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1,ECOrtn." ......
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Tho combined.eircuiati:int of TIM NEWS, .
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The Neuss-Record - -
• }` Ctintoe►.. Ont
'December, 1882. •
The liuron.News-Record
Nirealscsd.i�`, �Biuia 'A nil.
.. • A .1; A.D POLICY. .
Presbyterian Review.:'..
Tllro 'oronto• Qlobe- :s''evidontly
' not woll•ploased twills: the General
Assembly of the Presbyterian church
in lielan'd for daring to llave.a mind'
of its own on the question. of Home
11ule, and venturing to, express op-
position in its. recent manifesto to
the measure now•before the British.
Parliiameut, noel its.gra{ve feitre for
the:safety of Protestant interests.' if
the 13i11 in its•prescnt shape sh nld
become law: Tho Glu 1 i' g1 s t'
Globe 1 ug a .i
.the fears of the . General; Asseinbly,;
Ytn 1•phunlyeteils thein tllat.they are.
mistaken, that. they cannot:terve
'their point, that-tiicy'are cowards in
aisl;;ing for-tl1'e-. col3tluuanco of -the
lr•ote ti n r•'th eir 1'
1 - G o e rbeitios' which
the presentf arrarlgeinent. secures ;
khat their vision is -,:distorted by
party bills, and that in fact they -Ore
not to be , trusted loiict iiglatly iii . •
this matter. It asks, with a sneer t'
"Whig is this Ulster of which we.
hear so tn.ucli 1" and proceeds -to
show, to its own satisfaction at loast,
that. as. iu Ulster the Catholics are
Very nearly as ninnorous as the Pro-.
testants of all delolninations,-it:has
no s )ecial right to the' a collation
1 1)l
"'Protestant," and leaves; us to infer'
that it should not:neve the sympathy
of the rest .5f' the Protestant world
in its , astru glo against' impending
F Oman Catholic supremacy., c The
Globe surely does not need to be
toldthat:Ulster is Protestantnot by
more nuinbers.but 'by the character
which it boars in the•eyes of all the
World, aiid which has sufficed ter
';'oscu'o owe:portion. of the island
from reproach, and to show what it
ull ntliglit bet were the conditions
equally favorable. • It will no doubt
'dour to most people, in Canada that
the Presbytei'iltns:in troland aro in°
a position to know their osis wants
and dangers best ; that they are not
the people to be alatened•fornothing,
and would not take upon themselves
grave responsibilities without due
uonsideratioin..• In thio trying . risfsr
of their .history they go i)ntitled to
the deepest sympathy of rrotcstalits
o'verywhere, 011(1 doubtless they will
receive it. They do well to for the
Catholics• even 'when bearing gifts:
it would, .we Might venttue to re -
mak, give llnuiy good I'reebyterittns
nearer glome solid satisfaction to see
the Globe remove its delighted eyes
long enough from its new-found
friends to see hew many Protestants
en this side of the Atlantic it is
olfeudingby its unblushing coquetry
with the Scarlet Woman. But per -
baps the Globe is like David Garrick,
Who threw off his friends, like a
huntsman his .pack,
For he knew when he pleased he
could whistle -them back. , •
But -we dare toll the Globe that this
is bacl policy, Ono or. both of
two 'very unpleasant things may
happen. Tho friends may get be-
yond recall, ar the power of whist-
ling bo lost. - Far better to stick to
old and well -tried friends, though
the new promise much and be ever
so charming. .
Itronsignor Gremlin, the great
Roman Catholic apostle ••of the Can-
adian. N orthwest, preached a remark-
able sermon! in the Basilicia, Quebec*,
city, on Sunday, in: support of his
appeal for assistance to .his North-
west missions. He spoke of the
cruelties of the Indians in their.
savage sttLtu, 1>aviug, himself seen
them murder their wives wileni they
grew old;'and leave their sick child -
,ren to die of Mugger ou the plains.
