HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-12-30, Page 5• MUNICIPAL NOMINATIONS In the Countlr. of Huron. • TCCKERMLITEI. 014 council.elected by - acclamatioa• • UsBORNB TO'wlientr. All,theold council were elected by 4cclaWation. nvt.I TT. The old council all returned by ac- clamation. . itoltIHS. Reeve and Councillors elected by acclamation. } STANLEY The ine:nbtsraof the old Council were reelected by acclamation. • $Al<PIELD. Reeve—J. Essen, by acclamation. Councillors—Stanbury,•Oleve, :Middle• ton, Grainger, all by acclaitnatio i. • AsuFtEL4. Reeve—Robert .Webster, Deputy Reeve—Jos. Grittin, Councillors -Pe'- rick Clare, John Whitly, Donald Mo - Murray. All elected F)y acclamation. TUxt\IiURY TOWNS1iIP. . Reeve—James Henning and Robert )I111er. Deputy Reeve—Berton MC - Pherson, Councillors=Messrs. Hi,lop, Thompson, . Price, Evans:. Anderson, acid Hughes, • • man- - wAWANOSII. Reeve—Chas. Glrvin, by acclamation,. Deputy Reeve—Edwin Graut,.by ac- Olamation.. Councillors ;•Wm. Kina- han, Charles Durnin, Juo. Wasnington, Robert Lockhart. • OotiESICEI rowws ue. Reeve—Gabriel. Elliott by . acclatna- tion. Deputy Reeve -Jos, .Whitely,, John Beacom. Councillors -J. Cox, J. Peacock,. W.. Laithwait, D..Purvis, and. Jus. Wallace: MtuSSELS. Reeve—F. -0 Rogers, by .. acclama- tion. Coun•rillors—Jas. Drew, 0. R. (.Doper, • W. H. McCracken; W. F. Van - stone, P. T. Thompson, W, .R Wilson, John Halliday. 13LXTR. Reeve—P. Kelly, by acclamation. Councillors—Dr. Carder, John Gosmnn, N. H. Young, Joseph Carter, W. Shan(;, . IL. W. 'Mitchell, • John McMillan, '0: Floody, James Truax, R. Simonds, J. It. Moser. Reeve -J. haiue; ncclturintion First 1 )t•pttty 1Lrevt t3. S. 0001c,.11._\1cIt.t e, and T. -11. (L1pin. 1;ecot,ll ]hi,uty. Lte,•ve--l). \1'ier`• tiled :.J. C'rosla+ry, ('.wui•illors -J: \Y. Jtirlut's, 8 Johtis-.. ttnr, J. Edgar; and_Jas. 1'Iltc11e11. • Itl:evc. Iholutts,Str•.t,i:lsaii; tecltiinni"ioii.• First DDept]t3% 7l, e�'r— J;ihit ]Iy itcili,. Reclamation. -,4.•co11d..i)i>pgty \1'ulrc•r l:)livrr, acclauuttiiin. (.'oiij cit lur.s—i lward-.Bryan5, 'Ito.:.ns-Enliis, W. \liln•, Peter. •Mcdonald;'.A.lex llc- Kay, Richard Rapp.-. . SEAPOitTif, .Mayor ---$.1.• G. . \IeOaughey aid A... Strong ;-peeve--D. Wilson by acclam,: t ion ; Deputy . Reeve -Jas: Beattie shy, 'acclan,atioh. Councillors-Squth. Word —Alex Stuart; 0. 0: Wilson, Z. Bean, -anti \Vm. Cray ;' North '\Vara.=Wtn. tlsunpheli, Dr. •Scott; 'Dr. Ilartgvs;r,N. 1;ruff, and. Wm.- Lee ;. •-East Ward—A.- Young,' ard—A.- 1ouug,' 11. N. Brett, A.. ; McDougal, John' Dorsey, .and L. Murphy. • etmERICIL I'torton acclamation: Iteevo—Fred' W. Johnston;oedema- 'tient ede ra-'tient. First Deputy ;Reeve—Jo s:•p1 Williams and W.' Campbell. Second• Deputy Reeve= -M. Hutchinson,accla• nrstion, douucillors—St. ; Patrick's POn ' I E. ASSORTMENT COIVIPEETE, ° OHN HODGINS GREAT .DRY GODS HOUSE. Rich. South Sea Seal Sets,1 Rich. Dark Mink Sets. These goods are special, and are truly not' exceeded :for value and quality in Canada. Rich Black Satin DeLyon, for Lades Jackets. Rich Black'Brocaded Sills: Lich Sealette, for Jackets,.. Ricli Black Astrachan, for Jackets, Bich Cords, Girdles, Buttons, &c., to trim. The new .Watered Silk Velvet Plush, ill lovely. goods, for Trimming . Dresses.. Complete assortment of Buttons, Fringes and Trimmings. Complete .assortment ' of • colored - Cashmeres at all pricessand in all, colors. Complete assortment of Black Cash- meres, ashmeres, in all maken and prices, wonder - Rd value. • Fine assortment of •those black and colored Velveteens, the •best. snake. iu the world. Lovelyy lot of Wool Shawls, : • Lovely 1 t of Clouds. • .sard S Sloane J.L. \\r McKenzie and M. O. Clatneren.; Stir George's . SYard,• I. Gcretlon, .