HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-06-09, Page 4New A civertiselnants, this Day. • Cors•ets-Mrs, rSymons, (ll'tazton Woollen Mills. .J1cKillo,,p Mutual Insurance Co. Girl Maztecl'--Mrs. Jas. Moore. : To the Lad les. -John liobbrtuwn. s# Startling Offer -Jackson Biros. Insolvent Notice -Geo. Watt, Jr. -goy Wanted -T, Cooper cg Bon. Lots for Sale -John S. McMxath. Reuse for Sale or to Rent -John Callander.. The Huron Nods -'?card A>i(l a Ou ate emo o co a^es now e d ' t t` ' f I 1 >} affairs fore they • 1 } . t g rt •- ernuient ort the Rlol question er tt h f ll o . b CQU TrY PAIILIAlx]aNT on a miurs 1e. roe o tit is 'country •►s a s leer r o ' lei in the Northwest aro alone encu^h clearness. anis farce by Principal liter in Goclerich Tuesday of last ! Mille, of the; Agricultural College) u' regretfully to consign infamous hien to an iufaous and Phi11The Warden retfirli ips, e.3, D. of Galt; . ' n y xeforreli oblivion so far as the West Riding The first business after the • min- to the death of the late Reeve of' .of Huron is concerned, Anil as if utes of •the previous session lead Turnbull, Mr. Hennings, lin also that" were net enough the millstone been road and approved, •was the . referred to the briatge • business,. around his political neck is weight- election of delegates to the General house of e refuge,A C,: to lice to magistrate, ist at , Conference, Up to the hour of ad- p , py ed by nearly a score of rtoembers col jonrurnent the 'following had been buildings, . the floor of the House declaring elected :-Ministerial Delegates- On motion of F.*. JohnstCas and the assertions he made against them 1 1V, S, Griffin, D. D., W. C. 'tender- i>!ii. Black a resolution . was placed • at Iirueelleld and W ;ngbant: to, be son, M. A., D. C. McDowell, J. B. on, the rninuAes recording the sterling lies, And Ml. Cameron ma ardson, G. H. Cornish, J.T. Howell, I1entltngs, a copy to be forwarded attempt •to 'prove his bet ile no Ay1esworth, L. L. D., George Bich- worth of their late colleague, Jas, charges, a ht, A., F. l upert, AlM, A. 1, 1l. to widow of deceased. ' we,;(thewayt, jam atop1 romainred a mute inglorious Ananias. Ctunpbell, J. 1V. Holmes, A. M A number 2'IIE SESSION E14TDED, .of petitions. and letters • Phillips, B. ,I)., J. McAllister, John were referred to the proper cwninit- • Mr Farrow remarked in the Scott, M. 1,,, A.Cunningham, James tees, Dl• Wednesday afternoon Council' re Alternate, --J. Gra La e(, ares. I • House that 1pltere. there was a prod- Hannon, J. Denner, J. Heiridge. OK Ted nesday last June 2nd orate duty on any article, say coal , • Illus' Hilliard 'James 111f11s, NI.,, sinned business, and after •ilavrng heard thet of Dr. W'11' 'Frost Hoare ar^omen so r 1 lams • • _1'urlinnterat', Was prorogued. The for instance, the foreign producer • R. W MK A•, A. Trost, Q C".•, Dr. C}tristea, of Clinton b'1'. McGillicuddy, and es, to comrpsence y 251,11/ 'Johnston, of Goderioh, Jas. S n onzle e months rovi right; We produce deal in Canada ; Wm, M. Gray,, W. Young, F1'', Ft, Thom son of Clinton,fnd Stephen somewhat over tills u p foreign rodneer has to sell 'ei dee, 'Thomas Garbutt, J. , J. Yates n support of, the Council ons. Ths with `.oil. bits: 1oo1£et1 fay and the o g. pCrt,bbe, J, Hood, Richard Babb, ward to• with vary menorialisin+T the Governmxut to d Februar' paid the duty, Mr. Farrow