HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-06-02, Page 5• • ASE you LQQKING F1dR#,.THEM? - The Cheap Tines of Dress Goods the Low -Priced Hosiery. • The Big Stock of Prints. HE DRY000DS .PALACE. We have opened out this week the following lines : 1' New :Gloves, New Hosiery, New Embroideries, New Laces.. Also, One Case Stuff Dress Goods in all the: New Colorings,, 30..mictra, 411-4:;•(:),c1. VTal-1 e. We are adding Novelties to our Millinery Department every week. —Go o to he place where they keen them--�-- 0 -CEO• E PAY & COMPANY late (OHN HODGENS Estate !1; Manager. The Dr,r-O000ds Emporium of Clinton. i..ErrEas ro o1%OR, 1 MARKET REPORTS. (Ooncated otery htimidity afternoon E$clitor Netos-JJeeaf' • . CLINTON, • -Dzaft SIR. --1 have ron madly 'heeds, iivuti been atvijsod +at the litnepurtiat'it , • (of Soot town contemporary. in refer•: eug to "ways that are dark Mid`tricks that are vain." Treece )pears .to 'be' s ring Of sail} try men • whose wrong (doing it would' appear to be. a sin in 'its. eyes to hint at But let any ono clot' within the sacred ,circle 1 refer t, Asps° fron'•the path of rectitude, and (forthwith his wrong doingi is -mag- w(heel cud sensationally dilated upon: It is not long . since the unfortunate titan Craig (a Presbyterian) was dis- covered to be.a defaulter if not worse; and, without knawiug the extent. or 'gravity of his offences your conte.mp. % nary devoted nearly a column. to ex•- aggerating his fault and default ;. and the disciples of' tide. ringsters' took• especial pains to circulate 'the false. • stater eut that Craig was. a• regmlar 4:00lrnutifcant'0f \\'.illis church: Since thein Callender, Bros., (11etllodiivts)- • havo been compelled. to aokuowledge that they cannot' comply with the • golden rule, to owe no mane sw ythiug. But in tbeglattter• case "tile !natter is only referred 'to in o dozen or,. so lrpologotic lines, although( it is well .kno.wu that tlwy were in the habit of making' broad .tlheii . phylacteries. in the sanetilary,, diad of thanking God that they were not as those; who did not boAv the head and -roll _.dip.. their. eyes in,. affected and hypocritical saintliness.. It does; make a- differ - Flour $3 6(1 tto 4'6Q FulLf�heat, 0,76 Spring Witoat, 0 60 too 00.70 76: Barley 0 50 to 0 03 Pets' -• • ' 0 28 to 8 31 Appler) poi b, .. 1 00 to 1 t 0 63 to 0 S es, (winter) bd Potatoes, • . 0 25 to. 0 25 Butter• •, 0 1.4 to 0 19 Nags, lllty, - • • fordrk Cowood, Beef • ' Wool. 0 8 to 010 9 00 • •. 6 0• 0' to 6 OQ' 2 00 to 4 00 If 00 .to 0 00 - • 017 to'0.20 GRAND TRUNK RAILW'Y' THE FIRST GRAND EXCURSION Of thosoason, under the atdsptet of the W.itigham Town-, Band, to. the T IY'OF RANTFORD l N -ON,. Thursa y; lOth of • June, .1886, _ • Whighnin's Civie Holiday. • Train leavesglinton at 8.06 a.m., fare $1,10. Ise• turnitiR. the train, will leave" Brautfurd ate.30 p;m. .Exeutsionists wishing to remain till next day can do so' on payment of 31 to the agent at Brantford. Bandsin uniform' carried at half the advertised adult rates For,further portion -lora - • • see posters. .• • EOGAI1 JOS. •HICESia , Gen: Pass. Agent. • •.. General .'lienager,. 