HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-07-21, Page 1WEitato4.-043°,1,,e1• A4W.44114st. . 'VOL_ . "INDOPZ211.0.0.i.V2t .14V 4,Z•1 2'1141,10Sr X.R1.1111lAk .07 .NVVIUNG." •°LINTON, HURON COUNTY, ONT., WEDNESDAY, JULY 21 1886. a ,I.,..‘,.,,,,,,,.0,..,,,..,....I.I......,...,,,,,..1.1..,,,,,".".".4.1.4,1/ • . Additlo7.10,1 Locals. . GODER1CH ' . , Deputy Postmaster Kay is, the' a happy owner of a handsome .orazy . ,r ..,Tin 4SfilEiTANT r..713U4IIIAN of the Somefew years since a ws7•Z known quilt. The brtentleman oln,faxied this •Ontario Assembly and. Mrs: Itolniers; i.ehri6h,to"A-of Goderich town,sup proportion of his worldly possessions of . Toi onto, ate visitino thetr old ceeded to Dakota, befoi'd leaving he ' for twenty Ave cents. fiiends in Clinton, obtained 8011Z0 cabinets from iSlallar 4. prieket team captained by Mr. Miss 1,noir Can't,P, of Godoticb, the Gods ch Photoist, which, lie dis- B, S. Williams played, againsl.. a is in teArn, spending her VitOittion tributed amongst his neighbourschosen one of the Goderich clu'i with the family of Mr. W,: I. ..Last .,1,2),r14e7 4 recently plbrahaoed last Saturday afternoon, in the 'Whitely: . , horse, walked deliberately into its preseabe of a huge numb*" of Ii.stonxii. Lieens -es under the menees house, awl fon(411 lid'ea One spectators. In the first innings Mi. liquor Act 1883 wM he 'reinntled of the copies above mentioned. This Williams' tarn made 36 runs ftom • Oar inency by calling ii.t the Com- ': action so sarzai.ised its owner that en- tho. bat, and the club 33, In the . mereial Holel, Clinton, Thursday; qutries 4r199V mad i vil.lOn, it tvai;fultuolsecond innings 1Tr. 'Williams' team Jul22They roof that the horse ;tad recently coincfront , scored 25, ,antl the ebb team 13 for y '. 'must produce p. jios...w.HtITLEIc.in otyneic a finny God' rich township, wheiv it had in tliT wickets. WO congratulate Mr, the years gone by been. kindly 6'8(4- Williimaon the successattending benanza last Friday.' He returned ed by the orginal qt\the photograph his te'rn's first appearance in publid, -in the evening 1 -with 72-Throok or witiek it hail immediately r'ecoquiyed and propheey that at no distant date speckled trout; some of them were 11 thirteeniueleis in length, • , by Ir the excellent likeness. it will bo the champion. ono of the . . ' ' Tin . W . lititchison„ of W'W inei. ent?. The pm lay was most exeit MRE 'W11,atz, of Gotierich,- peg is visiting at the old homestead, ing throughout, the good points in was ' in town Over.. Friday night He had business ixt connection with Mr. Chas. SAM, is home -on :a the genie, neatly all of :Ivhich were on the side of Mr. Williarna' team the installation •of officete of : the v.isit• • , were loudly applauded. . f - 1i0;10?,,X 0(.1401I&WS. , ' Mr. Willie Trainer, of Chicago, te , - 1.1.nanwania.-L-If there ie ono mei- re-visiging old acenes. . . - Entrance Et.aminations, - eantile house in Clinton that •'is,. Mrs. J. Welsh; of Stratford, is the , , . ' _____ . inore than another, a credit to the guests of 111... and 11Irs. W. I. Welsb. The followino• shows the result of . town -and a benefit to the community . Mlle steamer Ontario called in on the recent Iligh°School entrance ex- it is the hardware one of R.' 11I. het upward trip last Thursday. amination. . The examiners, In- Bacey. It is perfectly astounding . Inspector J. E. Toni was in town . specter Tom and II, L Strang, B.A., y. to noticethe variety, of erticles Mr,- • . • • ; on Saturday add Monday. ; ' . have writtpn. to the Departmenttun Rabey keeps in dock, and entially Mise Emma Holmes has:retuned the uufairness of thepapers on so tlie oheapness Of them, when ex- • from a •protracted Visit to Detriot. History, Grammar.axid OrthoePY : eellence as. well as cOstis considered. • , colia, oossor 475, 2 Ashtiold, Mr. WOVIII, GOORICJI . . • • • *' ' „Mr. Racey takes pride ins showing, . lima Minute Hutchison has re- noweamni„A my7 0 tco 0 la 70. • w 4r.r i i. the ad vance Can,Ada has anade • in front a long Visit to Montreal. • ,laWiiiiii:iiT4iiia"(i•-ie-9'1"'ilr' - .---°174"'" t1.1r114 , o ale ) . S., Mr. ....t.nbury • 11013111ftlaill08, A11(1.411110 'he ,,(1008 The choir of the• Not1 80t ' t elilitehraii 4. 1 S 1., Beatrice 8toi.lehon,so 400, 8% field,..Alr,INT not confine himself in any line ex- -Methodist 'chervh is in eamp,,at tho 31tiotra'C'igra_ing 441, Goderieh M. S , Mr. Enibary, ilt lo 447, 2-4.11borne, Mr. Alnrrlah. • . ' elusively. to Canadian-niade .warps, .111-aitland.. Palls. 1# . . .• : 1.410 O'Reere 430 2 Aehtlold,'Mr, Nevin. • ) . . Minnie Oompbell 428,.Goderich M.S. Mr. Embtlry he apparently -has no desire ..tn'ory 'Mr. Allan 'Enibitry rotttrned from 19:`111 "at1iek1i410;t0eT)....1,011 '11,r. Ram, .:ovit "decayed 6:sit!' when the superi- his trip to Cleveland end Detroit on• t! Yom111°-`,8,,°,1•412,"7 Ashacia;31irr.'Alufileson ': ority. of: our hen:le-made wares is • moilday. ' - . , . . OhristirlimvIrin2405,Port4Iliert; M • . ilea° eirideitt. • Wre wOtc.showil ml Dr: Nicholson and family -return.: Aqflos o'no • • ' GharlOsEai•row 404, Coderieh M. S,. Mr. Enthury • nohoe 404,8 E. Waw.anoell,110§s.Ionpa isiftwOropr .i. . steel nails of Canadian Make; a lagfi • (Alicgoitill.sizni.,..ETbury, ed to town on:Monday, after a round' fi."g37tsditiff,147n .- stock,''of whith is kept by this firm, :. trip, on the Saginaw Vcdley. .:. ,- Plorenee Ball 300, Cloilorloh AI §; Mrr. EntihltAry ' .; end ;_the,se. nails ,are as-toggh as: the • :'• best .. wrought. nails. FO.t taaing 3_,..fis.S.pollsoY,_,retut,ined.froin a.viair n't'iridi:\A'",,i'Zirynil°,1,17:gt4..iisill 1,1,°•;i!;',3',1;•1•- ,- fen:ging Or skeetitig, 'on •.buildiugs, to uleveinuct, Detroit, and:Saginaw cAatirc'elertit3IL3,s4'0S4 e6ragti:1‘01",1;'‘..1Er'„,14nIt.tr- . the,:darbefore•Yesterdey. • •::'• • . . Laaira Aelleecin est; Goderleh NL 8, Mr: Enibury .;.,11Or0 t•11134.NivoiOlit. oLthe. boards. is . . • RECO21111Eir*. ' . . . '. . ' • 114003010V sepported by. the nails, • Mrs:. Tanis, mother •of JudgeN .. ato llie0..lohl in, 14 •Antiold, Ur. ittleltott . .1..11e44) tough ste'el oneelit'aa. ni be Tents, is Visiting the enibers of her John It.Ij• Jo hilayson 874, 4 A2hfleld,,Mr. Gibson • "' : (1=0 Tiriegail 303, Convent 8, Slater Gortt'llA10 'xit'valnable. -And they are O. at', -,:fantily in"tlii?,town,„ .2. .. , • . . Eva ratio 802., Goderich Si 8, .Alr. Eallaciry the same price as the co rnino,.....)24.ttli :-. •-.7Will Robei,is, of Toronto, Was iii, , . igvit Ralph, 307,i.Goderieh 310.7, Mr4inhory s .,_ . , . , .. ,, , 'Fannie ,Salkeld 3134, 3, God loll, Aliso Rolle' t on 'Cut' Anil& Voli.oi4r Wire ip. SD othor - .town 10.4: Saturday visiting ins.,sieic Andrew Waddell -302, 'Goderich 11. 