HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-06-02, Page 8BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. ItORRESPONDENCE. We will • ixt ' all tinteste pleased to le tei'tve items of' neWs from our sub- scribers. 'if'e want a good corres- ,yiondept;in et'oi.y locality, not already •reitresented,;tosend usRELIABLE new.. SUBSCRIBERS. Pdtr'ons who ado . not receive their .,paper regularly from the carriers or • thr.rugh their local ,post offices will confer a favor by reporting at this ,office at once. Subscriptions may commence at any time. ADVERTISERS. Adcei'tisers will please bear in mind 'that all "changes" of advertisements, to ensure insertion, should be l:atnded hl not later than Moxpa Nom of •each wacic, • 'CIRCVLATION. Tan .News-IREooxv has a ,larger 'circulation than'any other paper: in this' section,l and as an advertising medium has few` equals in Ontario. Our books are open • to those who anean business. . • .I00 PRINTING. The Job Department .of this jour - is one of the best equipped'in • IVestc r'n Ontario, and a superior 'class of work is .guaranteed at very moderate:rates. i' . • • The Huron .N News -Record Wednesday. June 2nd. :LOCAL .NEWS. Zn and Around the "IIau.7 • nese. Sours MaGWRve has' been 'elected school trustee: in place of C. fiJ . Tuthill,.'remov*eel from town. IITOBELL- RACES.—" Goderich Chief," owned. by' Mr. A,. Smith, ' i n first money in the race' for: the $175 purse. Time, 2:37.:. A Swink; TIbtE AT GODERIOK.--- •Three religious.- bodies will meet at Godertich this week -Alio Methodist so nee of 'Guelph District; the County Council,. and the West Rid- ing of Huron.o�iservative Associa- tion. tion. ' EPART#ENTAL: 1 AMI,NATIONS, 'JUNE AND. JULY.—Clinton.: Sec-' ands. 13.;;::ceoonds and thirds 9; thirds 50 special 1 ;: corn: diploma 5-78 dandidates:• Seafdrth • Ste - :ends 13 ; seconds . ttud thirds 9; thirds 55-77 candidates... ;i .Ter;, Orangemen. of Windham- are 'commencing to make arrangements, for holding a'graud Oiange'celbbra= iron. in. that town' -on the 12th of :July, and; it is • expected; that there. will be the. larged Tara :ant of Or, angenien that has Never beet seen in Huron. ' • •FAnsiEtue Sons.. —By an•act' of last session: of the Ontario legislature each county in_the province is ells titled to have' one student.iii,attends. since at'the Agricultural college with- out the requirement- ofany entrance yr tuition fee. . The nomination of• a student is made, .by:the - county council. The student must he a son of a practical farmer residing in the. county,,and •must have • lived on his parent's farm at least two years prior' to his admission ''to tile: college; Applications should bo rade,?to the, county council which is now in ses- nicil, . ' • NorDizAn ET.-tiV th a, view of securing his eustomers,'rival•podlers have reported Mr. W. I tartin. cif. Clinton, -as -dead, .''Wo aro glad to• . learn that ho is not onlylivatg, bat, •is as 'lively as "a' spring', chicken. Those having old rags, &c:, should await his call, '. for • we • have known laiin for years, as' an 'up- right and •htsneat'man, and they can do better with him than' any 'other.. person en the road:• itis word can, ;tt all tunes be ' Pdlied on, •and . the articles 'exchanged are of the, very. beat Canadian inanuf rcture.