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Huron Record, 1881-12-02, Page 6
As 6 a A pointed criticism need not neccssa GIiIEAT UI�1"'E1G t ca,1v>pl1Ax ars* SEE MERE.' rily be written with a f tie pointed pen ;, media 714'�X The farm of Robert Lutes, iin'Tuwn- one of the Esterbrooka, or "'— a THE HUR41 RECORD aonb, has been sold to James ..Little, of broad poitxted pen will answer as well. I ou want a Ask our stationer for thetA. a al y ,' AND', Gln ANAD�(cPAC,FiAII,AYe I3�'antford, for $61(1p0. Y �'p� . John Gallan has sold. his farm, of 104r - �" God. Pair of K�� »� jg RURAI, C�•NADISN, ' acres, lot No, '9t $tit concession of Salt- Tile ghat marvel of healing.. file from now till end of ism, ` NOTICE `i Cl CONTRA. TORS, fleet, to Casper _^cobs for $4,800. grand cllimax of lnedical4discoveries. it; GO. Ttv f"��tl�l.,'`:'`uf l�"'.'.FO Burdock- i3lmtod Bitters.• It cures -all OF 41,8k; - Mr. Milton, .of Dunwich, has. pur- THE SMAkI, $U diseases of the Blood, ,{bi;ver, Stomach, , — Telldel'SfOr� OI' C 31] i:'1tLaf11 Ol111I1111a� A& the farwt of Dbnalcl B`t;Etterson A Good Fit and .8063ta�•ilon . 'By arrant; • !tents with the pub: ishvr of on the Talbot ]coil, near C,'learvill'et Bow pis, irtn and. Kidnoya, Fentmme cool- t. Y �� the RURAL CANADIAN, the ni•w A'ti• signed t tendons on he re N•Sl r, tileip nntiek• luiuta Scrofula Geursnal an(l:ltlervous, Gua at eed, .01 Higuetl l ptonaur! l % hi lip ouk 1, f r til con- ° for $8,000. ' ' p f• t• anitttral kol'tflil;htly publishe+l tit Turf)tibtr of F'>rnitl,nttY uvvt, ui ;t lump stun, (or cho eon - i i far Dekliidty; and is a. Iif+llablo rOnrC in all w1ilell htis li en pronounced by the t)1't SN tO etrgction ut cb»t },urtica of the matt botween Pork Tlaniel Gilbert l`, sold his Il?. �d� I �1f X11 l "a{ �t.�� t, , %foody and tie Wt -A ond'A valltrak r ,;u, nu tr k mori,s near Orwell„ consisting of 80. acres, to broken down conditions of the sysstetnt hu it 1 n11EL ttnhlioutit)n of th(: kind,, Bar, a di.tanee of )Sonet a1i'c+, Ample Bottles l<Q)Cvauts., Sup}l�ttseti•• by -..--....... — a'ndl tn. " citTnptgrtt lavunrnbly wjtl) tl,c brsir'' S}+et:InatEiens, v,nditu,•,s cf c,•nti:xet neat tgnna rt', Win,. Cook: f6w"300; n tender wki- be cbtaimg u:taplivmi•,n ,t on, vansaian. all fielders in tuedi'cine. Alncrtcan )111t1'nal9 Cf ISN a+ll IN, wt ore su- Q nn p T raciao Ituilwity O'lI c in Nino totsrminitter, an alt-" The tempamnoe people have operns,& a8� Y`T� '�OnLLAR x l:�E�O (`. 11111ed' it) oilel both. Ponos tier $1.85, The the (shied r.ngiuet i s nowt• M. (AtL%%:t, ufter the l dt fire up at Blandon, Manitoba. Serle Mothers who+are startledlatt Stile 14o r �- lthttlllkr pl'i('i` I' thN two ie $2,25, January next,;tt vrhirh tie••plciu+nnciprr)itlrx,twillbe open fur innpeci v a at the ktt x n1Fi•-u. iry6nd>i'ng dealer was filled $10.0) and of midnight ley that ontinow5p houltse r r tilinllbI ally ofour read(•jtl dt Rine )1 l't) p?y Thin timely nett L is hivcn tvitir a view, th+ [living rr .9 •N'l)asti-Wptllrl '.The undereignodl having bougbt