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The Huron News-Record, 1886-07-14, Page 3
VIE WEEK'S DOINGS. ---The first turkey red cotton ever it nu iiufactt>t'.ecl in. ()amida was turnedS c r o f u. I a - CANADIAN. ; out at the Valleyfield O'uttou 111i11 a .es. • one a the most fatal' scourges whtcll adlict mankind. It f•rofteil? inikerited, but I tiny*: the result of improperrvaecinatiob, niereurii1 poisoning,, uuelefnlinese, and Various' other causes... Chronic Bores, 1J1cer?I,- .Abscesses, • Cancerous. Minters, and; int some eases, Emaehrttmt,, and Comsunilttibl, Ifesult front a. scrorulous, cOttcli, tion of the lilooti,t This disease eau be • cured by the use of AyeeirSarsttparilla, •I Iuherited-etserivf ions collation of the ,food', which ceased a dei uiigt tucut of my whole syateui. After tacking less thou four bottles of Ayer•'s Sarsaparilla 18111 Entirely Cured a9� t d for elle e ltd nog found ft ileeessary to Ilse any�ntiedicine whatever. I our 11pty ilk better health, and stronger, • than ever before, -0,'.A. Willard, 218 Tremont st., Boston plass,. I I was troubled' with Scrofulous' Sores forfive )ears; but,. after tlwing bottles of Aver's• Sarsaparilla the sores healed, rued t hove ItoW good health.- Llisubeth' Waruoett, :bt Appletou street, LoweU, glass: Some months ago T was troubled with Scrofulous Sores on my mg, The ltntb was badly swollen and }u&uned, and the sores•ti•iseharge1 large quantities of oti'ru- sive.' mutter Lvery remedy failed, until k used Aver's Stti•saplu'illa,. By taking' lhre°. bottles of this medicine the •sures !have been entirely healed, and my health is fully restored. • I Inn grateful for the good thiy medicine has t ono Apo O'I3rian,1ti8 Sullivan st., New York. --t girl baby was born in Knows- ton,. Que., recently wntli. four teeth. -Orangeville per cent dubeu tures for $11,200 have been sold at roti., —A man • named Duolos while working in Shearer''s planing:' mil sue day, had one of his anus torn out of its socket. • .—Tho People of Merlin have voted .to grant the •Crornptou corset company $1,000 yearly for .ttlu years, by a very large majority, Meps}s•, Ogilvie. 44i Co, shill led, one cls.y last week six .care of Mani- toba flour tothe Pacific const, They have already, to A'g,ieat extent, lint a stall to the. importation of Oregon flour into British Columbia.' • —Mr. Sauitwl _Lett,. of Wilber- • Ione,. shows two 'Starks of common 1'llubarb,' the leaves of whicli men - oared three feet two. inches by two feet; six inches, and tine stalks being tour inches' in circumference, -A brutal fight in which twelve men wore engaged. took • place in •\Vest Brantford en Friday night last, One •illan was so badly iu,jured that it,was an hour 'before he could be • restored to Couseionsness, 'arid an- • other.was terribly punished. - —11:.r. C. Joseliu,.of White, Joso- lin,' R Co.,. wholesale dry goods, Toronto, writes from London.:—; "The Colonial Exhibition is•agrand sight. Canada, certainly shows up !well for good's and products of real gun in 11i8 barn,,loacled with asmall radical: utility, and ,wo•nced ilotllo charge for rats. On Sunday •tris ashamed: of • our ' country in the tittle children ware playing in the midst of the nations;" • —There died hist week near 1lont-. a•o o,'"P.E.L, sties. • Graham, in hes, 111tli year. She was born at ltustico ni:1 the summer of 1775, and was:in Charlottetown .tvl►en .:t110 • present site 'of that city ' was . stv.tlirp , and forest. She was a year older 'than. t:de Anserican itepitblie, and- was a m'tt.ron of. 37 .at the 'tinie of the s •cund •war betiveon Great I,ritaiii •sots the United States, few days ago.. • —Wm, Corbett, an 41(1 Ppr't • E1oi4i buy, mtdistinguishing himself as ant * oarsman. Last week he IVun .au ,important rape at 14loline, Ill•, —Burin; the ope'rati'on Of the Seat Act iu the town and C'ottnty of Teterboro', thirty-two convictions have been soott•red, tnsd yet liquor Can lie obtained almost anywhere i11 the county. • Iton. Thos. White left for. t Ilriiioit Golunlbiit ou • Monday of last Y. Week, IIs will proceed via the 0, 1 T. B..in 1t. spacial car,' and .expects to be absent four or five weeks. He will ' auly remain at Winnipeg a few hours on the outgoing trip,.'an'd will travel direct to Victoria; He expects to be engaged on • business ' in' the Paella Province' fur 'over threc•weeks. =A St, 'Thomas paper. contains tllo• following interesting item: A lady iu this city. adopted a. young lad and abanS clgTtteon yoarst ago he ran away.• Nothing was ever. heard or seen of him till a day or two ago, ' when a minister; a .,delegate' to the • Loudon Conference, called at the • lady's ]louse, explaining that be was her -adopted 'sou 'who- had • left her oigbteon year's before. —Mrs. Agnew, Derby townliue, has two children, a boy and a girl, aged about,:teu and four years.. Fos i some time . Mr. Agnew has kept a 'Ayer's Sarsaparilla, A cat belonging to lir. 'VT. John- stin, of,the'Lake a'hene Yboad .neat • Oakville, htis just accomplished a long walk. • When moving from his fares near Oinagh last' spring. PI r, - Johnstun also .moved . bits • cat. enclosed in 14,bu.cket covered with, . a' cloth,. a distance: c;{° ei'g11t- iziiIcs: ..'hie cat 'seems, however, riot 'to'have •...appreciated its now -home, and .the other day: Wits. •foi'ud at the place • whofice it had been'reuroved.' • barn, when ths,boy-picked. up 'the. glut, hell asked tthe, little girl to stand oil' a piece until he tried if he could shoot her. She complied, whon'the little rakcal drew up and { red,'lodgiug two grains of shot in' , her face and .several.-atirrps i'» iter• loft shoulder,' • S'eeing whathe had done he rau•to the house and. crave au. alarm, and :assistance WaS gniok- ly summoned • At first• it: taaS fear- ed the child'4injuries- would •prove• fatal, but she is rapidly recovering, —Tile Brampton Times :says: "One• day. this week a nuniborof: boys• .at:. the. town were playing on. the • Gi'an}T 'lTrtirnllc railway track, and thi'onglr senile mishap a .quarrel ensued, ending in one of the boys. }about 14 .-years- of age• taking -hold. t of anotlter about• 11,years and king 'hint across the track . and holding • hiin there Until a freight train that • Yes coining up was:. within; but a Inspector B.rot1' ol,s,_ 'of,. lllilton, i few'Yards of slim, Tlis�_eubiz}:eon' seeing the peril"ous• position.. of the cieison -r*itliast week aatty rid isut for her eat -. boy • whistled. on . bralkes, whereon ntitiuent for violation of the Scott the daring, seamp• pulled the boy Act.. The lady; lrti7vcti or, ltloceeiled •' `sway just In • the Dick of time; one: to •rest tartest. v,i�orilusly, and here minut©,'1on�'3r and the boy avdu'lcl g ' have been . run'. over.: and killed. two sons and her daughter also took i Theo ,y onng boy was', so frightened a hand in•the, fight in their mother's thato he became' so Weak. lie