HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-06-02, Page 7a' NEWSPAPER LAWS. we call the special etteution Of Peet MOWS. and ..StibScribsia. to the following ryttepsiabe the newspaper laws i- ll-Aepoetinester is required to give, ilY LeTrBit (retaining a paper .deee Alk. not answer the law) Mona sttlaseriber does • sot take hia papa nut of tiro office, and aete the reason for its not beitigtaken..",- Any negleet todo Au makes -the steettuaetei responsible to the pulilielters for peyntent... 2 -If lialV person enters hisle epee die" autinuede fte 'nest pay alkarreamges, er the pubhslier may continuo to' and it • until payment is made, • and collect the whole amount. udiether it be taken front. the °Ince or not, There , can be no legal • discoutinuenee until the payment ts Matle. 3 -Any person who takes a paper from the post -ohm, whether directed to his Dente or anothdr, ,or • 'whether he lite $111.)-4-• scribed or not, is responeible' for the pay. a subscriber orders hie peper to he • stopped at 0, certain time, and the.ptildish- er continues to send, it the abseriber is bound to pay for it it he takes. a out of the p t . • 'I'his proeccdsllpon the around. „..< that a man must pay foe tvliet lie uses. • 0 Mr In the Division Court in (io1eiirli at the November sittiug a newspaper pub.- . leshor sued 'for pay or tamer, The Mend- - eta objected 'paying on the'gieend that hia had ordered a former proprietor 'of the . paper to diseentintneite The* judge Iteld thatthat was not a valid deleuce. The • • phlitatit the present 'proprietor, had no • * notice to. discontinue and consequently. weld collect, although it wits uot-deined tliat defendant had uotified reenter pro- prietor to disemainue. In ony- event ••4! defendant was bound to pay for the time he bad received the paper and until Ito had paid all arrears•due for sebscriptione deolareto you. Molly, hardly had I took the second moutlifel when he Lam' looked over. at Mei ‘31r. Guerin,' says he, 'Lady cam of Tonic 'chiekene. epperoOrti lonkin'• at you.' •vrom long experience we thank Ve have "Mrhy thin, my Lord,' says 1, not learned the bes. way t have heal hy, strops; knowite what he ,was at, 'she's .• ellitimes• Before we 110 the egg hi for tIt'' heu to sit we teke all the old Ilea away alai heartily *elegem), au" a purtier pair burn it. Than sv.) put a new nest in, then of eyes she couldn't ItaYe to do it,, mark the .r ggs, put them in the nest and let the heu go on, and, ii: possible, keep her from says I. 'being disturbed for a day or two, After `So they all burst out 'Raglan' in that she win do well. 'We set two hone the sante day, so we can give two broods to Orte spite 0' themselves. hen. Wheu the chicks hatch and are old . --:"I Mean to 'say, Mr. Guerin,' says, enough to he taken off the nest we put them' he ' agifin, 'that Lady Peppercorn ;`. .1 ? ','" onuaratiltaohoe4inne:t bizmoencroa n.e,w. nectt4arnoyd VU take wine with you.' the vermin. 1Thile they are in this box. ' tew. 1° we catch all the chicks and grease their "Olt, now I twig you,' says I; • heads and throats, •and if we find any nits we 'with, 4 heart an' a half, me • lady, I - pick them off and kill them. We also rub a . 'little p•,rease under the hen's wings. We keep hob-no'h with you, if you plan.' t1i6in in this box until the chicks are able to vott, molly, white Lwrus tally elm, and ars satisfied with •the hen and the to Lady Peppercorn, what does one i. ble *coop; with refloOr thaecan be taken out hen with. them. Then put them in a porta- ).- CHURCH DIRIECTORI„ tir rruots. P01141- t.0 st. sule•Church.