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The Huron News-Record, 1886-06-16, Page 1
tr .lictiati1is;7-st.ga per !i►„!,agga.„tau Atl\•ent°. „L.1CORP V;ALa\'2' X.v .iZrL'f*tt1N(aYS, WU2'.8,ML IN •,Ztit12'#1'.Isvil:?, - •WIUTELY &4. TODD, PtibUslrei>I T CLINTON', HtJItO COUNTY, ON'T., W1 DNESDAY; _ VOL V'.�.��.,-�—NU, 2G. i JTJN�: 1�;Y•-�����• .� ,� ...-WHOLE N0,196 • Additional Zec;nlz;• Mn. Il. 13. knxtssuir has kindly 'consented to:run free busses to and Wisnllcan, of she paltu;o 1! ouso, is from the Hallett pic•nic.grountds. gat ','glome, ! -Env, Mn: Gleam and Slessrs, Joliet ];lean busses to the IT.'•r}11i tt picnic d�anst'oid and Dr, Worthiugtoal •are ,on the 23rd. attending the meeting of the Synod f Jui1op I.)o.yra passed :Brough. of the diocese of Huron, in London. 'Clinton, Monday, i •Ja ILSs' Cox, of P.oaters. Hill, had' . pit tree past fury daiys; t1, ,, tiler-' tate ribs broken anti was otherwise A. :iivonET 1i loquet atop, 'tire clo reit know which, is iron secl,to Clinton. Di isleyls corner k9 fi:'recl as the :Spite, . 21 •t ooil Stea,t-;-Dcfie:c Sron-41r: I, too, cioulcl tell:you'a'story, and one whiclihli.as never been told bo, fora,” said a respected :old gentleman as he rose in a public meeting the thea l ig Ct re funds were being, lrioi)ioter registered loss •than.'153 in injured, blit:noti •seril4 a 1rr, 61'3'01. ; tho shade. • . 'the antics of a horse, >A1Co day, • • more si.itivI a Har old mita infirm in+ mates, and that the cost of mainten- ance of each inmate per year, for last year, in Waterloo, was $41.71, including keeper and 9 of a family, T1 •• 145 arcs noes rn oolineotic wick l'lraxerloo Pour ]:•louse and the w1:lole cost, -laud and buildings was $ 26,000. .a, • - alio esttustes far the ouirent year subsen'iirevl to wipe she debt off the. atuount to $60,872.73, exclusive of church, "Over fifty years ago, there the egtuivalent to the Legislative Tim "RI l'wp t Savages" were Tru* r.ua '&.00',0 4onsoligia'ted 'beaten at base ba4.1, Saturiday.,;by tko shows aro billed for Clinton ou '`'Clear Grits'" Thurclay,•24th 'inst. The puttee ,of •R. AI.11,?io> vis re arecl to shingle adnikssxoil >is, polAlltur and tke.1:lioss. p r b 'town and ,contatry% , .t :least th.e 'notieos of a Hugh erase t•tuudreds of _thousands of shingles: • )!nosh a despatch'dated June 114, he has for sale' say ?re cap.-furniJh 'We learn thatthe a ''boom" town of them. • '\�'auoouver, the Pacific, terminus of the C. P,1,1. has been totally destroy ,i rour�l I�tl:trox 7'E�oi�lt&.—'riche Y 'regular :Alrnau d 'meeting of N. I'I, T, •e* .sy fire. Three thousand peolale - ,Association was • held at ljrussolti hwntoloss: last w,edlc. • Lt :* as a very inter sting A CLnvP3 . Di;ruTt•—M i Yohn :ailair'jud ung ;by the excellent re- •Beacom, the clever deputy of Grader- • i' trt wo have received, 'but too late lch township ;Inas evidently been Ito - •appear in this issue: . hitting the Gritbrothers of (oclorich ; Low • Faring • Kiri: 'n: 'o Hicut on the raw. They don't like john's IFiami) •1a{thGDIG;a —'1 wends'• wk ; talk. We should be sorry .for John• ' T y if the did...1 raise from them 7 4aii t tutilce my ictus fly, ct ailcd:tlta , Y 1:i; Ole •brotiaer.of �tlae,highsehool bill, would be .slander indeed. John "it , looks to • mre,'., replied A'Iuclred, a can Put mote eoininon sense into a 'as, though its caudal appendage's 5 minutes talk than the brothers can • ,vers diaproportienitto:to itsupe t- •into.'a'five column ;screed. 