HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-11-18, Page 6. > s'AL'S /LOVE SONG.. . l Conte to my arms,y 1 love'y "quad,". My charming it a Nell ; f y bride, I'll set you in " bourgeois," Trinlmed round with'" nonpareil." T our'" form" is beauteous to behold, And i uddv is your." fare )Your br .color" g'ows ,just like to one , Returning from the ".chase."' Ori ! had 1 tP space" to tell yen .all The charms that, when 'a girl, f i Ytiu idle possess, andandgilt's the r. ° rrosaf in " agate" and in." pearl." 1 enuldd not in a " cotttinnk write, 01 rt pica" or " breviez•,rr The 10 measure" of your matchless worth, Orr'justify" you, dear,. 0 Long primer ft wou'd true to do Yonrpicture and not fl'atter'; The " copy"' to my heart I'd Cr press" For lack of other " matter." . Were yon arrayed in cost'y"(Tress," A " diamond" in your Bair, • ''Or stripped ,jw t like a " faa'loy" slave, You'd be to ale as #'niter' " And should a minion." roundou fawn, .... y On hini rapid a "bead," And`with my trusty. "shooting etieli ' ' fila him full of " lead," Happy through life in every " eflse," This ''rule" we'd rest upon ; ]'d .be to you true manhood's "type," And. you my "paragon." Jul es of Conduct, • Never betray -a betray—aconfidet,cfl, Never ave home withunkind words. Never' gi7e promises. that you cannot . fulfil. ' Never laugh at the misfortune of others. 'Never send a presens, hop- ing for .one in return, Never fail to be ppnctpalat the titne appointed, Never make yourself the hero of your own "story. Never clean the nails or "pick the .teeth in company, Never fail to give apolite answer to a civil clues tion. Never present' a gift saying it its of no -use to. -yourself.. Never call at- tention to the face or. .form of another. Never read letters which you may 'find addr'essed to. others.. Never question a servant or a child; about family' met- iers. Never fail,if a gentleman, of being oivi1 and petite to ladies. 'Never refer to a gift you ,have.made;. ora favor you •have rendered.. Never 'ea• Isoeiate _ With bad company; have good company or. none. Never,. when tray. nli.in abroad, be over -boastful of your own company. Never 'look 'overt the shoulder of another when he is rfmarliitg or writing Neter• appear to notice a . scar; deformity,or defect anyone pres-. ant. Never answer gtiestiont .'iq gen, oral compeer that have been put to others. Never=•'arro.,t the attention of an acquaintance .by a: touch ; speak to tarn. • Lo>rne.'aaell. ih'e New. York •Til res endeavors to, give the .tr ue'rhistory ..of.I,oYne.;lilid• Louise. It-Lseems that'after the death, of Prince Albert the rotal. household: Was an. -excessively loon, ' 'oris and the • L ueeu's daughters wh Y ' � ,oe e grt,tly bores-. sed by the enforced„seclusion and lack of pleasant,:-compaionahip.