HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-12-30, Page 8qa
Myth. credit oa their teacher as well as theft- the following took part i Mrs, J. hlil-`
The band sereawled, the would•be selves, and .showed, that there is a ler, Mere Acta Fisher, Salome k'i+�her,
• (launuillors on Tuesday everting; last, basis for ii thorough education, The ' D.11a 0'13oyan, hurrah Fshcr, Fumy
1 at wish whats1eces'3 we are unable ,eltaulination was brought•tc a close by Fisher, and Messrs, j(tl'itr 1)artst,-I,aao
to'say. dialogues,. 'recitations ata siugius;.' Fishes', Chas Stewart And Alex, Viet*.
After presenting their teaches with the' er. ' Short and appropriate addresses,
foliewing"addr'ees, all returned to their were given by the :Rev. C. W. Voltick,•
respective homes well satisfied and John Fisher,. Sept, dud A. `Hester.
pleir,secl with' the proceedings' of the At the close.of•the entertainment Mr,
day ; •• P. Cantelou was presented by the•Setts
A ,lumber of our young people at,
tdltdt'dthe Christutan tree and social
in k3#lgrave,on Wednesday last, and
had' a very pleasant time,
The public schools closed for the
• holidays on Friday last. They will
opeu next Tuesday, January 3rd,.
1852, and We hope to see all the•sehol-
ars back again,
• • .An asseutbly tool: place in„ Vat-
son's'Huli .under the auspices of the
st:inghand, on Monday• evening; last,
There re was a very fair crowd cousider-
i.,g; rho short notice, And .whils.t deeply iregrettiug your de-
`Ihre snit works herd,. have been clos- partere.,from our midst, we -d'f_sir•e to
ut.l during the past Week owing to
the 'express to your our high appreciation
w ar•t o£•wood, and as yet there Is no of your earnest patieut efl'urts,, not
p. oRpect of them being opened for a..
whi';, as it is impossible for farmers to only to.maka our studies both attract
),tell wood to market owing, to the the and
profitable to up, but also to
want Of SDOW... .(r press upon our minds, both by example
Our butchers hacl, a fraud display. of and precept, these' umral, intellectual
Christmas meat. on Saturday last. Mr.
lelig;kous qualities'and virtues,”
nti had liis,slrow well decorated gild 'which you yourself possess. in so high
great skill, while Mr. Walk- .a degree, and ww hick will greatly tender hal a display which could not be' to fit us in after' life for the various
, •' » -•e country. positions fear'brick w•o;may be called
'1'l,.s:Cllristmas -tree ill Connectionupon to fill in sbciety in the: world and
Door !fly. 11teryaay. • of Temperance with an address and a
We hare learned with profound ser- life-size portrait of idmself, executed
riwv of your irttenclecl resi nation :of with crayons by Mt. Geo. Stewart,
the anastership of our school,. And sou-. Mr. Cautelon replied briefly and feet.
sequently of the sev-erainie df the bond ingly. Presents valuable. and very
that for 'twelve long years has united. tempting were 'given to the scholars
us as. pupils and teacher in the closest from the heavily., laden tree, ' after
tier) of friendship feted niutualt' esteem. which :all tlraper'sed. . The planner m
widen the proceedings were dispensed
with `reflects very creditbly on the
Sunday School and .all concerned in
the entertainment.
with the i\tethotlist Ulundi .wa .11eltl trout homes, �Ve beg .your accept- l
auee.of thetocompanyin'* album' that nt' my fellow- townsmen, 1 beg to state
DJ) n ilday evening last., , The fres• you ata carr withyou in your (fur tliat t nm in the bald slid x(clut•st sett,
cuts 'n•oru numerous and costly, There Y y J vote and influence uu Monday next,
t« i5 ri•Vt r barns attendance toy across the Seas, some slight- token
y „ present f •the deep and basun„ affection wwhieli • C, SEAr�L .
