The Huron News-Record, 1886-06-23, Page 2•
;1! �#A PUPA Nt><UOt>FAr>d land, The -question before us is AN ,ALLEGED PERJURED •He says: I regret the lose of the suicide, and in due time a claim wee
0 >'uu1.1$11ZD whether we are to allow the Empire PAS•t'OR. tit orit of the Liberal eouncilt
Tito following from the Montreal y made by the widow for the sunt o
to be disintegrated, and the Pruteslr Under eireumstancea so grave and $2,000, but which claim the grand
.very Wednesday -s"'Morning ant and loyal intereetsso laboriously •i;:ittreas refers to a swindling Amer -
I cannot accept ae lodge ref etc to consider, hence the
built up by our groat'Liberal anoos- ,can actor who married a charmingfinal the de'arston of any body of suit. It was shown on the trial that
Y\i‘ie\‘�' TQcicj►tt to; trampled under foot. I p electors however influential. If it on Sept.11th. Gaige wrote a latter
widow of considerable wealth, stole 4
AM TnEil► orF1ce, 1(•Can�irt+tett what the tronstitttanaios her nioneyand ileeantpat4ctorCarla�at
' is Ur, Gladstone'e opinion that the . to a member of the lodge, asking
will give, This only -is clear to me Irish difficulty is only soluble by a him as a personal favor to keep Mile
h4/1)ett fir -set, onto, ill t. th h ,„the of `Y. Hammond
your thieving and robbing r' ebont-
f ed the loser o the bread. "Some-
one help -nut to get hint ashore 1"
"13y gum 1" said the fat man, ae
felt in his poelr,'ete,
He fished out a nickel, hand'od i'�t
the baker; and contiuued :
"By ,gum. I guess not, There's
-- at t e two races between wham , alteration•t g
Ireland is divided will not be able °barged with perjury, ��as,resumed lunclamentil of the re_ straight on the books as he was ;. your money,and I stand. by the 110;•,
Wiens between Great Britain and hard up,p y y gum, sir,"
x'1.26 in advance; a$'1, f notdainstal. lronmeforward to live together there. in the Polive Court. In answer to but would a the amount Yes, sir -lt -
g Ireland it to to be regretted that he back - _ __ L_ _ This
as not placed the question in that ter did noncash its destination until. •' "Can't help that, sir, •Hle'ea ho)-,'
The world is wide, and one or an- questions, Haiumond said that he h
---.:. _.. _r ,_g- .. . -... N(.vn S.4 OVVL. uA. 1, ti .yU could, J:Uitr �e F- •- u -s a tinier,•• 1
•t 'The proptietorsot'Ftte GFe rit`x't�ort:lsTnw had acted as pastor of the Baptist ,
'oF+ltns �$untoxiitaoonu will and-plantother will seek another home.; If church, Franklin Falls,. N. H, but ltghtbeforethe electors, . Imaintain the 20th, having been Misdirected. Mid he was lratipr and had no
+t,ublish ersinClinton, England decides. to uphold the'had never been installed. He had that neither Parliament nor the The party to whom it was addressed arbor means to let bread.' l'm his
finder the title of4 "Tile HURON NEWS- union, the native Irish will tiot'bear been ordained three ears o .at electors ought to be invited to ac- testified that if he had received the friend, sir—by gum, sir ! Anybody
'RecmRi," another �iisa ointment and will y 1
Gunton is'the most,prosperoris town in , .,, disappointment,
Putney, N. '3�.. Thine ties' his first' cept. the principle of 80 Nast a request in time he would have paid who lays a hand on that boy has to
'Western Ontario, is the seat of conaide n in ` g°., tie eo many of them have gone change as a seperate Parliament for the amout at the meeting of Septem- climb over me—by guns !"
pastorate. Asked whether lie' ma ber 19. Payment of the claim was Fifty fit
men cheered e the e _ .� man
resisted on the part of the Grind groaned the baker, and the latter ' '
Lodge, on the plea that Gaige 1 had gripped his nickel and walked
not been legally reinstated according ashore,
tothe constitution of the order, It "Captain," said the fat man, "give -.
was ,held that. when Gaige joined this boy a chance to wash up, and.
