Huron Record, 1881-11-25, Page 1. •
Volume 3, No41. 1
rE'RMS;---t$t,26 per Annum. in Advance, f'
Home alta„ :i Ticiar3ity,
11IU$. A- Belfry, of Blyth, is visiting
frielies m town this week. r
Miessns..Jalues Sheppard. and D. G.
i'1'icl;atigalsn have returned home from
Wiwi this issue, the RECORD has MESSRS. R. M. Raeey and 1) Can -
been under its preseuttrauaget rt it for telon, left ou Tuesday last to .attend
a year.
TUE County 'Council will meet in
the+Court House, (I•otierich ou Tuesday, ° Me. Cinrls •t has requested us tors to
Dee. 6th.
the bonsentinu and • banquet 'to Sir
John Mehr aid at Toronto.
-. that,un,lter no cirue mstances.-whatever,
Miss McCullough recol-:eretl from will lie iii• It c•andi,ie;te for: the Mayor.
her illness, acid has again taken elwtrge ahy,•for the a.onling year, as Iti.Weirteni-
of her school. sive liusiuess relations will not allow
S. Palliser & "Co., . have retrieved him to dose. •. •
fruut the brick block to C. Spootter's sum of 92.21, }ie.:4 m a con.
store nest ta:the market, •
,,,•.•,,, stalrrrtabte cju:tntity of clothatig was su'b•
L. 31atnii4ton, •t,f 'Myth, was in town scribed by the people of oar town for
un \Vt-duehtlay•htst, and reports things the relief of the sulterere by the bite
lively in that istrirritig little. villa•_e. tires in the District of 1,1uskona,
1 TUR\FP• —Mi JOM=Lill • Yut;ng, ;'T'his iw very, creditable to the people of
who left Goderich 'T'uwnahfp some 12 j this place. •AVC are ,etluestc(1 by. the•
-. yearsago for Nebraska, reterued on •a j Player .0 -ed Reeve -to states, that any
visit on'\\•,-alaesday last.' .l'Whortl they have ketal finable to
M Essus. John ll0,10. s, W. ,Tac•ksorf, , Call• upon,. who w'lslt to subset ibeaeithtkr
frail, Mace ttet iS: Co; Jaute,'Scott i mosey or clothing, that the .sante may
Int, Foster s, (lo,, no Pay :4G 1\'ist•l laI1 J he left with eitatrrr of them or w.itii
have itHw advartisementt! this week. 1 the same is forwarded without delay.
\' t \T. • Read 1[oitsE PunelIASFn.—Mr. John 13'a
\ de.ertis At of Mr.f,3r. e • ! corn of 811"-•Y'.141'1.Fat'ut, Godt'rieh
d l I t :' 111 5 I f til
i•u.itr+� last bv' lite C W. B.ailwa •
• the t iw`u treasurer w110 will see that
Pa the London, 4-furon and Bruce. R'y,
For some time past an agitation has'
been going on' for a change- in the
method of carrying the mails on the
L. I -C. tC.B. Railway vvlriels has, .not
until lately 11"•d, much effect on the
'Government. The petitiouers'have been
persistent thowever, and have' een sue-
t:essful as will be: seen by the 'follow `
itrg -order which has been issued by
Mr. R. W. Barker, P. 0. Inspector
"Uri. and after first December next, the
Mail train on the London, Huron and
Bruce Railway will leave Loudon in
the morning and Winghan' ie the
to at n•erttsetnen of r t layt• I, 0 1f ,
own:Ship, arrived home on- ,Friday'
\Viughtuli :iarhle \G'Orlls,lri tlii•ttvetik's 7
lye with it to ho. distlnesty.iteeerstood that we do
. • nut here•oursenes rusponotiie les the opinions
ttapr@ssed by our coerespundunts,
W.41-ent" Again
Editor• .11tcrori Record, •
Saiz; -7,111 ,your issue of tbe 18th intik;
a Tetter altpe tree, in your paper• frou) •
Ilolliiesv911e, headid; "Taut .and Tat-.
tine" • 1- ant a• disinterested' -party aitd .