_ t•
Your vote and influence respect'
fully solicited for
To tbe„EIectors of Clinton : - `
G1.Nzz,emeN, •-- Raving promised the
Birettas at the Public ,fleeting h(;1d on
Monday' ewt.nillg; that I would during the
week publicly inform thele as to my in-
tentions ip' 1'eg,tlfl to my candidature for •
the Deputy-Iteeveship, and having since
been requested to stand by a large number
a'141 the aOEitir owl the wlrule wvus, a ° n • '
gra nd 'succc"sv: we sone scholars entertain toward you, T the Electors or Cliutt►n
Our'soliool: trustees ceche- elected b ancl.our Parneast player ,s tha yon and
Wednesday. y .your dear^eserine iu•life, .,nay long be ' • Glt*1ll l,�fs �. —At the urgent recftih4t,
spare(} to share etich ot1i'flr's joys :atlf of a large and most illuminism portion
sorrow, and when life's fleeting .tide is of the electors,, I have accepted the
ebbing slowly away, may you ,bo en; ,nomination 'as cried- •late'• for Deginty
Moser and 11111(./ u( erson. Reeve, and're'questf}illy ask• the sup,
/111 1 1 A. abled-to look forwitril with full.zassut•- 'ort
-of t7',e'elei;tors:. A,•s rho` Limn is.
1)r. Sloan and Ti.. W: Mitchell who ante to ,that Brow n of glory 'which the p
•' Great, Masterhas pro.nised to all who snort. it will he irupossi•ble. for me 'to .N...
•nave• retired.: -' '•'».
obey his voice.
the 11,tud for 1882 will be F. Metcalf,
• 1,.,Tiiorne,,:4Y. 111cI)o\vel, .3. 0-08111
J. \lose ] J A 1
The atter, nein )urs take the place, of
• •At the last regular titeetin„ of . lodge .
No. 115,' Ancient . Order of •Uuited,. "On behalf of the sc'lolars..:by
Workmen, of Blyth, the following of- ' ` AN;trr EAST, •
4iterswere elected for the ensuing ' ' MAGGIE J3ttowrtf,l.c,
year : P.X. WV., Dt D Carter; M W, '•: 'Ilullett, Dec. 23, 1881.
1, 7.'1Rortre;.F, NV' Clegg,• O, . J ''nigh, ,aFFr, all call FiEPLIEu 115.Fa1 F.gwV£1
It J. Gesnittn• R C lltimilton• F I)
Ervin; lt,'I!' J lIut;kstep; I G, T }3ad '11✓'Dear-Prt1iils; •
au; 0 <.4, D 1C ntulier, Iystallation.of. • 1 Must. say .1 are pleasantly: surpris••
otheei•son next 'Thursday, .January' ed,1ndeed,: with the preseututidu of a
atkt: at•,G'ufel'ool�`, P. in., after whirl,, a beautiful. albtun, abs it token Of y out•'ap
denier 111 be .held in. 'Deo: rwier's pies ation. of my labor while with you,
(;tiiutieontal:lIotul. Tickets, 75• . cents and be assneed,:•the tics between. tis as
. All are resp'nj tlullyf invited to. attend. • teacher and pupils (luring the last
Air. girl lits A. W. Nation, of twelve years„ shall never be broken.
• 1 Ul 1111 spent. Chr Isbnl as with ,their re_ ,1 fool ,unci this l•
allalaletlto.as a rewind
w l tttnly; hero and ',quilled home on,.
of the many happy ho- urs s Ihich, WO
»1u slit ;--lltiatira:,I1 and D. Buie are
!have enjoyed tog;etlif.r, nod if ]: leave
(o(tntliug; aha it.11t5lidays lie,re:.—=$Ir.: S s•
et before you . any u', ul• pwovels, I
t lrau,;y', of iVing;hrtt(is spent a fcwv iltiy:s• tope they will Leave behind me sorbs
here tilts; wreelc• =bliss • Al,. (..• :Sloote; • 1011)1 c,sbtons •wvhich will feud to' j ani
'who has 'been' Attending .the Ladies. ).urate eiljoynlint. ,Anel` .1- trust in
Iuvtitute 1)1•]3rnittford, :is home spend -.reading; .the .Ser.iptules .:111 gout' I,res-
i tg
her holidays --Tile. W.'IIS cvlrshaw,Luce, and enabling you, to read it for
'..uf •V� ingham,,\vas ie towl.'on Tuesday..