could interest. The liispecttcl was choked .not slregg'1e,, and after gottin ; home and. bruised pretty'.lied s, but.; ane ng.fr:tllo stoinacll set l Auld to leis prisoner, ',and with. .the. vo'miLiom n, Hi ' • assistance of '"'Loristab'Ie ,Cochrane j nncl lasted. sonic ti e,, .caused .by finally succeeded: in lodging her 'in "fl.lght . '•l ; gaol. =John Glass, a • we'll known • South lino agriculturist, whowho -lives —1a , lobably the.. oldest man in.. o losfta :the arcs farm of the late Mr. Canada lives at the IIouse of Prov ' .1 -vel WBS''' bunt*iilrn a load of ria ' i,lenco, Dundas: ' His Hartle 'fs I�itii y'r :bringing.. • y viii tiuc1-110 fzt'st satt� tete' lig-ht into Kindartiine:- 'When: opposite near I. 1 ti oars ago. , Ile vas nr: thee. tannery. 61 -Ie MT.. &Tie y lie Y Q Y o r b n discovered' the -'lra;s"'tio:lro bin fire in Ireland.... Iia c ono to Caiaacl,a 1 He ,t,,.p rated the horses.: frons ..the when he 3vas 70 years of .age :elle AVtrr 4z, and, rushed into. tried tannery settled i:n'1ri:anlll'ton in 0orktown and afterwaldc In .1)un.dls. He is c}r ptir"f'bf-rtt iter= • 77isCO vering. a in: full possession of air bisfaoulties p ii, in theexcitement Of tl]0.'nt01n est he and is reniarlcabiy' .Strang and vig= darted toward. it; butbetw:een mous. 'A week or two I1'�o ho'\unit himself and lie object sought a-asa tech to go to' Ilaiitiltou to. see his dcceltfuil va uto which Mr... Glass friends liens He, was given 25 eta pronged i'e ying,a bhorongh duck - for his Coal fen, snit being of an tiro• Assistancelvnsoil'e. ed him and ceouomicil-l-tuiar of ininxl.:hs�tliought , jlle was brought forth blit too into to he might as 'well save it, so he•save the l�tirning hay, so, the load was coolly and'calntly .\t Itllcc.d the ten' • keeled over, the ho>:•ses attached •to Miles,. there and back..`lllele'is a the end of the tongin: and the wagon nother ;centenarian in the ,• 1)niiclas drawn to'a placc.ofsafty, Omagh the of Providence, but she 1e.nnt : r1t k and •play \veto 1ickod• n1).bey 01e as old as' .ilr Fanning byyfolly years tie seen ling ell lzxtrnt:: I ,bung Canada • ilttalding,•Wiilnatnsbu'g school..iil or so. • passing hail, .tossiatl a.ligllted coin gu —Ans 12 llcIntosll, rho turdbustible 'onf.the ria's: on of Mr. Angus McIntosh, Alnabol.',, Grey. Cd., was a promising• r.w young man twenty-six y°;rr6 .d#' age ' -rhe Ameriettri flag Was' .fired and had just erectecl'a now steam on in Chicago lsv anarchists as it saw -mall at Hope -Bay. On 7'lrurs�; calls lying pvo1 a proeeesion in the day' of last s'veek, •the first, lei;- tvns, Borth ,,vasstCiilyn ed !tart of li�rocrcy. 'l' of brought in the mill'• -and' placed .. Y l lositloirfor sawing- and while • the l*ouattegiaus, • first board was being sawn off the —En angry Texas steer " ran sawdust carriers . nay o notice that through the streota of St. Louis the •' they needed oil Deceased who Was others aveniiig, toSsed a se0re of perms down stair's. picked' up the oil CAD SOnS, •tlntt-Wnl'.!•.killed only 'after 250 and: with the playful remark that pistol shots had' Veen'fftedl. ail hint,. Ino t`wou'icl .soon 'steep that 110104',". He Was hit'so often; th'at Ifis lidti, proceeded to oil: . the carriers. looked like a Blom. v While in the.itct of doin4' so liis -At one 'point on. the Cascade •'1I ad carne' int eantaet \vithi the es' lii'anch of the Northern 1?afiifllethii miler saw, which, was then going at 'railroad desoribea a horseshoe which hill speed, ants' recewecl a frightful i8<two. and ft quarter miles 'around, gash, cutting• it from, the -toll half and only .1,500 feet 0010ss til( 11111.; way down through the face; As he at'the 'open, end of it. was falling 1 e'throw lip his • hand --St, Paul, elhtl.jt 6.