n,. nJ•c a w,f ,.m .Il' l,flntl+llalt Fril'lnillt;, ;ill 3 iigelopw is eontmetorsanoPportuntty of visiting:�nd-ecvallalnr. COIPte. @Cobh Of y0n+" little ones, good will of Mr., S. It. Stevons; avishL< t., lnforiu tine On' not 11$ for a prorlt t atiC11' certain Public thnit hN-has on band ti tint Cass st•)elt of i tf' Agricultural by practical t'ttt mor+, we the j round during Silo floe sctagn anti befgrL• the The Welland Scott Act petition, was y g P winter nets tit. are..,ready to furnish the I1 URON RE(;- Mr. Marcus Sinith, who is in chargd of the n(tice -ab signed by -1,800 ratepayers,.but -only means ole vollef £rode, tlttaat d'r(:ad dell- LIGHT! AXV HA', VY O tlar.the RURAL CANADIAN, and thu New weshnlnister,is instructed to gine contractors 1,610 voted for the act. The actual troyer a* your clAldtou, Croup I Such look in Bill Plnth hindinl;, with nearly 411 to bin twin»ill b ©shill i ntedrunlgas on one of the majority against was 768.' >I+'meaYtn you clay, Woe for the triit'intr = _R �-1 j 30Q title illustriltiantt, till for $2.3;►, `Tilt) printed furins, addressed to F. Braun; f:yq„ $ee. pep y sail1+'Ot` 25 Cents It is Ragyartl'S Yel- �t'iar of CANADIAN FAli11ING alone I r Hallways and canals, and marked ' 'Abdor for (1, Anthony Craddock has. sold his faraar low Oil, the ,great Household remedy \VLina, Brushes, Cilirry Combs, Id 1,4Q, rtt lltt,ct=x, of l!Wlacres, being west ha if of lot 2T, 'Trunks, . Valises, (torso Beeretary,, , , r re�rL_ for all inflammatory and painful dis- Clostluln��• •Subs�ribe`ipo� and j;C1' l��✓ttI1,CC Dopt.of IEailwaya and (SunaL, �, - third, concession of aughatg, to rT 1 a eases; DO not ' rest over night again e" °' of year free. Ottyifa, Uet, 2arnjQSSt• George C"bo+ll<y o9: Ajaplt'•, for $bjl t. and. everything that. i� usual) found in a wltltout it.. €) y • °'r' Albert'Rryee'Ft, ,wot!ka tr,•aix aApntent 'first -clue I ;Ages shop, _. edger in Tattle§ nii•11, Essex Ctentre, Qn 'Ruron & ON'ki 18oairand'SavingCo .: '• x� Thursday, was struck • by a. board lie UIQLry to igen on the, "Strnlght Lgan" system it STOVES S O E S STa was dressitgr and was natlfttitly'klllhd. M Loans of large Adminogotiatod; titsuitcial rates. j t: Iiia head .vas nearly( owtofi'1)y,the blow. Interest at low rotes:-JAs'. SCOTT, Barrlater, value. Loc at Clinton. Private htntls to loam at' low rates of 1 intereston easy terms. coilvey,uteing charges tnod•" The farm of rite estate oie'tlle late A. crate.' UHlce In the Beaver Block.-J'A6. SCOTT, 41•e ''tf rth- li te> pe and 30, concession 3, -STORE RE D. B11"UCK'"" tiOrth-I,''sath0 a gOPl�lainl': l'J6 acres ""r� p g' 'CLINTON HIM SCHOOL r f' has been purchaseci''13y, Jphn'li[cMillan, CLAN • '.' .: h hays got, Iurt,e.atUc,k uE'••, , for the sum of $9;1i)03t=atgnpd figure. ENTRANCE EXAMINATION, �D11�{(� Q, A«QES' • SIGN,, o f THE,, PADLOCK. The Niagara Falls., Review has dis- THE next rlritrance F,xanOnation to. the Clinton TRUNKS 1� & 17 ISES covered that the s$ritn er,iii. not well. IfIgh School will be held in the bludel School, on s Wednesday