issue. ile believes iii advertisireeMind Nt,, n ' �, don't intend trsay ;tuck, - hut• as the
w.t11 a t:Iireeycat ohl lay
sta1,iiotr Ilan .d author of "Tact' ano 'Talent" speaks
kttoiss wiert• it pays,ltiut best. ++'j`outine'' bred:b Dhr.:1. J:. Aleratld-
y very uticilial'itable anti eatieltutes: very
iashly 7 I beg leave. to say. is few' -words
itr dtifunce of•the ptrsoi- who is• wrong.
ed':, amd-for the edification o.f,your,
respondent; No'tv"i1t'r,.l:ditor, as far
as..the the " lecturer or i:hait•nnan,'.'. as
ise its i;tyletl is 'concerned, 1 have nodi...
ing -to say, let public opinion be ...judge
-in thin.ruatter, As -far ai 1 can learn
frcin t:hi. source, the person alluded to,.:
'is a man of'no stuall abil1ty,'but. your,
correspondent. sieetritt to be an. embocb--
merit of tiound jttdgrnent, and in this
,natter- thinks bis • cotielusiots ° are i0-
IfIluc .ale, •
Mr, T, Farrow, of this place, has
beett•away attending tbe .Conservative.
Convention at Toronto this week. •
Mr. Peter Hill' has soler his farm,
lot 21, 1st con. Of Morris, to Mr. II..
Robb, for the sunt of $5,250, It is
considered a. fair price.
Mr. John J, Fallis, has sod his
farm on the 7thcon., of Minto, con-
taitting 100 acres to. Mr. Jos. Law-
rence', of Oartwright, for a largo sum.
Mr,. Lawrence Mason, of Cartwright,.
-has rented lots 31 and . 32; •oto the 9th
con:, for a tern cl?' five years., at the:
rate of $450 per n. nuts. Mr. Mason
intends moving 'up from Car•twi•iglit
PORT or E\Tktrt.—Wotii"".1las 'been er of Woodburn Parte. Kentucky,
,received fi•OIt'1 •the• Go•uer1tuteltt,i, that sired fiy Belinont, who Was sired 'by
they will serol a man to open:up outs Atexantter Abilallah, dant "Gauva"t)y
Custein Houee in a .very ..he:i•t time, , \Voodfurd Maiebeimo recorti. 2.211,
that is, if the W1n,hatn, .Counei1 don't Who has aired 8 horses:i.n the 2.30 list.
bribe the officials to.. make a: change in 't 'routine." etaud. 16 hands •high,
the location. ' • most elegantly. bred, and caho•ot be'ex-'
1 ins celled as it; niton in.(;ariad,
APPOTNT:11E\Tb Dr„Alex•Tail or 1
been a,1 tointed Medical •E',intilerof John is bound', to be.alieibi with.” hoss
1.Oral tee fit�sh.• •
this Orag:e •\Futn:il Int urice tu
'hon for the divtriet of God rich.:I>r, 1tTEW ' VOot t EN .,Ir;,ACTORY Mr>..E.-
T. G.•1lolines of 13ru'oels }vas been ap- 'Corbett ietetds erecting .an : extensive
Dialed to: tin same. position lou for tIte woallcwoollenfactciry on lots. 1)ilrly •,p03.1.
district of Grey:' ,, ed by him and situated near Down's fallible.• kick said 'the lecturer could
L. The nextregular meeting
oftautiet•y. •�.'.Ctre: l)li fill lllg 1s tri. .lie °tie. not 111 tort st•'.in atldiuimc'tali minutes
L. O. .
..vii L. 0. L. No.: 711). Will :bis held, on Men;
day eveIiulg, •I)ec.. 5th .couitiioncitug. at;
8 o'clock. Every n ember is ra•giieste+I
to be iu attendance, av.the :el•ectiorl; of of•
titers will be heid' and other inipo`rtant
Lusiness transacted. • '
Jackson's advertisement wilt be found
the names of those visitors who so far'
have inscribed their names- in.their al-
bum kept fnr. that .purpose.. Some per-
son must get a suit of clothes, so that no
person should fail - to ,call: acid • -write
their name:- - e •
'LATE GLAss.'=-Five . of . the: '.large
.plate glass lights for Cpat's,131ock•weri
safely placed • in the front ott Friday:
• last, but on examining the Mast one it
was found' to. be broken across the cen-
tre. It will take cousiderable• time to
•procure another, Y as' they come direct
from. Germany.;
NIo cis SeuooL.•
=-.Byreference to Our
advertising 1011111 W,.' it 'will be, seen
that a meetings:is called .of all those
wishing to. ,jollt a night sclt+ool for,Fri-.
