HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-12-02, Page 5'hilts merchants here arts (kiln; O. good. iiritetutrvHx,:},u t set till Wrists its s of hint attar arts iii t prosperous i•;i►nllttsoit. rrl1H 100J)OZ DOZEN'. GOOD IC(J�'I I:-111 ail Dl." UJJJ3 ,`Xa SOCKS; ---- Yatiou.al . oli:y has dime a, share of i the work. - .'rout the nutllt•r of boyo sIeigti viil',7Ig town tr• • t around Fd' i. I, the ,•i ick ttoul,l •'••• ,,ai kis itou.= q siett tits, 1•tit•iw.,11 is 1,!tt:• - r ,,, ,e4v*i I. je� F t1tstl11.11 t ... •ams Great Try... Goods. Hesse, a DC7"..•,.1\17T to le;.seep 0 ti 1 Lev. f• -!.elms AND. DOZEN 00OD�DAS, RK DOUBLE: 'MIT To till a I p . Ort r 1n next ten days, :1i.•s,rs. Wlllaui Bat, z1a1 ! • o • intoe, wive returned tram Litt a Letts, *t 1 the neeth-14t, with S t f , tt F ,; :• 01i.Ce 1ar]y 1(ud Those...;.aayy,��Y ////���e ��. �y� y■ w.� 1..i■. j1iK.i. rhes,, -1 i, , I .ire a -A .,5• ' •.cess, 1,. . r elltesl i"•e, lwt•Yaway. ..-Ott .11n,.,: • j: afternoon, •:7,a G 11.11' =M7'ti,•een. 7 ilio• di.. denting into the. village, t�.he bolt, etp ne asst of the tongue*afa the •herses ran oil;. The driver steered beta for the corner of J. J. ' eetinan ti store.. The tongue ran: under the side wads and they .were estopped without •'nuch injury. . The Scarlet FOltapter was opened iltere on the 4t1t inst., by District, Alas= 'ter R. Mahood Esq., of Hawick Dis- trict, assisted by'.County Master, Perkins, Esq, and others, when a very. interesting time, w11,8 spent. . Some •levee members •wtfre_ advanced to thb sdegree, 411. the inembers present,. 'there being some forty-two, were de- lighted with the tneetiug- l..Fn Tuesday last, a very interesting. • meeting was held at the residence of .ifr. Samuel INIcelelland, lot 1.7,; 4th • t•o17., .kiowic'k, about two miles froiu Ford wieh, on the ot:4af•;inil of the golden •wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Ale elelland• • l'ur'es was .sante, forty -,children and ;isranii rh'id.ren present, villa presented •bot.it-Mr. Me(,Iellaad•,:anrl•lais lady with • a valuable purse of -money each.The►tt v SV u1: �1 ilimott, of Ford wie i was • present; and :gave h, very •interesting and instructive address, the afternoon and vening.-was-spent in a pleasiailt. Manner. D)tlrtgatinaui. Platisoxars —�llr. 1'oititer• fir bonne ' frosts Chiea.go,'•'tlte. •• weather beings ton t_xtld out thereto• work at buildiu„a, lie says that'titere'ttre good • tiines :out :1teet;.-4r Itnllert.West,'has• also ar- rived from Dakota aturl Ives a favor- able -repot t avor-able report of the place..: • - : NEW AItrmcL a.--Air."'McArthur, who keens the Post Office 'Of this.place, has purchased some liontlsonil; ,articles to suit the shape of Ullristattanl pres- ents. \Ve feel satisfied if •5s,11ta.. (haus •_p in:bases Iti;i art elej iter-,the_:.stuokpa;,5 at the post ofliee, the children will lie well satisfied- . • li KLwIol's.—IRe.v. .1t,. Taei &k. Pres , Ityte'ian minister •of this place, .tt il1 preach a spectn,i'.sernton for the young people of -the Sunday School, svi ich is be;i•ng closed for the Winter ninths. It is to be hoped- that ;there will be a vrowtl of oldex people, 'as • no. doubt. there• will he •something. kr • ikent to • learn -as well as•the youths, " A rTe'rtot• S�z.k• -'ATr.' Cerise -mai:in: this place sf Ming. oil solos .ban•keupt= stock,,which fora erly-belonged to 'Air. l'lios Reid and which was --pilrehased by E. Drew of "Exeter. '•;`♦1t: ' Drew succeeded in seliing'off Seine of it, and' tidally got Mr.. (funic to dispose ofthe retnai:nder, but /toll failed itis st31'Iing .it, all. 