The Huron News-Record, 1886-06-16, Page 4The f urQ aNeeu -Record.trying to- inflame the minds of'the• Canada gives .,a title:. The sable potpie of Ontario and other portions• •pi:inctple is..recognized •among coin- WedeLefatitYJ 1r6t1 • . of eastern. .Canada that they are- mon'ealths: Were it•not, all pro - r ,MWG t,• merely ulilclr> cove to give lacteal petty wrcattld:'he insecure &eu the present race of Irish, chiefly incluel,- ed fn the' Bohan Catholic popula- tgn, could be taken beak to a time whou their ancestors were not the has to pay a bonus to•seablo ,Nva. owners of the land, The people of Scotia to .ming and' eol.1 hoe coal„ the United States and Canada would• Then it is the Maritime PAP/Imes . not have to go very far back to be that nre being impoverished by .a shown when they did net own, the tariff on wheat, otherwise they shall j si'd of .t rneritrn,; Dat they, wQalil. be compolltid to purchase' the, prc-_ hardly approve that the•elttseenehtets dime. of Ontario. 'Tien the farmers of the Northwest, for whom Ontario people have been bled in the baild- rng of the C.0P:11., arobeing made Ito pay through the nose for ugrieul- tua'nl: mnelii,neryy, etc., in order to oueourage Ontario manufacturers of these wares,. Or it is French Can- adian • Governmental rule ; or, as ,r1RANGE, z'1'tt DTµSLQY.d'T,ffr. Etukk to ft, uon-wmpensating, new . p 'west- Then i iso the Alaiitiinds Pr'q- Ire its: zeal to curry favor with they vinoes• tr'o't aro draining to The very" Catholics the• Glob' last Saturday, daiegs<poor, oppressedd. Qnterio, who had, a. • most slanderous diatribe agaitist:piangenieni• The Globe said: "Let Orangemen be thwarted in 'tbe slightest and they will throw "loyalty to thee winds and. Durso • "Royalty* toits face." Neo ulaulit if Royalty. was•wrong Orangemen: would. not euppart, it. .4.nd Royalty can; be wrong:and clan royal as .well as• any. other.:ipowes made up of human material Ok:aaigp- naona.cannot,however, bo disloyal to ' Altai,.Throne,:and: Constitution .so Long as: ;Awe harmonize with 'well -4101'11'i stanched prineiplbS 'of cavil andreligious libesreyc. 'Loyalty; .lately,, it is, Orange ascendancy in to a cositimpt. Altar would" lie' din -our civil Caovernmeret. With loyalty•to.Godhintself, Protestant- • ' isrnirxtlielled against a corrupt Altar.. such obviously inimicalmotives 7-'rotestarttfsrtr was loyally clislay al„ there is ample reason to die -trust the The,. Protestant) progenitors of Or--pntiiotism of the Glob when it de • - The, disloyal to Jttine8. F. cries the loyalty: of Otaug,oinlen or because, disloyalty• tb lignin Meant'`any. ether glass. 'loyalty; to. the .civil and, religious liberties- of the State.. .Although they clid'uot curse Royalty' esem bodied, in. Jollies IL. they • deposed: hill',, d1'c1k: t1 aneestprs..ctf Dian a -- men.. Loyalty to the hams. of Roy- alty .without regard to the tendency. of Royalty. would bo a,crimo. Or- angemen, have .Bever been. disloyal, to the principles of tlie•Britisft Con- _ stitution.. The ininiediltte ancestors p of Oran;zQrta�en,showeditheir loyalty to. principle and. their Lhsl1ayally to bastard, Rayalty,ivhon•they virtualtly,, electec1 \ William III.: to be KW, England. It was• the ,responsible Parliament of Englund. that Put tile. Croon. On- King . •Willilini'.s head.: Queen,-Wictoria; is. Sovereign. iit,aa{: ' cordence.witli, the, principles