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The Huron News-Record, 1886-06-09, Page 7
• NEWSPAPER LAWS . We .call the epeeists attention of Post Haste's mid subscribers to the follotwiug lyltopsfs of the newspaper laws; - 1 --A postmaster is required to,give 'noti ,,nr Li•;r"rsit (returning a paper does . trot (tuswer the law) when a subscr1bCr ¶iOAs out take his paper alit of the office, and state the moon for its not being take%. A'ny llegleet to do so malcc4 theposttnastet : tesponsiiile to the publishers Pr 'pa mean. .2--Tf any psraun. Cedars his paler die• Soutinued, 1'le Must• pay e11 arreal•ages, of .the publisher -play continne to send it r 'until payme t. is inatle, • . el collect the Miele amount, whether jrPo taken from the ollee or not._ Thew met 9,re no legal ti1$eeiil�inila•fee, itntil the pe yidiCn£irifiale. 3 -A,ny person who takes ii paper from *the lioet-otifce, whether directed to. .leis came or aeotifer,. or whether be has ub- scribed or not, is responsible for the. pay: 4-Ifa subscriber orders bis peperto.1 ? Steppe,t at a certain time, and the . 11blish- er colrtinttes to seed, it the subscriber is bound o pay for it if he takes it out of the post ea This proceeds upon tile groiinil that a min t}tust pay for what he uses. I' 0 Ft I' In the Diviaioii;Ctoiu•t in • Gode)•ieh at the Nnvmnber sitting a newspaper pub. halter sued far pay of paper, The defend- ant objected paying on tido gmmid that lie . hall ordered a former proprietor of the Met. to discontinue it, • The Judge bold that that wits not a valid defence. The - plai idtnif the present pro�'trietor,. had no. notice to discontinue and consequently :could collect, although it was. not denied • that • lefendantliad notified former pre.- • Meter to discontinue, In any event • d.Cfe/idetitAyes hound to pay for the time 'be hadreceived theaper, and until he had paid all arrears dueler subscription. • 13LACIC. DLTNCAN 0"THE • • COWL AND CLAN • GRIGOR. ' P Wha hasna beard o' Sir' Duncan l 1 • Campbell., or 'Black' Putman o' the i :cowl, as he wore .Commonly, ca'dl j 4. 1e lived about twa hunner years .' • 'sync), at a place ca'd Balloch t House, , • in Perthshire. • At. that tilts there was a.cruel and binidy'law in force against the bau1c1 and Royal Clai •. • Grigor;. and they were pein' hnntit ' like the pairtricks on the 11i1113lhat. the eporltsman gees .in. quos o' wi' clog and gun.. It Duncan ,weiteila jist the bitterest' o' their foes, it was: .clear he wasna the . warmest o' •their' for ch them andl•1 illi Erten he cat t a u c 1 I. s 1 • theni • wherever he coi'fd• lay ha11's., on tho}n,.by.every. kint.o''treachery• and izljustiee,. ,• ' • • • • There lived at the time, in ti.. place's oa'd'`Dttran, in,Raonoeh, A chieftain ,• or the Clan Grigor... Altho'" his fol lowin' \ieas but• sena', it' baulder or.: Blair •trepid .lot never drew blade b r uu all' ant• out rca bo d. ...Sir •D c s ' for this MacGrigor; beseoehin' him • in the naist ftastterin'' uiicl'•courteous Ora 'to c0lne• atl' i see 'Mtn . Mae- . Grigo''s. fri..n's, bele'' Wool'aware o' j1.•• Sir Duncan's wily and 'treacherous. practices, pled, on him to stay awn', Ihut MacGrigor \+'Hdna hear tell o't, iu case that he sliould:be stigmatised a Cooartj.an' •awa' he set, takill' him auChteon of'tbe strongest o' his igen, for the heist• paint his ain nearest and dutifu'est r latio s. • :Just as. they •ivere • cle'teendin' :Knock Drumain, ~,what div they see • but an tuld man bletharin' awn' to a mucklo •groy Stan() that stood by the roadside, and,' for:.that matter, that start's there at the present clay. • Curiosity led them 'US gang ower till him.; .but find a word Gau.hLthoy'get' out