weighing but 41 Pounds; She 44 dozen men' !whe have' • seen her and aliiii,Y4,reen of a reticent disposition reported a4 aeinff from all °vex- the sox:id-talked ineessantla;••••-,This State - she has been unusual goodsnints ment ie corroborated by .at..1.eaa. a heard heir,talk, Great croivds Are until Abe last :Month, since when e— • courai fo.hear her. • HE WOULD, :. ARGT.TE WITH, - THE HIGIIWAYMAN'ir Mr. MoRoberta, now editor of the Leeds (England) Merhury, was • at One time a reporter in San Francisco city, IT. S. He wes.. the most argil- nientatiye,• and, . at the • same tinie, the palinest Man that ever struck. the town. . He would step work at. iiro to argue. Air. Mcli,oberte was , on his tyay, home earlY One morning, when an American citizen !it:614111y popped rip with a pistol levelled.ut EIS head, and said : • *: "Throw up yer hands 1" " "Why 1" asked Mr, :McRoberts, undisturbed. . • . "Throw them', ttp.o: . "But what for 1" . "Pet uP yer liaiids," insisted the foot pad, shaking the pistol. "Will you do what I tell you'?" "That depends," said Mr... Mc- Roberts, •fslf ye can Iliow no any reason; why I should pit up Ma bands, 111 no Say but what I. weell; hut„yere mero. retina* wad be . nO" jOatification fur me to do sae absurd a thing. Noo, why should You, a eoinplete stranger, ask Me, at this 'oor o' the mottle, on a public street, tae put np myhands V' • "Dash you 1" cried the robber ; if you • clon'tquit gabblire and obey orders, rit blow the top of your head off P' "'What I Faith, mak ye must , • • I. 1.4., 414,1 IV, .1111.,J .111161 4.111 1.00t o' yer heed. Come flog, puit buddy," said MrMleRoberts, sooths ingly, coolly catching the pistoland wresting it with it quick twist 011t of the Man's bund; "come, noo, an' glow ye -tvhere tale (1310 o' yo. Heel) 1 nna ye try tat feeht, or ecod shoot ye, :i3y. the way, ye Might as weal put tx., yet ain hands., and jist aimed o' me. That's t Trudge awe', noo," Alas° Mr, ilIcRoberts marched his man to the eity piisoii, mil , handed him over to Capt. 'Douglw. wiithlutt-he.a bad idea tae, pit him in it straitjaelcot," he said ser -r enely the officer. ."There's little doot but the buddy's claft." , And he resuinee his interrupted 'homeward walk: A FRENCHMAN'S VIEWS, Dr . IRELAND. You no-sooper set foot in Rings- { town than you feel yourself at epee ' in it country very different froin England. The contrast is asstriking as .the aspect of Dover compared, with Calais. The langtmge, it is true, is the aame, but then there 14 • the brogue. The Custom House officers miff English; the policemen, are also English, and the soldiers are dressed in the English red coati', but the people are noionger Britieh, and their manners still, less to; Everybody is shouting and gesticu: lating, in a style which' has nothing Anglo-Saxon about it. 'butburSts of laughter and sallies of wit take, place On the slightest pretext, • Bright black eyes and chesiaut Locks abound on all sides. One might . imagine himself at Nantes or. Her -- c eaux. T1ie passengers are perhaps -still less English than all :the. rest. • That lady with. the •pale face mid dark hair may for the mdthent be it .stilaject of Queen Victoria, but. cer- • tainly she lias.not-a drop'of Angle- • bldtglifilior. vents.: ..gentleinan 1n:a aray ulster evidently 'had madeln Undirni, • , but his flesh and bone lire of.differ- • ent origin: : -As for the little nian in black squeezed 1111 in the CUlier, 110t only is he -a Catholic priest, but - you need to hear him to convince yourself that he is not a Bas -Breton fresh frOm the Seminary of " Saint- Brienc.• On arrivine. at Dublin the Frenchman is surprised to 'find -the,. cabmen at the station so lazy and ii- difforent. 'In 'London yonuo sooner. -descend than half a dozen handsoms are hovering round you. In Dublin' the cabmen are either sleeping or bandying jokes with one another; ---e hefdless of .0114f:oilers ; they' eeeinto aritue that -hs- you must: want their service they imed not go out of their! •way to offer it to you. However, in the matter of fares they are just as uriscrupulOue as cabinen..else- where, Dui)lin ..,more thaM capital, it is tliF.feyer of a distinct ationaltty. Everything you see and come across is Irish. The ' statues are of of Irish patriots, the signboards of the shops are Irish, the goods are all Ittbelleddrishi and. the green flag • floats Over the City Hell? Visit the T,nueettins, and you . -Will find. pittriotna' takes the pre- cedence ovei art i all the paintinas • The Dublin ladies 'are pretty, well • made, and vik.raeieus, eintthey, dress ' • themselves almost. as well as the ladies of Paris,. The mon all °airy heavy bludgeon& in the shape walking -sticks. . —Sol Joyner, an aged and inoffen- sive citizen of Sotithampton, Vir- ginia, 'ate his slipper and after can- verigin,g a short time with his ffunily retired. That night after , joynor had fallen asleep his two diva,gliters, iVfattie and Addle, aged respectively 1.2 and 18•years, went to, the bed- side of their '-lather armed, with an axe, with which -theypherkiett4... the head of the old man into aptly.; They have both been 'coiniiiitted to the county jail to await trial, The _only motive for the crime of the girls is revenge for a severe whip- ping which they had received from their father for taking, ,provisions; and- wearing' appearel without per- mission froin a neielbor • —A "proclanuition haibeen issued granting an Altinefity to, persons con- nected with the North west Abell-. ion, eave and except those mho may have eorumited homieide otherwise than in actual conflict, and n11 -for- feitures-of Lamle, goodsand chattels that have been 111610a:el by reason of their 4imos are to be remitted. --Cions on 30 tgquare miles of territory in Illinois, wore edingider, ably damage by it hall storM,