'The ar' -: ectal agree.' 'I ••don't think 'that's it,' roga0e of the brothers ,towards. one • • •saiil Jim '1titiuit it's tail' is too 'every way their superior 'can: only , aigh•t.' , create disgust in the minds:,•of those wh© know 1ilr. Beacom. • THE PEorr,r:s iVIeNE .—Tito• vii- :- lage of Midland' has giVei3:, 5,000 of '. Taos zu._ le'tte'r, dated Ditty 24jhi, a oontempl•ttcd okpeuclitere of $25,.:, and Written .b) Mr.- Hugh Mont . '000 on -harbor. •improyemonts and $ornery, late* :of that[ vicuuty, %but :$3,')00 for a grist mill:. Kincardine new of, I -I. • Y•,Attrillls Ridgewood luta Voted $6,000 , :for a . tannery, l Stock Flu.rn, Goderl,,��ch, the Drayton • '$ o , •Yidette' gives the fo�low'ng : We Norwich .�1..,OJO for a reign, hall, b , following . liar nary red for water 3*o}ks and hays smite fine stock Bore;+• and lo s..Quer grist innll• . 'give you tan idea of the value`of the, ,stock,I need only...ssay that•li�o had C. (LT.—MT. John. SMith,totin,. a sale of Shorthorns i 1 gag. 1.,. ,,l ..Sho orns. on the' 13t i . :was a delea te: to the • 1i<ib i•Gourt of ,ult., .011e CON selling for $3,250 and ?Forest'ers, 'tn '.session, at .Cha-thatu. • another.. f'or $3,206. The 3. head hast week. He had •four, votes, re- ,.2 ltresuuting•Cliutou and Iloliitesville, sold realized.:$1.:,000, and .sono. o; them v ' . till'.' Si -lath, though of'sniall j:aropor* were calves., this sale .tools ttons wets elected to the • office of place in Chicago. 1�. e 1ta ' onti cow II•i+►h•::Alttisluil; ''Tire uieiitiug lt'tts here':which cost $12,000.in Eng- i for Stills • And i118ti t land, but we have •boon unfortunate quite u „e a t ctive, enough to lose her calf <ea?i , and no doubt 'tl e' oresters m edea o ., ,�' ' �, „ she stelijjttti on itand killed it• geed choice in sending Ar Smith gas a .dolcgate, Co:d'. ICTroN .Qu:isixEn.-.=It' Mill bo i'trliT o.lzr*l; o A I] otrsn. ' Mr.: recolleetecl 'diet. sono thio ago Mr. h..'Campion 'appealed ��ealed on..behalf'of Smithson designed and hitilt 4 house • 11 • for Mr. 13 dilteeontbc of Proportions '.several'clients'who .l•ero: convfeted: 'T 1 , for violating tho Scott Ad. The yet.. what leas than- old. Noah s ark, Tatar of the appeals, ©els, ,fir all of lwhicli yet.. 'too • large to , permit of .being 1 p built in lits carpenter shop.. 'Itlt*as. we ,belioyo Mr.' Campion.. was sue= 1 l• cessful, ;,canto tip at the . General stationed ..til front, of ]lis sl►ole anti . , e w.l uld.0 t Tia Sessions, in Goderieh last' week some 'One io•Two o tre token , The a red hot stove : purloined•,'the house. ;the 'ease was Davis,.ys; Reynolds, • one night but returned lt. I oncla *.' and . the Conviction. lyes ' qu,tshecl:. lig. much: tothe relief J• And`,. we leain'frown tllo S1:)ectator' morns a, 1 e . lie. of a, that Mr. Gari ion is ainost as iibi-• Smithson • p. • ,lin Alinamin lArnni12 Cage • ,. quitous as "he is successful,•. for, hardly had-_the:Godeucll court ad The crop 'report hakes: thearoa of., 'ourned When i. e. find r'►n• g J v 1 t dsfond• spring wheat near) thie•StIme ais'last ung •a -suit in Hai illt Co v year -- about • 12,000,000 ' .acres. , o l ,' i ov, Coats s I el y, to set .