redog- iuized::by,Ouangonen, and which. they/lite hound to. support. ITO1Vi.F, 1i uLF;. , Sineo the defeat of Arr. Mad' 'stone's Bill, Mr.. Chamberlain' has issueil;ia,nianifestaiu which he fore- shadows niternati\'e proposals:.. So, far as we eau judo Mr. • Chainber- lain's ,views will: be •endol'sod by a majority of peepre .throughout the Empire: He 'wouldl' 'increasethe nuii}bor : of occupying'owners, of land; establish a complete system of:- popular fpopular loe•tl 'government alike• in its main..feateres' .far England, Scotland, Ireland ` and .'Wales„ ons. abling each to exercise greater in- fAneikct in its:local administration and in. legislation. for the special. s'needs- nnii requirements; with: the Imperial Parliament!: supremo over arra. Tbis will: satitfj the' •national Tllere,•is this clittorenoe.;between, ' asp irations:of Euglaiicl'at l!Scotland, t tiiso,••tilein.tlie Globe. seeks nannies: and certainly Ireland's natibuar as nod": the•• OtaQrgeiiien,,.; I lie: foramer, pirations are.'. not entitled; to: inar& plica iiiinlicit.f'aitll .iit:blae iilfallfbll . symp ally. z 1Ve ii 0!lnada are, dbe. 113 of neies.: Cta3gemeh•ca1 tLl hoplo retie ae . alo.nit. &nil:'• sh:oti:ld aliseS-evoreign on the basis of• ern 'Previncial and �' en't4 Here• d e . 1>oivor.oaf the 5titto•lia.used,tca;clostroyt ,�ttat•icipatl go;ernln. t e • liberties•: of tile • people,- they. 1boi. ,be• the drillin.an Tihrilatment pis: wvottldr in acoordatuce witli it:h'e pri t1ie.suprenre poavei. Iinntlie British: ciples .of ; tlk7jir .older bo in dtit Ieles. the Westininstor lu'•alliaiin.ent 1 , Y .. boiind;to bp disloyal to tlilit Sovei'-• must bio siilla,enie: 'From' the' g ra 'Ireland. ei�•u.to;•reboL a�' hist suck, ;Ro alta ,;_graphical � roslti;on. of Ii 1 d she b. r os► Y Y. But that; OrangeMOneeil;cl'ot would !lutist re:ne.in,.• •a part'..Of, I upe:1e lief disloyal to the ,L'urtish . Constftu- Britian ..; The -welfare, n'v tiro •very. ' ` tion+ Pr.. t. e : aitt•o.. sobtlement.' 146i. l- existence of 'Great. Britain foiibids. . ' h ` fTiie elections inNova'Scotiaa wese Which „ the refoning dyiicisty: lots. ,", tll.e, t;diaration, ,of Ileiandl: fi gait:,`tice, ` • : , ., �I'iated for yesterday. 1•hey Will be renal 'rig+lit to ilio Throne o•f Pum; );tn ito,• ;�]ii.•lo'•; 111Ii'v • Oladstono s .• O b aZ P of the aborigines of this continent Would he justified in demanding what was origi'nally'takeu from then' by. forge of atuls. ' The poeplo of Ireland should be given an equal. ehanse with other parts •of Britain in trio• petrsui�t of wealth and happiness, and :Allowed municipal control of maters eomiMg under that head. It ie held by good - authorities that Ireland oven now I has a larger measure of popular looal control than either England or Scot- land.a lou L If 'such is the caro, let- greater measure be conceded all • round, From the glimmerings we can. get of Mr. Chamberlain's views, • it would appear that this is what he is-nilning at, and by :gratifying•the local • aspirations .of the peaple of England and Scotland as well as of Boland, he will. checle-the clieiunteg ruing ..process involved, iIn MI. Glaelstoue's Home .Pule 13111. May he' eacceecl. .: - •Ti'eaelyen, in his: electoral mini- Ifestb, says the Hoifie Rule 13111 seeks 'to put the execution of the mew and the preseevation of order into hands f n whiclh' they