HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-07-21, Page 3...+. v •-
1h9Cvn , ' . ' � :,.. .-. - - 1.--,.,1";t
(iiilii�rt�iY �I)�..G�.hL,Q.NT F1GFHT. xhe did not .ear ,_ { � !iur�•irear that fire eluol*et wiglit. xe for I Af Jafau4I lrr.11!<cdlcal Work+..y It on firein"EOR 1fDUN&MIDDLE-AGED ENMCAIN .g episode3>x htalra tititeiieiy artacle which they',�ie falloral Iq au A Sluggish L ver o y >w Uy1111a1itro cn:► ' 'TSN �1 e Tl+egeut United States Indian warfare,equated they ottrried aur, anti rho 4+++ J,A G1nCause®'theStomach and 8oM1!•els to ba Illustz•atius Saznz,le Fi ce io All you are neodiq " 'RRs' ,,hind many tach night hove occurred tuck ease' and demolished every ' Co1uo ditttfirdered, and the whole dystent8 a ache ri _',cal .and er,imia
t 1 off it ritee—
die floor. 111is r7oli. Data ►lad them /EHCE/ 4 "' -
t I , oases A er s Pills ive prompt relic#,:.
�1lSt ti�at tlie Canadian Gouernatent alliiut an hour.. after 'which they � ` �F ' LIF,° '' ,�. � s ,•,-�+Z�•� �. �-.sa,,�' y
x a y Afterinuch suffering from I,ivei+ and - �TQC7
:and the Canadian showt,d a turned their attention to the woman. Stomach troubles,. I ]lave ;Rna11y iseelf• yrs '' _� •� .. Open � •� oB'� • . �"'"
people A aced child in the darkness with y taking' Ayer'e`C4cthartic,Plns
cured b ono' Top Doggies, Democrat",
determined front and 'checked The. �TpV
lf;tvas�s in time,. - her—a. dead husband in the sun- . in their action, aped their occasional use, iQ 4 i11 S Lin . • Cebr(, lei t antes ' Phrctone;-. i�%li' ,?
tion.-Zialpt} �Veolnan,�lnnapolis,as�,, O'lett Medical Work OIL Manhood.
a embel, toy vehicle9 arfi marls of. .. ear.
T}venty+five years ago •I suAki • ffered from
WIRY, Vro ncl ture Decline rium1 enpu rra� sof 3 out ��C fi 1�d�P 1� "i� OI' �t11@ beet plateriats p
Cts torpid y. takwasing . rests" P to and the untold ialsories resulting from 'Indiana-
udis xe coantl.0 but sell purely; o lt�clality, • 11 a da'nbn?,4r�ry''ri$'warran#ed:
healthy action by taking Ayers" Pails, ton or excesses. A bunk fur every lean, Yount:, 3 n merit, 11�r1ce ri01V + ►l e.ddie. rigs tllrougii •tyre.
Since that time T have npVer been.Mvith- middle-agot Rud ofd, It contah,s 12;, proscrlp• (/ • ill air&'see 8t'oolr`•
out thorn. They regulate the bowels, o! has" limousine. d SaaupddUyeFtlie Ant ort"' `a'
assist digestion, and; increase the appe- whose experience for 25 years is such as probably ,
rite,- more surely than any other. 7ned1+ never bowro fell to the lot of any phystclall, 500. '
cine.—Paul Churchill, Baverbill, Mass. pages, bound in beautiful l'renchmuslin, d5iboss.
' ed covers, full gilt, guaranteed to be`s. fluor ^y t
N V o G O RAT E D: µ•irk in every son }o thou any ofh"2r' worksoid in 1,.01-1-1\17 �•rl ,�,��I . ,
I know of no remedy aqua to Ayor'8 . this uount,;v for $ .@oi or &Ip menet' wiU. be re- V ..LJ n... �/ ......���iiit���� 111 5
Fills torstdmaelt and* Liver' disorders,' funded in Avery instance, free only $1.00 by.
eo to any
body, bond. now: (loll modal awarded the author 1.
by the National Medical Association to the Pre-
lout which, do a1mr. P.
si of t h, l A, �lilssell, and S . ,C
ifi` elm ettl adian• 1gorthweat rverri• it ar is a leu are azt c PPe uP tb' siuffer treat debility, Ib all such
• always find them prompt an thorough.