•aside the• sale .o.f a .there is au inereasedaereha 1 clone- horse; and he .succeeded in h►avilig •strut of last years .breadth in.Dako= the action disrili aea s, d with costs. Mr. ta, >;a decrease ' in' Nebraska; and Campion, botli:in the counts of this 'small reductions •i.n Minnesota'and •co'u'nty Sand elsewhere; •.even when '1Visconsin. In,;tlie minor: spring confronting .the' biggest guns in,the Prot=into is:evicicutly�a more logical Wheat districts thero.is'a small ad-, :3 Vance; The condition of spall pleader than his veteran fellow wheat averages 98i `against 97 in citizen M. C. Cameron; is before •June •of•last 1}ear; %\'isconsin,,.07•;, the high'court o Parliament. 'Minnesota I9i6•Iowa 100•I Nebraska, :. • l J7 Dakota; 9� 1Vaisllfu'�ton tcrrit� 1,'nrlxo. rola ,Punta Vtix;="Tile cry, 100.. , A• Police -elft. istl•tte,•of Guelph, gave his decision in a, Scott -,Act case The Ft>•'•ry Yc,ius 1vlanrtt n.-'J'110Rev, violation of the : Act •a A was coulilittecl James and • Mrs. Stuart,. Of Toronto,' one tlto 24th of.May, on the ,occasion , • celebrated their' goldeu•\i+ediling last .of `the Odtlfellows' excursion. from• so Plage if' da . . Tillotbo examiiif (Sighed on b half of the Order), week. Clout rlimentar ' acldressos 'r , • trd in ]half ti day. .The illatijo.ihty of Yours frailly, l r Y * to onto.. J.heyheldapicnic off filo schools etre'm(ticin Were delivered by the Rev. `Thos:' It, g ,cred'it'able JaliL.Sc1Arclir,Tr, Secretary.., J tiliiliitiou Grounds" and had. t,o tuckers, : RS.,00ii1, O. Secretary. mar, 10 same was a Boor little boy,'living with itis, grant to' Public Schools, requires widowed mother, 'twenty -miles or st - rate of 8.10 Mlle on the dollar 011 from Uainiltou'On'tario. Tltrougll the the • ualiz it 'assessment, ao . the ' 7 �,. oq a ef influence of an acquaintanco, a. sit- county, ' nation .t was prrocureil fox hint in the Sclu9' 1 Inspectors iii their reports. city. He li(as bound to a.°trado' for' are to give the slates of their offlc�ial six years, they remunert�tion being visits tp schools, r. lifllytll. C; Uainilton, hatdivare inlerchant, left here ou Monday fdr Toronto. Air, P, Dally loft kora on•1V•od- nesday. for Hamilton fora few clays. Arr. Bollen Slater is: having a nice veraudah put up at his resid- • -once. , • Mr, R. W, Mitcheitieft.here on' Tuesday last' to,take a trip on . rho lakes. - ' • c..._• 7, :ood and olo.tlles. lie lad heti a • _ pillolvcasejall of chestnuts. These.SC)TI'!`H HURON L.:G, Ti. le lugged with hint to Hamilton, . .y and. on tlto saCliristmas following i , nal n h disposed of them to his .employer'; Tho -son a ann a esti gofSout and those' who. wanted them at 9 • Huron County'Oran;o Lodge watts•: djouts per lb* 'i=lip. ultra• 'brought convened in the hatI:of'L. 0.'L 710, hitt a sov,.eroign. Shortly afterward' Clinton, on • \Vedn�sday last, The hi It -I 1 -a meeting where tlaaq,4. County Master, ],Jot. Jbltii Scarlett, were raising fu"hcls 'to pay .off the' ' copied the chair, ,end I3ro'=i)agg, debt on the old ATethodist clt�arcl " of l3iiddulph, the deputy._ A fair parsonage on.' the Main • street. representative attendance,` lively chis- "All' can „•giv.e, something 1'y' urge 'nasions,•liilof;l)ports of the Grand the ininislclr. :"And Miter 11•ilh yeti: Lodge proceedings., • etc.,: ;nacre the give, my 1itt1e.boy g'' Tho lad pulled ,,Ilieeting instruetive and interesting._ out his .gold piece and Banded: it ;It" Urals with deep• regret' that over. It was all he had,and all he • mentbers letarnecl of the .continued expected to have for thnext half, illness of. Past_;Copnty Master; Bro. dozen yeiars. 