HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-06-02, Page 1ts 'rr'Eit)IS t -$I.25 per Annntn,Ittt. Atlkattct.. VQ L. VIII, --N O, 24, "IN.U, PORDEaV1• [aV Alb. C 1i42.1VS, 1C. UTltAL LW W02.'1111C0." WIIIY•1b241( do TODD, Publislig,■ • CLINTON, HURON COUNTY, ONT., W.LDNLSDAY, JUNE 2, 1886, WHOLE. NG, 394_ themselves; and wishing AIc,• let. I cleats. - The Queeu's birthday was cel- ebrated in our village by holding the animal games of the St. Helen's Athletic Club which were in every re- spect a grand success. Early in the day visitors from the neighboring dis- tricts and villages began. to- crowd into, the village all' eager to enjoy themselves and see the sports: The games opened' at one o'clock• by iv grand .calithunnpian parade which was heartily enjoyed- by.. the spec, • tutors and was admitted by alt to be one of .the most . amusing find grotesque performances they lied ever. witnessed.. Tho costumes re- presented in the procession were a curious mixture of ancient and modern. fashions, caricatured to the fullest possible extent, and .conspic- nous among them was it Lona fade. coat and.vest that years ago adorned the portly forst of Sir Allan Ate-: Nab. • Ono of the mostpleasing features of the day Was 'the entire absence of , liquor either on the grounds or on the fiold,•cousequently overytlltng passed off • quietly, decently, and in order. The differ- entgames wore well'contested•and some good- . recot.ds .made, notably that of Geo.- Webb who put in good. work in light and heavy weight competition, A keenly contested galne of baseball between• St. Helen's and Bethel. junior nines was won by the 'former• by a good. majority. //�� \ e would Lilco to Civil -Eyes the Bev, Father Watters celebrated Dyed 4J � ' Sunday corner loiterois, mass at the Hallett It.. C. 'Church Burchill would soon get up another Capt. MaArUiur was in town ou.-• •.:Work is pprogressing rapidly ou last Sunday, pie -sic. Great credit as dire lam, Mouda.• •• .. Mr. Geo, Aolteson's new public hall: The Court of Revision sat in the and the pupils for the rnauagement y' . of the matter, and . to the charming - Mr. Wm. Cantelon has fenced Tia -morrow being Ascension 1)ay, Town Hall an the 28th Aiay, The young ladies dressed in their new Ids lot ou West street. there.will be divine service at St, mayor, reeve, deputy reeve, and g George's in the avenins, Councillors Butler and Jordan form spring frocks for their aesthetic ar- AIc, H, Meyer', ex -mayor of Wink- o b rangenlent of the tables, otic. A. A'L' hath, was in town last. week. . . , : Per.. building •operations, carport le" theabort half ot 16 appeals vllic}1 lust• ere R must be very popular amongtt A number of summer visitors tering and painting, this is one of +, on oa r these fair ones. Nothing startling have already arrived in town. the best seasons for many years.: ber slight reductione were made. Occurred save the . visible disappear - The June sitting of the County One of our county : ofiioials has nota but iron -return of a repined just r•eceived.a bran new court suit, >C,;tst \!'itWnu4.sit. olin sailor and a .member of the Council coniiu0nctid yesterday, 3• g includingcdeked hat and sword.: Air. John French is engaged with opposite fraternity. Up to time of ' hool Board Monday meeting .of the o Mr, J: Rath for the summer,. g School Board Monday evening.. •' • Captain ATeArthor has sold. his wr,tinb nothing ]tae been seen of " residence in St, George's ward to 'Mr. Edwards is engaged With J. them, Several solutions of the Mr: Chas. Seager is building an AIi. Clerk for a fair stria, and will Artuour for sono tune. ' matter have boon suggested, the