HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-12-02, Page 8P
=,-°ir$er •„ices. i,1IF 44);1eald iit...thei ebool
house in tlie4''i'pperary' 'app 'intmei t
3nstend, of dhe'clhurcli mi formerly. .
The Ohris Amos• -examination of the
p} nils atteaadang Porte 's ` ill ,iclhaol,
takes place oa.Friclay,Deaeniber .15th.
Mr. W...7 Qrbispn, of the Bayfield
Itoad, lost aAui h,er of valuable cattle
014 week, t;y the straw et:,ac,lc falling
on .them, .
The examination aiid entertainment
connection with 0..S. No. ', conic.
,tP on 7."uesda�y. Deo, •loth, slot on Fri
,ehay the 3rd, as stated in lash week's
'Issue of the Rcon}1, .
• Mr. john. Dempsey .has sold his farts,
composed of,tots 36,.11th 412th con, and
containing 160 acres•`to Mr. Courtice
of Pickering, (brother of Mr. J. L, .
t'ourtice, of Porter •Hill) fo>♦L the round
Susi of $7,450, 11It Dempsey is one
of the old land }arks her$. and has been
a hard working ' }ndnstriuua farmer..
Mie intends removing to Clinton.
1Ve and glad to learn that 'Iv
John I anter; 1uroti ' .Road, who li
t>een ailing for soulgip a bock, is agai
able to be around, ' '
Is it lawft l for liay4eld Council to
erect a town hall on the Queen's high-
way, and block up the road !' .
We notic,i that Mr Geo, .Parke has
been appointed as 'poll` tax' ollector.
A few day's wbr`lr` with ,i "sn1a01'salary.
ITEMS.—Business is .dpu;isliing
The Red Lion hotel 'Jias.a`new land-:
lord.—.The fishermen•arro'all• hbine safe
and sound with lots of fish and money.
Is it according. to law or not, to
print the auditor's' report of a niuni-
4.4 ality'i' I would like to be informed
on this point, as Bayfield Council 're-
fuses to have the auditors': report for
080 printed, and ; the ratepayers
. would like to see how their Money is
spent. •
The town ball is rapidly approach-
ing completion. They are freeiinu the
plaster on, 'and • the lumber is coining
up as ..fast as Thompson can cut` it
The gallery is a grand affair";' although
the •nedliomete9 lita,s condemned it.
The lockup &c, are old fashioned, and
not according to Baltimore: style..'
There will bo a. big push for the
U,eeveship this year, as Miller Thotiip
tion is the .uian spoken of:as coming; out
in opposition` to John, and the people..
s>f Bayfield could. not select 4 better
man for the position, ns he has always,
” stood by" them, 'givinggood satis-
_fAction in grinding their .wheat. and
,awing their lumber. , a is an hon-
orable, upright fellow, and we wish
Lim °success and •hope that :when. the
election is over,, of being "able'lo;Say,
Hurrah for the new Reeve,' Jas.
A young lady of this place biu§l ed
considerably'the -other list', on going
into a dry. goods •sture rind inquiring
for " patent belts,:'' to: see :how' the
.,aerk.snd his employei sinil4..'
iVe have confidence-. in recommend.
• ing McIntosll's• lrgtel, of tkiis place,. as'
a first class bonse .. to ., the travelling.
community, The ,house:_is well •'fur.
niched, every accommodation is offered
to. guests, and better than all, the e`ob-
liging. landlordxie°- Mr.. Archie Mcln-
iosh is a "jolly good fellow.".' . .
The Council met on the. 16th nit.,
pursuant to adjournment., in Haskett's
hotel. Member,' ' aII' present.:, The
Reeve,m the chair, r')linutes of pre:
vious sleeting read and ' approved.
Moved by Mr:' WPiz, seconded b "•Mr.
_ 'sok, that the Reeve be authorized ' to
re°let.the Governuient•drain- if the pre-
{vent .contractor does not push the wo
on faster. --Carried. Moved by .11. r.
Cook, sec. by Mr. Jtibnstoile that the
nomination be held- in Gorrie-:Orange
Hall, and that- the follewing'.be• the
i oiling places and ..deputy -returning
°facers; and -that a by-law be. passed.
furtbe same.:-- •
Polling sub -Division No. l.—In Xo.
I school house, Patrick Keating, De-
puty Returning Officer. •
• No 2 -In Lakehet 'Orange 1x11.
,tot4, Eazplwood, Deputy leturning
i'dicier•. '
No. 3. --Tit. Borrie' Orange '7.3x11.
•W!Iliai.n 1)ane, • •DeputyReturning
)dicer '
No.•4.---I' I+`ordwirh Orange Hall.
.roseph . Driver, Deputy • Returning
i )dicer.:.
No. 5,—In 11o. 18 School House.
tViiliarn Mckeieber, Deputy Return -
big Officer.
No. li.---In Newbridge,Orange Itail,
John- Gorbott, Deputy [teturni„g
, )t}icer, .