5 per cent. off for Cash. Bid Fun'chase of Ladic"s Straw Hats N 'C.. DET..OR0 Have made -a,. ' urehase of over 200 Ladies' .an4 Misses. :Straw, Hats (the latest shapes) ata., Recliictionoef Fort Per • Gent. RegzrlwPribos. Just opened . New .;'Law` '1: , New Ginghanis, New Muslins,. New Gloves. Full Range of Gent's Underwear. •�'1ARA! TO ,RENT '015 SET.!:. Tt1e subaerlher 1'. will rent or sell lot 251 and south •half of 26,' eoncesion 17:or .Baso Iine,.Goderieli township. It will be. rented. for a term of years or sold, • .15 'contains- ; 1'0 acres,•all cleared; good .ordinary. • 'dw elling and • excellent barn 'and good stone • stable and driving rause• and other outbuildings: • coral I'rachlse Act_ twa }cells g o bearin ore turd, TI a sod is exeollent +tad we(1 adapted for elthor grain NOTICE" TO CRE ITQRS: 11jeh growing, or • pa�tura a JUIhN C(?ICLGUa H,. 885_ 'cy tf ' r mice to some moralists 'whose ox is 1lnthe nt.ittell 91# PETER ROi�llt gored. • 'SELLA. • • 0# tiro Town of CIIJLton; in the Comity of Huron,. an • I' ORTHWEST- CQRrlcS- I'ONDEN(JE,. PflEASANN P00I5S, ASS'N'Il'A. The thernometer • pu 24th May sbowe1'98 above zoic,—Tho i'ollel mill at Q'Appolle ;Is • In running. order.—(:cops • between'..Phertaant Forks, and Q'Appelle -are `looking' splendid..—Several .Tndia) s •f •out• Oak Lake districthsve'been Market- ing good samples -of wheat,—The 11utl8on Bay . Co., is paying $1,' a bushel for wiseat, at . dmonton,.-= There 'irt good site for a grist at Sounding Lake and. the farmers in the vicinity will givo'a.bonus • to the proper person starting one.,—.The farmers in this district. had a •n3cet' HE RPV'ICING OFFICFIt for the Electoral ARA1 FOR .SALT; r,itui•04-foir the Huron tic 'SVost Riding lheron'•in the �' Road three miles cost oF't;�ftUton and. ad, Province of Ontario, under; rho Eleetorai Fran- joining -the village of Holmesville, convenient to. TDistrict of e "rho 6 r ,. 111SOtvent. . .'.chlse Act;' hereby gives notice that he.will hold church, school and post oftice.• Tho lots consist sittings as follows for the final rev pon o .t the o number nntrp,tr of .,. e • A i t .owns 513,• l i,i f i Of h 11l t1� G'd i•1 township; ;N N' . OTICE IS TIEl1NI;y GIVEN that the TnAol- 'vent has made' an . assignment to. are• in putshatt(eeof 18 Vie. (Out), Chap, 26, of: Ali hits estatre•a5id effects in trinit for the benefit of all. its creditors GENTS WANTED -Lading or Gentlemen, ' Good 'commissionand work easy. -Address.• us Nsws-Ri ode li » •• - t . nto 384' .24TH NAT, ew o _Queen'sy ~Birthda.os. Newoods,�, Photos rctpll All. u ns Autograph, Albums. 1 Vases' awl 'Chinaware. • • 'Purses .and, Wallets. 1 FANCY GOODS .1 A meeting of his creditors foi• the appointment of inspectors and the giving . of , directions with reference to tllo disposal, of-' 5.1,0 estate, trill be •)+eld at the Cotrseaorn4 florin.,, in the TOWN OF MINTON; Thursday, .the 3rd day of June, 1880, it 2 o'clock J . At. Creditors are required' to dto:their claims with mein). or before the day ofsueit.meetmg.' • •. • Dated this 29th 51a,y; 18261• ' GEO. WATT' Jr„ .I3rantford, 394•-25 ' Trustee. • THE NONE -SUCH 11st ofvoters for the said Elceteral Drotrict ' ' containing 131 me es, 50 oleafod. urge amount Polling Districts Nos 31 32 33 and •69 t the •of cedar and Nino 011 the reniaindcr. Oeod'frante Of •nl,L 1 °is d8, cheaper than ever. o +ng Agricultural Hall; in Tuesday, lie the Township 1880.lirp ; Premises; and a living stream of watsr runs •�at!