o' hien but these i -'I'11 tell'J, to the grey shine, it • Will is After ',they had putten it t'o him, tlury gut for ha answer at last :-' When Clan Grigor .saes the Mack hull's . bead a-lntttiu' on the.td,ble, lei theft look to theinsols,' • •'Ni'tbttt lie rouse lfimsel' all. When the M,teGJigurs lioard.thi3, they put their heads the- •either as to what it we G best to lao. The feck o' tht'in wore for. ',bruin' back; but the chieftain s.tid--`11utn back:! na, Iia ! Lot every Ivan dice as 1 dtie, and there'll he nae fear. o' us.' On thssy mink and by-and-by .the yyneedled the castle. • Bieck. Dun& lna to fen 1115.00 Wttl'k I1 Jtit: ' Seeing hitt, ,pie whin but he Was sae plcasontand swoettonguet. I e:took MacGrigor `himsod'..astde, •tin' said tl}at,•as he had important business wi' him, he had arranged for them to talc' their dinner in a 'room by their vols, and the lave to talc' theirs in ilnitllor. 11 lnauna gie in to drat;' said AfacGrigoi'. • ''They're. a' frien's and relations I ,hae wi' ine, all' ,tvaclnn clan the like far the wait' Sir Duncan said ane oleic,' Slimily before the table was set, the • A•lacGrigors saw a thing or lava they (liiltia .creel like, They .saw airluit men. in twos and threes sueal;;iil' to- wards the .louse, They tauld what they bad seen to their Chieftain. 41goier bother yersols . about that,' said he, `Dae ye as yo see ale dao. When yo sit, sit ilk 400 o'ye Weide It Citrapbell; keep yor e'o on me, an' }nils to due as 1 dao.' The men 1"rix•' I.•s,tye and Plans. 111 r. ITe'ir' Lrnub. Of Ilich3; ee. N.Y., art • • 1 the fol owing pr'zes.1' r es nes to the l•ltbli • genernlly. 1'er•hani some of our reader would like to comp>'tet• 1. The Hann -try can• clitinns and n^eeisities of Scheel hOlises nisei Relied: life, one prim, $V10; 2. Tito prevent. able reuses of dfcaae', injney MO death in. Atuerl'•'ttt mnuufactori''s and wo kabopt. all l the b ni •alis and appliances for rrevent- ng anil avni,lin•r them, one pries, • $510; 3. Plans for dwelling houses -(a) 11. plan for a it a:l•'ng hoaao not to..Teems in Cott, exclusive of cell tr. $v,'J) (imit,ai: first, $209: settond, (s100; third, $30; fourth, $':.3;) (h) A plan foe! a ,swelling bonne not to exceed . in rest, iii- cltrdlin'rthe 0 Isar, $1.00.) Imams: first, $200; seron4. t,100; third, $.iO; fourth, $23,) Ac- commorlat'ons to be, provided -for fanil1Je9 consisting of five persons. All essays and plaits for the above pr zee west be in the hand= of the secreta i y, I)t. D•ving A. Wat- son. Concord, N. H., on or before Aug. 15, 1630. ' , did e'en as they were tauld, an' i MacGrigor hbasel' eat on Sir Dun. emery -loft hall.'.. Everything gaud aff weel enough till towards the hin- 12er en' fe the feast, when an unto reeshlin' was heard on the outside o' tho'ohaumor. 11IaeGrigor drew his dirk and began to out the fishmeat Ivl't. His followers did the sanie. 'By Martin, said Sir Duncan, 'but they's Norse knives ye lute there lads.' ' `Course tatweell,' answered AlacGrigor, 'they can cut bittooko, an', if -need. be dauds,' At that moment in . cane the black bull's head -Th signal which let the Camp- bells underston' that the time hitd arrived to begin the massacre, In It tri'inl;lin' MacGrigor caught Black. •Duncan:by the trapple and p'aced his dirk forenonst 'liis broist. Ilk itne .o' the 11I' acGrigors did the like.. ,Ir in weal rare, Sir Duncan,' said MacGrigor, 'that yor kin's strange,. than mine, but I've the uliper hilt` o" ye the day; stie.yo isatin e'en gang'. we ilio. Tak' every Mae his man, lads.' ' When Sir: D1ineatd ' sap what held happened, he' siouuct to Isis men to remain quiet, When near ,the ferry of .I';.enintirc the