HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-06-02, Page 4•
Li 1 � ioi i i u i o-ni U 1 i P n ,� iii iii 1 i 1111 1111 �a n0111i11111ii 111111- 1_m .
V...... A...,..'iliii.:_:_,
Now Advsrtiseurnts this Day, and almost unappeasable desire to GOVERNMENT .PRINTINQ to look at the tlifxerenee between
private enterprise and public pick -
demand more the more they get, OFFICES.
Farm for sale --t rn,,..Curry. It is related as'elieractetistic of. ;sly:• inns as they aro manufactured every-
Excursion-- Viu;li n Band,. Jew dealer that. if a oustomer will fit , Cllattleau ha a bill before where to arrive at the cone' i n
Farm, fey sale• -John Calbick, tate house to oetabltsh a printing
Cooking Stovee John Symons, Sive lain his price for an article aucl statiouoty. Department, and thin a distribution of the printing,
Coatntakers---C. C. Rance & Ca. without any demur, although it clay would Uo ople a�fortho (low°rnnlont,
For the Summer—Jackson Ilros, be au exhoiiiitaft .one, that he will having far its object to provide for for the poopte anti ftfr the melrlbois
Natio to Cretlitore—G• Watt, jr. retire to his bael yard and Biel tiro u6418 of all Clow milsent plant- of the printer's craft,
Farm to rent orse,11 J_Celrlough, h. lffg• tltavin¢as1 d nor inp.•b' this Departinont. The ox- Another; We are opposed to.
. Conservative meeting William „ . penditure iii, this line last year
mho Indian chu IOtor is similar, the Government, as such, in any
t'amlpbell. amounted to 8388,000 a large pro -
Electoral Franchise Act—D, Zr • Tlie liberality with which tare Gov- i ortfOn of which ryas incurred. byway entering tate field and coinpet-
lloyle, Revising Officer, . ernment, gave thein rations and ' inn with the citizen, This sort of
the Camerons and Makes demanding `'
clothing, anti machinery, curl fin, thing of crowdin*g the work of the
elements, and sent them instructor's, printed rtiturus Which were totally citizen' upon XII() 'Government will
The Huron .f l ews-Reoord to tettcli .then] iii the.use of talo latter nQedless, and in publishing the
. and industry
tho detriment of the energy
-demagogic speeches of members
and industi of the county, because
1 only roused their greed acid their y y,
'Wednesday, June 2nd, wlticlt were delivered for the solo,
avarice.. it .forces upolf the people by a small
' And, yet•A is chiefly upau isolated purpose :of having thong distributed minority the oppression of monopoly
MB. CAMERON' 1A:t�'D INDIAN'S eompltiii;ta of s chiefly
gas that Mr. C<im- to their constituents—a cheap . and and combined capital,
r • t eron mein. rests his condemnation semi-official way of endeavoring to '.'lion this: The, duties of Gov -
member for .vest Huron has �'pail the wool over tine ayes of the
been burdening the •zuails recently of the Government, electors, eminent should be tirade as light as
with "The Speeph of Mr, Cameron, When a few of the nevor-satisfied possible ; the lees complications the
v P•; on Indian Administration istration in Indians.and.their white abettorssay - Dl :r• Ghapleau makes icgood sho — bettor for all. This matter of paint-
ing that his systems of .direct Gov -
the Northwest." Il.. this is evident- the Government starved them, and
inti by the Government is an absurd -
' y -the Government saytheygave thele e "'meat
and t}: alaof
its • to it done public
e ity. The prosorlt cost is twice as away down•tostarvation prices. Favor us with a call and wo will trove to
1 • meant the ToryAdministration
of affairs iii the Northwest. When all they agreed to and sufficient for p g by tuucla its ordinary printers Would do year the truth of our assertions. We wishyou all a pleasant and enjoyable
a 'Govornntontel Departnment will1p
mr. • Cameron extracts from. bang.: their wants, it deeds no argument to it for. The Governrimont of a conn day. ..
effect a saving to tho atnOunt of should _
books lie is 'sometimes correct as convince the electorate of thieeountytry
when lie quotes the Premier ae say- anti of this country that• it. is the '
• between X30,000 and ,10;000 an -
i•i, t�. 111i 1 CI 1 11 II .111i ,III 1 1 ,m ,1111.