would bo insecure. Such a surrender involves the .adop- tion -•of the land„purelinse measure, it"1 1 ] 1 1the British • The perennial, ever.bloonning wind storin w'iefted Afinnesgta again the other day. , .. jCroohstowal it • blew down a. hotel, and of the 25• will}in,, eight were seriously injured. Mr. Chamberlain in speeely against Mr. Gladstene's: Monne Rule said ho approved 1 of the federation principle and woanla be in favor of Ir'elancl; being placed in the same relation to the Imperial Govern- ment as the various Provinces• are to.trzo Dolilinion- Atiae7r he. took eocasion to remark. that "Canadian judges are appointed by the Gov- ernor-General and paid for by thee. I)oleinion 1.''arliatnont:' The meal- ly well informed' Toronto World cites tlls.yemnrlt of Mr. Chamber- lain, mill;' the lack of exception to it by his antagonists, as. proof atng- lish ignorance, of Can:pile-T political machinery,. rho fact is, however, that Aft, -Chamberlain . was right. The Confudoration. Act provides• that the Cf.ovennor-Ge;rteral shall ap-' puint t1i Judges of the Superior, Markt and. County Counts"in each Province; and the salaries •of the obortson —,-.---T Q-- E LADIES Whew you go "simppfsg" you t>el:wallyask yourself, ".Where sharp go to redone tile best value for my money ?"• Wo will endeavor to answer this question. You 'can got your 1nu)te3''s worth from 'us because we "101, ebesp" awl ate thus enabled to "sell cheap," You can trust us because ova "words" are proved by our "works." With; these statements we aunounee a few ]Special Burgains ; • ' t1, Print Dins for 50e., a Gingham Dress for S1, a Stuff Dress for 660., 16 yar,ls<. Cbtton fvr 56c., Parasols for 25s-„ tr pair 1 aee Cnrta•ins for 81.98, a Linen Dining Cloth. for 62 c,, a Linen Tea Cloth for 85e., .Child's fundkerchiels-ono dez. for 350.,1 Bustles 221c;, Wh. Canvas Belts 12jc., Grey Sox for 6c., Corsets, &Cloves, GIosiery,: . ' • Ribbons, Buttons, &c.,'&e;, all to be had at the lowest figt res, at 'Robertson's Great Cash Store Judges shall bo fixed and provido'cl 1;.aatt Wednesday Amiss .J tno;lorr; by trio Parliament of Canada, daughter of our ono time townstiian, _ ;• -• .....- • Mr. Wil. 'Kerr, and Mr.. John ®!!^ Hiiutor,' ji'., of Uoderich toWnslifl , G o D -R C V H. `were united in Wedlock's bonds. 7,'hae Trzon, A::. W!I' J l' l th b f t CS elreadliy- made, and :the promises of' others to"follow the success .of out Domiinion Day C+tlec"lonian Celeb>:n-: tion is.ahready assured, .. . • Captain CJx, formany years mine host nb . the British.. Exch;nge, ..died at noon on `Sunday after a long arid painful illness. ' Sonne years sintet, a large thous -advertising, forree fell, on die 'deceased injlirinf hint severe- 4asm, li,l ie., own I nCagtdla . a nu Barrister Dickenson,, of W ingham was in; town •on.11londay. , • There was an or•gaiu recital at1'ainox cllurelia en. Monday evening. • Lai; s• t imntituss• of perch were. caught in. the 1'euBor: on 14lond'ay, 1 'There, ware . several. wedding Parties. in town the past week.- . 11Ir, Jioe Smelts i4.' nem: ran'ki'ng the billsaisllroom on Kingtron street. The' stenmet.Vivited` �nipire called. on her upward trill last Saturday, 'AIfss Aloorhanse �r�ts ala: tofisna Inst' .el O On rl ly, from which time nail his dekath on Sunday, . he was• ever.sultject tai severe, attacks Of 'sciatica and other The Schooner North Strir with a carpo of h,airiber for Soco •d & Co., •reached' porton 'Thursday eVening .anal unloaded at•=blre-li'rms:• dbolt:. The - schooner C'ertccv, 'Chp- twin I -. 