-Servicee on Melo' et ,11 New peach orehards are not being sot nd 7 p. 111. IfIble Oleos, 10 a.m. Sunday to any great extent in the northein s a " • 9 ab They have ninteiekilled and died of yellow! Rev, *thew" Came, B.1) t • t tes b 240 m Service on Weep ad 5 Lector so tifeaetrouely lately that farmers have be Rattenbury Street Itlethodist.-Serrireet10.80 a. m. mid 7.00-ereerne efabliath Bubb 4'at 2.80p. conte discouraged with therm But soutl their culture is extending. That seems to m, 1,111. Bursar, Visteatrolrieca at 1113.1)3, an he plitFo for them. In the way of late growing peare, a gentle Semi. STEWART, Pastor. 0.80 o. diari.PreSsabbYhtitetrhianic-hool, 2.80 p. Ince nen Inn, recently twied. an experiment lhat Ontario. Strepe.tilil.othopdisntri-Sse‘riivolooes, 2a,t010.1,80.4na.. worth knowing. Th 3re .a vacates- pest r w. 'W. Sraiutisa, Pastor. called the Binodgo 4. wh'ch hold; its leave Baptist Church. -Service st 6.80 p. Sal" green and keep.: ou growing very,late tie bath Scheel, 2.30 p. m. RIO' J, Glue, pester, r,,,to this hardy wetter, the fruit growe. rafted Rboots of the dlicinus 1Viuter Neils pear.. The consetmenies was that when he gathered the pears in Oetober, the Winter 1-0 Nelis upon the l3.oedgood stock were still hard and green.. lie put them. away care- fully, to ripen. This they did, slowly and successfully. They gradually became yellow and mellow, and kept good till the end of januery. By his ingenious device of graft- ing the shoots Upon 0. late growing- stock the $100 0 AA CP PRIVATE FUNDS to LEND • •, AT SIX (6) It CENT. 11.. POWELL, Barrister, Solielt,or, 383•y •Sealle's CtiNreIt 1‘1[0'gT:d ti?iloerrkgdagierie tuorrgep ciritiro larisiee013,P, to the lowest current rates. 11, HALV, Buren -qt., Clinton . Cleiton. Feb. 25, 1851. 1-1y moNEy.:. IISINESS DIRECTORY DRIVATE PUNRS to Iota on'ftaWn rauii 1. property. Apply to gtutiStr EDWIN- KEEFER IIia o. ninonT, Office, next Islawe-Recone (up stein+) Albert -St goading. • a full month later than it was wont to keep. grower had the ripe, sweet Winter Nobs pear ::)1\772,/e.. . • , THE moksoNs SANK The suggestion is worth following. It show e ate of Toronto, Honor Gracluate Royal College how to prolong the pear seaeon. . of Dental Surgeons, Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1555. . O' alio jintlumen .the red velvet • 'when they Imo 1 a change, and When the hen E, P. Powell, who may be considered an- Coats's.Bloolr, Clinton. • thority on the fruit subject recommends irt Charges Moderate. REST, - 06•00,000 • needs grass • When the chicks are two weeks • high terms the Lucretia dewberry. It is as Al] WOrk Registiltcd• • . CAPITAL,• - • - $2,0 0 0,001) old we grease their head; agetin and again do, but slip in. is hand under me . • • iarcre as the Kittatinny blackberry, he says; . at firSto corn bread, mixed Wtthibuttermilk, is anent-ion:1y piodrative, and is. swee a s . awl a little soda. If the bread is hard, soak deligAftil to the taste. . it is of a creeping ' 1110 -*.t,' 11)08t before • I touched. what elb ) awa th ilatefr0111 whoa lour weeks old, We feed! eur chicks t and __ego 1 Y el was u ion it could ait liiin with- it in mint. when the. ealeics are two or habitelike its family, and is, therefore, not •• - • • killed out in winttne 'It can take the place three weeks old we chop onion tops fine and Waco" Thick Block, Ott .grain•of saltilmt I was odious- of the blackberry in localities whore that DR. REEVE. • OMeo- ' 1 t 11 • ' b f • 1 to auyildin,” else. Mr. Powell also recommends the Inclusti7 flair Street. Cor ti3ler for th put it in milk and put the mixture where LC CD, for 