HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-12-23, Page 5a- 17= mr= • COMMUNICATIONS- -We wish it to be rifatInetly understood tbot lvedo not hold ourselves responsible to rite opinions oxpressed by our' eorrespondepto. Iteply,to '14181V'. .Rditor iluron _Report/. DEAR S. --In your last week's is- . une, there appeared e, letter Orir the signature " Janes." 1 tun not aware (tf az,ty person.of that 1111,1110 in town as at ratepayer., and hope anyone making charges such us this hater contains, Would liavq uninlines, enough to sigu ieutio and not b"rrowed inunt.f4 a kind of."stitli in the • dark work." The Publf.c llofull its ChB iuntii Jiroce(Iuig5, /11 iti -all 011 1110P ugs aro open to the Just as .1111101 21,8. loetteil Bittethilvfli ant, and if 11r. 'Janus' wiU talik. the trouble to ask eny mem- lier of the Sullool 1.1onra i.Iy will ex- plain any moor to any ratepayerin the town fretqv. Tt ortr itec userdoes- not particularize his trouble, #480 WO . might iV( hiLil $oom light on it. But I :don't, think' the public expects us to take our timO to reply with piintoriitk 's to.voryon.w1io inny feel like air- ing themselves by Drodueing some won- . derful production in print, ht order to, throw odium on those whofear his frown nor count his favor'id • Live. not flitqUIS at court to prornote, 1 f the complainer. will attentl our Meetings, we will give him a.1.1 tho knowledge of the why's and wherefore's of our prikeedings, or if lc shows us where the t•lhot pinches we will try and help . P, 4 0..1B, • TUMSTEr: The flame of the writrr of the above not be held from the plaint:. !Hilton, Dee. 22nt1, 1881. Ve:z..td Clergyman.. • • , Even the patience a Job otthi exhausted u ere he a prettehet-and • -cndenvoring to inter his . audience while they were k:eeping Lip nu inces- 'sant coughLg, waking it impossible for kiln to be heard. Yet, bow "Ory, 4•1Liy can al I 1.11is ;be avoided 'hy simply . using .1.).t• h..tags now -Discovery for 1 loilsginpt, Ponglis and (ohs; Trial ..logic giy en. awa)r .at 'umbels Drug Stove:. ^ a' 'or tile HOLIDA' FOR TIIE ASSORTMENT COMPLETE, —GO TO— GREAT DRY GOODS ROUSE, '04 South Spa Seal .Sets. • Rich Dark Mink Sets. These goods are special„.and. are truly net exceeded for value and quality in Canada. Rich Black Satin DeLyon, fur Ladies Jackets. Rich black Brocaded SilksRich Scalette, for Jackets.. Rich black Astrachan, for Jackets. Rich Cords, Girdles, 'Buttons, &c., to trim, —Ike new Watered Sflk Velvet Plush, in lovely gOods, An; Trimming Dresses. 'ompleto assortment of Buttons, PringeS 111111 Trimmings.- 'oniplete assortment 'of colored Cashmeres at all prices and in all' colors, Complete•assortinent of Black •Co.411- niert4;, in all inaken and prices,.wonder- f 1 1 Fine assortment Of those black and colored 'velveteens.. the best wake . the world. • . . 1,ovely lot of Wool Slittsvls. 1.,o'vely lot of Clouds. 1._,:aveiy lot ofVool Squares. Lovely lot of Cloth and Tweed Dress Suitiilgs: • Lovely lot of mantles. 