—Specials from: which ,a1So struel? tlllo sew ands' was ])akota repos t intensely hot weather.. pearly.' se-Yercd'. 114 the wrists Ile The thermometer stool at 105 iii, was picked up anal 'catied'to the house, the shade. yesterclaykat Minors., Suer and'died'itr n'lotit. three horn -softer.: - day nigh't•a•vielont slot wind blew• wards?and'although lie was conseiuils down several houses, anti dfove the tri'egreater part ofthe titnttirewas not people'to. their cellars,•to, avoid.suiI %1Sl rte sneak,. o>rt>tnutL, Prepared by Dr, J. 0. Ayer&Co., 7,owell; Vass. Sold by all Druggists, 1'rlse•1; six bottles,,Gbr A SENSIBLE PIE1T . Matthew Arnold, the famous Lir¢ lisle writer and ed'ucationa1ist hi now in the United States on 'a tour of inspeotiou in calutaleotionwith ed- ucatioual. ]Mattel's.. ]*Ie wigs. asked by the. American Branch of_ •the Iris1t LoynitandPatriotic Society'to attond•a meeting at L uiialo Iii tie+- eliding the invitation he writes:. 'Ta J.'O. O'Connor; Esq.. Jr,: Mi7 DEAR Sin,=l cannot possibly attend your 'minting to -morrow- but I ant glad you are going to hold it. I hope yew' will. make clear.. one point in especial, lir: Gladstone says he insists on, "the principle •o1 giving Ireland an effective govern- ment by Irishmen"' and would glace ly have the woi'id, believe that 111l his Opponents are hostile ..to this pliinciplo.. On the contrary, all the br•,st' of..thcm';are favorable to. it. -But they -think the proposedmodee of giving .effeot to ,it h bad and dangei'ous one:. .Mi... L'i;igh.t is.ira favorable as -i1Ir. Gladstone to "the. principle of Permitting. Ireland',. with proper limitations, 'to :govern borsch:Y.. But, the question is .,wha these pIope liln.itatious' are.'.. Mr: Bright'belioves; and the best of:the Liberal party -believe, that a National Irish Parliament • would to a sure Source of trouble iu the future, and tliat some plan fo•:,Irish self -govern - milt must be found which dogs not involve the est tblitiildnont of suet). it 1 cirliainent.. It Mr, Gladstone .there twenty, or perhaps only' ,tell, .years A &ata of and Meviicatl Work FOR YOUNG•& MiDOLE=ACED MEN, only $1 by serail, Postpaltl. Illustrative Sample Fre to All. A Great 11Ietlicul Work1tlaul,00i. •Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and Physical De. bility, Premature Decline in blur , Errors Youth and the untold miseries result ng- from lndiscru• thin or excesses. A book fur eyury' man, young, iniddle•aged and old, It contains 125 prosetlp• t ors f al set td'a broni diseases, each 1 yr t r hd c u disea•, ,.h of which is invaluable. So found by the Author,. whose experience for 20 years is each as probably . never bolero fell to the lot of a iy physician. 300 pages, bound in beautiful Freuchrnuslin, emboss- ed covers, full gilt, guarantied to baa Peer work 114 every souse than any other wor•Itsold this country for 82.50, or the money will he re- funded in every instance.. Price only 881.0e by mail, postpaid. illustrated sample free .10 Any body. Send now, Gold modal awarded the author . by the National lsie'YieSt Assoslatioul• to, tbe.lrro-. sident of, which, the non. P A, Bissell, mica associate. officers of. the Board the reader is respectfully referred, The Science of Life is worthmore to the young and middle•aged 15.014 of this generation than all the gold nines of California and the silver mines et Nevada. eombined.