` Gtivei,,yo.0 will in ftitute reap •tl
llttsi;t 1 1, J:. .13tiulton, of . Palmer:- b e t (tto,l,: • •13c . ra•
5sured dull,
l tort, i:i 110111 i spending his liolkdays:— pupils that 'tins your r,eeoud [nett -lento,
,llrs..I. Fitz who ilan been i.n iiitchcll �I'lre :ht;itb(ritg; tt ":1(16.°1141;':l3ihle) •will'
ben 4418.441g k(?apsake, &.n(1' will ever ht
cherished as a. •i'etl1('.nlbt'arltert'of the
.pupils of S. S, 'No.' 2, . iu li'uilett: 7:
ltiust draw this reply to your kind aiid
affectionate address to a close wishing
yen a merry Christmas' .au:l'' a:happy..
New Year. .
• during tli(: past week, returned .hone
oil Ttntsilay. •
Tho examination in 'the junior de-
.l,artnioitt..of ,.the public school took
plates on ''Tini.atday afternoon '.last:
'1'oe tvas'a very fair attendance 'of',
.isitor- which' shows the deep interest
which they take -dr the welfare of their,
s.11ddren,. At the - close the '`h li0lars
presented' e tient) d their t +Ocher; Miss :Dickson, •
with a t„f•tpki ul ''work•box • and auto
0x111 oil/Inn 1ip0 iinparlied'' by • a vL'ry
lido ash -ham' .as a'tol,e;n of.their 'respect
toward 11Fir.' 8lh)l•;t•s.11tieches were made -
by the: visitors 1 '(pI oHing„tl►ei( rt.gret
at • ler rl(Tartu the- ''fol lurwin5'
l'rkflay' fest Hoon the. pi1E111s : in. ,1)11,8 , of a, t0: No: 4, 'Galbot'ue;. 'Yhe excl.
McCormick's rootn. Were exalts ill,8d• and 'Arises' were itlt('1•spi1 ed, witl►•'reeitation',
showed th i progress wl, oh ' has • been. and dialogues -by -the pupils. and vocal
.t tele during the past year. 'There' way' and instrumental ID Wife by 'Mrs: C. W
• '11 2:24V good: atteidanc(i of visltoi 5 prc;s Vollick and : 11l sib• Nellie Broad. At
elft•. 'rh(, prooeeding;:i' wound up by • the close of the examination, tile- ltev.;
tne.preseutatkou of a•veey nice welting 0. W. \Tolli'ek, as appointed chair
dl'isk td the teacher,' and all joined' in man and Ito and the following' gent.Ie-
• • wishing -her a tnorry (41n-irtnttts • and • a'i4',ien :—Nirasrs. : N. 1iJarrih, ()has.
• happy New Year..—'rlrra iinat}owl Walters, jug...Snyder ('Trustees),. Chas.
in, Mr. liendf'rsou s .room .took lace ldeTouzel, Wm.- Crews; Geo, SterVart;
on I+ iday afternoon, at wbi.li. Hier(: 'rhos.. Elliott and Rey. Thtls Broad,
ws,s'tlliaut fifty .visitors and- it was al- g(V.. brief addresses in which they re
most imp(ssible to get sitting room.: )erred to the alertness with whish 'the
The 11) tn-tt'ut-in-wv,jiich the seh(,lars 'no- pupils answered and- ,'iolvrcl tli nes._
. quktit d themselves showed the.do'p in-' thins propounds),, the excellent dis;.
terewt which 1.4r..1t. took during the.
past tPt1'iee years. �,At the, close the
t'id(tt)t'8 expr(issed twit di4n'Ives aH being.