the order a different constitution I'll hunt him up some clothe$,,, I'm
prevailed, and as the certificate or going to give hirci a show, sir—by
contract of insurance was boned guru, sir! I was kicked and puffed
under the old constitution, ho new and stepped on niyself when I was
law could vitiate the claim.. It was a boy, and :I .can feel for this chap,
also shown oh idepart of the plain- sir—by gum, .sir ; yes, sir—and I'll
tiff that no portion of the $6.50 had probably take him home with me.
ever been paid or tendered to her Come, Tim -by gum—but there's
or any member• -of tbe_family, and it nothing desperate about you, and
Was also claimed that $1 was for we'll have a talk .and see how we
warded by the subordinate lodge to can better your fortunes... .Yes, sir •
the GrandLodge, as the latter's•por —by gum, sir l"
tion of the Beneficiary Fund, , and •An(•t. as: the boat moved away
that the sante was accepted and re- everybody gave tlrreo theme for "lay •.
Gum" and Tim,
tuanufactu4Ing° and the centre o[ tliefineet already.. It the Dublin Parliament Ireland until a• plan has been pu-,
'agricultural section in Ontario, is. set uand have control over the been arrested shortly .after his lest
P, before them . satisfying the condi-
The combined circulation of'1'npNEws• marriage, for craving stolen a large
7taeonn exceeds that of any paper pub- et,oentive and be .supreme over the tions which Mr. Gladstone himself
lisped in the County of.Huron; It is, tour provinces, Prato taut Ulster
own of money, witness replied that .
therefore, unsurpassed as era advertisin F has deolareii to be indisputable,
s will refuse to submit, If there is a a lawyer' whom he had charged with
truadiunl, The Bill recently rejected by Par-
`a--4-Rates :of advertising, liberal .and civil war,. and if England does not Par -
making his wife drunk and havinn
S d , liameut, ' in my opinion, satisfies
famished on application,. ' . 'interfere, Ulster will hold her own
Improper intercourse with her had none of Mr. Glidstorre's conditions makiirg contracts fora spec,- ' '— him arrested on the .cars at Concord,
'field time, who discontinue their advertise- Perhaps do more. It is possible, If• Ireland had -claimed independ
'n,euts:before the. expiry of the same will however, that we may witness the on the charge of stealing his (Ham-
,rao chased' fail rates.
y ' ' ymend's) wife's. money; hut. the case',ence,.than the question of justice or
Adkeeti4entents without ipstrnoiions as ?nonatrous spectrtde of our own poo:tight might be raised, but that claim
never came before the Court, Asked
'to space and time, will be left to the judg• . pie compelled by our own `bayonets . , has not been 'openly asserted, and
lgeut of the compositor in the display in-into'sub`ection to a numerical ma- if. his wife had rufuscd to live with
sorted ,Until forbidden measured b a the Government maintains that.
. Y lira on tiocount of his having been
.scale of coria nonpareil' (12 lines • to the Jority, of their enemies and ours, g under this measure Ireland 'wilf`t4'it
insh),•and charged 10 cents a line for first If this be so—if this .long drama is too intimate with other women,
iinsee ton and cents aline for each sub- g main an integral part of the king-
se: rent insertion, .Orders to discontinue to wind up thus in shame an in- Hammond. said that no such, accuse-
rio dam. To require that the people
advertisements must be in •writineo. • nomin —titers 1 think that like the tion had been mails against him
y,: of Ireland should submit to be goy-
' 'ear Notices set as solid NG MATTER, Pilnl>im"Fathers the Ulster hien since leaving. Franklin Falls,'except ,
(moasurert by a scale or solid Notrpa, cal; 12 g. t erned by a Parliament wherein they
in the newspapers,. and for whish.
-_._ lines: to thenrds charged. at the rate of- will gather their property and move are fully -represented, and whereby
10 cents aline for each insertion. "offbe rood the react of English •halal now suits for_v- ''') Q. He
3 0 they -help to govern Great Britain,
swore that •1 t h had
faction to some distant colon positively. . a e ►a e
Y, may be inexpedient, but it cannot'
- - - - said regarding the 'watch and• chain -
wo novo one or the best appointed coo , • they assist "" and bill of sale on his books is true: be described, as unjust. Apart from' eeipted for by the Grand Recorder.