llalit antler Iter - eyes --the savages keeps me Ina erfectly health condi-
. There will novel lila itny'feeling reastaued' that she might be overcome
1, but that of murder in the heart'ot a' by her emotions. They attempted
American A taalib, l'i'e hates ever to approach her under Over of a
1. Y flag o f truce bilk a stet Moved that
other Indian of the west and is a z 1
she saw t111 ough 'their villainous
x stay to make war "upon kiln. No I dett�ign. 'There were only three to
white man has, ever fallen• into his ' take an active ,hart, and she bad no
. .cpluibhes ands escaped the:torture, fear that they could force an en
Ordinary' tortures_ are tame to :the trance by the front, • ,
Apache, III.- invents ...new ones; -Idle Apaches were silents for a
en llts own*aaeucy,,a,nd' in times of tulle, taking bond titre not to expose
}#rofoiind' ietyco,;tho'Apaaelie is a devil themselves:- to her -Are, After a
n inwaitIl e. : quarter of an hour she heard .them
lying for rr, It vl,ctihae., .' ,dlggrng'iu the eartb.above her head.
There was a depth of four feet of
earth above' her- at the weakest
point, and they were .entirely shtil-
tared , while they worked. They
dug for a while and then abandoned
the attempt, having, as was afte,-
• ward tisoertained broken the spade ,
and encountered many rooks. e
The next move Vas one which �e r s .Pills,
promised to prove fatal to the brave Prepared•bypr.J.•C..Ayer4+ ed.% owelf;Viiia'
woman. The strain from the sheds sold by utiDrugglete ape Doatora. to Medicine.
was brought, and flung down in
fronto the .cellar andr
# 1 set fire to.
The planks were still loan, and the churches, aro the claimable obey tos
1r g tui; aid of all the sects of believers
wet earth. lead prevented auy drying .,iu . any rul' g. spirit—Hindoos,
out. 'While the straw made ,a groat ¢Turks, feather dolators, and nlumlto-
blazo, and the flames roared and 'jambe day and fire worshippers= f
crackled as if eating everything -be- Who want churehies;• your modern
' fore them, the planks •refused to iEnglisli Evangelical 8501:is the most:
burn, and as the straw was quickly, absurd and ..entirely objectionable
consuinecl,•.tho fire soon died•out. and un endut.ableto, me. .t1;11' which
During the next' half hour every. they might vary .easily: have found
thing was se quiet that the woman out fromr.my:books—any,..othk.sort
began to believe that the Apaches , f sect would—bef'ore•botharing•lire'•
had made off. It was justvth i% they 't0<1ite•itlto thein..
had • planned for hezx tif• beliiiiie. 1: •
'7.11ie file .stood on toga of the cellar,- Ah. old mien _named named Edrbard
hoping that site would • open the Gamble, who lives a short •. distance
door. As the 'OA got further to the from: Ilii teh4a11 while, ascending to
west: it••cust 'their shadows on•the tpe•laft•iii the Odll.i on,housesthbles
r g,roun 1 and'she saw thein from. the -the other nightfollfrom the lop to th a
was in •\i i.•cousua. sat,smol�lua his ]cop -holes and know -the stratagem
bottom, a distance of abbot 40 feat;
pipe after diune.i�,' .Ori has ,knee they rvoro'•resorting to: fracturing his skull. Itis not ei-.
