HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-06-02, Page 6. t ; .Ott PUBLIC POIIY']S.. CURE FOR SUITE THROAT.
A prompt and efficient remedy for
'`%rehear sometimes a good deal sore throat as well as croup,asthma,
44 said' as to "deficits" iii the Canadian Pain in the side, ear ache, deafness
finances. Yet they are not peculiar anti many .other common and painful
r complaints, is found in iitegyard's,
to this. country. In America, . for yellow Ull.
eaantple, Cie • phenomenon of deficit I
its by no means: rare. Thus . the
total estimated revenue of the United
States, for the fis Ll year 1887 is 3f:r. George Russel, of Awore, Ont.,
$31x,,000,000, Tho total of the says' he was a great sufea'er from al;
estimated ordinary expeudittlres,
including sinking fund,, for- the
stone 'year is • $349,589,000. The
Secretary of the Treasurys therefore
estiwiates. a deficit of .$24,589,000
. for that year. If owing to the
running sore al the worst description,
which baffled the best medical skill,.
and. his lite 'was a burden. Ito was
eared by B.B.B, to his great joy and
the surprise of his friends.
National pills will not gripe or
North-west rebellion,and the large sticken, yet are a thorough cathartic.goir.
amounts. .spent on • public works, ; i
there appears a seal] deficit as bo-
tween receipts anexpontures iii' DANGER AHEAD.
Canada, it may be said, at Toast,. There is danger ahead from neg-
that we are ono- worse oil' than our lected colds, A tight coughand
irritated throat, stubborn coughs,and
all bronchial• and lung troubles,
x111 Gni UNITIO r, I'r can d6 no TTarm to try Free.
neighbors. ,
T yaw
Inge of CT—., and the citizens were
as wildly excited over the event as . WL1Y IS IT ? • ,
the initabi••taants of sfnall towns ' 'Wily do so many limp and hobble
usually aro. The colored population about on sticks and crutches, suffer -
were particitlarly enthusrastio, .batt' and
ccoirds lame back, rom sprains and l other
their. pl,'oacher,,Itaw;.Vete Jefferson, aches, pains and lameness, when
was loud in. his exhortation's. against .Hagyard'a Yellow. NI,. en unfailing
relief, can be purchased al theitrifling
it. He went so•far aa to tbxeaten to cost of twenty five cents?
' expel, any member of ]iiia eongrega- •
man Worm 'Powd'ers when your
child is ailing, feverish or fretful,
• 394 4t
tion who dhareci!,to'speud their money 'Prof. Low's Sulphur Soap is a t?e-
in a sinful ;,way. Strange to relate, light(
t l toiletsIan ury ase. as well a394 4tsa ood
• ri:hen, the evenitfal night arrivocl flute _
most conspicuous person.. there was OFF WORK..
the violent parson. c, • "I Was off work for two years stiffer.
"Why, Uncle Pete, what aro .you ing from kidney disease, and trould
d'oing here'!" inquired •o -no Qf •his', get no relief, until advised by a friend.
. to try B.B.B. I was cured by two
white•£lieZtds, .• bobbles and consider it a, mirachloua
"Law!' 1tlarse• Henry I 'hates it •cure." .rhe 'above is the' aubstantye
Th.it, s e•4) ler , of St: hfarys, Ont. •• •• .. •
• •tnt1I's obi igelil:tolook anter my flock,
h got my eyo o.4+• ebary< Inst `one of • Al Sweet as Iloney is I. Low's
those onohristiali pop• eyed' niggers, Pleasant Worm Syrup; yet sure to
and you see of I don't'. make ''yin; , destroy and expet'worms• 394•.4t
stuel l Are and. brimstone on S unday."' : IN BAS) HUMOR.
• . rr�C.year ago my•hetid' was .covered
—Tho ITo•use'.of Lords has again with sores, and tlfe eruption covered
. rejected the D5;11 legalizing marriage the iracks. face l of mylhenats ave eread esorenttI
with a aedeivei 1ltiifo"l: sister.' The the
weak and ill .• Finding no.
Prince of Wales voted' for it. .evre••l:tried 'Burdock $:load Bitters:
• —A tQtnado '' visited V c�tielal, Tiro' bottles perfectly cured. • nie."
'Prussia, Nay' 25, and ciestro)ed the. Statementofbliss MinnieSseveason,
railway station, •unroofed' n. large Coeagne/ I.B. •. • •
nurniber of 'Houses itnd factories,, .
overturned scores of chimneys' and
lifted' barges out of the.. river Lahti
and carried then, in' some:iustances;
conli'iderable' distances in • the air.