In reference to the Northwest tron-
blos of.; 1885, his lordship stated•
tbat.sinee the Montle of June; 1884,
designing nien. had Commenced • to'
: detlich lth0-11e Us.' from the. nl.issian
dries, `advising: thein to withdraw:
'froth Chair- priests .the confidence
'which lied liithorto.been
Tho 'excitement increased• from daay,
today. Whenl the.missionaries told.
• them • to remain cahu and that it was
sinful to revolt agaiustc u established
government widen had done nothing
at,could offend their conscie
. they replied, as their leaders' had
-ordered them, tlitit we bad 'no right
• to necktie fn politics. ' So the•rovolt
continued. Churches• were burned,
saci•oiil • veseels •w re profiuied, and,.
•the euchar fist trampled , ibtidor foot.
Priests, and sisters Were inipli:sonod. .
Fathers- Fafard and' Merchalid :fell
by 'the balls of assassins while -giving'
absolution to the other victims.. The
11ietis .had :been deceived' and now .
they. had- to imam:the' deception
pxaetisod'• upbn'•tli.ent . •Doting,.tht '
last sevon-ve us Mgr.. Gremlin, said
that he iiad:lost eight of liis iitissiorn-
arieS. Two' were martyred' ' by Clic
111clfaanis, two .Were drowned, two'
wore lost in, the woods in the _winter'
.an froeu to death and . two had
died, of sickness at the mission: The.
revolt 1rad' caused, • groat devastation
'fu the• Northwest,-biitT-1►is lerdshili
said thitt the `•brood of the • martyrs
would 'always 'prove'the seed of the
&lurch. • '
stenographers in the United States.
The use .of such language by Mr.
;Parnell,, in A ner'ica,. can readily
be understood, and it can also be
understood why he now desires to
snake it appear that be did net use
the words ,• but it puts Parnell in
rather an awkward position. It will
probably very much reduce the
weight of anything he may have to
say, on the Home Rule .*uostiou,
and cannot bat harm tllo cause of
--Petroleun has been discovered
is paying quantities on Manitoulin
—Two hundred and fifteen tavern,
sixty-eight shop and twelve whole-
sale licenses have been grunted by
the Toronto Commissioners.
—The flfy-seventh annual moeting
of the Grand.Orange Lodge of. Brit-
ish America commences itssittings
on Tuesday 1st Jane, at 2 o'clock
lr, m,.
. :-;-A Guelph lady. set a dozen of
eggs and the hen hitched out thir-
teen chickens. One of the eggs
had a double yolk and yielded two
—Tho'crepeetiong the Canadian
Pacific Railway in Manitoba and
the Northwest Territories presort a
. splendid appearance, •. -
•—Battlofordi experienced a severe -
snow storm ou May. 19.. At '1'iurtle
• Lake, fifty •miluo..noith the snow
was•two-foot deep, twentyfiwo miles
host the snow was six inches, doop.
—The township of Arthur has
been mulcted in -$2,000 damages in
one case and $500 in another. for
'dunces sustained by parties fir
consequence of imperfect ground . to ,
—A Peterborough paper alleges
that there has been More perjury ur'y in
the local police court 41103 -the Scott
&et took erect'tlmn since the court
held, its first 'sittings uluuy years ago,
—Seed oats have been advanced
to Northwest. settlers. who suffered
by the rebellion, on condition • that
two bushels'shall be returned after
Harvest for evoy one advanced.
—A Witness ,in a Seott Act case
lit Oshawa testified that he had ap-
plied for whiskey and -goose oil to.
rub on a lame shonlclor, but .glad
been successful in getting goose oil
g • only •
apllro'ach of a bridge.• D.
'froin GIaY011111i1' 1
---W m. A,' Crain;, recently- Qatne.
st ti scarce in those early days she \l•aswasleft 1 ly in the ;,clerk's .
liev. James Lawson \vas as-
saulted at Renfrew' Ont.; and brut-
ally beaten. by Alex. IIudson, Who
accused hint of being an' infertile).
•,and aiding ill the .enforcement of
the Scott dict. , •
• —A. woman in Montreal,. named'
' l:iary. Ann, Dwyer, accidentailly
knocked a coal oil lamp on the'
stove, When- a :loud .explosion took
.place.. Her clothes .caught fire end
bellied around hor'bolly, ' She died
.after a few hours in 'groat'agony.. .