he had his daughte , a child five .Ib a - .'earlyd .that the In iians -Were • Petted that be will .recover:
years, and his •wife • wile busy:'olear- !Jt sic spto 'rpt. away ,be!'oie eight,. �1. • —A young man imbed George •
.. ing the table. • Vivo .Incliails+�su'de but,- they'. were ' doublyanxious to Whitehead, b£ road h; .drl ting a
dont entered. the house l y.:t114lillek ,:dispitalythe 1voifl i so-thatnoboel 3•oun and untrained horse attached
door. Rod men olte r' •viAted the r . y to a, sulky rake on the 'farm, of Mr,
•. _slio:uld be• left%" to identify ' them. ans of Guelph torvnslip ,
cabin and hadlieou hospitiIily'enter-' All violent+measures having• failed,-:Henryy. ' T , p
tamed, but the': moment the •five theynor'v began to coax and romise. was killed a few days' ago,. The•
stepped in I3ellaii lotvlized that they Slie •was a liuch brave woman.. She . Horse became frightar -against were bent• on mischief. Ass -he start-. hall whipped thein iii: fair fight! lgeable, dashed up -against the. fence
'ed to his feet, stn.Indian sprange,fox- trhey 'wanted to- shake .hands :with' and..46*. Whitehead. oil' and'in
wi►rd•sud.atrucl;,i•at' ilial With'a rifle: • • her• before going: away: '.They, had falling it" is supposed•. the side 'of
'T blow' fe]l` upon:the ell ild's-Iiea ; ca,rrfed_the::ody of the'dead wrrior • Ills head, came in contact.. with.: one
and cruslied;itilika paper.: • •• t0f.and'li'uiied•if, and, the wounded or more. of trio steel rake teeth, for,,
�• 11'61 -)iii seized the gun,.wiested. it 'man had, long ,ago. set out, for tlio, when forma, Iii$ .was wound
. pro --
array,- troll, set upon the five to. reservation..' . fusely from ti large just he-
drive thanis o.ut. Two -of them ,had • The three warriors, leaving iveia 'Iliad, the ear, 'Phis wound extend-.
seized1the • wife and were tr inry to" a g ed to the brain, and_ doflth must have
y a up all hope of ever betting at the beau almost Inst, trtieoiis:' .0 All'.J$:inds
fittlJ . her' outdoors The' husband woman, ,hila Started for the spot. •pit . f '—
laid about him With''suofi des Tera- t , Lu
- quiet village of Hastings,
1 rvlieat, the plunder rias. ri]oil rvl}su ' � •- '•!.•�,y
taut that the •I dians were.`seized::,the cellar door 8 eiled. and e, demoii, c the ..is 1 coiutng actor ,, ,' ,t, :1T7r R 4�
} 011
with inoinentar ianic and retreat- ilei ,ed She had. _:a _] ions since the pasaago :of.the:..Scott a
y 1 'tom tl leave
o Winoliestor'in herh`andS;;and it was tot'-�Ou'�S nit'_ i Die w We gust
ed.' He tamed .the- gun. and shot . dam, COD,�RICN
one of, them' dead at the door, and . i r ,. was broken in'the stoic rviii9arvs• of i
..the others ran about eighty rods t blit a straw inher grasp. , 1]lo creel€+ G. T..Jackson s ntf J'. * . Dba'sbe, 1
yw a y o of the rifle'.vas the hist intiivation au' constable tri rvo r - .
cover. It was plain .enough. that •it, that th rvtirriors had :that d S be had t{ Plows ) �/�•y ,�` j
...r raiding party r.•--.- the o. she rites stolen•• as 'r le rasi dat done to Houde ' 6 6d1 C
t .vuu.. The, uruuu an arm IOr 011e. 'other r0 ort O night. A 0.„
tI fir l
r Ii 1,J.P.,'lf l BUTLER'S,
Staking out is the. mildest agtany
in- Which. airs tribe iudul;es.,
Prions there an nonee».. the plains,
so the Apaches force their prisoners
:flat on their backs, stretch thele full
1k t'll, and' liiiid` each • wrisb and
ankle fast to a peg with a lariat.
the bastile could not hold- them
more securely., • `Through the chills
of night and the burxtiug sun of
noon the captive lies powerless, liis
naked body exposed to the fnsoets
and the e.letnents. • Sometimes he is
�i left.to elle, in lingering torture, and
P.011'14)&18 his agony is made briefer
ha sltiti•pel� by a lire being kindled
• en- the alidolnen, •
Such is the nature ancl, such the.
,~ rtitrfare of the southwestern Indians,
. of whom . Gli1.Oirrino. is 'the leader.
• They are treacherous cowards in •a
. fight,, without regard for Agri tar sex.
Trio weeks before it was known
that Geronimo lead' left the San
Carlos reservation, says a correspond-
ent, too the Bosto l • Comnaereial, sal
retin; a settle r on .the Upper Gila
nained llellair,•whose former home
I suffered from a Torpid Liver, and Dye. ! nail, poatpard I1luotrated sample Yr
pepsia, for eighteen. mouths. My skin
was yellow, and my tongue coated. I
had no appetite; suffered .from Head.
fiche, was pale and emaciated. .A. few-
boxes of flyer's Pills, taken in moderate -
doses, restored me to perfect kealth.-•-=.
