HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-06-30, Page 2lyse. • Mu Grins'. fl Acturx gOo it • • Is ruiripi itru Every Wednesday - Mo..rn'ing AT TIMER OFFICE, • Albert Street, Clinton; Ont. — 1 81.2 in advance vance t $. not so paid. • The proprietorsof l'nI,Ge ni:nicitNews, having purchased' the business' anti ylant of Tins litruos Receitn, Will i}r future nnblish the amalgamated`papers in Clic ton, mauler the title bf "Tata 11uiwx NEivs- i Ilr••conn." Clinton is the most prosperous town fu . Western Ontario, is the•seat of considerable manufacturing,. and the centre of the finest ienrtm•al section in Ontario. The cotnbinetl circulation of TurY91vS- 13,I•:rnitn oxctinis that of 13.7 paper pub- sii;herf in the County of Buren: it is, therefore, unsurpassed as an ativortising Ine,liuu,. a T'Rates of advertising, liberal anis fit fished on application. . slrl'arties making contracts for a speoi- lied time, who discontinue their advertise-' ments before tau expiry' ofthe sawn, will i he ',barged full rates. . Advertisements, without instructions as 1 n slineis•tnl time, • will be left to the ;1pdg- ineut of the compositor in the, display, in: aei tad untilfurbirldeu; . measured by :a sealo of solid nonpareil (12 lines to -the,. in^h)„an,l rh'rs,ed 10 (Tilts a line for. first Insertion and 3` cents a lino fru' each.suh- set ltient insertion: Orders to 11. continue advertisements most be in wr. trn•Ir. ItH” Notices sat ns iu rnx,r, "at.t1"rrn, (pleasured by it.seale'o1'Soliel:Cniepa,iel,.12 lines to the -inch) canners at•the rate of 10 cents. a lino for caoli'iusertion, • that they nro now clllett upon to rojoiko because Nova Scotia has de- clared her desire to bleak up the IDominicr:I Do. they realize that they are not permitted to take Itny poliitieal step without the approval and command of a dignitary of the Roman Catholic church, , Do they realize that they are no longer per- mitted to have the Bible read, in their public 'schoolsl -moothey reel- ize -Hint they aro co .imarided to con- demn the government for hanging a rebel, and a Murderers—S1)ectator. A GRIT OPINION O1'. ~;SOF c - • Beetifora Conder. Tho following is Mr. T. R. 'Shen - stone opinion of,- the workingmen. of Brantford. Mr, Sl•,enstone ie• an employe 5f the °Merle govorument, and a piorninent Grit : • . • . "Some niare•'experience,. n'f r 11 the • journeymen andapprentices • with whom I ,became ncciunintetl during, the time , uanieel,. the, great. uiass of them were a swearing, :drinkinbi , sin g, Sabbath break- WS', card. playing, ilteoter going, }work hating set; end their chief Conversation was al)ant balls, girls, rapes; `tltontersf 'fights,.�lti s: •etc: :1'hese at times. awetulilexpio lioy= nnoe because they were so t`I'Clnked; Flow e)" upon. It •wi11 • he •a c i }lay \ellen . the. state of society beiMmes JOt WORK: We have one of tbo.bestaiipdint61 Joh O(liees west of Toronto.. Our farilities'in• tr3,ie departmmtt suable us to do ell kinds of work --,-from a ealliug harts toa Tann,moth poster; . n the hest 'styi4 known to.. the, nCt, anit.'.;at the lowest possi!lel rates.' 1,•protnptly attt:nclesl to. • ufs-Record, '?tinton..out: shah that this . class '.will be looked oil as in any way`but "down."' *' • Aq.;'-*•-•• Any. Satin•day night may be soon alnndreds'of these 'ci tielly:usotl :workingmen walking ,np {izid serial` • Colborne• etreet, sinuking spitting, swearing, ari11 occasionally dt•inking nail rushing into Stratford's theater, -but 'not .Io osf theta. to be found' in Y;'M., ILA, looms." • AMERICAN PRESBYTER- to hidden leader. Such is, in 1iAXIS\I. .„ particular, the society known as the KEDGED To Rain $0,000,000—"TEiI- I"EI1A;dOB VS. "TQTAL ABSTME\CE." Tho General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of the United States has been hold hi Minnapolis,. Minn. Above seven •hundred dole- gates • from all parts of the Union - were present. Dr. Marquis, of Chi- cago, was elected Moderator on the first • ballot: 'The- most • important workof the Assembly' ibis year was the adoption of a measure •pledgiing' the. Presbyterian Clierch of . the United States to raise' $3,000,000 Within two years as a memorial of' its .hundredth -anniversary. This. sum is to endow Alm. various religi- • IMPERIAL POLITICS. Knights of Labor,'whieh the Sacred