0; •Mr. Embury :specialty that Mr.: Rteg_ls : in, -brether prank.. , • s . , ., • , . mtlyti, . o...m9e.. sat, .81,Axelri8 eld,. Mr.Norin. . .. . ' While edge-toole;cirrrWeT-ii„ aker's . ' ri '.1.ilq 11•0131.0.1t 'Cadet!' Of FOreater8 Charlesio. 1761,, 520 No 0 Flay, A. M. Couighlin . .. gods, and the :thoesend end one , — Will • haVe 'a neat cleMonstration a mow) Hasa. wis. No's stmaey, n Ross ' . items of shelf ItardWare oan be tound. gli, '.4.11 ;1. „ un.ggie psier 475, No 0 stfoiloy, It:Raps , - . .. t" , ‘ ...., vr...,or, on Tnutstley the 16th or Nome Fulton 988, No 8 Stephen, Frank Dolten here. .Mt. • Races). does ,quito a 'job- Augusts . : • . . Edith .Ebhinson 417, No 8 SteOhen, Frank I3olton bung business with the carriage and Albert Par2more 389, No 2 Usboi•ne, J. Beatty biacksinitli tied° ill. thiS ,tuid. adjoin- '• -The ;BaYfield•fighing 'fleet was iii 'Henry Dyer 881, No 5 Stephen, J ;McNabb the 'harbor on Stattrday :and Sunday,. -E":1"1•1°4•'n 380; N° 3 tj..43.' 0 CainPbell . big portions' of' the •'neigliboring : . :. ' ,. s• .21.100AISIENDED. • .'" .. :• . Counties.. *wind bound, while 'on aft Way to the 'Rennie NI ninnitn 380; Exeterrehool, Thos li4regory . fisbill" 101111(1S: ' ... ', ' Daniel Witmer 377, No 9. Stanley, R itoss „ • - Qr,• thriTy 4 „s osgeO, No 0 Stanley, Rlios..2 , 1 . : • Or, ' . • ,• . . The ..iiiginais Valley made' her .-.•,.' ..• . : Myth. .• ,,, , •• . usual cans, tho psi week't). little.be; hind. tient, on'ticcount of the ' Teeny , ,cliqinve.clisgradeful Writing6 coneorn- ' Mr..7..4..-Naiftel's 'last. word on the' , 'Key._ hole stuffingat night Seethe to .to O le moo a o y in this nii,„ -... - exeursi p. site i '40 . c 'in' the 'cltildi en of the •Clitirch •-ot on• gt • at h r several , . ,._ , /qrs. Broomall, of Buffalo, is. flip. 1)-611;s or can. ,. . , ,, s,.: , England iii .niest 'viso. and untruth-. •gueet of Ir. ,Iohn. Einigt's l'arn,i1/.... • ' - • ' • •.... •, . fel,- 0,0(1 'DOG that no • :person.. but an Mr 'R ' Radcliff having -finiabed abject Sycophant could b.3,. . at present. : • : ' . . his ••thities in •connection with ' the' • euotigh to•pan.. linliisfirstparag7bl' • Mr. Charles Shane,. Of Detroit; IS ineeting_Of the,Grand.'..Lodge A. •.1?: speaking of how -h° bdcaree tlie ..ac- -' .4iiii-a visit here aniOngit:Iiii.;61411,-74v ' -and-I M.. at -Winre-is rearmed ..:0-farnffra"--al'anilbrer tor..11:11'iri:6111- -lig. • : • - ,--. for a eouPle of weeks,. - • . ':,...' :Tioine last SatUrclay. •• •. . . . says : ' ."I eould easily explain how -- . - ancl• why r used- the tern), but it is ,..Mr. Geo. Hackett; :blacksmith; : ' :,His Honer JudgetOms returned net'Avortli the time' and . trotible it• ' formerly of this village, but now o±. from Windsor,' Where' he hal beet • 'Would take.", : In all tlit ed pie's eom.; ..11fiehigan,. is Visiting friends hero. ' attending tho 88881611 of the Grand , muuicatious there .1.1as. been , this. . , 'When are• wo going'. to ,have our Lodge A....F-and 4. M., last -Safur: civic holiday this year I . It is time. day. •-,• •, , : .-; - • •.• - tiunaoce in the' system • of. evasion, and .ta. eon. last letter shows that 'there. was a. n• iove made i.i. thet, It .Wmild be a great convenienda• the accidental scribe anro pot tell: .. s_. . the,trutb, and is afraid, to falsify any direction. '. . ' ,._,• - ..... ,' ..if our town council eould do some.; more ; hence we have the old story • . Professor BroWnlee: is busy,f)rad-. thing towards levelliik the aide walk ',,I can do this, I can • de that."