'McLeod, arrived during Thursday night with a caargo.of muni- ber for the . T. dock, The. Citrtcr left again en F•rittty evening.: • Tho thunder• storin last week as' observed from thia-•tow•n was new- ., nificent, the ligtttuing assuming trio, '•most falitntic forms, and the thine - der deafening in its reports. Pule- ! leg the. statim,: which seemed to •coutre• astir the han'bot' park; the electrie fluid struck the residence or Ira Lewis,' Esq. • The snpposit•ion. that the tall accacin tree- teas the, • • tic i wqu. t place upon ,ie kindrecT:ailnients. The Captain:wns. gentleman's resirlonsaa attracted the • taxpayer an ono mons liability,, and h '`r n, from 1111icliigan: well l{nova fhrou"hoot•. western , electric). ciunrent•'and.eonvetled..it by iveelc, on er et'nr f o 'l 1 h a bronchi to an iron band attncheil • such n,.'w is ivo d result iv sop- no Steam bare Ada `T� Allo Ontario mood those who have listened oration `tvliicli Could be avoided 1f ° to his•well :told eta -ries of his t'aver'n , to. the'r snso• to hold n sport; leaking' �.' was in Barber last Sreede-i»trieBaiucl orsta >le It nsseel throunii !spin. she .Ioeal gbvbrntneigt were ex ie Bien nq set9„.is awa . bile•.,; over the wailcl''s seas; will feel `a , , r I) b . 1 • ke / •y 2'1)..•;pati„of •sorlpty on. reading this l• e'- .the solid two foot tvall'ol' the build tended to Ireland, in •°ticcarahtmeq. ,largo for frdigllt.'cord. :f t to 'death' of their'friend.,hag:aiid coursed around tile. coiling,, 0 1 a it•1i the well known Liberal. prim- On trio'12nd there will be a Clre'us' • the "toad old Ca )lain. ' - . appall ntlyby the rod efflred thereto, ' in town• ' 0 1 diploe. The opponents: of the 13111 .,At the regular meeting of. the Ii he declared to be perfectly: consist,• The fall wheat in . this neighbor- .: last riirlit evoxii nom - ). has headed out: :S:` L: S. ast 1. y iag,,• • enttWith ,true Liberalism.. Universal inntiitns ;wore ntaelo - for the 1 The schooner T?ietor after a.c Biel lexporienao shows that • if `ve give P, , variou•s:' efifects . in. connect en restOf 18 months in our 1'►asbor •loft • • 1 4relituil• a' ail ttta.Pailiatlleut and),:,,. Lwitll tile• Soelety•_ •Ilio fo lowat); � .for part Huron this. week.' roa+, ,,,,,e- war. 'resentedl;a-Solo, P, g. P, • time :cele uellii-i ller-tta a into the handsome dog . cart. and • a. brass - Struthers ;'solo, 11�Ir; Heddle ; recita)-' British treasury earl several mil- mounted liernni;ss ' tion 1 T Yonne • quartette; lliisses' YY Y. independent executive,: at, &ke same, Irr..' aC. 'A. Nairn now sportie a 'Arr.. S:: P, Halls, B. A: ; reacli'tlb . Mr. f+:llaicl rarer Il6ecl;°le .nisi Messrs.. A.: .lions of ounds the ' certain result . 14 Ir. Jibe. ALeLaren, of Lansing,.., , r P. ' 11�Iich., is visiting relatives at Salt- Moore,:13: L,:and Ileddle, reading, toil]} be n separnt 4iia nloPontellt �: ,Mr. ,11'.. gle ` uestion edrawer, lir. fotd:c Ya .•,.� , m •' arise • �. •t • rs e,�a•i' has _been •: n . , rang; . orris; a iuem )ors:. �. visiting in the States the past pew �' ho conclusion..of .the' literary. poi. months, is lteturllc�l! otiie•: �ailgt tveelt:. readlina;: which it will be nnpossrblo to resist II. I. Strang, ' 141 Eft Crane., 10 In _b n St h th i At' L'DITQ.I>~•.1,AL if e1". Z& • i l , se 1i 1 t tion 11'Lr: S. P.:Halls. experimented' Alb }laotlso by.. a.