1 again ; an e Ore they can get it once a day. They prefer this vine freezes out • Ttattenbury Street, . Residence opposite the 0n11,Orance hall, on ty o I uron. ce ion fr n 113U. to .11 • We think wheat is the best feed with the gooseberry as "hardy, prolific, . handsome p, ni, whole o' what was on the hible• was °mous and buttermilk after they are a month and ritth'n ' • i -y Clinton Jan 14 less • . There is a now Chinese phun which prom- ' • " • palmy; old. If a. ehicken dies frau any unknown i ' cleared away. '01), murther, POI. ' . • - says I to myself,- "is ..that .all yen? VO make a little fire and burn it, , and aprieot combined.. It is a dell dark . red - . get to -night V But the --minute " • called Prunus Simonii. Its qualities are an and chicken cholera. are caused by lice. ' m an part of the -Union, ' Thie is indeed - .111ANNExo. & SCOTT could ax' for another lielpiu' the cense we' take it away a proper distance and as great things. It seems to be peach? plum• • ' Wt; firnily behove Ora gapes in chi• ckens color, and the size of asmall peach. It is fht th • a f • 1 dinner laid • We don't haVe any • apes or chicken good, but the best seems to bothat it is hardy . . . . a er ele \YRS 105 1 cholera; when We treat chieltens 0;j;; Y 1 . • all' all. went work arraiu as . brisk. • t • ' - - eis ever. Vat 110WS. etated, We prefer the Plymouihe Itnelcs; gi Read. Onion, s• 110iNITItt.A.In TuoitrAs wonnma., J. IL It. MOLOON, Yiett•Preshiblut. F. WOLFEI1STAN THOMAS, Oebbrallitatinger Notes diecounted. Collections Made, Drafts issued, Sterling mai. American ex-. . chalig,o bought irmi sold at low -- est Current rates.' inTennsi AV , Pint CENT: ALLOWED OR Daresfr • • . Stoney advanced to farmers on their mit notes With 000 or more endersers. No nentgege 10. • t • quire& as security. • n. O. BREWER, , • • • Barristers, 4.0.; . : • • they -are good • sitters, very tante geed, lay- • Tao corn Root Wenn.• .tuLLIOtT 8 .i.u.,CCE, • . . • Slanager,r . • • CLINTON .. • ' • cilia:011S I have, ever se'n in southern: Ohio,' fanner). them plainer 'than any . . . ' - al.ayeem.- February. 1884. • . • . . ors and grow fast end are large ev'hen grown, • re , el , • ' " " • • VI ell, 1 ocrot•another cut of malt, - • - d This plague to the great staple corn crop • - . _ •.....• ., - ..,•,.e....•„,... . ... " " .. ,- " ,, • - 1,,,f ' • . II OUSE TO RENT. . .. an'sitYS I, .(now there's hopes. I'll be aro very hardy. In fact, they are the . best . wait small Lones, They -lay very young art ; is still a, menace to unskillful and, careless menet/ to Loan. • • A certain &A fleeter direets his 'patient§ to only works on the roots, but' that it goes 4p• tra$0111t. • • let ait a hit in 'peace an'- quie4knees; . , msss, -w. Amelleeo, ogrimitaeal writer ester has, that thereemus A. II. MANNINO. . 'JAS. SCOTT. • • FRANK R. •OWEL mom Visiting byethren cordially invited: 'Tie now the merry,. madding,. movirig time ; Yon realize this when you have to elieth7" The stairs at least a hundred: time each day. To see that nothing has been left bellind,• And yee've a thousand things upon 'your mind That yen must needs attend . light away The parlor carpet mustbe titlecu neil• with eare, • • • • And Yon begin beneath your breath to ;MT:11r, • Wiles gently cautioned be• your better . half. • "Don't • pull it.. John I, Don't Just draw that tack," • • : • Tide makes you. mad, yen "yank," parrs en your back, • • • . ' Anil all eke does is.j.ust tceetinni and langh. • . • • t • • .1 • • be rot atoll of crops. 111e. Chum, a careful • • U meets every Friday, on or after the f01 iNtilivron Lodge, • 1••:). 