additidii to his private residehoo. shortly move, to the St�itos, . Jun g most rtobable. Ue ng that she took f�►uinn is tt,orkin with 11Ir, 1 ' o Setu't-tri tion mooting of Ifrtron T. \'etlaor t'or t uioutlr or so. liitn to Ilio riv.or to test lits nautical At . \ ictoria street Methodist y knowledge, nod -they are now safl- I!;ucamptuent on and. c evening. church last Sunday, Rev. James Mr, Howitt ih intending building e , Airs, Mayor Lind children, of -AIc luster, of Kincardine officiated a new brick house this season. ing, sailing .over the boundless sea, "Wiugltam, left for 'mine last weer., in the moruiug, and.Rev. josh's Mr. McGill is in voi+y Io'a health, in. tltoti bark canoe with roost #'Dor, 1 Green, of Hamt two, • Good hopes, " however,. f . , The Juno Sessions open nexttou, •in t1►o evening. He had a paralytic stroke, their return'are . entortyaiued, as Jim Tuesday. before His donor Judge Bishop Baldwin arrived in torn Mr. Itobt• Johnston has purchased generally finds. Itis way horse, soon- ! Tones. • on Saturday.' • .On Sunday his loin a fine new carriage. er or later. I On Ascension day, 'to -morrow,. ship prpacliod in St. George's, •morn,- The picnic came off very success. 1 • there will be the usual services at tug and evening, to, largo congroga-. •fol on the 24th of May. 1;is'tit. ' St Peter's tions. . • • .Air..T. M. I3eatnieh, of this place. IMIr. A. Murdock returned .home uui Ven Archdeacon Est la t • Conservativesiie of 'tete rvest.lUeOt is in the hospital with - consumption. on l4londay after wishing friends in • returned from hie flair east last of Huron are•iem,inded of the meet- . R. D. Armstrong .has got the Lucan, Week. ing to be held •to morrow at noon at. secret for curing•stammering and is Airs,. Hawley arrived'ather sura Davison & Johnston's'ofl'"ice,'West Going Well at the business: ° Aiersrs:.J. B. Kelly 'and F. Tan - neer rosideu04, Goderieli township,street Godei•ieh, nor loft hero on Monday on, a visit • • list }vook.. • • Air. \� t, AfoDonald has corn flet• A•few of the. young folks of this to Watford. *� .'r A t - y\r ed his co ltract. for rebuilding the .township we•nt Godariclt on the We aro .glad •to boar that Mrs.. rlhe added story to T s �D . lighthouse on the west cud of:the 24th of.A!ay, John Emigh tis repoveriug •from lrer Shannon's tesideuce'.ts nearly Coin b . Mr: Gibson'as •the job pf draw- recent attack of illness.. ,lete'd. north pier. Mr.' McDonald b¢eles 1 ; g n : la• 'd' to have inane an excellent job. ing.;milk this season for th+. Bel Ir ebular mooting of Maitland . n Tito Senegambiab Aidn}etrels play- got o c•heese factory. this Lodge; No: 33, ' on. 'Tuesday evening b Mr. Dave Anderson ie verylow Aro d h Saturday, and Monda • • 4410 Sunpne bill. Mr. 'otos. McLaughlin who ryas seriously ill with inflammation o1 the bowels has now quite recovered. Mr, and Mrs. R. D. Cameron and Misses Maggie and Grace Cameron, of Belfast, were visiting at M. G. M. Kitty's. May we see their gen- ial .countenances in our village soon. again, Afr, Chris. Beacom,- of our village, had the contract for Thos. jYicIlveen's • barn and .framed and put the build- ing together'. in a manner .which mould not be surpassed by even the veorans in the business• The People in this . vicinity have been doing their statute labor during the last foto days. The boys think it is rather too thin to have to work two days instead of one as formerly. Some of them would have more , than that to do if the work was cal- culated in proportion to the driving they it?, . , Auburn. Rev, J. Pritchard and lady are visiting friends at Belfast.: Rev. Jas. Caswell has returned • from his r'isit'to