and Thursday; the 21st and 22nd of Ila• which I am Adltn� at cost. Parties bothered with a treated at the Fallk • being the cause of ' cereber, beginning at 0 a, ta:, each day. Intending tiore nock hoises will find rap hair btcud Collars a sure (�_// //�� N / S 1yf� the falling otl' in the nuinher. .of tour w'ndidates, tndE notita the lndpoetur -or too fiend , entre, I ntakoiuy own collars nntl:warrant them all, -H 7•RL 'H BRO A! bel t V t1 eNMasteriiotlaterthentho2latofNovotnl)Lt- Foranyp i �t�J f�S•'��� fists. It sugglmsba a change _of policy, further information regarding the examination, or and adVlaea liaClaIIlell and others to PVP, the school, Apply to Rernetaberthe stand -one door north. -of the Core. g JAr1F.S TURNBULL, Ilead blaster, meitciul hotel, Blyth, sign of the inomim)th Soifer. up their habits of deueptiou and ok- ' Clint on, Nov, 11, 1881, We Have tortion - — - - `D �• CARTER. n(w on iiaticP a'iuhe ftntl esti+arl( to atpck o£ al:) the )it ling stokes tA` PENSIONS wor sOX.Dit1'atiada EIts, -- - . . Belloville, Nov. 2.1•: --Hiss Helen widow/,tatheratmothers at - . .�Ve nanle.,a few. ohildran. 'thousands yet entitled. rensionetdvenq �'l C /^e /' - 5lnria Bell, daughtor of'Mr. Johll BPI(, foror e se DFfoige:`Tnulvor nnd l0fraenRlgnare sn1 4 f� `tJ�l%r!(rZzr�? live 17` ril�(�:.'' t(l7(�l(lf��Z l •��().�('%Z," "Alilne; lf'-00(�� it Conk'" flied last night front the effiect oHnjjlr= soldiers entitled to INCREASE pensioners an tt r � t f! tc t, Jq , )r fttc' ». !t v PATENTS procured for Inventors. Soldiers )' tSt�1'l�'jar ... C1.011"111 •j'CI'(i) (l? is. f1,Yi!gelo. Gf11 91 11�P, ies received b being thrown from a car- land nrranta ron,red,bnnght'aad.auld. suldtera , ,l'. b for r r fn r v )f Tit(, nil a teen ynuiri htsatnnce aend2 IjI rc / t( T.7 C Tltige OIl '1'llura(iay Of last week. ,1'll''.' ft'amDDei forl'Yr�o Cltizea 4Rldiu;'•anrl Peaeioa I A III I�]I , 1 elPi�%�'(.1'?i/i.. L()((.{.G7t A72(iZ., ".T6.lf:J?nnt:." A.d iSonnty haws blanks end ina&ections We I - - - n cry consisted. of con CURS)011 of .the eau refer tolhmunnden(Panaiencrss�dChante, 1nd.e ddrers N. W, pit eratd C .i'rrswx gnanEft4 of. others too mtmoriais to mention; also a cull -stock of Parlt;rt, Parlor Cook ami flail stoves, brain caused b her, hes.4 striking a ��=N`l' tys.Luef$3vsfAs, w�iiaston.A nese ilurner••L'bal Stevetl, including tho ulebratud "IGtli;tut llnn)e." ,r:l9otthr pttent challenge heater,' for Y g r - - � wood, the tifa?!t arpilomicul and ntOrt pow'erft)1 beaker in the nutrkot, �A>IirgC Stock of lint Air' Drum+, Sdnr. angst the edge'of .the sidewalk fn" her {, Pipes, Elbowij eta, Intending purchasers will lied it.to their, adiantagp to gull and get niuca andexiuuintqur, . ' r i - til eo, stock as' we:inro in a p sition'torell at low prices, and are dotenulned not to lie undorsold by ally house .ire 1116 tall.. 11lisa >3ttilt was highly Pstee'med Buckloes A•rmii(,a, Salve, , , .:' I . . -e.1.