HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-12-23, Page 4HURON RECORD.
ChIXTON,iuiur, 15it7 23an, 1881
11'4'32' ,1\ ORT11/
- •
DR., WIPPIRIBLI), ]SI. P. P., for
North ?Mir, has been nominated by
the Reformers Of that .ridiett, ar•their
_ stanclarli.bearer at the inixt •eleetiOn to
- ---.
he election.in .this constituency 011 t.116 ,.,1100,s0 AA :C01111064IS. Li Or.
. Monday last:reIsuled in. tha triumph • strangft, the present member, ho 'will
of the Liberal Conservative party, the have t hard nom to. ii*glit against.
vindication 4a..,Nu,tional Policy,'and. . ,.., ---,--- --
,L, A.F.li:NTY-NEY1,4. constatteneles repres-
Ow practical endorsation of the Canada
Pacific Railway Gontract, Notwith.
standing the strenuous effeas put forth
by the Grits, and the predictions of the
• Wan!, Mr. 'Gaiklet, the Liberal Gen-
• VA.rro<tive,, :has dultried ithe day by a--
. •
ented by Liberal.t.4onservatives hat -e
been opened since tlic, gelieral. elections
()Illy two Of these have been
lost, . Twelve constititenetes.caeLt jn
.4478 by the Orit,s hare been. plmed,- •
itiajorrtrof-Gt3. ng lifts been
and six ot these have been W011 1,y tin) I =6:11101E31,0
considered for some veal,s, safe for the 11)34
/1.1 WeSt Northumber
yoforiners. Mr. kerr, one of the
land, •wldch by Sr., of
majority, was yestaday won by
maritritrof C. ithe.caintry does not
show that disSatisfaction with the N.
P, wbieh t11) .
t;ritorgans. haveheen
asserting is felt Sti deeply' bA. every part
of 'the Pornalion Ara '
. •
'time paq. returned Grit meniii6ra to interesting discovt.ryis reported
tite Local •Legislature. The battle was •from Polr., the Portsmouth of the AU 1.37
fought on square issues and was 1,TAty trian ThElpire,-ond formerly a.atation..
contested, and the electors have &cid- of the %titian fleet. `14:.-ar the hap
in favor of •gtoct•governt.nent, ampilithea.tre some workmen S's ere
fleepie of Canada to -day, are `prospEn,- lately engaged in tligging an it•e-cel
happy and cOnten'ted, and will'uot
;low theinselven
es to he .pt)tunled to
ote against their own intnrcsts,The
electors of 'West .1.!'artlithm.berlanl have tinting a 11.mnan'l?,mpL;ror,,,' -and iu
nobly done tbeir duty. • • state of !T -almost perfect preservation.
his' effigy, e.xecpted iuiGrecian. Mar
ble of .the fi'st quality,. is stated .to,be
a truly Mag,nificent .specinum, of an-
tique statuary. :It has not nfty.ct'bfen
" pairty- of purity," was returne.in
18i4 by a 'majority 'of '231.was
unseated for "elevating the Standard'of.
public morality," awl re-eleeted. by a
inujoriCy of 153.• 111..18781 Hon, J.
(ockburndefeated him bya majority
of 88, The-I:tidily, luts.also for some
- The New Compound, its -WW2.
cler.ful affinity to tlze Di7cstiva
when, at about a, yardss ep tn.. from
the autfaen, they came upon a statue,
iipparatusrn'J t12 •
ing the dissolving juices, Odor,
ing almost instantlythwreaq
results o.f.Dyspepsia. Indigestzon,
and the TORPID LITER, makes
Zopesa an every -day necessity- in
wary house.
It acts gently and speedily in
Bilionaness, Costiveness, Read -
ache, Sick Headache, Distress at:
ter Eating, Wind OA the Stomach, ..