Fullerton, and will attend the. Conference, et Godericb; this week. Rev. John Young, M. A., of Col- borne, ,occupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian church.' His sermon 14Ir. A. A'IcNally, painter, is brie.:• was able grad eloquent. week renovating the store of llullett ' T hoe.. Robertson's o1iild *.his boon. y 1'rylor \with a. fresh coat of Air. David•Areher, of. West We. •very ow„for. sometime from an . ' I' at - the • 8th roar. ° ale J tack of Scarlatina.. Probabilitiesare:• . The Laivu'onnis Club continuos The ttaup has an oxtollent U petted • to recover. \canes', near T.uckztoty, leas recent- . tliflt dt.w}ll not recover. • n the light : �vhioh discoursed sweetniusic around 1. ; • tr ' lltore is to be•a meeting • of Sun- 1;}* •visiting : in ' the front of this its bames, almost daily, at.the' the town on three or, four ocnasions.• Mr. John D'►ngweil took a good day. school .teachers in the English township,. IIOttsz. NdTEs,—A,'T: McDonald • house • •• and • from consuniptien and is not ex paint ,gronuds. fire started iu the ltouso oe. share of the .first prizes away ••froth church on. Thursday evening next, ' disposed of. his recent •investnient There win be a a ' ionic in Messrs. Holt and i'rondfoot re- cupied ted b Air: J: AlcDcitiald,' near' the atholetes; he tool. eight firsts. • for tho.put pose of talking over mat - gran P in horse flesh. at rinhensecl fig Cres.-' t )trued from their TTortllrvestern r Y Y oy b Owen Flynn's grove; ori the . 23rc1 r b4 the •harbor, last Sunda afternoon, • A • tarr••e..number of the:sung .tors for their .annual plc-ntc. Wm. ilToaves,- of Colborne, solei. a trip Saturday... June; under the auspices of. trio . fine matched tears of roans. . 1 Y • Butlittle damage occurred, it being 'folks' attended the dance : at Mr: Owing to . the Rev, , Mr. Fisher• .ladies of the Catholic church: Good. , . 'Tete propeller .;pntai•io, of 'the • discovered . almost. as. soon as it Freiiies•and say it 'wait excellent, being at •Conference there iwill...be lusie anclOpportunities for dancing; Mt. Gnangei s,.lotter•in your. last Beatty lino, called in on her upward started. The 'plasterers are now at James - ne service' in, the Methodist chnrcli vlarious• games well likely be .gotten , issue Qo}cos public opinion regrinding. trip last Wednesday. ' •• 'The bloom .fiotii the: o Mars . on .MoGill's. house and" \vile. soon have on Sunday evening next. Mr. Miles. n.p,•refre4hmeuts will bo' provided" . the letter: in the Auburn notes, ot. • •Tlie Goverunient is about erecting: rho: s q uare nearly,* covers the town, their part done. Yearn,* will officicto in:the morning: by the .ladies; and a pleasant tfino is. ' tlie.rnaelc previous, entitled 'A her ••a house ter the •safe keeping of the; a d is an awful nuisance: We ' kiss Creylaud was joined to Air The Salvaation Army received an anticipated. • Tilde steno. The. letter distorted . • it Goderich life boat: • b " ut• •Deristitud, of Rianclicater, last \\red- arldition to their;ratilcs of olio. of o 1111 ov .'ItiEvlsioty.—Tho " fit st ;the ' facts of the case, exhibited a �' \r \ h . eumboioth, theY' `^ +citizens on Sunday:. afternoon •tas .contemptible. desire for petty, i( 1ho Church 1:ngl,ancl Rind. of them 'clown; v y 3 nesdaJ.. Goodlucl: sitttn of the, Court of Revision for Hope *nicked at "Belloviow" on ,'theground." :, r The Captain is -an einnest:and faiths :rho townsh• i. of Tllallett nashelrlat ,venge ou the.part•of•tlnewriter; and . 