�• uountJ, HeA.Vo.'1 Cumtdiart 0,lbl (nil; also. American Cont Oil A complutc stook of Lanl}ut and Lamp ytxnls folTMher• amlia612s dts bFltltlOn slid her 'T pq not nfistaite tfir )lace for cbnitp stores, Red itrickStore--Sign of the padlock, Albert atreet, Clintgn,. >i , The Bcs'r.. SALY13 in .the world for :OHNSTCWS, ' I dea•tlt has cast: a gloom over the coni- Cuts, Tituisea,. Sores,' Ulcers' Salt :uuuity: Kheuillf ever Sores, .TebOevt;,@llappetl - - -- RSAPARILE Ht,Ai'�2LAN•D BROTH'�RS. "Hands,, 0;hilblains, Cyofinsi, acid ail•, Skin -- What Corrfesy llid. Eruptiq/+spand posfbitvely cures_Eltley. �(�ft� �t u� f -- 'it is guaranteed' totgivo.perfect sati,•, .' 1171YaDIX40 I DYS1,23 l,r 'THE WORS"i'' PLACE.: rMiere was . a very plainly..'dressed• faction ors honey rt+fund'ed, Price 25 It Ilmoeep dfis,tebrn.2o this antlhl a ill this Towit to. get your` olI erly, lady, who ,was a 'frequent, cus- 'per. box. Fon saltifly J. Ii; Colllbe. Pioigd to,R9 rho801;11LIN r CHE i a in we tomer at the then • leading.' W- y gQo�ly :nt1rr t fort , (CIL IIP:. ACIlEa AIN IN c '(� 0- Y. �1 TT SIDE' OR, 'IXA>rxr' ri 'R COM: �T�" s -v— Q—�-J „totes in BOStOtI, ivp one 4P the .1sYore '- I:T-PIfINT,"I.E$ON7I�..r CaDys Is sit tLe 11111 -Waterloo House. 1'L tSt•A, Y ES, and, sail llt les' tit knew her, even, by- 1}g'ne. All' tile..'_, _HnLL's-,.:V`rrFTAnLr Sfeml!N. I'IAnr apprnseWfNomaDisordered I,�vegornn;tpr�tce R �i �/.����tttt!t�� `/�� cierks but one ' avoi. reit,-ren, and Ave , x ,NEWEIC is tion tn]ce ltlt�iud ,ivo iL toaiheiYcititiilr nP Ph p / U O � T � fiat �A• ■ ■ O V , t t ntions.to'b41 w who were or souse oi, the moo po ver-r-;� xcStorittn, sfciapsprvacr,be itdaily.. Those who wo; - Stock h(Ir ate as a bet P iton�arecommendtitoothers. i},• !,, Kseps file worst Stock in Tcwn. .Idas' prices.. are higher.' t lank (cr drossed,mW;had',>.ln(are retentions. tive agent.5-:1n. Lite vesetabib• kingdom- It is tondo from YeilowDock,.Ilondu• 3`- ; P 'all other Caster ;'he is very iiirlttE ntive'to, his customerf(x uutl ' The exec �tliDH•.was one. youibry than who It Arestores t;rttyt huir .tb•.its. original ' ras.Sarsapgadlla. Wild Cherry. StIl iugta, S ' l Dandelion .Sassafras,• Wt ij.t reen,'nn t i • tltak'es himself generally 'disttgrw,' lile to. every'pt+rson,' tivaib (iotw huiltw conscientious regard fi?i" duty. mblor. It niakes .tija scalp. white (inti other bs. ltl atrwiaetY yolUaetablu n°ntsica°n atroilize hire, and hd.don't, want jyour trade—still, lt&- keeI)k and system. He, never lift' another ctell' It'cures ddnaittlf and Humors, Iugc hurt the^etorL dt l[c�ate onnstitutiou p tx " andWltllin -out of thohai'r.: It furnislicif . It is one of the best medicines ia.Ule i ropelt day and night. customer to wait on the. lady, -hut when S for Re ulatingtbeDowels. at"liberty he waited 'upon' her with as. the nWh•itiviiprinciplb' by which the. It'Is sold brad responsible dtaggists "Lear IIr.P, h.oty thi ► world is given ,to perversion, liearlg ,F,V Eli: Ilt?I2Y' hair i9 ntsttrWhed and' supported. it, at one dollar fbr a quart botW4for.six B :aueh• attentinll.aa th'ou h slie-lead been bottles forf4vehiollars.. BUYS FTtUbI HIM. . a princess.