27eartba.rn*Pa,ins in:the Side and
Back, Want of Appetite. Want al
Energy. Law Spirits, .Foul Stom-
ach. It invigorates the Liver, car.
ries off all surplus bile, regulates •
tlae Bowels, and gives tone to the
whole system, '
Cut this out and take it to youi
Druggist and get a 10 cent Sample,
or a large bottle for 75 cents, and
tellivour neighbor about it„,
nine foot three inches II, repro .
stipp,,,..„, Hipper Tr0l(1(1'8, 11r11.014('N, PVIIIII`r Stools rlsowel 'Backs, Sofa
1.4'015t, THE Cushions, Ottomans and Gliairs---the fluent range outside the cities, and at
71 RA",1' O1'' 1)0.
• ,JIASTIC rJjjJS; ,
• Nothing. can -be. more foolish than.;
ikome: recognized as•the portrait, i' 1441 11
the attempt .to catelt either
tienlar.ctope.FOr, ..butWoulitai.irit.lir to
cow, .pig, sheep,,:or. dog by running •.
afteT it lLow igany futile ..'litteniPts .1..-lyrather 'an* IdI al pieSti.t.tiretli of the
to .catoll4.1 horeo....hoyeCU n't)Lk 141 11 potettn•Oiesar, 1llyest(q1 with
bt11.:(43 suPrimnt Militat•y entitnittuti. . •
pit rsuanceof t Ow ve, nietlroil! How
s "!t
1/ ituiy. tittles 'lies Llie.lioritt;'illtit\\ at briEst
bit t.cL man 4ti•as about to walk.ip to its .(1.041 ?net 41.P11i4'115/1.. ...Yvon)
. head •tiad 'at. the, paint of catching it, .. tee Et11131'5 a1\ret1Lis0•1101i1,`Iliqiortell .
• ,mid,„ wheel (ma Hilawt, flu, • by two..gtillinn,.. the. badges
1881, •
• 1881_
)11. 10, illEilliER&CO'S
Ex.ery one should see our display of Valley Goods ,:hetbro
Je( their Christmas and Now -Year's Pres7416, A look
.t.brough our Due stot.k woula discover nuiny °ma-
_ manta1 and useful artioles,
No House' in the Country has a better reputation fer-Ieeping, first-class Goods.
(Jur South Sea Heal •,)Efts rtutgo front $10 .to $'67) our Canada And- Sets
•• (have no equal for quality ot price) ramp trot tO $5O ; .PerSiatt
Lamb, Chinchillit, Snowflake Hare, lglaok Pox, Baltic Noland• '
' • 3 (Anglian Mink, a fine ;Lsnortment.. •
Faney..),NrooleIrGoods---a.eoptpleto ,•
• Gloves .and to see them.
• • 1.41.eos,. Scarfs, Ties and Collars -the latest things.
P -
,., 1.
. . (iv EN -To
At tio41 oofilit army rank, (14. '1,118t by the -:
brightursa of f its 51101s I jun; t . . EvERy •
ture wt.. have 800u. a little' boy, v, bo had 1131civ11t. 0"Pi-1's 118' .r.ti".)trf)1")it11 -al' '111" •
• Lever struck the1135'with 'a whip, Wenn.; ..ot horrw,. (14.' lo to appal . and ' , F:711ftY • 4;4 z -t, r:
hut who - hatl,. gii-ett Lilo ffititnal.many •'-'''''''(?:11 lit' :LI"' ("(''",1'.- 1 c•L i'i -8111'1"'="11 1'1.4, 'It'• L'' ' L**;'•10 el 0 a g .L.' L
tot apple 01 thtys golie by, stmk.ii.„.; bil, 1 thitt this noble, !statue origitially
and playing with hini----at the.time we ed d" a tbn l'it)"s.Pf th" ''('"1-ibuit'' -.---- ' -"H -":- ---
l•ave st.cti evitat this little fellow titlf•it o 0 . • . - .
• bolonoino, to diet heitird built by kng. ''. •• cl -,- • 1 1. .
'11b1 a s
de horse quioo..y- f)y 1110. foretop, ,toii,. Ilstus. (:;!;:,,,,rin lona& of his favOrite'.
tc•gether they would go .to 1t 1,114. da:ught)(''j 01411. 814(1'1w="111g be:1-':;11"''
. ,
. • point, :Or perhaps a lady. makes Ater. .
. • IsTINT NOrerillnilitliiiitkINlitt.
