HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-06-23, Page 3"SPERITS MADE PERFECIc.".' The following is an original ser-, tuon delivered many years ago by • EE0onto Baptist 'meeker nick - *lined "Doestieke:— may say to you my breether- . ing, that I am not an edeoted man, ou' I am not one o' •them at bleeves • Location ie necessary far a gospel •Olinister, fur 1 Irleeve the Lard ett-• (metes his preachers jest as he tVants rem to' lie edeoated, an', although I • say it that oughtn't to say it, yet in the state, of IndiannYi what1 live: there's uo mai as gilts a bigger con- gregatien nor what 1 gits. • 'Thar may be -some here to-d.ay, my breethering, as don't know what persuesion I tun tiY. 'Well,. I may say to you, my breethering, that I'm a hardshell Baptist; Thais some • folks as don't like the Hardshell Ihiptiets, but I'd rather have a hard • shell as 110 shell at all. You see me here to -day, any breethering, drest up in fine close; you inout think Was Proud: but I am not proud, my * breethering, and althaugh I've been u preacher of the Gospel fur • twenty • years, and. although I'm opting of that fiat boat that lies at yure land - I'm not proud my breethering. "Pm not a gwine • ter tell you edsackly whar my text may befonnd; '6uffies it :to say, it's in the leds,of the. Bible, an" you'll find it some:, • whar 'ween the first chapter of the book,. of • Generations and the last • chapter of the book Revolutions, •an' ef ; you'll go • an' •Isarch the Scriptures as I have serail° 1 • the. ' • Scriptures, yeit'll ,not only find my text thar, , but a groat many tither tares as will do you good to read, an' my tex,.when you shill find it, •, you 'shill find it to.read thus "'And he played on'a harp uv a thews. anti stringx-LaaperitS or just Men •ninth) heseck. " . tex breethering, leads me tfi . speak uv (Tents. , 'STOW' thaeh a great • many kinds of sprits in the ivorld the fust place thar's the eiperits as same folks dell ghosts and:then 0i:teethe operas uv teipinttinte and then: Vitae's the sperits as sonic: folks • still Iiqnor, an' I've got as good an artickel of them kind of sperits on .my flat boat • as ever was; fotched down the. Mississippi river, but • thar'e a great. manj. other kind of 'sprits, for tho.tex sez: 'He played ou a harp uv •a thousand strings— • sperits uv just men iriada perfeek.' • •• "But I'll tell you the kiiid uv operas as isJnent in.thelex; it's fie That is the kind Ofriperite,as is ment the tex, niy breethringo.Now times a great many kinds of fire in 'the wori.d. In the fustplace, the cominon sort •uv fire yoU lite a• • segar qr pipe with, and then.thees cam -fire, Are before .3rtire reddy and fall back, and many other kinds: us • • fire, for tho tex : • 'Re played on • a harp uv a thOU-sabal strincts- sperits of jfist men:made perfee;.' "Bnt rn, tell you the kind uv fire ment in the te3t, my breeth'iiiig —it.s ho/Ifire/ au! that's the kind uv • fire as' mat -fumy come to, ef you don't do better nor what • you have 'bin doin'4--for 'He played 011 11 harp ttv a. thou -sand strings— • sPprits of just men make perfe01Lr • "No*, the different sorts 'of fire . in the 'world may bo likened unto different p ors mae o ;•,-tv C hristia n. in the world. In- the fast place we have Piscapalions; ati1 they area • high an' a high-falutin' set,. • on' -they, may be likened unto a ' key -buzzard, that .flies up into the'I • air, an' ho• . goes up an' up, til he • leoke, no ,bigger than •your finger ' nail, and the fnst thing you know, • he cues down an' down, and clown, and is a fillin' 111.mself on the ktirlt lasiv.. a dead hoss, by the side uv the • read—and '1 -lo played Olf ft harp uv 1.14.04./.01411d ngg—dporits of just /"• men made perfeck.' . • "And, thar's the Malted's, and they may be likened auto the squir- • rel rennin' up. into a tree, for the Methodis bleevtte in ovine On front one degree uv grate to another; and finally on to perfeekshrui, and the sqltirrel goes up, and up and 'tip, he Pimps