10(Cicos'toest of Toronto. Oiiipfac litres in.: pendence, •
as their'great-gr• andfather$ the 'claims of self-government, how and the Grand Receiver. On these
e11.... A -..-..4..,....a enable •... 4.. .7., ..i+ 1....A.., .�a.,A' an,.. Americans. T..vill net
The landlady of the hoose where
'of work—tiom atialling card �ton mammoth speculate on the fate of Troland, but .Hammond has. been stopping having
complained to. Jud«e Dunes that ists rn Ireland. a• general desire for his decision, which' was that the
ever, it is, not. denied • tlita there ex- facts as shown-, the Judge rendered
kraft and at the lowest possible raps. she. will enjoy the satrsfactton of ° ' mentor control of her owe cart
• was en-
Addre familiarities, he was asked whether ) n certain limits, tltied to a Judgment for $2,000, the
her old ...oppressors, If, England tho Liberal 'party •rocogirizes as aliit�unt.of relief demanded in the
The News -Record,. this was true, Hammond denied it
Clinton. Qat cannot keep order in Ireland, which , a reasonable . claim. Alternative summons and complaint.
t emphatwany. He said that las plaint.
' eceniber,'1881. ,•
•Orders b mail promptly attended Hammond hada attempted several " e ors• plaintiff
, Emma. C. Giige,
Y ?' p having brought 'down 'into the' dust' This • desire will i •
as at hor. oWlt, doors, 18 II 1. sohemes are dismissed without. dis-
landlady 'a .married wothan was
net trust her much- longer with the ' ' cussion in order to choly that coercion
oharne of au em ue. living criminally intimate with ani ,
The Hilton • NewS-Reeo%t " p is the only alternative, • Nobody other man, and thet-another boarder advocated coercion' as u policy, but
AN ' IMPERIAL F +;DEli� 1TION, ><n the. helico lead `a woman to see there is. a point •
where an Govern-
"Wednesilaty; June 22r4L POSSIBLE him. This raised the question as to• p y.
Whither it : was not strange that a• meat, may be •compltllod''to resort ,to
•FROUDE'S VIEWS "; •hfr..Henry Lyman; •prekilent of minister of the Gospel sholild:oon what may be called coercion.
' the iVfontrea1`bianch of the Imperial tinuo to•liYe'in a' house o£ this char- The Government measure is no
rieciantise note nUf.B roll ULM.. Nt7. i alternative 'to Coercion,:boctitie , it is
Federation League, :said at a meet actor. •'Hammond answered this by..
••- •Jaines Anthony` J ioude,'. the his- ing a few d'i3cs ago : . making out that whop he discovered 'certain that without coercion the
'tortan;.,wtates in a most gloomy vein "That 10 movement teas as i car- these facts he gave notice. The'. Protestants of Uistor would not
-of the Irish contest for self govern- lied without enthusiasm, and if this ei(amination being ended Hainmand• submit to the .. aittlioiity Whichg`• g ' ` it is proposed to impose `upon them,
anent.. t Should the,Iioinom Rule •movement was to, extend in Canada,' haled for bail on pbisonal•'lionds.
A Parlianien.t':freel • conceded to
metteereof Mr. Gladstone ultimately; a wider interest Must. be'creitited." 'Phis was refused acrd the prisoner y
prevail Mr. Fronde believes: that. To many, at the first ft:�slr, federa- was locked up. Ireland moat bo conditional on their
'there :can. be no, pence in Ireland,' tion seemed a •dream, a utopian . •-
ibecause't`'he'twa races between -whom Scheme; too visionary to 'be within IMPERIAL ,'1IATI Lits.
that country is: divided.will not be. the •range .or: .practical feasibility,;
:able''•to live together.: One or the On the contrary,. however; the quoit -
"BY GUM 1"
••along toward his•room. "Confound
The•boat.was just casting off.froin, the feiloW" said he, id lrtnrself, • "1
the. Pier wlrea a man . in citizen's hope he is 'not "going to • thrust � an -
dress, . Who appeared to be greatly, 'other -man into my bed; : I'd as 30011
excited,:rushed up thegang plank sleep with the .devil. as of
and shouted to the otptain to wait:' my own sox.,• and than who knows
Three or four minutes later it'.'was but.that ho 'Will give mo some for-.
understood that 'a desperate robber. ..
teas on board; and that the excited rible- disease -,tire smallpox; the;
enoaslee; or•the 'S.cotch'fiddle 1 FIa !
nian:: was his . victim::•None• of us that reminds me . of w.hat.,I will do
remembered seeing "a lagged, dos- .
to et rid of that fellow..
iterate -leaking" chap come •aboard, g
but the mat was sure 'of 't -and ••�� All., .this •passed rapidly:through.