was Dr. Williams,o •R • ev. W. - ing. emotions. his product to Canada for rho, same fetor He install. g _ 1? appoint a Police 11t:algi trnte, with tr T>>e fol- price as the home article can be H. Dr,.Dewart, editor of The solfor tiro t ounE of $aloe, • throughout the count. y _ my, y .1lowers• of both patties .querying bought for, and in order to do 80 .Christian Guardian,iwas introduced: It was moved by D. D. Wilson ‘Will the Government bo defeated he has to sell: it the 'amount of the Ile read a report of• the Bok: or sustained on 'The Riol Qitestiner j duty less, to the Canadian importer, Steward, Dr. Briggs, relating to We held that the Government could- ...But says. Sir liicha and the jug the •boost establishment in Toronto,' , mot possibly be defeated, on a quer handled foo la ars e 'reception et' young men into full t"o ' involving such nro>irontous con- double or trouble the present duty connection was very large. The Pro-. tiOn. rn for„ if. it comes out of foreigners? That sident occupied the chair. Fie re- . sequences! It wore inl.liossiblo fol'•... 'nia•*Ir10 is no deep conundrum. By doing so t'ci'red to the fact that the Methodist a Well 'regulated mints to r g Church alw ,,s insists upon a con- . defeat where defeat Would mean the none would bo imported and we ' cU•,, 1 ^ n •of' rebel t •r'ann over shoulclgetnorefmul at all. OurtarifT vetted mivistrj`t as and8 r'1'ho inis 'recognition tyranny • try of mental „ • ragulnrly constituted law and order; a discriminatory protoctiaeonr',`ind is young iron, Robert C. Burton, John for revenue. It is not 'intended. to I3. Carson, and George F. Salton, wBre• defeat wo;4tl'cl`" moan life. death might'Sir - were sttecessivoly called, upon to'rc- ..knoll of Cen titiitienal liberty, .of bo prohibitory... As well migh , medical men late' their"religions eilief once in a the In'inciples tvliietl liitvo . beep :Richard •demand that l• divine call to the ministry, `their • cl erislzetl by 'Britdlus With varying' give throe or four times rho regale : • reception into full connection was ' } • tion. dose of o sium arsenic ,or other, ,moved b Rev. G. Richardson, sec - •fortune;, bet ultinla:to• success,. front ,1 Rev. . • the. e of the Great until 'Persons' because' the lessor • portions = ceded ,by. Rev. D.• •0. McDowell, t >( time ?unit supported Rev. 1V S Grrf tali or t.. a-• ( oherBon TO RE LA IES When.you go "shopping" yon waturelly ask yourself, "Where shall I -so to receive the best vallte for my money t" We will endeavor to answer this question. Yon .can get your money's worth from us because we "buy heap' anti are thus enabled to "self: elleap." You can trust us•because our "words" aro preyed by our "worsts." With these statements We aunoilnce a tot Special Bargains 'A, Print Dress for 50e., A Gingham Dress for 31, a Stull' Dross for 64e,, lei yard( Cotton for SQe.,.Parasols for 26e.,. a pair Lace Curtains for $1:041, a Linen Dihing Cloth for 62•jc.,, a Linen Tea. Cloth for 85c., Child's Handkerchief's -one doz. for *35e.,,, Bustles 221 o., WI.. Canvas Bolts 12 0., Grey Sox for 6c.; Corsets,' Gloves, float ryr Ribbon, Buttons, &c., &c., all to be bad at the lowest figures, at seconded byJohtr MoMullan, -that having heard deputation in reference to atipointment of a salaried Police • f' t•d : h not•Tho meeting Friday night for the rose t'. Thi: aEOebn• of ; d'o wgood, as