` • The tale goes that the Princess' Louise found an agreeable'companine in Itev., Robinson Duckworth, handsome young tuter of Prince'Leopold. Itev. Mr. Uuc'kworch , was 'fresh from U.xford,. cult'are. _ -It. was most -'iiat 'ai. • for ' the; poor girl to regard him tvi 'h -tri li favor. �.As a nza;t= ter of diplomacy' the Queen thought. -it hot that Louise • be married •to,bno in "proper, station,':so 'sh.e might forget. I)ucktvorrth Young -Lorne was fixed upon.. . Loui$o. knew hini to be•a very proper -young man, -but• eared nothing, for -bine. • Ihe`bei:acne her .husband, and hotly• became martyrs of royal.cuetoun... Louise came' our • to Ottawa, aild,•it is• said. slid her share toward the'snecei-,s. of her husliand's`aimiration, but)when riding to.'the'Parliainent }Iouae on one. occasion the sieigh 'tipped over aridthe ree'iVeil 'Serious and perInauent injury. rhe.returned-to' Europe.. account of • i his in,jtiry, and_ has been an invalid aver since, although able to he a.hout a moil,;. her friends., :story def Lorne -and LOU ” If you asuflr,r from--, any ohronic riit e'v'es arising from;Inpure Blood, Slug gish river, disordered kidneys or ins,c tivity ofthe Trowels ; if your Nervous .wstutn is, debilitated-. from whatever ea:ue.e arising, do not de .:airr, but pro e are a trial. hottls of I3ilydoek. I;looi hitters'; it will only cost • 10 cents •Ruckleu's, App>1BrR4,lifaljye. The•' BEST SAT+vs ill the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, slicers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles. it is guaranteed to give perfect sans - faction or money refunded. Prise 25 per box, 1 or sale by J', 11, Combe, CUERC11I DIRECTORY, MO so Canada Sabbath S liuop atIces 2 301 10.80 m, Rnv. Wltd, 1I(DosAau) Pastor. Canada Presbyterian."- Sorvlco4 at 7.t.2.4n. and 6.30 p. m. Sabbath School, 8,30 p, In.. Isar. Arne. Brew. Axe. Pxetor• St. Paul's (Episcopal). -Services at Il' as. eft. and 7 Pp in. Sabbath School: and. Bible Crass, 0 p. ni. ANY. 1Y Cluta, Rector• - Bible Christian. --Services at 10.30 a, ni. and 0.30 rp. us. Sabbath 8chaa1, 2.8u p> s>,.- Bar, li. THOMAS, Pastor. Baptist Church. -Service at 10.30 a,m. and 0.300 p.m. Sabbath Sawa!, 2,30 a. M. INV. J. GaAlr', Pastor, Clinton liarblo forks HURON STREgT1 CLINTON. W. H, 000P.E.R. 'Jr. Manufacturer of and dealer la 811 kinds of Marble & Granite for Cemetery 1 Work, at figurbs that defy competition. Also manufacturer of the Celebrated AIrTIPICrAr, Sr0.h'E tor Building pur- poses and Cemetery Work, which must be seen to be appreciated. --Alai work warranted to give satisfaction, CANADIAN PACIFIC [AMLWAY. . Emery's Bat,. to Port Moody. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. • Tenders for Word', in British Columba cr./mut) tenders will•--br receiv• ed by the undor L''i signed up to noon on tel DNI:SDAY, toe tot day of FEItItI Altnext, in rt lamp 'dant, for the c,m• etrection df that portion of WA road between. Port Moody and the )Vest•end of contract 00, near tllnor,;'o Bar, 0 distance of ulama 80, miles, • Specilleatiune, conditions of contract and forms of tender may he obtained on.oldieittion at -the Cetrtedian Pacing railway A flrce, in New rinstininiuter;. end at' the (dila Engineer's Office at Ottawa, utter the 1st January next, at which blue plans audprofile9 will be Open for inspection at the latter Mollie. • This notice visiting h view .kcoiractorsatoppotunity of is given and examucathe ;rund during the fine se-iscin • ane. before the winter sets in. • . . 