• A tising•eivery evening on' his fife for, between the IL R. track . and the' line of argument• that will soine day .. the next 1 2th•JulY: • Practioamakes coinetery. *Could not arranetements Jana il:4•N• and hie. Churns in a most o perfect, Bob. : • ' . • ': : i: :' be inede with the township .cottneil , unenviable 'position; ,In the ,Secoilicl • . Some of our weather.prOgnoaida- for this most noceesary,worki : • paragraph .I.A.N. 08 '3 "that in speals,- •- .:ing of what occurred 0 , 'a piablic' tors predicted: a fall of silo* on : . AT, j-, liem;:ide • of file• Apifou • . . inOc. in» 10 .1 , y. f., , • " SU.Ilahn-'!3ut Wald; not mak°, its Was cite:I:god . before His. 'Worship siucerii7y and truth." . If :tne test of appearance.. • , ' ' . .: ' The Rev. Father '1VeSt celebrated Mayor Holton • last Saturday :after,' sincerity ,and truth is to' falsify--(alini,•• mass on Sunday noon, with violationthe4",rinada 0,ali,S;(o.,8101:1,1•salL tabbKie.)•tinet.iml 010)tt.7nsigt, ..dlent 1.nerning, 114 in the Temperance Act, .7For 'scithe ;eaten , :'D t 'Ionian Catholic church, Thu° . or other' the • Witnesses stninnenad' J.A.N. 18 t118 8"I a.411811 alul 'Ineer- was a largo congregation present. - 1. .1 - ity, He takes credit for writtng over did. •not:appear, anc the ease was at - On Friday tiro funeral of the de--; —jommid eau yriscji.ty, held., , ..., ' his oWn mune, While the.truth is that ceased Mrs. Forsyth :was follciwed be wrote over, an a lre, u kitil. his hy a latge. concourse of sorrowing, • At the meeting of the Grand ' sins found'him out 1 :and it was 0111y C1 rt der 'of royal Arch Mason's to save the lieod, that ho bonnie the friends •and relatives to the Unien 1, I ' - . ' tail f tho I ia as J.A N .11.1 the last ,Fridayo R. Ex -Comp., JosephQ IQ Q ICII Cemetery. . . . . • , - , Becic, ••was eleeted •Grand Principe]. third paragraph the tail in ans:wer to Messrs P. Kelly ar;.,.831 received a. previons quesbxon as towho author - So' littler. 'The fact that Obinp. - • - • Bel was absent when the election connintuintions from two aifferent J ized the publieation of the settrrilons Ottawa parties last week with respect letter signed Com, lie says; ',Ie. took :place, greatly enhenees the pea - authorized by ' the :executive/ to purchasing their brand of super- . :honor of the position ' . committee of the Society, ,and theu ior flout on an extensive scale.: • ' •. .01) Saterday a gtaine of base 'ball The, revision of the Voters' list gees on to lead the public to behove, •tv,as playact on the •Blyttt • (trounds for:West Huron was .coneluded on ,that• your Goderigh Correspondent rote the lytters signed Senex No. 2, between -the juvenile clubs a Wo ing- Monday afternoon. Tw he oeurt was a speeies of journalistic pvrjury, that ham and Blyth. The home team adjoarned...till Saturday next at 12 none but J.A.N, and his gang meld t loft badly. Batter leek next noon when His Honor Judge Do,y10 commit. In the saIt me araura the time, boys. will give his decision in a number Tail hints thol our attendance at Dr. Our band left bete on Wednes. of nen on which judgment was re» Jones' ineetirws was by proxy. All wo day on the early train. fot Exeter saved... • can say is that wo were (persomilly) •where they have been ongoged by The religions discussion last Sun- 1.)tescnt °hail Dr' 3.