HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-12-02, Page 3t .;! untooirEs. —Rev. Mr, Gilpin, late of MolCilo has secured A position as minister one of die ehurebes, in Michigan at salary of $550. —There are 50 applicationa for tl entrance examinations to the Seatrort Milt School. There are at preset aver 80 pupils in attendance at tl 34001, re-leasenvelitnnteli,lar looking a woinai. as you to stay in the house live rinitiutesi' IP "Sho loosed at vain despair. Oath* ering her robes about her, giting U4 glance of Contempt, she exclaimed ,t "$ do believe that if a. hree4in- e plunder were. &onside 'of that h fool's head he'd think somebody wee t ktiofking at the door.'" to " You Shatilfl have heard her RUM tile door when she went out. Wedid,' The Runciman Porntdry Property in Seaforth has been sold *a Ur. Henry of Newmarket,. wile intelida putting it into warkiiig order at mice,' The price paid was $4,000. --Mr.. Angus D./ft:Donald assold Ida farm of 100 acres 011 con. f3,,Weat Wiewanosh to Mr. Wilson from. Torre, 'or' $7000. Mr. .Wnr, Barbour also sotito the seine gentleman the adjoin- ing, farm for 14500. —Mr. Henry Boller has Raid his farm, containing 70 acres on the. Lake Road, Hay, to Henry Heyrock, oue of the councillors of the township for the mlatofI, $St/95.. Afr. Boller intends going tb Starritoba. --Mr, Alexander Callender has pur- ohased the farm ,near Londesborofigli formerly occupied by Mr, George Rose, and know by the W. Holmes pro - property, for the sum of $l,825. The farmeontains only twenty-five acres, J. M. McGregor, fortnerly of Setifortli, but latterly maoager of the Winnepeg Free Press, was lately woe., netr5e.li with a gold watch, and a 'me:- fsHmetitary Midress, by the employees of that office, to whichlie replied very grateful terms. A few evening's ago, tite menthers of the coegregation a St. Joh it's,Cluircht Varna, called at the, residence of the L. Ii.cCosli, •awl presented hint with a aetlualtle fur coat and driving rti ea - emit parried with, a• coin plintentarty ad.- ..Iretot, to which the Rey, Gentleman made a .soitattle reply. . —Mr.. Peter McGrath has rented •his farm on the 6th concession of McKillop . co Mr. Jerry Stapelton, for the term ef MX years for the'.surrii of $286 per Annular. `Die farm cm:mails DOO acres • and is a splondkl.geodrace, it .is seven •miles froneaforth and MI/ea miles and Idiree (yellers frorn -- A few of the men• of •the Can- ada Methodist Chorehi Airburn,,ealled on the'kenr. Mr.:Hilliard). Baptist gin.- 5Ker of diet pliae,.a few evenings' ago. . and presented him 'wit* .a purse and a 'cry nice address in consideration •of • his services during abstance of their pastor, He replied in. vesy appropriate terms. • • • • few days agotlievgev. Mr. Dam-. Ly, of Varna, was . inadethe recipient. of an enormous loed of potatoes aml ...oats, contributed by those Who attend: his monthly serviceshiK1311001. Section .To. 4, as a tokerrlof the respect and es- teem in which he is held bi.t, the people. Mr. Denby is an earnest.and faithful 4-ihristiait worker, and Welt merits the acceptable gift. . 4 —Me following are the teachers en- • Gaged for the Exeter Public School and • 4.ieir salaries for the en.suing..yetar Thos. Gregory„,. ?Hach:tat, 365.7; Miss. Aggie B.. DicksOn, room No. 2, $280; •Miss L. Were-, room No:3, $250; Miss Kate Atkinson, rooin No. 4, $230; Miss McDougall, room No. 5, $235;•Miss E. Waken& morn No. '6;1225. • Edi tor. *Oaf ." We thought,' says a contemporary, '..4.verybo(ly IctieW that we were deaf ; • but once. in a While we find elle Who is - not aware of the fact. .A female. whor. . had an old book to selleathe to our of- fice the other -day. „; 'She was ,olone,m this world, and had no one to Whith .11e could turn for syriipathyor astiait- •ince ; lienee we should' tuy hojboek. , She had received./1 Uberaleducation,. • rind could talk French like oi.natiiie we would not, in consequence, 'pay her lege. than live dollars fbr a book."' " 'We had listened(' attentively, and. • here broke in with— • • " What did yorwsay We're deaf!" "she started at.