day evening • in, the Literary •Society's-
rooms at 7 o'clock. . There. area ,l.ttrgo
number who should attend these and
elle names of the teaelters ought to' be
a suii'reient guarantee that the
school• will .be efficiently conducted.
ltundred feet long, tint ty, sin. fent with+,
11.nd.thi t e" stories high, anti•d
wttIi all the utachaeery, Itecessary., for a
two. set will.•:`The nlichiiitiry tvill he
j011 by a'thirty IIOI'se• power' eii iii
and isill `Have"•. doitlilt, tht. capacity. •of
•the one: run at • present, capable of
turnieg out one: hundred and -fifty.
'thousaud-:.yards .of cloth iu a .year.
Tire:factory iss apectsd to•ie .i'Tuplot-
ed about the e'arly.part of itlay, after
which aboutforty, liaitda will be erft,
. xloyed 'Mr: Corbi;t.t informs' .us .that
'it is iniposx,ible for him to supply. esv.eti
half file+ orders owning in ,foie fla.nnels,'
tii:c.; at prest.nt.'• Tins is, .another good
practical example.of the ;insult .of the.
N. P., and as soonas-the. new f•actory:
bu•ilt wig will .point it out. to the
Globe as one•:of• the many tall. out..
- 11 thle town
FOOTBALL M a.'tcii.-Oil. \Vednesday'
evening last, the retail match bets. (.15tl: 'niersawa • Train then ottrers searching
the Public and High 1'lcitool.,I+'ootl,all• y
• eon the ground's' of the. for flolvers an&ja T°'4- .AfttrWard site
dubs.'took else b. is .found by 'a • band of fairies with
latter which resulted in a. victory for
roles s �litttiriu�r • wiGh . ;old ..anti• lead,
the high School by three ' stt•aiglt,t .R f" i 'r' cum ritniuns: The httiurt +. i alii•at muse on Dinsley
tames. Five games were obtained buts back to I c 1 (c built on a lar e 5 1 ,
TT�Tz OPERETTA.—Tlie „event 'of the
coniine week', .will be 'tlie''t`0piiretta
•Laila" dor "Virtaae" Rewarded." ;fit
will be rendered by a -company of
about twenty, fire .young.. ladies and
"misses,' all �'.appearing in their :apple
prate irostunies• The play repre..ents
a . oorupany of mountain children, en=
rjoying a festal' day itt the grove, When
their pltnxsures are interrupted by the
appeoath .a beggar, 'lvontan . and.- her
chifd;i;en.. One of tlbi girls, Liitla, a
fov'or itt; with ail,'alone befriends .these
beggars, • in the afternoon, Leila wan
Were' try,' although he' usualliy
takes a hour aud a half. • at his inks.
T11i1� s the . Conclusion •• he pines .t0.
:Does that proVt'•attytittlig, Mr. Editor..?
.Nothing, c,•ave lack gf judgmettt'ia, the
ono who makes the assertion. 'What
proof does he give to cony ince u5• .that
110 is right.? Simply norm, . or else
theselierilboy's reasint,, " becausa it int;"
but that, kind of reasoning, °I• thunk;
has no other efi'cet.or an iiitellieetit
own uxitaigity.then .to cony Mee tht Ili •.that
your correspondent wrote front' an illi ,
,proper motive, or else he 'auks sett e,;
C ft el Satisfied:- he 'pianist slown'things
in their true light. IID •fabricates: a,
speaker 'after his ow13 imaebastion .and
likens the lecturer. to kiln. This is a
.very. weals argument, and sheiks. very
inuch '•like trying to justify: a ball
course.. Hoping that your urrresporel-
eitt *ill not, ie future, try to .justify,
unruly boys in their actions, and injure
a m:ait who is. laboring.for•the'good of
the community. •
A •Lov'M;$.OF. FAIR PLAY. •
:Miss Mary A:Gibson, of Cartwright
is visiting firientt•s.iittltis. vicinity,
Mr. Jobs) Sloan,formerly of BI -
wood, has started a wipe.) shop here,
andl•-bids fair to do a good business. '
.Dr. 'McKelvie • 'has - removed to a
better and were spaeious ofiiee, which
will tic) doubt be much to h• iiI advast
Mr. Thos. 'Gibson has . purchased
.from Mr, Moore.. of .Hainitten, Iot 22
5th con., of Hawick, for tate suit of
82,600. It is considered -lc -very cheap
farm. i
•:H$; Burnie; an old. lady Iiving,item-
here; has not been. out 4f -bed since the
1st of Jane. The•old lady has lest her
rettson 'atlf[ cannot !be persuaded'. to
Teav .b4d.
