HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-12-23, Page 8• • Where "are you going, Chrietniael Selectiug presents for Wends is•the order of the day,. .Are -we to heve.sleighing for Christ-. Inas4 the -question of, the atty. Several of our- young •men intend committing theawful oriole of Matri- mony eluri ng. tbe.holidays.. The. bride work. of Thigh Mc- tavisli'S house on Dinsley St, is now completed and'presents. •a. fine. ;appear. • once. Manietpar matters are•assumitig..a more lively aspect and we learn. that a large number of aspirants are in the field. FeeemtivATiofe.-The. examination lh the publics schools here,. are .to be beid to -day Wriday.). 411 -are :in- vited to attend. • There will be special services .in the 11 C. Church here, on Christmas, cane inencing at 10,3.0 in the morning and 6.30.in tile evening. , • INIMIKETE.---M1 wheat, $L - to $1.'28; spring wheat,, $1.28 to $1.30 ; oets, 39e.,. 39c.; peas, 75c.,*790 ;• barley, e•fic, 7fie.; hay, $15.00; Flour, S3.50. . • Mr. Thos, Gibson, who attempted suicide a short time ago, died at the residence of Mr. Wm. Shane, on Mon- day last, His remains were followed to their last resting place by.a large concourse of friends on Tuesday last. A cramwr.-Mr. Ilobt, Drummond - happened with a painful accident on Tuesday last. Ho acddentally fell no the crossing near Milne's hotel, and knocked. his arm out .eir joint at the elbow. -Dr. Sloan set the arm and he is now doing. as well'ae.totud be ei- peetea uuderthe circumstances. • SiTRPTEE PA:WT.-A mini* • of young folks ot this village. took a sur- prise party to the • Tesidence of Mr. Phrslow, banker, where they were -very kindly entertained until a. late...hoot, 'rho company enjoyed. 'themselves by " tripping the light fantastic:" together • with 'other games end amusements ;un- til the " wee 'Sim Itoure,"• after -Which :they separated. for their bonesrnwh ;pleased with the erening'S eujoyment. PEES9NALS.-Mr. Thos: Ritchie, who has. been in Detroit for the past.two years, has returned home eie„a sbOvt 'visit to his friends and relatives. He is ninth pleased with appettrance of Detreie and we haVetiodbxibt it agrees with him, „judging .from his appeai.ance. P.,‘ Moore, .14 Stratford, who has been visiting relativee here far the past weekjreturtterl home an. Otontlay last.e-Mrs, W,. eu' etis .retunned 1oiu from, Detroit on Monday,. last,. where. she Las :been. v4iiii.tiug,.iier --lmother• The .probabilitiee, ere. •that P: Kelly will be elected Reeve without opposition. Mr. Kelly fully .deserves. the horror. .Be s theright mann the right place,. As Councillors therosis long. lieteneary of, the aspirants being good likely wen. eceording to. the Re- view. Mr.. a,. W.. -K. is, hithetied. Goodaet 1, Perhaps heewill he elected, but if se. 110. must have grown more Popular than he was thelast time he ttspiree.,. for thernthe votes: cast for Lim were not.lto.rd to count. Ootneeirs lorzios,-The municipal 'Council met on the 13th List, Mem- bers all present. Alinutes of last Meet- ing read and approved. The followF.. ing accounts were brdered •to be paid,. viv. 1 -Alex. Orr, use of team at fit•ete. ; Bosman Dodds, lumber, $45.10; Dr. Sloa,n,, attending the We. George Holland, (indigene) $4 ;,L, MeQoarry,. • work on route,. $13.75; ilain- Moe, sundry servicee, $1700.; Joseph Davis,. work on street, $1.69, The fol. - lowing taxes were ordered rentittecl, :--Mary Jran,. Join Quinn, .111ae'y Raney, Catherine Gordan. by-law was -introtleced fixing the. eilece for Munieipal elections and other businesS of minor importance was transacted, after which tho. Council adjourned to meet again on.thes3Gth inst. • • ANRIN ROSAitVICE SI) ‘.1443 illeterixd.--The Anniversary fierVicee in conueetion with Triulty Chilled) on, Sumhiy.lest wife 'largelsy attended,. the Rev. Isaac Barr, of Wingliain olliciet- leg; a good sem was realised, The Tee Meetingln connection.. with the above ellairelt held \tsonra- Oral • ou Tuesday evening -.last was a grand sue- cees. The -music- by•thethOir was excel, lently rendered., being under 'the matt: agement of Mrs: Whitt, The most amusingpart of the, programme. W1,48 lecture by the. Rev.. J. HiI1. Bural Dean of Huron,whicb! vta's, iiluatriteed by Crayon sketches. • The Rev. \V.. Oraie, Rector of Clintotn, also delivered a very appropriate speech, The Rev. Henderson • occupied the chair. The anniveesaly services ain't tea -meeting netted the. snug, shin. of nearly. $70,. which is :to be applied to 'church debt. .00met imieNeein SINTEn.