front Ian" tolitn' and branch to branch, and the.fust, • thing you know he falls and down • (quit* kerlluminux, aud like • • the Methedie, for they is alleys fallin' from grace, ah And—.11e played on the harp uv a thousand sand stringe—sperite uv just men made peefeek.' "And thell, nry &earning, emelt the 13aptists, ah 1 and they hey been likened unto a possans on rsimion tree, and the thunders may roll, and the earth. may quake, but that pas - saint dingo there, dal ahl And you may shake one foot loose, and the other's thar, an you may shake 8,11,feet . loose, and he laps his tail around the lint' and he olings'"fur- ever, f&e—tlie played on a herp uy a thou sand strings—sperits of just tnen made perfeek." HE WAS ADMITTED.. Bill Wilberly a lawyer, made ap- plication to jein the Ictaights .of Lobar, "They won't let you in, Wilber- ly," someone remarked,• • . "Whyl" • . "Because you are a lawyer." "That's against me, I admit, but the master workman of the assembly which I want to jein is a great friend of mine, and will do any - thin° to help me along." Wiiborly• was admitted. Shortly afterward, meeting the master work- man •to,,ether with a• • nuts/bee of other acquaintances Winerly eaid: "John, did yon have much•tr011e• • ble in getting.me in?" • "Not much." , . "Objection* •were rafsed; of emiree," said. Wilberly 0.1aucine, at his'friends- • ".Yes'• • sevenia mon liY�t d objected' tn. you because you are a lawyer.", • . • ‘t'Hovi, did you quiet them 'P' • "Well, T says, says 1: 'Toys he ain't lawyer enough to hurt, noth- ing, jind they withdrevt their olnec- • • ' Wilberly has withdraivnfrom the • • - Order. . • ,• • • • • • ' lininimmok i 1 1.11111siummese —111016k n in el 1111111,1111061116 A htalettlard illedicar'Work FOR_ YOUNG & MIDDLE-AGED MEN. only 81 by Postpaid. Bitotrative Sample •Free, to '41, BUTLER'S• Aslabadtine: School Books,. • r MOW MYSELF. A Greet Itiallieol Work oo Manhood. Exhausted Vitality, Norms and Ph) De- bility, Premature Decline in Man kIrrors of Youth and the untold miseries resulting f indiecre. tion or excesses, A book for every mail, Youlpf, middle-aged and told. It containe 125 pre:lord): Mons for ail acute and Chronic disease'', 00.011 of whisk is invaluable,' So found by the Author, %choke experience for 25 years is such as probably never before fell to the of of any physician. 800 pages, bound in beautiful French muslin, emboss. ed covers, full gilt, guaranteed to be a finer work in every sense than any other work aold in this country for 62.50, or the money' will be re. funded in every instanee. Price only S1.00 by mail, postpaid. Illustrated sample free to any body. Send now. Gold medal awarded the author by the National Medical Association, to the Pre- sident of which, the Hon. P. A. Bissell, and associate officere of the Board the reader is respectfully referred The Science of Life is worth more to blur young and middle.aged men of this generation than all Min gold mince of California and the silver mines of Nevada combinvd.-.S. F. Ohronithl, The Science of Life points out the rocks and quicksands on which the constitution and hopes of many a young man have been fatally wreck". -Mancherfer Mirror, The Science of Life is of greater value than all the medical works published in this country for the past 50 yeara.-4 amnia Cmnstitution. The Serene° of Life is -a superb and masterly treatise on nervous aml pnysical debility. - Detroit Pro Pros. There is no member of sooleSy to WIFOM TWO Science of Life will not be useful, Wafter youth, apagonata, urardian, instructor Or ClergYnlan•-- Address. the Peabody Medical Institute. or Dr. W. B. Parker,- No. 4 Bulfinth. Street,. Boston, Mass., 'Who may Be consulted on all diseases re - ale diseases that have baffled the skill of all other physicians a specialty. Such treated successfully rwithout an instance of failure, Mention TUE ffeWS-REcoltp, Clinton, Ont. 384-Y ALBUMS, • PURSES, • SATCHELS, Don't begin House Cleaning without it. It will make your HOMES PURE, BIRIGHT, AND HAPPY, Walls and • Ceilings Beautiful I. It CHE4ir Any one can apply it. Superior to Nalsomine arid Whiting,. TRY IT. TRY IT: Only to be bail from • GODERIOH. a•CO Iron and litardware.nerehant, • - • - -- • • , • • .1 - CI -111\T rr 0:1\17.. BOOKS • • Narob •IliSd. • BOOKS • . .