„ „ppearanoe, in Whom the horse revoo•-• . •...._-_,
. rii:/Ls EL friend wholuts; freqU (Italy i'e- -
'-I1Tr. C4uillet,. tIM"ConServative• can-
4.alt•11 111111 'with a lump of Sugar: Ile (Witte elected by 'a majority' of
doffs not e, en .fo;: tin; lady to . ...:'. ' MIS :Z.' P. sr sy.,t,,,t•NED. • . ..
, ,
• Lome to hint ; for..fie• goes to her,...anil , .
-(obourg, Ont., Dec, .19. -The • .6Tee-.
the simple lump .of..sugar v.:iii enable tion •conti,:st for. Nest '.NorthunrIn••
his mistress tO lead the VOhle,11orso.0 land toOk place.to-:daY, 'in Which great
his stab, n task Which all. the cliasini,. end) usimm1 was slit?,wil on -.1kitlk sitleS,"
, .
. • . • •(,eorge (Aallet the Conservative . can, -
and yellint, of the hired mEtnlias failed ' . , .
to. acca.mplich. The in teiligent animal
- ' is -attra,(itod neither by the 'personal at',
Lt..: C
wietcalf. (et
t TT T _H: 0 ItT1L11
Before tlte afivanee a 'complefff rf-ingii of - 1,A CK and Cf'rlati p-sn"1-($;t.
Thene--goeils are 20' Ph' CENT. PRICES, at19rd7.
. . .
ing an excellent of..portunitv fot tutenilino• pUrchaseni to
" •Oct. T111111-1.1ANDSO.J111
• .
..1tE".1t1.?..NIll'',11 our ustia,'!. 1tIS.001..-TT of 10 PEP.'CIP4•N'T ,&T LO an all .'.
• , • . purchases. fur. P it' C. • •• •
• .111.S1II. •. •
IrEtving i.'ompletr•ti onr: Purchases of
• ,• Clootis,for tilO•
. . •
'N •
I. •- ,
6S; The; •
p . proeugh fellow e who .striyits.• .0: reu:m, ,o.y... C1(14(184.0,i(14(184.0,1.l,iJa,ia„n. ,ten:c..;(o 1(,W0(c.f0aF.f.!el.leiie.3' )t.,..e.
. d ' b.; ' y.. . a- 3..10
5e',a.jori.t:. y• 'A -Z. --
:. y:,
:-* Tf..A
.. .
iT• r. S• .P• L.A.
• E:ON
.T.• .
followingare.tleti0jortie8 olidaTra6
trance nor thetone of 4401u of the (fIll t
e. c.
• o ., 2•
. a. r. d....
t,„,„.i.p, .. .:.. , . •,.• . it • „,, ciaio; to Nhow one'3.2 the ..
fore a)otte.• A liCtlit, 1! ': intli.,ilflintl at=
. .
. 141 ..... ' TU. •, ,, ..
• .". , . ..
. .. • „
.a.....2. ,,..., , .I..:.
• - A.
. • ...•,_
t.:mpts iv runnitig t.tul- yelling,to. ea,k L(i) :' ' tni- Inui6tit.3. th'illct - 415' • • . . . . . .
1 ,
115 co'v, pr cows. .•i1)y do31,4-sonatur- ' • •• ' ' - • ,...A.11(1 reiri.einlyer tiltlt• WO '1141' (11) ,SQ311(` Ho- recluetions 111 .
.. • • . . .woz)ta.ia.•Trpt% Fileltd.
ally ,,j 444)4. aphimls .,..104 a.wity frthi4iM?:' • A g • - i + i : ' • g • I' I. 1 1 . • •
' •' _et trIelli.l• 111.1.11'et(1 1,8 11 .41.011,i .111(10(44, ' ,•-••••',A.N"l)--...
• ,
o: icythea.
rp .p
MOST SELECT T( )(1 en's Overcoats,
. . .
Boys do •
tf C111.1,3 0, 01' rga(einher ful"t.11 tilat This. ]) oi)(3. cal) (11 )1Y4 cvp,11 1lJy whoa
on former 0e141sion1,•1) 1)04).310 has suc- Nisintitot:o in rendered When one is sore-
, velb:11 tiatchingjhout; 0 sei•ios of ly afflicted with diserzin!,- mere' partic'01.