°°°°°tg"iml th° the Society, and also at nearly all his tho Masonic Fraternity to accompany day afternoon between Mesa& open ineettnes. Here wo 11I8)3837 that them on !shave exctirsion to Port Card and (loll; -will not, Create re. we would icriOner have been present Stanley, - :. : spot for religion, The former by proxy, and have written nice:Leant A lawn eocial Was held on Tilos- gentleman argues with becoming- things of those of whom Christ said, day evening at the residence of N. decorum, the latter, howovof, by his "of "Cli is tho Rhigclotil of Uotwoo,"1 IL Young, Esq,, on behalf of the language arid manner of argument than bavo been the tail of a clique boi Ladies Aul Seciety of the Methodist brings discredit on that IVIiieli lie writo defaming letters of God's own 9iinfirm In the last paragraph of chureli. Thare,was a large gather.' trios to uphold. It is time 80811 as letter the Tall disputes our state. jug present. Our band enlivened Seance as those of last Sunday after- mint regarding •the order of these the evening with wino fine selections. noon Were StOrpOdo ineethlgilo LOA then 49974 op? 4r4td los „ ..e -(which, the bead and tad and alt the limbs) will say that the last lifty per - ab the lowest end of the room could hear nothing but noise." Tbis admission by the head and. tail (for W0 moan more than ono) is the only truthful litterance in J.A.N'e, last letter, and it makes.us think that his letter was not properly supervised. his 9101:gruel f; latiu lexicon. admission that at a puldhimeeting of the 0,E.T.S, the last fifty, could hear nothing but noise, will require the re- appearance of the tail, as the public wilt want to know whether it was caused by a ,-successful imitation of Baird's Dime Comedy Company: As the tail can wag no more in the Star we offer the use of these eolturms to the tail, head, or any of the lhatbs to answer the fellowing ; Who author- ized the publication of Ranger's lot - ter in. the 81p,•Ital and Oena's in the tar? Why were said, letters differ entiv worded towards the end? Flow J.A N. aecidentally became a writer? Napo the five or six young persons, name any church that had dime shows during Lent, and any C.E.T.S, where little innocents were makolied in procession to witness that dreadful spectacle of debauchery and murder; "Ten NightS in a Bar Room ?". We hope Messrs. Ranger, Corn, ,T.A,N. and company will • gab over their system of slander, and no more try to hide their own short comings and inoonsistencies by tradueing the chosen ones of He Who died for all. •••••••••••••••••••••.• •Conixo'ir:.TRIlt°erCro°;11tt Of Revision: • • mot. in . the town' hall, Juno 281-h, 1886.: -Members all present. •• The, following appeals were, disposed. of :namely : Clhas. llaguire .entorod. own er•S 22, con, 1. Thos. Cade„ ,L. Collie, "Jos; McA.rter, 1?ancan, • Livingston,- 1101)1. Bloomfield, D. Lamb and. P. had each one clog, struck off. The Conitof jictyi- 01011 WM then closed 8nd ordinary' Council business • proeeeded Mr. Geo: Pieree_Wila irarneted to 'put a- box. drain adross• road £.Le 13t, 11 811 7111 con. line, th,e.,.douncil to. pay five dollars fer the work: A•peti- . :tion from John Shortreid and differs to have sidelineopened lietweenlots 20 and 21, con. 10, was laid for fur - they consideration. ACcouras were, 011(1015(1 'to -he paid as follows.; .