—.Of .AZ1 - • At BUTLER'S. GODERIOH. gulling skill and exper eace. Chronic and obstin- • • JOHN. CUNNINGHABIE , Has been a• ppointed solo agent for this celebrated Tea. Of itself It.is the- . SPECIAL NOTICE'S. PIMPLES ,,, • (rims) the recipe •. At knitres, .•. . best value in the market, besides which., . RI Visigpliol Weaving Wax that Will RENOVM TAN. FRICOILLNS, Plaines and MARNE! SQUARE, ' • GODERION. A HANDSOME PRESENT.' ....., leaving the skin soft,clear and beauti- . - (al' also imitruetions for producing a luxuriant • . ' . . . • Sigr BUTLER S&LS ,C11EAPER is given to vim purchaser of 3 Ills and upward. It or put up in. half- • pound packets at than anyone on top of the earth. • •. eptiwth Of hair rin a • hold head or smooth face, 00., 60 Ann. street, N.Y.- Address, Including ge stem . BEN,VA0N92DIELP& MANHOOD Restored. A gentieman having, innocently ton, in consequence suffered all the horrors of Sexiial Incapacity, Lost manhood, Physical Decay, Gen- eral Prostration', • etc., will, out of sympathy for his fellow sufferers, mail free therecipe by which he was finally cured.. Address in confidante. W. PINKNEY.4g Cedar -St.. New York. • 802y. traded tho habit oreelf-abuse in his youth, and . RS. SYMONS • *. .L-A0ENT . • • utbrie's.Cliampion 'learnt Corset. • • tosiden6)-4P d St st. f rtd.' • mill,.Clutton, Ont. 1395-tf SAVED ,BY.KINDNESS. •• • • AAXA4AAAA.A.-AAAAA.A.A.AA —• I noes ., MC 0 s John Roach, : the famous 'ship believedin the law of kincl-. ness In dealing with erring Man.! Out of. 'the • twenty-five thopeand• men employed byhiIil first and last,, there Were seventy found guilty of criminal condtict. He saved sixty of. them. This is his story of the • way he reformed a 'confirmed drunkard.' .,. Tlie inanwoe a 'master - workman.' • " 'Ile had terrible sprees, and had thein pretty often. would coine raving:into the shops; disgrac- 0. • himself arid disgusting every- o y. When so ei eWas.penitent, and' I fOrgave, him and tooklirni back again and agoin.. Iappealed to him till there seemed' to be nathing: haft to,appeal to. One morning he •came in after one of his ePrees:Ond sid: Roach,. 1 want you to discharge me: Yon can't make any- thing 'ofrite. I have broken- my promise and abused your trust over and over.. You toOkme .up when had nothing to do, and you taught rneyour .trade and' paid the ,good wages, and have borne with, my fauna till it ainit htunan to ask. you to bear any more. • Now discharge me's • • ''Mike,' says I, won't discharge pn, but. 111 let. yen resign, I'll write you a -resignation,' for an idea struck de:" 'I vven,t to my desk and wrote- • ': ',Tann Ro4mr—Si1 : YOU lielp- ed'me Wlitml: was penniless. You gave me . work when I was idle. You taught me when.I was ignorant. You have alwayspaid me well.. You have borne with my infitunitioa. over and over 13i1t r have lost'my self respect, and have • not enough regaid foi you love for iny wife and Children to behave,like a man, and therefore I: witlifIkkm•ft oin Your employment.''1, ' gave it to hiin, and 61(1, villa you to promise Inc one that you will always Ontry this with Slott, and that when about to talcda glass of liquor, you will fake this out,..readlt, sign. it, and mail it to me before yon , Ho promised solemnly that he would. He stayed in my employ Lie years, and was aov,or drunk 4tia, • • )i'STVV Vfi7•ViTV.VVVVVVVVV • . $1.25 A YEAR, • •• •$1.25 AYE,•‘AR'. $1.25 A' YEAR.- $1.23 A YEAR-. • THE HURON NEWS -RECORD THE HURON NEWS -RECORD THE HURON NEWS -RECORD THE HURON 'NEWS -RECORD • ' • GIVES' ' MORE'. READ IN f'01!`ett MORE READING -01 • MORE REA DINt0.--11 MORE .READING -ea • • •°110- E • . ..sisli-FOR THE MONEY rFOR .TI -12 MONEY •: .1•••••i# a•—• 1, 50 TO 70 CENTSPEff POUD:, J .1l'inchasers need pot buy 3-lbetittr.