--Harry.Elliott, the oldest son of
Mr. Jamas Elliott, of 1Varwick, died
recently of 'lockjaw. He was play- .
.inn' • in a field, . when' 'he ran a
• splinter • into ]lis log .arid, -kept the
fact' front •tho.knowledge of his par-'
Vents.• The sore .festored,'end'when
physicians were- su,rilmoned'it
'Diana that .nothing 'could be done
to.staveiiis Iiia..• -
Artlim Ellter pr&(e Tuesday the
4th. May, the youngest • child ot•Mr:
Dodge ,• blacksmith, Gordonviile, .a
boy. about a 3 ear and it half of 'age,
Who wes.standing near the .lcitehen
stove apparently.: quite well. fell
suddenlyou the floor •and' i�as of -
. �
.served to be ;deli'�s for, ••bronth.•
Ho ,.snort ,afteetvai�Ts-' oxteired, ; He.
_bad gotten 'a pea' into his Windpipe.
.--Mi' I1litchell, 'of Frariioete
brought en to tile. Guelph therket •
one mooing the bides -of she young
cattle which were, killed: by the
.ligbtnin g,. on Friday .•;night : Tho
.stoiui pelts: very severe all•. throiigli
.the to$yuslrip,,• but the loss sustained:
by lir. Mitchel 1, :fs the inost serioue
Tot reported.' The animals r1•ere in
a field when 'the electric current:
struck •theist,• and• w oro. nli `found •
:'close together•. ••' • .
-A. few days ago,- when illy: G:
• Ile Hennes,' of 1St. Catlrerines, • Was'
ripping tlieold.uliholstery out 'of a
.1i'ac(c•undergoing :repairs in Iris shop,
she di:icovereiI snugly. stowed bah irate
the lining a small flask of olderyo
and- the- 'outlines of ii speech in..
favor of• the Scott'•QAct arid,: other
Memoranda. • The And •fs:.e stn'arlge
one and was likoiy.p110011 there by
some enthusiastic - tomperauce 'man,
Tifc�lrtiltura,l)uily Spectiztar. • who'afterwards beeawe oblivious to
the: fact: .
lilt Parnell .has been, . to put•it
mildly, inciise%ogt. Tho Ii'iell TVY;r•1d,
in. its ,rc" port of • a .speech made by
the • Irish leader, at • Ciucinnatti;'
I� ebreary 20, 1880, • stated that Par -
mill had said • that lie would not.
:rest until tlio last liuk that'coi<y,tlect-
ed.1i'o11n1d with England lied been
Anglian. That sort of language, used
in the •United States in .1889,•\vas
admirably.: calculated to produce the
desired .Direct, that' is, open .the
purses of. the Irish:' Amorfean cou-
tribntors to the i"uiid ;: but, in view
of the foot that the Nit't'iolralists and
Gladstone now claim that IIonie
l ido is- calculated to inako Ireland
loyal anti friendly to England, it
was rather. annoying to 1111.,1:?arnell
when ltr.,Trovelyan, in the llousp
Of! C'ofilinons : on Tuesday,, quotuud
from. the. I,'irrla ,TV.iil'lct, :the ;Irish'
leader's Cineinnatti remarks. I'ar-
nell either•denied` •thii he 11 ida080(1
the •words, or intended it to be un-
ilerstood that lie made tho cloili tl.
without actually making it, and Mil r,
Trevatyan• promlitly accepted _ the
denial. But' another wittiest( pops
up. .A telegram from Cincinnatti
tolls us that oil Vebruery 20, 1880,
Parnell did use the actual words
("noted from the Trish iVurld by 1Ir.
Troveiyan, a11d ;they. were taken
down 4 by 0110 of thesntost accurate
-..A novel eight was' witnessed at
St.' C ttherinos on friday.: 'A pian
rind. :his wife arrived thele.• froin
•Stratford, accompanied by six little
Children,. the eldest not --more fliau
Isis .years;•of age.'Tho Woman had
-an infant in'her arms; and a, little
toddler just•' able to hold its%foot,
hold onto her gown. Tlioir.world-
lY-effects were bold 111 a push cart.
