HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-06-09, Page 3• • SIR JOIUN CHASTISES IIIUR- coal and timber iamb. They were Al Dit40411yeet1 lliedlcat Work *-- ONS—'GREAT it) .LANeKR. willintt to turn a penny in any way' FON Y,OUNG & MIDDLE-ANEN MEN. Out df the public resources of the Only $1 by 1Han, postpaid; , elaltia>, au file afteruvoii sitidtidt of had fall control. So they ,'applied ' 1'''ilV the ,l)eak• o`k had tal*en the if ti•atil•e. Sample `a•ee to A11. country over �rhaoh their fatkl is Parliament, Sir Joh,' INiIltcl}.ouald ;for flee salt springs flowing into �l ' �'67tNCE olid he cis}led to l ral.o .x11 exlrlaua- Like Winnipegosis, and Mr. Hal}, 'til ' aF y1 boat with reginil to the recent speech, .i of the Department of the Interior, , • of the member fav-• -West .Hut • n -cite them' that those saltepriugs KNOW 'Ti YSELF‘,/,/d../. (t'bmero; , iu wide he (Or John) r 1 toll•lve hair a Exhausted Vitality Nervous and Pbtsteal l,e• - ..t wirti claail;ed with .groat Grluirnahty cls' ci'1u1Cl. be had at .' 15 an acre. Those A Grelat Aledipal Work ou nunhood.. ynnng anew appeal . bnity Prcluaturul,aclioin5lun cruraufl• iia dealing with the* public l,, • build share in this little ileal also." anti the untold miseries resulting frac ind,scre. ° Nun or excesses, • A book fur eve,, man, y melt„ • 1.10, •as not, resect^ she trio hon, s ;3 f!' What were the filets el. the case !< Ill, middiceged and old. It contains 120 ptescrip• "e man fi ]eke anti. lie '1u#ll3 Bron- trans for all acute and c ilrunle tltseu,.cs, each of stierably surprised''tvlttj�ila ,tad • BUTLER'S -•_.-,-) alt--- ,t�iaaasti� c�'G1100/ Booh's. i:1 • n 1 ? which is•iusalmabte. So found by the Author, whose experience for so etusissuchanprubuhiF ..lover betide tell. to the NA ur any phyniciim.. SOU' pages, hound in beautiful French *carpo, emboss- ud: covers, full gl1t, elevauteud to bo a Iine1` wink in evcty.sense than arty other wurksuld In this country for $2.5O, es the money will be re funded in every iustanne, ,'rice onit •1.'1,00 by Mail,, postpaid. 1llustrated1 sample free to any body. Semi now, l,,otd medal u;watdot' the author by the National Medical Association, to the Pre- i silent, of which, the kWh. P. A, 'listeli,, and associate officers of -Mee Hoard the reader is • respectfully refr ed. The Science S21 Life Is worth m, re to the young---.411St;'.,raLLA:A'. Q•US : and middle aged men ef, this ;;enerntlon than all the gold pines of California, and the silver mines et NuvSO ice ofred e S• n Ch t the. BOOKS.he.nrce of FdFo poinoat rho rokandq'cksaulla o„ which the contitution and hopes Oen -informed *that tee/ ha>,01 wit,° heir amok( those wird Were eguco.,r�}ted in public plan- tab; lan eta :1-W1'llatosr his ,ails might be othe.isii'ise,, he had ittever, •either in behalf of ' hiuosif. or any client of is, aplllited ofor, any lauds or Millie): *flits of*any klnil, and August, 1883, 14iessrs. Macdonald & Tupper applied, on behalf of their client, Mr. Peter Barclay, of Berke, for