HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-07-21, Page 5• ;ARE YOU LOOKING FOR THEM ? !b , The Cheap Lines of Dress Goods • The Lo' -Price,. Fosiery. The. Big., Stock of Prints.. G'Q to'the.place where they keep them --. • CEO. E.PAY CO:PANY The Dry -Goods , Emporium of Clinton. II I„II I - I:411'I'%_II O.;. The erg �_e.o o4•Q ^o v 0 . op VUR are showing a. eery L arge andAttractive Stock of NIUSf.ltVS AND LA WNS; also:rmi ,• ,,,► New Prints, New "Gnghams, Nem {doves Si Hosiery.. Summer Millinery.. -Stock Veit,: See Our Goods and Compare Prices.• 0 tate. late JOH I/OIGENS JOHN' W1SEI1AN ,. «anagrer.. 5_ cr cent: off for Cash.. VTONDEitFUL VALUE C. Kit; "When all the evidence of- MARKET REPORTS.a,. ferea.on the part of the prosecution (liorns:tett ovary Luoaclay afternoon - has been lreard,• if the Justice is Of • ,• MLINTON.. . • . , opinio}:. that it. 18 nob su;hetent to pub •Flour, - -t4 ao to,. 4• to it was given them, Iceland war, not of Ireland now-a=days, unless. it was' fled accused )party, lad eusto".ly, upon Fall wheat, o: 70' to o 76 altt'ays a Catholic country, It hacl' a swamp: angel, and they have no •his trial for an indictable offence, he 31ng Widest, .0 70 to .0 ;6 134ts,' 0 fie to Q t'6 been given by the_ Pope to a Plant Wings (laughter). The stle)rlser+tough+ sirs)) forthwith orclen the accused o,,ta, , 0:'n8•.;_tb F fin sonnet It who made io Catholio- ed• upon .. the questpn of •Impep• x' rial ,y to- be discharged as to .the in: I'oas,•, , o on''to u rs: Before that°time its church was pure. N'ederation, and said it. wasp, grand .formation. their under, engu•4 , lint .if enit u,viiTter) perbbl, 1 06 t0 OLli l b it was a great pity that pence could scheme, Ile hoped it would' be 8110. sufficient to put: accused an trial for , nutt•er o tt to b tz not be restored to.that unhappy cessful and the British nation would an indictable offence' although it may ' RP, . - , 0 8 to., a to y, .• s no to- 9'00 ccluntry, a country w•hreh•possessed he the • n ighttest on the face of not raise such a strong presumptionPorlt 6 00 to 6'o0 the giants' causeway and "he lean' the earth. • tie only hoped the : of guilt as to induce to commit the.: 0nrihvoodr • ,s 00 to 4.00 til'ut Lakes of ICillarnevi about which descendants of Britons•.' in the acoused for trial Ns'rthout bear or if i. Yuoi••) g i0 too. 0 00 a poet. •had .:written - that the "angels. colonies. would remain. loyal anrl. trtte,f _the offence with which the party is.' • 7 a o 20 stopped .to rest their wings on the I•te declared himself a monarchist as accused is a misdemeanor,. theft the THE MIMI ST1'U.ASIoi�, ilosotn of the peaceful• waters._ The. opposed to all forans of repuhlioan• Justice, shall admit the party to bail • The • world's supply of wheat' this plorions truths of the Bill i should the ism, and he held out the r'yght•hand as herein before providecdr.but if the year will show a targe deorease, as spread before the -people of that of fellowship to" all• religious de- offence be a felony, and the evidence . ,cotupat'ed with :the past.. two years. benighted island.' The present Wass • nominations; that did not say of given is sucli as to raise a strong pre- The large