HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-12-23, Page 9Supplement. to the Huron "Record," December 2 d., 18$1. Newick. Patent belts -are all the go, in and around Gorrie. The Methodists of Belmore, intend having a soiree on Monday evenit g ne.t. A good time is anticipated. Nolmesville. (aENERAL iNLjulttY.--Where floes Win. Stanley, the tax collector live. Miss Lizzie Deubow, of Brussels, who has been visitilw friends in this vicinity, returned horse, hist week. Mr. J. R. 1iulLnes, sold a t wLn1art' to George Laves, for the hand'oule sum of $120. - Mr. McPhail, of Portar's Hill, while passing through herr on Monday, had the misfortune to get pitched out hf his buggy by the breakitig Of an axle. . '1'11e'1ediellst church ititenli held: mg a tea ineesie,, on 'Thursday the 29(I4 of 1)ec., when a tlotl tiluc is In- tieipated. The Common school examination m,Is holt) herr (.n1 the 1 GUI of 1tee.° The children of the senior nod junior departments, shmcell to the parents u.ld friends 1 hat good progress II1Ls het^o 1(1(4(1e during the year: . Air. Ilnpl:ins, our priuri!I,il'leurher' is shortly to re. Ind' to 1 fttrl•i.tl,.', 11 take elI.)tl•i.I• 141 1110 I•r•ineilti:•!.jjr of ire• coneenll ,Chub' r:e•ru• \\•e '.V sh h:ul sgrces 1101 ht rhe.:uu1 11111,• ace at•1•• sorry to part ,•ith rile.• -Mr. .I.rlu••s 11ntelli1sutt i.Ik1s 0hat•u of .tlr. Hopkins' deli:h.:- I:n•ut aft'%• 1h" holidays. `, doui,t he 00 ill 144'11u+t ]ten„•:f er•elht,Ll11v. \ (ullii, rnet•ti ig was la,•111 11 4.e, oda \\'elled•.ILtc . c.oi11!!. iu f;u'le•1•', 11;411, ,11,„„ i4 ).„....„111,r,„!, R -It.• 11,1111111•.1 -11) re• - un t tt:e ul:u1•I(I I of the '1'. 1 IIIDl4.\' fu 4.•i\'e )14 :L .1;1111):1 15(4,119•, In• 11111,•.....1 .1:1ticll, ur:L,l1•t• Zeit),- plu•t• 1.01011 t!I1I;11 the 114,1 1\c1) ill” three Lc 110. E. \\ Hite, _ti;r• .eutio.1 1'otl 111.10. „Ian %) 15' revoo,luel,lle,.1'tu u,et + 11( (14,)(.11(1. ('14ni111illt4•. ' \1.•,;4.•e 11150 ;,1,1) f 1e1i to a„ n0en t'i•ai11 Muter, .to I,ta!11 ,II n mem fair „4tIIl to pt•o- e(1re it w•1 of t i11i' tort tceia:!I ,ca,h•.:,,,- E:oalerta•fa. 11r. \\'. M. 4:,t1•ishore,- of-Loo,lon, 110. 1,11rl'Ilt,e,I 111•• in, and hardware s!:17:115 n4)!( Irf •1, ~tut'\', u1 ire. rale 141 6l 11I '(415 1411 111. Itnl hll'. ✓.. Al.\l1t(h.'Is -fall t,h.nt, 1i.2:) Io :;1.- 2h;: .print' \,h.ait, ;1,25 tui gl_.28•: Iloit.r. i..:3,00 t•, , :1._:1: oat., :17 to,4'0e.. t ktts 70 to i;1I•.: h,LI'I,•c,• 70 to $0r . i. 1•ot:toe,, .1.) to (104).: hay, X1.1 to 1G; looter. IS to 220.:::,- '' ; 12 to 1:k•. .11. 