HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-07-21, Page 8•The iur nl ews-Record 1 U ealt:e%tdtay, .July 2lst. . Fr cAT NEWS. )ia and Around the "lulls," g#lv1Y great,' • Mrs, ,Geo. Fulton, of Michigan, spent last wook with the family of Mr. Stewart Plummer, town, and friends. in Chia vicinity; ' W. S. D1VEtt, of Detroit, was in town the other clay. He at one time heid a school near 13lyth but is now in a dry -goods house at Detroit. Coal. --Last Sunday, July 18,' 'FEMALE SER VANT WANTED.was quite cool, and in the afternoon Apply to Meat James Moore, Com- otercaal Hotel, -Clinton. 395. Tzalw.*--4. lavage lot of White, Reed' and Black Currants and garden Ill aspberries for sale. Apply at mice ,to W. C. Sam uu r. 3J4 • • 'CLINTON WOOLLEN MILLS iS the (rest place in the County 'of Huron to trade your Wool of A full stock; of •all kinds of cloth on hand at lowest. votes. • ovz'•t puss us, 395 A. W. CAnswas, the well known Clothes Cleaner and beautifier of wearing apparel, says he can still -.lie found at his 9111 stand to serve his many cristomerg' and fax .their pat- ments A 1. • 398 • ?O tIND.-.•-Monday `night, of last .' weak, between Ilolmesv'ille and Gode- 'rich, an overcoat. The owner 'by 'killing on- the subscriber, pv'ovinj • .property and paying for this notice can have -the coat. S. 'L. Scott, Huron. redid,• near. ficililo,-'s 'school Jaouse, Godcrich ERSONAS..-E,je, Bar, Throat and Nose. •Dm, Pzoudfoot,.Ocul'ist and .Aurz'st, of Montreal, will be at. the Commercial hotel, Clinton, on the 23RD, 24TII AND .25rn JULY, when .Ile can be consulted for any .disease or operation upon the above organs. - - .d rtijicial eyes inserted. :. 39 . Ixss 14Ii1`zi IE DENISCIN,Of 111 itc11e11, spent a few days' iu town among old friends. •' DIn. w. JA01iSON, is taking his •outing this week o'er hill and dale, .and boundinn bilin cv and evening fire, had to'be made in unused stoves to get up a comfort able temperature. • e neat-1liscount ',I I:IAIS For tfle Next T1!rtij Dausytat DICKSON'S - STOBE, CLIJToU AN UNDERTAXIIR'S PiuESCRIr. oz -Eat plenty of cucumbers,green fruit tend watermelons and you soon cease .suffering with the heat -at least in this world. M. . Pimp-, of Dundas, a former resident of Clinton, brotherini•tw of Mr. Moore, of the Commercial, has been in town the -past few clays and. xoceived many warm hand shakes from old friends. CoLOR GENTLESInN.-Copp and L'ogan .tare very busy, they here in hand one of Searle's new stores. Geo. Bowers went out to Teeswater the other day and touched up the denizens of that burg. • IVIuoil NEEDED. -Grading was tommenced--on_Frincoss street last • week and a new stent walk is being put down by the corpotration, Here- tofore this street has been neglected, and the residents • .therefore •highly dppreciate•and ooinlnond tho under- taking; '1II1'. Wit. SnIITIIsoN, although an Englishman, knows how to grow potatoes. He placed on the table of our junior partner a nice mess of. this 'year's growth the other -day. He also grows cuetunbers that are capable of fuming up the. toes of .;•the ordinary schoolboy. Ti Pit. Nes;•-Soni r-enterpiis- ing goniu$ is amusing himself send- ing anonymous postal oarcls''to eiti- zens, and also' in putting Up placarl:ls. in pitblio.places. The work is done "bypen or; pencil but has afar off kok of b.eing•done bya type writing machine:. Tho • occupation is any- thing but n commendable ono. • , • ' ka H. `•a: MoL> AN has . gone to • '' Do '' Tnosn• who sot fire. 