1 e 1 Mr m.Jolinston has left ]tomo , P wounrled ctiuselossl • refeelingsol` f 1 k tl Ai' t y rink itis almost time. to say, C Saturday. afternoon.. • Our square isiittproving in lleanty and i engagod with , Mi. -Barr for u worker , to as cr s cause Londesboro on the 26th May 1886. '• ea• uselessly, life boat u d r cotnnrand of early: Ilia 13o.\ver beds •cud the: ''rvlti1e o• We aro sorry to hear. that 11irs: Al the • tnonibeis present and duly an •eminently respectable` lsuul} a1 e y That the Young man rvas'nncler; ,the •', Capt, Babb. ',ISMS • out •for' it's first trees recently added make it agar. . Mr.. Georrro Gihe ' started to x'oi:sytli, wife of,one of the proprio sworn: • John Britton was . eppodu-• • -• - den of paradise. to the sick,_. the.. n: ,. tor of ourwoollen.mitis is.scrdoitsi influence of, di ink at the, time or. . practice in 1886; lust week. P dre\t*iriill. for the 13elarav° factory, , .. _. Y Led .chairman. The follo•wing noir .that liquor had anytlt'tng to clo time, •t di.liosed, ' •hope ti1�e tit i11 soon cos of appeal were •road: Win. 1 i 1 - The schooner Garibaldi; Captain ,aiilictod, and .the tit*vary lvho dally on AloOdaey last u ` e I P i. nee ai9ai,, is entirely. untrue. And. John McPherson is loading salt for sit under its umbrageous trees. be restored to health again lad jr 'ass sled f"ox too niavy cattle 4• the .Georgian Bay. Tho schooner North Star,' from Aiiss Kathleen 1;. i3a11 etas beenlumber far Secoid & Co:, arr• ived here on Tuesday to the Blyth union posed o laY Air: John Stacl.11ouse intends ' 1 the Writer, must • Marro• been well li 1 f l d Johnston's harbor, . with :o;:carga of Titcablrng, o-liorris,•passed through for a bitch, said appe�a�is worn dis respects, and darn not tow .re eat season: ' f as folio\t/5 '4Pin. i`►,1 d p repeat hirudin 5 new stone..house this the funeral of tiro cloeeaged ;VLI's Chas 1 cIntos t wrong ul y assesse 1�'. r �, 0 aware that the above is true in all • rngaged by the trustees of the Salt u harbor last I+rids • tftier ori- Airs Arrustrting liar •left her old cemeter• y •for•}iiterinbut; folla\w'ed b r r §essment _reduced $100 • on tier 1'1 teachthe 1'f L 1 I J f01'd sC t00 t0 tea� l,t. a ni 1t/ y , loadiltg' •tite . •Sd!cr sailed for Port homestead .a)td 'moved to a • 101180 li rbp concourse '; •of .ed rowing .sonar 'property, ;Chas. ••Afe1ntosh • a. ed junior division. b' belonging to gr. Dobe y. whore. -'she' trill enter the o b Y.•• friopds. bitch struck of .the colla.. •A' notice The J. G. !Cottage, Ca d l f• a•9• P Af l\t S Capt. Jas: Mc- • Tho Tories of -this la area of appeal rwas'handecl'•ir'1 by j. 'goy. Douald, arrived in port last )i'r.cliiy t y doe or repairs. . little afraid :of 'Mr.' barrow '.at the r: m. pooucr is emovtury ndated 26th ALa _ 1886 to be ass- ltis blacksmith' business to a build 'gaity 'wring chinch gime on Surida'�. with a cargo of coal for.lter-o\)�nor, D, comrtrg.olectaon. in'• formorl occu iecl by John eased for part of S lot 6, M. B., Mr. Peter Mativon. : the residence of'AIi.*Geo. Acheson: •g •Itobt AlcGoiYe h d,a loss of ' ° s ,er nag th Ilridoe. Said appeal disitosod• of as. fellers: If rho Salvation Atmy could bet t d Uy chin: a d n 1` Ia.rttt e, cool 1 o volo,e contalutng stoat • five cents foot y Dung calves from tn• flamrnatton Srtecess 1Vi11iam in y*our ne\v slryop 1• •1 o of one of two Brood str.;gors to lead tit 1 o y of rho lungs c•auacd by being out On- 6unclal•'mornittg last the S•ac court, the reeve and depntyroeve to badly d • n :was en ere i.ieves, .i u •a .en`o be laid over Hari next sitting • O• , , • h b , rvhon- ar:,•aclin -the-.tori= ;t�tcoulcl a;toren � The houso�was tin- y . iszi'. ••_: �. � ° i�* t - �. __._ : a �. '• .