'That boy was Mr . W, AV:,Connor. A-coniniittee 'leas Dennis Moore,. 11O S One 'at-Tie-fait.- ..toll's ot Iiami1- . ton's laagest. manufacturers,and hest. citizen's, who •since that.. tiuio has given-tliousn;rids towavcls clidrelt, pur• poses 'And sehelnoc•;;o.i' benevol'enoe• How many boys of the present clay. worilcl have clone :as he- did 1 The apitoiiited—l3ro E: Ploody,seorotary --=to. secure tile lottxest, possible rail- way faros and advaaitageous tonne'-' Cons on;the G. T,,P�„i:tatd" Western Division. • The coming :celebration at Exeter gives every promise of success. At the'annitai meeting last majority would have changed that Nutter a cl xilnl,ittee was appointed soverei nl and 'thought 25' cents ii to .procure •and• present: to 13r•o. WW''.. Pretty fair sized donation, under•tlte, IC• .x11 iirnoy*, P. C.' T., .on behalf. of •clrculnstanees, .and there are groli n the county lodge; ,0 suitable address up' pcaple-to-clay of the same *in an'd present, in recognition of his ion .past services' as.treitsurer. ' A'beau. 'tilul and 'expensive Bible—a very "su t ble gift ' wets the elmice'of the• C L II 'l o U z C C c.'nlinittee lt.s • presented. ted t? o h and Y 1 • following address -tread . Froth Irlspect:br ATiilloah's repel't fir. H: NIuit.'rlx' Es P:1- ivI: • Afessrs,+.Freoina71 and Watson, our cattle buyers,:shipp'ed a fine oaudoad' of cattle to Afogtrtial last week, 11Eown's. Belly &C Son sliipl od two. car'loads 4f their o}ce1Fent. flour to�. It 1ifl x, N`..$., last week " �' 'fliers is to' b a Union Pic-xii of theetlireo:S`und`ay schools of This • village in the,near• future; Our public schools: were''closecl. on Thursday and ,•Fridayrin con= sequence of the teiiohors, leaving to attend a convention in 'Brussels.- 11ld§srs. Grilles, Mitchell and Iax- well, member's of the `illyih Strang Band, attended to the musical rota quirements'at tho'Orange picnic iit•' ,JJonnybrook, on Thursday last. • • ]1;Ir.-John. Gosinan arrived• here, from Hensall,. where he is working, on. Saturday to. spend Sunday with his 'rfe and family. Ito returned again on Monday, i. Our, collector :of poll and dog tax is on his swe,tfud t hat 1 total receipts for ' Dear Sir anct 1310.,�v'Ve. tltememt bers ol; the Orange .Cannty Lodge of South TT#fron, iritll .tylion you have been •associated for many years, .feel. that ,we: cannot 'alloy the•'preseet opportunity to pass witliout express-' tug our high . appreciation of your valuable serviees,to our. Order in this county in .the past. • • sliool ;;1iurpoiiie in rii., riding the' •past, year were 52,395 7. • There aro 8,3.71 pupil •ancl 1.29'•teachers.•. `Tile average Ont per pupil is .$5.G6. Total cost of`teachers.salaries•$47,- 399,57.. The cost per pupil ea a.rule• is reatel littoiti�liipsthan in•towns and villages.'' UV -lowest lowest cost or a pupil is.in,131yth,$3.51. Ili Seaaforth 'it:. is '$3.79,: ill Winghain 13russels ,$5:30, Clinton $4.61: • • 'The,, f'gllowing is .Mr. Mfiilloch'sxeport :- • I have the ,Honor tory suhinit•, my annual.report.