Tho men said he went there to look
for work. on the cane), lie having
•seen advertieemoits of contractors
for 2,000 men. The htst'seen of the
party. they wore :pushing on totiards
Tlrorbld. ---•-;-
-h married matt in'.Preston, be-
came enamoured of'a sanctified lees;
and. heaving of the Pusliueh scandal,
clelerliriitedto eelipso the evangelist
there, .$o the eouple'niiute tip their
minds to shake. the.ilust of 1'i•estoil
,off their• }mete and. find fielclss afresh
and pastures. neiv, Wifere it trouble-
:some:wite wolil(1:not be eonstautly
calling to eeCennt • the pleasing. at-
teigiolil .her was paying to the' fair,
religious young lady.* The. wicked
smile:h has (to use the expression)
skipped- ewith • the young woman,
Sono say acroas the lines to his bro-
ther Jonathan's house, He loaves 0
wife and, several small children.
Preston was in a state v'f great e.' -
citonotit over it.' The Ulan took -all
'tire Money and goods he could lily
Ins hands on, and the guilty. young
woman gathered up all her t111n-
boi•ines, reel and blue jerseys, etc.,
she should find. Sbo will probably
start an army wherever she lights.
:.`.. ... -. .. . - :-.---71.W:7.-- a :�- ':
—The Orangemen of St, Mary's ' Glencoe, Out.,. who is very particular
neighborhood purpose holding a about the daily observance of family
pfcuta at liirktuu on tike -19th of worship. Hie wife is a thoroughly
July good woman, bather religion Is of
—l1. P. flay, the defaulting teller, a practical nature. Slio thinks
of the branch. Bank of Montreal in there is a time for everything—
Stratford, has been arrested in San family worship included—but that
Francisco. The amount alleged to time of everything, is_ not when a
have: been stolen is $6,000, The savoiy ;breakfast is all, ready to be
prisoner- lias coufeased the crime, • placed on the table, - One morning
and says he will return ,to Canada. .10st week, when. lier 11ueballd's
The Ontario Convention of prayer teas longer drawn out than
Universalists will convene iu the usual, asusptcionasmellofover-dour.
fort Uover chnrcli .on Jnno 18thr biscuit, was wafted.slovly bat surely
19tH, and 20th, There are noiv toward her olfactory organs. She.
seven . organized churohesilnOntario, wllggled.and twisted and tll.o(tght
frsent, which .delog'ttes will do lino, lltisbat clbiscuits
ofl fresh ansa now
scut, '
-Troia 4 to 4cents is the rulinn tack, to which. there serine( no end,
price far •cattle in the v'.' ty of she etude(' the good mat by say-
fn„ t Lord 1 John, cut it shalt,. .
Crttolph. This is• all "tl1(tt can bo I've bread fn, the aveil." •
paid to ensure against loss in the
English 'market, but farmers do not --David IL Scott, who Was some
feel disposed to sell at those low eight or ten yeer's ago deputy post -
figures, master of Brampton, has got hitn-
—Auother•octogenarian has pass- eelf into serious trouble by commit-
ed away to join .the silent majority, ting foigories to raise motley. He
in the person of Mrs. David Cope, , loft l,iamptou some yearn ago .for
of the township of Dtiulfries, at the 'Woodlands, Man., and got to be
ripe old.•age of 82 Sho'wuts born postmaster there, was doing well,
iu ,the :State • of New .York, ..and and . went to .store keeping. He •
early. 1'einoved to the-totenship 'of raised. ,'2,000 by forging official
rly, 'where was married to her nnnlos to documents 'of tllo mantel-. •
now surviving llusliauil, t1Ir. IJavid .pality of Woodlands, and attacl'ring
Co,pe,'in 1S24. As nlinfsters w oro the mnnicipalityseal to thorn, which
• o ' .carie ess . `
e married by a magistrate. .trier maiden office, that Scott hid access to. Iia
uaruo was Patrick,: eta sire was 5also successfully committed 'several
• sister of the' Mother of the ises ;other forgeries;• not the•money•froui .
while there attempted' to tido his
life by • carting his throat with a
butcher's knife, • ,.