GrwidGciia Dayin Clinton on
t1ie 24th of May.
People of the County of Huron, if you leant to. spend a good day est 'the
above date visit this thriving town and your brightest hopes will be realized.
Remember too, that the town that can give you the Most fun for 26ots.
can give you the best value ili
of which fact a visit to •
obertsori B.
will convince you.. He sells Gray cottons at 3c. worth tic. ; White cottons
at 7e. worth 9c,;; Dress Goods at 10c. worth 16o."; Prints at • 5c, worth Se. .
Gingham at10c. worth 15c.; Shirtingsat 10e worth 12?pc.; lIosieryat 10c.
werth 15c. ' Big assertment in Notions, Domestics, Zfneus, .and all other
departments. We are snaking a bit* drive in kid gloves at 35e, .
inn:• "That the -Indians' who revolt- Indian and his white rebel instigator ntlally' It is, doubtful however if - THE KIEL .QUESTION IN
this can be aecom parched unless the Rev. Dr. Eby told •the Montreal • WHAT THE PEOPLE ARE .
tvho ales, aU.., 73E',Y
ed bad no reason for.so doing, Biu amount of work Bono .is is loss than •^
so far -as their treatment was con- It will Also be noticed that the r
cerned,is sufficiently established b • tender heart ahem ' ahilentbropic soul •at present. In any wont it is. A. • The ]slake Zaurier-Mercier fao-
Y t e of lir: Cameron Melts to tom . as- vicious principlei' to 'introduce. 4.' tion- by this time must surely have
the cancurren•t_• testiniany of ,these nn p• Government should not assume the conte to • the . conclusion•. that,, the
connected; with the ]navagomexit of stellate tears• when ho descants on cliaracter'of a tradesman. The cap- R,ieland`r'evenge cry in the Province
the- Iinii arts in the Npitlrvvost Terri-. the lack of.variet.j• of fond furnished +
tones."' h r.. ilrnero gives. hi . tare Iutlfans. They were furuishecl 'ttal which is contributed by. the of Quebec arcs expl•
oded; Fairy in.
? C n b ,.s s bacon and beans vviiou they sltoultl. whole; people should not bo used the present sessfou of the I'i'ovineial
whole naso of i alt fin 1]n away r 3 for the ptu�l>;oso'of engaging is oomo Legislature a 'resolution was intro
:..:when, just after q:ueting this state-
.have been,suppl}eel with roast goof reercial enterprises. and coni etin :.: rata ;ed b • Mr. Garneau -denouncing '
iuent which is abuirtlitutly verified and -Plum pudding.. , True, true -sl
lyp o..., ,� y
Hew could the' Inditalas in any'il° with individual effort.• It is. true thea Doiniuion• Government for a.l-
by talo• • resident cieig,y and others
most conversant 1 it Indians gree approximate to the nature and • p 1
Methodists Conforonce that Method-. • • .• SAYI\'G
isin has„become too tenacious of its
iuethods, 'That it has become top
ecclesiasical, and ecclesiastical meth-
ods -tend to, fossilization. Methodisrn
idolizes its machinery top much and
clings to it as though it were a.part
'o rel Bion. •.
Cardinal Manning 'is in favor of
that scone Cue Will have to do trio° lowing the law to. tako•its cotuse. in
retaining 'Irish representation at
with i • to n inns o work oven vl iile.the'public printing the case 'of the rebel leader•, but ,Westutinster 'ansa is. afraid that a
. out there—waren he slays : c.z.e•}i.if ' e- gamete of Drilla]] subjects wit•hout is done i en o agar ht n afterpurer Irish Parliament would
n t at, a ue t owned a bitter • debate the resolution y
thin 'statement were. true, it would • being .fed oaf the vigorous creatin dlostro the ilfluenco. of Protestants
roast spoof and pluin nidcliirg o and• operated by 'the Government, leas defeated by a ver} decisive y
not relieve the Depthe nut froom the 1 b l but the etnpployees will bo the favor- majority. • Ono would havo'eup os-, in Ireland' too much.. ;And - unless
responsibility fdx the uneasy, dis•; .••Prunes 1' IIow' indeed ! p. Protestantism is strong :in' o iosi-
• ices of the - Government .of the ' day ed ... that ' the French Grits ' -would o Pl
satisfied. States of the Indians,: and : • The father .: of rebel Jackson of tion Roman Catholicism locos .its
Globe comespouclenee • n.otoriet ia' or its suliliorters, Tho system will have allowed. the natter 'to 'drop
for their Ultimate outbreak ira'dpen 1 y•' ti•or14' •.to .the• dotrimeut' of •the :in; bore. ' • Brit no. They thought they • yigor and vitality, .