-setidlns, attack.o • nL • - , • amusement 'of all,°prose Prof.. Pe Pendry .is'• ecinfined to. 'wi.th the .electric -battery is. tlie•,a peat f hied, would• • bo an• impossibility:, rill did :.not^ e p'ressl y . formulate' • 'Tho'principles of Oraingeism• are •separation, its' p1oViii011B Weida. virtually- p'rodivac tlkat:. - i As. to the voto,.of 317 fol the Lill;: against 341, this must• no.•be taken ay',a gauge of the foeline's • even:of tho • .House, and :as dlssuliitroiii will take lace shortly 'we shall not. P have tc,:wait • many months to learn 'that nogg snap. number of members will bo retutnet i'to: support Mr. Gladsteue's 'Bill. at. •its present shape.' There•wei�e at; feast :1'00 of 'the 311 who voted for,tha•Bill who did so oiar.the :assurance that if on its •fi-unl read�inb,it were,not modified. to •su.it their views -with regard :to the integrity. of the Empire,• they would:•, trigon vote ageing it. They weie supporters• .&Z. Mr; Gladstone and•d.id.:not 'ant, to. have hini'do . floater; . and) blasted': t,hnt., what they considerei thio vlo ons pt'inep1en.of' the Bill +ntonidr'bb eliminated . before ., these Of. the British Constitution. • .•i,.i .ver i arna n Tlia,O1t1G1,ls the .very uc tic. - of.loyalty to„ those l�rineiples. An Orangeman • couldnno,,• maize. be •.an honest ineinbor:of• ,�,�,,()il,tucl.a. rte.. ilisleyal.n)J511 tithe sante time, than:, 'coulcl'he a. Christidn;, and ,a Jew; at •tile, same' tibio or ;tha>n.; Christ s t. • eould;be anti --Christ.. The two en= titles,- Orangeisitt anti d.i:slo •dirty, aro so- utterl o) JOSod to each other:that 1I,,. Aron can,;no`inore Merge the oz{.e into: trio other:tthan: t'tvo 'trains •contin�g,., froni,o poen,e directions •could :pass- • pa. •each. ''other,on.,a;:singiie •ti'a'cic.., •'l:hor'c alright beat co. llieieu,balino.iricrginee ar aiaialgnutntiirg.::.C:rangoisni;, finch:: • disloynityinigltt•eollide,,"luras for . any affinity • et -uit tty • to;.•exist bo-• twoen ,theet':ie"its , int Possible to cola . , coivo .ns' that • light and darkness could.; exist .. at.�tivo- same • iestnut. •Orangeisni is iia . ritigey.• with•.tho-• r Lig ti» ete •prerognitive of the Cl!oivn nndta the rights -et the people,. but shouldl the former :obst uct the lr. it; • i� . i riu.tta exeroiae •of the 'letter, , then so: Ili ucli,.tlle worse:,for ;proorogtltivo. 1.et' the slanderous reutarks, of ' the. Globe, wv.Bililt°'Worb evidently ii ruse as touch,. far'. the purpose of ceo:ttiiyg ttu,tagonisin•. between. Ov- .: aiigenienand•t:Cetltolics- as- to lessen.. 1'isl)cot'• for. one- of the iitost; law; abiding classes. ill.. the' i�"tate,.,stil bbru,,ff net act as ai lt't,onieran' To ,i , ci create in tixnoii among';the'people. . this 13sntinion ,seen15 to' ,h'iv'e,' . leeeu..l1i 'nfm of the Globe' for some . ,.