the salt springs'at Lake lYiulii- pegosis, They were informed • that if their client could establish prior- ity of discovery he could have 40 ;acres at five dollars au acre on the prescribed conditions. Ile was call - ed upon to prove his discovery in therefarel he 'could' not' -well under stand how he was Inlplioat(1d ; but than gir three mouths. '1118 was mato `upon' lopl:i3tg itt the lion. gentle -.a year ago snot the department had hoard no Tito hon. gectlemant happening to wRs in ,laving a Sola, who Was a pi'ac- '" " Man's speech he found thiit his sic more about it (Cheers.) tieing lawyer in the :Northwest, and see a report of this suit in eeiu ty, that son, having for a partxier the took occasion to found a most mal- ton of Sir Charles Tupper, lend. acttially coniniitted the reat•sin of }�t;al:ing .application in the regular ashy, the satire as others dick, for Lands iu • the Northwest, The lan- guage of the lion, gentleman in making the'charge• was moot eatra- ordinaly,.and if it wore Parliament- ary he would say most 'infatimus, ALBUMS, PURSES' • AAE�_17TE Y Don't begin Iloilse Cleaning 1Vitl1olst i1t, It will male your HOMES PURE, BRI HTr, AND HAPPY', - _ SATQILELS • , Walls and Ceilings, :Beautiful , ItaII't Any o an apt11 it. Sn D¢r to Ealsonune and Whiting, • .j .',.!: GODERI.CH. YO.r It ---•- of tnony a y ono; wan have been fatally, wrecked. the . Manchester Alt rror. BOOKS TheScience of Life 1s of greeter value than all medical works ptrtrlishod In this country for • the past 50y tans, -d detract Constiteltoff,. The Science of Life is 1a superb and Mat/tell) . • •treatise• onnervous an physical debility,- , ----..0/Alt Kinds,-, Free Pratt- ' There is" no member of society to whom. The Snrent, of 1:rfo� will not be useful, whether 3 anti,, A�+ �. � ) parent, guardian, instructor or clergy nran,-- l! igllallt and serious 'Chargo' aralnSt arive,laut. t • Sir. Charles Tripper and himself, aim res s the Peabody Medical Te tr'uta or or . 1V, EIParker, No. 4 lulindi Strew', Boston, • ,QQDERIOH, and two young gentlemen who Tlad thts� , whe may he consulted on all di oa �efi ria-• never loop 111111 any harm, alld • who p;lysieiaus a specialty. Such tre•lted=Ness fnaly without an instance a Mention +on t NEws•Il Eeelm,Clhttotl, out, '.3&1-y - their pi n, 1 • plied:idol).--(-l3otii', hear.) Every one • ,g') CLIC No'I'lcEcs. TRX: IT. 71'1.1' TT. only to be had 1•rona Iron apd 11"ardw• ii c 1c 111; eeree%,aut,,... uor ��.�ea, • gnir ail s tiil'nnd experience 4hroulean . o,s q•,•• 0 uta chseaseiythe.t have bnitlsd the skill of all other Kaci a full right, in fire practice of itl i I failure, ` M t' Tan ofessio . to ma a aceta a p - f these charges wen proved to be 0 'e o• PIMPLES., S I will marl (Mar•.t) alio reefne: untrue, erica fl • int there never was in tl t U ' for a ixfmplo t 4',',? 