'to the • Toronto. Mrs,'14IoLean has gone to• btavlclingsof such as ai•osupporters of • Detroit for the benefitof her�helilth.. ;the Scott.Aot,.or who assault these :Miss' DIARY SnA1iglis •.and Mise personally, fancy that in this. way Susie 'Campbell, of the county.town,' they herb the roil toinpeianec catiso 4 Were • visiting friends in town last If so they never were more m istai:en. week: , ' • • Every window broken every house .ITh. Cii.I . = Sl3ANE teas in •town _ fu ed, •'every man threatened .or es - . r .last' wool:. .Ilia home .is; at lllytb; saultecl,_ cli eves twenty nails into the; but he has been at Detroit for.some coffin of individual Tibetty. time back • : Lir tTs• <%LL Go:=-.Interriationtil Mn. Joir;r LESLIE .liar' had •. his •,..Saengerfest at Berlin August, 11, 12,• private residence on North street 13. • Music and beer. --:,Royal Temp- - -' painted. ilia taste displayed is ]cis of 'Temperance, at IHalnilton,. • 'e•- :..4,- -i • saoislied with the jots; Geo,. Potts' been- Foresters DfrllionStratitur_at: • . On Pocket Books we will give a die-. count of - 25 per cent Jewelry, " " 25. 'c . Silverware, sc 15is Miscellaneous Books, 20., Bibles, " is 25, t'c Photo ,Albulns, t'. 25 " Autograph A•ibuins, 25 Testaments, " 25 " -Cups and Sanctus, :. 20 " Spectacles,".`4 " 25 Pipes, " a 20 Vases & China. Goods,25 « • Violins and,Fixings, 25 .�' Concertinas and A.c- cordeons,: - 20 " On Wall Pa]ior we will'give a dis- count of - 20 per cent Berlin Wools,Pinger- • tr ing Yarn, &c., - 20 " ' Day Books, Journals,. Ledgers, &c., - 10 " Mouth Organs,. - 25 " ilaby Carriages, - 1$` " Ladies Hanel Satchels 30 " Combs,Writing Desks and Work Boxes, - 20 Velvet • Frames and Dolls, - - - 25 tis Baskets, . - 15 " 1B i And all other Goods at pro- portionately low prices. • o - _-..-• 0._.-•p_ All this week.we will offer Tremendous : e Bargains closing out - 0 . Thig'is this greatest opportunity ever • oft'ered to secure Goods BELOW WHOLI+.SALE PRICES.. Our entire stock, ainounting to. nearly, $20,000; must' be reduced to $15,000 within. the mit .30 days, as we commence STOCK -TAKING on the 1st of August, and balance our books the 15th. Come and see our Stools and got our Prices, whether you buy or not,: No • trouble to -show you the.Great Bargains We are offori.ng. TERMS CASHI, . or Truce IIIoftlis Credit to Responsible Parties. ChIIS: fllr GIirflo ONSTEI? r EXO IIRS1ON Don't forget the BEST E ounkoN of the Season, tO Port Huron and Return . o :-vim'` 111'J"�,' •H'�� Ffilitt 111 111 It 41117`.. , serf{ rr*n;f 'Nw i1 ' '41'" i Il• I le l ,d rit1�11 . excellent =rind Mr. • Leslie' -is troll August 6 to 13 Good time bot no „ •, -. , •,. _,1 ..,, .. wielded the bru• sh.• PnosPEliiNa.-J•elin. Leslie; 'the . l�lo e •(fhir. �hic11 • it 'issl%d Berl • rite sootily clu1i3 seta totackle thein' cllntou• ss7 n ,Stratford Aurytlst 16, A bo. its: yyoa C1' toT?mbaso: ;ballfsts flrtf spoiling: On the Magnificent. Palace Stoain er UNITED EIIIPIE.r, Untlsr t11e atltpiees of the: TICKETS ' S.IM%; 5 rFor sale by. *embers of tho.9rdor.