• J. 1-IiirriSon potting in Culvert $2.504. J: Grolloy, rePairing: .scraper $2.50; •J. Perduerepairiiw bride $7; Misses • Exford charity $10.; Mrs. Lynn gravel $7; E". Boman do $9.05,..J,. Shuttle icio, $2.353. A. Scott do $3.50; .D,.Errington .t10 $8.25; .A1. 4etean: •-d,0•88. is P. •:,McCasey culvert .011 westgrovol.-roftet:A. C. MoLoliond • gravel $9; J. Miskimmings do :!$11; J. Russell •plank and spikes $10; P.. Murphy t11atity_60-; 11.Mooney 'drain across read $2; J....Richmond ditch $1.; J. Rogerson plank $14.17. Moved by E. Bosnian -seconded by att A 1.11,PLCI-11 - .st.ruct6d.' to expend. $ .in .repairingidoroad • . • . . s 5 aid ,, o . Moved ' by 0. A. 'Ilowe, seconded by E. Bosnian, that 'S. .2aldbielc be instructed to have approa.chlo Rattans bridge gravel- . lo,d. Moved by II. Mooney; second - 0(1 by 0. A. Howe, that, the Reeve' .be instructed to have. cedar culvert pat in at let.4con. 5::•0errietl. 4 by-law. was paSSed dividing; the tOwnehip into six pelting subdiVi- es follows Div No. -1 from lots I.' to -15; • in the -and, 10,. eon.; . from 1.6 to 13, in the :•7•,• 8, 9 and 10„'con.; No. 3, from 1 ,to 11, in 111e:6, 5 and. 8'i, .4th No, 4-, from 12 to 30,, in: the .6, 5, and 'S 4th con.; .No. 15, from lot 1, to centre' sideline in the l'; 2, 3 and 4111 con.; No. 6, front centre sideline to Eastern gravel read in. the: 1, 2, 3 and N. 4th con, The Coencil than .adjournecl to . meet again on the Oth August next Mrs,' Chaff, of Dungannon who has been visiting friends in this vicinity for the 'past week has re- turned to her homes • • Some natrderoes animal has been, making nocturnal raids upon the feathered bipeds of some of the farmers in this vicinity end as a re - salt ohlokons are getting SearCe, . Some mean, seamp broke the pad- lock whichfastened the school gate. If some people imagine that a school ground is a "Minions" or "public park" they ate greatly mistaken and will have to learn tho.t loek-breaking i811'1iE11.111ughl in. while return- ' . ' ing from Wingham on the '12th • stopped to• water "his, horse' at Blyth. The animal would not drink with the ."bit" in his mouth and to re, move the 'diffiaulty Mr. M. reinoved the bridle wheii the horse, perhaps imagining itwas being let oat to pos- tero, Started off a break neck speed with the boggy, •The vehicle Was very badly. wrecked but the hole was none the worse of its wild rage. ;.4 01111 wiIIWICIrkle 4.! WODP, Pnbiloile;.# WHOLE NO. 401 • toudesboro The• Foresters have commenced IQ build a large hall here, Our chief of police tine got a neat little lockup, so look out boys. People about hero are not satis- fied as.to who is the bigi,sest "sinikens; the Catholic vote counting editor or the editor who virtually placarded Ebenezer church with business pes- ters. After the Scott Act trial a fistieuff encounter took place bettvedn wit- nesses fel' the prosecution and some friends of defendant, The origin of the squabble was ox account of a witness using threatening . language to defendant's counsel for remarks made while examining said witnessi I casually heard of a sterlin g fiat - riot who has jest put up a netv honse on the base line,Mi'. D. Tip.' lady, by naine, I believe. I hope the gentlepien is belied. '119 