1, n'nu i 'fA;AlO,M. 1'N, 'aMd;KI110 010111 t101 favor granted to tllt3ll tri Tains i the k b had said :-"I find -that the'son of t him) been (hear, hoar.) Tho hon. gentleman n' any ease a' b 1 b planted rewthofuairun t1 bald baud or smooth rime, 1 1e t,lyilli,� re N r11. b - r V sire 1111 t the. also lustructtous for producing a 1Uxurlent hat tvoitltl` not the Fit'st 1 finister.'and the son of • • Sir 011arles Tupper. have fat years been using their,'.411-poworf.,ill inllii- entre with' this Administration, in order to secure large slioe's' of the public resoll•oes ,of this country. For years they have 'been trading on,and. speculating • ln..that .influ-• once, • and in the resources: of the I3ominioll t17C1C17y.iy Now, this .chargo,'itit meant anything, ,meant that ,his son. and the son of Sir Charles Tupper bad ,used their' inn. iluence with. their parents to stream • o AtIdrass, el 3c starilp, BEN, VAI3n'ELP'& 9 Iltlusts CO. GU Aim street N Y fr' l fthis : and it was insufferable that for mere t0 t 1e son o any mall in ll' , , ) TO CONSUMPTIVES 1.. political' :purposes such' unfounded • Goods; iloliday • • At BUTLER'S, MARKET SQUARE, - ..COEPmCN,. • par BUTLER SELLS CHEAFEli .than'rtnyazne eta top of ,the earth. T mot eartbier leasing been permanently cured �1!' ct tillst•draad disea08, Consutuptioa, by a simple I chtirges sllpuld be made. Ile could.. remedy', is anxious. to iruake known to his fellow. • _• sufferers 1 is ,. fferers the Means of cure, To all who .desire not "call any, mall.ttl�• lollortbblo It; he will send a copy of the prescription. used ' i'tentlelniln eVeept l,)y Varllall+entaiy • tMaEs),cath tlrodirections (01- 1 plringandusing• J - Purchasers 11eet1 notbe • the same w•hiolt they will line ti sure Cloaa for courtesy '1110 would for 1130 Mean, osearia osmis, oexsieiertt., AATIIAta; knoseurrts ' • St P t' wish ` the Y tt ill 1 • o.. rye a+a a lwg 1a rascrlp ou will p Casa base, low' u1 ose of•itffe'etintt' •address Sec. E. A - WILSON,. Pen+, Street, ., p p ... a serol 3D,, • nlyisbur •h; N, Y, iron ge,ntlenncli opliosite-Ortlel; 'Noy oreisir •l , Y • Restored, A gentleman having innocently con. 14`.1'y. Spoaif:er—Order, ' - •• . t• •t the habit of saIf•:ubtlto in"his youth, 1111 ' Str John i.1riedentild I 1111111- 111 eoi egsrLllea snifereti aU'the hol•1'OYo of SCxmal I ra rsr•atou etc.., w uosnlay or • tris fellow sufferers, mail free the recipe y which b o 1V: PINKNEY, 4•L Cedur•$t,. New Yenta. 3D3y �- — ueu,aultc, Losh'manhoo• Phlsicul feels (10u - that when' an Iron member of this •tj l i? o � t1, Out f s tl :f House gets up and charges another he wire•(ittall} cured.• Address in von ideaco, 3. largo slices of the lairds Of 'th' , hon. Minute): With dishonorable con- 'couiltry hnprolierly. Iie,(Sir Jvhu) • A.A.AAAAlk.1.1�..1i.A.A1,tAAAAAA 13 • duct that"member has a right to re-'. - - • p ace -as .a loom indignation and .tis strong' language' ass a gelltlarnau'thltt,.ucitller fthoseas alio 'Lublish, (dictionary can fur two young men; had addressed 1111x1 • • or ' spoken ' to him, or aupi'oached • • . I1iin directly or"inilitectly-upon any THE. $1•;425. A YEAH.. $1,25 f. YEAR.. $1.25 A. YEAR. JOHN CUNNINGHAFIE Iles been appointed solo agent for tllis'colel,,rated Tea.' Of itself it ft the. 