HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Dungannon News, 1915-04-15, Page 5Ilium*, April 1-b 1915 New Columbia Records For February On Sale Today 8 c 5No Records offer the same value—none uveae so long as the famous Colsxnbia Double Disc Records. They are the best UP—Records on the market today. ui The name Columbia stands today for the best records on the market. And that in every detail. In a Columbia Record you have the best record it is possible to get at any price. You have the finest recording, years ahead of any other. You have many of the biggest and best artists and bands, most of them exclu- sive. And in Columbia you have a record which will unfail- ingly- WEAR TWICE AS LONG as any other make—no matter what you pay. It is those combined points of superiority that have made Columbia supreme today—the best records and the biggest value (only 85 cents). No other records dare make such specific claims, because no other records can prove them. If you are not acquainted with Columbia Records get the demon- stration double disc for 30 cents (15 cents extra for postage). Fey ecords On Sale Today All Double Disc Records - a Selection on each side. Sister Susie's Sewing Shirts for Soldiers $'1.00 By the Originator, AI. Jolson Tip Top Tipperary Mary . m . . .85 When You Wore a Tulip . m e . .85 The Bali Room (F° r ler thPhone'ohenl e e _ .85 WhenYou're a Long, Long Way From Home .85 Arrival of British Troops in France . .85 This is a splendid descriptive record. Be sure to hear it. New Dance Records Including latest Fox Trots, One Steps, Tangos, Maxixes, Me. Columbia Records meds in Canada—Fit any Standard Machine. -You can get Columbia Grafonc!as and Records from H. BELLAMY THE NEWS OFFICE DUNGANNON The Best Place to Buy The fest Seeds Alsike Timothy, Clover, Lucerne, etc "More Production" Oder Your Cement NOW, FROM US Washing Machines Wash Day is not so unpleasant when a New Idea Washing. Machine does the work. Do away with wash -tub drudgery and get an up -to date machine from us. • THE 1IcI(ENZIE HARDWARE STOIIE '1 he Placefor GoodHardwar;e Have You Renewed for 1915 ? \\,‘ lII Ic THE DUNGANNON NEWS 1„ —wog �.T .:; ii fo How to Paint for Less Money We'll toll you how in three words—use less gallon. That's the thing to go by in Paint—not the price per gallons but the number of gallons required plus the length of tirnctit will wear and look well. "100% Pure" Paint costs about half as much, counting the surface it covers, and wears two or three times as long as ordinary paint. You pay by the gallon—both for the paint and for putting it on. The Paint that is cheapest for you is the paint that spreads easiest and covers the most surface. M.ARTIN -SENOUR "100°b PURE" PAINT "MADE IN CANADA" has a covering capacity of 900 square feet of surface per gallon one coat; as against 500 square feet covered by hand -mixed Lead and Oil—or 600 square feet covered by low priced prepared paint. And as further proof—if you will send us the dimensions of your house, we will tell you the number of gallons of "100% Pure" Paint required to covet it thoroughly. No charge for this service. Ask for a copy of our interesting book "Town and Country Homes". It is free to our friends. R. A. McKenzie, Dungannon, 0 trim - 7)7' A nice I. !cira_:n who •.:as a bachelor, :;cr: rn.et had a female cock i:o as a treasure. Cne day in a fit o! •g, nerosity he pr,.renled her with an odd lottery ticket. short- ly after he saw that this ticket had drawn the loc.; prize. The old gour- met was in despair- His cook, ha=• ieg come into a fortune, would. of corse, give up her situation. He felt that he would do anything rather than lose her, so he at once informed her that he had long contemplated marrying her if she would accept him. She did accept, and. master and maid were made one. Directly after the marria€e the bridegroom asked his bride for the lottery ticket. "Oh!" she replied, "I gave that to Jean the coachman be- cause he was so nice about breaking off our engagement in order to let me marry you." CARE OF The RORSE Feet, R,a,ie and Tail Require Con. stait Attention The care of the feet, mane and tail is probably more often neglrc:.e:1 than any other step. Besides 1h usual daily brushing of the mane and tail, we should at frequent intery cls wash them. Washing with warm water and castile soap, rinsing with cold water, and then rubbing till al- most dry, gives good results. \Va'h- Ing not only cleanses the tail thor- oughly, but induces a great growt'.i of hair. The care of the hoof means cleaning out the sole with a hoof hook, washing out the sole and the outsid of the hoof with water and sponge and wiping them quite dry with a rat;. Many times this means the discover. Df nails picked up, or stone bruises, ',ad if carefully attended to then, would be little trouble with hoof diseases. It is essential that the hoof be wiped dry after each washing, for if it is left to dry alone the hoof soot; becomes brittle and liable to crack. The use of hoof preparation is some- times advisable. A very little applica tion of vaseiine is all that is evei necessary fcr a healthy hoof. Business in Farming Ask a business man in the city what particular line of his stoc i gives him his best returns, and he ,;an tell you ‘aithout hesitation. Upon this hangs his chance of succeem, E'armiug is a business of many parts; but few farmers have any correct idea of just ~what porti'.n of tileii miscd operations pays them best. •1hc modern nz•ethed of profitable farm'ng Is not all work in the fields, but can siderable "head work' is made cci. n' in the final reckoning. To use th head to best ^d ar.tage it is neces- sary first to find. Jut what is c: ran,; Ind what is right with the farm oper- ations. 