tewolt garnet taro sovereign • povwet quoted b i IT... Camera'u. as sayiing i o
1 dividaal U li•L dice p pilin hi ' ego •rr ` had a big,card and the • •• r b 1'•
+•• that the Indians had been •ail t ' • t t
of tIus Dorninton. 1 1, c aoa ec Y • n 11 ..b s. ioY' seOrd
e. ound :At the 1L ufreal iltetai dist Con-
b tato Gave mfr n .. anti 'indestry, No' •
indiVirlual • or 'to play it for all it was twortli, Ac-
lil?i. Cameron is rather a peculiar. Y xv e t And Jacksoix ' 'firm .can coot t.°tu with the combined cordinnl. • o. Fricla, I Lst ll7i:.for= •ference last vvoelc, ,Rev:: Di. Elly,
i•s -1.1 1 b DIr.'C�imnerou as A Gon- 1 ” y' y l• r g
logician.• 1. Y ately fruru Japan, put in a strong.
• Sirlolin•sa 's "The Indians wln) • seivattve ! .. acksou was a resident .•
resources of tato •whoto'people when tier.put up erre. of'liis fo}lOvvers'ta' •
they aro used rn any trraclo or gall offer an amendment to tax Govcsn
• •plea for the' •better education
revolted. had no'reason fOrso doinry " •
of Cllntorr for some trate seta atter- those intended for the
,' 4' ministry.
in". ' The Government should n0' nienf smnotion to go into co.minitteeof
Mr. Cameron says :.. "Even if that - vv arca ot.lvinnham anti was in 1potii morn asslrirto the
° cliaraeiter of Supply.,"condemning tate ProvineiAl •And especially should uiissiouaiies-
stateuiortt n ero::truo theJ)eliartlraaiat iplaces.lcnovrn as.: a.. more rain; Gait, . 1 for China and Japan be thoroughly.•
statement than. 'o£ czipenterc, upho.- Covernnierit for not lice+ing support-
is'str"Il xe iorrsilsle'furtir:eii out foal: turn even Mr. Cameron. .''But • :i educated;•aneu. Ito stated. that the
„ • - - . would make no difference' even n'ei•e ,stovers, il3asons ot.b1acksmi,ths. This oil "Lite deitaands Made • throughout.
ill open..revolt. .......
thinkiersani. thorough investigators
-the-Province the F 1 + 1 G cultgred natives •of Japan ,are doer
t -�...• _, adding 'G ranting 10 Cd era 0v
Just look at the first. sate of lar. he 'a -Conservative; wo have any 1p Department to upon.
f' m>u a .page auiount of evidence. froii • dozens of the in tchine'ry of Gti-oS'orntnent is ill ar,nment for a comnrutatiolr of Riei's
i omen s Speech and yeti Will, find advised• 'unfair, arum will. in the enol sentence," The debate was.. eom- and that .it requires . 'the • ablest
•the above: •• missioulvries auit.uther more reliable ' > Chrrsta>ns to:meet thrso Paniiiis in
be found to be i• Cf T110 mon-place •enough until Mr.,Beau,
Did l t faults; champ Conservative, v 1 ]rL 1 not d
ever before public man have' 'persons than
Jackson or Cantof•on, 1 delpate Amoilg Dr:.;Fby's .reln(trl:s
vwlto have voluittaril tostff a1 to `tare contract system, with allits au ts, 1, t,ho had e we find : Am n' eclticational: matters
Alio unblushings effrontery to con- Y is ulydoubtoct}. the best. •for the Garnoau inotion .rose to an-''
invariable good treatment 'of the y ' h t Canada 1 • i' r
dem. Opponents en . uonnco that, though 1 views had 1 J a
s11011 Utltrnable, o we ave, no• in
anal a pre•lsee o
rn Local• W%tli tato •spirt, sada
gronnd_l : Indians by the Government and tts The.