Mao - (rigors lot every Campbell o'' thein elf ante 'by ate, excepting Sir.Dun can. ,Milli they 'rook to .the top o' a`n' briontain, whero AiaeGVigo i addressed him thus -`.Deceiver, din : 000art 0' cooarts 1 * y e're neo 1n the • power o' ALaeGrigoi , but to shot ye that ye'ie' no. to .he compared til kiln gae Value, bout"! s5.ir Dnnealt answered hae .truly, dune, AlacGrigor, what 1 diuna deserve . sae bide ye till I send a messenger to' ye, Trao the. castle ; it'll bo muckld• roe yer profit.'' In a 'short. bine :tt• messenger Cana' \vi' a protection iii the' Kiuo's 11.0, MB. to' tiro_ MltcGrigoi all his men,' 'along:wet a, .1?arse o'' • a 'gored. Fine' that . day f'orr t • Mae- Grigor' Was nae mair 0)clleatit, • Tralxalated.by: MALCOLM 11I.OFAB=. *Literally; •liaitowofacoward.' 1' layuiOath. .:..• . A WORD:'10, THE' GIRLS. • Courting is .a eifectiv'. ri ei • P 1 P p;:. ,thing; but it 'should be confiuecl to the parlor; 'the sitting-roonli,tlia ice - •cream •.saloon, or the • m'oo.nli h.t proinenade. :If you cannot hold jrou' beat, young ratan in Otho good 'old way let hlln go. • There are plenty of good''feIlowshonest Poli lows, tiplight' fellows -tel he had if you' oil y :manage diose properly Tho •low light in the •Itarlor, the. single chair, the goad -bye at the -door; are still as. effective as they . Were ,100: years ago. D'en't try to Multi the young met against then will: The • more you do th it the more they won't, be Melts, ' If they 'appear . to grow cold yon should ppear to grow colder. 1l' they ap• !Piny to. grout careless of you,. you should appear' to grow more careless of therm «hen they relent you Should relent, wheit'•They soften you should soften, when they :ask for- givnness', you •should folgiro, when they --belt. why pursue it? . There are th'otiaands of young men len. t0= t, l d who (night be had for the' asking, but since you dannot ask you ctiu' at: least lat.. 'lint if; after all the dovices'.of your text -have been ex- hssuFlted, you still. fail to nebiov'e the itlesiroll cud.,. Don't waste time in vain regretting, Do not sigh yotir•-vduth away. • Go and look up another youug.ntnii. • Ninety -111110 times, out' of a hundred you will .be till the happier for hav- ing missed'nt the first or second or Wen' the third trial- • T00 MUCH GO UETLN G'IN TIIB (CIHOII{,s' : - 'gamma,' said a Philadelphia girl, '151n not going to sing in our choir any more,' 'Have yon had any trouble with any of the girls?' To, nut; but the other, girls have beaux that sing in the choir, end W11011i they sere coni'tifg tlllring the sermon it snakes rue feel lone- some. I'll resign if they don't lei. Charlie sit with sue. .. . - Mesmeric Mold writin:. Some Freneli professors have made curious experiments on the hanilwriting of person, in the mesmeric state.. It varies with the sate of mind of the subject. and is quite un- like his. ortlivary writing. When a mesmer• wed person is told that ho le Napoleon, and asked to write a letter, be writes one, in a •hen•itvriting entirely different from his own, in which a graphologist easily recognizes the' sixbs,of a certain meutel state which ise;cn- orally slionosed t•, have been that of Napo - !eon; when told th'tt ho is a miser, he writes in a clove. Shorts economical handwriting, ill the way nrisrre .write, according to granhol- wrists; .as a peasant. he writes in a drawling, ugly hand. The conclusion drawn by these trentl"melt is, that grapho'ory is n; areal Federico, and that •its, main' features_are cor- rect, generally speaking. • Mealth• of Women. Gritiluntas. • Ile Carroll D. Wright, the statistician, • conservatively "sums nls up" ethos:' "Tt is suf-• fictent to say that the fp'male"gracluateS'ofour eollcget9 anis univer sties to not seem to Show,, as.the result of them: College studies and clti- cies, any marked difference in general health from the average health•likoly to be reported by an equal • number of women engaged in. other kinds of worse," .