surplus, however, from for- ' a rr teal period in the. history of the' ;themselves•tbat,only throughthem, spmption of guilt, Mimi the Jiustice; mer years will•.make up the deficien, British Empire. To daythe people ,eould man .he saved. shall commit hire' to' fail,• butan rase of England are saying. "not lyet shall • of misdemeanor rnity Divit the offender." t•he Emerald Isle he handed over to- LE The routine of the 112agistritte's duty the -power of Rome;" and he. hoped TER' T'' • .THE' ED/%Q is:thus ministerial only ,The?4ayor s that. tlie .tithe Weald never cone t' " : act wits judicial. -lie liacj no pofver to ter -killed. and Lire 'spring wheat surd- ' •.('''''''''10 2Prints curt 8c When `the' tri colored 13x1;• or Great' :. 6c7rtm 11 E'tU8-.Xlecaf•cd,. .. atnbncl , a,:.sivprn rnforentution, and erect setae from- the great drought. and. I A L. . 1 B/G SLAIJGHTER Great Bargains i.i��,IYJ.e�s. '1$i � �'E�',aDr� ., White and Goad, Shirts at Panic Prices.: cy,-and there is likely to be enough and to spare for 'the requireinents of Scot�i � '�, at ,��� C.L consumption.- In the United States, t� • { white wheat was to some extent dura- VA/ h etMuslin'sa` j 5c. Britain, the red; ivltite and. blue D&',R, Sra,-YourWorthy MO,yor has should cease: to wave over• dear old noted the observation which I made lrelan"I. ; ' ; on :the generally credited • cl tements ofre :pircuwstauces attendant on the .late I3ttnley•Elliett, case and a xo'r AN, , ort ixegarAN+ tl ' Rev.,Jas, Graham 'Could not beast 's;;cond, naso, disposed of by -,him-•- ill:. with Rev: IUr. {cDotia1ih•`that he was which tlro•course adolited by hiin has t+t? • Oran:;enu before be was born, been calteelii .question.• la reference hilt- he could. remember that 'his" to•tlee HanleY•Elliott case he says father -was a• member'''of the. 'Order..: "the .question is;, Dave I• a:u•thority to , When asked to speak ,at this gat her.. doral with a case Lrfore the day set ing, he lnt�1. said thltt'.tie "'As Dot. a for hearing 2'.:Lthiulc 1 have, and I tremlrcr• of the Order, but: that he.. know that it i.s fr=egrienlly don's.'' Now .would any whatlre Ceuld in thelr•be t{vo wrongs' dont wake a right, and hall. Every man ought to•stand.LIP :'tholigh,.when an information is laid;. and speak mit the truth, hoping that the fact of an ossault•baing'committ• :he had used. a proper.amount ol. con ed is known, -it is- irot until it:conies rsiileratioat to• arrive,.:., at, the truth, onto be heiird•that.theoirc,umstancee, In'Fspeaking of the state ot'.society in ."in aggravation:on' one hand, and ex r. Ireland, he said that England corn. 1 tenuatiou ou the: other, coo be mitted a great mistake.when•••she •, +,judicially' known. to the fustiee established the Church but- made no ''presiding.. • The 25th Sec: of 32 &.38 - provision for converting the massss• Pie. gives the ower,ou information. • et )lie people to•.t'he truths of Pro' to summons. the defendant "to be teiltaI ttstn. , The gospel'was not''.pilt' 'at rlac.r on (day) at (hoar) named into the hands of the people. They to ausivev 8aidtiii orniatio , and to b were allowed. to. remain' in• .their '' . tnrGlier t7oalt.with'iLccorain to law. , ignorance. With respect •to Horne ;. The 27t See. says'"itShall � be lieard,•, Rule -he agreed .with the princilile tried and determined 011(1 adjudged, • to a certain . extent ---he • belreved as :oto; to directed bythe Ac" ' ' there should' be a•man to rule• ed! ry .i•B£o•'29, the room oirewhi By. - •)ulnae and -a, a rimair to rule ie'nran. placec (Laughter)... '1'hat.wes' tide, extent of the shall a p sits out, an anft try, ''Itis sympathy Wit•h Horne Rule, fie lefenda a "shell eour't, aned to etthe- believed that any people capable' of hIS nil a 'shall ltd adofence, end tO foriain a Government that trill en•' ,lads lull ausiiTisr •cud mined and C ss € hayetlrsrilitii<ssesexatn>neil,a►td erose s r • lib rt :, • should ;.hay.e. the op. examined" • (S,ic, _80) and the •con} • -liort.trinit4,; if • the government w.rs i1 r•u " a • g , 1 t r ant shall tho•sanie lrivrlp e l required,. quir )title 9n TllecliLirilrlt II sl mother - (: c. 811" " If hpou :the del and place, didn't believe .ip.it either; whiin she appointed both parties appear•" Won the JustieQ,Klltktll.pratoeed todioar was alive, add 'ho sr.lpposed she be- auil deter:thine the s' , p, oll16 ,anti lieved in it loss than ever Where she' re J . was new. Tide dayr when we ' can ' if 'defendant ,. t e tledr•Slia aiiiai a Gbe eb}trgYt,.•tile JaKticd`.shall• .make his meat of Ireland has not arrived 1316 order of conviction. acc0rclingly,, and day tot I Ireland hg s ot for Irelanfl in the toren •of conviction • given by Troy not arrived. '1lre.Catholics.:or the Act, Sec...59,. Sclledulx'I., the --that country don't eooaA Pro • proceaidrngs'so ha;d• are set out and tratant ministers •t cssenbera, OI with' the inforination,• deposition and the gospel of peace they call,, them of evidence taken se n'fto the reaor'l' ministers of tlie•devil. • The' Protest- ' of conviction as sent tothe Clerk of ants and lite Catholics have rotes t the peace." Iu. no case does the Act been in colYfiict ; they are do conflict �,i.ye e-behi to a anstiec i oibhpoee- of now, and they will continue 410elre to coo a ainatllehitid the back of either corn filet until the system. of persecution. ,plaifiatit or defendant irr onlicinrrliotr and 'error, goes down to rise no more, ref t/ie doi'fix d file at° hatpin •of tier If they'ieatl IIonie )falai)?rotesttuttism •af ib , Fuck would not be a disposal' in I'elnud Would be totally crusher)" of it "according to law.- The Mayor relies con an .axttact from, Clark's They would allow blur t.ut to preach' • a, one sermon from St:' Paul's'epdstles • 1I•annal that when'tlee information nerd they woulii.;tfcip lis Month taitli, •is laic),• the actual presence•of tlee- the BHA or his head would 1,011. from defendant is all -that is;:required.,'' t! IA hlpekc '?'hat• is what Efonie Rule but •that :is kunst be at the • e ern rt a'rr r'n • i• it irnr to.tlrca suninions served trust the Papacy with the govern - would Flo.' One of the hey. gentle- fro' tl�il e frill t t'd ,)3 tl man who' preceded -him said the hiiu ;3dislts lirrtrFrl. rr :lei. •serif) among uptm •.• Surtly-art-•app-alance-•t!r ink, accor'ilipg Clarke Lelia -me;' a discharge, udder The average crop of the. :. past fins . g • this sectiot?,••does not operate as a bar.' oars tuns' 41i0 00Um00 bushels, while' �il�i�,ae� .lt"�.