89, A. P. & A. N., eVlien- • • Something, About Lettuce. • farmer of Illinois, says that. this beetle not • ‘'111r. Guerin wi11;you do me the • honour of wine 1' 'said Lord Peppet- eat lottrtoe.every day in. the year end •they on the state later in t1io season, and feeds on corn. • . will not have malaria. It is. good for the the leaves, basks and silk at the end of the turves, good for thedig,estiott, and agreeable Oars, • some sectioes Mingle and Iowa • • for the past seasons they have beennumorous• ' • 'With pleitiinre, 111y forst,' SayS to the pa,ate. ' • . • ' • • *It is well to keep this vegetable 'flesh and and have done de much damage where corn Iterly. '• • ings.' • Begin 08hoe» as the frost is orit.of the same ground that the ceop•evos nearly a fail-. tatter the artson throe ..leas been raised three or .fone_times on the inewin! (keen to the plate •quite man. ; • gh by suecesstve sew:- ure, But no, cage is, ;knewn 'where they did . • ' ground; and about °Very inonth sow a new with Lorcl Pep.percorn, what shoiTICI• fast Those who have met rihave -----------14.,1 crop Or two . or. three' years, . except • • • crep mill the 1st of Jtily.• .. Elfit Ter break- any considerable damage where it was. the . . 0, *while I was clt Illem. w lele . where the year; previone they became so • - . idea he* healthful it - 'is. It is a geed ex -I see only the same.jintlemen in -red numerous that. they spread out on adjoining change for the aboinination of fried grease .. _ • • . Aud so it rims, flom•roma to rem •you go, • Front garret high dowp to the eller low .; Then, when your strength and peer- hoth are spent, - . • • Kott turn a key, aml on the:outer door rou tack a sign of just throb woedS, no - • more • • • , • Your ,epitaph of arrow, • "House to Rent." • . • '• . .• velvet slippiu' a, hand for 1111.9 and hot bread.' • . idS o p plate •agiia, . an' 1 net' a morsel of • it .. , • totiehed; • • So 1 Iald. boult of.it with ani other haw . .. •• 0 • 'Aisy a While, sir,' says I ‘If you • plaze 1 I'm nof.dOne With that yet:' eWell, they all began laughtif, U it WOre a play, so that thought some cf the ladies would tiptop , • their 011airS. And then' One 0' ,the, aintlomen bran takin! wino with me, an' another after that, so 13110131 t •• c9old 'not find time to ait ono Morsel OO 1:EAD3sRs 'before t ie table. WES Cleared' agin. " R UR • 'V- t.4-• ' •• "You're done for snow, Pether,' • . 9a31I •` he starved alive:' • Pether at a. Dinner 'Peaty. 6 ' 3 Sorrel* a bit, •AIolly, for t1ire• Was a , I , J: w.m J. CAI,LANDER SRC • J. • • .11111..14, 1881... • •1.• • - - • • 1.1aorister, Bakitor, Notary, . . • . • etc. Office,. Searie's IlleCk, Albert-st, Clinton. Toronto agents "-Messrs.' 'McCarthy, Osler, brook & Crechnitti.• tf.V" PRIVATE PURIM re Leery at lowest rates Of •• ' 311 • . EAGER & MORTON, ,• God- Oodeli and Wicginint. C. Seeger, Jr., Godbrieb. J, A. Morton Wingitin.• . .-reAvISON & JOHNSTON, Law, ChtMeoeteand Le Conveyancing... office -West.. Street, next interest,. ; Butill • • • field is their uatural home, and corn roots • ' and blades- their. natural fail .And their . , 'presence is an admonitiaa to farmers in the • •. • righttchroction-that Of the rotation of crops.. There has been no other way. devised to de- stroy this .pest ekeept to starve' it mit' by remoVing.. the: corn' to .another flekL The worm ifi not a great, traveler, and .yet by - some process it has managed... to- spreadoVer.. considerable tertitory in.a; few years. Or it• • ,•has. 