Mrs. Mel, the widow of the' dead
rebel, died at her home in St. Vital,
Mn,,aMay 25, after nn illness of We
mouths.` Tho remains twill 1,o inter-
red beside those of herb usbing iu the
Cathedral Cemotery_of St,'Bonifaco.
• Mrs. Flint, wife of Icon. Billa
•Flint, senator, died in Brockville
the:other, clay,. aged 77 years. and 9
months. Deceased, •whossmaiden
name was Phoebe Clement, :was
married toFlint at ..Brookville
and' has • ever , since resided . there..
�Jobii Wntsoti,-il young man "of
18, Was atteekcdby. e. half a -dozen
drunkenennuis one night,"ou' the
. public • streets of Toronto and so
brutally kieked.and beaten that bis
life is • clespat ocli: Thomas ' 1tMc-•
:.Derinott was arrested as one of...tlre
gang•and.rernancted: •
—Sono 'Scott :Act people aro, it.
• is said, so- completely insau'e that
they view the acoidont to the Odd-•
fellows' excursion at 13ranmpton as 'a
retribution of Providl"ence for. the
violation's of the Scott Actin the
pack t Guelph • on tllo •(noon's•
birthday. .
Chief Justice Wood.' •the 'Merchant's bank and then.fioel'
: ---There is ' 1 bl ' 111 • to the United States, and fromttlrore
fn the accounts of the tax eollecte traced •trresto(1• au(1 brought bacl-
CO11.811'Of,l a lull( A' 0 •'
to 11)0 city of 1ilexiao, where he was
of a town of'O1an ol�illo; which 'r
• has only lately been discovered,' It to Winnipeg where he at the pre-
n• liniinary trial: ort Worinesttey or last
b the -Clerk Honk, he pleaded guilty to thong all
.seems among other mistakes . , e '.
Y. •$u -preparing the col:
lector's roll leas one of 8300.28 in in hope of shortening life imprison-.
carrying 'the 'emoting •forward. •inelnE. •
This -made the alnolut of taxes Dol- -LA curious accident luappenn.l. •
. lected appear •to be less by this near' Braiu.pton on the night .of. the
amount than it really was.' The 24th:; to the train• bringing.. back
the treasurer noticed the error aftela excursionists -;=to •; `rOrouto :front '
the rolls' wore. returned; `an(1'. the Guelph. ' 'While tiro train.tvas goiug
'collector 'was cabled upon, to' settle down 11 steep. grade; a•little West.' or.
up. 'Pitie resulted in a:prety noisy: Brampton the coupling• pin of, the
:council meeting. ; , .roar oar broke,•(le•taohing tfr'om the
ilIancbester ' :Unity of ; Oildfel- • rest of the :train. ' As the coti:e1 es
,lows, 'who lied an. excursion to inked company the bulk cord snap;
'Guelph 011.. Queen's. birthday-, took pod,. giving' the Marin in the cab of
=Olio' of - the ..Brockville local',
papers, which is not. favorable •4Q.
tb.e.„"Seett Act,'' says in. a recant
issue. tha;t.I3rock;ville has long b -cell
a•fevorito resting'place •for.'cernnuor-
ciinl leen and travelless on Sllxldity.
but that swine :Sliest) all. no •oft to
Kingston,•'beeauee they. eiunot get:
liquor ett our.hotols. • •
—Win; Youn ;•afaimcr in Crow -
lard' t(}wlrshi.p; was- married a few'
days' ago, and oil Monday night
sonic'young nen, p.oieoded to :the
house. of his tether, l\Talter'oung,
whore thodiewly.\vecltlecl pair were
'Souping, to clinivarl theme 'While
-fife-fir rearn*ateine-iiregi.ess.it avinYlolr '
was: raised' arid . the contents of a
shotgun -fired bite the crowd; hitting
three of the you'll; men, cue beings.