`C�,t;"' at 25. 50 and 75c to the same person •being, ,again last year's crop was a short on, being •• brought before another` Justice :anc`l :only .38,003,.000 busliele. The acre Committed ' capon the saute charge, • age under wheat in Britain', this upon flie;sanre or' differeirt:evidenci . 'year is inucli less than last year, and In answer to lids iVTorship's.etrcluhiy •owing:'to. unfavourable -weather, the as to•tlie'sheldi•ng of 'the courts in.the• harvest will be very bite. '1Zeports third ea e,.I refer ltdm•to Otaiko p.1C, of the Trench' crop `'show a deficiency as to:cornpetency of.S'on of'1'cwper• as compar ed•'tvtth the previous year, ancci �Jistiee, liegrna'v.+ Sitri'rrion*, 1, •acid ft few extra millions will be re- , 1?u sley, 1 0, aucl now Ixeruam as pimpeci•'the coming season.; Austra- before '""AN Oib Bl>usdeLS Sr1totim.-' lilt's crop is,short, ttnd,a new 'depar:•- _ urs in- the.trade is importations •into that country.: Iu •Southern Russia,° T Titor-.AT. irs-Recot•cl. '. • slaniage has been • reported. in conse•. D.aAlr was mucid pleased with quenoe of - drought, . 'I'be exhort • the movement frow•lndia which has r' g0ireral tenor of ho Ilayor's'reply to volationized th trrr<leaou great. ex Strictures neon the manner of Isis perform- tent the . vast, y•ear, will not likely' inry_lids public duties. He adiuits.that as (rove as forniidatile'the,comin s . s- ! g.ea. a pubile ollic&al ire is nivt above artier-tn eon» Late statistics ,concerning the anti says t "IfI did Wrong •T would like area sown in. wheat show .a decrease toacleoiv ifnu,tl. 'shall:, aught) the error in of th0Q,000 acres, as compared •• wifh' the iittu e." [P. I+'; •herelibiuts silt 1116 . last sair1ori. '!he decrease :in- yield u•rors of his Worslirp,• hut ha•aiiiither eor• will:atnonnt to some 4,50 ?,000 bush- iespondent his forestalled hip we omit it, els, or abou•tbalf what was exported ' But the .Mayaf'errs irrhis state-. the pastseison'. • l'he wheat crop 'of•• 'meat of the- Elanley-klliott case. I3:is .Conadai, is likely' ie. be .much .'below' :.reply to Hau}i:y when laying"iiforrnat..ri.'• the average.. While' the spring'erc p: against Elliott was that defendant coul.l• is looking very well;: thd white wheat tie/ settle the ease before the time fixed f'or'. .,trial, and added, it he (defendant) had 'dome to trim • first lie might then have. dealt with the case wit'hent iiaitrug for Hanley. rTiola that his Worslaiih`s (Iral'- ii.ig With the I -Elliott Elliott,' cascaras un- . fair; his deeisioil lad 'undid, a.'Goderich towushi i uion• for: trespass. was both r 1 o dos» ed to lady and crnanron sense; and that he acted indiscreetly if, not illegally in 'the Cole case... Then, as: I understand it, the, place or roonr.wlirre) magistrates ti•v cases• • o lie rule by, trying cases at .firs 811 he a "p111)11c coprt..' : 'The. _Alayor vi la s this 1 lcatc one nistea" of In the court room in the town Moll: ' Iiis Worship reminds his critics that. 