In the neighboring country the wind
' u��io tad. entire forests. ;
-=The U. S.Ilouse'of Itepresenta-
tires' Committee on Shipping,, has
ropotrt G tho Shopping ]3€11, ' with,
noft-concuraenoo in the Frye amend-
. ntent, which: dhnied £oreigli vessels
r:isiting American ports .the piivl
lieges • which,. are, denied Atme .scan
vessel's in foateignr ports .This wits
an; attempt to.pselude Cainadianves-
sels front American ports, but the
_popular. brunch of'Conigress is pas- •
reseed oft rnore. sense,than'the eniite1
mialiti•IyC; soh.. T>' t I'sde11 1 d• ' of.a communication from W. Tie ,
• Nervous;i.febilita►tett ifle.n;
You ,are allowed a free trial 'of Reiry
plays of the Ilse <if Dr. •Dye's. Celebrated,
Voltaic Belt with 'Electric. Snsponsifry
Appliances; for the. speedy. relief aidi •
permanr;,nt cute orNervous Debility,•lose,
of Vitality and Manbood°,•andiall kindred
eroubles, Aho, for Maul, other•diseases i
Complete restoration to .health, vigor•
and manhood gnnranteed No risk is'
incurred,• Illustrated pamphlet, with
,' full information,' terrcs, etc.., ;'maiiled
,' free by addressing. Voltaic Belt Co.,.
1$arshalll Stich. 318y -c343 •
• Theie'is. a class of•peoplo i,4+ the
world • who . make, it she chief
bus€ness•of their lives to depreciate'
existence • and its biessingst Who,
speak of thii.veork1 as atvaleof tears„
all 'abode of sin and sorrow' a'daily
Aro pleasant t o eke, Contain their osve
enrrative,,, xa a wife,siva, aut1 effect/tar'
•deetroyor•ofwomui in gl:iidron or Aalulte
TT-OxJ.i?m-j3QOKs in no trifling sense, but the •best'
• era tura of the world presented in excellclat and attractive
lit prices ii.7ialow as to OXiitC.t.Ur.lr erbtal i41VUlll1E'1'."
.11;11-111l, I'. of S:1'...l•j)4,1( I:.i +i Die )-. (o;training
IS nae t .kr:m•t, imperial netavo, g,4), t type; with r,ii terotia not: illustrr -
tt •w:. t:+e a hole richly bound 1n r,ne'clutlr. ornau:t used, the tot:owing
ce:eisrated warkx. uuuurfugt'dt :
0;:1:a°N'4 Larger. 111STOlcV of tits F.N41i.TSii I'EOFL%
t. i,tt l 7 1•'s. WIWSTOlti" e•f tho t t.Irr\(klt i(t:l'O1.L'1T t) i,.
(•t{EA:,l•' t'it1..•4•11i t1i.4tra\ l: u.t'rrt.us . i the WOULD.
st.;ti$ UMW.: li1S•ruat•.• .,t thei tiiltr ; 1•l.J:fiS' SVArt. • -
11 A. dS% DI101 is t In west price for these four great works
314.50: my prier, is $1.50; postage 40 cents extra.
•' A wnn,lrr I"•u!L in tempt' "nays than one. The ilea of put-
ag a wnrk li:, • theatu only '2.41) per. copy, seems prapm4ter-
. •
:, :Curl yet t here, is tt•ts:inrft in it,.ftlr everybody telt! want it,
l it,avill thus be t)t ni'ani of •adt'ertising and iutrOilnrin r
IN n,1rn,'.ruus ..thee 1'a!+i:uldr.l,Auka %vrti,'la tho j,ulrliq tr:r is put-
n; fii ar.l."-• f!horst ,iin tt.11',+rI,, New York City.
'• it is artily ;t aaarvol 4)l ='+i:t and a triuniph •of modern me
haru.•nt art that s0r•!r ;t a811!r vrtlll'.10 fam be furnished at so
•li;.i1 a ,•o,st. iA'hot hi'r ivi' (t !mire its ?:.rg'i proportions, beau -
fill i,f+i•I€4+T, fair pngr..eNe'lleit paper, nuluerous olid ctril(-
.rg illustrations,. nnutherirrg nearly 100-•akL.are • first -Clash."
7lrisCirnl t' !J I'>.tiirri', l'IIiril;Ta: 111. ' °
£,II; It. -i Xi 3" at' STit X 1)4 lel) P0 NTS, containing in- ono
i.nporial•oeurvo. auusisuerely bound real e, of about 1.100 pages, Buur-
• geOIll 4 4)d Ereef. r type, feudo,I, Ole following Works. unabridged:
•Scott's C"rnphere l'oeticiia and Ilratnatio 1,1:orits.
t rmpteto Pa,etacat { • irks of Kultur. i;urne.
