HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-12-30, Page 1••••••• 1•441411,•11•11.2••••••••••••••..11/11d1 •11 Volume 3, No 45 PERMS :-...$1.25 per Ann UM ill AdVil(ICel CLINTON, ONT., FRIDAY DECEMBER 30, 1881, LOCAL NEWS. Louisa. Ityaii, of Loielon, J TUE INOMINATIONStt • EDWARD FLOOEtY " -Publisher, INN ,• • • • ••.I by-laws should be put jilt() force, Ile a long case, Last week several yr - Looe• speedorg t lie f liristkints, — was nominated unknown to. him and sous, witnesses on the ease, were west . . • • h hr fricudhere. Mr. Alf. Loth, -. NIonklay lust being 0., holiday, things did not know whether Mr tiooper unceremoniously *turned out of doors The Cc' of the Town by cl'ar Spec- wi: es .,!•,3 mrnolaint of t...a. :Mar)'s, anti formerly u ere quiet tit-oxittil town. A few came Would stand. They wouhl know and seldeeted to all the discomforts of . I;t1 R ep >4.- ter. 31. ,,,,,I,I,,),„. 11 NI,. ,j, 1 i„,igi,A st„,,,, to flunk the county for a di iv whether he would stand when the very unpleasant Weather. •Tke Cou Ilea • . . . ii„,.,,, „.., ,.,„n iii friti,,,1, hot, . . M 1). 1101)1.41 to sell the number around papers came - out this week.should allow the .use of the hall up-, I''F ' •).'''''1•'" ''' '''' "'int'''.Itrickenden, of Lund°. , formerly to" ii. The nominations for Mayor, In Mr. T, (loope.r's abRence, Mr. W,. stairs as a court room,- which would tokait o • it .• eteilitlk i L. • this Yt.4 h of tlik 0109,, i., 1 , III, (111 a yi,,it.. NI, 1{1,vt. al;11 Depaly IteeVP, 1;00k place Jackson stated that Mr. Cooper was giye reasonable means for the proper, ,1. k ..:. ,a4,0,411 ;Atli ray k,t,.• h4e..est m it. Elliott. of 'Foreido s,•1141411 of its the:row 11 flail, from 10 to 11 a• 111, consulted in reftrenee to liting a can comfortable and convenient' accommo. , 1 1. :1 '• . for 0.01 to,•, f..r tm.ivveeti, At„..,41,,i1,,., %%,,, II, #., ,,,, „hi,., w.,,,,4, were quietly conducted. NI r. D. A. debate and consented and would act if dationof all parties: interested.' 1t. is i'orrester was elected Nlityor by acela- elected. to be hoped that the kitatter.will.reeeive A " 11'114 lArlY l''''''''1 t1'r' n h A "O"E88 AN", 1)11""TATI"N•---1 )" Illation. ,M emirs. F.,. Cr obett, and D. It, Mr. Joslin -allowed himself to be• attention before., the neXt sitting of . . ii • `1°" litY 11-t• 1 '•'''1 l'arth• Fri'1"-Y '''''"g ' '''t• 1 It. 1"""'1"''''' "f ;Menzies were nominated for the Reeve-. nominated at the solicitation of a Pourt. ' • oiar:t ; :4; •.thrr tldWitit. BYSTAND nit, '. Mr. Tilos Fair's Sahliath Sk•hool class, hhip, but Mr. Meilzies stasailSelIt front leading I atepayer anti. would do the clintem, Dec. 28th, 1881. ;and 1 ori.101" hay.' Hot; N ei . 'ilv'u'i."1 "'"1 l''''''' "11'1 1",:r will' t"" "rY hignitird his unwillingness to be a can- Mr. W. Jacksou was Astonished to \VI iitt lerstatil that 11-ssrs, lieNtiti. wzdted upon that hely ot her resilience, (0W11 at the time, and on his return, best he could if elected. ' Vlablia801160)1f... • L'ied• 1 d -1.