�- rA��� 1! of ltatt•ailostt East on Tuesday, July 0th, • 1 e • , living '.i �rewoid. .iii, s '' • house' and barn and other conveniences on the • through the .farm, Aptrly to the proprietor, Town Hall, +in the Town of Ul Oen,• on !ethics.. , i, t �t' c„ . . -of"o,11 lauds, .int—� STM. COOPER Polling Districts Nos 11, 121 19 and 14, at the JOHN CALe ,la Hol ne •111 P.O.. 39345: COOPER NE WrS AGJ1VT, day, Jul), 7t 1, 1886.. Alt6i FOR •SA7.P -For' dale part of i.. en ' Polling19 t gie-iver ADlouit Ii00,#£ STORE. 1 large , 1 tt._...g• h t , r COOXINg '' STOVE ! - (a. NO COAL OIL FIUMBU in refci:ronee to erecting a grist mill. '' .• ° \\ill do the Coutang;, biltiii�, otef.,*iir The good work should go on. ----rorty ‘• ordinary ianlily', with .One-fifth tho ' htt thousand bushels of' oats were recent- . • -fuel of•d»y Other stove, ly shipped front: Battleford to Prince ry • • Alfred, on account Of failure oi.thoON.LY r• , crop•at the latter Place 'last year,..:-. ' sample at RAiri,A• .. F31aitluir ,�toie. Mr. G. Alexander is starting adairy I• JOI�" S�(�' I:,QrNst, far -tri at I,etlibrrdne. He has already J 394tf Solo a v.0 Agent tin aural' received ono ear load,of• stock and is ' daily expecting • another • �; iI1an • - ]fere whose.-timer-lila* oar rly on'-ol;on'al .. Exhibition: his hands recently coulatecb the iluin• - 1er of grains to.a biishol and foitl:tdl• • of corn 72,130 ,••' •of wheat on st;e ; • rt�TTS of peas 10J,9ZQ' , of -.cotton . siod •e r• 0 164,166---IL'Bai•ley,. of St.`1liom.as,. �C)B - _ ' . ()tit., now 'residing hisre,.lhas pati.l11:-+:• Districts Nos 1'6. 16,17, 18 and a ' y.. t 13111•, iu the Village of Hohucsyille, In tho of odecioh 0» Thursd?p, July• aith; ' i 6th eoneegsioq,;Goticriehto• hip, contain• ` r . � orchard; ores .4 .• aro t :ere e,l K e.d vex,a sot or d, F r•e house sits,�iio+a•.ENii»e•Ourn40x28• L. 11!10\ y • usu.; stable and shed fi0x301, good' e)) nr1d-pump , etc, • • Polling Districts Nos 1; 2, 3,9, 6 and 6, at • a aver foiling spring on •tri .ofaansos. L1b1•rai , !.lack's Hotel, in the Village of Dungantrou, hl tonna, ••Apply to WAI. UU1i1tY,rrsof,`7, Goderioh• th0'rowfship.ot Ashflold,'on Fuday, tinfyOtil, township,(Olinton P.O.) • 893Int* .' isa6. .: � • •, . •. 'Polling, District's. Nos 37, 28, 29 and 30, •at the !`our kinds of 5.faing old $BHI Court, Room, in the'V111agepf Duugaunom.in tlie• VILLAGE- iVl4fte.301 inn Pan* Ses(1, 'TownshipofWawanusli.West, on lull' I r foBA'VF ELD Tnrni t Seed, 25c: per lb: •L'11YI: �rrr 1Gs l0Eh,1880, , . : , �—.r. .. , 1 F 1 g t 7, 8, 1 i 1 �\V" tel C It 90 k heat 75c: ` • • ,}tlst•arrrved. RE SE • r ED' Iiot'tIle 24th lay J FIO.TITS 'OF AI.I: is, e. Perth. • ICL cr1��Al'I, '90c. psi' lb. •, , • Po lirr • Distric s Nee 9 and 10 atthe es 7t 0 • i o. ue -tt• 'rows Han, at Cul4ow, in thtt 'fou.m nip of Col- roil Cn)te $2 to per:etVt. borne, on Tuesday, July 13th; 1820.' RT ' CO`O REVISION. ,• .. Aar Families supplied ,With Ice " Polling Cour H Nos 20 21 eZ `L4 c4 de and I I lent, a lot of the a exchange for C1.0am on short notice.' • . 