18 re- ported to have said' that lie would • welcome the tankees with open �1S to his hospitable fireside if „flinty came here on war and annexe-. • ti°11.intent. In effect ho would welcome cut-throat foreigners to .take the lives and. destroy the 14ear. tlis and honms of loyal Canadian citizens. I pray that there may be found, even among- Grits' but •few such patriots. Such Meltmust be filled• :with revolting passion and have the bestial brine of thraldom furrowed deep in their natures. . The adjourned case of Yates vs,. Fisher, forvioletiOn' of the Scott , Ao, came up here befoi•e magistrates Braithwaite and Kerniiaghan, Mon- day last. The 'evidence was very • eonflicting, bet after a patient hear. ing and a couple of hours consulta- tion afterWard, the court corieludett,' thaithe offence had been committed: and fined the defendant $50 and 801118 $22 oosts. The. case will be. apPealod. Mr. Powell, of Clinton; conducted the case -fol the defesnil. ant iu sooll a 1ncumet0h4tt tha benq seemed to `.`stobble" foly o,tiine, so . doubtful .did it appear that a case 'Iva been. made out. Goderich TownAblii • The ,following is. the standing ob-, tained by the pupil's:in each class at , the, monthly. examination for Julio, 28th,291h and. 30th june ( E. Anderson, teacher)on t : he : held -111 No, 9 School; Goderichtn..; Geo, Sr ,Forth Olasf-t-481; Jacob Con - nen, 2nd Rosa Jewis. . . • Jr. Fourth nass.•-•-ist Jos. Elliott; 2nd Stirah COurfice, 3rd Thos. Cour- tic°, •flith John Cook,• 501 Herbert i Switzer 6th Mason Stirlin6 ' • rr 'V. Third ala•18-1st:114rion ear- , ri:a, 2ncl 'Adem..Elliott, Sid Chatted :eronyn. . . • , , • TA t:rd Olciss---.1.it Frederick ,Timis, 2nd Agues Stirling, 3rd Chest -Connell,..4th Robert Itichaid, son, 5t1i. Welke" Einem% 6th Lilly Cook,..'7..th Jahn -Currie,' 8th Mary .Emerson, , • ' : - .• Second. C/ciselst Alice etirrie, "21id Andrew Courtice, 3td. Sophy Stirling., 41h Henry Coolt•. .• • Fb'st Class B —1st Einina•Greham, • --Mr. Gladstone has decidedto resign before Parliament meta, Canadian Pacific Railway Company's earnings for the 'week ending July 7 were $230,000; jot the same Week last, year, $179,000. •••—Donalcl MoKay eon of the late Angus McKay, 5th con., 22nd lot, West Zona, has just been elected to the Sonata of the State of 'Oregon, Mr. McKay, is an extensive builder and contraotor .in Portland. • —A paling man named 'Graben, who is at preeent a resident of Buff- alo, passed safely over the :rapids and tho whirlpool, at ,Niagara a few days ago, 'in 'a barrel of his own construetion. Ile landed at f,leeenston after his perilous feta. It will be remembered that it was hero that Captain Webblost hia lifo in the fool-harcly attempt to •swim tho myklot • - ond John E'inersaii", 3r31 John Cook, 4th Ag•nes. COoper, 5 th Angusta Ilishep, 6th Minnie Connell, 6th Mary Connell. Fb.st Cie -ow Sr. Cour- tice, 2t1cl -Louisa Colclongli,. 3r31 Russel. Currte, 411x Adam. Cook, 5th E. 11. Miller; -61h Sarah 'Cololough, 71h Themes Coofier. „ • - Jr. First Clasp A -1t Fanny J.-er- vis, 2ixd Wm. Johnston, .3r31 Mold,. ; . • . • b -7C11 Ida Miller.. ; ' • 5talc ilG ;3., 1 G 6 till Leadifcn iti:poeinde1ti,01; , ' • is about throngh within this vicinity.. • . Mr. Geo, Pentland has' returned froM his trip tip the lakes. • 'Miss Bates, of Godetich, is spend mg Clays at thO residence of Mr. R. Ryan. , ". • Mrs. II. Cook, ' of Plum Creek, Man, ie at present visiting her dangh.. tor Mrs. 11„, Mcilivain, of thia place. If any one sees a stray black pig .anr will return it tO a young man of . this place .the owner • Will be much obliged: • .