- at Ow ''i1 r'‘,1•''' CNO-iiii110. 1"‘""ftli ","1 "''''Ittl "rti"1"s, ," 'ilv" didate. For too DeputY•ltveveshio, know that he was nominated for the . k hut rti .'r.". Co..e...i • ••: tittle:elk, t li- 1 i t;•rait tramp ; rule ',Lane ,1 •il 11. (id \ 1.f. :144; It, dish . ., "'WI 1 itili' li'l. lit t 1'. ihttiMil" With " Fisher and Jas Thompson wt.re nom- bad the interests of the town at lietk.rt; . , .1 1 essrs. T. Cooper, W. C. Searle, A. S. ward. lia I no desire for the position; 11(181'1:1:.'—'6filtilOr7 (11...te.. c'.5).i.ti,,uti.0 a • 7 -- . 0 ti---,.e.twviosri • • ' 144.stitiful t,,•1•' ' - • ' 1 l • (lo • ' - ' • printer .t.ks 11i ,,i, this wt., k look 1.,,11,..,,i1,g 4.1,11.,,,, , u'''• •• ""'""1""'" 0 te tted. The two latter wttIntrow and I :tint if el eetISI would do all he (:01311.1 of rna:It'Tieci((c81 udttes(108VOtinit 'sf ic1112,0.0111BroaCrOd1;0/tufltti,. ,:,,:: ‘1,, , .1 i0/1," •• I :•.t 1 k(111• 1,01.1718 ill ji..,. ,,, ..r., 'Messrs. Cuope:- and 8t`ltrle are in the for tlio town, 1,..ea i •-••;,;;• ;•f tie: ;•.0(,•,,sa11 vont ' " '' . tiehl. Mr, T. Jackson was recnominatoid, iwulisplrieist.ino•ifieN‘vvill;•6911;i1s41('Il6,1.040:tritIlee,t,;t1:verifIrti)::::. ..,.• .. . . farts ;.i i1f... ,,..44 IkRAtti•st, .1t the Cril.11,1 . , I . 1 , : • ' , , pleasure k‘o havt` liti, oVvitiaV 11•!'s(.111 witr118 UN` aS f011OWS : - It IN N1,1111 Ole 11jLaJ101,1 degree of The nominatione for the different but would .give place to his son, W•fio was notninatetl in the same ° 'Ward. ill your issue 'of last week has forrnoilf . Dray.:•..; ;It Jacksoe. s cl,;;Iiiiez licti.e, miltsure our 1.1•(.11 :111(1 grateful rtppre I . \Vartl.--W. S. liar - money enough had not been spent in A . eninplaint hal .been made thal, 1cre istelY)1910)Iis,t.erolftretici,:i.)slunig,lelecto:f.'boyurciipani.gb-.... Well 10 It.'101(l11.11g.. III :.•0111e Ii111:1 1 1 8, Andr„,„,, 1 J Smith- elected by acclamatioe. ..ing me with covt.ardiee•in 110t 81‘40thg. ,),1 ri., i . h.,..1. 7.,,,4 tho, ,o144, of elothe,s, ,intimi a 1.,,,„. fit„thful 111:41 ..,4411 41441;‘. 'usu.(' *Ja.ine's \\:•arti. ---‘1". .1acksou, c.,141.4., 44 ifencit, eits tile . 4 , • • , ,.... 1 i ,4 4..., , i • ' - . lug moor, In no. .-Nt : :ant t ,.4:444:4 tot ,john ,J,,,,11,,, 11. walkpr and Thos. that ft hIrge, amount had betel • spent air their warti this year, but he could sa;3) U2 Danko ,to. the -tteinuanieation: • ap-; 111.,k, 14.44,,i4i, tirh,.... 1„..1,4 ,11.;10 11. 'tearing in' your columns. ,To such im Psi ••,,‘ iNi, \l l2 Jillth‘tott, Ti,tt pies! po-oia. as‘.0rattia. th.rt those it.001 Ili,. c0011,st. , "1,". 1"'"Ir.:,1,11"1. t't Vive Son the t1111 Jackson. Ilie latter has since retired it. mlf..ft4lAr!.41Jt4)0.1.11ilf.11701utticiirticootnitleest.a., ca..ii. .aPP:'ealt"yl°11nallt14•griLl£1,1ecesafty•ort.:41 att1;e4+:ev210(rql: lovItIti. :' • ° ail A ' • J., ti.teml 1,101 M., tido thon ialior, 10111. been, anil are, fralight ‘, id: ..,;,. .1„1,,,.