. A.gentlemari' put up at a country
tavern. where it is common, incase
of .emergency, to put two in a bed.
He retired to, rest, but he had not
lain long before he heard. the land-
lord, followed by...n, guest, • stainpitlg
• "oxbarcise oft1Tapstttilegas •inn a:>nurn - bg an ii- search: =Nobody wanted. a his Jnd•,.a1id, by' the time tlic,ltin(1 ,•
1 • lord opened the door; he -,was sittiing
or compatible withh' the • efficiency, robber and.desperado aboard, and ',
dignity; and even existence of Par- the 'search went 'on with a will lib 1n the bed, :as it just awakened
G1i:AnsTO\E's OPPONENT. ,hamentaryinstitutions. A:manifest After about tet? minutes the man.
daterminrition to acoria or cripple r1e. who .had• rus?ied. ab 'a drawing the nails of one. lend over
rather, he says, will.'seek .another. tionweean eminently ;p - ti:eal •one;' Tho Conservatives lava .select( d y i l oar,„ utter ry .
s • r . those institutions:is',t'clear-.r.ebellion .ed shoots . of exultation, = e t fingers of
thoine.� H1s,Iirttox is as follows ' and Must soon at;su:tnedohnito shapQ,:.Col, . Campbell. �� alkor:'to' oppose • II ween the •
the b•rcld'and•bet
"You ask me'to say shortly:ivltat otherwise the Empire` watdd go to lir, Gladstone; In his address he against the constitution had discovered the • arch -villain' '.
the other,-bosidtes eagerly scratching
other places. •
T think of this Irish business., The .pieces. It wits.utterl : im• ossible .ron►inds:the electors that Mr. Glad_ open resistance to the Crown. It hiddon`undersome furniture on tiro
}Y P
- '— froth his .sleep, . and industriously
.Irisli are an unchsltgiug-peoplii:' for human. wisdom to keep it to= stone, who a'131 eels to their feelinns will be our• duty to defend Paha- lower beck; and tho•':m to lro(lueod �
Wake up, wake ftp," said • the
landlord, "wake up and lio' over to
the other silo
'•'1'he'NetionaTist Movement is a repo- gaiter, with tlao Imperial Parliament. ''o•r the: score of . age, en>rruieated •I3 ment frons: internal -attacks, As our- �'t revolver; and ordered the fellow
Imperial o
d r'•
redecessors defended it froiri ester-• to',_come • out or take the. con- f. the be ve got
'titian .of the attempts wh'►eh have oterburdened: with the details of years ago the same principle, that Pa'com •imionfor oft=abod:fellol+."
.Been froni`time to time already made minor legislation to • the' neglect of sixty years should;bertho outside.age°. nal aggressions of arbitrary power. • sequences. P • y
'to rid Ireland the Anglo -Scotch• 'the wider and�iinbrie .momentous in- for all who sought':to hold. res ion- •"Bo prepared=look out for him !"`--- "The adevil .! you ��vouldn't think
g1 1 I hope- that is—
:settleis. , .talose attempts tailed, and forests of : the Empire. He was sable positions.- Ifo . continues; the THELAW ANI) CO -OPER ea itioned the excited individual, ;.r-"
A• •bon t make yonrsel'ftinoasy; sir.
;if the English and Scotch settlers speaking to a gentleman, the other. Premieres kaleidoscopic views area 'LIVE• lNSU1tAiNOL+'. ,- and three or four more pistols came
' �° into view, A1l. the rest of my bods have two
have not else 'clranged,'theseattempts clay, wh gets;il,,t�;yedoratiou oh .singular proof that Gladstonesjudg into ,and others secured.belts persons apiece, and yourstiiusthavo.