to. assert that because a '•tan gaup by' ' = Cite .present 41.3 • fin D• l> President The motion' are, British • ^ d subjects and rnodorate lifts is held to dA. good an •glory' tnt the fact.' There -there be; e cceseivo ono ,r•8u1d, do mote • good. •'rhe Statistical Committee's relsort in fact we nor: know that there are, Sir Richard is as 1ogiCai •as his •Hib-. showed that the membership had was -u • ado • lied.. • p emons n Canada who would 'ernliin friend on, his. inother's••side :.increased' during the year 1,905; rt gleeftllly, ail'' in. trailing the "old t.who, when canvassed to.purelrase a i making rho Frosent membership 02b 668.. All connexronal funds were • slag"=that 'synonilm for civil and stovo•becatyse• it would:ave half . the in advanc.e. wo d p ar(;hased:two st ve's.withthe • religiou:r liberty _sell material -pros o ,, .,,. . orris --in. the :dust, Members of A..p sated- healthy progress in Sabbath• Parliament knew that Tat moria no•'wood at OIL As an' instance in "School work. 'The attendance in: ' •,ould' never co adeno their 'action if support of DI1. 'lr arrow's; contention 1. creased' 1,68.¢, and 1,6;711 convorsnep(s av n f year. permitting Riel to hang _Ther :Grand Ii'lsrl+ 'Railway as : Saturday, afternoon the session nient,for. pe ..g,.hang, ±{ ectation that ho• would. requite 1e Sabbath Schools report indi the votedt boa caslnibro the.Govern- . we clip Iy recent commel•cta1' item are reported dttrilr0'tieo Y Magistrate, this Council deem. it: ex- - obertson's Great Cash Store. pedient that sticll an eppoiutrnent Moved by. Wilson, seconded by should .be made, and `that the war; • McMillan, that the'Tin. Gom, report den and clerk memorialise the Gov -be amended, and that the Ontario eminent to make such appointment. Goyei•nm.ent be ineruorialized.to ap- , Referred, to Finance • Conluaittee, point n salaried police magistrate for ' which' reported •adversel,y and the '• this' -'lust by a nraaority of Council declined to accede •to the 22: • • • • - request by a' majority of 22: : Molted' by- Johnston,.seconded l y sort of tlre'F'iar, Letter from License Inspector of Bec,l{;• that the lel East Huron doitranding $537.7$, to. Com., be adopted•=carried ' be forthwith deposited iu the bank • After.. the reading and iiassing of. at'Wi;ai;;,liam, to,.,enforce tho' Ssott several;, by-ln vs, it was moved bar. Act in East ifurdn.. This was;. also .•Rollins, s-16mi, d'by Bissot•t, that • referred' and was finallly disposed. thti.Coitricil' when adjourned stands • by of diilaying action on it until : adjourned to the first Wednesday the December meeting. in December-carriedbythe castin• g • Deports of 1. P. S. Malloch -and veto of tho Warden.. R. c..Ainsley and some minor milt- Moved by pagers,, scwonded'by ters were. referred. It • was resolvec1 ,' Xelly; that this Council adjourn to that any. appeals from the Equalrxaa- ."mept in'th.,&,NilLlge of Brussels. on. - 't'ien .assessments of this year be left. ,rho first 1lfioduesday in •December- . to the decision. of the County Judge ; cal l ied.,, • • Motions that. the Road Canines- :; • Moves • by Black, seconded by • signer bo instructed, to 'examine the McPherson, 'an. amendment, that foiloifing, were referred to the:Road `alis ,Cou!ncil : adjourn to. meet im_; and Bridge Cpminittee : ' The stone" •-Goderioh on the first Wednesday in • bridge' at Kippen, •thi:: flooring• of , jje'cember=lost' by two. • • : the Maitland iron; bridge, ,Beaver -. Council (hen adjourned 14Zeadow lbfidgo on nine mile river, ' Help's. bis1ig •ern sotith:boundary of Note-TheE.qualization Report`'is g heli over. West Wawanosh, the approach to. Flynn's hutdge, lake shore, Aslilielt,l;, —1 and Morrisbank bridge, at , Tl><ckC1 smith ' Council then adjourned .until ..,,„S,AmisxlcsorTuoKEnsAi'TH-Pop- . 