�lrrie�• tetiti Bo v. nlcr ep ar m t yrs v
dressed f •t t t tl
Rid. •
war b
• .. ' Y ressed a. sei'1ee 0 questions to
Mr. Cameron distinctly -'say's 'that oflictals
the: no changed
On,• 10 . Lt, ,.gtresttoll, aver'. of mar fathers 40 ye rs ago,
•Al e substantiated r ho
. l ad •n0.
e I educational standard. o ad:inis
• t 'tl t should
1 tan'ist Ls been. stanttr, in .loading'' prnter•.s' of the United 10 c.ould_not vtSte for. rho present ,
subject, some of them arse :is le]l°us t a t 1 1 eta party ~veto only.
1; Is a 'print:inn ofilee owned seeking to- make political eapitill °
sir John, that does: .no .' rel'iev%o'the official reports And, by. the • Hon. be raised 'I mere are now
'fans'' `rhos, �1'hito.'and .others. I3y the•
and iiianagod
r desirable'?_. • was r• cowed with .surprise by the
The e t f t] (-whole f Air,' has been partictil'•'lri liborAl fu'tai9 enemy to net All education had bet
o � 1 Y
treater.' TI
Department for Weil:: Ind great .opportunities for oducation•.:
b the .Goverunteut: out of ,it. This declnratron wlifch
hiving revolted:1; was, •tite notice that 11fr Cameron y ' • the inan'wlro has not ambition.. ...en-
ough •g ter
19. te... •10 e.. �0 1 ` - Opposition,
2. Is it eco. 'nrleal 'and . just tosail-iipplaucl �d by th T•
Genu ton% syteech. may, be surmised, tributing .has speeches •in'pauiphlet. °i s ranlain : fn.t.ho local ranks, Never
+ the taxpayers' 11Iiniste3a11sts, vvas Promptly follow-
ai•itlrout' reading, it . When 'a 11ran, form to Conservatives evideritlys in send, any but the :ripest scholars to
a '• •3, Is -the present office cstried 611 pry alratlrer'c 'u'tll' significant on •
tv}I1 premiss his reruarlcs'lpysLjling taro 13ope th i.t where ho 11es. `thrown, •
q ` Y•mission • work .fin Indfa' China or
safe art• of the, If Mr. I3ea U' '
"The Premier has assertod,that there sa iuuch•dirt some of it i'i11 surely- on as emcienfly' and aG as Ift11e'cost' p u ]alai J
Y as'prry
rite esttiblisllinei0 brio stti'cl-that:while his sentiments, iapau'
was no cause for revolt'; I say that, stick. ..But Conservatives who read, too, had not clrauned on the. Biot
though diets was " e • 0 1
the'revolt was•.3tStifiable."' : every time he makes n thrust :at the 'Weil. nttgltt not bo done in ;;eve.al �� '1 lI. C, Cameioir,a fn airs speech at $t;
y .- to o• so 'far as to blame Ministers' ;,
o a. 1' i 'n Croveauurerlt<7to .is ruing the, laser- places, some 'of tale:. offices being. ° • honlas, referred. to Ion..• John
When. we say: ii., C,meiran lays o r for not navii�g.intervened as a Gov-...:,. ;,' ,
down snob moustrotts"doctrine,at. tate loss dagger, of an Ananias.• 13. e . remote froth the • seitt••'of Govern• Ccstigan as one df his fortyth(ev os.
ef,nanont in a rrratte>, rho. initiative ,
.have }ieard some who h ro received menti .his was'
tate 3itiine gcc,iKion olY which
,g .. � :, •y e : ug°• •o to y .