'Whatsti11 . remained was i acked, and 'sent-to"Exeter on Saturday last, Soc7Ar,.—The'niethddist people • of this place, held their chicken social. last week, and 'realized the -round stint of seventeen dollars. -Thi•s'was very goo(); taking everything into consideration., Mr, Altsxantler Pentland ocqupied the chair, which bo'ilid well, with the wish es of the -audience that ho might live. ,to fill it for a - great -nanmber 'of times y.it,- •The -choir also deserve a word ,fif` : tote for their manner of. doing things. 1'iitn(iii1("' {•,Ask:,•--•-•Tsaat Hamlin; a boy of about fifteen years•:of ae, ;hilt himself in the left leg, above tle'•knee: in the -fleshy part.. 'it appears he' had pullet! out hits revolver from his pocket •to shoot at ti rats Duff it'went off strik- fug the.wroli; mark. Doctor 1-fntclriu= son was s('nt for: right. away, but he failed hi finding the •l)ali it)ti his leg. , There has been nmde. several examine - tion made for the ti;t11.1iiiice, but to no avail. Ife•is.apfa'rently getting alt)ng wp11, and it is hoped will soon l'ie•all richt agaitl,.although there will still 're- main the lead in • lia Jett, nurrns. I.Attkfi Tn navfelti, tin -Om 1st ult., the wife of MrGeorge Parke, : agent, of n len. • TIDY, - rn Forehrioli, es the 24th ult., the wife of Mr. thee. 'Nay, of a soft, ii It r, lL, ' lh Cfint+,5NO the 2Ith (Wits; the wire 0f Mr. ' A. hall of n soh. 1111ATil[i . VAi,t,,S • to NOM, W. G. Haley, third son of Patrick Haley, Sluts,. 'I I; to Fittest Goode in the county, and Special Value'cannot be equalled by • any See them. elm. Dress Tweed &itings. • 0 .171 -�y'y- • ESS TWILL CLOTHS. Its Myrtle Green, Navy Blue and 13rown. lack and Colored Cashrnere . - B'lack' and. Colored .Tel,veteens • niutense assorttnent undH�awe •• 1 .OVELY LOT . OF. WOO t. 'S LS, SRUAI.RES, CLQU 11, &e. • *BIG PILES, OF MANTLES \Vincies by the card. :Blankets by the case; at right prices. New Sealette. •Cloth for Ladies Sockets, Lynx -Cloth, Astraclta n (,loth F4ncy Cloths in all,the light and Dark shales worn. Immense .Piles of Goods at correct prices in every ,department, •at the, Great Importing Silk- and Dress Goods -'Warehouse. -cir— ". ,rINTQN. ntle Making: Now Pi full swing, and in ,forst-class running. order. 0111 BIYn!w TILL THEIN POSTOP, stop M..J .BEDROOM SETS, 2 .PIECES, BEDSTEAD, !BUREAU AND WASI-ISTAND SAT $9_50_ • t :GREA.P`- BAR•G ATNS IN F ITRN1TURE .FOR 6Q:DAYS• ' ` B C5A] F',0 C5 'CXR - P 0' i r-7\ ext to R.,(tocey's Hardware Store; New • .Goods Arrruing , .Daffy; CARSON BLOCK;. 0OTT'S, Clinton, Ontario. 1Got>iiiCsiwro><i�t>t. CORN FOR .,ALE.` ,Mr. •'John Isl:eivillc, .leaves town in: a few days, •to reside its Martcltestt'r; . . 1 n'AVI: a tnr,e•atnt Lunt of Corn for Fate and win 1 " •hoopa large stock on hand all the time • . Mr. A. Wool:ntii, has purchased the cnntol,,�ov; 11; 1s41, w, a i't.ltttrx,Clinnton House and lot of his. brother W. Wood-. Tlie i4unaiercnek 'f.zr n•;. was >sold �n •NOTICE. Saturday for $5 floc 111r.t Jas • Mc ' • -- � Cool, being the purchaser, This: is ciiii- siiltred a, very cheap plaice„ • d'1L1; x,Tt N iuAttii& i;'rt4" (4'orro, ted t•.eory'Tltu00,ey atternoent.) • •whets, fall per bush., • 441.'95 to �1 14 [toil, • - i 17 :to 1 to Spring, treed aft, . 1 :8.' to 1110 Pip, 1 21 '70 1 511 Oats, - ea 3, _ to n 22 Morley, • 0 77 to n 85 Yeas, • ' 5.1 • to . (t so Floor, • • 0,50 .10 7 00 Potatoes, • - • • 0 51) to n' 55 nutter, • - o YO to o 32 P};ks, • • I lav, !fides Sheepskins. ileof, Timothy,' trIttn'Cairt'eil of the coil oration of the County of tittrOtrof Q.itlere h, olill Ll uthe oththe fbeeetnheCourt r ttire next. �Ali at) o.uuts agatdst the'ouRcli must be. pont III yeter)4 the fh5t• session of the 87000 thse of meeting, i'F'rb It AI).AMM8n'�, NLVembew 10, 1.881, County' Werk, .NIGHtT -SOHOOL. 