:severely 'wounded; %.Fifteen ;rains.
of .No. 2. shot wore • found in iris
lege/ad.glen aril lle:is in a some
what critical condition.
an Ottawa carriage -maker
called at Lire office of 1), V. T acTav-
igh,.ttle city solicitor,' wh o has `a legal
case on hand fur•.Joyce's :mother.
Joyce expressed himself as dissatie-
lied• with the manner in which 11>e
case }yds pregressillg, • and at length.
drew a4 clitsp knife and stabbed
1taclavisll iu the neck; the. blade
being almost buried in the flesh,p
portion tinder the collar bone and
just `over' .the tloft nipple.. ,Joyce
then made. his escape, but wits_ after-
ward arrested. The wound received
. by MecTavish is not considered
serious,, •
—For over throe hours ' on. the
25th, thin city. of Torontd was• trndir>•
lsrob law. Nord• was received 'by
the Kuights o.t' Labor ,thun•.busses
from • Kingston for the street cam
strikers \kould, arrive between' six
and emu o'clock. A large crowd
went to nicer them .n000lnipanied by.
a hiss bend. The busses were then
driven:slowly tht�ough the principal
streets, the'oronel gredually,:inertias
iiig hi number, till nearly ten thous-
and were following the proeessionl•
Every street car rout on the route
was riddled with bricks and stones.,
Passengers, drivers and conductors
were injured, and the wildest up-
roar kept up, the polico being
powerless to do anything. Between.
30 and 40 streetcars were wrecked.
Fortunately, so far as ascertained,
110` 0X10,• was dangerously injured.
Had. it' -not boon for the Knights Of
Labor br•eatking, up the proeese1 1
much more ,serious results would
have followed.
j-1 laculrnettwe, \t'1 .1 rho eagine(�r'
le .with, tlrenl. a large; quantity of beer.
Before leavinb Toronto, however; 'illtorpretell as a signal to reverse•
Guelph these'eotiponiswere elehang- cilr.canto 1)611 inell`down'tile 'gulag
ed.for drinks, which, ie is (:lairned 'encl dashed into the ,train. Nearly
e oar between 40 and 50 were sent .. '
of the ;Scott -het:: :The teinperflnco
people of Guelph took the -names of flying hither and thither; end sever- •
• the•. comao
'iattent•iou of proseoptin(•: there: for • ''ately nano were killed. Among
committee and
coupon tweets .11010. solei: >ri t As tbo train slowed up the detached
eel the Provisions'and penalties all the passengers in the detached
siunithid their. el \vete seriously injm•ed. Portant-
selling liquor- 'Contrary rollfray t
lie cane. those .more seriously initlrecl Mre. •
'acla Temperance Act:. Over $1,500 C•orloss,_ vine- badly lnjered,• are
have been subscribed'to defend any. Miss: Alivai Corley, seveidly braid=ed
siioli ioscCiltlOn, one (a 1101 >I1•biO\var: ilitvairelly; Mrs:
R. L. Puy, baldly
1 l brui;;ecl and'in .ured internally U:ls.
contributing $500.: j 3 ; -
••�V. C . I'titti'rson, kine ,dislocated
1'he Ottawa correspondent of and ;lead badly injured ebb
the •lIanlilton ' -Times states that ,soverdl , cut in. head:;'W..J. ; Nord, :..
Yhoil • the inxestigation regarding injured _internally and Nulty bruise.
•Ilei rraln.l m1
pl'ogress be#ore the conlnittee of the..fiace and- heard,
House .of Coin mons on'�Veduosday,
• Mrs.. P. Grant. 'who was the late'
of the • property, ' •: became volt'
the Inch h 1 atel matter was in. ed
. Joseph Quinn,. badly. cat nettle •
cynlpitliotiO fn demaucliii�r'• her sap —A
g$1;(34) 0,0.00 ixi' ChiCng�o
1108(1.riglits of remuneration: To- 1Iay'20
ward the 'close, of the investigation;' -Five inmates• of a brothel in
she went to 'the chair iii•i'vhieli Mi.. Rhineland, Wisconsin; were burned.