Waldoo Miles, Oberlin, 011iee •t1 gold i f DARN) i i vorJulwos
Ayer's Pills are a superior family
medicine. They ,toren ;then and. invig-
orate the digestive organs, create an
appetite, and remove the horrible de-—Dtanahavtar4[tr°ror: .
pression and despondency resulting The Science of Life is of greater' va uS than. fall
from Liver =plaint. I have used the medical works published in. this',pountry fo
these Pills, in my family, for, years, and the past se years.—dtlenta Cortstitutidu,
they never fail to give entire satisfac- The Science of 'Meets a superb and masterly
Mioll•.—.Otto Montgomery. Oshkosh •rYiai- treatise on nervous* aal physical debility„—
Petr•oat .Gree' Press.
• '—AIANUFAQTI$itL>"h .fJF---_••,
associate officers of the Board the reader .ls
lespectfully.referred, -
The Soignee of Lite le worth more to the young
and twiddle -aged men of this gcneratton than ell
iA mines o a t ot'ula 5015 the s 1
of lsevadia eonrhined,—•S. t�'. CAroniate.
The Science of 1.1fo paints put the rocks and
gotoksandsoil which tbeconstitution and hope
of many a youngrnan have been fatally wrecked
Oorner. of Huro ata Orange e S reets '
� Jl, g t .i CLI�tTQN;•-
T Improved 'Tim _kin Fuggy a specialty,
p �'g�
s fin DurabilIty, Lightness and Appearance equalled by no other. -
AlLthe latest improved vehicles kept constantly on band. FIRST-CLASS
r _ BLACKSMITH . in couuection. $est material and. workmanship. branches: .
•r^ r. -
There's ne member of 'society to whom,Thd"
Seieneo'oYLYEc�vill•not•bq'Risefal;,wlidtiier"youth; Repairing and Repainting.Proniptl3r Attended to,.
parent,''guardian, Iustrnbtsir ur elergynan.-- •
Address the Peabody' Medical Institute. or Dr.
W. ff. Parker, Np.' 4 Bullineh Street, Boston,
Mass., who may be consulted on all diseases m-
skill' midexperience.
u Chro, i' n,d ohatin•
.to diseases tit t lav
h d eft s n .l 8�h ttiu theskill of allother '
physicians, a specialty. ASuch treated sucsnssttiffly
without ail instance Of ratlttre. Aleutian. TUE
News•llscoao,Cllnton7 fist. . 0S4—y
�c$0h00j .
13rrsdELiANE0 U -
H OT �'
Yes, and with the right kinclof amnitinittion, at"
OYSTERS in-Shell,and Bulk, by Dish or Quart. ,
OAI'DIES. lOo. per pound. ORANGEg•and-LEMONS•25o tpier-dozi:a.
Make anote of• the fact • iii' •
4 c at THE Nl�xt�is R>;�crrtjtr: hat'.
added more bonit ,ids .new, subscribers duringthe
present year than any other paper in this section. .
Note the. fact that. T13E N.Ew-IRECO;f D, has a ll�� rger tired ' -
.•lation•than any .other paper in this section.
Note the fact that. Tl lc,l� t �3R a� -n:l has•'one'pxice`onlj�, •,
and that price rasonablii
:e .. Double .. ircutio,
u /
• Ole
:joB: Pg g►TWWG
ort a f�ia acct null plunder:. ;pf 1, Y•, : us 1115 • •
Ps 1 of thein . I lie others wheeled and . a t ai' a ui o' r tom " u- J` earl,' on,.•o - w `
About fifteen rods front the House, opened Are, hut she advanced steed-'. y r 1 At \ y ADnitEss O
mi the opposite sills' f 'r ?'+ nfractions of the late have been tired, tl'
10 n Which the ily, firing: as fast as she could throw
had 'his orchard'of choice fruit trees G� S�
ro Iitdiaus had -taken cover, the ravish= 'outs the"empty aliens, aria a ;second % •: ESV / ii eW Type : A Gide i
totall destro ed b some ,fiends
tnan hall constructed au: 'outd.00i tsh infiieted a. wound. from• Which"'who totally'
stripped. ark *from. every' �..