The•cu. M. Church is undergoing a 'e•
'Pile town,'hall is drawing near com-
The all abserbin 'topic is the Rail
road seltetne, '
Messrs, E. Elliott and .H. McCann
are making improvements in their
The fishermen came. to a heavy loss
by .losing nearly all their nets and
tackling' up tite lake.
''1 t TIJttx.—A .trotting match took
place b,ere-en ."ater-day last between -
Bough Horse =' •owned by ,Jas Mc-
Gregor; Goderiela Township, anti" Grey
Swan "owned by S. Eagleson, Stanley, '
41 Rough, liorse" wont by one minute
anti ten• seconds.. Tinie--" R•ougii
Hawse•" 300; ";lirey Swan "4,2'4. •
• Tlie '."Maitland: House " on Mia ll•
Street, Kept . by 'i mine hostess' ' .Flaiil
stock, •is - a first,. class house •in .every
respect and'.conducted in city style.
It is tlte;pspular resort for.tras ellers.
Hazelwood; left this .place
rather su.delerile,last Weelc, • for •fetrat
ford., A nuo 1,er::of.. his., fl:ientl!s were
41ry anxious to wait on :.him and gi'.e
hila a." farewell greetrn°g ," but 'on ac -
eon n t
c-eonnt of •prt saure. of bust �efis lie.COUIcl
;not make<it'possible to •attend to their
H i hes: ,•
Goderich Township; Nov. 22, 1881..
' Myth. -
'Vintry lately, isn't. it 1
• The•.B:ind Boys played out severel
times lately, '•
Mr. James ,:Cunntnings.rind fanmily
have. left for .'llatiitoba.. °'
4 Public tneetin• is beteg agita,ted
in coutnict'ioia with Railway natters.
•A skating and. curling rink is to be
of these fairies hid the ehildren•,croly u 1 strt et. b..
Leila Qgein•atcl when asked, by Laila. \ Services why 1 replies, "do you 'remember. the y
beggar woman and: ,children.".
that Woman 1111(1 these fairiesr'my cllil-
the umpire who was a little inclined to
favor the publu sebobt boys, claittied
that fouls hart been made and cottse
fluently only coututetl 3:
'tiN?TL`AL 1lemitsG.—The • annual _ ilren_who' crime tlisgttised as beggars to
tlieeting of_ the Clinton Driving Park find, wlio was ',most -worthy to wear:
:kxsociation, took place 011 Friday night, virtue's jewelled erown." tl'Ite tableaux
last, at the 1:i•atteubury Hous a fair and scenes ,will 'be fine: and the solos,
number of the shareholders being Pres duets; L riots tt3;tt •.choruses of first class
A 'niversar ery lit: •contiectiob
with•Trii ity Church are to beheld .on
Sunday December 18th: • '
Mr. Jabez Walker has bought :out.
. tIr. Tucker's -butcher. busineee. We
ssislt'hiui sticees•in his new' venture.
Godierleti Township. -
Mr. Dias.- A. Elliott Itas arrived home
from 1Dak.uita.
li'Cr. Geo. Scarf% has solei his ,farm on
the filth con. to Mu. Jas. liVisittiiig1sau1
fur a•handsorae sums
Mr, A. DutF-of Holmesvillti Itas been
engaged to tilted)'S.'S: No..10 (Bayfield
Line) for the coming year:.