easy to'foreseo what • couclusaou he l'ilr. prtmeron s speech sa - that his alto tveigltt of a itnioti ;is i•gitinst Imo referred to ex -Warden Dolly, • of
y y t a House, II•un Mr; Garmeausaid, lien res ti l'1 e
will arrive at, . s He lee 'alreadyecu- :statements were' se much at variance . a Covefilment .printing•; off oe, and ! Aaron the present p t c ie v e
t{emuott lire Government. Without • With ,well known facts that they -in favor of. tile contract sysieiii and
•proof, and if,facts uo •n • ot. sit / ort ; were Conti:wiled ter threw itdoawn i,n tare distrihution'of:the work tf it'so mut' a> mac 1 to same rtasous ns rYter:". 'The language Used .pry., Mr.,
} 1l? 1I'rr 13.9twebanlp, and itis. Zapoante, 'Cameron his ease 110 tautly iho }worse fol alio • disgust after readily time first i'ew,• l� pr mac that responsible. firms ,will Cameron was oven more polite than
,who .hail:also Voted 'for 1130. C..ar,ioau•. , • ,
facts.. . • . .fares. Itis indeed as'tbo Grubi'once 'd he work 'At 1)otllts ±mate'fr•om t .. tr,litlll`ul.. -Saturday last INlr.Costfgan
•motion ex.11hained hat he iasis. c. st ez : a; r, nal°yon
old Y follow. a
talo facts CID il01 8tt•pt/01't.•Iiis Cllar lrursr o find '1Ir, Cameron so alt (; f t 11` } t 41aru1osovts
} y•
no cause fors v It 1Ir• Chriieron's' speeches know that 4: Xs t13ore 'any reasons why the -I.
0 It will .be remembered that mfr;
q"tuistion Ifo was stilt not pre p ttr'ed
very outs_t of has argument it is av cel d ut vvhrc 1 •aro 1 l
1 1 per U ]o Cd t tl
1.00, co tlld.not' •voto for the ainend-• , .: , ,i. ` a: t. ,J.'oi I; n -
t` f 1 t} • of•1,13.th,.�is TIuton ryr u r
of truatel '"i r lrr...Catnef' n. 1(1;±.41tt1y scii'(1, 4'mo l+ h to sieken.ai'. the seat Of xovernment, • ' a ' tool erns 'ari to d ty'1I Cl 's
U ort y o o o r ltrd to 'o. are. Tho atlieudment
n r s - do 'Iriti rrld r>s u t'o ' o` •,•. -• and: latltrlit1irut 'state -
„c u was fir flaw r 'cctt.cl by to v to of 3c3 �"
reasoltable as,to down the los
of Atleged�ill-treatment' of the, Indi- Y 1 to 3.. , Q, a] t to Ontario 7(419:
411:(. The tublic records a1;0 filled . • tial : "Though the Indicans had rib duct any' business unless it • iso es- •1'' it. '(.i i .foi.•- yours .bc tv..i(.1-i-n to'intik° al-
l Y 1af111r, •.vu13 s. a t majority,. led. ,' ,. ,._...
to repletion with evidence of largo 0t11180 fur "'Vali', that wo�l t 1391 in: •srntial1y n0,(1' .53111 Puri"°°° runty call 1> Mr.:A 111° onl • Previa- lowances for ilfr, 'CanrtstotI s at
1. � Y J
i- think the.
(lovernhii(nt should con- t' ll v e o meats, The peojph) of 1l,uren. ltavve.
1 S f 1
. ally •SCrt90 1Yeliev0 th0: 1Je;par'I:Inua3 -pilblie welfare. No inconvenience ,' tunes depaitnre freta truth as being:
camas faithfully expended irl: lurk. 1 curl I.r�lslatura which ]las slrovvu • ,
., front the l'espaltsil,il.l, y of the ••UIt1- . cellltl at'19e •11' (Gn"i'C HH101rt11 n*,I1 r bl•etig1tabeutbypolitica exigalleid9,
ishing thein•with ltrovasiuir9 Ul Liil - 1 b sy nt fatly for rebels tint. rebellion
rn imp at 1 purl mato o111 Departmental, printing bong elope. p lfiit his' vv13olcltalo ]niluuficture of .
r , 1 n
That last Friday was. a quietly
busy day in Clinton,
'1`htat the attractions. were ntuiier-
`that an it Was 'depaity-reevo'
tion .clay the otherwilie +unemployed
.had a good opportnnity to tal,ternate-..
ly borate: candidates Corbett and
Searle. - • •
Or they hats tho 'o p portnn't ' of
,Attending the'County Con veijtion of
Scott Actors in the town hit and
. Could listen to .the reports` of• the'
wond'erf'ul effects of the Scott , Act -
and of tate increasetl,eousnmptiouof'
spirits fill over. the Province,
C)r they could have -dropped, down
to Atlioleott rano and.. witnessed'
.the shooting of the H. B. A:
and the winning of the Association
'Challenge •C'up liy M.r.•Robson.
t' That, as if these Were not varieties
enough, there was a negro bared par-
• -ado and. the colored gentle nen. •to
be seen in , all, the' i elful'gvneo 'or:
•ebony glossineei of- untenanee.