„leird• voice, and• went 'through her rigmarole. When . site harigot finished we went and got a roll of paper, made it. into a. speaking trumpet, placed onaetuP tolourimr, and totd her tcrproCeed. • . , " SIM nearly broke a.blood-vessel her effort to, make lierSelf heard. She' itt 3Mmencedr— •• ., "1 and alone in this. world—" " It doesn't/ make the •sligliest ferelle,ri t� 111. husbaild and father. We are not eligible to propos ▪ " Oh .what. a'fool theeman is,' elle said; in a low tone. Thou at the i�p • lutteroiee, " t don't want to matry ou. warit, to lad! a. b.reeok." • "'This last smite/moves' hewled," "We don't want a. •coots," we r - .auteked, blandly ; .'onr wife does the and she, lsou'l sillttat.ait good FOR SALE, - Aone stor,y-and.adialf, frame, house romin-well finished, Ike., with good garden, well and pump, and ad modern cotiveniences. • Lot No.. 845, en mary stree, near the Oreat Western tate Mon, occupied nt present by Mr. Win. Betio. The emetics can be Mineected at any time. Terms Easy. A, 11. MANNINO, Vendor's Clinton 8th July. 1881. • • • FARM, FOR SALE. M1113 North-east part of hot NQ. 10;.cbn f3, Town. 1, ship of I lullett, containing 50 acres. 30 acres cleared and in a good state of cultivation, The place in well towed. Meson is first -chess. It Is two miles from the village of Blyto and will be sold cheap. this is a rare chance to purchase a first.efaus 60 acre farm, For tut.t.particulars appjnyte•Amwrox, Auctioneer, Eilythr •fliyth, Jut)* 27,1881. • FARM _FOR SALE, efOMKOSEO of W. of lot N. 36, con. 4, township at Est Wawanosh, containing 100 acres; 80 acres cleared and clear el WHIN: In a fairiliate of cultiva? tion. The bush is good hardwood, Throe N a steam saw mill on the Mixt lot. There is on the'plaee a good bearing, orchard, and. three never failing springs, a log dwelling and o tonne stable,- Will be sold cheap en reasonable terms of paymeitifi• For full parfteulars Welke en the premises or to C. MA•VILTON, Auctioneer, Blyth. Blyth, July 7, 1.881, • FARM FOR SALE," iPOSED of 7..L cetf: jfkot No, 37, concession 3, • Las t wawanesli, 614,iteres, 38 acres cleafed and. In a good state Of cultivation, good rail fences, good, hearing, orchard. with choice variety of fruit, a log dwelling., two kig stoNeti and sunlit frame barn, •gool Well and pump eonVeit to house, a living stream mins across the back of the place, the soil is black mold with day bottom, it 19 three miles from filyth, d • • • eonven•ient to school. Phis N a flest•class place. ' Ltd will be sold cheap. • Apply- • C..I MILTON, etym. June 10 1881. „• ' o Olt. tot ilarble Work• s HURON STREET). @ANTON, COOPER, Jr., • Manufacturer of and dealerliVall kinds or Marble & Granite for' Cemetery- • Worh, at figures 010 defy compealien. . . .• A.lse rinuitifacturer of the Celebrated Aterirrouix, Sroive tor Building , pur- poses anti Cernetery Wolk, which must be seen. to be appreciated.--All•werk warr.anted to.giye satisfaetien, • Boit and StkOB • MR. H. BEACOM Whites to inform the inhabittintief Clin toix'aird vicinity 1.4)1 he is prepared4 to' 'do • : • 'all kinds of Shoe Making tiRepsir* • • On the shortest possible notice. • Srenclilip or Calf Skin Boots, •deto Drder, $4 to $4,56. or Call and get.other pries .1* , ; • Place of Business—Ainiost Onpo. site Pair's )1414.. . Clinton. April 261111.1881. ' • • MONEY TO LEND TheCANADA LANCED OREM COMPANY, To- •f;tiiflis aepPrOV(Itottnind 0poparty, at the followlug •n Mortgagee!, the infeUr- most SIX PER C,EXT, PER ANNUM, ... rustle .ba)f Yearly. SIX ANlik A HALF' PER, 'CENT, PER AN:NEI*, Payable yearly. _Per further partictilate•WY 40 O. I-1AM LTON, 13IRTIIDA.Y CART* CHRISTMAS CARDS, • ALBUMS Berlin Wealf:Pingtriny Yarn, Fleecy, ..lifo'ttoes, Card Itoard, PicturefFranies, :into Rrautes, • Ph.ofo. Frames, Cheap • iewellry, Toys and Fancy Goods. •. 