1,1: those wlshin tet tettetitf a nli„}tt sChonl to Ito Welt by ? I r, itghb, 0 the t l ioh Sehntil; lir, ru}sloe, of tlne Model fichot 1, and Lir. ,1. iI, :Ititutting, are requested to lnoOt, on.Xtl'ttl•tt evening, 25th mist:,, !tt theta+npof thCLitcrcry Anel Ioie:ntito 8octoty at 87471) 0 e'l0Cle o nt'1)• ' a - �'li ifi • to 71 id, Neei-1,.bt E'«1, 1181 14 NO to »18 OA' • •. 0 50 to i 04 • . 00 too n 0 t 1 bo on -1t 7 1 i' ( r 3 25 to 3 50 i:, Partnership ; ' Dissolu.tion: f)TT % is hereby given that the Tsirtnership qR• t;itANT..-.In Taelorsinith. on int• Maialt, Alexander 1sttn,tbetw,en theruidrrsi>•ned 1l4 (1rocerse, et0.,, Mt:Ken07i Grant, aged 30 rears and 3 months. f in the the town of Clinton, Will be disso0ted On the idell,Vi(Itfl. -In uullott; on the 25th tilt. Thos, M. 7st of, •1•u,n [try, 1884, Parties indebted to then tivutle aged 08 years deeply regretted,, trust settle the 4111110 11y that date, and those lielding l i> 717 • to iroilett, on the 80th tilt john son of e10itns against then are requested to vend th,nl its. r1lo8LPso\ & lie)i,liS• d t+t'• l - Drren(ber 2.4t., 7887. 'raos..Fc,tr,:aged t,,'1 y;ean1, 9 ult., and'2 • •' for thebig rush,' • All on' Account of ''Eliza, they consented to atop at . Harry Fishers Shaving Parlor, wherathey w0nld got 71.e 11t11114T r►A1n (11'T and 811A'V1ti in foien. Next dour to tlio Contmerelat 110: to,.Llititoth • MY . S EO,IA I T '' NOW Boys� Overcoats.. Wad 1.flSters.. -_ -• O MItNIl SETS THE BEST •VALUE' IN CLINTON • i. z9lack Cashmeres, Velveteens, Wool squares, Blankets, Shirts and Drawers,. W1/ S E ill A, N t. The Dry Goods House of Clinton. Xmas and New Year Qards, ',alaeand l a;'ie.d, 41,88ov11nent (f.ultl Finds. Canadian tSeenery > for Old oua - try friend. EVERY ESCRI'PTION OF HOLiDA p:0004... Ne) Line of Picture frames and Mouldings. • �JQ+RAO:E• FOSTER :iG'rHES'T AWARD e CenfeniiaI Exhibition 1 The Unitod States Centennial Conantlssioa have, 'upon the 'recotnipendatiuli of the Judges of Group No, XXV., have-unapilnously.'awarded to SOHA11.M•t e(: Go,, szianufaeturers of Grand, Square. anti: Upright •T'iaiiorFettes, FIRS"f . MEDAL OF MERIT and DIPLOMA OF HONOR' f(n. the l; biiscntial Qualities of a,,;perfect .t'iano-Vorte, viz;V'oluule„l'utity,•ant! Evenness of Tong; Elasticity, of Touch, and Superiority' of Wo lkmanship. (Signed) ' • - •.fk. T•GOSliO1;N, • J.:1, C'‘101314.1I:Tt, J.:li:l1<11i1]tF1; • ltirtetui General, . . ' i&.ctet 7i•y, 1 `Piesidon,.• gave•seeurecl the A.geiley .of -,tire above for...Oittcu'iq andwiP • keep constantly on. hand a-FU:J'L.L. STOCK. • • •l 21t a word the' SO . s ' t I•i14i1i,R,• P.i.�1.NU IS made to -stand, ,slot diet els, as .rin oi•ua mental piece of Furniture; but as a 2111u:saca.l Instrument i not for a flay or a year .only, bat for. lifetime, ' 1t is honestly made, so that continuous and sesere use will not impair its fine qualities of Toile and. Action, and owing to its extra and siib;Amami case work, it will. venially longer in tulle than any (ether ..piano, fuui • (•enclure0(8 a•• faithful means, the harmonious interprotattons. of -the beautiful is n• naic,,?Ve. will n�unhantee satisfaction iieveryrisi:ct,' •• ••' . e Corpanv gives iilth each Piano ct Yid)'ranty, to .1 e a PERFECTeINSTRUMENt IN EVERY RESPECT, :made of the 'Best Sea 'coned. aterlall and hold themselves responsible for the term of 6 .Years. • ' Organs' i ecox�d� �3an Pianos and Taken n Exchange. DOHERTYr,>.1 ILMNTOR'ill till BNGu