114r. • imus Smith who is in charge of the otLice tt how-%Vectntini4ti'r, is inatruettd togive cont)a'tul dr the information 1,c ills p -,wet No tender will be onttrt:tined undo..+see ono nt the printed tutnls, addressed to P. Mann, Esq., Sec. duet . of hallways and Canals, and teethed "Tonder for 0, • Dept. of n Ilw;ays anti' (lanais;./; Ottawa, Oct; 24th, -i8311 • ) •'• SeereNry l.17E !i•iP/)�i.v r1E OfYL! •• ,ti:rn • • RURAL'.OANAD ��1�Y • , freta .,•: now. �• tilt onli of 183.; . . i' 1Yi 4 •18 r• is F OF i. . vr zz r r r;cnrtui.c with.'.the uh reh('.r nt 1 the. 1t.LT.li.t1i.ts C•AN,ADIAN,.tl nc•w xl-ri'i- emltuml l• iti'tnigll,tly plabtishecl'at `Lorerite', which hSs•hoen'prolusttni,t)d hy.'tlie press tea NiO1)EL•publication of the, Wed,'aid to 0 compare favourably With 'the hest American jcn,rnals of i -t (alias," we nre i sbled to offerboth'ympers tar 81.85,,,The regular pt`ice'+t the -two is "2;25. Should any of our readers. desire a copy. of, Canadian Farritint , 80 Eucc.lnpiediii ntA(;ricultnrrtl by. edetic rl • farmers,. We aro ready to inra1.Ir the 1117RON :4F0_ Qa't), the RURAL, (.'ANADIA N'.--eod-tlhr• hook -in flt'i cloth hie itn;, with nearly .300 fineilhixt.rations; all fir X3,35, The prize ot'CANA1)IANFARMING •alone•• is $1.50. , . Subscribe no* mid Oct' ibal'aaucc ell year free:- . - H It' P. 1 SEE' HERE. /fyou want a Good Pair -of Kip Boot GO TO HARLA ►'D'S, - .4 Qood Fit and Satisfaction Coat ante ti. *( ) Kgfi "Llfiililil Zt��wr l r A't • Oattie Ohaf,a R. • M. RACEY, Iron and..,.qI, arclwaro Merchant, tyl • . •-,,-1:01--,-- 9 • rll. R sl?}'1 Ar+ ii ' u''„Tzsf," "°e,,,th.:Jt4ftai.,vr .161 4i,6fri:;,xyg atA (i ,r mtrn, n-; leo telcos. r:;), s Iot Si) ywrir, anti Ii n of - Y'rvdrVl floh * '- rt' ,,,1))a f o ret far r,1C C •It + A)..i PAP/ TX A:,•:, {... ei;,,.,s 1"rl` r,. 1..,`,‘ r=t Z (,.,v, PA 111 1i,9i P— P1 rf,r 1 I.. �'K. r•. laA. I it ry:3, ;r .i t. i s 01 t alai.: r •I el:••oro a. l ort' .1 t.- of a Cn ,r•rtrehloctt ;lis eon oo(c.Irh ' •ia,r Its:71e7re:t o1 e c.d.dc,-., k,:,skis ,y'c lar o '00. VIM11.o0:4i{ r it ,ee) 'r90 tit a ,. 3 it 13 I":7rn r ,n. i .li t' rrondrt 13:1 dyf1 'net len rn}2.0 1l l' r( •` i'r ., •l t Yrr •+" o ducat. 1M1, 'rite , .5it,ecoicit , Sr ) e., i w,-on,i ' i >t lu r+ 0., It ra wtrl.tr� •: �:,-til+ and �)� ,'�' ��i' not1 , - t111^.:.1il r...:on,•r' 'al It 19. cue OI tiro - r; ,,r L•"•tr,"ne5' I13_ n.;r3 .•ts 1 Porro I h _ i:arr ie. 11 III •';l *'yti'1 )erer..-,-'h', 1. sr,, our, t;., .,.r r 'Tor ,ata 4, . f. i. t• .''tCd` .''' zr a .."eI� fi to ,iolriro. ' .. , ,t ;, . �,� 'i,e4t) `it+�tar.jor 0bt3Is,hett, ,o7;, . 3'tn...n, ire firma i : r.')t•-o .,, . C, • • t'i! ir$nd tin !'`. o4c'1I,4r, ar !j :. tt`•- a'%! , vi til• . 'to. Leese trc'o of u.Ja r,P..-�•'" ! e, xt ;x+' - ..J4Ait.'7;Nt.1 CP,::C1'xi.fretorrr, • 1 Its, 111 +t'a'i•l3 It*',, 014TART9 4 ,'Jol.l b,y "`.'