'i care is only one real way to do this, r -td ,l. tis by dgar;,s. ;elk in fart.__ •v, a-ni t :e quicker more of our farr..cts get basy and by a sample melt!l cf h-ori',,eepi 'g fi_-:d 'or thcr13e' til bat T, k s t..e of 'arm "r1z .k c p ; Iror_I po.;'"r nt-.. _ t' .:r all --Farraar's _kd CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. a school with, t. continental rep- uation for high g rade work and for the success of its graduates, a school with supperis r courses and instructors. We give individual attention in Commercial, Shorthand and Teleyrsphy .Vhy aiteai elsaXilIra wh.ii tht'ee is r )Jin h're? Y,)'a [fl ay- Hater at sny time. D A. 'V Lstughlia, Principal CAN'T LOSE HAIR Twenty Years from Today a Baldhead ed Man Will Be an Unusual Sight One of the mostproniineutdruggists of America made a statement- a few weeks ago which has caused a great deal of discussion among scientists in the medical press. He said: "If the new hair grower, Mildredina Hair Remedy, increases its sates as it has during the past year it will be used by nearly every marl, wo- man and child in America within eight years. "When Mil Tredina Hair Remedy is used almost universally, dandruff will disappear and with its departure bald ness, itching scalp, splitting hair and all scalp diseases will follow, and twen ty years from now a bald head will be a rarity." There is only one way to eur•e dan- druff, and that is to kill the germs. There is only one hairprepaeation that will kill the germs and that is Mildre- dina Hair Remedy. This unusual hair restorer, with its record of thousands of cures, will grow hair on any held where there is any life lett; it will cure dandruf, stop falling hair and itching of the scalp in three weeks or money back. It is the most pleasant and invigora- ting tonic, is not sticky or greasy and is used extensively by ladies of refine ment who desire to have and to keep their,'aair, soft, lustrous arid luxuriant. Fifty cejrts for a large bottle at drug- gists everywhere. Mail orders tilled b_y American Proprietary Co., Boston Mass. CUT THIS OUT FREE —To show how quickly Mildre diva Hair Remedy acts we will send alarge sample free by return mail to anyone who sends this coupon to the Atuerican Proprietary Co., Boston, Mass., with their name and address and 23 cents in silver to pay postage. EADACHE Neuralgia aa1 Nervousness ogre/ (eieisl7 by MAXHARMLESS WEADACHE AND NSURAL46IA *WPC Eo heart mien. Greatest /@ver sasve'sd aict sad293, Al FOR Winnipeg AND Vancouver Leave Toronto 10.20 p. m. daily Particulars from Canadian Pacific p Ticket Agents, or write M. G - Murphy, D. P. A., Toronto. JOS. KIDD, Agent GODERICH Excelsior Lucknow and Port Albert Flour • • j * Y� -s•ay,.,y in and day out, all the year round, a Vidrola in your home is the source of contant pleasure. - - No matter what kind,of music or en- tertainment you like best, the Vietrola is always ready to provide it—each song or instrumental seledion by those artists who, of ; all the world can render them best. Hearing is believing. Go to any "His Master's Voice" dealerin city or town in Canada and he willfgladly play any music you wish to hear. without any obligation to you. Vietrola XVI $255 In Mahogany or oak Circassian Walnut *305 The instrument by which all musical instruments are judged Other Victrolas from $21.00 to $305 (on easy payments, if desired) and ten -inch, double -sided Victor Records at 90c for the two selections at any "His Master's Voice" dealer in any town or city in Canada. Write for free copy of our 450 - page Musical Encyclopedia listing over 6000 Victor Records. BERLINER GRAM -O -PHONE CO. umr ED 1 7.7 Lenoir Street, Montreal DEAiERSIIN EVERY TOWN AND CITY Vidor Records—Made in Canada—Patronize Home Produts 540 .326 Bakery Get Your SaIe ]iIs Printed • PURE, WHOLESOME BREAD, PIES AND CAKES. N. J. TRELEAVEN BAKER W. Sprou FUNERAL DIRECTOR XN D EMBALMER ... . Orders Promptly Attended to -it all hours—Day or Night. PHONE 91 Dungannon Ont, AT THIS OFFICE - We Do Them Right DR. DeVAN'S FEMALE PALLS a1:;`� ; medicine for all Female Compl,it:t. 53 a box, or three for $!li, at drug stores. ?.Ia+1. d to any 3ddress on receipt of price. Tris ;sof:_.1. I)t_un moo., St. Catharines, Ontario. ' HOSPIONDL FOR 9z ,r Nerve ene and 1:rail_ ; ,attr" • 1::11 i ' w• for t4;r1, w.r:- 1•y retic:; 1 • +..•c. •� li l; i,.o 'I•..... i %t. re. Co. St.