•of the schools in the inspectorate of, East l;Iuiron for.1885, 'end .in.' doing so, •contue myself chiefly. to a, statement showing ' the. total ;receipt's and ,expenditures of each inunieipality, the. ainotint Haiti for teacher's: salaries, nu:tub'er of pupils entored•on•tile various • regis- ter's, average cost per' pupil for sal cries, number of teachers•omploved, etc. During the yotr.I examined *every 8'011001 in the inpectorate, •and a large' number of thein twice, but erring to •ill -health was unable 'to take then all a secoud'tinio. I may state, that, as a general rule, I take twe ch.eols a day, Owl no more than the number under, any eirenin-. stances. ' In some cases nave taken oiily one,. when the a1tendanee vas You have always been foremost in .the work and willing to', do'anythiug In your power to advance the' best interest` of the.Qrder...Ia this your course has been' -most exemplary; and in your walks 'of every day life you have been a credit to• our. institu- tion. • ,,.� ` • Dnring the years' you occupied`the positien of''county treasurer, you raised the finances out.of : a state of bankruptcy,; and then places them. on, 'a good sound 'feotirig, a fact' which the members .of the County :Lodes have not failed to recognize: We therefore ask you' to accept. this Bible as a tangible proof of our approoia- ation of your valued worth and services to our institution.:• Study well the:precepts therein contained, for in tlieru•is eternal life. We trust you may long be spared to assist in carrying on 6tir ..noble work, and • at last when death shall sever tile bonds of unity with your brethren Here be- low mayyou'uiuet in that great grand lodge above,. presided oyer by The Great 1 Am. , With best wishes wo axe; doral larotlier•,. • • . '.Lowry ,and the Iiov. 1). J. Mardon- fresluuents for sale in •tile , main EX: 1lrogresa particularly 1w11on nol. 'Thu former pert•onned' their lribitf lel1I un tot sot d la1 J Dais in tl marriage ceremony fifty years ago, when the ,1lov, Joseph Lowry, ' of Iowa, (also a guest on this.oceasion;, - ; was .present: ltov.Mi'. Stuart i'e- caiived.. his early • training in' the Royal College,: Belfast,' Ireland. IIe wast cduoatocla• feu,' the ministry of the Presbyterian Church. In ..1,p33 ' •lie married lIrugaretta,'• a daughter tl g„ ">ofthe iatllr a sl e. tl c ivtt e ([��i i ed Rev. b 7 - Rev. ,i'obi. Lowry,. of Upi e Clan- aures,. e.ounty Tyrone,. Ireland. Ho • emigrated to Canada in 1847, and 's labored successively ns a minister of the Presbyterian Churcli.of Can- ada in connaetion with the Church • of Scotland,• in Frampton, (due., Markham; "i\Tawaliosh, and Wood- :stdclr, Out. Their faultily consisted on ; ]3ulldlug.' They • brought soctioli. • ' In eeous where .there 's• a dray -load. of Tat or beer tvitlt thotil Juot• Toitaasen. • g a constant "change of teachers rue Tiros.: Coonan; C. Treas. . J. DAoa, D. of Cur. fi'onl Toronto, and this�was disl.lens- Lal the no less is not so satisfact- Ilio. Muruoy repined in feeling Y l ed with the other. refreshments, but . money was•i►ot accepted for the beer, it being proeui:'a1,1ct'olily ou presen- tation of la ticket. 