HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-12-23, Page 10Westfield. An organ has been placed in the C. M. Church at Donnybrook, which adds much to the musical part of the service on Sabbath. Miss Ida Harrison has been selected as organist. It affords us much pleasure to an- nounce that Mr. Enoch Shortshaspur- chased a 500 lb, pig for the use of him- self and wife. Solid eating Enoch ! Oh I the babies. We venture to say that no section in the county is so bountifully supplied with little darl- ings as that around Westfield. Re- cently there were as many as nine in church at once. Nearly all wore very musical *hick added much to the cow- • fort of the pastor and people. Goderich Township. Mt. M. k. Elliott, a student in the Toronto School of 'Medicine, and for inerly of this township, is hove on a vinic. Some person or persons broke into the granary of Mr. George Lobl,, Maitland Concession and took there- from a quantity of oats. The sale of Mr. John Dempsey 's farm stook mid ilttUlr.utents. .iris on T�1.4..‘$0_111, '1'hurseiaY, 15th inst., was well attended � , 1 SER.,, P.I.A.N. auJroutiriues wore: r.'I'•ed Xmas anC,ffew wii4TEV !%R NEWS 'APE1t ear Cards, You in;y take, he sure and take A Large and Varied ifskot•tm(;ist'r f all Kinds, Canadian, Scenery for Old Co. nn- try friends. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF . HOLIDAY DOODS New Line of Picture Frames and Mouldings. ti • OLD CURLOSITAY $1400.7 HORACE 'FOSTER &' CO. The Montreal Witness SOME SPECIAL DEPARTMENTS. AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT... Conducted by .e,.1tusTlcvs•"H! BEE -KEEPERS ;DEPARTMENT. Conducted by: D. A. Jones, Beetoi . VERTINARY DEPARTMENT. • Conducted by Dr. lIckachran„ P, 0. V, S;, Principal of t e. Montre id. Veterinary College, and 19ointnion ,Inspector of Live.. Stock. i, f realized, , 11 r. .las Howson acted as Auctioneer. 11 r, James Steep has sold his farm, lot 37, 9th con., containing ,i0 acre,, to fir. 11. l:. Cook, of th.• seine Iiue�, for the sutra of $3,0U0. Although the fano is Hero! Ilmi,ruvr• 1, t':.• pries! pai11 IS a fair um,. on Thursday evening of last, week, a goodly number of the young folk.' hetuok tliutuseives to th' rt•1 •Ln e of 11r. K. McMurray, 9th rein., where they were very cordially received. The company enjoyed themselves immen- sely, the greater uuu 1it•r of there ('n-• gaging to •trippi At; the light faI.ta,tie:' to exeollent tuu>+ic which vas t'urmtshed Mev uu ow tour string band. Everything Hissed obi very nicely, and a I/leasaht. e(;ell1lll4 wan Vela. At the last nueutillg of 1..'O. L., No, l lig Sharon, held on Monday ey t'i11 Ia,1, t.ho following officers were t•lect.•41: • W. 11., Bro., (Gro. Oantelon : 1). AI', 11r,. it. If. Elliott ; S,', '., Bro. J14111 W. (,outs : 'Prean., lieu. t t lu Currie ; 1'l,a.l,., tiro. Juno Woods, jr.; Dir. of (',•t•., tiro. .lrthur Currie; ('•,utlnittee, I,t, John .Woods; 2uti, John !Larkin' ; 3r'li, Wm. Currie, jr..; 4th, Jame:, El- Im,tt ; lith, T. Harrison ; '17v! -r, lire, W. Woods ; Outside Tyler, 'urrio, sr. This lodge meets Monday on of l,.•forl' the .full of the time. A very interesting entertainment took plaeee ui S. ti, NO. II, uh M-011(1 (.v•.1111144 inst. Although the Pial!, ,fere bll, yet the. lofts•• vas erow•Ilud to 14.5 0114)0,1 csl,a!