•. . , ,. : - . ('i;olul t' it,,4;!..1 '., .f. r2r. 1,q; �'<►f.F:;r►`'f3�.� R `�'g7�OrrrYra1►� 111►�44�/irR4 THE MOST •POPULAR, •d C3 f•• SE JNP -SAI-n-NES te.1120 LIGTIT ' €j►fl\!1t ~ yr L+ �7K )rl'sn7++ rt 4 rty n b Ful �''fs 1iU�rs 'Nub: a new and well Selected. Steal: ol - - -Large. Bottles l.OQr .le'otr' sale.by all . medicine. dealers. Do not let pre';inelioe stand' in the way of relief if, yon, r,afl:3r from any lingering disens0. Murdock 131rPit- term rs etrre•r)tll , r erg why 1 h ) shit .r 1 , it Lot .O h n eli.t• von 1 It is a ape- ifie for • al ' ferns' ro Blood, Liver and Xhirit+,v eerripleir:t;, Nerveutt tln;ad)arhes, General Debility, t-.1erlula, and all Jiif.ea.aes .o° the.Sec ' iv,ol,y system.. Trial Bottles 10'centis,,, 1 AND GET PRICEA• W. . . 'afle W6A Fit's Neal; door to' ti .war'tz's iL( tepi'4;0111.t0J1. lit;NsipA4w'`0 rgitt,i4„ 1.0 t€at'`ai'tle'i; HAS itt) EQ1JPL. Is,',_. ejlisW 1-7'$T i' L1 PTI• tire!It- �InS U R IoAs sx Es". orHEA:3. W a, f 3s UNtON'13Q.NEW YORK' ' G°fI I CACo Ilrl..:fa " ORANGE MASS. :STOVES STOVES,ti C. S ' ,, E. SIGN OF, Ti iagPd�,�5�.0oK. /IA;RL4/V/3 81798,;, Aibett.Sfree We have now on hand a:large and complete stock of all the leading stoves tog Canada, We -:name a few. °A arquuis Cook Storj." "Golden Crown,"4 "Milne Wood Coo.."' "Sterling." "Crown .2 arquis." ""An[/elo." rtlf^'olden- "Telegrap1h." "Golden Sun," 'Telephone." e." and a quantify of others too numerous to mention; also 1641 stnek of Parlor, Parlor Cook and. Kitt *Au Ratner Coal Starrett, including the celcbrateta "ilud;tuit Douro,"- Also the r stent efia:irego helot for wood, the most ecol/en)ierd and most powerful hta ter In the market. A Targe stock of riot Air 1)rnnrs, stove Pipes, L;batve, ete. Intendln; parchment will find It to their advantage to c.,I1 and god rices am a anus our ht.:ekes we are in.a, positinn to Neil at tow pn:, s, and .are determined nut -to be undersold by any lteude in tl}tr :,unit. 'test No. 1 Canadian Coal Oil; also American'Cn.,1 U f ' A complete stook of Lampe and Litesp gcwda. 1)o nut 1n13tAkth o e place for cheap stores. Bed trick Store --'Sign of the padlock, Albert street, .Clinton HARLAN BROTHERS* ' ' "Lear-ine, I Ilzl.. I here. Must be F or Ilia Cooci1 aje'a t New.and Well Bought, and Don't You Forget 41" 0 BUYS FBO1' T H WORST P .0 E to this Town to get your Fs at the Old Waterloo f,litusiae.ROBB,. . THE agPS¢ 'Y'b7r � Ct} RX O !t'7.IJ fir Keeps the wort f3tock in Tcwn. Iris prices are higher than. auyo.ther Grocer; he is very i3'attentiVet to his chstoriers, and stakes himself generally disagreeable to every person that, does ,patronize hint, and he don't wart your trade --sill, he keeps open day and fight,,, how this , Rertieatber'the �. place Cir$oJito Pont OfY'oo 9 tho o fir �i Vii; f'• ls'Cld Wator100 Hake. P. R ., roe r® {tr f �' , .. time. Great Ca na:Han WJ ee'atidy 'Freon now to ;die: sod a'sf • ffox olne dolJar.. ?RESENTAT ON.PLAT .. . Every subscriber to lbs wsxaty dies, er 1088 willrecolroaTeluablet•Char4; anWtIed • ANATOMY OF 'THE-,i1ORSE, . with a fine engraving, displaying at glaneo the exact. lonallt.otprominent discuses which at 01st oho horse: 1� t m 7tg�1""t» A a ,i4i4 Pa a F 71 • +.stet ,■ i E!n:l r, Qt t TfO\ 5, AND •A i'SW, 4', .,2•,icatioaa invu1t•ing points, of lno and of interc.t Eo'• the 'a O rient- Loral comment*, Mil 1,., rowing le ,Olid cxptamed by a duly gwtblled practitioner, and're ivies ub:lei time 4o time in itis 1,V na av Main. I • P el frim. ,' t 1• l , .