HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-12-02, Page 4HURON 'R EC Q R1.
CLINTON., FRIDAY, Deo. 2stn, 1881:
T/ir Rife! WA (QU,F48.71 fON
A few weeks .ago we advocated tlie
building of a branch lisle of the Credit
Valley ^Railropd from Elora to Bay-
field by way ot'Clinton. The scheme
theist proposed, was looked upon very
favorably ey a large rit:nlbtfr of those
interested, mid by tlio ai,i (tpke `of Day
field in partietzTar. hlii:ee Ilii: 'ttiu' .,
(erred to howit�4, r, a uuutbeir 'of idle r
saltines he`ten diseu se -d alis 1111•' t..
inns 1nfVe been he'd to ; ditteuss the ad-
fessidnal gate bier iuvaritai'ly gets the hat-
ter of him,. It is the same as huntutg
the tiger, which itr said 1o. be 'Very .en-
joytible pastime until the tiger takes to
hutrting you. - it le alwaye, safe to d't
alt'the &Fsumptirin that the ctrang i
Who asks you tit Imes n frieedly gar-
ar 'of eartls'hh the r•LLitvio: date,
pa•.s tlIi time, is After your I'nr ,e. •
' peei.tl efe*',
• tt + '.: ailgiv..ime i>C the best Singer
s.•+.% U! tn:,tlr'tlra that are •)tlade in the
ere': for re) sell fir• 111 e. No nk}'1 rL R
tire% la "•T t a' ,)t 1 iti:r'11. 1t is. war
? • - -t •-t ., hr 11 ln,mufae-
1 I l i . •' i'•V 11 n,' t,ecusrteg
4\'iH notice tear Yetnig Iu.1'rr Lilt •:
(,)list;rvative nss ie.:atom; aLr•a 1i' •g
f oiled ie (Tit 'l'Itn1 J) f tti'of tlle"coule 't
lit two. P11 ; At lie late eunatiI L --
rem o:1- red Sir„ John A. 11e1)oe.;••
111 r • „F :r11,h. associ ttl4.
1 pen thee. t• e rruel;t, : tt
tneaeb e, of ay iI,tltlL to per;/'et tit•
•n•.. ^Riots tittle,: party this roue
visibility of—'ru•nuing a bran(•h ftbtu
try. 'I'ais is'a self-evident feet; the
11 vodsteek to (lodernlh, by way of
,,,' /Yeeter, with about as many signs of
'progress, as 'wrhen `tliey >;t:tirtetl the
agitation. We do nbt wish to tics-
;:ourage those interested• in the build
df that line, when we say that we
-'feel conlill'uut, frons infortnatioi we
'have received frog:' different sources,
"that it bonus could not be had from
itidre 'than one ,cif the •t iwnships in
South Huron and witlio`ut such bonuses
the road could not . bb built. The
scheme from Elora to GOderich is now
being agitated and We Chalk. with more
prospects of success than 'the \wood-
stock scheme.. \Ye have-not •the least
doubt that ere long a road will be
built froth Elora to. 'Some point on
Lake I#iron. .els we stated in 111: pre-
vious issuti, the people of Dayfield are
in -great need: of •', •l'atlroail, 'and .the
route we advoca'fe(1 that time, -would
he less expcnsiva than any yet brought
forward. •A'litne built though `here to
llayfield would-be 'a better 'paying in-
stitution than tike 1GoderiCh. sclrenie
'I heat) 'Matteis should•
be looked iuto
and Sterne steps should be taken, to•
brio; our claims before the. ,conpa}lay'
at an early date.. •
1i Mr. McKenzie—,.is .such `a strong
temperance Mau, 'as' the party hold
'him up to be, why did 'he allow the
ncott Act 'to he defeated in ',his own
' edit titueney, and a lading Reform'. 1.011glloiyd`t '.Caual a.citie'stion for our.
Grit friends to answer,
'rife Grits of 1-Cainilton, had neon-
ster meeting lately, and they swallow'
• cl the N. P. •animal:entirely.' N•o6•a-
-rcnt':wouId they.reduce •tlio 'protection
•c f manufaet:urers alio; :1rave money" ini-
vt;steal in •tlieir 'Hee. of' 'palterprise.