'best value in the market, besides which . , I -..A. • HAN•D§bIAE •PR•ESENT•• is•given .to every purchaser• of 3 31)s, and tipwatd..It is put til) iix`.1ia11- • pound :packets at EPR P01iND. :1: 50 TO 70GENTS a .: 3 -lbs .... t once in order to get a Present. 1001 �� y different books to choose frown. Try..a 25 -cent• -packet of T;:f:f�Z,�tor�'!?etv.. i ,Sole agent for FLElsi1MA11 e!s YEAST, the -best in the. world. ABRAHVIiTH Market Square, GODERICIT . WEST. ,OF ENGLAND .SUIT >.OU,SER - GS, ITVV�T�V`kV.V.VVVV 'VVV . ber of Parliament, and'on his honor • John .Gunn nghame, - 'Clinton. NEW 1►RilC., STQ:RE o 0 • The unslorsigned,has just 'opened a n'ew•Drtig Store, in JACi\SO S • • NEW. BLOOX, 'on HURON STREET; two doors' west of the City,;r. e Y ' Book aStore,'where will be fouled a templete assortment of • Pat: • letligs awl Chien) Ica Is, •:11so R'atelit i111ediciues-and • • SCOTCH TWEED .SU> T.LN GS &:- -1Dlinos. rsti,g is, s' :au1111i zes—.ail ti,at the public may ask for in those • _ . C flnt'oh 1301 Jltinunr UN.�'- WOR"i" M I N • • bhl y' .1.. P. s.-Ol$conhongeu-from rt$idoncet stbrel • o 1 ' TROUST.Il1NGS, nisi' hint, (hear, hear.) FRENCI'I"• AN • • 'STET)" OL .:. NOR ,--Recent fios'1 land Bail Have ;; , 1t. t . Vest Sl 7 Z 117 t ". z,YcGnsh , :at Abt•trltt<m 'SAtith's, claim: t o .application' that. they were 'killed' the 'petite crops i:n'soii 1?:Itrts THE about. to make. . (Hear; hear) And, of Irelanel: r THE;he would fi'lw,-further, that both --Mount' Etna is erupti•lig. and ''hteivart Tupper and Mr. I3ngh J. has; busied the Sicilian town of Macdonald were honest and honor . i icolosi• "forty fathoms deep." • HURON NEWTS -RECORD 1.1IJRON.; NEWS -RECORD CORD rtf t; ; (.2 in, e, t/' a ratio tel' l:: 1IU. THE 11CiltON ' NEWS -RECORD ]) ON' -NEWS itECORD . Now in stock one of the'. cheapest CAVES • GIVES„ nide igen, and .would not do any- 14lost,SGhenck anti •Brannsch.ive,. GIVES. 41,v it,5 :. • . and .Less 'stocks (1/ . . • a Salt, Cheap��ocerfeS•t O�.oiProv s l � o g , Peddlers outdone-51bs.-good Young Hyson: Tea for $1.. Nevi ig a'Inge':itock of SALT an: hand, orders will, to filled. at the X O1lLS'I. 1.. Worts r n• • o •• • � n r rat '�'` + • litttou :5 the Stilt•\1 ,);s ill liC s ld•as on s arta c It s WINTER. ®. 1 �'����� � � � TIi�1Cl S U�hroUered iu C '+ Q slo tire Chicago, .A.n•ti..11ists have, $.>0•13, . tiling to disgraCC4t11f i ,1)arents of >_t•' IIORI; IiL-knT1'rG FF t disgrace theilisLlves:.•(Cheer's) found gutity of nrrsdemeauo Ilei Sentence on klredn "'slay was interested in. 1118 SOWS' pros for- a •) 1SOItil. itEAI)I�NG" t- 1 1 -4.. Cr plby the ,Auairchists . to MORE REAI)ING' a' ity, as any other Member of ot the ow up ala Board• • . 1.r • .t110,PI,..If,LAI)I�,• til of � ., House tdouiel be interested in leis`police stations and other buildings' e •' ' solo .the • •• son's weet'aro.. These young linin, in. Gliierigo hots been, discoverer,,:. • • KIi1 FOR TIII; 11ON.