• • Facts of interest., The Burmese ani Siameseare expert Mental workers. ` Carp ean'iotbe shipped later than ]lfareh.' The young fish cannot endure it.. • . T''�tnre.are rich new gold urines in'Asia..on thti• f;itir,.ese tank of the Amoor river. • • -.13terinareeie ahead of the rest of the world' fti'] u'ttiting sueeessfui electric railways.. - lhe' United States fish coremirsion are • stocking the great lakes with white fish. China is.aboltt,to have: a great .system of ra}lways.extendin; throughout the empire. Pi-ores:or. Edward' Hopper has di'coveied that bumble bees possess a remarkable inem • For Several weelea-aiter death the muscles andergo slow alternate Conti actions . and elongations. • For ordinarylightbon=a illnninatton Min- eral oil is hest: • For great distances and int ,. nortant and dangerous Points, however, eloe:- ••tdiolightin is the proper thing. • The:Gardeners' llfagazin'+)irorounces'over-' rea a cgran .ices i. eons u • qua o L- • the achievemeiits of.tnodlern science, and an apotheosis of Vo.ctovil (3,t ugiinoss.' . .the Biological-soetet;r eb Wasjiingtonre- eentlybecatne intonsely•.wro;tglit ali":over the question whether the ulna; can also move ideways when it supinates and pronates. • In the matter of electrical domestic. liglit- dng England is in attvanee of us... The British Tse elle ineandeseent or glow help i• nl;toad of he abs light for separote•`hotise Iighting. It (s s aitne•1 that the dynamo now infuse there i one-third the price that it had; been at first,. has tri r t it'i 't e t hat As use plena o . alta s h most.. perfect existing converter of cneijgy. '• • M rU1ll© Clitttire¶i's Fashtons.. These Kill (riot change very. greatly this summer. Little girls will . continne,.to wear Winch •white; with embroidery dirtd'1sce. There •will'be redingotes'aorn•with plaited or gath- ei:edskirts. I andsoine antipouvonient dresses :aredntado iii one-piece princess form. • • • rs tO 1' 2 rl�. �. ' Eig,_1 isa'ohild's dress of red sateen; trim- inertwith white embroidery. Skirt. is it • plaits, having a vest ti:ont, of ernb'roidery,` which ettde under a clasp ad belt of the sateen; jiu.ket, lbng,Jronts, stiofet back, the front edges trimmed evith white. lace -battens in clusters; donee. and cuffs of 'embroidery. I•'eur yards oP sateen, cite and one quarter yards o' tebroitdhFed edge, three yards -or 1n 3- seyeat?triiRsngtlw.ds'mple linte dress for girls'd to it play be 0f any calor, or material to snit the testa , The: stockings and r he cheek • o: thegAi,sis•mditch In color the ribbon of the ease and t),iutnhtg. Gsrls of ell sized wear both princess dresses and rednt 0tes. Tbcre a:'e %anions ways ;of lniticiug he ralingo`dia, When they consisa of a Waite pari: olidform only a vest ht front ' they•dhen have rather the ell~:ct of a jacket. teen diet of • a re.iiigow. Long weirs deo often plain, With billy a fancy collar or a ,ioui,lu's ow of buttons down the boat. . The sash/nay be tied hi this nark, or a blas. sash )s tasiottrl to cement} the place Wham the waist and airfare, joined. Loa„ aunts are ti;s,tfit,ilt; 111 tlid In cit al tt n Citi.. in from' ovilr`reps,ftbs„ or dt Res; 't t l i ease of satrap. They 510 i0. ,e al,o p. • eatt s.sat', with sr, guts ete,l r hentierto d: a is dight res ar. Ode li't .t'si diese.t4 :11 •.. • • 10 n -'i..' V10•151.. tons it. lb sinria• .v:,t •,,>, ts.l ia, ' r v.. t: celestes