` 8 .. �,:,. r ,, NURSE GIRL. IVANTED- wages$5 permontb. ��1 A Apply to 11RS, B(US%VER, Melaena Bank, carriage and. wagon • manufacturer, combing e attraction's of the lin Saengeifest and:fliunilton Camp ; ' LADY ]nembers of ' the family of is doing a;good,-bitainesss He has visiting. Weave in recei 1t of ootu- tiro' 1ii0ttl ;nester in' Chancery, at. itffeded . •nuiuber of gales dining the ° 1 �'' last' i't w day'•.• to customers in his plilnentaries..' Goderieh, were visiting In the; bub vicinity no has a number of , first Mn. R. CALLAADEIt.,..of this town, ':last week.• . 'close Ve�tLClestllai will he reocly :Tor . has accepted ,rite -'offer' of • the pUSi- ELDERBERRY . SINE 1�..[erlsitre. inspection in n few .,lays. Clinton 'tion • as •Principal, of'. the. Arkona ;your berries and -bruise tllem.;••to c•rui boast of soiue;of the best carriage' , School and wilt tiiko charge'of that ••eirei•y',gallon adding ,ono .quart of 3ilaker$ _.in the Dominion o• school-.. after' the : holidays." • This ' boiling, water. • Let ..the • nli:cure ing 11DUSTRIA.•-•; r11 , Hayward thecar young fell aslla to the itleman g thous nei'*n lllio - occasionally $11Q, Stand � :then. straifl ofi'fonr. hours,' ltlto preparing and tarda a top maker, 1s hood and we congratulate that vill- ':li'quo . into a' cask, :to every gallon' prepfllin'g to build a'blacksmith'shop do - .• g 'h' . I -•1 , .adcliu tvo lour cls of stigar, cork •� a � g 1.._.tl.. c r doe On•SOC11LUi I9 S61V1CCS flr {- .addition to the old presbyterian hull Gazette, Mr. Callender: is well xsharcli building. 'I3y th.enumber . known, in Clintdn.: His. -many of carriage tops we see•shipped.from friends here wish• hint, and bis good • f.`'liuton, Dir: Hayward must bo do- laic continued success. , b iug.a.largo busineseill,tl'tat line. •• Ho. y has excellent facilities for turning'Workman I'o da•ND C of the Gene l' out good work at a minimum of y n cost. Assembly says:; The lauors of the general assembly -at .Cleveland aro BAD CoNNncriotis:-The Parkhill already beating fruit. and 'wherever Gazette' 'says:-' Much dissatisfac- -the new rules have been received • lion is expressed • am:mg•:travellers they have 'met with general approv- ver the.Londen, • Huron and•Bruco' al. Instead of strikes, discussions• railway ou itcc)unt of the bad 'con --arid arbitration .aro now settling ueotion at .Luean orossing, The differences • between • omployere and • train from '1.1'ingham arrives itt the employees and before long dapital' .gtati7n over the'Grand Trim]: going and labor will unilolstand'each .other west, so that.. travellers have to foot '•batter than they have Over dote •be= Sit to Lucan, i distance. of over twvo_ -before: The ° local assembly in• this unrest ant' wait.' Over•'night._ Last 'torn is in a.lirosperotls condition. n .n e Allan St to get from I,.can •to fail _..Sahli day evening it cost gr tt - , o COLLT.Islov:� .1Tr..I), C. Coir., tight; and'' lot it stand 'to the follow: tag October, and you.will have wine. ready ferns°, without.straining or tolling, , . • , . Anour Bun'int. -ti gentlenitan who• signs himself "A 'victim of Store Butter" sends inthe-following peri inent enquiry :° 1 would like to know if rho product produced by a dirty, slovenly woman; milking A. half-starved cow, in a greasy pail, using 'a greasy 'milk pan covered 400 c1 1 'with. flies, and then little trade marks, .