Ctuupleto Poetical NVorks or Thomas Bourn.
Equally good editions of these are not elsewhere obtain-
able for less than $4.50; my price $:x',00; postage .Si. cents.
Poetry, OIttsssiC,.
LII3R4I Y of CLi1S:STO -P•ii3OSE. In ono imperial oc-
tavo volume of about 000 pages}, handsome type, and line t:iotla bla4Aag,
ornamented, the following famous essays and works:
Inncaulny's. Essays nn lltiton.
John' Stuart Will On X•ri;.,144ty.
X'. O. 1lainertun•s The Intellectual IdfosJ
lier',ert Spencer on Education. •
Great TIiuuglttu,from Greek ,authors..
Oreat.Trtought* fvoin Latin Authors,
Complete 1'lssays by. Lord ill con. •
'Cunni tete "'Letters of analis."
• Irtrn :'s rip van Whittle and Other R'fierrTio%
T1 •:rihingl"n'a i`.treiveil :111(1 Other Addresses.
rii•eeaul:.es i'.ifo of'-••eitertvk tho iiro••t. t.
Tt'e above cannot be obtained. froty any other pnhi isi' 4+3 •
for leas than .$10; my price is K /..7.4; poska.,t 30 Ecnte.
•' ; lila is iluleed a'wondcr-hookw,ondint er llla €s tunonhawnt lau;l
+Iulthty of its etmtonts. The s4+{'h
!vhld h iv a library in itself, 'can be sold: at such' a price. --.111141'.
odi,t Peeorteer, Pittsburgh, Pa. • •
*; four 'historical lt'.uldi s-Hctoi;' Lai si .yonder --a wnllrier
how an imperial oot:tr'o Tollttue 9f over 1.0.10 pawns, with nunt.y
ifiustrations, clear type, fine. paper, hantiaonat'ly•bound, .vim-
lathing four standard historical works of grrnt value, can ill
• nota for ;.'t 710•"--1.1 sox J, LosslivG, LL.D the•Ilisto laza,
3v l'.'�t)bt�iW •. Tra+.. ,-flli,','l4+ h Iereh•r.I hi lien of , rents .m41.1'0.41;1'h.
r�$GEl'UTS 1'rare,lrefrhernhri.r,rvvlr4,44eeut.,,t,intcn4,40n•o,n•d,.4 a
.t'altil arnnenn.•n nnn,eot pnnrrt ThrZcIgleu,.e.-�rsk.u:•
1'ROAI.1' 14.4)4)04+0 444,1 !allege* tlic pa,Lil41 ndtrlILinr nu•dlunia �,
JOO-3'.iGI (!: fe 1,OG L'Is tient ;,(c. Tire best lit- •
erature of the world at the lowest prices ever known. Roos '
sift for xA?IITYsifTOY Bze,.rooRE F4rillH.V..0
on reasonable evidence of good faith. .Address
-JOHN B. ALDERN, Publisher, •
• P. O. Boz 12s<7. 393, Pearl Street. 1'73w Torla. ,
Pi -CT I -c ;
•JOSEPH °RIDLEY, Dealer` in. Turniture.
Call at the New Stolle and see the' stock of '
Bedroom and.• Parlor , Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs; .Springs,.
111attrassos, etr., and general lIlloaseholtI Furniture.. The whole Steak's from. the very
best manufacturers. Picture Frames and -Mouldings of every der eripfion..
JOS. CIIIDLEY, one door West of Dieksimlllt's.Book Store
I-Iettc1quarters for Nerw Fruits, Peels, Groceries, &c.
• See our New Glassware, Mugs, • &c...
Thi . Right : Goods at f • t:he Right' 'rices.
Farm Produc'e11taken at1�hgh st Price. Y
_O ,. trti G JLQ N '' PIOS..
In r'dtutnin.gtithanls to my many friends and patrons for ,rust patronage, 1 would.
'like'; to call their special' attention to my very: complete•stock of
Spee'aal atteetion is•directed to toy stock of
■ G LE:. ■HARNESS:' ■
It will be found very complete, and for' durability and finish' cannot be' excelled by
any one. As Iemplbynone but the best workmen; Mid use the best material to be
bought in the arket, all who may favor me with their patronage they feel confident
of getting-sutosfaction.
Trunks aril Valises:in great•variety and Prices low. •
A PO ND.50 T�
The Dest •ever' offered in this
vicinity foe the. money.