aid . iteitt, -et 1•. '1 Is • rs 1••t 4,9 rdk)• heels ei'aul•'ts 'J1 ; . „I, r • . ,nd 4nolt.i1(,rd of eerie,.: wit It eta a.: d, , ,,t' tell s'uloea, ana:paroidtlarty In wane ane Dail e, are to beextensiyely used for little gills' dressee. When dresses vire of etamine i>t oralwork or embroidered, the skirt only requiresbee deep flounce over a colored silk liur,.g. The jacket has two square bastpie ends in the back; 'which fall over a large faille hew, It only closes on the upper part and hens in twa long mantle ends. The Ramekin vest :is of surah. Name polonaises for little girls havo sharp pifute1 ends. When these are in netttt'ai. or ,lark Colors they may bo worn vt•,th say •,.h•s, Jelsey suite continue to en-• Say' favor overall others for every -clay weer. .1 There is also to he seen a ntlt ibci' of sailor and Brotou dresses. Tho lett 'r are of striped woolen goods intended specialty for this'ru'- pose. Some cloaks fur little girls'Itave five C i1ilJll{131 1/ 118I;C'i'OR7i . 41. Paut's Church.--serviees on Sunda • et 11 1n. ilei 7•pppin. Bible Class, 10 aut. �unda\ Rev. WfttlAal. C)t.tw II. Do Hector S,P Itattenbute Street efsitteidist,--$errtees atlo-so a. m. sad 7,00 P. M. Sabbath School at 2.80p. m, herr, Alrt, Ruffen, r, Pastor. Canada Presbyterian.- Somites at 11 a.m. anal 8130 0. In. Sabbath Ramo], 2,30 P. 01. Ittcv ALEX. Ii'(EWtIIT, 1 dtbtol. Ontario Street Methodist,-•Services:ltt,io;30 a. 1 mR and 7.00 p. so. Snbhatit School, 2.30 •p,m.•. Rsv. tv, W, Srnatwk, Pastor, >;aptist Ohureh,-Service at 0.80 p. to. flab bath Scheel. 3.30 p. tn. slew J. Sisa r, raster. BUSINES8 DIRECTORY r. • 9cbool, 2,30 ,tn, , Se le 0o Wednesda • 8 and six capes. For babies' use time/. Cloaks ^---^-- _ ----== are Horde of white pique. 1aaltitD. Little Boys'. meet. Fra. a FIG. 4. Ing. 3 is a favorite.Rngllsh walking or out._ door dress for a boy: -In.EngIand; however, .the boy would wear over his stocking tight • black leather gaiters buttoned up to meet the short trousers at the kneel In our climate, in manner 'such gaiters would be very uncom- fortable. The whole suit is glade of dottier 'velvet, with 'cloth or velvet cap to, match' for co• •l weather • The cape w ith• the hood is an ,imitation of the French.military cloak, and is stylish, _For Warm:weather the cape, may be lei off and a straw hat substituted. ' The . trousers are gathered . in at tbo bottom just ,below the lame by an elastic band sewed on the inside, Tb blonso closes diagonally, and a leather belt' is wenn The cape fs lined wall sill. „ • . In fig. 4 is'seen another pretty costume for a boy. of 5 to 7. ' It le• in two pieees, jacket and trousers, Thi pieces that resoluble a vest :rent are set on inside the. jacket. The vest fronts are fastened with flat gold 'but- tons, •. The jacket has a: sailor collar, ortie- tnouted in front wfth 'stars worked in, gold thrend:• Wliere tbb cullet.opens in front, the calico shirt waist is`tritfl ned with gold braid diagonally, giying the effect shown in the picture. Abetter way perhaps would• be to have a plastron or front piece is nimcd With: •the braid and set just upon the. waist at the, bosom; the edges fastened securely tinder the • 'jacket. • Tt 0131..oe'7ihouid haven neck strap, fltstetIhi be ind, . This salt is made of.bright brown cloth..: . • • a 1 '.ConfrmattHu Iht•s 1• These are always simply m•ic r''but:of:'vety fine mit••lin. Silk is ,nsed largely for the lin, iiigs. The hctindkerchief, bag, belt and book, may be' costly and ricli. ' ,A confirmation dress may leave a skirt of a 'light quality of • • eilk or of.. p:aiii . muslin:,.. Tlie .thin inustin overdress has a wide hem oa' the loner part- The ar t- Tho