'been 'spentaneonslY produced 'to . teeth ir,AV • . . . . SEEDED • sisupsox„. s • , Tito best Itimis ,to plant- are the Varietids. hermrecoremeeded.' Tho -Siennson iset.loose headed, curly leaved•but verY tender lettuce. • When you eow.elie seed: don't scatter it broadeaet over the ground, Have the earth thoroughly eerie:hod , and pulverized, 'then it,ve the -Lattice Seed in.deihs 12 inches apart. - Have the plants eight Or ten,inehes apart in the rows. If they drill too.thiekly theyinnst he thinned out The only attentio11 the crop Beetle is wee hoeing/. Weeds niust •leept . deem Wee) lastspeMe* - • • ••• • - -I • Ovaugg. • .11.9...1.1 NO. 710i . • •e; cl_AN'TC71.1•Te*.', e•If Mods 131100r0 :3‘101111114* Or °Vete, --eree/ month. Hall upstairs, *opposite the Town Hale e'VeSitinebeethren door to Pest °dice, Gederich, Ont.. 57. alWays made weleeine. ' • C. TWEEDY, W, M. moony, Sees-, T.. o.DtglE1.1XY, • ; . • • • ITAVS•, tee.' Office, corner of es......„:„...;•seees, . . . 'I .was in dlired, my lord "%says, 1- • third' din tier. bxo unit t• in to 'em 1 afther loolcim). about and seein' Re. J.see how• it is, says I, :"sviren 'Once' .• they begin they never stop altIn" signs o' dinner, `that .1 - vas behind, 3,140‘16 • 5oua re and 11.est Street, over Butler's Book •• e , . Store, Goderieb, If of -4air rit to lett "tg' monee. to lend et 'lowest rate•'s of lutereit.. •-• e.4 • °...t • CANIPION, Barrister,Attornek, Soliciter 10 1.11.. °Chancery; Conveyancer,. &e. Oillee over Jordan's Cow Store, the rooms 'formerly occu- pied by Judge Moe. • • • ' Aar' amount of inoney to loan at,. lowest retes 05 interest'. • • 1-1y. . . • wen teetered, and situated about miles limit • . • farmers their duty.---Iowalygister. • • .• ••• ' Sprouts. ,The readiest .und Most, ;convenient way of getting rid of apple tree mother. sprouts is. • to. begin the' work of extermination early in thaseasen. by battering tlie.Sprout from the stub it•has grown on with.the head of an ;old • ax, or tette. is still, with the bit of' a pick broadened oat to, two inches wide, so that while -very clip an inch. or •more of the root wi1l. be detached at the, earth „toiler at the • tae time. This is much bettor than leaving ; the sprout, to gain another yeee's•gritteth by • deferring • the work 'until •authum, with a bush hookeonly to revive again early in the .emine, and more vigorous than ever, ;If the work 35 postpenerl later t will • •r, thr • years • to accomplish the result that inightbe attained in. oeeeprotidea the • work is. Well • done.- .• • • . • ; " • .• • •, • pest C11.1411 of 411 for 'Warbles.' . • ' Cattle tire now hchig 'troubled ;with war-. bleteeegnibe in -the. back. Gobi:tem& glass syringe, -the smallest size, and mine sweet • oil,. D'art this syringe ,ati the 'apex; ot the little //founds on- the' cow's .bricit, • . • • • • • bring them away without injury to the cow, but we will •not answer for the advice of . • IA in e,' .• . • * here. • Weil, 'tis .a.' bid. • wind .that `Oh, no,' r,sn,yer---ke lau., ,"we." blosyS 'nobody good; Pll get soilie..•,•• . don't dine before sevelf; but I'mglad thingist•lait,' so 1 wits, helped' the '• . ' yoe've.coine early.' s ••• ,, : , . third tiine,.an'bod jist,' took up 1110 ... ,, ' !' thinks 1130 Myself, 'that's 'knife and. fork and WaS 03114.10 be-'. • four hoUrs'frOm us at laste, aii!•_..i • sgin fir • airitesf,„ when is: jintleman a'iuost perislit with the ' hunger, that stood 'close • by me 'said in a • . see I1 _tt :" Apt ,krc aftherte 0 walk, an not Man' winePer-r• • - a bit sinco o'clock. that morn- hat did the ladies do to you, , • ,,, ),:i•'(,---• ''' • • ft' ` • ' tiffk.4&•- • - .•-•^;•rtw",--tr..-.,'-',...