And later in Ur ` veiling quite a
competition between the 'discordant-.
• sounds of the lnstininents' nrauipn-:
lated by the inenibers of the darkly ,
unsanetif!ed 0.i:hermit •trop pe ani. ' .
the sorneivhat More gratifying strains
of the. local band. of• staved Cauca-
sians.•• . . ;.I
Then the -'people are pronouncing.
anathemas on the arca that first- .in- '''
vented street .dust..
And •promise, blessings on, w
the heads' of those that w,ill.suppress. •:.
r 6•.
,Even thotigli they bo, to« ia comm-
cillors and, piiy for the worst out 'o1
t11e general' fund•
s of the town. : .
That in' fact the .proper way .to.
provide. for:'tire carrying out of, any
work for the . public benefit is ' to
pay for it alit of tlo takes 'contribiit
oa by all. •'
That silo Watering of:tire stree!s•'
would bo n public `benefit and
• - That it should ba dbne altogether
•by, the corporation . -
3'lhat even though merchants err,:
the Blain . streets will be specially:,
bonefitted by street watering. they
aro not' tare only ones benefitted and..
will contributo most of the funds
if tlhey do -come out of ,Its taxes.
'That every man and woman living in
town has more or less call to traverse
the main stroots•uearly every day,and'
that the' tioisonntdlsooinfort to t}te i
and the injury to their clothing
froi• a dust is a far. tnore s,eriotis, teat -
for than (lie paltry 15 of 20 cents that
Oleraverageratepayer Woulcl becalled-
ulponi to.pay.'sli.ouid ;1300 or so be•
appropriated - by . the . 09,unoil for
street: water ing a 1 e. sulipression'
of dust on the•stleets.
• t .tat• evoti . farmers aril other,,
patrons and visitors to our :town,.
.aro grutnblinp at dusty Clinton ttu(L
will macro r,ilga-iinages hole fewea.°'•
and farther between; so long as there
is the prospect • of, .having to en—
counter, as at present, clouds of dost
on our streets, •
;a . Gotwinloelc & Co., the other
day sit ipped from. WroXeter station,
1G car loads of young cattle, num--
boring 15; lmcad 1b a: large ranch .
near. the Rocky'111ountains. They
expect t:o sltlpp salons 3(10 marc early
;,1iis mouth.
1preiai- of 1.1... Iltdlfans in ' , .
eta, farm o 1 f'b 1 t 1utt 1 the market,
instiatotot'Ira - to teach, them lldw to • Open 1'01 It spy contract. The t GO
hirer and use the rinp,l(menta,4 All , oniy was exploded ,1 the' nt tt
• 1, h 13', Of (CCIr1-, .: I s 1+1s (piling O( 1
3sI101>Tlit.J, �,1tTb,
• • tt t] (•+ (iom i r0 3Ln11 11103 .0 rums tato any 331010 of
l. 0 li1toal Herald t'+' • h ' ri them at any price. The 'P001110 of
this ivlas rlpmio, vv%th'a ltlpcinliiy* tU t Xlc,.ircr? .4.�,tn): 1. (, uir,liublic 0xp'r7lttiittto ttr. �h(rt ru Seine of the Grit pa]pir, dub Irl
;: t dealings, en(uir' • 'info the charge' .,t(4ferl'('4i . 1 gross::U 'Upon tip s s'af'e .,, Y (, •• .>, 'raven ran judge of' he truth of alis
llatla(ptto uu]cuovvn. in the clealial8s 1 Y � 1 ptoi•t>-t4 (•o i 1 l 1 t, l,ultolp 11.1.1 , iau oats srrcl. i]tat,,.
tl' u9 bcfou' ale .I?ttblia...lccvttrrl3 (.."til "1`, fret i'd3t 3.t "slioics talar 'taro. s't4af shonid fatales vvriv:;for is live rasa other statements by' the amount
l,f R'hit(1ti wham Ida la • ••
<„ . ,. S=, _Lis:.,., .. it ."`,:f.q. 1 >. : .,.• •,
" y •11t3(10t;;t1 ("lf1latva a��ainst . dr, •II, 11. (;•oveanul.i'i1 i)'tl.tjlig: wtis falllyt 50• and ad wit that 1)r: (;olniii,aii (ioi1111 conteinc.il, in his reference 111'r,.