waist-.fs heir- low, iii' the neck with a rathered muslin guinrpe• covering the ueelr• Around the neck is a straight puffed collar. •Bordet fug elle low neck .is•enrliroidered inset•- . tion. The loug,' tight-flttiug sleevoi tortnin- , a.o With a puffing sur•utoutted by embroi- dered inset -two. The .t lig -Wench.' faille.. sash is tied ,in ,the back against •a • belt of ribbon tri match.' The faille nutnoniere bangs at . the • • side .; fo'r'm two', long pieces .. of .ribbon. • The esti• • broiler .d tulle cap has no.' strings. t1.. ."Ju:ve" veil is .thrown over the head and • dross. The veil • is.:generally t c • w e 'i ii feel when t, is on' the ci ild's heed; for it can then be - cut off tho.lowor *Vend remitted •in .the shape • Of the skirt' The ':(stockings are of "Lisle . thread and the gaiters of white .satin. .The. g)oves aro of white kid, Another confirms , . tion :Ares: as of:muslin, with insertions of white moire ribbon: 'Ilia silk skirt is. eov- .dlred wsttrtuu§lin, trininied on the lower part with three tows.of moire ribbon, forming,in- ssrtions:. The• moire' belt .is• pointed above • and below. There is a large ' • bow in the lack. • The plain '.tulle .•=:cap is- •tr.mined on. one side' of the front :with a rosette"-•df"'"rineire • ribbon. The 'gloves, and stockings are Of white silk. The slippers' are of satin. • The veil' is -cut. 'like the article .described above. A third dresa has, besides;. insertion's and. an embroidered Bounce. The muslin skirt Is male Over silk and trimmed back and front with .two rows of fine plait- rugs terminating with embroidered insertion: On tile. lower part of the.skirtis a scallep.dl. notiaeo. Iloivli eith^r Side of tlie' skirt is.a plaited panel. The waist.is slightly gathered Ili front and trimmed iu double-breasted .tyle,. with•Insertions and .embroidered rttf- . lies. A faiile sash is taken .below tho Waist and lied in the. back. The full 'gathered • sleeves haye shirred cuffs and an embroidered ruffle." A shirring' is Mao. arouhd • the neck. A b0v s confirmation .suit is of bleak ;cloth with ti white pique vest. The trousers and th. 1 front o t coat aro of cloth. The �n f he Coat t)itu,s on the upper part as well as slightly be- to show' the vest'.' White mother of li:ar`i buttons close Ilia vest down the front . Engagement dtinga. Pearls, which are emblenis`of, both, purity, and modesty, rank next to the diatnotid it1 laver for engagement ringed. A single .peril's, of rare color arid luster, simply set, is: the' correct style. • .The ruby is another gem affected its the . affairs of love, and' allowed nowadays to appear in en eflgagentent ring. t+, ,, os\•dug Color is ntnb}elnatte oe passionate Viiitta to putt, $'100'01 0 F.111' 2A; ttl) I IllENTENi) F: a. r0WELL, Barrister, Solkeitor,'etp:, 388'y Searle's Block, Crtnzet. 11IONEY to IenS ie large or .s nen sums, slew 1►1 Cod mortgages or ersonsd security, to the lot'eet eurtent rates. 'Ie IJA'i%F, Initoa•st •CJlnton Clanton, •2e1'.25,1881, MONEY, PRIVATE FUNDS to lend on TO\ut and: Fares • property, A°pplt to il. 11.1DlrT, Office, next News'Ritem, (up stairs) Albert•Tit 360 3m attitInt: EDWIN 'KEEEER•,• Toronto, THE ,SC 'p ,S 11111 T , lienor Graduate Royal College ilii ui t ate of of Dental Surgeons, y• Incorporated by Aet of radio /lent, 1$66, (lna.tb'e Blnnlr - °Hall CAPITAL, • $2,000,052 • `jII�rG. All Work Registered. charges Moderato.' REST, - - $500)092 ee' Head Offtee, . >�ONTREALp ` `tro' THOMAS WORKMAN, President, J. Ii. R. MOLSON., Vice -President, D11. REEVE. Oiticc-"Palace" Brick Block, Ll Rattenbnry street,- Residence opposite the . Temperance hall, Huron Street. Coroner for the County of Huron, Office hours from 8:t.ln. to 0 p. m. Clinton, Jan.14,;1881, 1,y "J'WTI MANNING ,Sz SCOTT, 3 Earri.9te? T4s P„; f Felrunty, 1884 ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, _ Holm!' 1'o Loan. e A. 17. MA .N 11.