-----• • and squirt the oil in on the rubs. 51.us will • • , , TIARM)'0h1 satn•Ort TO I1ENT.-That ealte. • able farm competed of lots 21) and SO, con,. 5, • • Collett, 2(30 ores, of this.100, acres ore cleared, .. • balance good%erdwood bests: Soaring orchard • of three acres. Ordinary dwelling ; good -Immo barn mut other onthuddinTs, Farm . q4uatonteritql. • - FiALL; - A 170TICNEEit for IftirOm County. Sales at- t0nded to.,in any part of the County. Ad- 4ress orders. to -Gonualon1'O. V-17. • ' • f • , . ••onus. • V UCTIONEE11,1and, loa114i13inlarance agent Birth. Sabo attended ie town and (ternary,: 11) ren.senable terinS. A list of farms and village lob; fol. sale. Money to loan on real estate at •1.110 Town of Clinton. Terms oftSy. Appl,y to , St . Al eTACia,uq, cniatoa., . . sss•Ar . •• • •niODsE AND Loy Fon sALE.,-8eing lot Eh,. , - Iinteley Street in the V•114.A0E OF 111.1111. The lot is ono of the most eligible building sites in the vlflege and hits a good hoitse, stable, hon- . cry, ,good hard and 'soft. water ant:, oreln(d 1.3. the premises.. Apply to A. o..vax tosio.).1), 011(1.10 prt011b0.9. . - .. . TpoSe9. . , ;411IrleseniSeelltiER etrers,for sale four eligible • Jiftiklitig Lots fronting car Albert. stibet; else' two fronting on Rattenbury street; either Le bloc or in separate lots, to' snit purehasers. ,Fer • farther particulars m.ply to the elidersientel,e 11. , , 1 . .332. • low rates of irterest,. Insurance effooted on all Glasses of propert. Notes anti debts collected. • (Mods apunibmi, and meld on commission. Beek- PEDDLING WAGGON•FOR•SALE. rupt, stocks bought and sold.. . •Blvth, bee. 10,11100,• T1IT DEY.GOODS Olt GROCERY. bust.. liege, In go -bit older ; enly been in use twe wrp14..1 .144411,40 5001:18:t: llfAarpoll):32.6ttob,.1,$35.. • 831 ., B. coAlrs 4: sox. • • • • • 'NOUSE' AND LOT FOR SALE. rI, ITE urlersigned offeri for sale his 1.1ense and Lot on Queen s root, n on. te Iiouee 1. newly budt six roomS, throe upstairs und time down; hard and soft water; good cellgr Situate . . in rising .and healthy ,locallty. Torino 'eak.) Apply on the premises 01 address Clinton 1' 0, 227,,tf 11A;SINER • , • ,. • FAIINI•rat Siit3.--that very desirable tai ' in Colborne township, comity of 11nron, compesed ef portions of block C and . • . • Western ldvislO,i, containing 220 acres, about es .0cres hush 'land 'and hall:nee el:aired ; clay end sandy Icrun land, epistle; erect 111110111g 011'011141 tlie farm, .11Weliridrapd out W111(110;0 en the promises. Tile .telhole 'or :part WM be SW , liberal terms; • Apply personally or by Jotter to • ' LVM. WELLS, on the remises, of to ItEN Iry WELLS,Saltford P. Ont, • 370. 6,nri-;,": • • s I • ing. That's.' eleven hours' luting Mr. Guerin, that .you wooldn t ax • . .. sis.r.,,i)RaNTER • • •,.• 1 'e, e to 1 411:ThY, .i0; Sir. r sayS I is that Lettuce is one of •the most profitablo'ci•op• s .. • . . . • ,answer the same' purposo,....toe-At is equally meeker gaideme... death to the.'grub and, is not apt to make - hall I' •• . • •• - grown by the ' itielia troublesome save •. .. . . • ..i.ja . . y it, treat, •Ye8 soya nee eestou t one bite, is. cod 'ilk the city markets at this • , • t int • i , 1 • e . .. , .ancl. 1001.silf abdut me for four kha• you see, all tlie jintlemen. doin it•1' • time for five cents, just enough to whet *ea popular Grapes. • many of our contemporaites iv o:siigges • use of kerosene oil. That is most too irritat- ing on a raw and aoro spot." Sweet oil will . ' The Salamander is a' Smooth -leaved; Solid • • • . headed variety. clear 1 Murtber, what'll I d.o.a.t 1 any. or "einto. tak•e • Wiue 