—lifiteh- eft Advocate. Right you. aro lir. .Advocate. ' WANTED, Am pNOE, A GOOD ACME Box TO 'LEARN TUE ART o>H' PRINTINo. A$PLF AT TIIE:NENV S-REGORII ORFICE. BROWN, looking in Anderson's fruit and confectionery shop, "Bananas are softer than usual'tbis year." Jones replied : "That' de - pencil: whether they have banana string too long or riot" GOOD STnnns, Mr. W. Robinson sold Mr. Jas. Hearn, on Monday, three steers weighing over 4,400Ibs , one was a two year old and weighed over 140014:1 ,The sum received for thorn was $229. Mn. J'..' BEAoont was in town Saturday with Tontine after miss- ing a couple of trips. The admirers of good horse stock and the many friendsof the enterprising owner of Tontine will. no doubt be Much gratified to Tearn that the noble 'an- mial is all riglit'again after acouple of weeks illness. John's $3,000 trembled in the balance for a few days. Wnr•IT's A FAUXRE.—T11e other night in Milton one of the Salvation,. Army Passes, reada portion of sorip- tnre at the: barracks, This sentence formed part of the lesson; "With- out me (Christ) ye can do nothing." "Ajt, ye," sad tete lassie, "the peo- ple, bero had a pet scheme (referring., to the Scott.' Act) to reform the peo- ple, bid there was no, Christ in it. And Bee what a Miserable failure it has proved." • STREET WATERING.. — Inspector Paisley has in progrees'a- scheme for watering the streets. Miller, .the blacksmith, will furnish -the water at his .blacksmith shop. It will be. pumped by steam power into an elevated tank, from whence it can easily be conducted to distributing .tank on'wheels,and Sprinkled over - the: streets... Private. 'contributions have been promised and we•presume ; tlia Council' will be asked to liber='' ally : aid in the good work. The.. Counoil should, In fact, bear all the expense. PEItsI ear AND : SUCCESSFUL. .The' persistent .: and industrious and loyal member for East Huron, : Mr. Thos. Farrow, has been success- ful in securing a grant<......froin the. • Government of $16,000 f to aid the five mile extension`of the 'L','G. and B.. branch of the:C. P..R.. to: Wing - ham; The nines will have tostiike back its slanderous statements res.. I Gently made concerning. Mr. Farrow in'regard to,thisgrant; now that•the. amount named has been . authorita- Lively' placed., in the dstimates;,•by Parliament. •• A4TOORT1iER FAIR. --•We have no reason to think- icor do we believe _ that the .report of the ,Methodist District meeting doings :which we • published lash week wee other. that• • the' official siepoit of the secretary. It'•is true it appeared in'.the Era before it did. in: Tao NEws-REoou», but we published .it at theyiequest of'tliesofiicial secretary; Rey:- - ey A, E:• Smith,'; wire, in preferring iis' rs= quest, said .in his cavi to us s: "A motion .was, passed asking that•,tthe Matter referred to • be inserted'' in the local papers,. By complying frith this , request you will muco " 'oblige, A. E. SMITn, Secretary' of. District," TDB . "Boys" ABROAD: -In . the :Lisbon 'Star correspondence. from . the town of Elliott, Dakota, we find the. following. itein :.-"The' farmers for miles around manifest "by' the liberal patronage they are giving our popular merchant, Win. Coit, form- erly of the•4th con., Goderich town- ship, that this is the. place •to • buy goods." Also this•:—"1.'•. M. Elliott - sold one-quarter of Sec. 17,-;eonsid-: oration $1,200,' with fifty acres in crop. Mr.. Elliott,. alit of Relit._ 'Elliott, of Goderich;:t.p.; is the liar •chaser. Wm. Cox has sold a; quarter section to E. N. Hicks, considerations $1,3515reoplc'have come to know .the fact that Elliott and vicinity is the desired spot above all others." lirrillos irom w q, 4 LL PAPER From 5c a 4011 up, Carpet Felt, Baskets, Fans,. Silverware, Croquet, Rubber Balls, Base Ball 'Rats, Hammocks, Foot Balls, School and • Office Maps, Building Paper, &e,- WINDOW e; WINDOW SHADES AND ROLLERS, CHEAP.. CHRIS, DICKSON, CLINTON. • A MITCHELL bartender named Frith has just paid $70 for an eye which he knocked out .of Joseph Burton, of • Harpurhey, _ on the Queen's Birthday. • ft, • • Sr. PAUL'S GuILD.