'T'hese ticicotswere-. easily- obtained . tor nothing from mem bon'of the older, aiicl a sufficielit: nitm'ber of thou. woke presentedclur- iiig the. clay to empty some thirty,. Legs: The License.: Inspector was. on' the grounds, ,.and had sovoral: • tickets given him. ' Oil *Setting, one he obtained a, glass: of boor and o, drain' it:' A 111U11bur of persons seen' drinking were summoned ns witnes- ses. "Too court room was crowded during the ,hearing of the ease and a considerable amount of ' interest of nine children, four of whom died.. was taken in it by both Scott and in infancy;. One, the Illev,.,John'T1 anti'Stlott Act paries, The magis- tstuiart,formerly minister of St: trate delivered a lengthy judgment, G Arklew s (,1it11ob, Trenton, died in i11 which lie'held that an exchange Florida in 1881, The others taro 'done -commodity of value for on - Rev. Jos., C}. •Sfuavt; of llaldersnil, other commodity lead taken Ont., Dr,' W. Theoph flab Stuart, of Igoe ail ho y T + c Toronto, Mrs.-Stsnbur wifo'of. l) �:. p ' Convicted J gale •fa illho, } It Stanbnry, of Bayfield, -Ont,, and 'llliss Florella Stuart, - andordered him, I1 1 f01• this OlienC ,e, .being the first, to pay a lino df $50 and costs," - :! ,, g , cry.aas 1s to'130 desited.:.1)uring the :.year a large number of- •candiclates wrote at 'the Entrance Examinations for admission to the High schools of tiie'vioinit; ,'andl' a. very fair propos 'tiers was successful. About 240 earn- didates:have signified their intention, to write at the approaching examina- tions .x.11 July: his is, of itself, a good evid'enoe ort' the interest taken in educational piogrosas. • The total equalized assessment of. townships is $30,7.08,488, of 'towns andvillages $3,050;250.=33,818,- 738, The • estimated expenditure for the euvrent year is $05,557.71,. less $3,192.21 from Auctioneer and lioc1 tilers' i.ioonses, etor • • The PooriIouse Committee found from corresponding with the 'i'n'ks of York, Middlesex, Waterloo • and Wellington. - That n shall farm .is r i' hat' o .one u t ala than a more 0 ofit b tl that a flow building, 'while not 'so' ;imposing, Cos a high atruettlre, . }s terms, expressink his determination to; be in thio future, •as - ie. ltat l en• ,deavored to bo in the -past, a-staauncli member of the Orange Society, • lie intended 'to store no the gift as.(a treasure and would hand it 'down, through► leis child en;,to 'unborn gen- erations. , Resolutions • by. Pros. Crooks, l)agg and Todd, -with"reference to the Irish home Rule Bill, and the .Biel debate fit' the Canadian Par- liament, were •unan mously passed- lira%let, Mr. T. S, 7?~ilty who has been tailoring. at Uxbridge, for the Hast few months; is ai; peasant visiting his litanyfriends in this vicinity. 111MitltLtGI S, 11380---11AXXA.,-OnWeclrros,Tay 2riil' • ,Juno, at the resialeueeiof trio l7aides father.. by Rev. ,T.• T. Parke, . Robert tit a1h tan' second son of Cleo. Giliqon, of 1+,, Witrvaoo4h, to' lilt's ltaty • dliuta, eldest danglatoi of thigh Manua, • ]%'l., of ltirrri'i i • • rounds ltiultiug lip ; all lovers 'of the canine to pay a sum to the funds of- thio corporation for , their lutiury. • • • Goderioh township was burned Wed•• nesday of last week. Insured for , • $300. Loss. double that ai'nount. 11Ir, Bohn Hunter, of the, Huron: road, hard two sons rn. ai'ried recently, Ono, 'William, at Virden, Man., to. Wsa A,linie Deane, and. at Gederich, Johnj,r., to Liss Jane lierr,.Laught- , • or 'of; -a• former ponilar grocer: of Go<eich. i..