�- cllurned'in the•.dirty.Litchen,.wasit-�8C7 'eel with''uncleaI bands, placed, in C7 Sigma% Bay City, Goderioh,' Detroit and. Cleveland. P.1RTIES INDEBTED TO L'S will please pay amounts to J. '.1ViS1. 1AN, manager beforethe l .11 v a of she, Tlodgons Estate, etu . st a, , a Ober that date accounts will bo placed in Court for collection U. .1.'1'6'rl11Ui dt CO 887.. S'YTRATEDFROAM THE SUBSCRIBERS PRE- )] MISES, Myth, on or about thoilth \lmj• last, a -trail roan horse,. hgcd ; had been blistered on hi+1d legs. Any'potson giving ini01Iuation.tliat will•lead.ta thoroeovery of sanio•will 13, suitably rc w it1ed. 1t. SYJ10NDS, 1114.tli, Juno, 20th, 1886.: 307. e. .EO. pt?TT8. House, •Sign, 04idfrAa.7; di Gli'NJCRAj PA./N:PSIl. Paper 1%fdnprete a11d .t�al$um niri3 Second to stone. • School 131acicl,oardB a spreiaits. Saris- faction Q¢tartirtteed and prices with tlfe- trues. Rotdertce-.1llan Street, 0J'Th TON. BB-. • y • NOTIOer.E.. '�TOTIli1i is:horehi given that a Covet hill bo j held by Ills rlhhnor, the Jndgoor the Count3 of Irurotl, al the. Cot'wr ii•OUF7:, I\ TIiR TOWN AF OcnsriGu. ox ws0\tachy; THM 21st unv OP Juln-, 1536, at 11 o'clock a m., Por tiro. heltrinr of an appeal from the decision of the Court-of-Rol'isian of the municipality et the village of Ba} field. All persona interested a'ill.picaao take notice and govorn themselves accordingly: -. W.' A. MORRISON,.0."1. Rilaliri-1 err,: 1 1..;:-..� 188 �s In x.11 our departments, and people on the look out for Cheap Goods should call_ and see what wo are doing. In the Bartrrrit. We are making a big effort to.reduce• stook in order to make room for a tremendous stock- of Goods now being purchased by -Mr, Jackson, Sr., in. th'e-Old Countr, Mar-, kets'.. The .(.woods Will arrive shortly 'and in a' fete. weeks . - we will.. have ' considera ble . to say about them.. It '4.e • Furnishing flepartfflellt: Our:Buyer'is now visiting American pities on the 'lookout' for Novelties, and by the 30th of August, the date for the visit of Forepaugh's Great Show, .we • will .be able, to startle the people by. one of the'Grandest Displays ever • made • in.. this eonnty. Meanwhile, coma , ud see our • Cheap 'Goods • Clothiers and'urnis'he s. *•..i.._.. E" GEL&T :}IUB + ' a: f • Not only in mime, but for mouldy tuba, and covered svit11 an old shirt #lap has ever been.nanfod? Solve call it butter -and itis so writ- ten on my gr000ry krill;.:but it is not' butter. -Michigan ,Uairljnlan: • ic.ill by livery when lie hncla tlrrotigh father of the child whose setae. before Fort ' SEvEvxs FIVE X'Enits. The Elebnnt and Commodious Steainer, of dealing with it was criticised in t1'ibutee•thofollotvin, ,.totlle� niit,•izaeX: t'ellirs« )obits the colli ran should those eoltuuns by "An old 'Brussels I see in'27ce-Seri lvaol' the mitres • of.. •9.tB B 18 � • 1 y Sproat, n+" ��itc.�-tea.:-�'I-�•cap3�aesure--.0a.40:111'8".-rasa-rt-ho'-cftl-l-tlaelnes._ e.usur flirt du•1•u�ue i � o. � wilt"r'uad`uriu tri--Seocen ''+� 'ticket from Clinton #o this place in the 1iayor, and ]ler Worships node Jfltnes >i Utlnrollr, SE, SON Aiit•RANGE4ff NU. 13e1"rave, con- tt �9 tr 11i8•pocket in justice to the-tia b , 1 g S �A � NAW � �L �' l tit l y third-dor..g e of Nal t„ation • tiro Member of said dotter. and 'the •the oldest Orangemen in Canada, as follows' TETE W.AR .i'ATrr.