„. \v,.,i. 3„,4(0) m„r,,, dilate again on acionnt of *Jusiness; bC'. -communicatiOn assbming the very in- sides being out at meetings did not agree with ltis health. night at the Council ' solo of.'" Tritstee," atta.... • . WI% Morse thanked the cluctora for 'would atIVise the persona 'if lid. coif - electing him last yen r and would do. sultk; ' hiS • Own'interets, . not to carry, . :nut his ititention of revealing to the his best for the, town, if etected again: publit the name: he. bears.- • I have tit) - Mr. J. -C. Stevenson gitve.a short clateutien, Whatever, to tell -Mr:- Tres- ,. ,i,,(,.;Inli.1.,1,t,.,oif,,,I',iiss,.atf.it,.%a ,'.l1 ,.‘(.1silkiliP,'Qiwell,iic.,101,1'.ta ivtlgs'' tee who Janus is, and iertlier*More. be., • : • . basil() right .to preSunte ' dishonestly • • . .. W1.1.5 biOught to a close. ' . ..... .frbie the -faet of its being withheld:. . . -------- A. general and Irnpersona.h inquiry 141112., . COMAILTS WATI-ONS. • beets made that . the Trustees explain. • . . certain tratatactions. anti if they1) do 4' .... w, wigit s to ru distinctly unders.tood Vint WI` do •eXlaiii tli.e. puTiio cuti draw their .owtt rwreb,ucl by our uorrutpondents. '' -- 0•0 hold ourtietrus reepouvibIty tor thu. opluions p colielasfons and • will' think * kione tht; • ' Les's. of Janus in not fiautiting.his name : hefirre 'the pUblio, and .at the taking an interest: in .801661. • allit‘rs.,_ . •,' ' 1rust0o,' very .suspiCiously.. gets acigny .. ' • and altogether .tuiscontrues the Ineau... inn' of .iiiy .worthi, .1 made. ih clattr,,e • against the sel:ool. 'Board. • 1 Sari ap- .. , . pttarat ices WerO.Agttilist t !tern'also 0,4- ' • (d them to explain tiniir coinitiet , A iti.l. . r rtaoratp 'thar 1. canntit • notier5itaUt1, wily a teach or who juts- been qualitie4 • , tor, and has. •been- promised promotion, ' is• forgotten, iki favor of a stratrger;'•aml . why advent:4-0i ;have been made in .sOtat. •.. 'cases and the Same :. advances.: rtifu444'041 . • ,' where -It ,was equally- deSorved.. One.. • _ .•.......,_, e 111111 ,e Will !".• i)1"ted 011 . '11t.. s'''.iii knew nothiiig of the rule; hy Whith.. ----.•-:.- miidat. attend meetings:regularly -.and,: ballet pap. r, is :In miterpebti.ig, Juan, the Trustees .acted itt' this ...case. : . '11,1. ... who hat, 10.011 ill the 10WII.001111Cih €011 . LOi , ' • • -s• ., IS cOnnection.J.,inav:50.V. in' repl-- .Y It) • '• . a number of Years, tutti It" b"en 41- a -communication Punt. ...IM v. Alk 11, 1.k .. _.. Ways at his post, and bits given -11i8 last,,,,,.eek 8 Issue a the New &a,. that, "time and attention to it. The pro - .1 Cordially Lioneede. all that hosays' in .. ... ' 1.fress that onr town has made this year r e..rariI. to the •trlii-ii cy ith d talent of .Nfiss ••• has been noted by k•very traveller that P.oxton 'as a: tea.elnii. and . ant assured : • has cane. to this et u ity. . * that she. 18. quite-eapatile or ilischarg-. . ... M... Corlit•tt intends to . •ke'ep the. ing flirt datir.s Of the pOsition• .sik - ll'ati. latilding spirit that lots • taken 'place. seeured, but that..fact does not,:ehatige, • • ' among mor business men, movin, by t fie Seem iug injustice to apotlier falter ... . kireeting a largo mattufacturing woollet!.. 