- ibis conifuurd' for a ,year makes the, haul molst,, soft and glossy, Those who ttamaot notate s bottae`ot , r noel' iK tulsttrpasse<i u$ a hair cltcaaitig. this medic'ine•irom ,their dma st:ma _' , or. two, until' the you -m :ligan becanie•of send us one dtuar, and wo wstllieIIverlt j'�4M ] f /®. r . It.is tile:.ihost� eeonomical'preParfttion . to themireoofaanycharges. The/ ``j t�7 /' alae. One 1ltoruln> retie lady approach= ever offer¢d to the' public;; as, iDs+effects �D; IOHNSxOli `i'C0., itlsnafutureras ed the yowug+man,. well th.e. fdilloWin ' ;' a r g reirlapl, a" ion; time 'mnitiill; . onLy' :an AMHER8TB41RT, , ONTARIO converb tion took pl$co.: oceuglonal, nPPlicnti0ntnece5sary. It'3s, A�' Ike ht, • t7l1 re wan JJ Ladd'' : 1 ouu l.man, do yott want' t to iT aommenii@(l an(11 usectl by , ellii)gentDon't .a u F or�Hrs Goods � alth' g i>��' ,. Sold liv wA rS ec Yo o►! et' ,,o into%busines&-fbr yevrs�l�''1 nitfilcal meli''� algd oflli ihily endorsed by :. Yeal-ma'am). Ila. respon6d; 1)4---I. .the ,8t�ate' Ak4sayer ot: Arassachusetts. Chemists LC x)ru oititsi Clinton „ ihv'eneidler,• the looney,,.. credit •nor. '•Tile popularity bf. Iintl's II'uir Renewer Frientiai) ne• wiil"anv alA trust tile. has increasr.(h.with test of .naiiy Well, cohtinlierl the ii%d volr.'o years,. befit+ in .this" country. ngi(1 in Lcrn le'ail'ac ember the e t i Y ' r'0 foreign• itux %.lmd:,it is. now knol¢n and THE'MOST PO.P'UL1AR ,eieot a good, locuti0i) ask - `hat" tit(- o f_t_• t+ iSc: * ' K usetlt ill trill tits civtlizec4 countries 6f -- Opposite Post c01 in they. ��� �atePl.ao tae•, hu nun. is, her af)drPs+. —handing the wotkii. 'MINE WHINE he rent anti report.tn me t l ot'.salt 'by ill` d'calet�l� I S e The young mall Ant, found a capital, ad� `� �. R.O��� !ndtt"lan andgood.:store, but' -t.hn. land, ... -. • . .� � r T - Itird watite•d security which gni could yHl UNN�N .'. Mindful of the lady's rte tilt give.. i F iut tit, It £tint:itslbh -went to her ail(t re- h Ifa,armore's Artilk,ial Ear. Drums. i He �pL ,yam �j }�7 � !Ila-,iZ5I, tt and •afro Huirty ars.h ehel feat rine Sha � 5 ®®� I«'etl, she .rf .pliPrt,. yr'U t;0 •anti ti 1. haertaugg I•utlrvly dost fon ninety yeara.he hears with them, Jt;flttitYal ®��it `�J even xNtill*rs, dlstmatl) pre not Observable. and re•• Pit,. ---that I ivlil''hr' respon.4+111�P, mp)n iun^A(tion withuutsid. 'd s byttve aror la-- min ,� u C,\tYT:ItY^P t llo not ba dycalved b)' bngiia edr drums. A(Ine... ill- wvilt, )Lull the laufllord or nrrentS,, is the ontymiaoeseful aruficial ear Drum munefacLured, e JOlfe Qarmorc. S:'W, Cor. nth & Raaa Sts.. Clncianati 0, � / � ', ' Wrll;make, fox rile nex�.t�0 days only a'grand Offer•of ',vwi sur)ri�ed but;. ,the llarraln' was 1 PRAcTi ,e�ttti ' °E I -.L O ` :D :.. G + ` ' I iII.11 cloi;Plli - �� /:� 1 r d,/� i.`\ � . The uf•att'dhv the lady railed iii aster;- ®®A .- ain the rf•snllt,; '•1111(•.' ono . n)an told Tnctreatproblemuoived. 