9.30 a: ni Thursday:, - ulation, 3,01.0;, between- 21 and '60' y:eitWs of age; 543.,;: number of child=- rhursday, petition • e a:ofer1%ff „•. re. lends and others, to Y'einit •tihc • ea- • ren 52 to 16, 759; 7 to 13,-336; 16 to is Tic ase' of Jas: Johnston"d 21, 3261 ; cattle, 5",688.; sheep, 2,229 ; die e ? 4'-'" ?A hoadi;737 ;. hb es, 1,448 •, 'd'ogs, 31.6 ,. : invalid, was•referred.number of clays statute 1e. rot 3, •9 n , as Lough $70 salary as'assessor for. 1886.- 'That $20 bo spent nn the' boundilry ....between :I3ayfield and Stanley providing Bayfield sp'entl it 1 - no fess' sum: • J. T. Marks to be paid $70 as funeral expenses of Jno. Johnston',who died in indigent O - circirnrstances. That the .following sums be apportioned Ito the several roads- th,:our' igut the township': Golf. 2 anal, :$"1'517+,: ion; 4 and 5, $150'; eon: 6' and r.,. $90 ; con. 8 and : , 9, $70 ;non, l0 and 11, $130 ;• sun.:' 12 and -A3, $1 30 ; :Sanbie line, $150; Centro ,.lilac. from Pari to liabylou, 804007 40 ; : 13tibyton• to, Goshen, $40.; Goshen to Brunson, $40 ; Bronson to Sanble,• $10,; Carnie's Side line,. ' $20; Curr'ie's sideline, $10;.Lob n'' side. line,. ' $30 ; McGregor's side line, $15 ; Innes'. side. line, $15 ,- Sharp's 'side •line, $20.; Mcllven's . side" line,..$30; Boyce's side line,. $20.; MuNitir's side •. line, $15'; Bilird's side '•Line, ' •$15 , • :Bayfield road; $300 ; South boundary, $200 providing flay ten: ship grants' an, equal amount...'r ho` : coun¢•:(1 ad'- journecr to meeb again; on;'•?Toi fly, •• was claraeterized chiefly by i • auci for their successfail stuppression ,•made',00utraots fpr 375 00.0 torts of well{ The Rev T Hunter •; Z} of. a wicked: antl..uneal esb for rel3ol= American coal. The eoalt%o •4,trocl{. , D ,';road 'the pastor til'ailclress.. Rev, .h cense ;was that .'ville;.'Ontario is to bo ,€utvialied. ut . Mr. 'Hobbs dep'reoated the omission the t'Ylsvterunrent, 1aix, u iL • order. $2,50•ps ton, *hi le :.they pay for of • the -tobacco question from this n olio satus'coai at P$rtlan ' •Oldies ' report:• • Rov. Mr. ..11oss 'thought lucrer sustained: by a.'pailrariiantnry . d' there vias: possibility of .carrying:s•' Majority $3.50 per '•ton! j i=•F • point too flirt Mr. Calvert thought greater than lids over been• accordiocll any' ministry.in this coup-•' it had not been -carried too tar. . try.Autl ;to their'infinite credit GTI=E PH: CONFL:•4E i'CE. There were those who, said the Con, • Members an Annual. t G 1 ' h hist b Ga is e t the French-Canadian Memb• d • 7777 ference were afraid .to. mention the . Head moo. tag xn o(. oris ,its matter in the f} rr er • r n s asarule p , ... .n. o. ailt'at' o g , , s , ,. . '• Mr. (;lhas.Lovetts. The gentleman ,' . . tdhe rrsh-Catholic net bete,, week.' • About. 2Ud . Blisters and . some` Ministers snicked: :7Jr.:t...legal welg}itof. a barrel of s ` 31; as f,real propox y, h if- .. 