•t(i•, Tit' lit:,t. piece (01 th.' programme was the singing of i•tm. Red. White and Blue" by the rldldreu, wit1, d.1g'. apfa'ofiriat.e fur th,• ,•''•;tun. '1'h,• children of the school ••‘•;.4 I' It 'II III b•'r (if '.1'1"y 1114' I'.:41111: 111:4 login', and r••ci1 at lnnY yelllt'll were t•,nllly :Lpf'I:unf'•l T d' .1. .111., soli aye n song (-elide.!, "Ovet• rho gar - 11.411 wall,' 14 .6.1,4, w•a. Inmfly ,•noolod. The Gear little sh•u11r•t.1 " l,y Mr. role, w•l„ ills.• highly appret•ial,J by th.• "nfeore, .,,well a' a number of (ether, slime gentleman. After D :1 c.•tt pleasant evruinv'.i eu•n'nient, OW (proceedings closed by Ringing the NatiomiI Anthem. - 1•: 11 .1 HIGHEST 'A'SNARD A t the Oentenn/a/ Exhibit/oii f • Ii.' 1. lutist St tel 'emieulual ("•utnllth?iit11 11arb,. ilu4(1 tlli; rea(lul.lneu(dttliotl of the Judges of Group \o. XXV, have uti;tliiniotts \ ;ltirlir11(11. "GO SOi{'t1rylt,. & ( lu.. not nufactpre •s of (-)amd, h.luart; and Upri;1h't 1'tlyili)-tlort&s, FIRST MEDAL OF ..MERIT'-tt113.. DIPLOMA OF' HOINOR, for the I:,,elltial 1�luulitiet,� r)t u imiebt..Ptauo•i+otte, viz Voluart,'Purity, and Even/lessof'1.;mi', Elastivity .of T,;ucli, and Supetiurity of Worklirnnrhip. - •— . A. T. (,thllt tltV, • J. L • 1)ir, ch.r-(,e;ne•rtil, 115, l ttttT. President... • ofz1erty t Cave 1<cteure(l the Agency of ;the .aboiea for' Ontario,: a id Evill keep constantly mi hand ST0(.!K Flt :e word, the S(.) [1 M Elt I'IANO is made to stand, not tllorely as an area un't11ti 4,i,:ce of Furniture,hut a', a til(Mk:al ltiatruutent,; suit f<)1' a day or:a year tinily, but for a lifetime.It is htir),..stly wade, rio that cOtitinuotvii and •severts us' w ill not impair its, tine qualities of TOM: MO(' lutioti, and owing to its extra;ancl sui,.cltutial case+ work, it will remain loltger it1tune that any otherpiano, and nJure!.as a faithful mean', the :barttiottaouti interpretations of the: beautiful in (_ 6t' We will ivatttnt(e4 satisfaction in'ei,ery respect. N. B:• --The Company gives. with each.Piano a Warranty, to be a PERFECT INSTRUMENT IN EVERY RESPECT, made of the Best Sea- 'soned Material, and hold- themselves responsible for:tthe:term of 6 Years. . Second -Hand Pianos and: Organs - Taken: in Exchange. HERTY & G1BBIN S CLINTON POULTRY AND PET DEPARTMENT. '.Conducted by I)r: Andres.' • LEGALDEPARTMENT. • L(iiiiine,ed: 1)y •ait eiililit:nt •Montrei,t • Queen's 0ounaei. . • • It ie !Wend in tone, hag nn party. connections, hot yupperts.on every question what it believes tv ' • be right. • , TAKE IT AND. YOUR LOCAL.PAPER.. 711,ke whattevlr paper you plcaete but 'be eu -e and take' . T1{E MONTREAL f/ WITNESS."' MACNIFICIENT PREMIUMS. End) Subscriber to the 'Dally Wltnees' receives the • • world.taulal,. pictures : - , "Tlte. Roll..Call after. the Battle cF Inkerinai," • • AND ''.QtiA.TRE BRAS," Representing thea first stroke of, War' erloo. ' Etta subscriber to the Weekly:.Wit• nees receives either one. of .those. pu+• •;tires he tnity choose. • Poi young peo- ple and the ,Sabbath . Sohoo1,, take the.. "Northei•)l Messenger." ?1110Es .1)attr ZVitnead, $3,00, including pdietage: Weekly " . .1:1», "- Northern Messenger, 80 cents, ipeludink postage. • Sample Copies and deecriptiona of the premiums •tree. Address, John. Dougall 8t, Son, Montreal.