• high's pleased -..with the progress' of
the 'shim tied their deep reg ret•at the
)l'•-p;tr'ture of ' Mr 1tentlersott. '1"l,r,
�.I.11nl;trs thnti presented their teach it
„ with a be,tgt tiful gold healarll e tlte, ae
coin raided by ars excellent address 'to
'which Mr. 11. replied in'su,ilable terms.•
w + 11;enArl111cr.
.The • examiitiation '•of the Public'
School of: this placo held on•23.rd roar.,
was we11 attends+d. try' pupils arid. ,vt'tt-
ors. The scholars were •et,refully ex-
'aniined on nearly all the subjeets 111 ti,e'
!wogs:imate for each class by their
teacher,' assisted by Mr., Thos. Elliott,
,ckplilxe noticeable during the -examine,•
the great progress made ilu.rhi
OD_ year, and the. sr)l61h id condition 111
wwhricii ..tiley fbuhtl the • school recline,
there brill;; neither )scratch of
Ott 1 1 on any.art of 1
and all spoke highly of .111r, .Canteloit's.
reputation as a teacber.•ftnd,a citizen
and• though deeply, regretting Itis de.
parture from the' set:ti(slr they 'Visited
1dt;t every success hi Ids new sphere of
Iilillitttt. • life:.
• 1'L3R31tti \Tt0N I"1111Alr,, T,STIoy, • 8. X11,15 'l'Ilf ls.--(>11. the evening
Au exniitiiia 1011 of the pupils of S. S. of the 24th in.'t,; large numbers from
Ne. `2,'ltttllett, taook blase on Friday all �'soilits.of the compass convened at
the 2 rr1 tot„ the tl'tl8tem ti,trd rt 31u13)- the id. E. }Morel' until the building
l,nr of the parents ' and friend `, who 'was gaacked •'to, its ututost capaulty:
took a lively interest in the allele-• of Mr James' A, Gledhill occupied tale
thie sehoril,being present.'1hii/('xaniiti- Chili', which' position he tilled with
fttim) was coudueted ley'.
teachers, mush ability. Very carefully. proper.
;kir. S. ;11ogttwand his daughter Mrs. a l' and well reudere(1 ' dialogues were
\ hib:tllI, and 1`heanswers., alit -Atria given by Rome iif the pupils, and music,
frost -the to y questint,s given in vocal and ipstrudyinta}, was given by
ti( 1•:.ond branches, r(:flt.tted gi•e:l,t• the spholars"irild 1 y .a choir gt wlloln
make:a personal canvas. If'eleeted,
nhall endeavor to promote tile•intoreats
of the town. Yours respectfully,
Te the Electors of Clinton : •
Cies'reeme1d.---Hawin); • stated. ion
norninatjon day thret •if kr,: D. ,1t:
Menzies would -stand; as a . candidate
for the Reeveship I would willingly
• withdraw, arid 'having 'a,ririoenced ipy-
self neandidute because of the.'recoipt•: •
of a•telegrain froui him :stating: that �'
he (lit1.-ilot wish' to stated, 'fend, having
Teamed. reed. that his fr•ionds Will not tel loiv :
alibi ,to withdraw, and that Ire is; • t.oli•
segriiuitly,.a candidate, and . hot wish•
Ibig 'to ojaprlse a titan- of 80(:11'
'qualities, f therefore brag to ;•ww•ithdr•aw cirri . r ' ire -r 7 j y
from the 'c,ontort,and; atthe samt:•tiu,c�. • g)'1 I 1 1 1 LiJ. l» adj.,
to titanic ll- theso.til o'•ors n h. w� , .._._ :_• . It �GUt .tJ
1 3' t O.ww ruga
wdlill, t0. vote and worst for We: •f'an+u into the prorating oEtlie nndcrsignul. Lot 31;•
. Day..dnn , at'drrlelt TOw toblj+; ,in September ;get, a
sinsn white steer with spilt on right -cot ht err. ;'1'l1c owner T y p �� ' rums.. �. t•
7•A E�� •% 1 0 1T.,. ri• .