A:cconiits passed, :.._-Win 'White, re-
moving Wood at. briilgn on eon 6, 44.50;;
Wm. Spence, repairs on the Spence
bridge,. 1; 11Tttt. Higgins, re airs on
%ipproaches •to: bridge on 13. line, X34;
John tindorwoocl, rep. bridge ani
reit rt on 13 lin 03,5q; WV".elt, dain
on Con. A, lot •1.5, $ .25; V" i . `'i ��„titin,
stti; rh $1�.g• r=;5
Paul ,ow, repairs to' scrapers, ti3;
Stephen i ng ;clra5t on plot T2, con
13, $1450; John Watters, drain en lot
12 eon. t).%, 31. ,.Moved by't(i...Wier,
pec. by Arr. Gook,"that tilc> C'ouncii do
now adjourn to meet at Ifaiuito0k's
lintel, ordwich, on the d lid *'c lues
day in December next. 1Vti. ,DANE,
Township Clerk.
.On Saturday last, as Mr,..Gep. 'arke,
agent, Bayfield wets .going into Louis
Shield's blacksmith shop, here, he met
Mr, Shield cowing oei witha'repolver,,
the ]nuzzle in his left hand asci the
stock in' his right, LIe moved to Mr.
Parke and said "1 will shoot; you"
when the revolver went, off, tarrying
oil' lits first finger by . the first joint.
Although about a dozen people were
standing around, the, ball ;..issed thew,
and, passing near' Mr: Parkeentered a
wagon box on the side of the street
.11,1ora1-.do not trifle with .firearms.
LE1T.—Mr. H. S. Mc11Ionaglewho
has been on the RX eiew Sts( for some
time past, has 'Secured a position on the
Paisleylidertiscn i.. Harry says ' the
"SPondnIlion was not fdrtljcoming regu,
lure noughti to suit hint' here. `"" A.nother
victim has taken his place. • '
RAILWAY MEETING.—At a call from
the. Reeve a large: public meeting was
held 'in SYatsohi's Hall on Moihdeiy night
to discuss tint question of a bonus to
the,. C,rodit.'Valley R. It. ° Mr.','. L.
TJiorne ,occupied the chaiir and'11r.. J.
Kelly acted as secretary; The meeting
Was addressed by Messrs Wm, Clegg,.
Y. Kelly, W Prunlmond, I)c: Sloan,
Q. Etamiiiton,' +'. Metcalf and others.. All
appeared to acknowledge the necessity
store 1lailway accommodation. The
only point in which the speakers dif-
fered was as to' the amount of bonus
the village yeas 'able to give; After a
lengthy discussion it Was niovecl by P:
Kelly.sec, by P. ` h4eteaff, that the fol
low.ng delegation be appointed to`at-
tend a meeting in Brussels on Tuesday
viz. W.'Clegg, Reeve, aid Messs.C.
I3amiltorl,`1). B:`11l.cKinrion, Dr. $loan,
D,; e'rwili, J. Carter " §,he motion was
earrt�pci unanimously.. The• delegates
were instructed to liledge ' substantial
support to 'the project, The fee>ling of
the nleetkeg was that the village must
have another ]:l: 11. We believe, in
the hands of the .abley.delegation, : that
the matter' will receive the attention
that it merits.
ata Maus'
• 1L"k TEM, *
Goappleted our Purchases of
Goons for the
oliciay Trade,
we ulaiui to short' one of the
R C - : .S. T
Pansy goods
utf•tii,oery gat
• Jeculiery,
in the county,
tl on.
A: 91#1 solzcated,,
9ETCAlf &:so'
° ' Blyth, .Ont.
Famous canishinF1 ► .>f. e,
Hato .
U110'efOfO thll7g,
Ribbed Shirts and Drawers„.
Plain Shirts and .rawel's, .
•• .Fancy Shirts and provers, 1'
thuoni'I;iits aiirl Drawers,.
S�;otch Shirts and Drovers,
el•'ino Shirts and Dz veers,,
• Artie Shirts and Provers,
: ,+i,slirnere Shirts and Drawers,
One of the Finest Assortments
In the.eouuty,
See our GEoait 75 cent Suit of aderolothingi
Sizes for the Largest and Smallest of men.
Fu/I Range of Sues in Bad
•W.. 'O11` SOP (TT GRAN : OP' •qNII C
JA 01(8
Harling been: to Toronto and purchased
Vis' prepared to offer' THE T y7 ^r� C. .
1 p E LAI •EST e i� . r , ,. , y.
� , . � �; ;lt'LS1'; 1��•0�� Vw�,1:�.T.�;F�� al�t1.I3ES�.: S�I,LGT�D Welt of :••
• . .
schooa Books; Bibles, Albums, _ ..Hynm
. Books, New Edit` owns t
Poets, Dickens Complete works •fin .15r . Vols., 'Miscellaneous
Books . in endless :variety,. 4e.
� �'�..�.: e�rer shov�rn .��.r� ;Cx�.-t-•on
:Taylor's Poems, Fancy 'Goods, Wall Paper, r-:
lin `Fool.
'x a .4.spo�rtment of x r st :a and Just • • d.
��� .. q ,., :�3:���:ire �.
Santa Mum) headquarters • for Ch 'i It--
•It A ii as presents.: 4: Ville it$•sorttue t,
Snbsereib0 for your papers &e, here. 4. cordial in,vitation i;; extendersboth,_... , r
?no (1 t s• north of goods until J e oishe..has seen thefinlest stock toy all, to1V11 �Ilci Coutlir�, o person should 1)lly.
. .. 8 Ot in LiIIItU,1I.