'NoVelties for.the „N'ovellies in Ties. Novelties in SBA RibbOnSe -lovelties in Plush Ribbons; Noveltiesin lIandkerchiefs. Bargains for the people; •• Dry (foods by the Cord, . • • A8SORT.INIEM FO17 LLiON Al TIM" Er H get your 13.11) itootsat 1 fAlt!,Axo's, -I•iemp lo bor the rtql tie:t ionawl' • . . • , • Great Dry GoOdg• ilcuse of John liodgins " Must. stty icn• the njet.st • tiling 1 .. .._ever used inr.-tetqh.--and - breath." Nftt,'S . • ever-ye:1P 11ittitg 11if NI' -111.iMIT..i.G.--4-iirst-class' and it:. rtnning new toilet getn.•a centsani PALL , . • • • • •1•.,,igt:nr• HA11131S. l'44,(;3, t,t10.:1,13 Ohl '!1 J. l:shorite, NI. A., ohk t 1". • •14littlit.1:r 3,11• W. 1)433()(,,13 34 • • . cLIN;VON:0..4,4 akEIfS; - . (Verreettil evtlry '1'11.1.1r•tlit1 aftereotot.) ' Wlite•t. fall per hu, - . - t31 it • 11,..1 9(1 Bed, - • ••• -' • - 1 2.5 to .1.'20 • Bpring, Bedell:el, ' s-, • • i 'in: to 1-30 ilfc, - - - . . - •• , 1 21 to., 1 30' there, • - - ''• - - , 0 :37 too as Barley, - . , • - .. ,-- . 0 ,t to 0.83' POW'', • ^ . . ' • . ... ' • ... n15 to 11 So Flour, • • • • • • 0 50 to 7 00 Potatoes, ' - - .- • • 0 ;50 to .0 10i Butter, = • ' - . – 0 20 to '•0-22 - 0 17- ..to 0 18 .. 4 1-1 110 to -30 OH • Bides, - - - , ' 0 AO ,•to • 7 .oll shovp,Icisn• .., • • . 0 I't , to 1 0 • = - • •. 0 00 to 0 Beet, • • • • 20 to -3 50 Pork • . • 1,0 to 7 55 :STEER' Ft , 7 1 ) . • • -Carrie into file rrr.intieee of Op Oielartjeteil, tot 334, 1n,y. t ,.110derieb, HI t:ept ein her lit,-ta W111111/41.t.,r M111111111 013.110lb Thti owner rerrii,teil to itVot-e peolairt3, reel take ita way. . . ' • P Boderiell eee.22ni1;1..Sk. . • 'RENDERS ;..15'04 IvIrOOLLIN 111ILL. rilerielerx will he reeeived the np • 1 rirsatorday the 7(11 Ji(1,, th3 ereethio of e.M:ittille0 JIB], In the Wei, 113,4 1131 to he 100 feet long, 30 wide and. 3 atoriee . • high. ..t.411..rate ((3333:9'1(3' 1), 11111111, work, v.1111011(11. worlc..fi)ektrhipital stone folpicoton win, and wit lima. mat erittl, v 3,,r111tr44liO3t euntraet in mu. ['mirk+, i'inng•Rp(willorthn,,,,(4111,,ir.,i0.0,7, he applifin• to the (ma, n:ignki. The lio.veNt 11.13, 1111(1111 1)01.11Vea13s131•11y14111111,111(1 • E: e01411rPT, • • MAKE Money like other people and buy some of the SPECIALTIES. Ladies' Fur Caps, Gents' Fur paps, Mink Sets„ Astraciian Sets, Seal Sets, White and Grey livercoats„ Undereloathing, Clouds, Wool Squares, And Shavrls. 0111 E T S Our Mantle Department has 1,1 . Tim say. : • . , . ' ' 11 boon a porfect success, Leave 1,yon.r 'order and prove what The Dry Goods Eniporium of Clinton. • . • . • .1.•••••••••••••••••••••••-••••• 33 K S 0 "TWA, El OUTS AT 11AME". TOWN HALL, CLINTON ()Nit NIGHT ONLY, Thursdak, Deeember 29th KENNZDY9S SONGS .OF SCOTLAND • MIL KENNEDY • mit to attostitil by the folhorieg memherS Of WS Wont,: Miss Helen Kennedy, Soprano, Miss Majory 'Kennedy; Soprano, iVliss Maggie Kennedy, Pianoforte,. , Mr. Robert Kennedy, Tenor, Master John 'Kennedy, Violin, t`QW1V1E24C1il At 8 O'CLOCK Body of gqii 50e.; General Atireis, 25 CHEAP; A FINE . ASSORTMiNT„ THE. BEST have now on hand an IMMENSE STOCK of GOODS. Come and see them. RANSPORD'S OLD STAND. 4 1-.11CKSON. \