• were clea1l1ng as all -other. legal Bien -Tllo innguration of tho' noir 1g-, I+t)I,' '1'IIF; MONEY .ANE5.OLOTHS.' A Full. Line o£ GENTS'.PUR- NISHINGS always in stock, EY It zpill per� yaza to cull on *""FOR THE MONEY ABBANAM. S 4,t�'t� , • Were doing, and afi they had. a right Toronto Oliiiige I.;uullty Ilttll' was ' .' a1 FOR T1 -fl MONEY to do, in lands:ands land purchases celebrated' W\?etlnesday 13iglit •b3 a in' the lgoi>thwyst; and. ft assts too. bnirCillet; to which, 1,50 guests s;tt ( d ten'. ` much t� say that because their par- eats happened to• • be. public men • -East. week an eight year. old son of Mr. John Mali tdyee, '11io -. tjley ' alone should;• -be precluded '• olds felt t`roin� 0 llaiiimoel; and broke from doing a --legitimate business if, the boire of his light anti juse above they choose, to do so.. Poem.) It 'tyre elbow joint, which was also ilis- api)eared . that the 'statoineets mile locatod . - '' l,.c th -hoia•. gentleman - were •beseil '._lits. Thurber,. Wife. of 'e New . inion certain' exhibits filed jit._tho York millionaire wanted to be 'in- Gourtof Brevity in Manitoba, t 4'tislii flgttiii tit:3 o'eleek Wednesday.,. last; - ight hour's previous she, [25) - ASH are dotuplt.ted: Tiulotby a:izl Cloo'ei• Seed y1 -anted, •' aro Ain Jot IN MC4AFtl�•`!�:. 1 • • CARRIAGE . --Af. yen are rieedin 'a nob• ��r r g by rig call and [snlihe_ _ • - • eon: -FOR- . s, ev��e pts- h togs, and they • .Celebra d c! Top Burge D ry rig irarra8 ted :: ($1.25) • 1 (`1 .ted Cantelbn dear IIIDES ,(��TF•TE I�((\y� Itemember, mil. vehicles are merle o1'Lhe e 1t1�J:JA! ts11L N 8ecolial454ro� best ate' ! 3 d t1t 9For1t :1 S 1 materials, • 1.25).2 5), YELLOW.; &o. Higlio'st market price geld, Tiring sill• ave country bat rel l ('CIt11i' N a� sell 'lu ' on Y: a: 'do ant' 0. _• 3 merit, Prices/110W, • lhtongh' iha• gall sand see stook; 1,25) r-tYt'fal•stent• (v: 4 IM ANY OTHER PAP THAN .':ANY OTHER PAPER 35At'f the partnel'slup which existed be- „ , q OBJ -om --i- �-- wits 304 miles itwitj= :The Lalli-• TII��' k�Y• ()TT•II'P I' 1I'I'P li IVU AfiTt7RffR of -- ' `' TiI.k":d Y CJ`1III:',1,:_-•-- � � donate and Tippet' was clr�isoly-• p�rt•lil;r in time, for tllle• stink of I �'�`�'" � � ..' � here • "foals a difference' about $300. ,They olid tie making' :the , IN"THE COUNTY. A 3' r r i .' A ,. R twecn Messrs..-1E0AI-thui:, '..Dexter, eater, niche'allot 011ie unrdertool° to trtln+ 1 ' i.. ° • -r avoi'n.'tc speed ol` 04 'In i1es 'au hour, IN •'I 11..!' (.)t"'Z 'Y's their accounts, alio .they. 'Went, %tato. • " l.N 'J I[.Ii, 1.:C11F'� 1 it ceurt • to have thine st ittled Tim. •-' ":A few days ago a V.irginian�idaN.V 1 N THE t, facts wore laid' before the e01i1't; and became i11M1014 from religious eX.eite- . 