1' Ohrws#44-11 they 1 a dinner at a great house again. • ‘Well, Molly, there I Was, tal • • • . • • 00• little that, you can almost eat it at . • appetite: Mr. Crestp.r says thatin thevieinity Nurserymen eee is the best demand: fit d hours, an' (mewed illWardllY. With snre• oflough,:, se they wor or Islesv.Yopk• t d • thie sprint, for the Concord,. Emedie State, •o here are semen. ;g r eners j,lie hunger, but of course 1, had.. to. (:)., ilot." to be umnannerl ' • I • b ,••• - • who •inaIto 1.00 -goo 1 . emen lifing.ter half an acre of Wordea and Moortes Early grape, -The ground, sintply by eu,tivating tettnee.. They ' Brighton and Champion ala sell well. ThIS' 4 ' • • last, when. I was almost 0, the d,':,or another; .aia' hardly had I the last o!•- . . at o e cent iter head, brings $800.'et year to The Empire State seems Iva of all. 113 15 to • .. miteli manners to spake o,f it. , At., and axed...'em round, •one •afthe Selling the lettuce shows what grapeti bear the -real test boa.• . tate four Crepe li.year.: • thehalf tler0. 110Ped Nire f§1101.1 find somethine some clay, opened and in come one of thejintle. Cm done, • svlien down comes the - men in the red. velvet smallelethes. int1emenmen in tbe. red velvet, and an' told 'em dinner was On the' table. sweeps all Ovn'Y befeve 'ein •again, • ' , :without sayin' this or that. , There 'A canary couldn't sing • sweeter,' says 1 to ,myself, listening to 'him. was nobelp for it., '' ' •.. _sr • • So they all got ep and. everY. Ratio- Iliere.I sat, a'inost dead; 'W'hat man 'gave his arm to a lady, as it' it will they bring -in next, 1 wonther, 1 'I ' 1 •until I was to a dance they Wcro gbin'. • . ,says• . wasn t. ol..'g Seen ils, "ein oomin.'•lind layin' before every • -- laid'The dinner' was these befere, sone at table. a great big glass fell of aie.all; but what.I most admit. ' R ed, was the Palouse') I before spoke . eowld spring Nvt1ther'• ‘Cocil conifbrt,, e of in, the red velvet sinallclothes, Pother,' says 1, 'but here goes for •l ‘A,). . 0 henvever to take the :place of the Concord. It is a ;time, handsome grape, but it was mtale. to sell, never to Wt. Per a light grape • the,Vergennesis mot highly recommended, . • Dowel% of Cho, Leucitsithy_arn. Shiro the aesthetic ciaze people, are going in for the "Marguerite," or delve tho florists are Selling plants at a good `profit Minty 'resents are • buying it for ornament, . Don't do it It is as great a pest as ragweed or the Canada thistle. if you lot it get a footheld on your farm it will be worse than white top -a very fiend. It isi as bad as even --=--7S the English sparrovii. .selling is only the vil old oxeeyed • daisy of • Veterinary Surgeon, . • • a racluate of the Ontario Veterinary co:119gal ,•_Tso; - ronto, havilignponell ail (Mice in OH tel., I , prepared to trot:6141 sliseases or domestic ,•• animals on' the most moiler]) prin- • ciples.„,„.. 1511 operations oarofelly . , peltiMcil,luid calls itro4 t. . ly attended to br any or • • ' ' night. Foes moderato. ... . OFFICE, -1.14' door , Went Of Ken- - .nedy 'is Hotel,. Clin toil ,. Ont. • inwp, • CUNTON. • Life Size Portraits a Speeialt3r. . • • • '•.••• ••••••••••1•,•••• • • • • • • Toon Ia.:Dm-The hem: store in SealSetbloce, OPPoSite . Market,- lately'. occupied by Rote .0 co. as a (Iry goods store. The pretniscir • aro now and.well fitted hp, with cellar full size -alo large rpoin Stairs. \Vali geotentraticc. , Apply to N%,0. SLA1101., Clinton. 80l3 -t( • t• WELI,TNO TO' RENT. -The Upstairs roe . . mises nn Alberti Street over stor, eompris. • .11.1 • • • 1 ing seeee roomy, toll. ROBSON. 