• 1 l� ;1„ t Ur ZT•0E 17•rR Wtlrsr.r v li.)Ir will tie in charges—of. s thoroughly -iractles;t editor' wfto, 4,y eceo1a1 o renf:Un I it,. 8rirosef t•;'n,,u:e p�hat'de rirtiaertt•e) )aa worth .1sb,rrip`i:.0 pri'e et, the railer. t•IeIO bcaifletl h • i.eite: h w i inure then the whet,,: 1 b •ins, d, l,,w{„ prasidf:nt of thi .4up:ri.^.tn I)$r; stn's A4 ,l hili, ir, wi!l'e,nitrihute a series of artielua.pn ru .Gfn and :raining nn ,,. rr y, and ul I rcpty t+, mrtrnti sna from subsafLarit sees tfg,so i,ebjt.•is. • • • I 1 ion, Y, A v....11.1•4, I t., 04 't.o.:tte ,cis, •) t Wit! of treo bc,a"nutb )reties in the'World ou Ohuesouu.o.iug and Creame'ien, wn1 t rtyib tto a auris or avt'.+•icsbrr test subjects,: One ot404 It ,dent• Veterinary Hi)cguods nt Camels will writo on Veterinary matters regularly, aad will also ;tnswor sal noostiuns seat by enbisrriecrs to 'CeI•;, ,a1i. 'Erni WEEKLY .liri,Tr, is best tt cl ly.uGttiylifpe1 puhlisltecl on Canada it ecintaiva.durilrg"the y(,iil• 31)0 cultunus 04New. and Interesfing.'Storied. '• .It contaiuni+ver 2(lf) coltinns'of Agrieizitural .3i titter, bv the best writer., on Dliir-stn, dlimkemut,ing, ..Forestry, the care of Horded find ,C attic, ltitiit Raiding, Geuerui 1i''t eel titre, c It is tht chi )pest tnii lksFit.I''amily:,raper published., • 'PLTt tN t,1:,FLv labs.,-Onn:podTal• per annus ..' Tun 1')AII,v MAil .—Seven Dollars per (Ensile,, No extra .chi rge. for .sending pipeis to any post -Mlles ixi. Great Britain or the United rtc'tss. • y,•nd your orders new to . •- 41'li 110 P Will man, for. the next.- 60 days only, a Grand Ofer of • z..A.ArA N R i1!N �, rdr� .> 'V ' • r . s . rr 50 Square.Cron' ro lcl Plan.' for only 9324 Iyaeoa Cn t•' qtr r) Magnificent,ro :ewoed twee elogantiy thdolted S Strings 7 1 3.0 Cave's fall patent t^nthnto s 1.,.1 1 A..14J t) :rf,,ath::, uirrnew pateraOverstn,n scall(, lic:t:ittfulu::rred legs, atoll .:hry; 1•penL- ineandl large 1....1.ey 0 0uiding round ca•,c, 804 Iron Peanut French tinted Action Ctrand liana/tom in ft' :: every lli,nratorrent wbich"c;tu•rn guy. way tend to Lha perft:odon of the Instrument,tas been added, - r'" (11' trice for this !mti:tiuil0ub hued• and d livered on board ears et. a i----,, Nes 1 i, , with fine Plano Gofer; 8 notenc} Baal. only, y3� yam �1_ ( .i c : ilii„ l nano will be sent on 4.44r14,Please send rote r=nee if you do ,-at send 'money with otdf 001.1 mt with order will bort''muu l and :ru,rntstt,ar s pods i,t• us bnih tats is IPimio isnot just es r, t)„ , iettte.1 in rho, Arivortf:•ctin nt.' •ihoos,tudu ul use. Semi fur Catn;1.,;}ie. livery inxtro<uvat fu81' Warranted ter L;:u1)14. r } .lt '`Yrib ..