1In• tegular utot.thlt''meeting on \luudlty evening host of vltoynl -Black 1'reeeltory, No, I ri, the following of - 11,•l'• \y e•re elect NI' for 1114) 1•IlslllUg year: Sir •I\t. J. 11, E-lwar.l., \V. 11.;.Sir K1. Il. .\rntstrong, f). P.; Sir i'.t. It. Plunkett, ('hap.; Sir'1\t• 11..1, 11ur- uuv, Reg.., Sir Kt...Tllhu llcid, Treas.; Fir Kt. J. Gibson, 1st, Lee.: tiir Kt. .1:1at1es Wells, 2UIl Lee.; r,it' Kt. John \\'uses, 1st. Censor ;. Sir Kt. G. 1-1. Smith, •21111 ('.•1tsor,; Sir Kts V. Wells nii•l L. Elliott., S. Ileauers; Sir 1(t. 1i. Gordon, Por.; Sir Kt. 'James (Iihsou, I.t cont.: S, -i• Kts. i1. '1'iehborne, 'Phos, i•'ry', 11. 1ivwl:ins, Thos. Simpson, .-1.. S. 11eNair and \\'111. l,ast)arrl were el REMOVED ! REMOVED •r (crowded out hot 0 The (.)range 1)14.11. is. 64)11:11; t+u11111;t+.h anti (ithotwiso iloProvid, x 11X1) ad.as ) IL11101. LJI•�t • :1l.ts. tjnct•; �t of \l m: 81telte", li(;gs to announce to til(' D('o')le of (' ifltOU 1111(1 surrounding .townships. , that he 11118 removed .from his old i,tail(1 to the 1)riel: store lately occupied 1)y LlAizL. 1) 1>It(�ti„ on Albert street, where he has • • Oil 'land a laatgc 1tn(1 choice selection of . .1' GROCERIES' AND CROCKERY, .• Freight, $110 0.a ; passengers, .A FINE I()r1 ()if k P-41 ', nearly three tittles Ole tlArlOal t of4, • CHEAP TEAS .in Endless Variety; ' -:foul a1 PUI(,'1+a' that Will Suit t rely :11111 \\timint.. flier• 11N 11 4;1111. \\'here slid' Vela' say 1 A t J1( )01i i? I (I poet•t'y'WO ('Puckery (14')>ut, o ALBERT STREET,'" 11-ig , of :t e\vbridi e, has been spending a few itlays with her frieltd5'hr•i•e,. The„ kno\vn lirm Of Platt tl Jrrulley have a large gang af,, men. in tliis neighborhood taking nut titilber for 1114) Quebec. market, Har•niitgs 111. this, station for . the 11101rth'of November this year l}'ren h1;; 'S91,1:i•1 i pu55eu 4 rs, $1 G9.0J: (:4::1, .'i parl(tl \cith tlI,+ Saure.,lu(>11th last year : HURRAH FOR THE busiiii ss, ''lits shims, Doty our villtLgrl 18 iI1t=illasiug as utl)er l,usiuess is jn about that'prupOrtii)u. l't(r.ls4l,t5 TURN AND SOCIAL. --•:\. grail(' 'Christmas '1'i" 4 Idol Social 1n cLINToftii. Ci)1(11tetinit \4111) 'Trinity (.'hunch; wj1l bit held i1: \lorIiy''.5'title; 13ul;;rave, ort. \V.4114t,sd,Ly evening, 1)14', 9d h4). • The • lit' -tib ('1.all 1111t111t('.1I1 t 1•it1S Ol)CIl(:Il''.t)U.f lal'ge alit" Well seie't('tl STOCK. t " Dry Good-s,Groceries, Ready-M.ad`e. Clothing ..Hats and ap.s, 'BQots. and Shoes; lull \'ill ,(for the \1[01:1 ;S'I'-O('K, NVI'1.'1LOUT •1tESE.ItVE; . . alrt.less than . . • .114)4: wilt „he freta [1) all n) tr1Lusfer prey-' .t(rtts to tach OGllu'r; Spe(+chus, rteita- w. buns, dialogues, itin'!ing';vv., ,' will '14.1 the order of the eveeiug. ('01144 every h:aly am) enjoy a ' pleasant ec'tening. ')'M t—ts. 20•ecuts (;'hiltlr4:i1,10 cents Silt`it(4IL (Iir.LiR4 ' raA141. 