Also, r4erreral ,Gi.00ERIES,,
equally' olYbap.
cross,' a 'realm of . blighted: hope,'• on.. hand.
and: soon through Abe.entire '.ofats
gory of such expressions 'Id nine •
eases out of. ten. Out works fs ,lust. T ':: STAN Bbl ICY
what we make it, if we rr'solve to •• -- �.- ■ ■
see only the•tiaik side, we shall, of•
colleen, sled:Only rho dark aide i we i'
eMa•1I,,,bf course, see no sunshine. If THE KEY TO HEALTH
..,01,06..1, live in a cellar', the sun
•will not be likely to,cotne down eta.
of heaven and seek us outfit:our ob-
Anvlca to ,1o1)tJ tts,--Aio you disturb•
ed' at night anil broken .of your, rest by, a
sick chill suffering and crying with pati.
of Cutting•'l'oetl•l • If70M4nil'lat,office and..
got a bottle of r'i\tls «'in lows Seething
., .
Syrup for Children loathing Its. vahie
to meelcutable. It Will relieve the peep.
little sufferer immediately. Depelttl mien
it, naothnrs.;•thore is 4)10 mistake about .it.
Et enrol llyseutery.and ii`ineriita, regulates
the Stomach and towels, t'u•ei Wind
Colie, softens the Clime, reduces lia!laninia•
faun, And, gives tt:tte and cnet;tY to the
whole eyst in; "M. a. SViftsl,,u''s SitWtllllig•
Syme" for children 'tcethia is lilies:nt
to the (site and is the n•cser; ltid n of ram
r tl the oldest ani Lott fenr.rlo hys'eioua
4+l d'hnrens i0 1li0 United litotes, .a,it1
fui• flea. by all. anal.+gists bitrnat%,11O t the
w rJ I. Pei er ttv'trty-live c••nts a I otlle.
lie sure :and ask I'c r '•Iti'ft•r. WS'ilt,'r+rue's
o '••.r i r'ritttl'," an 1 take re, c la r
b lath, s9: •y i
Uttlticks : all' ti: clogged avenues of tee.
Bowels, Kidneys' and, Liver, carrying
oitgr4u1u.-j€1yy,without weakening the system,,
:all the intfilYrities and foul humors of that
secretions ; at the same time Correcting,.
Acidity of the Stomach, curing Bili.
ousnes:,;, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Di2�
ziness, Heartburn, Constipation,,
Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dim
,Mess of Vision,Jauffdice,Salt Rheum.
Erysf alas;. Scrofula, Fluttering'. of
that Heart.. N`ervousness'and Gleneral3l.
Debility; all these and many other suns•.
lttr Chntplaints victd'tn.the lt:)p" influence
Sajnple Bottles lOc B;ogulsr•size $B
For salt Ifyal! dealers,
VAlliailatitrtet C1l:ta'ropnictflrlt.:Torotlti
Declined by • cu patrons equal to nay 65 emit Tea sold elscwherc, G et• am -pound
. , .• • caddie belors it is all•gotie.
A Good. •Japan .Tea at 350. per . undo
New Valencia Fnisins, Extra Selected Raisins, Blaek$faskcts, Seedless Raisins, New
Gallants, New Shelled Almonds, Almonds, I Ilborta, .I''ew Lemon, Orange audi Citron
feel . All;{(iuds of Poultry taken in exchange for Geode. . '
T1108 COOPER t S0 T
G1tOCEjt.3, Corner Store in'Searle's Block. ; •
A VE 1E, I$E
can learn the"exact Bost`
of _ any proposed Inc. of
advertise' . in, American
papers by. addressing .
deoP . a r 11 _: Co. �'' ��. ���� ,,� .
r J.� 01 �
Nnweptipee .Advnrtisira jr Itsttreetu,,
10 Sprttoe St., Nets York.,
Settle. kttcottn,:11 fp! to,ct-e40.. lettrndtttilnti,
S to 4'111) L1 AVE THEIR ORDERS A'1
.e New -s -Record • O- 4c: .
Lithograph and Letter.Press •fob Printing
' INVITATIONS, ' Ii1ti�G1'tAitIIiT:S,
• SHI]?PII' G T11G,S, • ENVELOPES,,&e.
Of.all.kinds> in the best style known to. the craft;
Colorect Prntrg�:: a. specialty.
Va lewitc a col? pitrison of our work -with that of any othax efflce :.
'1ivost of Toronto.— '
----0 0 0+--0 . 0
c cam ----
Sao our stock of Cuts before yott order: 'Prides consistent with good work.
os by
1ith tIyattended o,
.ifilitely & Tedd, - publishers ed Printe.r84.
• .i
• .p.