-,: ,. a - ,-. �eousult li'f-i Gara�oty ou-ths.logallity` p $ . ' -tin thcl rosty-lt gl s, r,,,,soft of the Coyer Supyiei'amts•. be' a angst welcome uuprovemenl ranged Wait) intruders (seemingly Aiiss tarp. i i illiatt s is now tak rainen administered in •t'lle Presbyterian'. • "of said.appeaL -The courts was thgn • 1ti.t• Knox church* 'on S,indai 'searching for. casht but as far as ; • g S drawing . ,i to ver large ntituer of 'adjourned to sit again art ditdesbdro Y ascertained no' article is missing. tub drawin .essooe"j-from Mrs., . morning; •thio R,ev. J. W.-.-Iiolnies, day Parke, of:Myth; it Is goad that we eommniiicants, byy.the pastor; Rev. on�,lotixoir,June tnoet'1b86 their held. of Guel h dean ted the' ul tit: in On the sigma while Mr, R. NV.t P P P P MONenzie and ' family were • at will have ono artist. o • A.' McLean. " the evening the Rev. C.: E..Staflrsrd a 14Lr. -,John.. Ross is now going . On Srinda3 evening last ilio-,)lsv.. 'Alin -ides • of former meriting read, o d t d church his' residtnco was burglar- J 1 o s b b 141 I" 1 1 ' l "1 and confirmed. John Torrauce'fn c his sta omottts. Nile: Mr. James AilNce,' iias'sold ..his . roan• team of horses for the handsome', • • • stun of $500. . •• • • • .Air, Hugh: Girvin is.able to' be around again after the unsuccessful• operation perforiined•on his, knee. Jairtes T}liott, gotliTs bandctit to Ala': Jno. AieWhinney's saw mili'oit. the 25 inst., but .fortunatel'y saved his fingers. •• Arr. and 14trs, • Savage., of Lack- now.air•o visiting their old neighbor* n ue e Inc Bervlees: = tonal.. entered, and seven or eight; around with his patented grindstone, . i'• pis ,or. In mac lac .a sl,eclsa _ser A five ear old daght0r of t ry _ .non to the SundrrySehool ehildteu_ bo .paid 14 cents per. 'roti for. •wire and friends ilt this locality. Y u � ] H i 1 11 a . it is 'a good im b dollars stolen tliorefrom. , In bot i ' o s c doing \tel -s i i `7~er.cci on lot 6, eon lis ,as said fence -LAM. Shephesld was accident illy .taxes it' is clear that t o th r yen },, • and •'teachers . in • the Methodist » + ' �1 w ' - '-' ° .,,or_ se n • • ''` -' • church 'phi, .e ryas a very' was ordered ' by ilio coupon. An - though lust alrtttCdtty. 7 -The -in r111aY thieves only .wanted money, as in , y c , y y W' I 1 Intel.- • t sed Willis e 1 e build though .painful1. is not. dangerous ' m. ,mss who a a .y . re tta counrogation present.: drew ort erect to ui d a wire o • ,. rho search a hau,Is4lne geld watch from Toro'nto examination is goiug• • a 1 n '' rintr• •fence `iin'lot'26, con. 12, a,;dbepaicl, i l : t I , U . . :and tine .rale Due 1s alr.•sady on the could not have esea )ed observation. dolt n to A 'ddlesex .to eyelid Dart i tet° ren o is}e . co ,ar x. • road to recovery. ( . talnment iti the temperanee•.hall on No'rici. -Tho Creat.RoyalStafi',of of Itis holid.ya. - -�� Nl'oiida`. • evening by.fl.' minstrel On •Sunday.. morning.' lastu rho: Eli list. Pit sterna•grid Sur o aro Y. g q y gc ns Mr..Maalleeh. of Clinton, .visited beanie bills 'having hon.. expseek • . •••b•••?NTottit-atreet .Miethodis't.cja,utch inyid malting ra tour through C,inada, anc1 i..8. 'S. No.. 10 and was • ter• • well • P i o ,�,..1 it wars Dada lied by trey. Air..S ott, '.will. arrive at' .the .Brdtiulr Hotel. y for several days 'fit our shop wan p 1 • .. , '," pleased' With 'the scholars ill tlur way., clews announcing that they were of Weikel:ton in the eteniiyt -1, leer Gtodericit on June 3rd, and will re c Mr.. (Lunn ugltatit of 143itchcli, main until the following Jaiue 8th. they answered hii.stiffgitestions.• .• 'coining. e. ,,rent many people were preached the sermon, . • Whore they can be consulted free of '.unAi Pto-I� to.