'seciirtng•tlatt,position undor the spet..... mill, that will employ about fifty Ten, .ia,I. ciecurnstinces.of .tite ease. '....Lt.nEt•,.. •• " not asking tine bonus front rho triwtt - Clinton,' . D'itc. 28,18 L.; ., • if they do not place hint where he. to which lie belongs. I think. the -elec- tors of Clinton will fail in their duty ' . ' . ..Bel,L.vrat•e. : ' . .. ......... -.--• • - ought to•la., as first II.kve of our town. .. 1[1.4;*.l.rtn. 1 1,;nry7 forino.i.. •of tl,,..,, ... MP. Menzie is a man we 411 . 11'1'41)('etI. 'tat e,.!CaN 11 tut Inntie to 'visit 4014-4. u says he does not want the. . posittott. friends. .Ilii Itp.4•-been in 1)aket a. at all, as all his future interests are nearly three. vats; .and .SpeakiS itt 111 .. . in the North-West. l'hanking , you, of the countryIle :ieteeds gbing hat IL . •. for a spat e in your esteemed paper, r aiiihr t;,,,,, vring.• :........• • :,. - __. ..• • • remain yaprs,. kt: c.., A 1-Iget4d3AY4it.. • • : • • • i 1,.,‘ ,.., 1.1 ill do, 1,..ri,in 1:;,„,1, 1,1 wii,.11 10..111 1 :CI .11., 1.•tit1.1,1'ally and 1 1,0, Ai „„,•,,, 1111,1 \\•144, cooper, the inort.4t. Tuts loan has eorked up :11; spiritually. I tiiliftil itt thmight :mil Ittittq• 11(11(2!, ,,..i.,„,,, 111, 1 44,. wish thew 22.,r,1, 14 aloes 111 11,, ion, Lt.i•c ann 1 d i- ;,...4. (:,,,,,,rg,.',., \yard. _...f,` ( , isttere44- '-'ilic.. 1 ti. ir h''22.11'1'1''i' r.' ..,i cu,a 1' 0 both ,11 precept and c \ ample, „(„,, 4). t, 4)t,,,11, .ht. 'me( tart.tiey, Witt 2 0,04,1 ti t• An.- --:11..,,r.i. Craib. ',mil i'`ir iii-11111..',iilit: tito toleit•rot 1coat,. NIL Ihkaii III1S 81100 reIII:e1r. 11 ((." h:,'It•r & ('''. ".'''111,2" the ellt(ortil"Ytur,"..11•1Y 21.1'.1 '111 ("11. 11'"Ilde 41"1 111 tlio e \Tiling a publte meeting was 22 -,41„, ,„„„0„ ;,41, „,;,.,,„4.„..„.„„.„4 t he oet•pest .s..11.•it tide for on). iirogre...), 11(.1,1 in the 'l'own Ilall, for the purpose 'this 22 k. Tile- are offorlie., •,'-'3:1,Lititi awl holt 11„,„ ,,, f„,.1 that in many ,,t giving the candidates an opportuit- cash 1.1•••114.11; L4) removill into tlie.r self 311111. 1"g'11 'I'm"' l'11'asttre'• anti miori worth of izoods at a I•ii; discount for (Aims and ways ..‘ (111have 1110111.d vt•ur 11)' of e \ pressingt‘theit views• Mr. 1). ..1. i'errester wits tient (Idled hew ;.ri 15'', 1 lit'eti t''111 own interests for those of1 on and thanked 1.110 eb1a01.1i 1•01. 1.111i11 ,1 : 1 Your 11111152" 1 0101 aiiitouk* w.• 1.11""' plikciiiii. him in the position. Ile spoke E. ( '"rl'''tt4 l'axiliv ''it -"4"11.1"I ""s : ;hat for 011 said: lullors 1. gioriotH re of „„1174. 144.441:14; ketter in fa.‘•or of tile inten• ion of 1.4 11i1111'11.\\ Ing 11,111tte , : ,,: , ‘ aro wit: Hereafter to given, we dee::: Mi.t.