Mr. P. Cole, of the 3 ayfeld .Con:,,.
habwold a splendid two year colt. to
Mrs John Ford, of the '�n•ti, OOP: of
On \Vetrlesday last,: the farm of Mr.
txeorge Thompson, of the Huron Road, -
and containing eighty '.acres, 'was sold:
,to 11Ir. T. 0.•P.ickard, of Holinesville,
for the sum of ,$2,6.00.
:The Christmas examination of S. S..
No. 1, will be held oil Friday, Dec. 23.
It is the intention of . the teacher, bar..
Miller,aud tite pu:pils,to-kohl an enter-
tainment in the evening. •
loder;',icft.•. , .•
Orr.tNt E. -:Ir ,T. W., I•Iendrit ks,.
late Proprietor ofthe International has'
left town for Trenton. .Our . popular,
petieemiui, Toth Sturdy, -'has bought
betst:liti business, ., -
:\Ir. Attr:l 1iSt•'week broug=lit up top
his' furm, at (,'eilai ick; so.aie fine Lai -
Ported 'cattle, purchased we.heiie.Ve at
the late sales. ia •Chicago,. ` One
'tetra. to •ave cost $'8.000..
PRi,•cENTOR.- 11e Managing • flora-
mittee. or'Kuox (;hirrcli, .11av4. engaged
:'1r. Ben Armstrong; leader, of the.towli
band,.. to. conduct the singing - of the
eotgre_attotr, ' at .a saia"y. • of $20E:
They have made a good•choice. •
'Mr. ]Robert Miller while' cutting :Scobie's salt block: last weel:
had the. th:amb and first finger of his
left hand. taken off. A man named
We have;just•learnt than the old he.
. ter, in Auburn • formerly ocecupied•by'
Sent 'N. Robson ill the absefice of lir, music, r\I r. Quigley was biirutdowii nit Tues-
siltepherd react the annual:report, Which
showed a surplus of 8190::00, after de-
fraying all liabilities: On motion 'the
tgport was adopted, -after which . the
ie'Plowing ofheet:s 'we're elita ted -Ties•
identt, Mayor k'ovreater; Vico ]'res.,
\V. Jackson ; See. Treas,, (;apt: 'Shep-
.Sip-herd ; 1)iteetors, I. Itattenbtiry1 P.
1.1cLareit, 0. S. Doan, D. Dickenson,
.1. Mason,: D. 13. Kennedy and .1.
d;opp ; Working Cote., 1),' 13, Kennedy,
'1). Dick ettsta-a ;and I. Ilattenbury. .1t
ie the intention to place a cover Over
the grand stnbd )before the 216 ;May,
,`iI• 11li0ats tGliven A,watty.
:Millions of .bo.ttles of 1)r. King's
New.. 1)iscovery . far ' Cottst mption,
Coughs rind Colds, have be Ntt given
away .as ,Trial 13ottles of the larger size.
'I'hiseiiot•inotts oetle?. would •be dims-,
trains to the proprietors, wete it not
for the rare ntertts possessed by this
wonderful tiledicine. Call at J. I-1',
ll,,uilw'ii Drag Store, card get a Trial
Bottle tiree, and try for yoursolf, It
Clever falls to :care. . -
da' 1 t last 1t was insured.•
yn)g;1, as•
SLiewrr-v AssetAy, -•••Iu endeavouring
to vent his petty' spleen, John 'Tliowas
Makes another attack 'last week, but.
. alas,lie got barking up the wrong: tree.,
1 -le is terribly worked tip to tidbit that
the 11I100110 contains more itonln• DOWN
every week than the Review ,clots. 1f
the Review is such a good paper why
would the circulation decrease, from
time to time. Why did he fear to Com-
pare lists With the i'.Tscoittt viten elm'
lenged to do so, -
Tiroinius Farrow; M. I'. for .North ::
Huron,, paid our village a visit 'this
week. :.