1.tilidli,i; 11(11', we(k's tetil Jl0I;4 Ulpe hrty Ile•.e), lower: tiuui,o of the earlit'r.140ii'u. ' Witt Ltti 1140 ;t•:xcl l,tu)i11Llly forwattl. 1rattLduc d„thev: eektviisnnsalisfattory. 7Llatl the co11111t.ion of. .itl1I II1.aj dlate1101•e 'Native \\'lnnLts there tu;)r0 (lif- !t Iieult ti) st•II Vir•,t Ii4te n Illphth W01'u • very I,.tteptt(n4 ).indeed. \latka tahlo l',eglisicwIt1te,wl)i•at wan \aiiialy Odiet'- ed.ou hi'ialai,y.4)t;: rt(tlttcO(i41; l'ant'ern' deliveries' are markedlyileerrrL^tug. .1+'Bri't's wheat W4.4.. tido : 'i 1101'41 WILs IL r;wtlictrd .(hv'ua)}4.1 .told stitt.ly Salm.. ltiLtt s. for gi'iLdos in plentiful sup)Ily. 1.401 t 110011'lowet•. rivals were (lt�.:.1.01y9,..r Wits ill Iatu. supply. Only. tilos best laakeS s(4.:l :freely.F'ol'Uign' (Iuur•,)va8 li'141, --A1)crielt11 brands,were. in'. mollOri4..te `supply: fine. Malting I,11114 sold readily, other ' : r ttic5,. were rejected. .:1+'tireign 'Holey was .0 Changed; Oats (.intoe1 sell freely. New foreiblt . aro easier.: :\Tttize int' I,ii'O•pool tlt.ir1itletl• it,() ort • 1+'1 idiLy.. l''1'radur depends 011 spot sup!ly. Elevea. crit; utsatrl ivtvl °if4.11 r coats(, `Cif Whi'cl'i se\'ell \\ J:rt+ soft'.' "' 1'aci-1i'c coast white w11t at was i restricted demand; Sa10s English .wheat . (luring the" Week Wl'r.0•43,66 quitrte(1I„•at 44s: 9d per quarter, • againtit 4 1,59,4 quarters- at 44:s plir quartet', fol' eor r4sponaine' I week last ;year. - ' WHOLESALE E PRICES ! ' '() Blake. )> 1(-)u!;• store' �ll()l t,:: -if' �'O>1 frill come ai.ilcl , e:taniiile thea Stock ltu(1 ask the ')rices, you will be contifl 0d that both. (itOOI)- aiid 111tT('ES''a•re 1.UGII'. So collie aloof'' and 'lud6.e ,a for VOi11;S('1V(' i... t e1•1ed 14. 1'nitllnitleo, and J. fleid,'rylei°. '•W. MACKIE,' SIGN OF *THE RED FLAG," 0,. 99, MAIL GONP.RA CT. . [[ LE • ( EAU!) Tcndurs, •'artdressed to the Postmaster ►i 1 enera(, 'Wili be received at'4lttf1wlt until Noon, oat FRIDAY 8141111htl':Mi3t;it,:1881, for the convey ani•c of'ter Majesty's Mods, on a proposed C/ontraet for four tvetus, three times per week each wain, Le• ,tween tils(,0ttAv 1, and M IRNOC1I, from the 1st oh " • April next. • •Printed notices'.containid', tlrthcr in: formation as to l:onditiane.of proposed' Contract may .he seen and blank forst, of Tender may he otained at • the Post Offices of Be/grave mak Marnoch. . Postoftlee inspector's (Mice. 1 l4.. \V: PARKER. London 18th November 1881: f • 1'• O. Insp. •