--',- 11 . sipper was given, to Mr, a 7. Floody, at the Mansion House, - by the Royal Black Knights ad Orangemen, of this section, on theoccasion or his leaving for Matutoba. Although the evening was .yery disagreeable,. upwardie of 80 •so,t 'clown Cm the magnificent spread prepared. by "mine host," BrOwillee, of wheat we noticed some front Wing-. bann.Bluevalee wIgrave, Manchester, Goderioh uncle:Intern The abair was ably filled by. Sir ICut. livrney, of Goderieh, and. the vice -chair by Sir Kitt •MbGill,, of Blyth.. After ample justice had. been done to the • good things,proVided, the, chairman • coin- nitateed the proceedings with a few well chosemand suitable remarks. The first toast. proposed was the 5‘ Queen," responded to by Bro,V,„Cllegg, Reeve in a loyal and patriotic epeoch, in whicn he paid a- high compiinumt to Bro. Fleetly, and eulogising the Great North-IN,est, as the country for young • Brass hand-" God save the Queen." The. next -proposed was the Guest," the company singing is a jolly good fellew. A.t this stage, Bro.' "(Needy was preeented' with a •beautiful gold ociblematic pin, by the Royal Black .Keiglita„ •accompanied by the following address; 'which wtis read hy*.tiro \V, : To VIcarlos 17004, "i3-s'zsgr,.:; Very Dear r Kniuht oasi B.Pother We, the menthol's of Boulton Pre- ceptory, have long airpreeiated your very .valuable ..serviees .in. ceonectiene With this entetinpment yaw' me are proud to tiny yen Were. 0110 of th'St who was brittle in Bolton Preceptory 'being.% clittpter member, desire at this, opportunity to aekeowiedge wo. Very much regret your removal from amongst ree but pray and trust that while the iron horse will carry you to •our Great North Vest, that Wise Providence shall ovinerule and direct • you to whore yon, shell prosper, not only. temperally, but Also.spiritually, and to where you s-thali have ample op... pertouity to' exercise your •usefulness in connection with our .A.nnient Order,' with which you beve tong been Monti - find, aml which- yon have been so SPeeeS8f SsFi • t), hays passed up .from one'degree to et -other until goirehave- reached the 811.1111.1144 wharci moue but the free -born. de.attaim: Theonghle,11 its ,triale ansli.diffienities yeti have pas .seel ei:d tlierefore the 'more ,ern; .pathy lend to, every Pilgrim ou his way -to am.ient inn! I 111 arkS, iwareh.•of sies1e14 wl. • "e'ffirr. - "911.W1/4 forth t ound width the Great Temple is e istrueted, as well 41s0 avoid those daegers which the WOrfdELp pers of Baal steed, whose destruction is as.eertain as fie, who dared to dieeard •the Sweet Singer of Israel when. but a lad. We Moo desire to s present you, with this "Pin" an emblem of whittle you wills perceive is impressed that which is yet unknown to thousands of Orangemen and millions ef our race e a mystery which.yote wouldi not have. known had you not boon in possession of the qualifications necessary to your journey in,this gaud end ancient Or- der. We tett not present this by way of remuneration, but es a token of oer love to you e. praying that the Great Three in One and One in Three will be. with, direct and bless you throngli life's journey,.and at last bring you to that 'Temple above not made with hands eternal in the Heavens. Signed in behalf of the members by Wm. MAtifee, • W. PreeeptoreNo, 397. Blyth, Dec. 21st, 1E361. art, of Bluevale; song by Mr. Tones; Our municipal Councillors," re- spouded to by Bro. Clegg,. Songs Two then given by Bro. Bloomfield, jr., Bro. Bloomfield, ere Betide and Pollook, The next toilet was the C4 Press," re spondeds to by Niessre. Mitchell, of the Review, and Floody of the Rueorm. M 4i Farewell.piece," brass baud: Ilost and Hostess," 'ably rotponded: to by Bro. 1.3ienvidee. The ProceeJiro --ended by the bands playing the " IsTa" tional nthene" . .111r, 0. W. Graham, sof tondim, and formerly of this platat,;was instowit yes- terday. Rtteremen;-Mr. Austin. eallauder returie.d from Manitoba yesterday. ,H0 says .they have .good eleighieg, up there 'To was next presented with beaat- iful-BinIe by .13ro. 