- z convert- people of Clinton that the friends of I myself was an. early Orangeman' •Leiwcs Gabriel) .everv''rhursd,y, at 1 o'clooir tion of trip tei}iperance workers of the ' the. accused did. not bot mei nor neith- although: • a SCdtchnlltn. I entered ' r' li Port ro ori ud"L1sa i t 11stn`tir'ntloot cod d,ottuty of Oxfdl'tl Ives held on Mon- 01 'slier they endeavor to got 111e to L•' O. L. 106 on the 5th November, wttl; ti'oatShore treats ab Saail'iltecii ioritegor ; Pi rye .l lily 1.2th in the lectul'er,oln ennead the inform hien 230 $$ to , 1845, and I will soon be 41 years c1tr, Cbeboygnn,,Naekinac lslandtind St. i�naso, and at Ra City u•ltb stcamora• for IIn,•risvil .of' (haltners Ohtu'eh,.. Wood stock. make it One of common assault; nor in tile.' ranks: I have only been •Oaceoia and Alpena, retuining to Ooderiei ori Tho meeting woe :aclalreasecl by the :did I intend to aro so until I found two • yours 'without the Animal Sunday` So, Loaves Oodorleb ovary .Sunday, ab 12 o'ctook 1teV. B. 13, ,Keefer', general rtgent of '`that the *evidence macre it. nedessflry.' 113ut there is in thefistrict of Morris noon, roe .port Ituron, i7etrott and Clevmand, retur ln• to Ood rich o r ur' n g o r rl fsday. -.This route will bo 1.1011 Chiliad aso ed during the aon tnavigation. • the ontario branch of the I)onlin- The friends of the accustld did ask an older brother from the County ion Alliance, :After a full dismiss- me to not appear against tho prison- I ipper:ley, > Ireland, "Old". Mr. ion of the rosent condition of the or, but' I refused. to comply , with Peter Magee was born in tho year°. ,Scutt Aet in that county and tiro 'their t'oniiest, As regards .a stun of 1793, and is 03 years of ago. He• xcxcnx.s• -.duty of the tolnpernju.o Oleotol•s, it money being paid to induce ale to is' well'•flnd hearty;* a mon of strong Ivor the whOla BOUND TRTI' (c¢ntfnuoua) will be .- tats unanimously rtisol ved to . or- L'oc'i{ice or amend the 'charge, I wily frame, anti of heteulean strength: tssuea for - .,, ionize all the lnunicilialttios• of tiro• plat say the rumor fa not true, there He joined the Orange Association 112r00.1. thlil1ty 'on the basis of the I)i'olrib- Was no offer 'Inuits directly o1' inti it his native country in 1811, which o'ccupyiea eatht Jaye, merge and bertbaincludod. itury Etootoral 'Union recommended reetlyi itol` was there any Conspiracy:pa:Ives hint 75 years an •Orangeman. , by the Dominion) Alliance. A ser- in the mutt' 1 wllateVor and I defy I vas talking'. to dint yesterday.anllt information, applytoaudpaesago, and all otter . los of meetings trill be hold, colo- - any person to prove or say, truth- Peaked how long since he was made'ai'. •x,10 • tuencinr •next 15 putlay, for .the pair fully, that therehas been any." en Orangeman. He answered„ sev- . Agent at°oilertch. TOO fOtipPrfoilaNg alit O1'ga11i4ittion The letter has already aplioared in enth•five .years ago, CUtno` tris 12th Notice must he gluon by parties wanting Thursday exetnelons. tliiulli,huut tiro C linty, another pallor, . of' dull, Kg.. Of our Clothing. 'We deal in nothing but FIRST - CLASS GOO 'Every garment we Make up is just as• represented, We never advertise anything we do not full fulfill; and a; visit �toour establishment will convince.y0 tii . Remember, we carry every line of Goods manufactured. • Don't forget wrlien buying a Suit or Bair of Pants to e0,ll The Hub Clothiers, Clinton. kf,4 L