2801hs: `ancl''tiitrt :.rho wet^ht,•be •,? ad":i,nteladed.going to the ohs conn - supported/ va uo:o suppol.ted/ the • GOVernment., The .•laymen fuels prnsent,Ref., r. Gr J. I•Iuntel,said there was. no 'pro. g ;p2,05.9 176; 16i8, tri and Lev. gril'l'e fed`on .:Uhe:barrel •was caiared; try with .the idea that the. trip element it :the Cailt platy did, fin was elected president an I v . htbttion in the discipline from its . . 1 . 400; total $2,227,570: r.. flit] ). a Secretary*..: a rs re •etas suc r. ro i ition in.: otion o atm all armee .o. might'have.'the effect of • restoring n I. • 'use: . v Motion of Corbett and r11c1Lf111 number of a>yies•an• f(>,kl wheat, 3,730 , l:iury tiho:(`zovermnant to 11x>Clte'tial leers^e' 40'800 cleared '34 June 7t1j, at 2. o'clock. p.11i.' • Crto, STEw'AnT, Cl.ol'l{.•... °G'o,dcriert To a,nsbiu ,Friday 'night last 1' ii:' J01:4 Wright, of ilio Base' Line Haff eev eral lambs worried by dogs. There was' a barn raising at 'lylr,.., Cliesser'sion the 16th 'on Slttnre`Uy. afternoon. . Mr. T. W. Scott, ek-plincipel, c f I.ne• an scl)e01; has, been visiting at •t , of expect this Their stton said 11i CA• b !l' Oih first , t •p 1 'b' ' 11t £ G' d D t COURT OF REVISION. rile Co{tit n 1 g ' day's were mostly in -regard or*lyd to''ll' iter lncinry `(S c"• s' 1st{ I rent Governer to 'satire rho o hisil o-.rs .sec-ustomed .ealtlrr._but. 1 d Y 1 q• ' d g FI sat on 1Veduesday rho -6th May. n^ some benefit from the ad slits -to inflame rmeY au •.Gree Pas- to ministeil(d charas ,•r ll0 exce t1UII ` •' ,' J ;LCgei,XU g t . t did•not •think tlro'.two-liquor and Ivie. between lots 24, 25, con.,: 4; ,There. .' one a ie tl 'antlfnst ' } k has sibna. But. Paenel d Ir' 1 r: An •ls 1 were ;. being taken to • tlre:,nroral standing tobacco=were on the same level 1 5i W. W5Wtnosh. to be'surve surveyed, d nd . was only. L1 ' g vice of a Clinton. p e sletnn o g n Y the assessment, that of James Lands' indefinitely postponed his trip...'.. f• ddF thus., to, their. ;ly"lutYcll . anti( thou. o any one, an .rating stationing all. Dr. Gardner hoped they Weald masked by .stone, boundaries, .was .., af' a examtnatl n :the borough fvltich t 1 °• county. : -And mark .life difference. eq►umitfec+ ;a :Hassling in. . 're 'spare some of those,' 'ho fuels, really carried..: •. -A few dhjca:ago a nice little party l and parties heard, was reduce.d+t'iein Y t n ` ne t'on th Confer- it the humiliation`”t' l tt t N] W Townsend, Weis' b[,C.C.neon.. HCl. ,. P $A, ..$5,600,. • • enceKev. Ur, Eby of Japan and' anything on he gnestionput in. the evening in'con e i 1. good, meat o eavin" ,; -was gotten u n 'r.:• o e' Cameron. A I31a1{e . r'e ro S 0 rho Road C'ommisslonel was In 800' 'to - and• tile.' rail 'as . g 1" Town- . sent` two loyal Outariia% constitu structed' to examine the bridge,' on amended_ }vas• frklltlly passed as the.on. the close of•visit a of Alias Lown 1 3. Rev. 1)r,. Sutherland: made speeches • report. Rev, Mi'. 11Taxa ell : said, tho']3a Bayfield river crossing ilia"'Lon seen 'for 1$86 The . seed. of. , Linwood, Wellesly town-. y g revised assess i • seeks, voted: ;against ',what eesny ., of rare • 1ower.and ability upon' the' there' were • ho'se who spent more ' ship, to...the ,. 