1-1Z3.1:4M-17 doors South of 13eesley's Millinery Store, 6 • SHORTHAND. A. Full Course of.Forienerafy N published every yearf in the new montho tinusent.; • • THE AMERIUAN SHORTHANIN *Ring and the Exercises of all subscribers corrected Ore the free of eharge. The only periodical in the world from Which sio,rt. hand tria, be learnt without a tutor. T118%Plan of In. sieructions 1 original and the Lessons comprehensiv. %rise desiring to earn may begin at any time, back *intents to lesson 1 \being new subscribers andeeMercises corrected 'whenever received. 8000ollfrrlifis t , Ogg l'itAR (Course of 12 Lesson Sfe -• • 111.50 81sotif Nuituna, - • • '• • -• • • 15c. American Agency: for Pitnian's•Shorthand books and Reporters•Supply Pepe. Circulate( sent free on appli- qation. . fitArk:14 1110E(494 Vineland, N. J. LARD' NE ••• TilE VERT 11p3T MACHINE OIL IN THE WORLD, is rhanufacture43y MoCollBros.cieo.iTorontot and for sale by all dealers. Ask, your :triereliant .,for LARDINE•land tiek. 110 other.. • • • ' • 'This on, under the Severest test And most active competition; was at the Toronto Industrial Exhibi• ton awarded the iligliest Prize, also the Cold Medal at the Provineial Katibition Ilamiltothand the high. ese Award at the rguniiiion'Exhibltthei Ottawa -tie Silver Medal Farmers and ail who use Airricultitral Machinery Will save money and machinery by using none but • LUBIN& •••• ' 8,6m. T.-1 IF E:AND I. ft .11-1 . INtIvRANct.' A general business,' transacted fin • the following Companies. '• Canada Life. 'Assurance.. Company. Capital, *1,006;000, • Head Oftice, Ilabiliton. • Arortliebt Fire Assurance CO., , LONDON, . ENGLAND, Capithl, $15,000,000. . Accumulated Ands, 011,000,000. Taylor Bros., 'Montreal, general agents foieCanada. , . . Scottish Imperial Fire' Inssurgnce • . . • • • _ 01 Glits4ow. • Cap.914i, $5,000,0004 - • Taylor Breit, Montreal, general agents for Canada. Gray spent Seven years in perfecting his " the time tectoired to get a box: of Esterbrook's Steen Pens li just long enobgli •to send to the near; -est stationer. .Wholesale by Brown Bros, Toronto. P ENSI 0 NS ARE PID erorr soldier disabled by arcitienCt 1r cfEltertries, A IVIIIChig °Catty kind. Insect finger. toe er.cye, .111.110TURE, if but slight: diaeasez of Lung* Or Viirle0.15 Velllel give • pension. Under new law theutalidritto en. titled to en increase of pension. Widow. or - Phone and dependent fathers or:mothers 01 •soldiers ete t *pension. Send featamps for ooe.f • e eapell 1en1 Refer talk& franking' Co, ts' et • P. H.:Fitzgerald & Co:, Malin Arena,. • PvIntion and Bonnie, Acts. Address and Pres' t Contrai!Banit, beef% of. Indianapolis. . • UNION FIRE .'IN$IIRAN.OE Bead 011ie° Toronto. .Govetnment , deposit larger •• * than any other,Ofstario emnpany. • . • TISDALE& GALE, Agents... • WILL CURE OR RELIEVIR-. DILIOUSNE8.9;. blaINE88; . DYSPEPSIA, bROPSY, I INDIGESTION, ARITTERINO .,MUNDIOE.` OP THEHEAlig • ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF • SALT RHEUM, .• • THE 8TOM4071,. • HEARTBURN, • , DRTHES8 • NEADAGIIE, ' -OP ruE And every speereevree elites,* arising freagt4 dlsortisred LIVER, KIDNEYS, EITOMAOH. EIOWELSKV oL000. It: MILBURN Latlfr,"-rolitswa, • • Thos. -Stemma n1 UNDERTAKER, %ere Are You Going? 