‘ or "et [Mg 0 sttla;' on account of iiiiii,;• ip.11 cohtc, 1, tte tintli•r-ditial that , hi, 0 ,,,,, ,1„,1 ,,,,,,11.1. fir„,1,. ,,,,f„,„ .1 111,,,..:u1;‘,'11 1'".,..1,1'u..'u.Y "'I Privii"!"" to o•N 1 troLibie ot the otli.a.. Ile spoke in '' iii"1 "111111141-J •-.1i'ls tator of aplitititiga police magistrate to w-i••it.:tA. 115 10•111.1:11i"u• 1 .'"'''''l 100 itt mill, tour Letellinz. \Vt. ask, ,14,1 11 eh it 4.4,441,1141 hot be so 4.11.1114 -tilt .t.i . . TililE litEfr:VESEill'. . new:. 4 ilk 1101"' "id "I'l"r "" II"' ‘ ourself :11:41 i:0,1,,,ti..,0 litik, ,•,,,,,F,,,, . ___ i...1,.•.: • ....„ „,,,i 2„,• ,,,, 1.•,...,:,,,,i, if ,•1 •,., ,,,'‘• person to act.. as may( r. They i ;1 '''". '4 :'.''''' I'Ll'''• "n1)')11`.• ' 1.' 10Id Incl nettmeil the to X05 (111S N I.:1'r fur 1 Editor Ilarekt Yervord. • .•.•1•,1 1:: 'he 7,11 .'11 "1, 1Z"..". 1"' w'.1 . from our hands this small t‘itatt.' ot ,,,,.,„ 4.„. 4,,,\ 4, 11, it,;(1 (.:11111,1:;; 1111rit,'0 heart., and that you will tit wl tch the t ou-. ,I aeservei( cretin. • '.4tit.-. • In retctril to the' .munici )61 the ciiiai •4; yod 1'. l'i:; had built .. , rowe Doll 21.11 ,out ,d,''.,.4)44'14s whieh'u,' re close itt • j44‘,4,41 .rwf, as hitt; it, 144,,,i1.11. to 14:4 our teochel . no re0.11.g the taxi.s, ;toil had 0ls.0 paid ',Imola look to the interest of the town,. 1. •;•„1.,.„„„ EI,Er•ri„N, 4 ii, We ,A 1.,I, )ou the happie.d compliments 1,,to the stokihg Putti ;•.-'' 1,000, stud this the man thatwe should elect its iteere, \yedi,..11:1,‘ ine f.)11,144 ii 4 maiiinatimis or the sea...fel ; and 22 0 shall pray Illitt 2 ; 11;i1o11 goillit 11" '1011. The ILL•s'''''' should have the interest of the town took I';,''f"t• •''1.'1"1 t'll't'''''' 1 St• ' '''11t. litt' 111,:12. luug I": '''i'"t.'..1 t'' 1"'"1"' meld of +he towit would he ifinw'11 high' • ttt hettrt ; not it titan wlm.. has his co•iii....:,.... \\•,,,,i, )Ii-. co.... E. ,, 1,,,• ; I t'y with !also. and faith the Alto:ter.. ',-01. .\ •,,Iri w.',. \\.itril, Itr. Willi.dos ; St• • 21111',t1111. yr ill the tt'•-•.'.'''''Ptte ttext• 3 )'itt'°II '"' 1 property all aliverabfed for. sale anti: count of Moldings sAlli. It would 11401:44 , „,,,,,,t, to Il,(, people plainly • tintt Jai .11.a•I'Itt.,...:4&\11\47tL;I1".1‘14 ;1151.1.: .1..1:1114•.s \\''');;;',111,"11':. ': l'iint..1,t.2t \1-''Ilie4.:'.'A:nirit.rillt•il'li."(". (.1.Ass I ii" " t4xti's.' 1 le ii°1"41 (0 s"1' (11" "I. ; will rosido here only" mail he can .1"'"Iti"lt-Pl""t h("ttt' "11" l''11 .f"I. 'ALL) ("' • :111.1.0.t a sitle, whic't.s mild put ,our live 4 ',101-r„las. 14;4:14, and ,1, 1' .1/art In. \ fler a 0'14 ltd ;g 111;14110 1" (1;" 1110'', :text year hill again thatrked them for I, 1)121.11.4.,, 110, ,,,/,,.,,,,„ „f il, ,„ 41 ,.„„ (,).4,0_, 1,;;,,,., ,,,i 4,,•„,,,,, 1,h„ „„ \v„,11„.„,14ty : the comeany spolit a very pleasant Lie honor conlit III ii 011 111111. 1 1 1011. ()II the other li 11,1!, Mr. Corbett, tiext. , "vettit•g• :Mr l'orliett stated that the party ,knoi:e.s:t ‘No l'itcH,,Nr.