\'Ci. •JAS. SCOTT, F, WOLFERSTAN TRONAS, General Mating* Notes discounted, Volleetions'nadohalts issued, Sterling and American ex- ,. ). cbange bought and sold et low- • • • est current. rates. Inman AT, 4 PER 01tmm�ALLOWEb onDusan 1F A RM�RS_. ---- Money advanced to fanners on their own lienar with ono or more endorsel.9.- No Mortgage rc-- qufred as security.• IL 0. BREWER, Manager ' , , .' 01.17077 FRANK R: POWELL, • Barri3fer.SSdioitor, Mu:9. i •Public, etc, . Offiea Searle's Block, Albert-st., Clinton. Toronto 'agents :--.Messrs, \IoCarthy, Osler, Hoskin & C'reolutun, ': SSI P'ATs l't1SDS TO Ln\D tit .owes!' rates el 1nt000ist.51. . 381 SEA:TIt Sr. MORTON., n,trriaters,.1e.,.1• , (sod.. erioh and Winglsam, G. Seeger, Jr,; Coderieh. J. A: Morton Wingham, . ` 1.4y. • DAVISON Sr; JOIINSTON, Lsstn, Chaneery,and Costernnoing. Oflioe-tyest'Street,. next leer t0 Pdst Of 1 e, OoderIe11..Ont. . • 57. C HAYS', ' of S ilt r 4 0 , "00. Offl 1.0 thea ' or of • Scjnare and least Street, oi�or•Btitler4d Boob . Store, GoderIeh, Ont. 07, dl's Money to lend at lowoot Intel, o( 4ss(st'e51 Chancery Convc as cer, Inc. Office Over Mod in Jed go Doy'I CAMPION, flerrister,Attornejy. Solicitor lerda,'s Drug Store, • • the rooms formerly o0cie RR' Any amount of inotley to loan at lowest rates of interest. •• ••r1 -1y. ((i LIVTON Lodge, No. • $4, ' A. F. Ac A. 11, 'kJ: moots every Friday, on or at@ei••the Mi. . .moon. , Visiting brethren •eoldtallyinvited, J. YOtrl7Q, w. St. J. CALLAN1JEn, SSC Clinton, Jan. 14, 1831.., 1. L: •O it Ido: 71.O;' CLINTONe;• Mets sscoria • Menday of every month, Hall upstairs, opposite the Town•Ilnll.' Visithsgbrethrre, go always mode welcome, '• • O, TWEEDY, W. St. • • • 'eeOr $zxk or to Pt> E •kLUOUV,Soay'.' T. C. bbI•IERTY, b. u. TA•RM.POR SALIt OR.TC Rr: T• -That vain. • able farm composed aRlots 20 and'.80; cwn, 1, • Hnitett, 200' acres, of this 450 acres. are• cleared,'• balatee good hardwood bush.. Bearing'orchatd of three acres. 'Ordinary dwelling'.houee; ge'ctl • frame horn and -other •outbnildin s, Farm •is. well t'atored, and situated About 9 miles ?;tint • .the. Town of Clinton, Terms Cas}', Apply to .r ttetti'e.i e �It6ltl • M: MeT,}gtAIiT, Clinton. 88$-4 H. W. BALL, A t CT10NEF.R for lit con Conner. $tilos at• ft tended tainand'art.o p [ thorUoAd;frees orders tit Gonea7uu P 0. 'iV.17: '•k7: ]1A1111[)L 7CQ4i6, •� . ! IICTIQNEElli land, loaf, and insuriincea ont . B1,yth.,8ales attended, in town and country', to reasonable. terms, A 1 est of faring and nl'v' c Village lots for sale. '•Atmtcy to loan on rend estate, at tow rates' of rrterest. Insinappe effectcu on. all :lasses pt proposti. .Notes and, debts collected. goods appraised, and'sohl op commission. Dank• ruptetoeke bought anti Sold. Bluth. Dee. 10, 1880, • iftterloarite • J.• E . •SLAOKALL :TT oust' AND LOT FOR:„ALE,-Being lot es. L' Dinsloy Street in the VILLAGE•0FevrriIt The'lot, is ono of the most eligihle'hnddtng sites its the village and has a bowl house, stable, hais cry, good •Issrd and .soft water• and orchard cm the premises. - Apply to A. G. VAN 1CiMC1.4ve, on the'premises. len.880 • -FOR SALE. TILE St11SOR1)3EE offer,Fyfor snle'four eligible TUE Lots froiiting on Aibe • r i t St ett; two' fronting'•on• Ruttenbtiry: Strout; either rs.' tsThc er'in separate lots, to suit purchasers. 1'e.r further Particulate apply to tlie'undersigutd.