'W. on be- half of the Orange Order, and With handsome• autograph album` by the Orange Young Britonerbdth -.accom- panied; suitable whites:et-a: „Bro.. bloody replied'in 'eery te ?IAN thanking the brethere of eiteh order for flattering addresses and taked some presents, and. wishing ,tisem every. seccese the' •future. 0, The 'ROM Black Breeptor, of Perth" was ably responded to by Bro. Mureey,who gave a short aceointt of the growth of the Black Order and Client&r, re- marking at ,the -sante time, that all who lived up .s.o its principals,. &mid net be otherwise than tette Christiesis. "The health of 13ro, MoGill,Aester of the Illyth Preeeptory," N'is'11.:3 the, next toast, to which Bro. McGill ably respouded. "-The Loyal Orauge-Institutiou" wee. -respoinled.to by Brci Wilson, of MOO- ohOSter, Vlici spoke of the principles of the .eider, remarked that. truth was their grand principle, end elley. were ,ileterinined to meintain it. Ile referr-; ed to the growth of the Orange 'Order and paid a- high. compliteeut to 13ro. ...POO: • •s.nng by Rands, tiext-toast was the " Orangemen," They ere .jolly. .re; sponded to by Iii•os.s. Mc. !(eo au41.11c4u- . field,. of Bluevale. Song' by ...Bro. 13100111 helIl; inueic by brass band;-.". Tlte army .:endeetevy;" ''-Three cheers, for• Holman !Liver Pad -Co, • Gen'LuStex--I have need mat a your Pride, and with pleasure bear tee. tiemny to its efficacy. I can heartily iyeemimend it to all persons afflicted either with dyspepsia or liver com- plaint,. feeling that it nsvill, as in my ease, efl'ect cure. „ . . . yuurs truly, e Enwmto M, .Coevone, Toletenost, 1.21 ss tf,ss beC11.1icOATrne,.. rsts • .P.trate.e. . e see liighlprecommencied 1, „.i.• .1 4. -,,i'lloN4';‘,1-..1.rAlii°0:"111$74181i ..-tti..c. , •-•-•-t•-'-'.., E14.41A.StiOn1411ingeS'• I „ ' 'Mo. ;4474ms:is, Bcat.ttburO, ..t, ..d Is:llte• -,:„...yettktstilletts,d1147! pot;m1.40)fss - •'zi'rssaaili,, ,l(s.'..r etettiaea.. _meet. cent. 1 leetiost.steativ4rMs,4s 0.1.01115, from .the SIOnr• " nen; Itpswi.,1k or BIOns..y.s, Thor•are $arc, 1 Inhilsistiiiltidtolipr0110 1111.14,1rAsction. Frous..1 tO 4 - . " ,)--. - • 8e" PMtVir.s1 0,5i.. PER BOX. - • .0 neee,e, &mane last emeidim(eee), time , is„1, heautifully set the r(id white and..illue " by. Stt.w•-• 7 HOLIDAY Coops! ..NeW Yo.rk;:iSreckNireat pacd ke one in a 'box:' Peautiftd • .1?atterns.. One ',case of '.New co, Linen and Lae • SILK TIOS.11:113.r,, one pair"in r"1, a box. ••••,10. See ourNew -York Gat Rut- . tons, Pins,C.ollar Juttons, • Seals and Studs. • • . • , , , ".. ' • . •t:Itist opened up. A IiOICE SELECTION. NOVELTIES, riandkerchiefs, beatitifu.14• . •'IVe. n 1 S. tUR., • • -00 X('Si We b:401V til C fiit 001 , • ,! of Men's •' . . of A:li(3,-1;loves hand. somely: pa4ed. containg • • pairs of (lofor $.4, • • TIE QOUNTY. tiadies Satin and Silk •• Plush Hand. Wallets. •. • Magnificent.- •colo 1 • t talk 9rtlfiefs, pacod ea in a fill°. box urXinai,'' See our. choice Silk MUffiers• ,, packed one in a-' fine . box.. GRAND D I Men's Seal -Caps. AI en's Persian. Lamb Caps. 1\1 on's7Beaver Cap. •Men'e Coney 'Caps, Pinsh .0ap4. Men's Ahna 'Caps. •Men's Seal Caps. r•fanj o'§lifanters. EW .j-AUKSON' r- 1. 1 'We show the finest Stock of 'Useful Presents •in Clinton: • A magnificient assortment of Ladtes', and. Gentlemen's Fine Furnishinglioods. • • o ,Qur. Stock of HATS • is tho finest in the County, • JACOON.tho..‘Hattet • Full selection of Goods for Boys• ?- ' Presents. 41#-e -rang e of goods for Child- . ren's vi,eSents'. KSON, WO. oll ,1.11inleSetS.. Seal et • Itrsian :Lamb Sc'ts. A:strachan Sets. , • Russian Lamb Sets. Mink Caps. , S'eal Persiap. LaMILCaps. Astrailhan Muffs.- . 'callloas- Children's.Caps. Children's Sets. Cony Sets; ACKSON, the litter, 4- - •