—Closing en- tertainment of the season, Wednes- day June 2nd, at 8 p. ni. Admis- sion 10 cents. The following ladies and gentleman will tike part :—Mr. Belcher,. of Goderich ; Mr. Hollis, Canada's great comique,.of Seaforth; Misses Dopers' , Giffin, Kendall, Jack- son, "'S. Greig, Messrs.. • Herman,- Combs, Smith, J. Seekson, J. Farm- er ; readings by Messrs.. Brewer and Scott. • .TSB DEPUTY Rc>1vti Er,eor. -Mr. Corbett was elected deputy reeve- of Clinton, last Friday, • to •fill' •tho .vacancy eaused. by the resignation of present clerk, Coats. Without . in • the least disparaging. Mr: •Searle,. we will' say, that the electors niad'e a .good -selection.; but had. Mr. Searle canvassed, the , result might have been:. different... - Ir. Corbett . has already served two goers as. reeve and. he' made a very efficient . one; his popularity with his colleagues at the County Board supplerhenting -his efforts for his constituents very inuch; and there are not many mem-• hers now, if there • ere any, but will welcome the gentleman back among them. once more. 'Though some . p'referred a representative holding different . views, take •hiin as an "all 'round. man" We' don't' know thin the. public goneialTy•will have much fault to find witlkliinL Ho went up to the county town' • yesterday.;:' Tuesday, to attend. 'the • J uno session ' of: the County Parliament; , PEnSON iL Mgsri,ION -Judge Doyle was •in towh'on Thursday on official business.—Mr J'. M. Sheppard, of Goderich, ',vas in townlast- week A FniesamY Sligo OFF. --.A large number of the personal friends "of Mr. George Diehl, jr., invited; that gentleman to a supper, gotten up et the Grand Union Hotel, on Friday evening. The oocasion for , their testifying their respect for•hun ag n' man, and a brother, and •a';sitizen, being the knowledge •of his ,early . departure from toms. to. tako'iip his resisloncain Chicago. The fervency of the expressions of ;:,good will toward Mr. Diehl bore - tete guinea stamp, of genuineness and attested that it was us blessed to give as it is to reetsrve well-nioritcd praise. The mat)"air. falf gotten, up in the usual , ina;jii t manner of the 9raiid seinen ]-1r. 1lielil tvi11 leave town. on .... . ' ilia . fer sly will. tot - low in a fete days. 'J'lu:y will all carry with thein the bt.st st-ialies of it usNe ciiele of t ieiids. • PurinicATIONs.--The Doherty Or-' can Company' lids issued a. 'uico catalogue. The lithogralilied cover. s appropriately suggeetivein design, is the fourth page, and the execution most admirably carried' out. ' The letter -press work is good enough, but., not quite up to the standiai•d of firat-class'country offices, such as those 'of Clinton for iustanee. —The second zi'itritbvr of 7'/r.e Labor Reformer, published in Toronto, -is• to hand. It is well wiitton and well gotten up; and freta t1:o appear- ance of 'the. rumba before ns we ahauld judge that it will fill "a long felt want." ---•The .M`ir'ror is aiiotliei. • weekly publication. ,jnst:.atlrted in - Toronto,. It will catch the fleeting shadows of current ev'+ents, acrd lie- .torially pv'csent thein to its readers. Though the Illustrations are not up to `this•' average wood-ctit oi' aterc,o- 1 pe,, they riie.