‘ rtov tni 1 tionniutteit itt oppos,tion to 161'1(161 !Ha Fri.:A, 4•vt.e.i:ez 11.4.1 t he 2011 .,;,, 111i'li l'i I it:1ST:U..11S ..1EA'Z't.41. wish to stand :LN he 11101 received 11 1.1.11.• 1 1•Ittnil'.:4 :II III, Sila 1.‘ I1'11, 1.1•1••••1.11(.111 grail! fr0111 111111 10 that 011.0.1. Ile 11 rs. NI 12 2(1111 it SIk IT 101'101 COlder I /II Fr1111y eta iiininkrliist'our huteli; paid a II i compliment of Alt% 'Alen. nitil :vit.,. t'ook, her dati.d,,,,,, with a ers made their ii-ual thstilay of Christ ,,4,.,..„,, \Lin, Leholii Ile did not e ish to 1.:11,,i ,,,,, \\•, r;,, 11,,2, 111, i„,„„.4. a„ ,11;•ats, \Nhiel: as . for 112 quality ens eitest the po,ition. It was s:ii:1 to; ennit-iid• d w dli 41 2 ory complimentary ."1"'l'rtl'"I• we itr" 1•1111,1 to sav would • It•ali ladies 1,,atilo•il the be it co d t to some of (air cities, young ineit N. ry mitell, alt '1' 4%i...:41: 11 11 ,-sliS Col;(11 X ENISILItSON ,J.Ica,ti:1 1 111i. M Ns l',...1,1, ,, 1111,E 1 1101 l' ship beautifully ill11 111illatoll Er, 25' \ v. f Ill \vi, It,. sI,',' hist. it 11,11 di.c(Irite.d. Tiii'y Ind on t.xhihi- hors.. 1,..I.onzin., 1 o 31r. \\', S;ru,loy, ,,f1 (ton a 10.if..r Pell hy (li)'ln:Ayes; (0 1) 1101n, :-.,‘ i;;.., ran 1121.11. Ils 110 was Lift 1 steers fed by 11r. N. ',McDonald, 1 4)r- i,g Nil:, 1,4,.,11,',.v nut if ,1„, 1,„t_',' ,,,, r.,..., ol,f. cow f,.(1 by Mr, It, mi.( ,)t%,,,, county (quilled ILS he tilt WV° 011 the ..2.11".1 ,,I. Th, ahjiii„1 sin!, 1, up \VIINVIIIIII:,11; two lijW1 fig) liv Mr, ,I 4,141, street committee. 1 11' W00111 do all be Hill-, , ,!rt•,.t, tura,: ::: 14.4144:01 rut •1 moor, (11111' pigs fed hy Mr. ,1)2, 14',,14. could to make Clinton ILS protnifit'llt 'ft I 0111.11"V•2 :0:11.1.,. 1:4.4,4 11)' 1„,,,,..t.‘ mg; nut ship!) 1'1.11 1)‘' das it...Y11(111 is, ',Lief. Itx prissible, u1111 112 advantageous cane. 111 colititet v• At a ptc.t, breaking IlitIlett; tool live tottillis fed hv, th('u) over the other towns., lle then gave the vehicle and fr".•iluz the hor-4., Sono -441% vs. '1•144•.2 also showeit.a large wild the figures of the expenditures itt the differeii.. departineffits for the past children were ra,,,ing almez this spot :luck, nil:I:its, poultry, geese awl six at the time:111d very narrott ;y escaped teen t a r1(4.32 weikfhieg on 1411 11.X.11%11.Z11 year, and referred to the efficiency of • 1.0ong run ti‘ cr. thout twelve pminds. V1,1.11021 (16-0(..1 the tire brigade ittni the tiro engine ,, 041 our steps towards in connection with (1111exp mtlituro. INsTALAI.TioN or ()encl.:Its. 'I lie ma. 11. TEW:11.,F.V.S They bad donii ki,very lttie sdewalking folltm i11:2; 4:111444.144 more only in -tolled this year. 1 Itui built a limber of col- loid int.esti il (In St. John', 1112, hv It. 1)11(Vill'r shop Where Wf, four(' the plktce - , W. iDivision Cour t. • . taYllield: verts tyi some had been 111.01(e11 111)511. 1 11'0. 11 NI 3! 11' assisted 1,L• tastefully dicorattil with ever-grtquis --- • • Ile might, safely iiity, that our tast.): • A rewarcl of $5 will be given for Ow- Nt,' TIN, NI 11-1.,2. 