PP b. • y lle-BUTLE1'i! ,SELLS CFLEAP t:
cellar. This liad'been'accolnplislled .the warrior died, two weeks later. tree:
AGENTS wANTEU-ladies or GentleireM4 1jrACIIC.LUP DIUTUA]G
Good cothm,sswn and Werk e•,a . Address '
Tint Naws-useuse, Clinton. ane
by digging intor a hill fol : several The three could.faco .her no longe,`., efforExcitementl'being
. . OF .ALL KIIM`DS. '
unerior�War Gtk,rantee's;'',
high and
feet and• inolos ng the front with a With:yells; of dismay they rushed• Yi lou c•aag beano made to secure ev- tltazyangolae.ont(,z7 OI`.tlteCa9tIL.
double row of planks. `.i'here; vas a .aw' ' to the . cricket 'r •hero their ' idonce naplio t d* i ies.hes . deed .sot. �� .
stout door, and two or three,places .bodies were concealed and no time ''.ferag. uilplacated 1u th'ose drjlsred-
had, been left for ventilation. Bel- ryas lost i aving the concealed, and
—Quite a fere of the visiting
lair instantly decidtsil't.o occupy the �wllIeh ha en so unwholesome fort:�"_ •
cellar and • make the best defence's them. •: tCl `anaotueri to Hamilton on tlrg 12th.
'T i 1.wont
- -
possible.. 'While: was 'col- July, weut•a'tvay .heavy hearted doer'
lectins a'fbrd title es he sari` At eu tise next intoning, as 'their losses. Henry Hall, •of :St.• ` - _
a i rod the .' rinchanen passed that'.way, theyGeorge; -had hist pocketbook c
dead d• 1• child. G , r Po b on ,
e body ofhis c ii to tho..pl.tico, found the :bodes of the dead• bus a
ReturReturning, lie. got 1>,i8 rifle, i:evolver taiuilig $100 in' cash, find notes to ,
n ng, he g and she took e jug band and child side.• by side on the the .amount of $1,20Q_stolen. Mrs.
of water and, an, the i •g grass- Seated beside thein;'claspino k'elgason lost'•her pocketbook eon-
ho ready .tacked, their. dead hands, was a stone -faced tainiug $15. .John 'Haines St: ABRAHAM N
food in the house, gi. '
' woman, whose .eyes looked into the Catharines, lost his plocketbotrlc con- , ..
'Thus far the Indians could have faraway and whose-'11.ps.siaue,eoulelu tairing$70.• Jacob'1'honias,l`plson- iar'ket Square,
nor;.suapiuion tliitt the house; was... unseal.... She had better,. ]dive died, brig, lost • pocketbook containing;
11bing•deserted, but 118 I3ellaar ma'd 1 -with thein.. The light of. reason, $14,. Henry Lodge, .of •W'.iltning G. R
tiuutller trip; to secure sonic money had gone"foaever. ton, lost .$lli; Two . ladies, who 0D^"'ICI,
he. had in the Louse, he was seem
.and fired upon. • He ran about hall" • pocketbooks,. and to judge''only by
were travelling together, both • last •'
the distsin'ceto"t1ie cellar, and thea • IWSIKIN' ON LOItROWING, the number' of lossesrit :oitted:to the •WEST OF 1;NTG AND SUIT
received a bullet in the lioad -a1Ld 1)01100 they were very 1 marous. , INGS & ''IROUS• 71]:NG.S •
fell dead.. Tho four Ind'iai s•rtislied' Mn. John Raskin. Mvas,lately ail- .--A dastardlyy attent at was made. ,
forward to 'seeps him, but.:l�is.• wife pcaletl to f'o -a••atlbscri yf,ioil�to--assist- 5_55rre k ie . iedaA �.-. S. 0,1'OII--`J WEED` STI.IT XOS'.-
steod in the doorway and wounded' in paying off the 'debt lof a Loudon• to in br g,ingnuadaAtawa sangal TROUSERINGS,' '•
ti'stfai bringing the;'Ottawa Orange- • -
one in the. side with"a shot fronl,tho• clinch, to which lie sent the follow- .r , r ,, + O
revolver �: and the gang„:: nen lria;nb from :Kingston ilia mein I'RTNCIi AND I,>\fGUI4IGI �4 OR-
sought ing -unique,dYeply: ,' • ` iiigaftel the liftli July. • Soon after ST.ED CLOTHS; ' .