• The twelfth of July, was colobrat. • ed hero 1.1:1. a N,ory . proper inainu;r, ,The menthol's of the Orange order and the .11mi:diets ''o±-tho Sunday Scshool.lield a pionie in the grove of Mr. W. S. Clark. The Orangemen met'at their hall at 1 o'clock and pro. 'eeeded to the grounds.. Foot ball, base ball, swint;ednd and croquet, 'con- , ,, 0 . stitated part 011110 fan of tho after- noon.' 'After taa,, wineh was served in the • orchard, a platform -,me.eting WRS hold, The °hair Ives taken by Mr. W. Bailie, suporintericlora: of. tho•Sunday school who offieiated in a very.able•matittor. The speakers. wore Rev. Messrs. Nugent, of Luck - new, Campbell,. of Dungannon, Turner; of Aubern and 11.te. Stewart, of Aslitield, Music was furnished by the Nilo, church choir. The iiro- ceeds, amonnting:to.over $50, is to bo delotecl to the Sunday school. • L'Ord Harting,' ton and Sir Henry 'James Inive definitely declined to join a coalition ministry, In any event they Aro pledged to support Salisbury, on the Irish question, --.The.liklinbergh 'ScotsmansaYs the Duke of Argyle may he'Preinier in the 1113311' SAlisbory and Au:Wigton SerVillo tWier • : • , .e- •SCRIP'rtiltE IN POLICE '- COURT. • 001.0N17L DENISON 03 .18 • TITA,T SAND WORM, 1011 0111L151, -4ND. Lumoxials o.vg nn SOLD .0,N SUNDAY.' • • : There was seine halo disenssson - on tlto 'subject of 'Sabbath despera- '6unimined Mrs. Duman, 3 Honlan; Policeman King testified. that he aittnitlosantr. arti.tla,ine.sPwoelricteliCo oohuart,r:ft.ottfi rkcleaey'plit,e: • cream. sold in, her store on Sunday open their sheps-. on'S tny-.7-7111rs. Dernalfs case was taken up first, and Ohas. of,•this Island,. to ap- saw sandwiches, lemonade, and ice The 11fagistrato coulcl,not see thafi. there was any infra,etion:of the law.: or auythine. W1l0/10' in this. People,' mnst live. • Suppose, said -he .1:o the Inspector, "that 'I \Vas livug down tewn and ..g.tetting inTs ant, da yon conaider, that I should go 'without anything to -eat on Sunday? .If You will bringnie a doctor's ee1.. tilicate stating that it is not necessary to eat on, Sunday, orgiow me that there is any infraction of the lair 111 this I Will Conviet." The Inspeotot stated:that several complaints had boon made to lain about stores On tho iaena being , open on Sunday. • 0101, Denison told, him to tarot these' iintplo to the 12111 'chapter of St. 111atthow, wh ere Christ reproves. the blindness of the, Plutrisees con- cerning thelreach' of the Sabbath. This and the other cases were ins. • Iv missed. The Magistrate remarked thai there would be a revolt against all this ,i4oMe day,and the reaction would come *W4 SOVO:0 Off88ti— Glob,8 report, .7. . • rt011101111)01., the Odd's exeurslotv,d ..-Veneouvet. B. 0, Was again badly damaged. by lire torimon. --IL •iesaid the' Dulte-.0f A.tglye will be made Vieeroy of Ireland, —It is said. Mr. Chamberlain will not join a coalition citbinct. groat WriS the enthnsiasin created by • the Ilev. Mr. Chiniquy, at a meeting in Chalmers' Clintohy Xincardine To.wnship, that young 18(13'rii1l1 aitildmv i t 81.11)12:111:11113tn0 Q01;11* setiOn plate,