«aid,' esti, °lU5 to 'VIM (with Stool, Cover and Poole). All str6.tly First c ass and ' a . rl. t ' ,: tg s'd at }tiholcoale 1ae•tut'y per,•oo Lbetie 1'iluex made gnu of,ii e tint t 1a' 1 st 9y':• �. i t d elsysattiteCrnteunt•tl'I,e.u,:itinn, and ,weru...iutrutimousl!' rewm. a ' iu ,., 3i - l . W3" needed for tie [lu f nm,tJn0t.its, ''the Squares cuntxin our;Sr' Yut.ee.t 3ca1 ta10 ,{reate.'t•hnprhvement it) the niPt.Ory Of l'i•tm' enata:mg,, Trio L`pril;t)'ts-etre the finest ill Anreriu,. Posi iwly tare make Lite intent Yianas of the richr.t gale azul,Ata:tcst;durability. rieey ,are rucuu It tr.,icfl by 11401u hu.a inusival ttutlwtitfn til "het.) �itty over '1 4,00 fir- u4o, ,ted 004 one dissatisfied nus s; per. 1. Pian s ar Ortrips 44 .4111 on 18 day,' best tried -fir r)ef fees ifr.»rrtti4J8eteSir. Don't fall to write es Let, re b„v ' , mg. . e,tit•r.1y wo o,'ci the best bargains. ,Catulrguu )ultf0d Doe. :.lramixsfuc 'Ilivafritted, aid 14srri utvr • Cu;al r) .fif 48. padao rneti4Cd fur' S'e. se u e, A,very Plano fully warranted for 0 years. ' lit--+ hk.',I §,--•, 5�'j rzt" 'oh.1'ai r oar Pulur0randIthf• . tr�� • t)L. '1...... t r �tit 1 lea (1}, ar , ` eTI t It R4 •at , 1i r '�g l''4 ti Qt �+1. the 111 tt arm Nott.. o4 offered the lousiest pnblie ft eonta,ine Vivo O tate+, )'ht st s of itemis, fm)r of 2 0etuee etch, 10.4 Out d organ r.•4 Turco Octaves. 1't r ten Stow .with Ur and ttr 411 Piap shoo 10 (LUa, '1'ud'a, PIMA, Celeste, Mullet, Reno; 7,1Clodat guile, Celostina, Vienna, Hutt Aorto, lrontolo, ( tat a Crghn anti Orun t.Swull, Ente.Sto(n4. 1'ci -r,t, 74 is I bin;th, 43.(u ; Width, 2C in.; weight, heated, 701 lo,. l ho case is of solid walnut, tuners reit with el, -o ', woods and 4) of an entirely' now slidhtautifol design, elaburatay (144(04, with raised p.1nela :music chaser lamp steads, freh work, ,fisc., all elegantly finished rosscsses sal tle.lateet and best intprovcmente, - with no,b power r d r sh, } ttiillanCv ue 1 x tt ttiufic t rh' tv of tt r t els kit 1 solo t s and 1, > eft NC1 It t, ulie^IIA>reutil pt5 91e< Ur tcba) rerter cash1riCC.to have It int reared, with) stout and r pole, r 1• sa; • .,t One utp•,.t sold sells uthors Positivelyni+ dovi:.tl n in pri, a Nopayment. rut}r.irarl until tnU have t i h ;,,,„„,,t the•or,an In your owu }wird. =Ivo 4oud alt organs en 1.5 11,441 t c4 triaf atrtd pa,, freight hath 8.t44,4 if inut)'•'m"nt-• - ie that us represented. hilly wcretieed inr-3 ro:fre. (WIN' 9ty-les-._8 Stop organ only tell ; It stops, Oras ; 14 •xtolv."•itu. Over 33;1)14 sold, and every ON ur Ints 00001 the fullest satisfaction.' 'lluettated eirettlnr ekes lily . Jrco., ra,wtory and Watevoo)us, 574h 34, eald 10th Aeu, • .' i' „' MIr +.• at ono -third prh'e. Catologile Of 8000 0110100 pteeci 'oatjtt Pert con .'i! 1f'ti114 M� statue. 'Tuts Cntutoeuo,includes'lne.abttthe pa ul:u'vluslet w . day and every variety of tnueirni ronoi oeition, by the beet authors. Address, . p >f thei.: t# ,: pkv. ttL'4`•GAN G's , 't'. ((yy j`� firtt`y .. .. • �lryj�.p,�, x1 t•�kr �1 M , •'•�.+t,M1,Y,>r, ��SFi�1:.�.. I,yQ!aC nd►4ity,r, 4