• - .. '�Suna>lierl►itl.,; ,. Ir.. II. Murphy loran his fool; • against -tine tine. of a pitchfork one day weelefand is consq,,c�tuently' • ;laid up. ]vIr< T. Alcllveen s haru., ie fast (iv- - prosclltllg' �CompJi tion Viand . when : done its ,construction will isiifloct talddit 'on 'the tonLrabtor, •,Mr. C. B .dcom • A gang' Of' 111011' llal'e been busy - • 'all 'l eek at the railroad bridge gett 'road ' " ' '• the cioinpany intend putting stone•abet- inents to the'bridge shortly. George- Carc1'uft; 4111 con., Morris, sold his colt to hia.neighbor :last,'n•eel 'or• $100 ;' it was only • .three'day"s old;wlien,.pnrchasecl. It was, s'rsd-liy..r. ''I'. Carter's. "Kon- Star?' } } 1. 1 tricky iJfal 1, ood will toll.' It• is thti• intention of gilt towns - Man, Ml 'J• T. Carter, to give.a set bf nice single harness as , a prize, at • D\ming the tlgtnideastorm • on \Vediiesda •$.event:; •itirge • elm treo iu llrl T. MiIlvecaa' bush was stritick li 0,ightniiig all shattered. ,The sb: elf arouses}'' tire, neighbor. " hood i• ; •ett . 1 t '8 1� ti VO .style. ,1 ;3u � Y M;.•Fra ri€ Seotjy'of London tp.,'., ---._ who'haC:lbeen Vl lung EL lli1L Chas..• Lovett's .for ' a ow days,' le for hone on Mondry the14th 1 last. Y Mrs. Geo. Tyner, of 'Be grave, ' daughter of. Mr. • Chas, Ldve t, sr., • spent a week with: the old folks at lioine and with her many. ftionds.in this aleighborllood. Mrs. Conger and son,'rof Oregon, U. S,,, are visiting the'foiniet's sister, Mrs. John 'Wright, of the Vase line;"4 near hero.- ' • : . r,0 East ��'aiVitll'artlsit.• I?,oad,. work is. iii full :blast rotmcl' bore. 1Fawai osh isfalways 'ahead. . .The infant son ofiF'Mr• son died on the dull inst. *� . 4r. \Valsll hacl••a larg' 1y attended raising. on.liis •farm last:Week. ' 'Mr. •Greenwood• has jay Prize krill on leis farm and is. meeting .. i i $ ne'etlna �t lth great success.. ' • . , Mr; Salt, 'of Clinton, li:as..visi tug, fora fete days among his' friends in- • flits vicinity. • 'Tho church. at • Mr:' Hoover''s in-'' toiid:hohding their aiitiial picnic ou the 23rd of .this liiouLb., • T]ie wife of Mr. J. 13radwick lire- •:sented hint' with a clabiiglater on, the 7tit inst:' :4;'•• 1r. David Anderson • who bad - 'boon .boon sial. wick; consumption, 'passed: ' away on Sammy, aged' 24 ,years, and 101imnLils.. . • , • • Arr. J.: :Carrot is 'now malting: ready'.to tat a foundation under itis' 1 barn, Air. 'Walsh haivin;, the con • tract ofbuilding the wall. 'There was a. largely atteiidecl •li,a11 given tit. ]ie corner'',farin on.'tho.3rd: •,. con.' and' after it \vas ,over AIi, T. A. W. led some of his select friends to the house; on: lot '35,'as'the sedate . parents Were away.• • Iut-llo was too late as' J. 13. was •bef.o e' hila. IJ:tai luck Tommy. . our next agricult}ial sho• w, for ;the • best "KentfeckyStar"spring' o,oir . ,TAhn is a lever. Of'good 'stock, • 11r°essi's, Gray, Young 45' Spar/lug;.i salt• manufactures of this village, aro putting in a new kiln for nitik- ung dairy salt. The: kiln was liar- ebasoej. frotu Chrystal • and Black; Goderich. • • The Iiighit Rev. Bishop \\ *I, i, of London will administe>, the' Sacra= merit of confirmation ,ia Lho Molnar Catholic Ciliaroli on -Saturday next, to: a large number of eandidates:•- It is -expected tho .ehtircli , will he c'rowdedtd witne'bs tlie-ceremony: ,• Rev. J, F.. Parke;. left • koro on. N oliday to attend' lite. Anglican Synod which is boilib helcl.