--S. 1'. Chronicle. The Selene° of life points out the rocks and quicksands ori which the constitution and hopes :IIIarOlf, 1850:•. at many a young man have boon fatally wreaked, —.Manchester Mirror. . The Science of Lite 1s of,grestor valise titan(41.- the llthe medical works published in this country for the past 50 years.-1lttairfa Constitution.. . The Selene() of Life 18 a superb and.masterly treatise, on nervous an play :ilea] debility.- DetroiC l'esir Press,. There is.no member of sooiety to wholly) TIM Science et Lifewll.knoll be useful, whetllet'•yovth, parent, guardian, Instructor or clergyman: -- Argonaut Address the Peabody Medical Instituteenr Dr.. IV. If. Parker, No. 4 fnlinch Street', Boston, .\fuss:, who may be consulted on all diseases re. itiiiiring skill and experience. .Chronicand obstin• ate diseases -that bare baffled the skill of all other ph} al i ens 15OroS1alty. Such treated successfully `without an instance': of failure. .lieution Tux ,Nvus limeillb.piiittorr, Ont. 384-y , 4. abastiae A,A3.A5"T L ,. 1)ou't begin house Cleaning Without it, It will make•ybur . HOMES PURE • BRIGHT, AND. HAPPY- , .. A) 1) '104714--- , . ga• •+ �W ails: n 'Ceilings Beautiful i. It is CH•EAP1 Any one call -a�ppplyy, it, Superior to Iialsoniine and Whiting.; Tia Ir. THY: I1'. Only to be had lions. E 11111 'rf Iron andillardWare' Merchant, CT.Iwo UTLE"R'S • .. School Books, ALBUMS, .. PURSE, SATCHELS, • . —Of All ' litinais,. 'Ate BUTLER'S' GODERIC.H... fl 1 G.ODERICH, gaor V QHN NNING E . •• CU � Has been appointed sole leant for this' celebrated Tea. ' (•itself, it is the best value: in the market, besides Which: . HANDSOME .PRESS T" ° is given, to every purchaser Of 3 lbs and .upward It is put up in ha?lam ,hound packets at • I'uichitsers need not buy 3 -lbs at• once In ornTor to get a Pi'.esent, 100' different. books to choose 'front Try a:• 25 -cont packet of Li-Quor Tea. row -Sole agent,for 1:iEIsusr.�l.iyzr-'.s Y.EAsT,,the best' in the World.. • John 'Cunninhams-- r' - . Clinton. .: - _ 1M I JJELLANEOUS- 0 KS y'viuiger, 'he-tvou'ld., think and'.. say • the same. •]3ut lie is in a hurry; lie• wiints •tossettle.theIrisli question at ones, and, he. thiols hew sees his way to settling. .it' for the','niemcnt by 'securing the . Paruellite voice; which '-can he scoured. only byconcoding .. National "Dish 'I'arliaino'ut The trouble, in the future lie will .not live to see. . • • Let Americans ask themselves what they .\vonldiliavo thought of. a. statesman who ass ulna thatthe,only way of giving the Southern• Staten an..e'ffective (.,"overotienta by •South - orders was to create • a . general, Southern -"Congress at Iiiclunond. With the talents which the SO'ilthern risen have 'for polities and oratory, mels a :Congress would inevitably have: grown into a powet:confronting the Washington Congress', and ens barrasing' it, .however sincerely the Soutller�n.men might have professed, • iii first Itsknug for it, that -into this .it • should never grow: So as .td Ireland, The very talents of the Irish for '�1 olities, and oratory w111 inevitably make an Irish Parliament -grow luta, a porvb> .caiifronting. the linperial_'ar1lain eta' antd enibarrass- `1'LST' OF TNGT.Ar'.T) ins; it, however sincerely the.