- . DINSLEY, Clinton, • 882 , PEDDLING 1 t 0 WAOCON FOR. -SALE. • FIT. F01t' DRY•G0 S OR GROCERY Mask ' nets, In good order.; only 'leen in use real • 011 6011 ' e . s. Apply to .• R. COATS .O ,so N: • Clinton, Marrh•25th,'1885. 381 • HOUSE AND;: LOT ' t ' FOR . SALE'. !1.' d,or� •,• I(n�,ti ersignettoffers for tele. Ills liotisoi.tal.. e eri nary T 1 Queen. Atreet, Clinton. the house i y urg�ea n . newiw built • six rooms three upstarts sad no .. •1.indnate of the Ontario Veterinary College, Te- rmite, hai•iligopened an office in Clinton, is. • prepared to•trest all diseases of domestic" down; hard nod soft heater; good cellar.. Situate 'hea ,in rising and 1' J.uaiitt. 9'ornis ea.;.. Apply an the.lu•etnisehor. address Clinton P.0,' 327•tt • i JOSIIBA AMNER'.• animals on theytost snodesys'Prin. elides, Ali operations etretnlly ' pertermds,'nndaulls"ggronipt•. ly attended to by d„y or night. Foes moderate eerier,- 1.,t ,t)or 'W st. Af.' I cit lledy's Lintel,dplilaton, t)ut., V•Ii, Life She Portraits t STleeialty, Clinton rbl C n aa o Works W 77.hARM Fort S,tLI,-Ti7nt vena. desirable: Milo" 1 Jt C'olhoruo tnwnssdp, en::"t:.' of dluron, t t..•. big. enmposed of poi Omnii ...•,k C' and E. • Wostr•n t)ivision, 0 : (aIni), * ., ..anis,• about tI • acres bush land and hideout; :,•tea: day raid •cantly lotus L.ntd. l pring u s e' , • ruing through • the farm. Dwelling anti a t' . II'gs on the remises. 'fftu' whole, or Tr. :'1. be veld ilei' ilhernl terms. Apps,( .pork ; . r fly .totter to' IVM. t,lt WI"i,LS, 00•e.pee . •r to i}ENRI • KNELLS, Saltfosd P. O., Or, . 870.13i7" ' O 1 is -Tbe . snp site the mot, tett,t CO., asd tt lett are new and well timed •• also Tarp:1.0(.1n mu stait.�• ' .Apply to•W, O.'SEA 1ri• I: : 7 l,W3LllT0 To nee.l / mise., on Albert .1• Ing seven rooms, A} }r. : • r aaarlo'e biro, T' t' nccu}ilcdd .h;• c. _Tito prcutied s . '.alar full aro, t • .t emtrahee,�,.t • t 300•tf 1f •'pstairs pre- .• re Compri'- ,. 305.11 • .HURON. STIl1;ETI CLINTON. l • ;n, • , .'B /1 .„ ,a air . affection, mid divots 'geed fortunes are sup- W. 1.:. 0 0 O P ER, Jr OPpOckt'tl} .,'. i'' y'�v,;. po,i'ct to atten<( :11te weat'Ot• of a ruby,• inglo sapphire, since thisstone has Weenie poptilar, is also elttp.oyecl in the 'ettgagement • ring, mid is ronsiclored quite appropriate, be- im;.•t idt0t'al 510,)0, typical of eltal'ity and in- nocence, Engagement rings should bear in plain seripttthe initial of the engaged people and rho elate. The old form, "3. S. At to Its. C. 1',," 15 no longer used, but in its place ap•. Ponta: "C d,ln .i, 5, X. to Ai..C. S.," the date lowering..-s.teweier'S CIrculer. .0 , s ;lt Cana 10 rho Honed iPeree. PI man population of the ilnited :s tw•'r , 2,ilue,.h sal, and there are %" ':•i tl nepers published. in nearly . -gate and territory. rr'.v;sits e'ntnpanvd Ltts unci. rtnkert to . •fpr for conducting ell Ir• ;: ., ..,:0U..1, a distnutIs of+ •3i.0 1 • Manufacturer of an ,dealerinall'lcbieisot. ,, • ALBERT t- rr•,,, :. c:. i::p ONi ONT,f Marble & Granite for Cemetery work at f gusot that defy competition • Aleo innnnfnrturrr of the C,slebratea ebRT1FIOIAL STONE Inc, Building par - poses and Cemetery Work, wbie h most lie seen to be appl'ar•.i,ttos1.-All world warrented to :rive satisfaction. REMOVED. • Ord eri" d. "i try �t'vOx A E• .�'`s Peet/trier ,•: 'C_`T al2Tl t' i J�li ri has rprltor'i'rl lriti`® i En, P07 1 1 , lA C'a prit tie? Shaving la�ev to enc r.•wtr 1ra11, whom i'ep,n,• /fn' 1, 110 Int'ih•s nisi tut new ,pttremv to tall for in •n,7r.. h'hnal2,•., a nice mann Sl:nrr nn••; '1 s ,clef: aatr cut. arcs/,•n t•tdxtrc.'„h.r' Lntost14let or ladies ls4i3 t::1s11: lfrstd)re.te•-•fart bf: • 51 to. - ACO)1. "CfSG, &kj n. Math/4)17wPi•, N ,pi „rpre.eltp ::,r• • ,L• •,n. •. J.Te\, I ,