•in Lon-, don this week 'in consequence., of which there grill bo no Service in the English ohuroh ori Sunday next the 20tH inst, Mr. Jonathan Etlligh lies disposed of.liis'grocery;business to'Mr, John Morgan of Colborne: Mr. Mtuzroe, of• Auburn is busy taking stock: 'We are glad to hear that Mr. Mor - (tan has secured the-ablal, nssishuilice of Mr. G: i -I• Rou-ecl its clerk. "'""'°' t1 very large:number of delegates was"'.n attendance at Mer1'i8''l)istriot 1... 0. L. meeting on Monday; at the Orange 11x1'1: Several eiandidates re calved. thq Scarlet degree. lu the evening.' • O. L. 9G3 held'theirregular meeting,' it being the only ono before the celebration` of the 121,11 of July: The captain and lieutenant of the Salvation. Alam*, after having been With ua# about six months, -take their departure this wool:•, Thy. hatso boon the Means of doing'. sone goon: It is to hs hoped that. the text 0ncs Will bp:_as,suecessftil. They' heave, been uery :gamest workers.. • *Tlie' prisoner Arthur Wyatt, of Mullett, charged with .rape bra the 'laughter of Peter Corbett .was brought up 'before their worships Messrs, Young and . MelKinnon, on Wotiuosday afternoon last, in the. Orange hall, After • hearing the evidence against the prisoner, thby doeid'ocl to coultnit, flim for trip, Constable Sborritt lauded hien safely. in the Goderidi gaol the 80lne eve- ning. - , ,. C ndlerielf 'J OWf10110 Plio'ladies of 51. Stophon'a church, Godorich township, will hold an ice eraanl 811'1 strawberry festival nil n, r the ..4111 last. at which hucl ia•.. hope 7 1 e 0 e 1 there will be iti laart;e•nttendainco, - Tlle barn' of ste, Tri Cooko, of Uolutesvillie.- ' Mr. «'ui; Crooks attended count ' last week as juror at Gocloricli. ''ll:rs. D. 'Webster of Ltickno':,.is visitiug'ller uncle; 71r. J': Coiliick.; \V.fn. Crooks and G. A. Ca1bick•. attended ., the recent:. Conservative . conventionat Godericli. The -weigh scales •are n w finished and Viii working order, :. Mr, J': L: Coni'tice is the .weigh master; • ....The - Godericl) - District Orange Lodge will will meet at'1lolmesvillo on Saturday noxt,..:.i9:t1i Junes, at 1 o'clock pati. Matters of fiuport;anea require a full attendance: .isiting 1 ', • b,tclhatall ilivitetl. ..13�y olcle•1 of the. .I)94riot itilststor,. Mrs. Lobb, relict :of thio late Geo..1 Lobb,.' of the Maitland eoneessiou, passed away .to join the 'silent woe jority, after an illness of four daj's -or. intl:unmotion of the longs, Siio died at the residence of lion son-in- law, Mr. 1). Baer,' Colbornoi It•.r funeral sermon was preached, by :Rev. Mr. Bill's, in the llolinesville church, She 11at1 reached the ag) •of CA years. • 21.r. 1',uticknap died :here on Sat. tlyday inoriling last, aged 76 ycitts. lie lied ]Tedi living hero 30 years. Ile leaves a widow: „1118 cllil,lton ai•e grown 1111 al :away, Ho had several papa�l �•t'c strok �s and died 4fvom „otitho-uets of 0110 received on the Thursday previous to his death. l)accasod always took a deep iota - esti11 religions 111attor8 and waw';1 • .100.11 ji'roacllor and class lead''r,: 110 'WUainttivo England, •a' t ofltlatlil. +• l t lu.a l .e . k ' k. 11 0 11 1 b. � n l�a-I1'I;l' i 11„ Y i,i ,at + .Rttl;1y.1110inilt��",•