'will' fail. This remains` to be seep. .e ground that' he u iild then have ment.Is no longer what it was. .The A • legtd. decision Isis '•recently' and bars. •• • the's. • t
We are no i:in the fifth act of the to support the Imperial :army and strength of the Irish party is due to' been .given wllicli is of interest to • The: desperado came forth. He the
]`titch, either ante way...,
'"' members' of the •societies.• LAM].or, the ;1Iotif .
rolldrama 'It has: pleased ilio-Ii`b= navy: H-cs (tllo-p . ideut)1►adnsIxod Gladstene'a Concessio�nR, - was a boy oi' lfi; ragged, dirty and ,a
. `Voll,; if you insist on it, I Have
oral party in England, who are the him :What ho. would kayo,' The LORD'DEtrnY. R11NIFTSTs. namedd Gaige I___. ilta-(t'�Tne7nber'"-`of a• liigllte•ned.; • Ife—head--someth-u:ig i p ,,to -ea It's-not-,en:m- -=ie-
"Independence." lad ge'of", .the Ancient Older of the wratit uo Y.y ..
•historical 'ropresentativeii X f the gentleman' replied, Independence.. Lord Derby and edict ptominont g ppe'd up in a netespaper;hut he, count -that. I care ti n. -fr.'
Long Periitiment. and the revolution .Taut independence meant the cies, Liberals'havci issued' a Manifesto to United Workmen. .On August had no weapons, • y '
• • but • tile, truth. is -(scratching • more : `
f who .robbed me—. zeal ns1 1 n i
settlement of -1688; to"choose a„lead tion and inaintenanco. of , an army •the : 'ejectors .of Liverpool in which 15th last at a; regailar meeting of the 4,He's $]xe one o tan ever: botrvee •at
'el with the 'religious opinion of and .navJ', and diplomatic corps, alitl tht+y say : "Liberals must choose lodgo,.Gaigo became suspended from. there's ..:his ' plunder,” shouted the • , 3 r.
: and mo and this gentleman, I ye got
' Laud. Unde Mr, Gladstone s.guid- • a constant .anxiety :is to the chances, between.allogirltnce to Gladstano and Membership by _reason' of •n'on-liay- •victiin, foul three or four men closed ,
once they. have boon rorsuaded to " afet , u hile''.the federation of all allegianco'to. rrivai ole Hesitation ',trent of assessments lTos..12 and 13, .in on the. Ind. . .• g . filo ftcli, And 1 e 011ldn t 1►1, 0 to ,give
1. y.�. 0 1 l sit to anyone else."..
- r. .regard the "Pratt.stant- establishment the parte: of .the British' Empire is impossible.. -We appeal to those At tl o,samo tiino rive otllermombers• ' Tho package was taken frolic Hint ,, -said
nu -Iieland as 'a hilts tree. 't'hry would be''a guarantee:fur safety•and 'who prefer: patrtotis• itt'�;to part to were suspended for the same reason and opened- Wo expected to .sea nger,t i•� hoot ! •p on 1to{Ira
' ,hare blown into the old No -peace; and for ample protection, oil' support tho'untonist:assoeiation and At~,.tho 'next.meeting, which', w.•ts bonds of mon or 'owelr , but stranger,, who hrrnead a . a
.1 },��'. J y in- ' �SeOtchnian, :"yo need na mal:- ��
rtionalist ashes, • .They have destroy the•ose. Each part of `the - to: fellow:,.nlrjrroved Liberals 'like held ' Setonrbar. 5th, .one of those stead of that our eyes rested'"nu •a . mQekle:to da a` t i•t . • I' not tl '•
boo rife
'. lid diol Protostantpolitical influence,; mpire hexing its own autonomy, aright, Lorcl Hartington, Chamber- suspeuded'uientbers shut two .dollars' half.°atoll loaf of bread. ►• ° we 11 s. are complaint mysel, and w dt"
dud have now been iuvtted to cony the Imperial Parliament would be titin, Lord Selborne; Gossclron, Col- as part payment ofarr•earagos,which "I hadn't anything, to eatfor•two. 'baftli .feedle to tl e• sumo' tuna,"�
"plot°, theft '•wOr•k rind' Band the .entitled. to tKeteli Over.those larger dings,'Sir Honey ,James and many .tis ncecptrdi »y the lunge,. which (lays,"' said the boy .00. a looked - Glass+ow I'r
Anglo -Scotch colonf a c____
„g � y over to be interests' �vliicll`tt•trro at present no. ' athero, Englund ie .bontl.d to 'pro- ,immediately :Iceland said member frorir face to�f`ice, and his big blue•
ruled by those whom' it was planted 'glee'ted.• ' '1'he • flume •futile move- toot , loyal' Irishmen of whatever reinstated, and passed a rosoltitirin eyes filled with .tears • and his chin '
in, Ireland to control l'hey litho-me11t, he believed, •would• largely'"u i•d, It Would be'renugnnnt to--inatt'nCtinlg the "financier of the gnivered. The Polito Magistrate at Guelph
•after hearing evidence in some Scott
'recoiled at the last moment, and are help the cause of • federation, as ,it employ the (queen's forces to couipel lodge to•accept the amount of erear- '. "Ilea a -robber, and I'll send him Act eases ar Yeil at the conclusion
that some of ru witutssties re'
MW split from base,. Ito- would stir up people of other' pasts loyal people to salon it to'u govern- ages from Gage and', the other sirs- to State'Pr'ison,". said the main as.'ite 't'l q
monists, dolnucr'ats, sentimentaiists, of the Elirpiro t0 drink Of autonomy 1no11t arising out of it system' of pointed menthol., and they would be • seized theboy by the colter, ' an eye opener, fol• he said, "lie did
theiat4 weak e "fly r, , not 1(11UW if.