'I'huiti tridua]carettllITcan. f3�� t�'$J�. �ftjC fl'Ye GYaIIt7r. PIan,4-Tor o1?J� f 245e • , sideee from tkc agu.Uf rospensi bility up to mutalrity.ia ra. + ' her, belt a,l lrhl what yrnl)g I i10 for . R'ird to Education, home, society. Etiquette, . i a ( iluggi6ecnt.rgJea'hod cuse elegantly linNItild¢ S strings i .I.Z, Oetoveii full.oatolit cantante ' Amue mentse re a. Love, M•irrlage.,pual- 4. �{ �. r n )nide+, our, n w )Stent orirvtrnn venle, likuriiNd utncd logs end dtro htxxvv suipent rr x),i5 Z 1\n mie will tl•11)ef tile. 1111OBSS��¢tea l/nlr lrrca./:F.grrre cYR tr)�r. $evad+)P+nnrrA, '1 .>J. J t L"'• 9 j.: b . TheMimeabounds.instrikitithouglits.rurcinformati,m v_" E i :u coil larl.0 i,urc)'}ngtildnrig'tuund Case,. fuliilron 1'rume, ]tr,atch;llrund Action, t r,,nd Hamtpurs,ln feat every You nifty gii rt)1+1'•eA 1ilr.---,•and; `\ling"uTjmulout-�rseptalUfiWWl agpriteuiakveiatWWaahhAro. � u1)i4vetnr;tat;vhrgh'eipthrn�y,vny:atulttstbc,ptrfwtlon.gfthc:imnlrutitbnt=hosbeennddedi X11'.•--- till( tr•11 `.11r'tll Lit rflll ..On file. til(+' oBendforcirenlnrgTandozrrfl;tiai,'e�nns Rra.,yaddr,�Rs.. 11;"` ��' vi nue);rteefurtitit,instrunlentboxell still delivered on' htrtrd Lars at .+ J. O. kteCUltl)Y A. CO., ! 41hWe1Dblw 1 a. ,,t - i lr titid, and hitt store was 4fitin Stnclt_ _ 5 O .G. �Lw 1'ort,;with.lhtc Plano Coter,.Stooland Book; only. $_2 O0 Tip ;P)&i 1':rArto will lin nihtt On test triad. Please sent) refomnce, if you do not Gond moues• oath ortlur, Cavlt '••1 witlb the best Bonds ntl th+t )narket. 5 cut n•it)rt r:+&r will be ratunded :tad t~sightehan;os jald by us hkrA wata it I'ianq isnot ypst a% ropresentt;l , l� ('here ttrp tnally i'fl filo city who re .11 tht9 jkweil)'Altletlll•rIC. .I'Itglla:d,,1111:+ate. Scndfor (,ata ugut r^w.isrJ inatrnercut fAll}'sirlrranted for i Clio Nem Xork '1Veoklyy SV1Lnt s,t from•yopr S EOS w°iiti toRdt)0 (with,Stnol Cover nod, nook), All Acridly First-class And In+'1lrbtlr (lie•elreums;t(Ene(IS and tbf• man, ei hheran4 see if_it is not,iust the NewspaPery'on � o � lnld 1St Wholoj Wruatori r- ices. rheve Manus made oso of Che' rinu�+t -MR ,want. lthnsvverythfn(}•,:TlielatestnewsfromAllMit•ts, cttspi'aykinttileccijtcml.:a Exhibition, and were unanimonaly nco)n a Boston plipon j4p +lard nln.rTy sort of Fulton 5trwt Prayer-i[eCtfnF, the lndepend- as 1AII br •. P' _ uund'ml for the Iltalte r ifi)toxg, The Squares contain our Now }'ateitti i v •ori alntfe aiNl left )► fnlaUtlt' pf Re;t1O'- ent0atkolicchurch; everything that is of interest to ;•t ex ' n. ronIn>uuirketw stories sotnethtni tointi rastthe - Scalo rile l,tcateat improt.eniellt ih the history of, Piano mnldrg. rl)u Uprights aro tie tlnost in Amertw. q int p u)stal card and eta ' �'-' tt. „ fasitivcl .tve uatku the tine t Plano+, Of'thoriohest torn su+tl He:ntcat dt)rnbility. Tbey ore recommended by i'1,1(j, Rn nattk:li fele nitre nraac,and 5n touch rAtll+ -•61.50 a year. Send, q d . is � J P s t•alntea 'co v., JOITN-110 -GA� & CO;,' 1 yaude "a'iv ,- _ _ i tile lilyhest'n)nsl'cal sinlhoritlea iu the Lowitry. 0vor 1.1,doU ill use, and net one diesatistled pnrdtailer. AK for ri\ ili