• .;t ,..i ori. r t n.. i.tia,te i(:•oi. its `)nit cannot• iq ,. i party . . rule. they, would Ovate : ruin,,, Ono tt)il:,;it,is;,tlie, old ,ageinet till`. • fintrlly °'Bite hofoxe, the • Hotise. They voted ''rioter$+ to • afitint the • pri.neiplo of municipal home' rule. - .Tlioitgli the Bill, dial not affirm it, •iiiany'of ILO .supparberfe,are.strongly iiefavor of'diapossessing thetprepOst- ant' 1911':1 Owiler4, because some, liunali•tcla of years .agtt,c: the land bo• longed:; to, the • ancestors • off the Roniala,. tit plies, from avhom'it was "taken„. by_ i'i ht of conquest. only: i mals cnln. ��` rt,el el I n alt aifLt ii t lit gll,s rl:. in;ovcr: bb allo,wetli, were they the world Would t c' cr bo at peace,. Tiio laws of all:,natiolnt• bavo w'o'ol Y established, a lute • of. Limitation, after tvltio1i;, titles, Itowevcn;il1ogit- �,a, u to' )o '''nate .in r t1lt.it, oil�tl, emend t b t estiotieal,:, Ton years-utiilistuibed' q' possession `of I) 1V5410 ptoppi•tyy in, . et, the Most exciting since Confedera- tion. Repeal is the issue, " The Grit papers -are 1 I ty fair the rumor that: the. Dominion , olectftyns will corse••ow about the 70i, of .September.. . = The Coroner's Jury' have bronght. in n verdiet of mmnsla lghtei'against the Belfast police . fork ruing .on the rioters .before reading the'Iiiet .pct. 'At the banquet • cin :'the opening of the Abel implement' Works, at. Toionto, Mr. Mowat honestly test•ii .( fied' •:to the benefits of the. N.: I?. when he said tied "tile workiiig:knen were Bettor off now than for years before:"' - Tho Grits.e)f,"Wistc- Huron have -two inoro:Conservativa.candiichitesin the Riding,. Mr.' J''blin Roberti,' of" Dungannon, and i1lr',. Jo111i.11eaconi, cloputy=reeve of Godoi'icirteteneltip. We11i either, of theta could suaeessr • fiully, oppose .1 M. C. C. The deplorable riot in Belfast last,wveel by. tvllieli several lives wvere lost,: wts the natural outcome of the .•infl:tm'nX:itory.:expressions of •leticici;s.on'bbtlfaides of public ques- tions. Lending Orange and Catho- lic citizens otfored1•'their services to quell the mob., 'viletatentecl"°l>bic't'of "darn Gott•;• ceiohb Grit journal 1i$lbhishedl,: a..very 'lacer• )riiatiscl " 3;1 ,toi1Je" after Lon 1 ,) -. g fellowv,'i "11utwvnt1n1.'' •' And, tee aro, afraiclilit;ttfill.a'Qinaiti a very, gx:eetway,• 1)el)indl t?iiia origine so 1btig as 'thee ambei' wvnteitn.ef the • ";liit riisitaitg?'' cont]nno to liiingle,wYiwlt,atlme bli:o'• wvatc rf cf,Ia ltl oak.. 1 for Bolding Pictures: Inots. travel • , al•oiig, thek'od it melted the wires by- • w.hich:.the pistures were suspended, - thus uspended„thus. causing the' picture') tp. fiilh with a stash to the:deer: - ''1'l e fluid: then travelled fe,tlie cellar, where . it: ended ` its eeoui'io,', orad: ng. the I'ouililatioii considerably. •'•Tile: glee-- trieity put out all the lights in the:. bonne, 'in•cl•: s a.numbt�r of ladies' and gentlemen were visiting.. at trio - inie, the �.consternation `en•ttsed.•lay, A the unaslker electaacal visit''nay, be. N :' easily. imtnained:. Our Tarn Parliament' had a'ses- io last Friday evening Hpis. Wo r-' n s Y b, !• -ship Alayo.t 1ilortou Presiding"... 1:Members all present.. Treasurer:.• 'Norton's settement for Ala show-• ° 'ALI% I T R tT l'1' left • T the Mr Jno A Doyle of of thePakk• iu� iecoipts X169' 66 expenditure • I fever. w, r.': '. E. i0 ave , . ty . , e o.. o, _ r ' l . 2 1 • find. balance on liandr •• i• •. n ' House,' • had' a number of erntlelzsen. $,�,41.ti• F a the :Uraitecd.L�lrlyd�rc•£oi 11±aanlpeg on s , v , Satin da .. Who were att_endin tlr ' etirod'fst ' $96:34 was received and filed --Sex.- Mrs. . billeted at his. summer ton. Hbod's ieportifor'bray, sbew•ing 7.,` Tanner .zvas .'air town 1a Coilferpnce, 1) Ji�,r t. I , illi i p inst. `? :