•Irish SUIT. day .G ODds, At...BUTLER'B,_ MARKET RE . R SQUARE, , co®SUcH. 11 r'11 z TLJ SELLS CHJIL4 tl4cwe anyone. WI. top.,of tlteiet�atlki. 11111,.11 - / DRUG':»'STOR'E'.. T11e undersigned' leas just opened a ii'eu- Drug Store, iii TAC1.SON'S NEW BLOCh,.on HURON &'FEET, two .doors- west of"the City Book .iStore,, where, will , btl;•.found' .a complete assortment of Pure Dr�ee;'ii.. And liemicals. also Patent lllediciues andlt' 'DrnggistS Sundries -all that the public luny ask Thr in. triose,. hues ' WORTHINGTON Clinton, nth Janunri, 1880. • , , • P. S.—Office changed' from residonca 10 store. FOR .H'E. PEEPL ' Chea Sal to Cheat • Groceries.,. C:he.a :P ov si Peddlers outdone-5lbs.:go'od..Young.Hysori Tea f'or-$1'1 •T{l�vi.), s.l x«r stnulo,ol' SALT oii,ltand,'ot,lers.. i,ll be filled at the LOWEST PdtTCES OM' offered. in Clinton; atirthe Salt W'orl:s,1111.bssoledswoon isar.rati$g1nc Its: are.00nittleted. .'RV -Timothy and Clover Seed wanted. r , ii11 at., '.!'raIIQ11; MiGb�6tVAK,:. .. CLINTON Su are ne 'tiva + PEIt. - .. "7" r !lobby rig culI'and• examine--�, i . • • 721\7-E. ,cit'. S. Open and Tod• • B gag F_ uggies., Dernocrats; ,. piicataa& and thee. :Celebrated Can.telon' Remember, mf vehicles ore . Geay:"• .. . Re ember, my, is ore made oftihe best materiels; an Country, r, but sell n i`t ePeddle rrigigs irroilantehe • r ureiy 'o ,moria, i . do �npt' ''1i and rigs stock. the � Prices iC-GS Lo)V. ,(3'rtl.and s°° stock. • ABRAHAM._SMITH ]tarket Square, 3701a7 --;11AiliJ &UBEa Ur GODERICH. CARRIAGES, 8/ • • rUny now profess that 'tlrey-•did=not- ECS & T:1i.01TSE1lITGS, mean their.l'nrlinlllmnt'tb•orot,,,` 44141 1 'YI'f 1Tt'I'1•VVT2'D SITI'1'Y 1'CGS t4, anythinr,. of the lc'nricl. I hy• no '1'ttO1JS1+13f,1N4 S,. usertus .. blaine them . for •asking fon' , • , r , '' , , 'STE1). CLOTHS • it may bo a dexteroils p011110aii seer' ' slicer a Parliament `lint I. say that Ii.It]' NCTT A.NI) 1;' N (1' ISXI WOft- 'an English. Minister who concedes • 1t1"eole flal iia Lst.Sttyle and Tl;ok.:. Parliamentary inonager, but it no tittitt.ti/iiil at .Abraham Stuitls'.a, Corner of Huron and Orange Strees, CLINTON, The The Imroyei Timp•kin Buggy a. s ee ietY Tarthitabil,ity;,:Caglitness•aud Appearanceequalled t1y•:noother. ' .Ail tiir#latesilifrhrnved vehicles stent constantly on•band.' FIRST. CL&S'sr- BLACKSMITH in connection:' Best. material and �rurkmnnship,in.,.ail•• , .; branches. .•. ALL.WRRWI ARRRN1EID. - -. PRICES REASONABLE. It'epalnting l i tlptly Attended to, statesman, " • Let, however, catlie principle of• `—iY _w_ • e gH'iftg Iii•ehlnll' an., effective, govern- Neu;Neu;stbo iia .;. rae..n ..th8, cite a . tit•. _ 1 - . ..g g S ��_ f a31e melt by Il'hllfnlen"" ire your prin- and best%.vfattsks of enple as firmly 'as is Mil Gladstouo's, V el'y;'.'firithfillly yotir8„ WINTER GIDTHN . LId lltAfix1101-v'A:ltnto•ittr: • " Yes, and ivit11 tiler.:'igh't k iurotfarnrrtumi'tiou,. at. AND CLOTHS, —A child' born recently in erns- A� an Line of Gtnr -JAMES -- A N D ERS'ON' . -- RESTAURANT ': l anrsborg,. ]'ter, lead n.beard an itch NISHING ' always in stoop, ran N'ntv'tl t di LI ' 1 10. O'3ZBTERS in Shell and Bulk', ,114. list or'Quarf, g' \ 1 rS itli • ng Ha 1"ltlr)ii1• �- n. zi illpay unutt0 call on CANDIES 1Ooiuper pound.. ORANGES and LEMONS'2,Co,per•d6z„: • able develop, Vioplenti •'thee child litecji l A.AB?iillAM SMITU.. GALI.;.AND SEE U. µEXL MAK&UNION. ,1 •