Just like them, •
Sift Leonard Tilley 'Seems to take a
Bleep interest' in the temperance. cause:
Ile addressed allarge. atltlieneo' at Nap-
• tined the other dt;,y; • and: was enthusias-
tically received. •tl'tiis..viii differ from
•the statements sometimes made' by our
• opposition friends,'tlrat :the Tories are
till a party of topers. • '
Tii:r1 Scott Act has been .defeated ill
• the County of Latilbton by a' majority
• f :317 with 5 or 6 places to hear from.
Ile result is very• surprising to many
as l,ambton has long been 'considered
n temperance. sti;olkghold. The county
• was -thoroughly canvassed' by sloth par-
t ies, so that its defeat is , not owing' to
want of proper otgafizatiorl•'•
" Social evil " serins-'to` tie.
alarminglyori the liter ,ase in To:•nttt +:
From some.,investigations . recently'
made, the people aie'-surprised at the
rusilit'aud Have taketltie; initiatory step
• in agitating for its suppression -'.'Meet -
logs are beir1' 1ield'aitrl considerable i11- ,
truant taken ill the matter, and no doubts' )'' ^bring .•w.11eat, ;1,'?•i to w'1,2b )
' • bartey, 70e,, 80c,; pga'+,. 7Oc., 75c.; oats,
strong efforts will be put forward to : 3t)e•:, .i7e ; potatoes, IOii., 45c.; ; batt i',
itsssen this evil, if not to stamp it:oet: 1 Se., ?0.1 eggs; 13e. 'ta :10e ;sheepskins,
5fie to 80e ; hicle>t, ;6,50 to $7.00.
young men have clone much to carry
elections during the past few years, even
111 munieipal•electl.o4$, and, In the corn-
ing • .Dominion elections, no doubt tar'
young men will play a very important
part. 1.Ct l)ehooyes the young men of thio
county, therefore,, and particularly the
young men of this town,Lp take B Ft
H s
for the organizing of'3uch'an assoeiatiou
intine(liately. A- satiety of this kind
would. also afford a•good opportunity of
discussing tlh political. and other lead-
ing questions of Ft het day. . \Ve hope to
see the matter taken hold of at'once, and
successfully carried out.
Prof. llo]nies, of Clillton, 'we undkr-
stallcl,.coutenlplates holding '•a convert
alt is uox's ball .berr;:at an early date,
when no doubt a big 'crowd will turn,
Mr. A. Knox, :e'` our genial lankillord,'i
1154 thoroughly renovated 171s hotel and
mato some very itilportuilt changes ii,.
the same.. Tbelilouse i3 w1.11 furnished,
'and .every cortveni'eLioe and aecoiuinoda-
tion padhie given to rile travelliugiom
' .Morris:
valuable 'colt belonging to Tiros,
(i.njpbell, died suddenly on \\reliihes
day.eight. Gas -on .the stomach was
the supposed cause.
1 1)tovru,--.L.1 Critehenson; late ten.
ant •of Mr. CJiteis lot;'4th con.; 11Lt;
recently., i•entoved' to .l.l.ullett, where hi:
15 •eiigagetl far the winter-. •
FAttat J .saran,—W. Oster, of'1'oron-
to, has tented h1s farm. in Urey,•to \V;
Marsden, of Morris, fur -liveyears, fur
about $200 a year. The farm contains
L00 dates, '
Phut itrssiX1.—•\V, •Jewitt; a sturdy
yoen un,�Ot tine 2nd i:,au:,.purposes erect-
;ing a Meek front. to, his house (luring,
hl> 'approaching snowier, - It is to be.
2.2 by 32 feet.
»One day last week, Mr. S. Pmts, of
the 2nd eon:, was kicked on the leg by
colt.»widen left hard enable .to wall; for'
seine days. ' He fortunately was ai.ot
seriously injured ai(d is recovering.-
1� all:wheat looks well in thisseotiori;
The ,young• folks ars • talking :e'f•
dancing parties now for the winter .sea-
D1cDougadl lla Co., of Seaforth, have
shipped from this. station in the neigll-
'berliood •of. 20 cats of apples.. „
nlr Dickson hall Alas hptel ala roi,o-
'vated fsoul top to bottom. Now we
can ,say we have two of the best: hotels
in Huron County.