1 �YVI' � �.A.(���
DEPUTY-REE.VE of Goderic1
Tow .ship.
• I+:.. CO1tI3E'1''1.', 1.
Clinton; . Dee., 2e, 188]. •
SlfDitf.ITT,-wtcGlut -1(y the Rev,. A. 4;dyrarde on
t io.loth hist.,at the resitlm;ee of the bride :(uncle,
4tr. Jelin Suieltser, of (lodo+ich Township :Cr.
• Ciiaries'J'111erritt, of Ills th,' to:0Fi.»a•Annis ale,.
Oeo, of tlodortoh•'fownship. . . .
• 41.1A It•N'OY 11lAtiek ar:.
" (f'otactul,ctory rhtiiad• y t(ftorrietto) •
Wheat, fxll',),lir bush., a-' t 26 to • 1..:27
lied, • 1 20 "tu 1...t8
Spriitedehaff, ”, 1:26 to 12,
Fife, •• - - 1:20 to 1 8?
Oats, 0 37 to, 0' 85'
barley, - . - '0.75 to` 0 83'
Pea's •- - . 0 75 to ' 0 80
•flour, ' ' - 0 bt) tti..T7 n0'
Ilotttoes, 0 30. to 0'55
nutter, ' 0 20 to 0 2:
is re(tnested.toproteaprnpurty,pay ex ensesandtake.
(kderieh Tp.; Deo. 2211d, 1351.. . 43 3
fneiulurs vent : revolve(t by the Undersigned. i,i,
.1 "to.Stleil,ilat• the 7th. J:o.'.itext, 1$.51, l.tr L1i:. •
l' u 3
ereetio,of a wnolio1111, it. 00 'town of (llinton,
maid (11111 •ti, be 100 feet long, 30 wide and 3 storms
hi h. b(par,tto.tonderi taken for. the frame work,
ettrpenter work, plasterb,gaudatolte,fou,oi1etion work,
with and witheut material, or for the 'wh de• contract.
in one t011el r• Phins specllleat1)118 a1,0 all h they in •
formation supplied by applying to the undersA;liod:
The lowest, 00 any tender. not neuessurill- accepted.
13' 001IBETT,
ezw; e'nson'
1.11,5 1,11;•_
Haring Completed our Purchases of
o I
• lxov(lsfor'�tlie- .
_. a .Hotidayq
.riggs, 017 tti 018-y �� �� & Oa
Ihif, •.
0 in to.c.7 00 • ;
sltcrp ktiis 0 70 to 7 Oi) iSC elan 1 to silo* one (�f.the
Reef, :00 'to tt 7:, Aro prcpirtd to pay cast[ for"
Timothy, $ 25 to :f'fiU -
Knit .. 7 50. to 7 55
.Cherry;13l tternut, Baswoodr N aDle
and Pine.. Lumber, inch thick,
clear and ,Wide:
1'11'1 Ilfi e i »Hallett' Clutton, Deceeiber 7th. 181. tf,
1@ll 11•
The alieve 111111 ltttving received new bolts, and 111
other• was 8,14111 pit. he flrst- class'repair, and the
subscriber haviti(( also ,secured the services of 3112.
1t013T, a0ar, a tirst•class' miller,. he is bow prepared
to detail'kinds of Dilating with the greatest dispatch; _
and glare/aces slltietaetionr:: FLyva. and 4014)0 on
hated and'tdr sale at all' times, -
. • A. iliclCb:llltAL, proprietor,
tlirt.tii(rr, Deoeinhortisth, 1881. -
Sealed Tenelerk, addressed in the unde(cigned and"
muter.'ed,i Tender for llodorieli Worl♦s," will he re.