It i8 ru.urered that we are to"Have all
AI: D. fronn Toronto' :to take up ilia res-.
idence here. It is't capital opening.
lir: Pyi)e,'of Toronto, was spendfiig
a feiv rigs here, looking after b.usi
ness eonl)ected with -lea property in ;
this'place. • . -
• C. Hamilton has purehased the ho
tel. property of Hugh Bell, lately o.•
copied. by Samuel Merritieldt fcr the
aminot $1,625 caili.' '
• ..The tel'egragb• ,otlice here is •no•w an
established •fact, and is `doing a fine
Itnsirt,ese. It is in \Iorley's. store' and
Miss. Sweetnia,i , from New•brige, is the.'
operator.. '' - .
Srx1YltEvxs.==:r'hie week, 0; Iiar lino))
shipped three cars of wheat, one tar o f
peas and five bars of ,barley. , 'Mr.
Dobbin two cars of wood, two cars `•o£
lum'berli; and two .cars' of turnips werg,
also shipper[.
There . is considerable excitement
here as to who will ,be the next post
Suyer also had a finger taken offwhile master. . There •` era three applicants
.rat the feline' worka short time -before: . 'and each one feels confident- of being -
wheat, $125 -to $1
27 •; sprint; avlieat, $1:25 ' to $1,28;
flour, `x3.•00 to $3:2t" ;'oats, 3.7e., 40c.;
peas;, 70e., 73c.: - barley, 70c.,. 80c.;
potatoes; $6c.,. 60c.; Itay, $1.4,00 ' to
µl6,00 ;:butter; 1Se:, 22c:; eggs, 12e;;
:appointed. There has been two peti
,tions Circulated - and largely 'signed,•
met who will be :the siicce ssful •
rumor saysire knows it not::
MARAETS.--Fall wheat, wbite,.?i1.21
to.$1,28; spring. wheat,' $1.25 -to
;1be. oats, 38e 410e.; • peas, 70e., 80:; barley
J,. W.! Smatll, from (!amet•oli's law Gf)c., 80c.,• potatoes, 45c., 55c;, butter,
office, was entertained by .Itis friends at. 18t., 20c: e cgs,' l )e:, 1Ge.,: hay. $11.00
Viviau'S \\t.,et street parlors, 0n '1'uis to,$13.00, hides, $$8.00 ; sheet, -
day evenieg of la5tisetk: \lt•. tim•tlll ,skiuy, 75c:, $.1s'#5; beef, °•6.00 to $7.00
left: next morning for Manitoba: IPhe 'ivoolt 22c,, 24c.; flou.r;,: 3.2.1'to
will Stay some tune 111 Etnersolr with a
view of ultimately donnieiling in C'ry-
atal City.
Mrs. J'ame's Dixon, wife of the Reg-
iatrar of Huron, diet, on the -17th inst.
and was buried on the 10th. A large
...dumber of kneads and relatives, from
-the immediate locality 11(4 well 'tts fi•orn
:Cucl erstuith and the adjoining .towns,
ships, were'. present at the funeral.
The services were ably coutluCrred by
the Rev. Mr. Turnbull, ',13. A.; . of
Knox Cintreh: -
Ce rt;Atty \'tt e have this e- e'k to
record .the death of three' of, our old
and mst highly esteemed residents,
viz t ---Mrs. Jas.' Dickson, wifo of the
Registrar. of Huron ; 11rs. .Tomos
Kydd, mother of Mrs. Col, A, M.
Ross ; and Mr. Geo. Cattle, who lately
curied„;on a ' dry goods store 011 the
Square.. We extend to the friends of
duoeased our sincere sytnpatlty. :
Never Give rp.
If you are suffering; • With lost• hind :
' depressed spirits, loss 'of appetite, gen-
eral debility 'disordered blood, weal:,
constitution, hearitiehe,fbr env disease
of a Liliotly nature, by • alhmeaste pro-
cure ti, bottle of Electric Bitters. Yon
'will be surprised To See the.ral�id illi
provemeltt that will fellow ; you will
•bo •inspired with, new lith; strcmgth
' and activity Will return : paid and
misery will cease, and ltt'tict•f,)rt.h, you
will rejoice in in the praise of l+ileetrit.
Bittelrs., Sold at• fifty cents a•bolt las,
:by J.0. (etnite, • w - .
VC -Remember tire reduction
get your kip boots at 11Ait1.As!it't.
WY Harland Bros, have ,jtutt ,•••• ,
ceivccl n large stot,k of zithe1tcett co,,
411), n