'Turner' hs,s also purchased from
l.obt. Young, fifty acres of land adjoin-
ing tate fifty he already owes for Which:
n paid int lire:
ep d,tfain o
11iun1471tttl elections aro itpproael -•
itig and .those for honors' are putting,.
.01) tla•i.r cloaks, giving every lady a.
shake of the 1,atld:•,' flu flinch; so good;
• The •cars are veryscarce on. the' rail
road, and thele is a large amount 01
freight to go away , from this station..
The roai) are very bad atad »At2Z3 htui a
large amount of rani lately, '
\l»4itsnis,—I+'sill wheat;' 1`35' to
td together. •
WI: heartily agree ''ree with. the relmarks.
recently .niatle try 'the Woodstock
7"a:,)4r,t sots Clic .following ,--"t�'ht^, old
::mule 9f nioatirig 'unsori1iistiotttod •an(1
uiisus wcting travellers on the cars still
hoes on. FA;ery week tolls of some
poor rustic being tatet'uby.the wilyMonday evetaltga very
ininihlers, The ri ilcsisy kfthorities ful tea -meeting Was held ill tine • 1 Idiot".
e l er.. . £v )e'`eelles were
h 4e posted.up niltioes 'n eon ieuaus (T'1est t(:.1Lin .( h�urch,
P ill t tip y 1
, 1. threes wArnifig passengers from playing. delivered .by •Hevs: • Messrs.s. 11c1)oth-
:•:;rel:+ with strangers., but the notiuos I aid of • S aforth, .Revs 1'll. :1'1utiihtm.
dii notM('ont tis have -Much effect. The 1 lately Nom : rotlaild, sales Ite4•.
passenger, who allows himself to be .1 1)anley of Varna.' :11114: Mr. Thdttlpson
' 'vheated at oa,rde 'hak.•noboc[y but him- ; o,reupted the chair. I)uringthuintelylLls
4elf,to blame for:•it,. It is a game in I la -tweet) the spi'eclios, the choir ren-
'•i•hiell he tries( to, of latticed the profee I dered •solnu . vety line •sc1eCtions': of
Ntarrial•gatnblet<j but in. wllig1• tTicr,pro- a lli.0 ilr» . ' ••
M)'1tovl,v S*rot,R, -,\lr• J. It. Tun .
net-, 114tH" .purchased from i It; Stone,..
•the • •rept stock raiser of Guelph, .Tt '
firm ulnas , Jl .sh•,tpig, hviaeriouctls
c l' and as he has a fine imported colt
� d, 1 >
it would be well for fukiiiers• to call
'and see his Stock: '
• t : ;.t .t
it t r t l $1"'! •.. •1,tutteS
1" 1, FAQ,. aG ltt3 n••14t1r (:Illi`
t. ! - '0 at •t• will
,t1 :.. •• ,.1 F.'",1 • 1%,-4 1(14(1
11.1( .111,1(' r .i'
slut:. 15 'n 6j,1'.:: wet :.Yin +a•• will
gi t4 14, .„%-r.w t , ,11 ,$$.Lager with t tti t)
drawers, e.te 1 leaf au(l cower turd
full: 1lttae.imiem.
For: 20 subs;el'i'bers and $12 we will
•give a 850 ()ainadian Stinger with t'wo
((rimers, exteltsioIl leaf hurl cover and
full ;tttat:lime its,
For 30 sub,cril)ers rams $10 we will
give a 851) Camelia!) Singer' with two
drawers,, t'xtti:siotl. leaf and eoyer and
full atteem:wets.'
.For 1#0 uhsoril,or, and $5 we awiil
};•P14 a tiji.k 4'aoai1ian Seager with Iwa
dr:,.vers e:•t4--tMi ii leafteras Clover and;
For rib :.i.Lneribl'rs wo 'Chari will give
t 11iittge'r with two draw-
-..ett<-n:•ee hear rind cover urns. full
1 ,• ", . • ' 1. .t genuine (laliadial.
alp; .ingnareilteeita nicer look•;
Li,. l`e j tikes a(1:1 .other eiiltger•
t r un li• �
l(,, 'l'11is is t4 oecietl good
• 1, :