Congregation of Inquisition has de- clared must • be closed among societies condemned by the holy See.". • ]in .eonimcnting upon, this point, the Rev, Curo Sentenne said, ins, the Church of Notre Daine, lust Sun- day, that as the organization of the Knights of Luber . had been • thus condemned by the unanimous wish of the bishops, he trusted that itis parislitniters would show themselves to be true Catholics enough to get out 'ofits,ranks if they already be- longed to it; • nus and'etlileational schemes of rias ; •. Church: • The Temperance afi t Chi' ' Parliamen.t'has been dissolved`. nolo questions presented themselves Mr.. Cltildei;s, Chancellor of the . in a debate caused liiy the discussion Excliequer,in Itis electoral manifesto, of this proposuil._ raising of $5,000, adVoontes an Irts1'i elective- potliit- 000.. The tatter lues dixjrosed'of by twilit empowered to deal with pare-' ...a resolution rl'eprecatin•� the violence Ty local matters. Ile- says he cannot used totvavds-tho almond -eyed for- consent te; any plan fol , divitlirig, •eigner, and recommending charitable power between the . Irish - and the forbehranco on the part of Christians Imperial Panliament inconsistent., tontards thi'.i•'•. ertecuted race. `There :with the supremacy of the looter. . •awns a great divergence of MOR1.EY'S. )Axri•'ESTO: c a opinion. upon; the temperance:question. A ; '.Mr. John •,iFloi'ley'.s electoral large' ntmbrr favored es manifesto maintains Irelanirs • "cry - once and prohibition. A minority; ing need is . a strong government • with Dr. Reward Crosby, :of Now national in 'character, •rosponsible York, for champion, worked hard 49r-1,110 •eoneequences.of its actions, for tomporanoe. in contradistinction ',i.nd -111)10 't,xeiciso' a surae .:and 1• •'to teetotalism and carried the day: s liber'al.uteasairoof •real. power --not' The. office oh' Permanent secretary a sbnrn•.,Legislattn'o, a puppet of the.- 1for the -promotion of. prohibitive .executive • Otherwise: it would bo .c P legislation. 'wsis abolished, and •Dr•; be bottei to leave' things' as .they. Brown, :the' paid iielwocat.e of totttl' are-'. ' .' - • ab4inelrce, finds hitvself wt(lro tt i A L>irurlAL atltirrr.:t1\T. .ltosxlt•on::tile Pall 11frtlb t"ria ette 'says .11Ir.: . Money's statement thet..the Boma TIIE •KNIGH ltS AND '£HIT ; -Rull bill •"is not dead. but.sleeretli," . I11tiiOPS:,: 'and his ,'disclaimer• of lir. ••Shaw. Lofewre's desire that the Irish -mom-. T1).4t eo•lloctt�e pastoral Fetter issti-'hers' be retained at' 'W estn).inisitt'; • ' t 10 ell t 'it �:llisholis 'of' the,, and that the land purchase, bill be. asticil .. )rovi Cil 'of. Quebec,' abandoned,' "aro mischievous conn- Lottncii -a few days ;torblasts to lir. Gladstone's•speeches . •'11�. tbQ Catholic ' and destroywnll hope of n union •.of s was es- 'the . Liberals.' and nnless'''. otfacr;d edily'iirill cause.. Liberals to' lose. election. ; Between, :tlie niter-, -.4'1Ir . Giaclstone ::anis, 'Mr. . • can say things•- • OArr. T, A• 'Tx.• in •his developoment at Glasgow yesterday. Gladstons's, effort to avoid serious discussion of liis • awn plans wits crowned,' siith ' complete slteccres- in. his Glasgow speech. It bri ties with misstatements of facts and perver- sions of argument. It does not con- tain a single attempt to grapple with "the difficulties of the Irish questi=on•. LETTER PROM JO.i%t B,1IOIIx, Jolie Z3rig.ht, in a letter to- Mr. Caine, says :—"It, is notorious that scores of members of,the house vuteil with the Goverment. who privately cornlemned the Irifsli 15i:t1s, It is unwise for the Liberal oloetors to prefer such - members—abject at the feet of tho Prime Minister—to • members who'follow conscience and honor. put we need not ,despair.. The 93' Liberals wlio voted with the majority have done rn•uch to redeem the. Liberals from the +discredit of accepting a, measure vhiolr -- the majority CQnder)llod."',. ' WEST srxTa:‘,T;e,m; l> enthusiastic • • and crowded rtieeting tai ist{c)r'ofwllomn']tule for Ireland was bald ip:St..Jamos' Ilan,. 1411.41011. Baron - Sat'iilhrrrst'-pw:'si'il- cif: • MT. Statoil, ;who was. Qtao: of the speakers, .declared; thtit Mr.. :Vincent went to Ireland in. the guiro' i of a Tory Ambassador, seaght iEnter- viewswith the chief]. ar;nellites, and . discussed With them their principles and detriils of an Irish P•irlittinent:• Earl Carti'vvon saw Lord Salisbury immediately before:find immediately after his. intervie* with \tr. Parnell. Iso • (Soxtoxl)'• asked .