21/ : \\:, 1:1.n. .1 ohil :UPI lighted up by a nunther of tamps: 11',IiThr Ihron Record. 'Alliv221iii.t..r, \V • M. : N‘ . Dr.). Alex. 11r. Tv wslev III111 011 display a heifer w,0011(1 not he any higher 114 21 year. fkrst vietintin the new; lock-np• :.. - : • -, Stratton, I. l'. M: : Iiro: 41: Youtor, s. fed by :\fr..).4411144, 1 1 moil ilowl, dress , , ., , \\*Iii. Foster, 41. \V. ; Thos, oil wi.T•lit .1-'11 Ills; two sii,,,T,, f,.(1 liv ,t1,10m2.11 toe -town hall Inol 1n Il built. I hey had not been raised this ,year, al- woti 4 to ;aloe oui•seives, atm certit.roy „self r). it guhlWif.i:," 011 Ole p.2mi i•114..• 1)1 -Alt 8'1'7— As (,4""Iii414"i 17,1",...,9 • Air, Charlie Parker took .unto-,:itin: not without. reason upon .tlet devency ..... , ..• (‘'"'1r•Tt''.1,••• .. iiro. Thos. I, roll one, Mr. Eicoat, TlIelier.with, one six loin 1 1.'''.2. "luill 11" 111flught 1"' kiTt at,1 7 a ow 1 r tips ess., order ilii Ilignity of out..1;xitisl) tIccurts , A cid1111"*"..Y rif Afe(111.11"'8•11"t(•1 ellu`''''t •• secretary ; 11. Poe. 1V. F. 'Murray dr..41 and the ether lite 'hundred and 1;1,1 ", ' ', ,, brought him of .1 ustice. lint the getieritlampeet of .hr" 0" 4111Y 'alit Wrelq`1.1)-(1 'eatlat'd'Cit4e.".` 1). a c .. 1.r„. .1„1,,, 1 .1.„i44. s. 1i. : ,ixtv 1 too..1.... throp lamlis fed by '1', I"' 111"."1" I 11"'11. W11" . . . 1.01.W11.1'.1, f1.1111 W011 111 (10 111S 'Witt at the the Divisitai Court as it vas 'held in' ''a•""80tion. . • , • 1;,.„. .1 it 1.:,,,,k, J. 1 t. .. 111.,,N, ,1„111, ...\1.1,1)1., 1',.1,,, Lint., 4,1,•11 u.,.ighilig cotinv„ . . !,. • . 11 next vettr, if elected. , this town last week, rio,lt not c'euulnep • _*.q...1111fi.,.11v_ti,q11 tolks tire. making 1.:•,ret.:„..., ,1 4,•1111 and .r ones let'artnev, Stew • .41xty li‘e peniels; ecti ealf fed by 1 ii.o. :. .4.. 1 M t., .1. Thompsoo thanked t host. v lin . (0 the maintenance of‘those distinctive preparations: tor Lee ,oteming of LIU. 1.. ..:. 1;i.o. 11 tr.flt Thompson, 1, (1, ; • :\11.Cartnoy, (1thloti.•li Townslep, weigh• Ilro..litnics Ito,N, •1.,,•ler. ti,g 1.,11,. hinidt,,,d 1„,iiiiii,.. t‘„ilty tlin.,, 4,114,iiiittit,t.:Iti•il him but could no-ile• a can. ; elittrat•U`ristics. ;ledge, Jury, coansel, 'town hall 1 .. , . 1 suitors, wituessce anti speetatora Were i ' We fonterstami 111 1..: 11.utit,o,gr, ,..' . 1.1.„,\ \ ,,,, mi.. n. Th.1),,1,;11,1, ,,,Li, wouths 01,11,444, fed hy it, Fitzitnitiote4, )1r. A. N. Fisher was nominated ; juitibliql together in one Motley throng ' this plitet., intends ereetiug a new .r.t1 i•-• „4 0 1 he tle41 S.,•1,,,ol here for the \\ eitzht "Ile 101 11(lred 1111 ,1 fifty and one without his constint.