04)105) - (141141 '1)4115(1413, the`lnf,h January nuxt., in,
elusively, for the eonatru Con of .,,
• Ptr l't l'1.I,OTd(,CTEO>(` W01111.8 •• •
• 11.4,11A111-8 TO TILE 1'11::11`; AT , (IODE-
li7('tl. itAlt13UUtt, ON 11
ae(ortlin,r b, alpha) a 1l 1' aphid, atii.tt to be Aeon at the
Ohre of the town chilli, twt'lerl(h, . where printed
furans (t fondst rat1 i,o obtained.
••••• Persons tendering are Haiti; 0 ilia) te, dere hilt lust
be rob+ dereel•1,, ee.. uaide on fhupr nl.t,t fnrel 11p.
p led, tae Wanks properly RUe,el [l, nut hell; 1, w1th
twit' 11 •frau shrnature', .
14.8111•14utlul• ut 1 t 00 li'r"11t1paln(tl .hr 417) rtrt'frti(l
batl'(•1 iia,{life, mann, )Lorat11a to 11u. miter tit the. lion.
( (wake the SnnI.ter of 1 ohne works, cited to See per
(lee1, of the enema of too the tendor,111nai vitt) be
forfeited tf the purtt (1oc161e 1 to inter I, t1. w-enntrart
when called on to 110 so. or if Ile fail fe cohlplete the
»wo,kc:iltrarled tar. If .the tender be not accepted
the Cheque will be returned.
.' The department will 'net be bound to accept the
lerestnra0y tefeder. •
By order, •
P, tf."F.N 0t$,
• Secretary,
Department .)'Pian. 'tt'orka t
15..# r
In the Tp. of'1lullett'County-of.11uron
Under' and -by virtue of .the y (wer• of
sae contained in a mortgag e • which will.
-lie•pr:orlitc0d alt the tilde of sok:, there wilt '
be sold by Pt,ielie Anel ()n, at Tiltttenlaitry's
1=1ote1, in the Town of .0 in too, 011 Tuesllgy,
tbt•, tl,_iity-first day of•Jan•uarv,.A. 1). 18t:l ,
at one u'cloek in •the' afternoon, by Jttiltes
}Towson, Auctioneer, thiit valuable pro-
perty Lately `occupied by Join 1)ay, vi, ;
hot number twelve, ill the fifth cokes-
si(;uiznot3rftlof tri'l'ta.vi)l,ip..tf. 11ulleett its the
1Inrui, curtoini-ng IdO acres,
It is sitttttled ltbent six - miles tree) the
'Verret aC(.'Iknt(in teal' ttbout'tht'ee, utiles'
from the "Village (,f, l�iltbur'r. (onNtluice
1'. 0). There ane about :35 ac,es cleared,
the quills a gotld clay loam. The build -
thee consist of a 0'0 strl e y frame ]muse,
lull hm
(Wcd log stab'» :3Qtiti. The far
iswe 1 watered and there is a goad yinutg.
(1 i'hanl 011 the premiseli, The Vendors
Tenetve the right of-r,ni'''liidiliDg i . respect
of'the premises. .',Elft')$,•= -(liar tiled of
t.h,-1111rc)hlise tnrilfcy'Ci1 thc'day of .salts to
be pairstothe Ven(lor,.,lpilieihtrs'whell an
egreement for the Arlt, l.a:.'' ; t1) lie signed.
The. b:ltiuicc tin. l' ° 4! l l• money to ti .
t.v.tn'i'(l by mortgage lot' a, ti' term net CP..
(eedbtg; five. Yeats. 11(tert st at. six •11'1'
1+or fn1'ther pa •tlrtt'ar), al(py to 11.
C1int(in, or to tlic nlyder�i�nrtl: ;
;� ti'1'UAi,
• 'Vendors Seti:itz,rs.
.li1144 S 11oWSON, Artetiltfki 7.
ca, loth Use,, rayl, ' j tluduriclt, 2'3nd De.c. 1881;
slr (2
Novelties, Pan
' 9 .s Fancy Goods:,
S4 -boners ' aiid'
.in the county. -
• g.
•J ,
A call 8licked,
1.11'0, (hit