1 , 26 in.tl.vCourt House, in t]te Down of Choderieh, •1 Oatmeal, 12 lbs. to hushed. on. Weduosdny,' .tuly 19th, 18°6. ''Notice iii hereby ggin en tt)nt tale Collt t' 1 ,' , : At100'etoek inthefot•endon. of Revisimt ibt fico Viltagle et' 7lnylitttf evil. A fete F.ARLY'0TII0 POTATOES FOR n,ip� p /� n/��j ' All .ohjectio,e and claims for additions to or h01\l iia first Sftti.ng in the'l:owN. Dam, of SISED at '50. per bti9liel: 8 TII IJSIIJ E/1I ti71 r' antendmcutof Bald 1186, with the grounds there• 'tile snits Village., oil in the Y, the SISV13NTIf . tar +iuil ilio naute.'ndditiiin ono est ofiico address of too person objecting to MIS Heine: on (?111) DAY err ,TUNIS, •1888; at (TOr "" S 5holis1,.07doh ing'to add to or amend the list O'clock •a.rn: 1'07 the 1fllp0at Tenai'iiia .. �Y .8.., TEE C� 'in any ended•ro,pect)tndoss tltesumohttvealready Appeals against trio-Assessment'Roll of ;— , yR; 6f Om een suint' Uttermost ha•at lideliveredrtoHielsaid the said Village, for the year..18.80... 1tovedeg ()River, 115 Itis'Clerk'a office In 0&1013eh;'. 1,V. A. MORRISON8 Clerk. ' •' or sent to hhn •by registered letter, addressed to Dated Oi'.T31t field' May 17th 18$8.' Jilin at oodert, it P. 0, •hot less than two u cobs• y r y 1 before the day named 'for tl'o final revision, 11+, DVER1111SEFM . the sante. form as _nearly as may be as of notice of•eomplitint hi the achcdnlo t,0'°`Tlt;f'Llectorul.. LtIt�SF IILT,IVANTI n irnges$5perinonth hrnnshlaeAct" hpP1J to Af1t8, iyltLil'IsIi� Alol'solilt'Bank,, W R ` i If the els eiatohl he -to rho name of sn. person Llinton. 38Z yy it ti ts' a .tote of: the' 'fit(; ' + 1 1 1' 7 t that Tut' NETS-FGOI4D �)'ttS, 'already on on s timet, the poison so obloctibt,, must ANTk:t),.-.rfIVA T C11113, WANT tl) at• a(1t (gi Inose' bona ire new subscribers 1 t t at.tliosrtseio time deliver or mull by iogistered 5 dUrill, rho letter to the poison so objected to, at his .hast ',t,r' once: -Apply to Airs. D. A. rUHIth$Thiti i, year. knob•), ndrin,41,,, u wily,o►tro notice of owectfon,. .f rInces•s street, Clinton. • - •379 present, 3 ear than, 1115 Oilier p l)Cl';171 this SCCti i"4.° • bated at (; odst'b h, Ahty 15th, 1830.. D y �- ' - � w I,L PS14TiES 'INDEBTED TO CS will please bre the fact that '' pay; aniottnta to J. \VINiSAIAN, managerdrew, Ii'evisle Olilcer for the Elco iter Distrlet of Ile 13od1 etfa Nstato, bef�re ve lst•A1ay,. as 394511 s,3 the 1Vost Rldfng of 'Unroll:- • 'after that ditto accounts will ho laced in, Court 111tldl] than, an Taa1tsOK's Il'LOCR, I[VUO i-STREnr. INTCN. ns._-►.st `_i Sr r.�GB.1w�.irC/ 111 N T�-RECORD has a lir6. � , < er` y otli'er pa'ger,in this•'section. • Note'tlie tact' that' WE NEWS-RECdl1D has one .price •vul;tr, €, lcl that price reasonable. - , •1 t , ,y p4 for colircttn. C. J. 1tLllll,f. C(7 c 3s' coat,�Ttc�ots SI [t� {1i�1� A�ISOCIilYO'� ell a „rain separator and W.1 hitch p ��Arrtfirritibly •-Tltt F • . 1 '`1 11 his way. to 1a ort' .(t) Appelio,.---itlr, study y our ONO) interest and go whirs colt 5411 g5. Broadway' of London, Ont has sou a mill•fot the reduction of grain •e . Iuu corn. --4). Collins, from \•'ugtl TO THE •�A���� 1 y� ,('t ,•i 8tne,k, Ont., passed through here ou , West RIdI n Ii.ini Std• arrived aero rind is welll pleased • Reliable • ▪ �lie swith the country illo Iroii>t, • • • o f (1odet'ich) -J.htl «'tri+d, ' Bras.; : of 1 manntnctnre none Mit the 1•316447 01, Smut,' r )J Ware n/' vknprn fliirf nett .,!deep, as /keit Jerre Toronto, and hill'. Uot'nsal 1LDil.'1Ellt,i- 1103 tit1(58. 