• rational men. whether all this was a joke.: As a matter of: -fact, he adders', if Lard . Salisbuiy had secured a majority sotilcient to make. hint independent of the Orangeinen,1)0 igoulil'certain-. Iy have introduced a Homo PAIN. I1Lll, . '11Ir,. Sexton,.cant•Lnnin0, sstul • that the Irish'caul il seam *fifteen . .seats *in tlio Metropolis'," and- that number, would • be• sufficient to counteract . the .majority of thirty- against GIndstene. The.'op.ponelits, of Mr... {ltatlstoue's Irish -t; ill, he said, not having'Courngo. ,tP. fneo the principle' o•1' I-Iome -Rale, strove to, hide,it in tt wilderness of details, Theioriticisms resters -arson the as-.. suniption that .Great 7lritain \vas 'peopled;rrit)t the Iance, incl Ilio halt, ind;that the iriliabtttints , of Ireland ,were blind ;.that •a nation that lvtd carried her flag'to .tho : ends of the' -o-trth• wns'tab feeble to protect leer self ;, that the people Of ,Ireland time: ribsh'.enougli to�;;vork. their Own. ilestrection: - • . _--- ' THE SUN - DO' MI,Qy E. 1Cow: York Surf. • to see our usually sago he 7'oleao :137ac1e, about our power satisf teto ry - set- s disputa. The var between• oat Britain; olvo the. loss sea on the an we e error• y has t0 in-• icdns-- the city of New:York I Our broth ers of the west should not 'forget that a highly civilized nation hast. Tike the• human body, an organio Aoliilurii-y:. It has its , vitn1 orgains,. its nerve Centres, its spinal cord;*. and a blow bore Means paralysis of the whole complex organism.. WANTED TUE ORIGINAL. A few months since .there• was published an extract front a letter of Oliver Johnson, iu the Indellnud- enk in reference to the Iion. Theo• philust armilrgton, the Judge of the • Supreme Court of • Vorinont,• who' made the famous tkieision that•noth- ing short of "A bill of 'sale from God Almighty" ,milli oreato a kallat title to a slave. The .Zen. Daniel huberts, of -Burlington, in' a- recent . letter describing the cirounlstances. aUnder ivllicli tlio decision was made,, says : it ` Ta oppteciato••hetter t ttvhiinror- • ons appositeness of lho-roup r.,jutlge's. rulingss, it shoelit bit understood. that, in making perfect ti le'to land. to . Velment,. as in ejectment; e. rt.'tivas necessary to dare- tiro:. title 'back through successiveeollvo-yan'cetr to.. ;same one of the rantees•.n;•tmetll :in the Charter. of the town, grMrteil• 1iy tho Ciill4oniul' Governor of New •IIai psliiro, •' such • 'gran tee3 being then ford etil'lad.: "thrt-Original pro- - petetor." This \val. the: w911' under-' • . •stood law of land, trill e, which wear Conlin m .iia thtlse days.: - AsServitor • Seymour, reported' • it, the slave . •clitimant introtluoed evidence .of .,his possession of the man as a slave, iris .escape, etc.,:antl offered sundry title,. papers' in: the ft). of 'bills of salex etc.; hut. the' judge seemed hard .t11 - 'satisfy; as -ono paper' .lifter another wes.oll'ered, oecasionelly observing, • y "Yon don't *go back todies original proprietor," Until the , claimant's "Whitt. then won] il ,year honor ' Tho 'answer.' lovas.,. "A umt, OF; sALP F1021 gale • As ' no shell title paporr ccoltlil bo pro, duceil, the tretubling' Iiegi'o-n'as, hie order of:the eanrt,.set fret • • ..SALV.A'LION SHOUTS. . :counsel, quiteoitt of Patience; asked;• • County Attorney Iltitclriisii'u :of •. • Londonsnceeeded in having a per, son fined for annoying the:Salvation, ' rArrity. Then, tlio fullosr+flag: collo, clay took pl'toe between. Oen the two. ;r4'i lawyers : _ . After the nu onut ofttlie,:fi r and oosts bad l.een•annonnged Mr, Ma donald rem arkecl•to..hisclient, "Yogi "s . can go ; it is (lone:":' Mr. IIotcl�uson='] e.hne:got to ,'pity' the fine or. gq`fo`jaii." 11 Tr: Macdonald—t,Eto hae. of four • days fol appeal:,, . :Htltchlnson--•"No, he has not." :.Ifo then iiistrlleted the. con-. ' stables ,to: told 1ho 'defendant, :and ' f' he was grl lied ,bye Detective Hodge. • - •Mr. -Artie loniil.d advised. his client .. not'to'resist and ••• let: the • constable,,•. • M.' hold him.. • 'y' - ,After a 'fti`fer iiltorelrango of roinerks lir. huts inson i`s repo-rted