--- )o first. pic sic disappointed at their not putting in. 1 oltarge. The Sutgeons.intend•giving of School Section, No. 1�U'; .was held •an appeaarance. Your correspondent offered to . their services to the sick :free of iti ilio lar�Ye grove ,on tete' iium: of Our town :filthois acct on 'I'litirs- make a bet with a Clintonite, last charge for the first trip and:eliarging Alr, Goa. llicGowan, ou the 2.1th of d,ay. morning' 'last, . in the council Friday, "that more vehicles could in the subsequent throe trips they,in. '. • be soon any tune in Crorlorich ishan tend to make 1)efgre returning to in Clinton." 3'h•e gi'utletnun from Bnrope:.'1`his..Staff is composed>of Clinton started counting and' was twelve• of tile..rriost eminent Physi- trans selected from England, Ireland surprised at the number reaclrod =a. • and Scotland, they are geotl°:ueu tuttnber that would make the little distingusshed in the practice of their town of Clinton look awfaally busy. profession, ani} each ono has • had It• is needless to say no bet • was oven 20 years .experience in the Con• .. made. ' tinental, the British and Cape Hope iir • talc, Array and Navy; Re: Accnm• At tile regular meeting of the na nbg panying this Stannif wi11 boa well High School Literary. Society last known, and world feed pathologist, Friday evening.. the following pro 'about whotn every ono bas read, and graamme rt *as•,preseetecl:-1•:2,eading, to whom is duo We first successful.. M. Cameron; recitation, Ants Wig- shot uiit,oiforts ofof soveval thdeis l�ni,tiotnaft OA; chorus, tile ut•-inhere;recitation, have hec'n,liiohly commented upolt " Miss Rusk ; chorus, the' members; • by rho 1�.irglish, Frenal., rman debate' the qt estliOn Wes d N 1 • n .r. ai (e• 0 au eft 16 .call re `) i ik ton I lizaboa t 'ustihairl,; in exreutinq should miss the opportunity of`c nsuft iatclf with the club from Hoover's Empire, at Godei'toh, for Dakota, son of Cl.uton for l;ravel falces from 11ar • �i.etin of . Soots 1" follcrvecl, in ;.. erha. s. thepmo:ab (liHtfngulslted school, after which a foot hall tante' . land held by; Joseph '1lthttelnoa til , 1 s (Noon 1 A..,in the chair, t� s,cian hof ,urn a Number of was ala red. Another game of base ' -john Haskell, of Howick a lad and ropi•es°tttncl to bolting to the :' jlil'p: Strang, 1, 11 P Y .�• p r • to "n rl r and •Sltarnian for Ole cases treated in Western Ontario: ba11 iva..31 played by some ot't}t0 boys, about 17 yam* .of Ager wee pearling - estate ofthe lata Donald. McDonald t iosars. l y el y afiilrnative and i I�s iA, Wilson incl 'reroute', G,I00 •, llantilton, 1,610 ; not in t1,e match, and a number of bark. oft a log rind accidentally Slip- said monies being wrongfully elaim-. ' ,7 Chaitlisralir, 13611, 5trathroy, .6'70 ; St, tll0 fair sox, 'Chic was alga heartily ail into a tank altput fourfeet"deep ed.. Council then. adjourned to meet 1Ittticllr' the nr„atrr e. At the close , y P of the discussion Mr. Stran g review. Mary's, S3U0 ;_ Woodstock, rtl2h: Inger, enjoyed, although one side was filled with boiling \,iter. One lag again. at 1 pndesboro' on the 7th 3` Goll, 2b0; A}en.lort'i, zlo 1 s • 1, 1111101. stronger than the other, 11 . was stabled in a terrible mentor, the rune next the settle, day as second d tate 't melts advAnecd by the l80 13 Mr f()11.1" N B DatesT o speakers alar -declared aver t to weight : offfrd to Atilt at r}tis+li Total. %`ice rdt .� ' rr e \• le i in a O'Nealtsaticlitiort, Jia. 111?