-paasablo and will likely be improved Upon, This edi- t.ot saga "it vitt : be found true to the (t)•ui:en, to the Eni1dtri, ,and to Clisse;:da:''' This is -enough to cone- mend liillelit< approval, • • consulting: Rural Dean Craig on - church business:-.E;'Ls Dickenson, Esq., revising. , clerk E. :•B. 11., , of Windham,.. was in town last Thurs-' day.= llev. Mr. "Johnson,: of • St. • George's church; Goderich, • was in • 'town one' clay last week.—Mr. ands Mrs.I Constable, of St. Marys, were' the gueats of their, daitgl►ter, 11irs. John .Wiseman, for a few days oast' week.—Lewis Llliott. Sed Mr. Bell were in town Friday. They were looking uli' orders -in the•interest of the Goderich marble works, which have now 'passed into the hand:. of Bell & ' Robertson,. with . Mr. L, Elliott. as their:, agent. -Mr. Toni; I.P.S., West. Hurdn, was;,in•town on Monday and" was the gueAtt"of Mr. M. Fischer.—Mr. L. Nethory, of Blyth,.dropped. in on us Monday. He was on, his way to the R. W. Grand Orange Lodge, .which meets in 'Toronto this week. -Mr. May as they believe itto he far, better that the patient should know the nature of his disease and be resigned, than to be told by travelling impost- ers that the disease is curable and each attempt at a -cure produces moro discontent, Every person can fully rely upon the veteran judgment of the staff who have -been honored by Royal favof for wonderful re- coveries under' their expert adininisr trat►on. The Royal Staff is a house. hole word in Europe, and the Can. adians. by experience can already say that "honor is their virtue and ' "success" their maxim. Let every- one. who have either lived in any part of Europe or have friends living ing there callupon tie doctors ai', "teeny a ' grip frae freen to freen makes sympathy the closer." N. B. Tho first visit alone free, in all others chargees will, be made. Dates -18th to 22nd June. - 'The Deputy. -Reeve Election... --[+ridayy last was the day fid d for the erection of a successor to .ex= Deputy Coats., Were . it' not for other occurrences . the day . 'would. hive-beenone of the quietest of the year. Noteven a sound of betting was beard, and it seemed as though the friends of each candidato.were effei:ing a victim- for sacrifice at the. altar of. public duty. But the mourn- ful occasion,' like all others, bedsit finale and :when -the result of the polling -was announced, ii. few.iihin- Utes after'five o'clock, it Was found that -Mr. Corbett was elected. over Mr: Searle by 'a majority of fosty- two.-_. The vote was a ,.small one altogether, the interest manifested: at general rnunice.pal .elections being conspicuously lacking The figures die,: ' St. And'tvs. S1..iaa. Oeo's. Corbett, 35 42 t 51 • 56 Searle; 51 - . 33 26 • 12 Total for Corbett," 184 , fon Searle, :.142 ; majority for Corbett ^42. The last contest for; deputy-roevt`was in 1885, when there were polled for St; Andw•'s, St. Jae:' St. John's. St: Goo's. W..Coats,67 77. 59 54 W.Cuopor'40' • : 35 39 : 39 Total for Coiits, 257;. for . Cooper, 1:53; nrijorityfor Coate; 104 • • ASSESSMENT 'W ' The• Point of Rovision-4nret last •Thursday. evening, `blessrs'l4lc- M urehie,, Manning, Copps Jackson 'and Cooper present. Mr: Manning. was.voted to thechair. .•.,Cornplaint of Geo. Sharman of ever assessment was read, but was received 'tee •rate to boat sidurod... 53 appeals were lianded in by the clerk, in 45 of which Mr, W. H. Cooper was the appellant. • Appeal of D. Graham, owner . of woolen mill, overcharge on person- alty, allowed ; of Thos. Jackson .on personalty and real . estate, post- poned to Juno 8; of .I'. R, Powell. to'have name •'put on as, owner;.al- lowed.'Thera were put on as oc- cupants, tenants Or joint tenants: Elizabeth Beesley, James Angus, D. Clui1', F: Pelcher,'9W.''G. Sheppard, $300, Jos Wheatly, John Eausford, W. J. IWodericli; li. Logan, $200, Chas. Witte ; disallowed as tenants Hunt looks hearty after his trip to • the. golden state. ; He brought 'a little niece back With him.