'itherc is work enough for all if we mind .out 11'400 basins '' . I would infer from this that it is nobody's business whether he administers justlre or injustice., I take the liberty of saying; lie is wrong, Everyone is lute rested, •i,t'is tide business of rrlt �oirte that ti flee is impartially adminis "thied'by tiro ctaiaf magistrate of the toil u.' , and basket lots at ]4c to 14:1e,, med- • •1'AL'ER:EAl1ILIAS. ?uta to. good is quoted at 1lcto 13o.: has suffered trine -h and will thresh out poorly. In :. seine 'sections winter, wheat is said to have :improved' .gr•eat- ly the past month_ or'six Weeks.: •. T01tO To.:�MARKETS, •,• - : - 'TUesdav, ;July. 20 ' IrtinA•r•- Bu• els •hold 1 off a n. c It. count of, the ' irregularity of' States• n}arketsfind offerings are not large No. -2.f'allidquoted at 78•c).a.nd.N,o. 2 March sltriag at.7b to 7r9o.., • ' . • PRrcEs• tom. 1 ear • • J. C. DE � , -•o: • T Don't begin 4otise Cleaning without it: 'It Will make your- HOP/MS ..PYRE:.. BP . - YQ1Jh-v-- Beautiful, o.. It is CI{EAr 1 Any ono clan':ap aptly it. Superiorto it;alsonrine and'Whiting, ;TRY hl:: ll.i4 I1 Only to be,11aQ from,• :Durtr.n..-'l her' is no business, and' 'Flees are purely. nominal: 4 r QA.'r -Choice car lots are quoted at 340, and mixed'at 331c on .track. Pr.ts.-Business quiet, and prices are unchanged at 55e to 5t7c for'No 2. Butter:-Choioe--qualities•- in tub • .. .. - Tit 8.-tial?8 ill+ case lota.are being Mr- ! made � t 13e tf�- lyt per dozen. ' Pcmnlrors .'I'h`ere al•r stiles •of . n a i n CloderiC.�: garble Walks neva �I $ b00a1. 1, laliited sole anent for this celebrated Tea, .Qf itself it is file I at l,].40 td :tt 1 +t 0 �:a bait. ..•. r. '... ' bcst.value in, the niailtet ' besides - which , Wo..,r..--.Dealers are paving 20c to Having bought out ,,Iorrrtl VANg•Tn�•r,. '21c for selections And Glc 2:fe fo • -in Godortch, we am nous prepared to fur.'" for., l;a 1 , WA, bn,i`rasoi,able terans, boutduinwni the latter for 1'�nre, Or+ +�:=t•- HANDSOME J.JF't,,,,rOlir,•E.,A:'..0 PREI�;.�'IJ.+V : I3,)s.1D5'1'ONES 1 AND ' ri103SitMENTS, Binary fleece is firm ttt' 17c..to,'•1Scu , • O• Iron and Hardware al a 16aeI•e[i;t - 0 (4ItANI`11sA SPECIALTY. imlyen.taeve7 :ItvncYiasor o 3 and 'upward... It is., u't up. • in half y ' 1.11483:10-t4-4°' slimtlr+rn any , iyourtd.nackrits its. . . irryrr. 1 oticr,,ftlut'ra the actinty. itltr,. Lxwta, I+tit.tn'i of (loder7rh, las peen arripcitited ' Stnclts•y+our oa't' 1Otcre t arriy' o Mier' genetal'agent for the nounty And et ties 3 K b50 And p you can flet 7 £7E'4/T� /Ei?P�1/ND them lie 110(1 once peen sent lh'1nr bifore:lha tint,' nunt.d). and behind among the 1+rencii of Lower Canada, hack of. thio complainant would tar evangelical purposes- distri- buted not on the drntitt of the ()nage justify in fi0veral-places Bibles and re. the magistrate in . dismissing the liginus books,but every: pined that ootnplaitit.• with. costs against corn. .such a book was left wad visited and plamaut. The prescinso • ofk' beth the books taken and destroyed, and 'prtios is essential, unless whore de• in less than a week there was not . a fondant is in epntirmacy or contempt, single +,Pretest:int logic irr the ads or complainant fails to appear in • cion, The 0111,o17c,a ole Iso hPtn+ned snpliort of the charg".. in by the chntch that they cannot be In the second case the worthy pint at. .They boort riot tallt to hien Mayor bays ":information. was laid, of converting them. Ile only hoped 'charging a person with a „vett) c sew. f r a break up among themselves After hearing the inforttiation salt, s ms (lay, for a golf')nt' Lher m.0 sta,itiitted (On oath of course) •0 war ';4vin.glti. 115 ceuldinot Ire eotiveeto) Cath Was issitrd, and a time appointed to the belief that the Irish Catholics for %tlte )tearing, but when the triol •, were really fo home I uta.. 