11684 ' .• uiinto larole JAL BEAobnirs IIURON STREET) CLINTONi BOOT 86 SHOE STORE _ - Tire, re thetie "Marguerite" the flOrists are PISLLTSTIEtt LETUCE. the eastern states. . Have none otIt, W H COOP LI ER,r., OPPOSITE RAM'S • ho, though they were the grandest milmr82 red in,a ambo!: ot • *, SO drank it ; he fill( d Lettuce 11111* I/0 prepa it again ; an' as ho did, I drank ft g.ayLag• lent; otter of im doelor in all libido Of ALBERT STREET, • CLINTON, ONT. again to .plitAelliim ; bnt li6 You will nlveiaZhgprCelerl; you get good in the company, behaved liko the veqlbwest. tali& away the plates, 6:liming a strong, palatable The lave* seed, and follow these survestionst .A friable Marble 8C Granite for Cemetedi. • 800111 an' showin' the greatest attention to Pulverize it thee- ' Week at figures thOldoty ainpetition Ordered Work was goin' to fill it aain, I couldn t , that is as good its an. mo narcotic proper- necessary for a geed e. • t elts o the s rfaco nd ' nifty be simply taken up and cateir raw, and soil "nixed with vegetable mold' andsand ts, • • •11 1 • • : stand it no • loaner; /No more o . ties of the plant come Out m that way oughlys cfeve h set n. a overy one present. .4 • . . ' • • i morel slit a light sprinkling of the sante A SPECIALTY. REF'AIRING Promptly attended le, that, sir' says t 'if .0C II fully There are sevet al delicious ()ilea ngs, c ;wheelie yea take ivt, Guerin ve th 0 ther never. arOnld "'stop pared to Web up with 'and „eery twit raised an inch oe so, which will help. to re- Olisto or salad. oil is the hest acCompaniment spront. • tocq my sate altli/bg the rest. • P eze. with and without, eggs-, that may be pre , soh over the seeds, Then cover wtth boards lattgliing.' lint, Molly, I thoug,lit woman ought to learn how to Make thent taiirthe moisture of the soil until the Seeds says Lord Pepyorcorn, • ' 0 ef 01 0040 tsvo oyes vvhen I seen all theiadIos for Ms Vegetable. it, too, is very healthful . "'Why, thin, My 1.011,'•• . Gerniana tin the United Sat. • SOMb varieties should be cultivated fee • Alo Mann tacturer of the Celebrated AtorintotAii Bronx toe Building par- . 'poses unit Cemetery Work,•witili must be semi to be appreeidtal.-Ail warranted to owe Natiettletron. • . • • 'since ycdre Mall of thb house and iintiellien dipping ' 0.1' .1(1111,8 10011S as well as use, The Palo fringed let The Gorman pipet:100e of the United • .• te3 /errant' newspors blished • In no.tr y 08 133 an" ' that. in their ltisses, an' washin' em be- tates hi Otter 1 2,00ittlf00, and there and what pm! have yourself must be mew make a very attractive taloa orna are • • foro me faCe the dinner-tablo merit. Placed around the edgae of it clish I d +i... 1.,,.h IS Seca 1Vary state and telTitory. us out you iievet seen boron this variety is the Pellotier lit the plane°. priVai0 eompany has und rtakento Don't faitto plant a full lettuCe befort 'Well, Pother,' says•A• 'OW) 'Manners please,' 1100 a, anyway. • it isltoo tte. If you aro near enough te OY 11iPe for conducting oil 'So he go' inc holpinc. 'Well I 1 " rism I aka t••)r.ptqual distItio of 5 0 Market ou can Makeif datitely itiy for it REMOVED; TA VISIIPat has removed his Shaving Pallor to the ToWn where he finites old ;me 11316 patos to call for h Oleo olefin shave and Rh 11811 hair nut. tAtest Stiles Of httligfI bivetitting, 1111 s seit 041 sulamort s 1. If. 8EA00,11., EC. P0718. H011; -04117M:4E tb Grant:et); PaPor f4500021/? ettli Keelsomming 140) 33 16 twin: ehoot Pitteklmards et nteefettlm. Streik, faeeetit) Ottetrettifeeeteenet preceet ern the tirt,00, teadevs-cilaele Sl:cote,LINTOX, 401 '