401$°10$' D. Calstelon's CROCERY AND Provision Store ND mutt% Of FURNITUR Raul byFile. Opoo*1 1*o. mut - FOR 30 DAYS": NES' FURNITURE ARRIVING, and more expected -also, a fine lot dire* 0Olitns; Shroud, & lItidertitattg Come and eee, 411 •RACEY'S OLD STAND occupied by Shepherd antittooPilts "." • 4 AlberePtetreet, Clintone• MA NH:A-TIAN Cattle Feed Cattle Chains: R.' RACEY, Iron and Nardi Opilkisite Fallr's Mill, it paws* to veiny Groceries tflere Mos yoodst Ore so cheap, and the Itetrlity 44%4 Ptiv.•• Y/No old rtlf Atte and fres/rt Ur His Bilge**. tietts, Coffees, Prunes, Raisins, Currants, Boneless Codfish, Gold Flake6 and "Fine Cut Chewing Tobaccos, effnalt'be excellcd. Some new designs in Crockery Glasswersh; Wooden Waro, and in fast, everythingtAteviitnt. tjiirni Produce taken in exelitinglf, Di • GA N TELON.. • CLINTON,. • Household iVord:P -'•. • Gil?0C.E.R3t• • • Has become a H..___0rise• lco,I.ffi W:rl.daslas till:: BEST And CHEAPEST'illitce to Groceries, , s • • Fietzi-, freed, • ,0,:Crockery, . . . . 31M. Ili a ...-A-1:%814 - istpts4,irskrts, and haltgallone, s IA. SPECIALTY.' IN 60 Cent . . . . . . . . . • •, ,. • . • CLINTON. : tafeasli.pard for Eggs, , Varin•Pro.?' duce' taken in exchange. . ' . . '. -. • .. . . , . GREAT Clearing Sal ; • Mau Setts from bOc. to 44 -00 - Celery Masses, • Pratt Bowls, with Covers. French, Eureka, • Berlin, compact Ruiter Dishes and Individual But. (ere. Cabinet Napies. Ooblets, 2'amblers, dre., all:very CHEAP tactuar out the ;!tosk. LA -DWS complete) large size $Doetaele. A Pull' Assort - Ment Of Oroceries, Fruits, Ir: Coarse liontime 18. 'Vets Mack erel,seiendfdr, • • THOS'At TREW1N .PIZID E '. Oil' . TILE VAIIIM . • AtEr)tclxii:;. .' ... . (Thule Slakk floglatered !Worth, IfiS1,'. :•. • , . .. . . • The only incdinni that aeba at the same time 'on fhe Liver, the. newels 4,n1 the 111470,! ii. '1%lifne Croat ' 'Organs are the natttrAl cleansers of the srsteln. 0 they work well heittllh. will be perfect; if they become' clout , dreadful iiPletneen ate sure to•follow, with titr. tilde suffering ' M1141118ntites, 'Headache, IlyspeMisi Conatipation, likifi Complaints, lilietimatie Paine.: Mite tor tral ste*ell.- Vet aide by. all pritip:Itdrigt, .. 1 and Aches are del, foitthvicauile the blood is poisoneti, with the Mime ithit'afrould have boon expelledtp natural. , psis,* setter vAttsv Megleiste le ti penises' 1 • ' g ate, Can liti hecl.ttt J. 11..Cotnin and at Watt , C,',. e druggiatil C1Stitob, and A. M Shr1eveiti 220 Ilaihviret / Street, 1.0ilden, Olita,..sole litletor 'for the L' IM*t State" and Caltailake. no Can be had ailnot&intiiela4, 1,ym h fetes C . flfOS.. COMP.ER,‘. Corner 'Albert and. Rat 8'04. CLINTONON BURRAI3 'V:. M • . ..01,:i 'le,. ". ,. .. se TO THE FRONT ACAIN - W411 a &Jew and wen selected: 4 ttob6 Ca:11'and'in'spect-Themt !GET Fittt'ES. • MOOfI • • - Next door to Swartz's 116tel, • CLINTON, . , ' 1 • if -0 WARIVROIMS., , ......i.i....•,........., . . " • . '. ' J ' 13' WEIR: *Warne tO inform his patrons and frieds nthat 1.0:th •''s I ' , . • .-. if • PRO1'12l.tle,r0k, • ., , • • . REMO . • Agent-. fnr J. ELLIOTT & •SON'S tali.' .. Imbrated!"MeCorinaek% Sof- 13 inder," "M e, t;1 , -,-...... - • I OW -lark ?dower and -Reaper," " Triumph . ; rt;;tiper". ,a"S1111 ‘t rathroy . ..H.nrYBRter " " Warrior Mower ;" F: .1,-. CPA l(r S ellt , " Ilkinimingbird _Mower," " New Cansdera l, imt-• I Thresher," with; engine. All kinds or ; i'LOUG1IS and,otheriniphlocots. .. . • 7 Tailoring:Establis La.wrOxce 8i. • Niue+ ylsd aril A iv Coltitiintiyg•nol • lid. • ruvoiiitute Sfor0.,:.. • 7'7 r.rsiln 1.• poi • nenithber he rho ittat 0001I'D011111 OF •FAIIVSTAVIII. 141.1Pern (V, aridNotthrtrad icon, of Toronto; , Woo Archdale WilAm A • 4.41 SW/. .8444.04 Whinoto,w111 1)0131410 tgt 0tokv100/ 114410*teOesi$ • • • PAckkiefr 25 eento; Ara tot 410A. Is hitt he'll/I/Oared 'tab... MOB Mayg3 3ne• 4 •