But eatth•tuy to 11Ir:. (,taulolotis n .1 1 v �
vi,svv9 vwo know' that the'•aa:ttttt•o of :(rooks ill:. I'., nn11,.X.to.n 1)tvicl;Slllls Per cent- amore" than rf, It•llad,•bertl lcnocl."'cagy 51001(u ottt,of •:.\,lchio:. 13c11y.•
rul oti•:lliuister of tares interior; dove nbt clone. by' Contract at ordinary market '1'liey'7.ay lie richt.':
safe 1'ndiafts is sitclt that tl v aro
look well fur Ouse gentleears.. '}'o rates ; f,r addition to which the • . — -- - . • --Miss floret, of Brussels, has
fly satfsliarI, that i.he,v have
i 11.11 lrceulr.lr Jevvr,li fent which to a shady ' look' e:+ x'cialt .,the sit- . 'a Free mol°� :x. per- become so impaired hi mind 113111.
y , L . Y .mor frieuc1s have concluded to send i
-hover it:lt;lt!. by asking more the tin«:u , f'oatr 1°(a]A Alf•,ir th(v allnre(.,l olh(:(, Irtlu r.t nt, t�i trt� nett,. et'e. o slats iia: iit:ating that the Dominion 4tir un as puri i`ur troatincrat.
ir'' d. ere , •0 1 that the r lath. b:f 1c;�;:1 • Another firm writes•: There is is eei.pott 'vwr o proal.«r ori t las 1 i
moment, their 'first tat rasa s t.v ld, t (pt t y t',•
a ibotd(1 flea]. ' �1:ztrrstors, ilrc not nruclt. in tate '-" ' '
.. C• 1' � •l1 1pctyrdiipri the AIM -Tient b1'11(.1'
:ll;r,. riu:an lu(li:rus ,110 v(
ll,el,yI w engin 11•v having,
say tars least., the whole tr(ui:artion (avin�llulrrlt. �fL3111.1 (•tl a l,rintirlg "l'ISa tlrit 0• (13133
r, , 1'I l ll 1 i It 1' i 3
nald of 1prliss(lia is'afrly
,r ..r 1 0 ,
sliislieair 1rt fact ittlmnirtiigiats hav,.r swat]( to• its lulvlar„ l,r3n. rc>c(rivc,l. na rr:i,9tlti v�'iIJ, the p,rfntlu
r ! • never ` 1 lands. �. `i;catt librl ilY 1x19
were ne ve a c it on flat' Indian Stu (luiity p the. (,uvi'tnluent as It hahit of (c,tl 1( to -their ]ntrtth(tlls (t etc st td rr t o
�•u-lr tvotetl to prove,tip.' that alar( b1>r(hY
n„rl It, n hasty tu.i ld n„rnt, t', of la,,, hldpn, mals vw,is tlf to
Irc'srnt. , a'1ine:at. of the
priding' ta,alrpt0trltnts so we shall ti►1(o the. '.., , , .i of St. Paul Blinn.,
1 supply thee , ,
tetrad he clone has :any caiaveitient stat.('r unit with I'aI MY grains •t� with > mm ani {t `e 101gine, ;Itis if 110
city,. AO t0 e1;01101113'. a1•t: 4,1%.:L but, ':tlfalc rtt(tttor..,
d than' 13 lenitaM18 tttual,•l;1 .lou iSo•w•-• 11 Y
ill nom.- I 1 t' f �t 1'
vvh(,n hrs a•.11t vitt.rirclry' aa.1•,rWut ].ovv .
tUtf,i sitar t1}i• '31cw13, tail. i:iolrtinttte , v�. by ti[a1,1 Au Ji for”
.. i
Yrts i1 fair, show Ile tl. i •
ll: Jill tilebill,.
nroCosll, .rector' of St.
Paul's church, \'Vpitrgttaru has‘gotre------'-----•-^-
to Las Angeles lin (2tIit'utrtla, 'to •
visit,°l, a:, .hruthet•-iia-law, 8...1. Sever-
eign, who is quite i11, 'ildr, alc('urn, ,
11 stu(1••1(t fl•(litr l',ovvmtlnvi.11l+, wi�l'
otliuiate in fat; 1pdui '8 durfnn Iris l(b •