'rho telt; name 011•tie0 plaintiff failed to _prove about every tittle fraction havingthe that tltoT uoe ebarkcdr iu tho in . 4irat' a" t right to (ton 1 . a• - :fortnatin 'had becticominttecl. The tT tae , right e n fol its o n i afh`a'rs was all- 1)01180)8p,1)01180)8p,' Tinr ay. 11{r, 'i?tora,tivixriaas then cru turf7 cC to ac•• Bridgman had describe/I he angelic .cord.svith'the actualfacts of tho error; aa:restittg their wings nn the•1-•os'nni• ,aft hrotlgl.loni,ny1d deolaient• given.., of Lske Ki.11:r. ey. • ('ln could not 1,88 that wrong ? tiiucaakie avy, that Lark -fear the rotli Sea.•,of„11i,8 88.,Vic:.., • wanting_anything in this Inns will find it to. he calls. Ir.. - 5+, asttheirinterest to re,crv0 their err1ars until ble 1t013i11TSONRt i311}Llz« hlay'17th, 1886. - 342.8nt • a co_. COMMIIsii BROKERS. .Members Toronto Stook Exchange I iiintr i'.fi-es toTORONTO. 11'fO 1':T`fti tL,. N1 0'V 1?01%1i, OF1If AGO, and Olt MIT.. sxOm:ia, 13ON)15, i:Itlh7, 1'ROSi:3• 1O Sand OI1,, llrnight arid, sold for Vaal) 00 margin, • - 002000 iiattonhnry`lnod AfbCr't'St • �Ja,'9br Thom* :. on,, C41Iie 'C1fq.„, Jutc,T4,400.Gi , I ntnnifnttiire non0 bat the MO 0r $'recta, lie"rare of sl ups slant sell cheap, se Meg have tea le li.ae' ,txi' usll and+gut.prlees. Urgers i by man'ototntb>,att'eatie44ttO.. . 4:,:oy' +yA. da.xi,irnact,.. IIAItN3:8S klyt'£G1lIUyf ,Itu"Y'311.n11111. BI`th 'Pump Facto ,3EJ9e t :$ ]G',C;GtallJSor Itavinstrorfl'avori Lia hnxtnein totbe-promised tor. moldy known 1t .11!1111 110(NTOAti'tstik ;HILL, would .ttatatt u 1 old li•rtrons for past, favors and la in aWetter paeittnn,owl) over to iseic•rth:An (Tersest eutrni•ted to haw • A•'starli Of 0000 P 'gr,e4t, bund. (ir"lurrd wt+rl,+'' a et,roialty,. 'Wells -dug and eonipleted on shortAnotice All 'W0ttt'gi1aI1tataod, Moos reasonable, 0rclatsU;! tuaii%prom ptly attended to, :334.tf •14.11 4,Vgl:t1V001,.121 • • id ,r I fuel aseirs• need not 'Nut 3"lbs at once -its, °Atlr to ot'•t•a Present. 1'00 different booke:'to 011(106e' from.• Try a. 25 -cent. packet of'Ji=Q,11o' Tea. 1 'Sole a eat for I'irxsiorAici 's Y1:AsT, .t1 -to best••ilt tho woylel:, 1 • John C . ui gha •e C toxo.. DR -3G S The rutrlilrsignsd has just opener) n-'ner•,I7i eg. Sim, -1tl J,r1;C r1("'+"S t NEW 131,0OK, on 1�111W,ON S 1'EIEl±;T, ti o drioromest'of the City hook Atom', where will .be •1010)1,1•: a -nein. r a1,111.0; 1 t-11 tt"• ar.sot tntrn�t of x 1(b1.1i i3 1111(1 r'1'C.Ay1`$Ct1114t ;Lit f1 �'i1t4`tIt:�Tt$ 1 )< I L'9"tfll',iliXrc`:K :1'11 i1; 1rl"1+t1 ,.r a,ta .�9LtL1YQl.i'II,'.5.,-•till. t17.1>: t1rU, nnirXle:^n 1t+ u�,1e .for ;,v "1,...,.:." r. r ., 0 r T1"I11\1411�;f"O + Wier • • . • . +,r ddlnton, la.h Jct nary,) $0 , T'.rbiirnigtio encash): frostroaidortacxgttAra.,:. -