1 t • t v L 0zt f oast and' report if.a new bridge a council Met at 2 p m ; • fqr the. 1, :parental Aboutr y y ung .persons worn • ,The thing might to be put•dolvil. `• r • - ^ v instructed:tb ••roof' present ,l y 11let,ag ua Tiiday mornln the WasY fir to her adopted. re arental homestoad' intelligent and honest man hi Cantidit +:work of the. Clru>cli, especially ants• for' tobacco than • 'rot the `Gospel., is neCt'•ssi rV` t g ' aati n 'of • ordinary btssiln; soy when fort t o y beiteved,'t?Ii1&rig1 t. ' None but blind-. siounry*; ttoilt,. ed •bi^ tsloxr artisan. Qltroons voted • The • RevMr. McD bwell, the IP4est- ; " Tho.. address was adopted without Pathmaster W.. S. Mutt ell to. ex- lady .a safe return, p go IT. P• dent, reale, rho foI1owing relnattkts:: 'ilio amendment. 14 oveal byi ofinston, aecorid0 by, lots band 'home. • that. Biel- as right aside the Govern- "• a •,..•- • n Toll ,that the memoilttil on' the pend tihe statute lflbox of• •the 1irlubl•; t>aillc, long • tt.po` the ,- 11owing are a.. fgw of rho Y fl' con 8 on the side line between Mr. Boar was thrown from h t u b held till the 1)d- > u dud al' w fished - tixe ' otrn? inset wrong. The J,ustclosed.Sesston fat obstacle to the ahvancemont. of drafts of the stations : gads• to a his comber ,session and. that .the salt. the said lots', and that the sum. of wanon and seriously• injured on the i, 1 '.11' remembered‘ for ^ thetruth d 1•^• these lad GFodorich•-Gert, R Turk," fl•oo F 0 Nrl1 g e. lemellt ere Ol , ill all religion in lege n s, is , . g ' Salton, Clinton=Fdrntuid S,'Ru er° 'manufacturers be:asked to interview, $Z0 be granted) to• assist In opening road botaveon Holmesville .and •the kriu;nlil :of the best •prinaiples,evter +, becoinrIIg increasingly distasteful to Sa P + . • Life said road. Jacob McGee was bridge across. tile• Maitland. This . , h `t . .the Al. .attituide of the Churches' o£ Christ aco Howell, . o s f -John S4 Fisher; Geo. Cobttledick, A. notion proposed 1).Y De.lit AUins uille in place of David Sproat who- 'provement in order to le termed,., most detestail le conduct: of a.faotiiin- ;res ,eetfng this burning question is . M ABay tiel;i-Tlioc,.Ciee Varna-- •of"anarclifs ixt: O.ne: Qf the ono oulagiu'g,signs: of the Alfred E. Smith. :I•Iensall Nortll- • The C. Is. Rai ivmY. ' Ogitilation'b tunes. The' ..people of God desire:- Wm. Torrance, Rohl.. A. Barnb . i, 1g y Y which the 'country is -repaid the•,and. praythat.the_legisltttitn of this Hensel South -,••• Robert Godfrey, $30,000,000. loaned, was -another 'Dominion, -relating.to thiss;; grant evil, Lonaesboro--J'ohirlIdagl5. Dungan- . be rho legislation of Prohrbitlou + a+iq+ti gig • - nee -Win, irkn Archibald McKibbon eo, 1atulatdry feature.. t, ,s.:t !it itrmay be' a, exiine • to mike bon. Anburn—John : ,Turner:'.. Bien miller -Jas.' Kestle,. J. T.. Legestr. ' ' (Err:41i111114,;liills were passedi,malty :and sell' alcohol, except for Medi- .4Vi iharn- D. C.11'11eDowi 11, liiucar of' there of snprorno. inip,ortante in 'sinal and .fnechanical,purposes. • dine -,Tad. McAllister; Jos. H'; Hilts., dovola inns td#u• • resources,. of, our, 1tic'ley,repa'useii.tatiKos-alectedby' Ripley -Wm. Baugli;, •,Aniborly-•G. "'district meetings to the ,Confoie•nco Loud. Luekuow-Francis.%3. Nugent,' country,and altoar that Canadians Missionary hoard are :-Thos. Mil- John . Walker:. °Ashfield-Wre. • R. al'e not "flies -on -the -wheel."..:..