shelter.. Had. illi husband 1 inn 1'
y a, Sir,—I am scornfully atnttsod •the train pawed Apoxaudrail the on- �
there exhibited the .faintest signs of at your appeal' to me, of all people gi ee noticed an,,ob8tritetion on. Made up, izi Hest• Stills azed Work”
life, the. •wafe •ai'aoald ..have- chaactd - an .the world tho precisely„ least, WS track • a short distance ' ahead. • �zsaztshsip at Abraham SjrtitTh's,
all•toabt'ing him,• in,..batrtts slfe fitlpy likely to give''yoir a farthing. • My •He applied. the 'brakes and the train
i•ealized that he was dead, she with-' .first word to` all men and boys who being running unusually slow just •
drew to the cellar to await the, next care to hear, int is, "l )o not got into then, was able to stop in tilde, bring- Note in stock one of the c1teape8t
movements -of the Indians. For- - ..'bi;, .. Strive kr no to heaven—but iiig:•up abort 20 yards from the ob-
milli beet stoel:s pf"
]ir& llsiir[UJIUG CJ o :i`
Ne oods� 1Y W OOdSI NOTICE.
The undersigned are appointed•f,iact as~
agents iu, the Township of Codeudi frac'..
this Cotnptany. Any person wishing 'to
insure in this old and reliable Farmer's
ts•' Conipaiiy should apply to eitlier'1'uornAs
■ Na ILAN9, :l:t � i br ',5''AMiLdsL, .
■ M itNoutiaN Seafortll- 1' • O 1'riititbt s
Photographs Albums.
•, A.utographs Albums.
Vases and Chinaware.:
• Purses •rend Valle
Of all kinds, cheaper than, cues.. .
PPM kinds of Maegolil Seeds, 26e. per lb.
-Whits ;Wiginti Curlror-Sebil, %!0-c. per lb, .
Turnip Seed, 25e. per lb.-
Western Corn 90e. ' )3uekwheab 7tic,,
Qil Cake $2.50 poi ewt. • '
1 wart a. lot of Oats. hi exchatnge for.
Oatmeal, 12 lbs. to tee bushel,'.
A few 1:ARLY 01310 r0TATO1,S.ron
SLED at 76e. per bushel,'
tunately for her the door swung an tlo not borrow,. Try first begging— stacle;-tivli.ich proved to be a tie livid •'"-
ward: The cellar had zxot:been.paiat,Idonot.tihidifitisreallyneedful . across the)•1•aila and seourod with
WINTER ..-!� nT���� Ur,t, • nnr T'rn'n �t:n-
to use yet, and She had plenty of staalintr I tft+rd'o .not';bu thlnrs boulders at'ea01f and tis wolf as WIN'
1'00 it t move about.:.,One a y +� ,
.attention will be given.
iteltillop, June 3rd, 1886.. 395c.711l
24TE - 11{A'17_,
.: +
peen's ;- Birthday,
.r 4-.
-otall.kinds, at—
Por.tlriatth.31.1ty.r: ; ,
55- i F.W 11'S" 01" "ALL KINDS.
IW CiU A11C,
planks lett. a furn'Sl of the you can't pay for." 'And'of,allUlan- being firmly bound . with ropes. ' AND�'OLOTHS-
p. i 1ot1 a prop ner of debtor, pious 1ieople.bitflding 'l:'llo• .obstruction wl{s.-hrtTilcfa-aby a , • far the door ;• and..ahe was an n slit churches' they can't payfol•xare the cnrve••isr the road bntil the train ryas A X'111X Llile of GENTS FI R-
matron to staucLa stege frunt.half•tlia. s finest• detestable nonsense.' Sae:.. ver' iul ;sal .. There were between 400
blind,, . - , Gas! y,,NISHIN`( S always in stood,
• As: soon ai rtho tvonafln h yotivreflch and pray • behind and -S00 persons' on .tla •train. The '
had escaped the hedges—or in a sand pit—or a suddei Stoppage. threw many front ;, IC will pay you to call on
thorn temporarily the redskins turn. coal hole -•••.•deet'! 'Ana of all man their setts and caused a +food ileal:'
, to is n,er. • ., l .N ,
:� h NA .S ]'
n urchus th lea ] l�r A M M «
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