\I. Nicholson, •J. Butler; J. Norton.. and 'James 'Buchanan.; lit An - threw':; \Vurd, L. 13iiiliatn, W. Lee, E.- • Moor,•, G. Swanson, J. H. •Colhurne, and P, Mchlwar; St.' David's Ward; -I:. Elliott, W. C. 'Gi.ablr,.-J..Edwards, • t;. Huniher, and 1'. TT. Danoy, A ." _ - � :. It is ourintention now -of -clearly Nero;Iirztige. the balance of.. our Stock Mr, A. M.St;eltc'e, who has-been at Ot- tawa for the last, three months attend ing the. model school in that place, has •rc*turned, and is j oi. g.totake•cliurge of the'Lavery School, Minto. Mr. A. M. -8.ponee looks .well, and if .we can credit. hearsays; the. ladies , of Ottawa hi3v e• been making good .impressioi s• or the young man's a1r(etionfa.- . • The Sunday. School, Tea ;Meeting of this pie le,.•last week was .in every par- ticular a suceese,:although thero.was no . chance, and, the toads almost impassible the sum pf. $47.09 was the result. • • 4\'e notice our old, friend, Mr. John .W. Spence, of Salem, an] formerly:of this place, is visiting friends here for a day. just tow. Neil Oarnplsell' di; Son, have sold out their whole property tic) .R. . toe, and are Arra about to removd to Ilarriston when .:they have purclutsed another shop. • . '• , Lovely lot of Wool, Spares. . Lovely lot 'of - 'Cloth and Tweed Dress Suitings. • - Lovely lot of mantles, Novelties for the Holidays.} Novelties in Ties. . Novelties in Sash Ribbons. Novelties in Plush Ribbons, Novelties in Handkerchiefs. Bargains for the people. ' Dry Goods by tl1'e.Cord. - ASSORTMENT FOR THE 3MILLION AT' THE Great -Ory` Goods House of .• John•. •.Hodgins DRESS. anti- :1[.\NTir7 \I Elul vG- first'class•ced in full running or;ler. e....��_. .� +ern•_n,�4�Fi�!�dnnLl..i!gn+n4.�rrew!.i!,,.e1-, 1 .._ 1.1. WM WISI3 YOU ALL OM1iM6ES, O� IU SUWI011. PAIS &;W.ISEMA: ,The Dry -Goods: :Ei iporiur of Clinton, .40 Our drawing which took place last Etiday resulted in Mr. Robert Carter, of Hullett, . being the -lucky man, who:: has ;called' : and left his measure and selected- tie cloth, which will be made up right away. • Out a -- a still larger reduction, and for one month some big bargains. may be expected. S*%, file-. . Clothier • .Cen%natal •Exhibitio�a l • The United States Centennial Commission have, upon the recommendatioa cif the Judges. of .Group NO.. XXV•,, have unanimou4y awarded to SOHMER Co:; manufacturers of. Grandy Square and ' Upright Piano -fortes, FI RST MEDAL OF'•MERIT and DIPLOMAOF HONOR, fur. the Elsential Qualities of a Pet -feet Piano -Forte, .viz :--•V`olume; Purity, and. Evenness of':Tone, Eltuiticity.of Touch,,and• Superiority of Workmanship. •• (Signed) A. T GOSH0L't.iT;~• T.I. CAMPBELL, • 3 I. RAWLrr, • Director -General, ' Secretary, 1't t Bide t . Have sectLred the. Agency of the above for Ontario, .and . will • ;(keep 'constantly, on hand STOK. • In a ward, the SOHMER PIANO: is tnade to stand, not merely as en orna mental piece -of E:urniture, bat" as a Musical Ittstruinent ; not for a dny: or a. year only, but fora lifetime. It is honestly eaacle, so that continuous and. severe .use - Will not.impair its line qualities of Tone and Action, and owing to its extra anis substantial case work, it will remain longer in tune than any other piano, and endure as a faithful ..means, the harmonious interpretations of the beautiful' is mus"IrVir We will guarantee satisfaction in every respect. ' • N. B. ---The Company gives with. each Piano a W irr'fnty,. to be 'a 13.ERFECT.INSTRIIMENT _IN' EVERT RESPECT, made of the Best Sea-' • soned Matt;rial; and hold: themselves responsible forthe terra Years. • • Sec -owl -Hand Pianos . auk Organs Taken . in Exchange. DOHERTY 8stGli w,DINGS �.._ ..- CLINTON 1. ..