1523''('rill trod get prices. to: Iv, of Toronto, aitcl a number. }~Tont by 11115,] prontpcia attended to. . Orangeville. And still tllrio is tTO N ''JC`, 100141 )fol' more I) .1 .1'''" • ' tl tu-t:,-s8 rtn' 1-it*\i -1 � - -1 {j '7, t,r. Uf ,, V.111 '71' iv `• ,i4)l.+tliy181i'►�r�:l -. ' Blyth � -.- .Pau' p...Factory.•• 25 at the. rc siriame °row brides ballet; r�rr pp yy�,r7P j` � yy� yY� ■■ �,r��,,=r E ,d�' .' y!:A till lf• i9�• V..A'AA1�\lt ill; .9il�iy.. Ilat ht,< romovoi 1 In IMS.10ewrt to the pr emlecs for- - ' .11TRAVt1.. T 1AS1• -J' 4 IN 37°ION far itillufssion to.tlre•Iffgir 5,uhca: will be held in Senfgrth .Muton and tS'h glisti4 roc Menem', 'I'm:snAt. tuul WrnnssoAv, thesth, II •0th and, 751 des a of :July next,sotnmensSngat ' A meetrog of the West Rifling or Boron Conservative Assin'intion trill, he held in Davison ,& Johnston's. otiiee, 'Pett alt -(40 l511) 15,, ON 'I'il1 l.'s»AY, 3a1t DAY 08 - il?�Ir iir'-r2 u'eln8lN•'rt:d it. A lar'goattend. ' rihcr iv i'' a t. t JA S , MITCHELL, Secretary,,. 1 o'eloelt, P.M„ oil Monday. All pandltbttes N lto , Intend to write nue required•to•.'rentLthert cin s and nddi'c�a,tiot litter tht. the lot Nifty, to'eith r . of the frtnriwing .1, 0. Irarstoue, B A , S(-fottl,•},,.''- Jtts. Turnbull, B. A , Winton:, W. 1;, Groves, ' i n., Wiitgliaux;.01 t0'5110 uadersigttedt.' o • NOTE THE FA . CT' r - o i' s� IL R. 51A14.0581,.).1',5., North Huron. Godo h a oris+ TALKS' TO THOUSANDS• WNI, CAIVI5?BCLL, President.: ITnvifs Hmtgllt out Jowl+.. VANs'1'0713, •i}o `tin t'th ht t;rodl•l (el,, Wit 810 now 'prepared. to fm.. . • PLAIN OR * FAN `Y' 15")USiu--BAst--O,r Tuesday M- tho...-.1 by . the ltev, W. (.'trig 13 • D. '111 buci•10i, Tt;oitac of 1./1111111y, IO J Iii ,teifie)S', «,'roll;. tlanglr.ter,of' Thos Last, tail Hal- toed\ lturiivn-'ns rfifl 8f51t'N'ft,Ay'Lt,t! 5(1I,t„ lett. ..J • twould t iroM ell rht patron); for past Enloe* ai,a • ' E('1MONTS..,-O11`.1it o ttns• is hi abutter position them Boer to •ptonllttly fill' • Ill \ 1:9- .. A t\r 1 all r •l rill .'stent to 1 tot \ stock t f (MOD' Orth pill.. t�. iniad, Ordered ,( , r k 1 f. t e ,(r f t, ) Arty May 1(i At tilt' iiertory, Clint dt e.l wdilt 1x s cria.y rV, ,ptih •,. '. +a wit Pl Wens dek• • I:ri` 1 eC, Jona. 1,1�11nliel tnt}it'4nincuio''N,^h• work guarani era Irirearrnu>nnLle. ()lifers by > , , gtw ' , mall prortrotly attend'.=Pf f0 5'i.e( l.tl \ aiinguirnf 1 b:oq, of 11 intuit. 114.51 ,1ii iC., dl,Iltit'a0N,1t;Jill. 11' W. G 13 I) \l1 t' 1 l 1 roe+11 dug and t ernl,tete 1 r n pt t J ani Ail t ihi5h,. on rena+nla1lc tertns, .. Best Ei11 FLOUR; I_11AI)s'i'Ui l,8 AND Mo;tii5i1 nr.r8. f os.Ary itLirar, Of!' ALL lkl;`IIfJ; oS !:1111 x UURRANI'CI A S1'I:GIAi.'VV, /1 rill Lag' • VAN. by the ton, yror• cwt.- .- AT 1t3tfr :tilkie CU"$.'i Delivered free of charge anywhere in town., tis . JOHN 16.AYS4VS. j,'"Chos, Cooper's Olt. atsiltl,. ' (tld.\'l'ONl'.. • _.1*;:e.aten lttitluued. to. .Yell_ehalprr..than ..atly+, other firth, 111 tilt, (snttttty. Mitt: LEWISI".T,t.tort•, of (intlerit'll,,1,113 been nttpai»tcll .general ngn»t for tile (smutty, oink patties wanting itnytlitag? ifi,iltt a lien ttflt Mid- it to their it'.eto 1 rt ]ua)% tnshrvu then, ttruett until he raHa. • • • nonnluTSax ,k 11I41, • ;Slay 17th,. 1S$6: .101.8,1 • Y� D 1/1/r' � r c� �r apt d N � �u e� PSI I G !Lr� r 1-r 0N: t3tt•-- ADDRESS rill NO L}T. 3\'1�`0)'ll ilrrTk'1t,xCS.;, �. . Tiipcr/Wa