•1,lows. from 8611,„cud giA ]),,,s tlioso Chillphtiotis and. weal:»1'58es
. !.0 common .to our 4.1)1)114.113 population.
l!eon.teeir resvard. there not sumo'.
1(.;very 11(41110.0lancild know that
ii o way of -sec lb" 1.11.0i1 -W211 or trie :13itters are 'woman's 4.1 (1 frieJ,a,
in nutintuiiig Ikeni as 1441 and Svill.positively restore lnlo to lo 11
• wish 1114.' 4.. Ex -110119W- pilule on the 04114 whr.,11. all othcr remedins 4.411 <•‘•
' • (de tri:.1 v.; •
• Lead of • es r1' cow; jost. behind the 11414. a \ s r"("( (HU ‘1.8S19't1111).--
• . Til(!•:y are pleasant to the taste Ear 01 1'
junction of the hot m4, whieh 114 e0111,
costs fifty, cents a lio'Lle ,40.1 by i•
1.'014 full of (lust, short imh4s, lt. -
effusing the ttlii111:0 '1.11 1:011.-; • -
,:.f.tion. It is a nourUe 01 ex.trelne Dolman 'Liver l'afl Co
1fleftsu re to the cow to have the Spot • fkkix'l'h -1 fi'(.1 It luY tlitt.Y.tu giye.
,..,.riLteht,,t, anti (since atom 1044.1 101) you._ result et the llohnan i7(:).
Pad 'which botott of y,)a •.ftliont a.
.z;:e floinfal Injeself• cannot reach it, .
itg> 1 Ilati 0 open troubled
If um'', when bur kori)or alTroluilloliberf • With uever1 . dpipepsia, and "indigestion •
idler ti the stablo or in the pasture; i tteeornpanifal. with sharp pain 111 regie' ifs
era of good may at ono° be 05ta:b. th'irkil-neya for ri,bopt 1 y( '1.1, alai It
, littady became- so trouldesonte that
v. le 1 isiret1 if )» attention is piticl Oral-
4could. eat nothing without great suf-
cl!ilog this tiollow spot. 1 f, „At' Y6""f, ferinp. 1 hail 0' ((1 most of thnepepul-,
8pproty.111, the cow 15 a little.Shy, modiefttes of Um. clay, -but with only
htir t'0111 0110, hand a 1181)1)111 of temporary roner. oougnt tne _eau
fano' y Goods,
Stationery. and .
• •.. •
. 141 the conn,ty..,
e y
om oe-h
• cop, 1-511110 •Avith: the , other handlou 2 withlittle or no faith iIi ii,- but 1 alb ........_Ts...,.........
.4 .. .
' ' • 1 happy .to say „it ham 1 beheve entirely ..'.
odtly scratch the' • partiettlar spot rii , .
r-, Y ,... 1... t 1 • ' t '
14.11) i,ft wearing it 28 days, so „ , • . •
..„, ,411' Joao Inentioned above. 1(1 a very : `'It'eA,,...
, that .). ean .0-11(40 10010 eat anything Y -'1V1 1: S 1\
rt. ,„,t),.t time, whenever you go into' thexr . • •
witliout feeling' any ill ellects.- lt is
• - ''4 ' .•,i 'A .1- ' .. ... i .-.4.1*.
1, stur6, the . whole herd will come to
'worn 'Without any inconveniettco,and .
;00u, t') live their heads serataed..an d it eaiLirdiaited. '
cannot bc too strongly recommended.
.1•:012 will soon be satisfied that it is as.
'• •
• 444411 to have them Yours. trnly,---- follow you tts to re, .. ,
• N. P..1fAintisoros. AETCAJI & STEPKN8ON
.ott to 'driving and . loud noile.-
... .1 no/4mA Ualticalur,
. . . itaLtvAit, N,' S., $ovetaber.• 27(, 1811.,
. .
9!• . 41)1.14'0itt;e
Boys do.,
„aro 1'ouud.t.0 di$Pose of.
Do1;:t fail to See the •
Who .have been engaded for. that evetfing,
UK3, ,the• 'Clothier.