• l iral'rr T Clerk, the crowd dt• re seal• . al having e. II now l r -p'� e remelt's. N. ., June n ' 1 I 1 1 1 1 l t l B f trvecn_1113'e and six in the afternoon skin pealing o(f with leis clothes, sitting of Court of Revision, argument .in favor of the affirmative, e, t ices first i tsit only. 10 cents per rod for same, J. Mo- ALillnn• to examine Mr. Torrance's fence and J, Laeliani to examine. Mr. Willis'. when completer) and .if Bette:* factory give'ordor on Treasurer' for respective =Ululate.. The treasured'$ bond was examined :according t`o• law; found satisfactory and accepted: Tho following account's. to be •paid:. Dominick Reynolds.for: taking care• May. I:ohg.tray Clint grove•romain chamber, to heal appeals,againsttliis • of 1110 latell1; m " , 'ttme. in•.its nature' beauty,to wele,onre year's assessment roll. •'There were hithor•si.inilar hearty, jolly, smiling only two eppollants.:•: Thos. Pass asseinblios'of robust lads and.+comely, more .too high on, hie..cnolaertY; the lasses., The affair passed of in •a other being Mr. Drummond, too manner exceeding:theexpectation of high •on stock; they were easily (lie- thoso .entertaining fondest holies r'c posocl of. lathe) to its success.. A numbar of •.• • • Myth eitizens grimed the grove. A Porter's Mill:. • .large supply of provisions wits pro "John. rlliott; son of our -respected vidt'cl and the inner ratan aocoralang• Itt+ere, has boon busy,tho• past •week ly well supplied. Swings were also oi' so oolleeiinl; a ear load of horses. prolrared tinortgltout the grow0 and which he will like] shi from. worn' •. well • patronized. , Lemonade :Clinton to Dakota th H rvoekn in. the shade se rued to• all for the rct'oVe to take rvhat.aet t)ri ho deems more asking, 114 'UM ANO. 10.cornu '1., AL Elliott, chipped a lot ,,of' necessary, to recover monies obtained coria. The bo rs played a 13'180 boll horses 'last • week, by the United from the coundil by Mr. Thos. Jack•• I. OVelSOti coffru far (lo; 4 t ; \Vat:. Gaauly 2 stone hammers $3, G.,Ask- with repairing culverts $2-• J. Lashatn to get ton now road .,scrap. ors from John I3runsrl.eti . at 6'6:50 each.• Eighty eards of. gravel to bo put' 011.8.1R. , 25, 26 ander the three tion of .T: L:aaharu,13, Cherchill'autl J.•73righam, and sixty cords on S. 13, 5, 6 under the direction of 3. Me - Millan and 3, }iiitton, tire" treasurer to pay for •saine on the orders of the said 'respective councillors. • The ! 1 r , i t b 1l t :: Mr; .Alex, Sheppord, accotnpanic rl •. by Misses •\Velsh and Sheppard,, of • Godorieli township, spent a few days , last week at Mr. Goo, Sh.epportlis. 'rrhe 24th. of of gray was'spent i :1 V'ai•ious • Ways *by Dur: citizens, eon wont . to Goderich,•sotno went 1./a • Clinton, "some , went angling aryl others attended the Ebenezer ' Con- • cor,t. By. the AOcounts all seeii.io. have enjoyed themselves.. . 11.'hilo'tho Iliible Cllss,.aln day night Was goieg on.two youw„; tuna, (at least they think themselvr so) threw a fircer.•ieker .into t. • clturch;'tvliiclr eteti50(1 quitc•a isons;R- • .tion among t•ha'fiair. Best. Young !Merl you had bettor beware as your. names aro known. .Yens; Men 'hi- rer() where.: you leave your horse when you go to see your Indus fair, . as ono of our 'Dodds' had ltisreinov •'. ed to another phaco. ,while lie, \t:as. engaged talking in the. parlor, • -Y-C•ouucitlor °ethic*, of 'ileitis, has a t,wo-yearr,6ld colt treat weigh' • 1,350 pounds, I)r'tiliu operations at ' this \Vfngh1nt salt well cooed. ata depth of 1,1..80 fee n tr o other bed than the 35 ft. ono struok of couple of weeks rano having been melted. Tho brine for'somet ine. "showe d 100 per . cent,. of salt, but it • grad Lilly dropped until it, showed hitt tit). nits ton - 'identity expocteal, however, that. • with time for the rt :'•sr to d'utmoltt• the 'Poet: salt, 114 ' ;:Qtf bt'irc• \t ill ag:ain he of full ec •41,11, r'