• ,'}lard;,, R.. W. DTcl .enzio, G.: Leann- Moss. Lucicliow-Bervie, S. Solis ry, 's1'.;"really s nd lour Waste ortti a '"` C• St J I' C • 'B, D , Jelin Kennedy, J. GeddWI. and seconded by 13issett,'with lister-.' declined', awl Wrpi'. Cumming in even with modified courtesy,, a, ence to the expenses of'the(.o,mlrifs-' lace of Andrew Story. ''Ten cords Queen's highway , or to be' sate to sionors and other`officers for•-enfot;e- of gravel i'as allowed to bo applied :travel over. I am not ono of thoso in^•the. Scott Act was laid on the ' i h'streets.:from •. l hat ver-• demand made • T . , - , on ]3ayfiAld. and Chu c wife ho d t e y. table;, • ',Centre street' •to;.:2nd concossien.. upon the towns}rip, should be coni•-••. fteei1be' re a tion of soil ral to- The assessor was granted an. order .plied with, yet' it. is possible' that . . cp ports and acconnts, the C.otitieil, on •on the treasurer .for'the amount••of acciriiori; lrwill ( t:ur on this road if, motion of'Wilsoo,' and McMillan, his salaaaa for 1886, when the . court- left in its • presoht state,: and • the n'purned, to 3.30' pit. At•3:30 the oil adjourned ' to tweet again at the • liability:,foi a' siugle one would'Is6 c , . Connell resumed,, when: amendments • oall•of the reeve. , the township as much as would put to the report: off the Equalization ', • . . • , tiro road„into permanent' reasonable Committee to reduce W.'Wawailush • Stanley.'.', . condi'ti'on.. • • one dollarpet acre, the town: of Thi court for revision of the as- Council' met at .ILol'mesville, May, ca a y rags, 'reorgo tugeon,: , .. arson, Teeswater Austin Piititer. Brus8Fls 'Clin.ton by.$1'0,000, E. •Wnwanos}i sessmeut roll met lids 29th:, at 10 29, •'1886, As court .of revision. was'. the tithing tip' lie .tiuro of the ; It,: +'x Iyarnbel 1l'.. Fb._I•erdho,: and- ;ytn: S►ri th;• John L herr, vavicl one doJhir or acro, Hay oils'dollar + uccori( itt to notice' The M(Imbore all prosixnt, those having, Y p o'clock, g . Romeo by the -Opposition, in for •••• .. J:•:W:„A.rtnstrong.. g C..Clapprson.•.:iltliet--lt, P. Walt(>n, •per •Here, •Iioavick by $134;000; and f`olloafin^,ir:4canges ►veto nun in tile• •qualified, the clerk stated that -no, „, r '. ry T,Ilo folloncu _: u1ruistr :s• were ',T.J. autrmr.,. Blyth -VV. F.,. Caar►p•' to add one dollar per acro to .Stan- Sharp, r. was put- on appeals had boob entered against • mulatilto,frctrtiQiiiii'.harges•pf venal ig..,p roll . Win. l!, 1 > p pl, oltl$tcd by.the • ddetiiets as •inembers•. bell., : Be1grave N, S. lirr>wash. le 's a(;sessmelit, .wore lost.. The for lot' 15 con:. 9' Minoan, assessment, the. roll ttas then'given • . 1.,•Lage Cbr>servc}ttve •membOls 11"Inevnle •J' S Cook Whiteclinrch Y tenant r tid , . 0 .g g' of the Sabbath Sclwo[ • Conrrrlittoe : -' • , ' Coirucil then n1(110111% ti `onineti tn' i.30', at t 'g' o^ and 41... qtr i. amp over and seine slight changes tea a• f Parliament.. iY i ) Tlm s C 5e. 0: -Sanderson. Salem -Jim. J i11c1 ruse dt Q • Not, efjt rgo 2oas -A. 111, P11t111p's,, 'as: •.i .. 1)e. ill:' - Tre.' ''' n son. - which (fine 1ti11n0'•Ino:ed, SeoondlC(l, beli's. dog. wear ..:erased • from. the regarding ocenrroncos' since. assess- Y It Watt:.. tiitieci:'1• Bat shut g , , , •- ,err ii suitable crt0ni 1•ses` J ell having. WOW'rovis(+d: Mid re Ii, Ir. Goof. In alto ed ftsuds a afilst' Ittl l,a and. Walter 'Ayers, g t_ •eutninrxi,:byleSlvr gp to reset again at the call' of theme.x g bier,-1Vlr.:. Glaingor, Of tlil9 tela l . , o. ” g r, S l .,,, h 1 1 b •t a ,r ,a )400111: 0 C g• r i •1 Ir 9. s. ,: iQlu ru'1 I lou ', (,” ref ttx. A'1 i, n fisc ;_ r' . nein, ors yresent •. revision. ds now c oset e. arae : • stat at"): the things' o:f,the !Iae •: - , + it 1 Minutes.; :,Fist 'inte>i4rry *ere- , •I• and,/toy.4)isNre oi.the:'. reab.'ter,: , (+ •,.".' v'„li •l•Ie;ltallan. seeonal,d113' 1♦tintltes o `l)t'Cviotl5 1lRetttrg rQa( 110 t .t1? t .. 