'tient Iindeiticl; she hall' been • called upon to sacrtlice liorself end three; • cllilclrcn t •Sho killed them,, aged 12, 10 end 8:years, with a eery leg knife and their p1ungud the reeking blade b into hor.ott'n hearb. were pliblislrod inn one of tbeiaie:ws- - papers, and hone° tiro lion,-iliomber• . I'or' West HIuron, g other °d, ; the facts, which he utterly, distorted and mis, stated, ani, gi•usaly and uialig;.uailtly' r,l 9 Corner of Harron and Orange Streets,' CLINTON. ()[)N'I''lr: The- I.. E ug: y .ai '1'•11'1` I'1' 1 kEtrATRY. I1''! - I• Td Durability, Lightness and Appearance equalled by uo other', Tin' I'1' !lig.' tar .TIt'' I'1' 1 rip�y Men 9 nA „ I .1��.� t✓1 ,1 ,. Al1.Llte hitest improved veilictes'kerlt. aenstrinity, otl.t'ancl. F'lkl '''.CLASS IBV 11 J" tt... C "1.IiY 1T ! .• B'L ACKsita illi ru eounectien. 13est'.mltterial' lied totic,mansbip iii• ,all '1`1tS' 7'f .' vs�U• LSab°7'ItY. IT ; • . branches, $1,2:1 .1 YEAR.' • ' AL1. Wall{ iili'ARRAHHTED. • - - PRICES REASCNAIIL!',.. insilniatecl di:slt ,uorltble and ilisu\tnd- -Thu Grand ()a'ange I;oda'd of 'British America opened its'auntie'' -st'$Sion in the Toronto new Orange; A, ,fail o11'Tuesday of.last week. Ileo: r N li 111 tl°buritvn, Grand Master of Ontario, S.Vest presided in the ab clttii•ges made by the lion. gentleand - r+ lGiauel'110100lulrel''l man iu this connection, • and stholVed i,t+,art a11osv n balaucii ori bt0iul. of 1,y 0,ittonlatnts from tiro .l)itperil nullt ltbent 1,eo0. Tho Grand sspprc- ot' the Interior that they wor+e'.tt'tt:riy . tory repurtucl [lust he taut is;xuc(1 Elise and ulnfotulded, in tualciug„ dllrlllg, I:110 Year 19 wttlltl71t8, 3 un° of these .i barges the 11en. 'lt,aii-r newel Werrtults, 3 ri)yitl s0,trlet (ifs- 1reilsmttiollFt, l comity wart•ltllts, 0011c1 11('tllaat had 0,1,i01;, -„,lar hese wurtll4 12 011141 int warrants, Receipts of his g',11e1 of worths sires ala loot appear oflicit were $930,•45. of which it teal-. I.1) 1111i1c 'liittit4d 'Choir ol7eratious to 101,1403 rot,taiu0(1 ut' „843,1(1, field() actions on the, pare of these two young geutletn(1i1 and !linli;C+li 1 ,ill John.)lic'at' lioai•. Ira, then proceecled to emote the. different $1 21 ,, YE VR > ,-Rio'pairing. alncl ,lie }ainting Promptly. Atteaaded.to, 1x1,25 Al; YEA . A kA.4,4,iA:k,k'J1skAAAAAAAA V• VV'% VVVVVV.VXVVV-VVVV • heir 'Peat, of ,New York i17011= tinned in hist week's paper, lute bon keut(•ltertl to the penitentiary torone year and lined $500, I1 is- assoeiate, tll:,iullsclityeig, got "rine months iii this penitentiary and was fined .$250. Schanck •u'ftii sent 1' the pl11itt'nt'•iaty for Bine ,months, taxa wits :taxa lined, Aieet/1111TC1-•SE1l1? - BINDERS 111-3A PERS, NI°AVl?1.tS, SEEDb )11 ILLS, I, YYyy 8 ..:(_ O1J [1'T ''G IIOXl S, Sl ll l.i.T;I1S; , ETU., lilTei,, And all Implements mad on It furan as CTood 0003 the Best, tied its Ul,(Itp ELS the 'G'lrea.peot, at J. B. WEIR'S t11PL1' (ENT:WA1;Eitr)OAii ,^ I:k1't (r. L, •f'. 'rL it l tl 6 • r6 6 T 11) iii . : 1. and with the right .kind of It;11Mtlllit 011, At JAMES .2. ANDERSON'S O 'S1 'ERS, ];u .§hell aril Bulk; by ` is or Quart, ' . CANDIES S 1:Oe, or onto. • .A.i��'C''"`'S nt.d.LB1; N L5r�, H8r ttxl7' CN�'LN 1} it k1 • tIAL ... AND I ,'$I «� I'iit -i B AUD. Gl:iglr