ri , uthusinstts•,-who.aro •for theurselvcs, With tiro .11iglisii creel -outrage and terror.isut. How accepted in the saute manner; but gum!" growled a voice from t tuns the Scott Ant
earned away by oratory, still 'stand ' lanry rune the fella tt'Olticl L11e Ho'ettlled sa•frtrttat'(la lit the matter Ot art eubae uelltt+lis. rho tUrntyi atT(t .a flit itj(1'>iaG10t1' 'ty}Licit hall pro(lttc°t) streb witnesses,
g g 11 . dominant speech of g Y q g g y' .r but he clever before know that there:.
by 11Ir, Gladstone, together with til° world to -day, and becoming last?.• the reconquest of Ireland peusious none should be reinstated wile had `armed, Winself tpith n was such fools nil (xistorlce."'
. • large ,�rnnss of stupid i.r°opl'o • who more Hud more widespread, .the . has boeono i.uovit►ble. The.ho rtnc except, .upon a ,writton aplilioalion. •heavy st'iek, threw I down with a ..1'he find revision of the. I)otu.:-.
flava no 'treed fiat party. Liberals federation of the English speaking' yule and laud purchase &the nce ' On September, 19th, the next regu- crash and pushed 'into the crowd inion voters' list, of the City.of Lon- "
of the old'ialiool, however, have peoples all over titer world partook, rnnan disaster to .Ireland and .in- Inn meeting took place, mud the and asked:
returned tth
o e traditions :of their +y►ot of the character of a utopian justice to l;ugland. ilio+ are pre;; other: snspeudctt' member paid up ".Iloy,..who are you y"•
,foretatlters, - Advanced Iladjeals, dream, but of the nature of au eini- malt with strife, ,collision and, and was 1.(1itatato(l. On September "Ti'ni \Villianrs,"
like Mr. Chamberlain -,'860,110 acts- riently practical and vital'qurstion danger, involving many millions of '20th the father of Gaga called at "Whoi•a'serour homed"
bion to y,teiitic° the imperial groat: which, %roues oe later, must find hard eartlo(l 'money of the tax tiro House of the financier of the ".NL-notvereL"
1►s:st oi` their cl7ulttl'y to tine diacon- •
001'utron fn the manner juilicatetl'by payer8:" Todoe, cud, paid him ort behalf of "Did you rob this tnitl' ot` 111 tt ttalnes.of 42 (Conservatives and 19 '
milt of a fitction whish .will : n;ot be the League." T,oav tratiTi amorr's nfAVrrttAha,• ills sari $4,j>0, the tutu iniottnt lomf of bread 7" ' Ii,°formrt:v ,Vere .nll:104 to OW null
content with e(. tlnliiy, 1#ut demand •-•-•• -- •.- - ....,c `. • --• •- • •---- „ a ` ; " and the tunes of 138 Conservatives
1 ) �„ , r� I.otd liirt•rngtun has issued a eiratgFrd against himGaige books."Yes, ate, but138 rill. they orb manifesto, On -September committed "Oh ! you:young vil'Iain, I'll step as beiit( disqualified to vuab.
(loft, for the year' 1886,' is elos'd,
and Avery person whose name now..
• reinairts ninon the roll ivill have the . .
lltivflloge of,voting, and hie right
cannot lei questioned at the polls.' '
At the final Court of. Revision -the