J..C.. Iiykert, the chairman of t1ie to 411-111 0111110 morn:ingof the. 25th. ;e •. r
" conunittee, was seated, 'and putting May. ,
•her arms around his nook, began to -11• curious case of '/strike" 1las•
whisper to hint. The act aroused . oceuried, in a:.laree factory in Chi
r for mem ors, cage. Solve thee ago the einp1oyees
the jealousy of the other b •
•wil.o -immediately •cancel ."Chair," demanded and wore ',granted the •
forgottiug that the• member of..Lin- eight -]lour system. Now they lino
0 tlllg 1105 On °iS 1'flie'' 0 ro urn 0 ho en, qui!, ;
n� the IMou o: ` lr`' •
coin is the. best 1 of i and t' '
.affable man i s Tire'
seono.15 'Stalk nave 'been an effect-
• ing one, and shows Mrs. .Grant to
be one who' understands lobbying
to poifection:
James Mophersun, l'.\voll-to do:
faxneer'of;I'eter'boro,.Ont,,iloino time
age colieeiyod 'the idea of going to.
London to see the Cbloniel Itxlribi--
:tion. •XTe. invested in $50 worth of
new Clothes, which. ho -packed in a
valise, and bought a return ticket to
.Bugleud, • also obtaining a draft.: in
an It nglish' bank for ' £40. With
this lay -out he .started on his trip'.
and arrived in 'Montreal. ' From the
7'. I1,. depot lio wain dr:iv.On by a
carter to a private- boarding house,
where he loft his baggage,'end atter
getting •leis broakfast 'went out to see
the city. - Ho 'neglected to learn the
name of the proprietor of tho hottso,-
its number, and even tlle.name of
the street. Ho 'wandered . around
the vicinity of Noire 1)alue street'
east until seven in the evening,
when he was stopped by a constable
Who took him to the Central Polioo
Station. After• depositiing his vat-
uables, among which was the draft
for ,;t40 on .the Ilank of 'Montreal
and twenty.eight sovereigns, he was
taken to the 1tichliou hotel, where
he spent the night, narrowly escap-
ing suffocation from (laving blown
out the gas. In thoanorning an irn-
successful effort was made to find
the boarding hottse and inissing
valise .which contained a suit of
new clothes valued at $50.
—"rheum is a gran rgsiding 14
system. '
' •—A waters pont struck; the resi-
:donee of )avid' Whittaker, on Gas-
I a,
• per creek, Va.,1May 25th; destroying '.
thedwelling and tobacco been and . .
drowning dire. Jennie Monglo •
• Fiedorick Kylins, a married
Man in''the suburbs o£' Ciueinuntti,
' Wes on intimate terms with a daugh-
ter of 'Weis.. Boat). Bode shot and, ••'
killed .Kylins.
—Will Whitehead fatally shot .
Miss Laura• Harwood,' of Carrolton,; ,
Ky.,. and thou 1ci11ccl.bimselt 'Choy
wanted to marry but the girl's pars
onts objected,' aid they. agreed ' to •
,die together. '
..The Giiiea o Grand jitter are
.determined:to indict clearly all the
persons arrested and • eonfinod
connection with 'the anarchist riot
'and killin of police anti citizens by 4
,dynamite bombs..
—Roe. • Mr. SQOttJpastor of the
rirst' Congregaftional Church, • of
Evanston, Ills., 'has boon asked:to :'e, .
resign.The specific o(renees charg-
. ed against hint appear to be cigar- - -
snmoking in nubile., . ,
•—The edger morning at a Now
York police court a war of words
waxed hot and furious between two .
el` tingnished lawyers of that local -
said one, In avigorofS
aside, "you are' -a confoundedliar,"
"Sir,"- responded tine other, :`you
aro an infernal fool," "Gentlemen, '
gentlemen;" entreated the courteous
jedge, "you will k111dlyaddress yonr
observations to the copit."