-qnse. hina.der,taget ta, Present. 100 s,eca 111 different hooks to choose from. • Try„a 25:eant" packet of LiQuor Tea. nerSole agent for Fl,nisunantes Yaletrirrilie best in the -world. • •. ABRAHAM MTH Market Square, John. Cumnin.ghaine, - Minton • GODIERICH. DRUG STORE WEST �F ENGLAND SUIT. INGS & TROIUSERINGS, SCOTCH TWEED SUI.I'INGS TROIJSERINGS, FRENCHAND' ENGLISH WOE- ' STED cLoTits, . .3ade up in Best Styltd and Work mauship ot..4broliant Smith's. Now. "2n stools ane of the ehe pest • •• • veli ;9iOoPs WINTET' CLOTHING . . • . • - • ARD cLcorkis. A Pull Lind of, GENTS' FUR- NISHINGS always in stook. • • The undersigned has just opened a new Drug Store; in.. J'ACESON'S'i NEW '13LOCK, on HURON STREET, two:doors west of the Cit- Book•aSteire, where will be • found a complete, assortment of...Pure'. • Drugs. and .Thenileals, also Patent.Medieines and Druggists' Sundries -44 that tlin'pulilie may ask ferlin thosu linos. • , • • A. WORTHINGTON; • ittth4lubiari, isso. • • • P. S., -Office changed,fronr residence to store. • FOR THE PEOPLE!, • Cheap Bait. Cheap [traceries, Cheap Provisions : . . Peddler outdone-+-51bs. good. )(obi: IIy.sOn Tea for' • • ng alargo steckl.of BAT& ori,ljarul,torildra, will, be. filltittat tlf43.LOWg817 .PItHidES 7-ervaelrioiferedin Oli14,014 aettlit: Salt tWorksAvill Tie sold aS spen as rarrangettiogia: are completed. iT&Timetity and Clover Seed wanted. • A JOHN, McGARVA. 375.3na • • • • . c:) FOR TI -1 103N.TEY yin4 ealt.on; ' . •.: .IATTOIT CARRIA. WORKS' , Oar FOR TI -1,1i;• MONEY • ( 2 5) • , . 1.25) ($1 25) • TIIAT • ANY OTI1ER. P/6E11 THAN ANY OTHER' PAPER THAN ANY OTIIF,R .PAPI?.R OTHER PAPER • IN THE' COIMTY... IN THE COUNTY. • 'IN 'THE COU Y. • • IN THE COUNTY. 7. Tfi,Y IT l'Ott TRY. IT I-4,911 • TRY IT rliDa TRY IT I -Wu • tEirTRY IT 1 • LeirT11 '1'1 ! itrarTItiC IT 1 co -TY rr ABBAHA"M SMITH.• 0 e needing: st..)thbb; rik callaxeand Alz-zrys. rv" AE!. • • Open a•na! Top Buggies. Democrat cetons, Celebi t HIM 811EEPSKINS TitOW, &O, • ' • . • . IItgbeet.rnarket price pntd. Bring A.0011011: BUTCHER • CLIOTopt, 056tf . ATTENTIQ FARMERS' ! Implements ! $1.25 A YEAR.• $1425 A YEAR; • implements ! $1.25 A YEAR. , • • • • A AAA A AA A'.A.AA.A.Ji AAA rffv-Vriflfvv.v.vvvy v —Berlin Telegraph : As a gen- eral re le 4111 et:05005 the coutry tho fall wile:a will be a failure, lit twine dial lets not over one-third or hall a.clop will be realized, Many farmers haiing replowett their fields. The erring .tylieotloolut well so fur, and gives •prow.cts of being a good erop,: Hay mid eluver never looked 13eter, which eonld only be expected front the reeen, McCORM TeX MILE, BINDERS; . .it RARE SI OW ER S, • §Etiormias, rioRsE RA.IMS PLOWS, Orril VG, 'BOX ES, S 11,E L I, S ETO.,. • And all Imptterfente used 1121 &tartar ais (300(1 amu OW Best, and as Cheap ,,, as the Cheapest,. 1111 3. • a WEIRS • 1;\IPI.:151l11,1N`r "UtA1117.11.001k1S, #1, 0.1V113.4.110„ • ed Cantelon beat,td.'•an the., ReMeTnher my ;ellidie-s are Made of the best materials, and every. rIg•itarranted... . • :.Se• eociouttn.liitr, jr,031:paleiri:Ourle'kly4otnStalTil.altY. e do not peddle rige.throngh 1J,e gt • illtiteS Low. Cell and see stook I jev "EN • • • • • • ••• • --If A NIT C T 1712 • 2 CARRIAGES, WAGONS, &O.; Corner of Huron and Orange Streets, CLINTON; The Improved Tipii)ItinEuggy. a F.,palty. in Durability, Lightness and 41,04ra:ice equalled byuo Other. All the latest improved vehicles hest constantly on hand. RST-CtASS BLACKSPAITH 00110eution. 1.1i•st material and workmanship in all •, brunches, • AU• WORK, lAriRRANTED. PRICES REASONABLE. • ilepairing. and itprlainting: PrAway, Atteuded, to, '.18[10131r • ''81101711.3 Yes, and.5„veildittite, right kind-of!aminitnitiott, at JAMES - ANDERSON'S - FIESTAURAIIT OYSTERS in. Sheirand Mulk. by Dish or quart. CANDIES 10o, per pound.QRAXGLI anCLEMONS (280.. rera02;,.. • • tALLAN.0E UL rtai.AND. IIIIL t • • • • *1,