• --Mr, W. J. Biddle's, of 'Elmhurst -farm, has boon troubled for sono" time .with an affection of the e-yesivhich at one time threatened to destroy, the. eight of one. We are glad 'to learn that there is iidayaprospect of his sight being all_ richt.• .Inspector Malloch keeps diligently • au his i'oaiuds of exam 'nit:" :schools throughout •tiro East Riding and the pupils. of the 'various schools seem to hail his coin - frig with delight. ' 31000 Ri.tvARt--Doctors of the 'groat Royal Staff of Englisi. Hell and German phis:dolana', anrgeons, professors and enecialiste, will visit the Ratteiritury ifotol, Clinton, Ont., June 18th, and. will remain until the evening 'of. 22nd June, w"tierc • they will treat the'af licted free of charge. The object of this most celebrated and eminent combined stuff of doctors, in thus treating thesick, free of charge -for first visit only -his to establish as large a Canadianrepute.: two ns they "Bout, possess a European onty, and tri make the -successes they hake achieved in different countries identified with the., interests of all Canadian• people, for 'thio purpose they alsjiired the unpleasant epithets conferred upon all travelling doctors and coma before' too people witha wnrld wide reputation' Ana experience willing to cure arty .curable disease and if aneerable the patient will be told in eucll a manner that nithniigh 1(:covert' ins iirtposeible, they si11 still retain faith in thtr lirey al' Staff its 33. P. Sibley, K. L. Slahlaker, Mr. Cornelius,,A. E. 'Collins, 11..33. Maasey, Jas. Sheppard. Disallowed` • as wage earners : Thos. Ford,'J. L. Doherty, C. Stewart, • A. Thinner, S.' Booth, T.' Colborne, J. J. Me- I}onald, G,• Cook. jr., A. Glazier; J. Glazier, 13. Glazier, Jos..11attenbury, 'sr., Es Sullivan; Sohn Walker,. Jas, Walker. ' Added' as wage earners : Geo. Stewart, John Stewart; Put -on,as owners' son T. Hannon. Dis- allowed : L. Appleton. Put on as owner : 8. Fitsiinone, Jas, Gallagher, Buchanan; John Ford. Disal- lowed as owner: Jos, Whitehead. A. Whoatly 'real estate reduced to $200. ,' 25 appeals were allowed, 26 disallowed, 2 postponed. . Conrt ad- journed to meet June 8tli at 8 p.' in, -••-James Jones,. of Bruaat11s, pab lieiy'""i3 iallenbes Geo. Mosgrovo of. urnborry to run a 100 yard foot thee in Brussels en, Caledonian Games day for ,$25, a side. • T It luP S I. 1 1 s t 1 -�--Wo are now showing a -- Large -- -.Large Line of Tweeds Suitable for SUMMED,. SNITS, wl►ich.we hill offer at remarkably Low Flounge ion CAsn. All inneed of a • . • --should not fail to see our groat lino of-- HALIFAX fHALIFAX TWEEDS. o• On : Satniday : Iext! Wo will offer at our Spooial Salo :. • 25 Straw,, Etats at 10 cents, worth 35 cents. 100 White Shirts at 52 Bents,' \vomer $1 00: 15 Vests at 50 cents, worth $2.00. - -• 10 Odd Coats at ;$4.06, Wortll $8, $10 and People who want to take advantage, of these sales should 'not fail to:call , on Saturday, as we only oiler these goods on the above data. • Our Sales aroattracting great attention and these columns • should be • watched every week for the chances to get special.linos of goods AT HALE THE WHOLESALE. COST.—, ON BROTHERS: The Famous Clothiers and Hatters. • ante t*t*.t Y FIRST -CLAS 1'• -- IMMEDIATEL . •. C. C. RANCE & CO.; Tut' nun (;LOTfnns, TNR.RR DOORS WEST 0r DIOKSON'S ROOK ST'ORZ