0, • . . . ",. ., .. , . H. 1'6 ie.,i6,of C(rlbwrn ,, n 111n e# . Yy_:.. , t< 'fedi" btis• .' keitzte. Diatilstty, Was "made qurto, ria ,Ch ll' i t u :, 3 Airclisiryned. the folloivfi'ig motions• taea(l anztl piassod` cud Ordinal', ,, „ t 1• lWct, Go,leild; , voo i tlo ;, thole• tsfoil]e? h gt'atntl Yuc••ihr(, int C l t f 0 ,-, .. , ., wast. ..•, q done Gtut.rs tb rlo hls•wor t dor in^ fir's al5senc'e »' Y ev`e IL) sou oil m+ t At Q oladk " quireul a eri es made; t tc a us . Government, fora Jaigo alttb nt Ou 1; id, yVenerable-Artails la:l .relit+ the s lertdid, Short lL ills Gs t g r1lI e p it 1 "b '1 " It ( iti nt. A the mein, i vo 10- 1 its o a ti ut h l o life c t t l l a h IA tlib crool'Y•aduesp-o£ • sled ors. `l'hoa. (Ioc Wlis:• Smith• r' '' _ ° .... by ll' a+JCliatt', tlfiit i r, A,tltlinsott lltivo dogs it vial'^• died si•nco its- runt- bTovt;cl by E. 11C'11es011 ,:seC, ,aruero;.t:a,. t alt. art appropri a ion .° ° n aronft tin ell till' ltbr ll and' hit 1 a l Owent 20 00c1 1e t 1 1 i lI a 'iv,ero passed that `Lhos Wlloy bo far s one into. Mr, •!rA Y IiP Y11 7 $ 0 a; t '. J'nash'.Pretty grove lite g "^ .. to " :•.. , . _ . tl ^ranted libort' to put*weigh seine's . ''lo the oonstltuortoy•ofi'I' tro'li ilio dlesseil,;tlydi•(,oniereneo• o3rt1 As it l'4 r+srttulr tip utrcler the a Refit Q retorretl to I• til (✓ole itAlloctoi for 1886'. that the tofu g J p g f1 ,#l'ttSl C•(s1. I1 Jt t01Y0,-' r. i. tills r :n,, '' resolution i01i a ' ed o e 1 _ Torrance, vixes•to data.:.. T•hitt. 141x, Erwin. bo Moved by Beacom. i a., by h,:. t It K•fistnzroil,olPoits•fur natcrlet•,; l>1.easitrc it, wog to rho (,ontertlnt/o td bw•ltootl the puN,'lic• may .rt(lyt tlStat I.tlboi•inov. ,s on , iy.,d . , ' •••, • •' oFin `n' •that each r A(Rt'Colltrirf+a- .lir„ 7 , b la } d } . if will 1' lsa that tl ,t,.>i1 nil A1 y sulk-• lrntl,..$5.ti0,, far rrpailrng plow, A $o ,. o le•1na( • •0 )ut t a " Dns • ' ' ' ugineer, be aid0 20 for ser., 'on II 'tt` f Mr pill'►lie: aecorninoilation. ` 1 1 'i `t f t C C e a A. rc alut e 'ear'>,o• o,i the an ct+ t tl a 15rdi s of 41 o 1104 01- the Committee tlienxepoltr(1 Arlin' glnlrl,o ll' $ ' b } p . .: OCe :slid rear; • these lstingils.iatl, no/ efforts w r l b silate . to,.ma tis the roper ®•tulle t C , ituiiiot at all „ made portion Lf w g hr n doingroad: work:: Roberti Monet expencl?ou1Y $:3011 44)1' nothr- ` g• bill) avasgntltusuistrcally adept- rho• afi' air• a suce s:, ltotrushillelits.,rhg, out: tho.; olause•iet(nlrrig to,a, 'Todd., , ,.. . • .. • semipro of l;.irai:urmentary+ sruci+edii(t,Y. 1Iis o,.l, al rs; and 1ln i,' r+ 'u est.. isr3 of, Ilt+llu —'.:c.itriedl':1k :+ iiih 7.cldd., $2 felt: }Ii ti!t"g, it., culvert,;: atrg atldlitlonnl without s 1. td migia ca ehg.. Se11,. Fibi a4.,y,..-.....t, t 1 t• r• ' 4t; y." r e ' •'ots.. orlt 'tri,8ttt 4Wtm.,(v:i13'.nie ,' ,60fot,gyravel;John, Go:Itneil.-+ -carftod.' ,1 o..ked;' ]lt tuteiit 1 ii tr r (s a anti. file Gov.- It surutttr3i,iii l;l r far of tale fed; ors antiauruli,laV «1c{•