• Was glad to to the extreme discomfort rk: 1 u Iiired and forty pounds, l'wenty- 4 all. The itk C1111(011 Ilir'Xt 80118011, ' ' • • 1 1.1.1 Si 2 1111.1..', 4.f the pre.eto year, 1 111.,,,, pmind turk,,y,,, (,,,,,,1 2 1, 1,,,tilid fs.itu:ttiti.,,t,lipki,r,,,eitLi1;:tilre good men 11001i1110..ella r00111 is Wlielly insufficient in ttccom,.. • '3,11., Om; 1,001.1y has rettfrited fi.o.a ' > 11'1 21 lei lcis 1:-.11 i..i...ellie. the Nor .4 nmilation and convenienee.for the pur- . in 4.8(' :1 11.1 It /10111 her of c•it.lots, I Mattittba. —Ntr, Ifick. 'ElIs.thartit. 1,i4.2 .,'. iwil 1" 1.I 1.1 110.011'0 itt. '. ••1111., I* • , It . Mr. Searle was 111 an awkward pos. pose of holtiing Courts, li'irst, because retilrii,,,i from chieng,,,.. . • :, . eeeins, :lief ni f41.11. i•verything in seas - hone, iivitin 111 ii ea ‘ t• us 0 call on r••••1 ' ition. Ile had not. an opportunity of then, is no epportunity of impressina '' y last 311ss ti:11:t lin Cori., 11, Of 1 los g, mm01111(.111E: to tilt people. 1 fe bad 110 the public that they are in rt Court of. ' l'he (1' 'AI' r'll'll'1 Yb';t61'''' l'''.(q. a"''f' 'Is. •i 1,111,e, 1, 110 111• 101.11 il 1 1.01161 g the same intention of coming out. 11). always JI1StRIP. Secondly, brifkiumo tluire ifi' ••.R,"°113 61,11." 111 11,1;nitWY'' W11:71"1: 111'°" :1"i' institittiml. i•• iti-c) h(mil'af_ril TH. Mr. A 14-1-r?. i'''''''.1"1"". th" r"1"`lim. "I"I had ft (.011:1.4t. 11) could not under. not saki/nit prevision for the -comfort "t'a 11511PLIllgt, .\"I " " 111.1(1. "1,1 ." . ' . '' • • • • ' :Main, fit! nicrlt. of tlict ; lace and now .4,1 31„11. k „,,, 41, i„;a, 1 1 mti.vii, ,.., , HIILIIIi it. There must be qm "tn., anti health of those who are compollea mv. l‘ftliC•ChieSt ht I'''Illtent• 11. 'Pt' • • t-ach. n of 1,0kelet ..0•100.1, was speno• a4rity. Thero WeR tort non ;. ,;•-... •• to attend (ourt. ' It 'is not the niost 1.t (if tit" 1)°1"!•114)11 1•""i'"1"14.'. 11" '* I 1 he'i•i.t\ , around, tl•••0 v. ad:. Mr. '' ..\1 list say it's the hit est thine 1 f.,101e.ry shoot municipal afttit. .ie pleasant thne ito he compelled to stand eilt. ti.illage a Visit last week, 4..4 I. •f,•11!.,.1,0 . f, I .`1.1 1(0\11 1...V, l' . r m -id for teeth and 1,roo II.- says Olen referred to the duties ei Mayor in a crowded room all day, Thirdly, -1)ivi2ion Court was lapiti Inerti. n.. •'. t% III: hi: 1 ••• l• :I I 44.4.4114.g Ttinit v M4.:1 4•:::r‘ one ha ‘ in.' trio.' " Ti:AttEttin.- the and the men. who should lie elected to lo. /111Se tbere is no means uf disposing:1 the 20111 inst. ,LA number of easea We; e. ; .a! 5; 1.1..1%.rf,),,,, l',./. 11,' 111 I 1 .: (0:1..1. ;,:.•nt (1. t ti 1) vont 121111) ,.(111 the position. Fite reft.rn.(1 to wrongs of witnesses who are reentrell to leaYo 1 ilispesett of. Mr. ;71,1(.1,401', t.,.‘f, CARL 1 .s...1. I!: . x 1, 111 1 1.,%1 II a fea 'lays itts ' ) i done on the streets, atal sant that the sc,111t, that 11‘‘as titt wve !1 to send (%1 0 1111W 10 the County C,.uticil. -I le could answer that by sit\ that If wf 141,1 10.11) him \mufti th) colv•hicrahli.. lie ltd been chairman of tilt' INI11111i e011111111(01. 101' (.01111.0al'S, :1 11.1 If V1001.11, \IOU 111 110 1tS 1111011 (11). the Court room dust-ngthe hearing.of tteted as Judge, • • 1